View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Mutant Feats Concept... V3

2022-04-16, 09:23 PM
So this is a concept I've had for a while, giving players mutations by the use of feats. Feel free to look at this and offer your advice, either on ways to improve these mutations or suggestions for mutation feats to add.

Now if you want a more updated version of the information provided below here in this Gdoc: Mutation Feats (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_XysdUs7GPNrpQpXHByRUPpadrLue29Ak9RHl6jBMw4/edit?usp=sharing).

Mutations (Feats)
The concept behind this, was to have feats be used to represent various mutations that a character might be inflicted with.

Also depending upon the world your DM presents to you, these feats may not necessarily fit or make sense. Please respect your DM’s decision to either use or refuse to use this addition. However, if your DM does decide to use this feature, they could potentially form the player’s experiences around these Mutations.

One suggestion is to have all the players be human (variant) or a custom lineage (from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything) and to have them start off with the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat if you wish for a party of mutants. You could also "reward" your players with the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat, for interacting with certain creatures, relics or environmental hazards.

The DM might also “reward” their players with an additional Mutation Feat (one of the feats that requires Mutagenic Metamorphosis) of the player's choice based on their actions in the campaign.

DM Advice: Mutations and Societies.
In most societies mutations are viewed as odd or frightening things to have. Therefore, it is possible that a character with a mutation might suffer disadvantage when trying to perform a Charisma (Persuasion) check against someone who is aware of the mutation.

On the other hand, you might have a city or civilization where perhaps mutations are the norm. In that situation, characters with apparent mutations might have straight rolls (or perhaps even advantage) while an ordinary character might have disadvantage instead.

Depending upon the mutation and the society your player(s) are interacting with, they might even be perceived as a religious figure, either as a deity or perhaps even a devil.

DM Advice: Applying Mutations to Mechanical Races
With the existence of player races like the Warforged and Autognomes, it is difficult to apply mutations to such creatures. Fortunately, there are two solutions to the situation.

You could simply have it that races such as these can’t mutate and therefore can’t receive mutation feats.
The other option is to reflavor such mutations as cybernetic implants.

Now onto the Feats
Before you can start taking the mutation feats, you will need to take the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat, which is the first feat listed below.

Now once you take the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat, we recommend rolling on the Mutant Quick table. Feel free to either roll on the table, to pick one of the options below or even use it to create your own.

Mutant Quirk Table
1D8 - Quirk

1 - You really enjoy bathing in toxic sludge… okay, maybe it’s not really toxic, but it’s definitely not fluid that most people would want to bathe in. Mud, slime or some other murky, disgusting liquid.
2 - You often have dreams or nightmares that revolve around your mutations… or maybe you have nightmares of losing your mutations instead.
3 - Despite your mutations, you try to blend in with the other humanoids, pretending to be just like them. Surely they won’t notice anything… off.
4 - You find it difficult to trust other humanoids that don’t have mutations. Who’s to say that they won’t try to hurt you later?
5 - The taste of rotten and aged food is appealing to you and often scents that others would find foul, smell sweet.
6 - You perceive your mutation not as a curse but as a blessing, given to you by some strange divine being. Perhaps you are now the newly born prophet of such a wretched deity.
7 - When you first mutated, a part of your mind was cracked by the newly twisted nature of your flesh. Now you have two personalities, one that is you and the other… the mutant.
8 - Your eyes see things that others cannot. There are other forces in this world that view this world as a little doll house and while your mutation has changed you, to them you are just another toy. Now you can see them, watching and crawling from the skies above.

Mutagenic Metamorphosis
Your body has been altered by magical, scientific or otherworldly means. Because of your altered genes, your body is prone to adaptation.

Increase your Constitution by 1 to a maximum of 20.
By expanding one of your hit dice, you can cast the Alter Self spell. When you cast Alter Self this way it doesn't use concentration and you gain temporary hit points equal to the number rolled on the hit dice. You can do this a number of times equal to half of your Proficiency Bonus (rounded up) and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
There are feats that have Mutagenic Metamorphosis as a prerequisite that will also require enemies to make saving throws. Unless stated otherwise, the DC for these abilities is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.

