View Full Version : Future In Motion {SW5E} (IC)

2022-04-17, 10:06 PM
There is a station orbiting over Ansion. Not much to it, in terms of looks. Not when you get down to the details. But what would one expect when the station's designers and builders belonged to the military?

And Ansion is nowhere near important enough to have much else in the way of deep-space traffic. A few freighters and a couple of local system craft. That's about it. But the station holds your attention. Because it is your destination. The Navigator's Alliance has paid for your travel here. And hopefully from here you will be able to get onto a ship, heading off to explore the wilds of the Unknown Regions.

May the wait in this dull backwater be blessedly short.

"Bout thirty minutes out, more or less," Captain Axon calls over the comms. "Last chance to sign with me instead of this Alliance nonsense."

After a slight pause, you hear a muted, "Longer life expectancy wit' me."

You get the feeling he thought he switched the comms off. That is confirmed when a second later you hear a shuffling and a short squelch of feedback over the line.

2022-04-18, 03:30 AM
"Yeah, you'd think that," muttered Eliana Sun.

No, she was headed to the Unknown Regions. Mmmmmaaaayyyybe on a one-way trip. She went over her gear one last time, and again quietly cursed the amount of explosives she didn't have. Hopefully she could rig something out of whatever the Alliance provided. You never knew when you'd have to blast during exploration, right?

2022-04-18, 06:37 AM
Astraxia glanced up from her seat; the captain's unintentional quip being somewhat amusing to her. She thought to herself that if her life expectancy was anything good, she wouldn't be going out to the black of uncharted space.

But hey, it's what happens when you annoy one too many rich jerks. Astraxia just needs a few weeks to keep out of sight, and this job was perfect for it. Who knows, maybe she'll even enjoy the trip.

2022-04-21, 01:29 AM
Cora checked her pack one more time to make sure she had all her things. She didn't pay the captain's slip much mind - he might be right in general, but a high-paying exploration mission was better than staying behind and dealing with her debtors. Better to come back when she'd made some cash and maybe some new friends to watch her back.

2022-04-23, 09:55 PM
Astraxia looked around. Noticing no one moving, she seemed to be among similar-minded folk. She leans to one side of the chair to speak up to the other passengers. "I wager that everyone is in this for something more important than life expectancy; Heading towards something, or leaving something behind?"

2022-04-28, 11:02 AM
Astraxia looked around. Noticing no one moving, she seemed to be among similar-minded folk. She leans to one side of the chair to speak up to the other passengers. "I wager that everyone is in this for something more important than life expectancy; Heading towards something, or leaving something behind?"

"More the latter. Need an awful lot of space between me and some folks back home. And this seems like an exciting opportunity anyway." Cora flashes Astraxia a smile and offers a hand. "Killian. Cora Killian. Pleasure to meet you, stranger." :smallsmile:

2022-04-28, 11:51 AM
She takes Cora's hand and shakes. "Astraxia. The pleasure is mine. I suppose many of us have skeletons to leave in the closet. And I agree that this could be quite the opportunity; might find ourselves with some finder fees in new mineral rights, or at least a few interesting trinkets to take home."

2022-04-29, 01:07 AM
Z1X (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aQikUMrQ2MoI9nTXYVDWEoz7XwPlFhj6MjNTEaMf_vY)
HP: 19/19, AC: 15
Resistance: Necrotic and Psychic
Immunity: Poison and Disease
Vulnerabilities: Ion
Conditions: Unconscious
Tech Points: 8/8

Trapped under some crates in the cargo hold of a ship is the droid KD85-CG46-IT29-CZ1X. Its main battery is dead, the only thing currently running in the chassis is the internal chronometer ticking away on emergency power.

2022-04-29, 08:26 PM
You arrive on the station, and are directed toward the Administration office. There, you are instructed to wait as groups are called in one at a time. As you wait in the spartan offices, you watch the others in the room. There seem to be three other groups, based on who you see sitting and chatting with each other.

One group is all human, two women and three men.

A second group is all females of various species. A human, a couple of Twi'leks. And a Bothan.

And the third seems to be one fat little human male and a feckload of droids.

One after another, the various groups are called into the administration offices. Yours is, after an almost interminable wait, last. You are led by a protocol droid into a conference room where an aging Republic officer sits. His insignia marks him as a General in the Starfighter Corps. He motions for you all to sit down.

"Welcome to the Navigator's Alliance. I am General Mellix."

After brief introductions and some verification of your identities, he nods. "Right, well, with that out of the way, all that is left is some going over your terms. We expect reports every two weeks. You will be issued a HoloComm relay for that, installed on your ship. Which brings us to your ship."

The general punches a button on his control panel and a holo comes to life, showing a ship in remarkable detail.

"This is the CoruStell Mark Six scouter. Designed for a small crew, she has the comforts you will want for your two-year contract. And according to the terms of the contract, once your two-year mapping mission is complete, you will be released from duty with the Republic, and the Mk. Six will be yours."

2022-04-29, 09:39 PM
A second group is all females of various species. A human, a couple of Twi'leks. And a Bothan.
And the third seems to be one fat little human male and a feckload of droids.

Astraxia thinks there's no way these groups were just random draws. Hmm.

"This is the CoruStell Mark Six scouter. Designed for a small crew, she has the comforts you will want for your two-year contract. And according to the terms of the contract, once your two-year mapping mission is complete, you will be released from duty with the Republic, and the Mk. Six will be yours."

That last bit of info gets Astraxia's full attention. "Wait. So, we take this ship around and chart a chunk of new space for you, and then we get to keep the ship? Just like that? Well, that seems like a fair deal to me." She looks at the others in her group to see their reactions.

2022-04-30, 04:16 PM
Eliana nodded in the affirmative.

"Sounds like a good deal. Can I ask what kind of laboratory equipment we'll have on board? For analyzing samples, and the like."