Aberration’s Tendrils
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
One or both of your arms has been transformed into a swarming mass of tentacles. You may use these appendages as if they were hands.

You can use these tendrils to pick up and interact with items within 10ft of you.
As a bonus action, you can cause you tentacles to reach out for a creature you can see within 10ft of you. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage (you may choose not to inflict damage if you wish) and be grappled by you. As an action, the creature can escape the grapple by succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The grapple also ends if you halt it (no action required), if the creature is ever more than 10ft away from you, or if you use your tendrils on a different creature.
The damage this feat can deal increases by 1D6 when you reach 5th level (2D6), 11th (3D6), and 17th level (4D6).

Aquatic Gills and Membrane
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
You have grown gills and a membrane that allows you to survive underwater.

You can breathe both air and water.
You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. If you already have a swim speed, then increase it by 10ft.
When you attack another creature either while you're underwater or after emerging from water (within 1 round), you can roll the attack with advantage. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Argus's Gaze
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
Numerous eyes appear on a part of your body. Not only can you see through these eyes, but they are enhanced, allowing you to see in dark places.

You now have darkvision with a range of 60ft. If you already have darkvision, then the range of your darkvision is increased by 30ft.
When you are performing a Wisdom (Perception) check, you may expend one of your hit dice and add the number to the result, before knowing whether it succeeded or failed. In addition, you can see invisible creatures or objects within 10ft of you. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Deadly Natural Weaponry
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
The natural defensive organs you have, now possess a unique toxin that makes them much deadlier in combat.

Any natural weapons you have are also considered finesse weapons.
When you deal damage with a natural weapon, it now deals additional necrotic damage equal to your constitution modifier (minimum of 1).
When a creature takes necrotic damage from this ability, you may force them to make a constitution saving throw. If they fail they have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for one minute. Creatures that are immune to poison damage, roll their saving throw with advantage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Extra Limb(s)
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
An additional arm(s) or tentacle(s) has grown either from your back, side or even stomach.

You now have a secondary arm, which can function like your normal arms with only a few exceptions. You can use a secondary arm to wield a weapon that has the light property, but you can’t use a secondary arm to wield other kinds of weapons. You can’t wield a shield with the secondary arm.
Using a bonus action, you can make an additional attack with the secondary arm. You can only cast spells that are cantrips this way with the secondary arm.

Glowing Blight
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
You have organs that glow with blightful energy that can light your surroundings as well as deal damage to deadly threats.

Bioluminescence: As an action, you can shed bright light around you to a maximum of 20ft radius and dim light in an additional 20ft radius around that. You choose what color the light is when you pick this feat.
Either as bonus action or a reaction to an attack, you can cause all creatures within 20ft to make a constitution saving throw, or take Necrotic damage equal to 1D6 or half as much damage on a successful save. Creatures that fail the saving throw are also outlined in the same color as you bioluminescence and project a dim light with 10ft around them for 1 minute, during which creatures have advantage on attack rolls against them. All non magical plant life within this radius wither and die. Constructs don't take damage from this ability. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
The damage this feat can deal increases by 1D6 when you reach 5th level (2D6), 11th (3D6), and 17th level (4D6).

Improved Mutagenic Metamorphosis
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
Your mutations have improved beyond their normal capacities.

If you have spell slots, you can expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, along with a hit dice for additional uses of Alter Self.
The amount of temporary hit points you receive from Mutagenic Metamorphosis is doubled after you roll the hit dice.

Living Tail
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
You now possess a tail that appears to have a mouth at the end filled with razor sharp teeth.
You may attack using the Living Tail’s bite, dealing piercing damage equal to 1D8 to a creature within 5ft of you.

When you succeed in dealing damage using your Living Tail’s bite, you may choose to regain hit points equal to the damage dealt. Once you do this, you can regain hit points this way again until you finish a short or long rest.
If the Living Tail hasn't fed during the last long rest you took, then you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 13), or the tail will take your action to attack the nearest creature within 5ft of you. If there are no other creatures within 5ft, you take the damage instead. If you take damage from this attack, you don't regain hit points from this ability for that attack.
The damage this feat can deal increases by 1D8 when you reach 5th level (2D8), 11th (3D8), and 17th level (4D8).

Mangled Hide
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
Your skin takes on a tough exterior. Jagged spikes emerge from your flesh, protecting you from foul threats.

Your AC is increased by 1 when you aren’t wearing armor.
When a creature makes a melee attack against you and succeeds in hitting you, they must make a dexterity saving throw. If they fail, they take piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus. When a creature takes damage this way, they are considered to have taken damage from a natural weapon (for the use of the Deadly Natural Weaponry feat).

Venomous Gland
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
You have a gland either in your mouth or on your hands that can spit poisonous sludge at creatures that could be a threat to you.

You now know the Poison Spray cantrip, when you take this feat. This spell uses Constitution for its spellcasting modifier.
The range of Poison Spray is increased to 20ft.
The damage of Poison Spray is increased by a number equal to your proficiency bonus and when you cast it, you can choose for it to do either Acid or Poison damage.

Update V2:
Removed the restriction on how many mutations one can have. Also added a couple more mutation feats.

Now I am considering potentially creating spells as well as two subclasses (one for Artificers and one for Monks) based around this concept, so if you're interested, please let me know.

Please take a look and let me know what you think. :smallsmile:

2022-04-17, 09:09 PM
I went back and updated the feats a bit. I hope you all enjoy.

2022-04-18, 09:52 AM
Overall - love the concept, I have a city in my campaign that allows players to opt into a mutation of sorts. I have been struggling trying to figure out exactly how to implement it and your post has now cemented how I will do it once they enter the city. My game is a homebrewed version of Legend by rule of cool with lots of PF and DND 3.5 filler, so I can't use your 5e versions exactly but will be yoinking the basic premise. Below are a few of my nitpicks, just remember overall I think it's a great concept. I would look to mutants and masterminds for some further Ideas if I were you.

Mutagenic metamorphosis - I hate feat taxes especially in 5e where feats are so limited! I get what you are doing here but it seems like something that may only ever be given by a DM (like you plan to do) or taken for a fluff reason. IMHO players should not be penalized for fluff. most players probably have their first 12 levels of feats already slotted just to do the thing they wanted to do at first level (ie. be good at polearms, tanking, or expanding spell lists).

Aberrations tendrils - I knew I recognized this ability somewhere. I believe you yoinked it from a pathfinder spell tattoo! It's cool I do the same thing too. You just need to adjust your wording to not reference the tattoo before anyone else notices. Might scale up the damage some so this remains a viable option in the higher levels. it sucks as a DM to give your players cool new toys and have it fade from existence almost entirely in just a few levels.

Argus's gaze - seems a little weak to me. light levels are rarely a factor since someone in the group usually has DV already. perhaps add some sort of gaze attack? maybe a ray?

Bioluminescent Spots - oooh faerie fire but better. I like this. the only thing I would change might be the spellcasting mod... I would personally base it off Con since your feat tax boosts con. let them cast using normal modifier if they have other spells but the free one should be con IMO. this goes for all of your spell ones btw, so I won't repeat this again.

Blight Burst - since this ability is really only giving an attack I think I would scale it like a cantrip. It would be just ok at level 4 and below but if you were a non-human and had to select this at level 8 the player would be better off just grabbing a feat to grab casting as another class and reflavor an ability to be from his mutation. this is probably something you should keep in mind with any other attack ability. just compare it to an existing feat and ask yourself which one would you take if you had the ability to reflavor as you wish. if you aren't at least 40/60 on your designed feat then a player will almost never willingly take this feat with one of their limited resources.

Living tail - hrmm... this one is odd and flavorful. it's actually the only one with a defined drawback. I think I would definitely scale the damage as mentioned in Blight burst. I also think that maybe the single use could be changed to con mod but it does give hp. Isn't there a spell that does something similar? sorry at work or I'd look for sure, but I would look at how often an 8th level character could cast said spell and then see if you can increase the damage, life gain , and uses to better reflect what that character can already do.

Venomous Gland - there we go. changed how this specific cantrip is used, making it better than just grabbing with another feat. has scaling damage already built in. Other than the con mod I've got nothing further to say. well designed IMO.

2022-04-18, 10:04 PM
Overall - love the concept, I have a city in my campaign that allows players to opt into a mutation of sorts. I have been struggling trying to figure out exactly how to implement it and your post has now cemented how I will do it once they enter the city. My game is a homebrewed version of Legend by rule of cool with lots of PF and DND 3.5 filler, so I can't use your 5e versions exactly but will be yoinking the basic premise.

Thank you. I'm looking forward to reading your feedback and adjusting this based off of it.

Now I noticed you had mentioned a few places where you mentioned scaling, I was wondering if you had any recommendations on how to do this? Should I just base it off of cantrip scaling or do you have any other ideas/suggestions? :)

2022-04-19, 09:26 AM
My personal take on Homebrew stuff especially if you want people to actually use it is to base it on things that already exist. This way more DM's are likely to allow it at their table. Most DM's will let you take a stock feat that allows Toll the dead as a cantrip. So your Blight burst mutation could be based on it. so lets look at that.

Toll the dead
1d8 (4d8 @17)
1d12 (4d12 @17 when already injured)
60 ft range

Now lets Tweak some things to give your unique spin on it.

Blight burst
1d6 (4d6 @17) (3 die size reductions)
Add proficiency bonus (justifies one die size reduction IMO)
15 Ft radius (reduced range but greater area I think this justifies another Die size reduction since you can target multiple enemies but can't exclude allies)
Rider effect (Another die size reduction)
Flavor stuff (I don't think the plant thing will ever make a real difference in practical applications, and limiting targets is a straight downgrade I don't think we need any adjustments)
Limited uses (Ouch... I mean maybe it's enough uses not to matter but I'm always wary of feats with limited use)

I'm not sure if you partake in any of the optimization build competitions, but I would always try to design with them in mind. By that I mean Function>Flavor, Flavor is nice but since you are giving up the option of having an extra cantrip and a 1 per rest 1st level spell and potentially expanding a spell list I would be tempted to bump this damage to a D8 or D10 base just to make it competitive with the other options available to the player. So lets consider that.
This would let the player compare a D12 single target cantrip, a utility cantrip, and a 1st level spell to your D8+Proficiency multi-target cantrip with a rider effect and flavor but limited uses per rest. Now I think this may be enough to let a player consider your feat over another perfectly legal option though with the limited uses I would tend toward most players grabbing the unlimited use cantrips and a first level spell. For this reason I would drop the limited uses since it's based on a cantrip anyway. then becomes more of a likelihood to grab your feat and not feeling like you lose so much. giving us a Final:

Blight Burst
1d8+PB (increasing by 1d8 @ 5, 11, 17)
Con save rider effect
15 ft radius burst
Some extra flavor stuff

I think it stands pretty strong as worth a feat if this is the type of thing you want to build a character around. Now it does not take into account that you had to use 2 of your feats to grab this so it is not at all balanced against that. If you wanted to balance it against that I would instead make it closer to eldritch blast with an invocation that gives rider effects, since a player could grab both of those feats and use an equal amount of resources. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing but keep in mind that as far as cantrips are concerned EB is god-tier (many sorcerers consider MI as an option since EB is CHA based) especially with an invocation to boost it. So you need to ask yourself if that is what you want to compete with or not. I think the biggest thing when trying to balance against EB is that most DM's and players know EB is awesome and would be instantly wary of anything that starts looking like a better version of it...

2022-04-19, 10:27 AM
if you level up and increase constitution do you get new mutations? also more concrete drawbacks would be cool in my opinion like for azures gaze have it lower sight in normal light

2022-04-19, 10:43 PM
Bioluminescent Spots - oooh faerie fire but better. I like this. the only thing I would change might be the spellcasting mod... I would personally base it off Con since your feat tax boosts con. let them cast using normal modifier if they have other spells but the free one should be con IMO. this goes for all of your spell ones btw, so I won't repeat this again.

So it should be noted that on another website, someone had mentioned that they didn't feel that the extra damage fit the theme very well. Do youhave any suggestions for what might be a good substitute?

As for the spellcasting modifier, a while back Genasi used to use Con but recently WotC changed it to a choice of Chr, Int, or Wis, so that's kind of why I leaned toward that.


On the flip side, I've made a great deal of progress on the Mutation Feats Doc, so I should be able to updatethe original post.

2022-04-20, 08:30 AM
I can see the point of it not really fitting the fluff. Perhaps it could be changed on that basis alone. I was mainly looking at it from a balance perspective. You would be wasting your standard action and Bonus action to grant this to all party members on a single target. Yes it is more than what a Druid could do, but you also spent 2/5 feats to get a measly +6 damage per hit at level 20. Assuming 3 other party members capitalizing on this, you end up with what maybe 50-75 damage? At level 20 you could have dealt that anyways on your own turn with just your standard action, and likely against multiple targets. With rules as written it's likely that your advantage is probably nullified since any disadvantage cancel's all advantage, and vice versa. At 20 you'd be hard pressed to fight a battle that wasn't in someway giving your party disadvantage so at most you are now fighting with single rolls against a single target.

As to the Genasi change, I didn't know about it. Either way the dragonborn breath weapon, Lizardfolk's hungry jaws, Goliath's stone endurance, and Dhampir's Vampiric bite all are based off con. Each of these races give a con bonus as well, I think it's perfectly within the line of reasoning to say that a race (mutant) that gets a con bonus and racial abilities (mutations) is justified from WOTC as using con modifier in some way to affect said ability. maybe they are changing this but this was just a quick look so I am sure there are dozens, if not hundreds of other examples with other races, feats, and monster's that could lead you to the same conclusion.

2022-04-20, 11:24 PM
I can see the point of it not really fitting the fluff. Perhaps it could be changed on that basis alone. I was mainly looking at it from a balance perspective. You would be wasting your standard action and Bonus action to grant this to all party members on a single target. Yes it is more than what a Druid could do, but you also spent 2/5 feats to get a measly +6 damage per hit at level 20. Assuming 3 other party members capitalizing on this, you end up with what maybe 50-75 damage? At level 20 you could have dealt that anyways on your own turn with just your standard action, and likely against multiple targets. With rules as written it's likely that your advantage is probably nullified since any disadvantage cancel's all advantage, and vice versa. At 20 you'd be hard pressed to fight a battle that wasn't in someway giving your party disadvantage so at most you are now fighting with single rolls against a single target.

So another question to ask is, if I do keep the damage, does radiant make sense or should it perhaps be swapped out for a different damage type.

As to the Genasi change, I didn't know about it. Either way the dragonborn breath weapon, Lizardfolk's hungry jaws, Goliath's stone endurance, and Dhampir's Vampiric bite all are based off con. Each of these races give a con bonus as well, I think it's perfectly within the line of reasoning to say that a race (mutant) that gets a con bonus and racial abilities (mutations) is justified from WOTC as using con modifier in some way to affect said ability. maybe they are changing this but this was just a quick look so I am sure there are dozens, if not hundreds of other examples with other races, feats, and monster's that could lead you to the same conclusion.

Hmmm... Here's a thought. What if by default it's Con, however if the character is a spellcaster (and the ability is based around a spell) the abilities uses their spellcasting modifier instead? Does that seem reasonable or would that be broken?

2022-04-21, 07:45 AM
Radiant damage is generally thought of as holy damage, not light. You could redo the fluff as some sort of bioluminescent spore cloud and do poison damage. Or just generic damage as perhaps the spores help highlight vulnerable areas.

Under your current writing, personally I would keep it Con, just because you can only use it while using your other ability. If you instead changed it to be a 1/rest ability but adding FF to your spell list then I would keep con for free one and normal spellcasting applies if you use spell slots. That would be more in line with other abilities in WOTC's repertoire.

2022-04-24, 04:08 PM
I've gone back and updated the original OP both with changes to some of the feats as well as a few new additions. Enjoy. :smallsmile:

There is no longer a restriction on how many mutation feats you can have.

EDIT: Also, I am considering adding two final mutation feats to this list. Not too sure what yet. However if you have any suggestions, feel free to offer an idea. :smallwink:

2022-04-27, 08:17 PM
Radiant damage is generally thought of as holy damage, not light. You could redo the fluff as some sort of bioluminescent spore cloud and do poison damage. Or just generic damage as perhaps the spores help highlight vulnerable areas.

One thought I have considered that might solve the problem (as well as open up the option for more mutations) is combining Bioluminscent Spots with Blight Burst, so that it functions kind of like the glowing ghouls from Fallout 4, where the player can glow and then let off a blightful burst that deals damage and then highlights enemies that fail their save like Faerie Fire does.

What do you think?

2022-04-30, 11:54 PM
And now version 3 is here, with more updated information, updated some of the feats and added a few new ones as well.

I hope you all enjoy it. I'm not too sure if I'll be updating this any further, but who knows. Maybe I'll create some magic items that work with characters that have these mutations. Maybe I'll take a note from the Heroes of Krynn Revisited UA and make a background so that players can take Mutagenic Metamorphosis as a background feat. We'll see.

Still feedback is greatly appreciated, so please feel free to comment. :smallbiggrin:

2022-05-06, 02:14 AM
Interesting, but why is Metamorphosis a prerequisite? Why is every mutant also a shapechanger?

I like Glowing Blight, comes off like a radiation attack to me.

Argus's Gaze is my jam, many-eyes are my aesthetic, but

"When you are performing a Wisdom (Perception) check, you may expend one of your hit dice and add the number to the result, before knowing whether it succeeded or failed. In addition, you can see invisible creatures or objects within 10ft of you. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest."

Shouldn't the See Invisible clause be a separate bullet point? Also, it's a little odd for the feat to have both a use limit and a resource cost, though it's not a huge deal.

2022-05-15, 01:23 PM
Interesting, but why is Metamorphosis a prerequisite? Why is every mutant also a shapechanger?

Well, having it be the prereq makes it easier to establish the Save DCs for the abilities. Also Alter Self provides the player with the ability to have a natural weapon, the ability to breath underwater or to be a shapechanger if that is the kind of mutation they want.

I like Glowing Blight, comes off like a radiation attack to me.

That certainly was the thought. :smallsmile:

Argus's Gaze is my jam, many-eyes are my aesthetic, but

"When you are performing a Wisdom (Perception) check, you may expend one of your hit dice and add the number to the result, before knowing whether it succeeded or failed. In addition, you can see invisible creatures or objects within 10ft of you. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest."

Shouldn't the See Invisible clause be a separate bullet point? Also, it's a little odd for the feat to have both a use limit and a resource cost, though it's not a huge deal.

Yeah, admittedly, this was the first time I considered adding Hit Dice as a cost to the feats, I might actually go back and remove it from this one.

2022-05-21, 03:47 PM
So I just added a Gdoc link to the original post.

Also, I am considering potentially creating spells as well as two subclasses (one for Artificers and one for Monks) based around this concept, so if you're interested, please let me know. :smallsmile: