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2022-06-19, 11:07 PM
"Then why don't we get ourselves some po' boys? I know a food truck that sets up shop in the city for the dinner rush. We should head there, food's on me." Louis offers.

An electronic chime echoes through the elevator signaling the groups arrival at the ground floor. "Looks like this is our stop." Louis says thumbing at the elevator doors as they begin to part. "Thanks for everything today!" He walks out of the elevator and only makes it a few steps before he stops to say more. "And if it's not too much to ask could you let Dr. Kentra know I'm interested in an internship if she has any openings on her team she's trying to fill?" Louis asks in a hopeful tone. "I'm somewhat of a scientist myself." He says flashing a playful grin then heads for security to collect his belongings.

Keith smiles and nods. "Sounds like a plan to me! Thanks bud!."

As the elevator chimes and everyone starts to hop out, Keith turns and tilts his head to the side at Louis's comment. "For real, thank you so much. Think Dr. Kentra's experiment was the highlight of the day."

As Keith makes his way through the security gate and outside with the group, he chuckles a bit."Didnt know you were something of a scientist, then again guess you could say I'm somethin' of an occultist myself." As they all arrive back at Louis's bike, Keith steps over to an alleyway. I'll get up in the air in a second, gonna change over right fast to follow y'all."

He shakes his head. "Still not sure if it's a good idea for me to fly around out of suit so better safe than sorry." He says to them before his suit appears and he takes off to follow them.

2022-06-20, 12:27 AM
As Keith makes his way through the security gate and outside with the group, he chuckles a bit." Didn't know you were something of a scientist, then again guess you could say I'm somethin' of an occultist myself." As they all arrive back at Louis's bike, Keith steps over to an alleyway. I'll get up in the air in a second, gonna change over right fast to follow y'all."

Louis retrieves his collapsible staff from the security guard and tucks it away inside of his jacket pocket before returning to his bike. "Who do you think requested for the laboratory back at West Side?" He asks rhetorically, his voice conveying pride in his workspace. "Oh yeah? That makes the 3rd magician to join our team this week." Louis shakes his head in disbelief. "Sorry, not trying to be rude or anything but magic is a bit of a sore spot for me. So many unexplained phenomena that absolutely no one seems to have an answer for."

He shakes his head. "Still not sure if it's a good idea for me to fly around out of suit so better safe than sorry." He says to them before his suit appears and he takes off to follow them.

Louis snaps his fingers, reverting the appearance of his outfit from streetwear to hero gear. He takes to the streets with Will in tow and leads Keith over to Bayou Billy's, only a few blocks away from the city center. Louis parks his bike across the street from the caravan of trucks just outside the park and walks over to the restaurant on wheels. He waits for his teammates to put in their orders before placing his own and paying for everyone's meal. Louis pockets their ticket and finds a bench with an optimal view for people watching while the group waits for their food. The volume of city-goers and weekend workers filing out of the inner city in search of food steadily increases as do the sounds and smells that fill the air of the park.

2022-06-20, 10:16 AM
“I didn’t do anything,” Ryker says as he throws a red three into the discard pile. “Unless you count carryin’ **** up to the roof, and ribbin’ you constantly. It was all Sid and Aeryn.”

“I’m happy to help you out, John,” Sidney says with smile at the magician. “I’m so glad everything went well for you. And no, I don’t mind you using me to get another date. Ryker would do it.”

“Thanks babe,” Ryker scoffs good naturedly.

Stella laughs a little at the two of them. “There’s a dance studio not far from Bastion,” she tells John. “They do lessons for all kinds of dances and they have space to rent. I used to go there when I was younger.”

“There are also several unused rooms downstairs,” Mimi says. “If you wanted some late night practice.”

In the final round Ryker and John decimate the girls once again, winning the game by over 2000 points.

Ryker gathers the bowls at the end of the table and starts to head to the kitchen. “Anybody want somethin’ to drink while I’m in here?”

Both girls shake their heads. Once he’s gone, Sidney leans closer to John. “Did you wanna talk tonight?”

2022-06-20, 10:32 AM
Louis retrieves his collapsible staff from the security guard and tucks it away inside of his jacket pocket before returning to his bike. "Who do you think requested for the laboratory back at West Side?" He asks rhetorically, his voice conveying pride in his workspace. "Oh yeah? That makes the 3rd magician to join our team this week." Louis shakes his head in disbelief. "Sorry, not trying to be rude or anything but magic is a bit of a sore spot for me. So many unexplained phenomena that absolutely no one seems to have an answer for."

Keith shrugs. "Ok that's fair, had wondered about how it was set up so nicely."

Keith shakes his head with a grin. "Nah, I get what you mean. I'm not a true magician so can count myself as one, but know some of the basics to get things done." He chuckles a bit. "Mostly just a lot of study on various topics. Wish I could give you the answers though, it is aggravating. Much prefer science in that regard."

Louis snaps his fingers, reverting the appearance of his outfit from streetwear to hero gear. He takes to the streets with Will in tow and leads Keith over to Bayou Billy's, only a few blocks away from the city center. Louis parks his bike across the street from the caravan of trucks just outside the park and walks over to the restaurant on wheels. He waits for his teammates to put in their orders before placing his own and paying for everyone's meal. Louis pockets their ticket and finds a bench with an optimal view for people watching while the group waits for their food. The volume of workers filing out of the inner city in search of food steadily increases as do the sounds and smells that fill the air of the park.

Keith flies through the sky following Louis and Will as they make their way to the food truck Louis was talking about. When they arrive, he lands nearby to Louis and Will, following suite in placing his order and starting to people watch with his teammates. "Seriously, thanks for the food man. So how did you get into all of this? And where'd you learn to ride a bike like that? Gotta say a little jealous of it, since it's one thing to go through the air, has to be nice bein' close to the ground."

2022-06-20, 10:44 AM
“I didn’t do anything,” Ryker says as he throws a red three into the discard pile. “Unless you count carryin’ **** up to the roof, and ribbin’ you constantly. It was all Sid and Aeryn.”

“That much ribbing takes a lot of effort,” John joked. “Besides, I remember trying to move the plants, Ryker. It may have been easy for you but it would have required a lot of work for me.”

“I’m happy to help you out, John,” Sidney says with smile at the magician. “I’m so glad everything went well for you. And no, I don’t mind you using me to get another date. Ryker would do it.”

“Thanks babe,” Ryker scoffs good naturedly.

Stella laughs a little at the two of them. “There’s a dance studio not far from Bastion,” she tells John. “They do lessons for all kinds of dances and they have space to rent. I used to go there when I was younger.”

“There are also several unused rooms downstairs,” Mimi says. “If you wanted some late night practice.”

“Thanks, Mimi,” John replies. “Let me know if you want to brush up on your skills, Stella,” he adds. “I was thinking of summoning a partner but, if you wanted the practice, I’ll be practicing here anyway before I figure out if she wants to take lessons or attend the dances or just have me rent a space for us to dance.

“I don’t want to expose her to more paparazzi than I have to.”

In the final round Ryker and John decimate the girls once again, winning the game by over 2000 points.

Ryker gathers the bowls at the end of the table and starts to head to the kitchen. “Anybody want somethin’ to drink while I’m in here?”

Both girls shake their heads. Once he’s gone, Sidney leans closer to John. “Did you wanna talk tonight?”

“Only if you have the time and the patience, Sidney,” John responds.

2022-06-20, 11:23 AM

“That much ribbing takes a lot of effort,” John joked. “Besides, I remember trying to move the plants, Ryker. It may have been easy for you but it would have required a lot of work for me.”

“It’s a talent,” Ryker says with a gin and shrug. “Maybe you should come to the gym with me an’ Drake more often. We’ll whip ya into shape.”

“Thanks, Mimi,” John replies. “Let me know if you want to brush up on your skills, Stella,” he adds. “I was thinking of summoning a partner but, if you wanted the practice, I’ll be practicing here anyway before I figure out if she wants to take lessons or attend the dances or just have me rent a space for us to dance.”

Stella visibly perks up. “Oh, ce serait amusant. I haven’t danced in at least a year. Do you have a favorite? Or are you just focusing on learning to waltz?”

That would be fun

“Only if you have the time and the patience, Sidney,” John responds.

“You’re helping me get my life back together, John,” she replies quietly. “Besides, I have nothing but time right now.”

Stella mutters a spell that makes the cards sort themselves and return to their boxes as Ryker comes back from the kitchen with a bottle of water.

“Mimi just told me that Aeryn’s down in the gym,” Ryker says. “I’m gonna go see how he’s doin’. You need anything before I go Sid?”

“I’m fine, Ryker,” she answers as he kisses her on the cheek.

“Just let me know if you start feelin’ bad, okay?” he says with a final squeeze on her shoulder before he heads down the hall.

“He’s so sweet with you,” Stella says. “It’s so cute. I remember when you first told me who he was, and I was terrified for you. I’m glad it ended up working out.”

“Me too,” Sidney agrees. “He’s a good guy.”

“So John, do you want to head to one of our rooms or yours?” Stella asks after a short pause.

2022-06-20, 11:49 AM
John “It’s a talent,” Ryker says with a gin and shrug. “Maybe you should come to the gym with me an’ Drake more often. We’ll whip ya into shape.”

“I’d say it couldn’t hurt but I suspect that would be a lie,” John said with a smile. “I’ll try to get down there more often.”

Stella visibly perks up. “Oh, ce serait amusant. I haven’t danced in at least a year. Do you have a favorite? Or are you just focusing on learning to waltz?”

That would be fun

“It’s more re-learning than learning,” John replied. “There was a time we thought we would be meeting my father in Vienna during the season and my mother had all three of us learn the basic ballroom dances but focus on Viennese Waltz. It turned out his work in Afghanistan took longer than expected so we didn’t go. I managed okay this evening but if Emi enjoys dancing — and chose the waltz, I figure I should start practicing. I figure I stand a better chance of keeping pace there than with the video games.

“I did enjoy the Watlz and the standard American Tango, though,” John admitted. “I never learned Argentinian.”

“You’re helping me get my life back together, John,” she replies quietly. “Besides, I have nothing but time right now.”

“I’m only too happy to help, Sidney.”

Stella mutters a spell that makes the cards sort themselves and return to their boxes as Ryker comes back from the kitchen with a bottle of water.

“Mimi just told me that Aeryn’s down in the gym,” Ryker says. “I’m gonna go see how he’s doin’. You need anything before I go Sid?”

“I’m fine, Ryker,” she answers as he kisses her on the cheek.

“Just let me know if you start feelin’ bad, okay?” he says with a final squeeze on her shoulder before he heads down the hall.

“He’s so sweet with you,” Stella says. “It’s so cute. I remember when you first told me who he was, and I was terrified for you. I’m glad it ended up working out.”

“Me too,” Sidney agrees. “He’s a good guy.”

“So John, do you want to head to one of our rooms or yours?” Stella asks after a short pause.

“Let’s use one of your rooms,” John suggests. “I have some notes up about your curse and I would rather not accidentally trigger something.”

John follows the two to Sidney’s room and waits for them to sit down while he hovers awkwardly near the door.

“So, um, as I said, I could use some advice. Usually, I would go to Kate — my younger sister — for this kind of advice but in between her not knowing I am Dee — even if it is likely she has already figured that out now that she knows about Emi by piecing together my movements, and because how what I am about to ask would race through the family like wildfire in a way that might be unfair to Emi, I was hoping I could impose upon the two of you — well, three if Yuki were here.”

John, who had been shifting a little uncomfortably, began to pace. He was aware that the amount of space he had near the door was much too limited for pacing, but his nervous energy was too much for him.

“You might have noticed I moved past smitten and straight into head over heels for Emi a little quickly,” he conceded. “Now, I recognize that the speed at which my emotions and instincts are moving outstripped a more rational approach within minutes of meeting her but that doesn’t negate the fact that my emotions have clouded what passes for good, sound, practical judgment and, quite frankly, I’m not really used to that. In what passed for my prior relationships, I never found myself in quite this state and it has left me rather unsure how to manage the expression of my emotions.

“Well, not all of them. Not any of them, really. And it’s not like I am trying hard not to,” he said stopping and glancing between Sidney and Stella. “But there one…shall we call it ‘questions of language’ that I should probably get sorted out pretty quickly — especially since that kind of thing can traditionally cause issues in a relationship.

“Now, I know that this relationship, depending on the start time you wish to assign to it, is only between 48 and 72 hours old,” he conceded as he started to pace once more. “That is a rather compressed timeline for this kind of a thing — even if we are officially dating. But I really, really don’t want to mess this up. And while asking her would be the rational thing to do, asking her about this really isn’t a viable option, as it necessitates using the language in question which obviates seeking advice about using it.

“So,” he said stopping and looking at the ladies, “you can see why I have came to you for help and clarity on whether or not I should tell her or continue to guard against it.”

He paused, looking off to the side. “I suppose it might help if I actually asked you what I was asking you about rather than just telling you about the associated issues, wouldn’t it?”

John sighed, looking at the floor. “I think I have fallen in love. Well, no — I am all but certain I have fallen in love, assuming what I am feeling is love and not something else which I don’t have a name for. Given that I don’t I am pretty sure love is, in fact, the right word.

“It doesn’t help that I keep almost calling her father my future father-in-law. I would submit that as a point of evidence in favor of the use of the word love.

“And I keep almost telling her,” John admits, beginning to fidget and looking down. “But I am worried that it is too soon and it will cause her to freak out and put some distance between us because my emotions are moving too quickly. At some point, I am probably going to lose track of what I am saying — you may have noticed I do that when thinking of her — and then I’ll have to deal with it. But getting some sound advice from you might help.

“Getting advice from her friends really isn’t an option,” he continued. “My best option there is Burnout and Keith’s recent attempt to ask her out makes me think that approaching him about this kind of thing would be, at a bare minimum, insensitive.”

Blushing, he looked up. “Anyway, I was hoping for any advice the two of you might have to offer.”

2022-06-20, 01:44 PM
The two girls sit on the edge of Sidney’s bed and listen carefully to John’s explanation.

Sidney is the first to speak after taking a moment to digest the information. “Well, I won’t deny it, John, and Ryker said it earlier. You got it bad. That’s— It‘s really fast to be thinking that you love this girl. I’m not saying that your feelings aren’t real, just that it’s really fast. You might want to take a step back, especially if you’re already calling Eidolon your future father-in-law.”

Stella glances over at Sidney and then to John. “I feel like I’ve fallen very hard for Raphael, but I would never consider telling him such a thing a week into our relationship.”

Sidney’s eyebrows come together as a thought occurs to her. “Wait. She’s a psychic. How hasn’t she heard you say this stuff in your head?”

2022-06-20, 02:06 PM
The two girls sit on the edge of Sidney’s bed and listen carefully to John’s explanation.

Sidney is the first to speak after taking a moment to digest the information. “Well, I won’t deny it, John, and Ryker said it earlier. You got it bad. That’s— It‘s really fast to be thinking that you love this girl. I’m not saying that your feelings aren’t real, just that it’s really fast. You might want to take a step back, especially if you’re already calling Eidolon your future father-in-law.”

Stella glances over at Sidney and then to John. “I feel like I’ve fallen very hard for Raphael, but I would never consider telling him such a thing a week into our relationship.”

Sidney’s eyebrows come together as a thought occurs to her. “Wait. She’s a psychic. How hasn’t she heard you say this stuff in your head?”

“I know,” John says, starting to pace slowly again. “That’s the difficult part. I know this is too fast and I know what I shouldn’t be saying and thinking but it’s there anyway. Part of me thinks that it is a function of me being out of my league with her.

“The fact that she can’t hear my thoughts is one of the things I she likes about me — us, rather. That things can progress more normally rather than her knowing what I am thinking. Soon after I encountered one of the City of London psychics, who was involved in my evaluation following the Windsor Incident, I planned and fashioned my amulet, which helps to shield my mind from outside interference. It dampens my thoughts enough — unless I actively or inadvertently project them — that she can’t hear what I think unless she put forth real effort. Her father offered that kind of a demonstration when they first arrived although he never went past my passive defenses. That I could stand up to it was, apparently, a favorable first impression.

“I’m hoping I will settle down soon,” he said, running his fingers through his hair, “in terms of my nerves, that is. Not in terms…. Anyway, it’s all very absurd and I can’t untangle desire, destiny, and doom with this and the things I keep thinking I am going to impress her with pass without a thought and the things I think are normal she reacts well to.

“I’m just lost, I think.”

John glanced over at Sidney’s desk, his brow furrowing. “A clever disguise, Sidney. I would not have guessed there is a laptop powerful enough to manage AI work within that chassis.”

2022-06-20, 03:21 PM
Stella sighs, wringing her hands together. “I’m not saying that I don’t have those feelings for Raphael. I just— I can’t imagine what he might say if I inadvertently blurted something out like that. I’m scared of ruining what we have.”

Sidney looks sharply over at her best friend. “Stell. You’ve known him a week.”

“I know,” Stella answers in a quiet voice. “I’m saying that I know what you’re going through, John. It’s overwhelming sometimes— the intensity of your feelings.”

“I guess Ryker is more of an acquired taste,” Sidney admits. “For me it was that I just realized one day that I loved him after he’d been teasing me for six months. Not that he’s ever said it back,” she mutters. “Definitely not a sore spot or anything.”

She glances over at her laptop. “It’s not really that good. I’ve had it for a while. I use a lot of shortcuts in my programs to get around the lack of processing power.”

2022-06-20, 04:10 PM
Stella sighs, wringing her hands together. “I’m not saying that I don’t have those feelings for Raphael. I just— I can’t imagine what he might say if I inadvertently blurted something out like that. I’m scared of ruining what we have.”

Sidney looks sharply over at her best friend. “Stell. You’ve known him a week.”

“I know,” Stella answers in a quiet voice. “I’m saying that I know what you’re going through, John. It’s overwhelming sometimes— the intensity of your feelings.”

“I guess Ryker is more of an acquired taste,” Sidney admits. “For me it was that I just realized one day that I loved him after he’d been teasing me for six months. Not that he’s ever said it back,” she mutters. “Definitely not a sore spot or anything.”

“He’s scared, Sidney,” John replied. “Saying it — even my saying it here — is a terrifying admission to make. If my amulet didn’t also suppress my fear reaction, I might be less likely to acknowledge it, let alone talk about it. It begins to obligate you to a series of personal commitments and responsibilities and makes you ask if you are, in fact, worthy of having such a feeling returned by the person you value so much. I cannot speak for him in this instance, as I did when I thanked Emi and Mr. Shaw on his behalf, but I would observe that if you could have seen the gentleness with which he carried you, you might have seen him act it even if he didn’t say it.”

John turned to Stella next and smiled. “Maybe it’s something in the stars impacting practitioners right now,” he offered, “driving us to want to say more than were are supposed to too soon with those we have improbably found ourselves in love with. Although, I think he may be the one in my position rather than you — lucky beyond his station, as I described it to Emi earlier.

“They are fortunate men to have someone like the two of you feel that way for them and I am grateful to have two such friends that I can come to for some help when I am acting like this. I don’t regret or deny the emotions but, yes, the terror of messing it up with the right word at the wrong time is very real.”

She glances over at her laptop. “It’s not really that good. I’ve had it for a while. I use a lot of shortcuts in my programs to get around the lack of processing power.”

John looks at Sidney, regretting his assumption. He knew she was a barista — even if she was the owner’s daughter. Her recent infamy was making him assume she had gained access to the kind of high-tech equipment one sees in the movies or within Q Division. She had been a super-villain after all.

They both had, come to think of it. And here he was revealing his secrets to them and hearing some of theirs.

Stranger things….

“I want you to promise me you will do something this evening, Sidney. I want you to go online and find a desktop that will properly support your work — the kind of thing we can pick up for you tomorrow. After that, I want you to go online and spec out the laptop you have dreamt of. Not the one that will serve your needs. The one you have always wanted. Don’t forget the backup systems and other peripherals you will need.

“I probably can’t swing a Cray for you, but standard grad school machines for AI genuses should be within my reach. Bring them to me at breakfast and we will get you set up properly. What you can do will doubtless be a help to us here. You should have the proper tools at your disposal.”

2022-06-20, 06:53 PM

“He’s scared, Sidney,” John replied. “Saying it — even my saying it here — is a terrifying admission to make. If my amulet didn’t also suppress my fear reaction, I might be less likely to acknowledge it, let alone talk about it. It begins to obligate you to a series of personal commitments and responsibilities and makes you ask if you are, in fact, worthy of having such a feeling returned by the person you value so much. I cannot speak for him in this instance, as I did when I thanked Emi and Mr. Shaw on his behalf, but I would observe that if you could have seen the gentleness with which he carried you, you might have seen him act it even if he didn’t say it.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Sidney says, looking down at the floor. “I told a meta Rook enforcer that I loved him, without really knowing if he shared the same feelings. I understand that he’s been through a lot in his life, but I… and I know it’s stupid, when he shows it so clearly, but I just… I want to hear it,” she finishes in a small voice.

John turned to Stella next and smiled. “Maybe it’s something in the stars impacting practitioners right now,” he offered, “driving us to want to say more than were are supposed to too soon with those we have improbably found ourselves in love with. Although, I think he may be the one in my position rather than you — lucky beyond his station, as I described it to Emi earlier.

“They are fortunate men to have someone like the two of you feel that way for them and I am grateful to have two such friends that I can come to for some help when I am acting like this. I don’t regret or deny the emotions but, yes, the terror of messing it up with the right word at the wrong time is very real.”

Stella blushes a little and smiles at the magician. “Tu es si gentil, John. No, I’m the lucky one. Raphael found me exactly when I needed him. I would probably be dead if it wasn’t for him.”

You’re so sweet

“I want you to promise me you will do something this evening, Sidney. I want you to go online and find a desktop that will properly support your work — the kind of thing we can pick up for you tomorrow. After that, I want you to go online and spec out the laptop you have dreamt of. Not the one that will serve your needs. The one you have always wanted. Don’t forget the backup systems and other peripherals you will need.

“I probably can’t swing a Cray for you, but standard grad school machines for AI genuses should be within my reach. Bring them to me at breakfast and we will get you set up properly. What you can do will doubtless be a help to us here. You should have the proper tools at your disposal.”

Sidney looks at John, first in excitement, but it quickly turns to suspicion. “John, I can’t let you pay for all that.”

2022-06-20, 07:12 PM
Sidney looks at John, first in excitement, but it quickly turns to suspicion. “John, I can’t let you pay for all that.”

“Can’t?” John said with a puzzles expression on his face. “Is there some regulation I don’t know about? I would think that AEGIS would be anxious to get you the tools you need. And if there is some kind of red tape, a commercial purchase won’t bother them. They gave me a password to connect my iPad Mini in London. I’d be surprised if there was an issue with connecting with the network here.”

2022-06-20, 07:31 PM
“Oh, I thought that you were offering to buy all of that for me. If it’s on AEGIS’ dime, then I’ll gladly accept.”

She goes to her desk and opens her laptop, quickly finding a desktop and peripherals that are available at the Best Buy right down the road. “This work for you, John?”

2022-06-20, 07:56 PM
“Oh, I thought that you were offering to buy all of that for me. If it’s on AEGIS’ dime, then I’ll gladly accept.”

She goes to her desk and opens her laptop, quickly finding a desktop and peripherals that are available at the Best Buy right down the road. “This work for you, John?”

“The question is if it would work for you, Sidney. My computer needs can be handled by a stock iPad Mini and very occasional use of an iPad Pro, which I only really open to FaceTime with my family. Anything beyond that, in terms of computing power, is trying to get the cursor to blink faster as I write an email. The only thing that I can tell you about a MacBook Air and a MacBook Pro is that the one that costs more has more ports and a bigger chip. But nothing I do would take advantage of that chip.

“Why does it matter to you if AEGIS or if I buy it?” John asked as he plugged in the order to Best Buy on his iPad Mini. “I would think a gift from a friend who owes you for the baking you did and fewer entanglements with an Intelligence Agency would be the more preferable option.”

2022-06-20, 08:13 PM
“I don’t know if you looked at the final price of everything, but that whole set up costs about six thousand dollars,” Sidney says, swinging her chair around to face him. “That’s way more than I make in a month. I can’t ask you to pay for something like that. My baking isn’t that good.”

2022-06-20, 08:39 PM
“I don’t know if you looked at the final price of everything, but that whole set up costs about six thousand dollars,” Sidney says, swinging her chair around to face him. “That’s way more than I make in a month. I can’t ask you to pay for something like that. My baking isn’t that good.”

“You didn’t see the look in Emi’s eyes when she tasted a little bit of home, Sidney. It was worth twice that and more to me at that moment. And as far as the figure goes, I did note it and I paid more than yesterday that so I would have someplace to put a teapot today.”

John looked off to the side, his brows furrowed. “Why does that sound less lame now than when I said it to Emi?” He shook his head. “Anyway, my accountants won’t even notice that purchase. The car, they noticed but that was a joint expense between me and Q Division so that they could do a few things they always wanted to try.”

He looked at Sidney again, cocking his head. “I haven’t introduced you to Clea yet, have I. How unthoughtful of me, given the interest you have in AI.” He smiled. “I must have been distracted by something. Mimi: Can you please let Clea know that Sidney may pay her a visit sometime — either with or without me — and let her know of Sidney’s interest in AI?

“She’s usually white when parked but she can change color,” John explained. “She’s the intentionally nondescript one.”

A brief look of concern crossed John’s face. “You aren’t a car person, are you? I only ask because after introducing her to Emi, I ended up facing a five heat race on Saturday through a variety of terrain. I think Clea is mortally offended that she has been assigned to someone who isn’t Combat Driving certified and, as a result, she is somewhat more limited on what she is and is not allowed to do on city streets. When she found out that Emi preferred driving fast cars quickly and that they were from the same country, the conspiracy formed quickly.

“The point is, Sidney, is that I would consider it a great compliment if, when you spec out your laptop, you not concern yourself with the cost. If the look on your face when you unbox it is anything like the look you had when you were thinking about it, it will be worth every penny to me.”

2022-06-21, 04:35 PM
When they arrive, he lands nearby to Louis and Will, following suite in placing his order and starting to people watch with his teammates. "Seriously, thanks for the food man. So how did you get into all of this? And where'd you learn to ride a bike like that? Gotta say a little jealous of it, since it's one thing to go through the air, has to be nice bein' close to the ground."

"Don't sweat it." Louis says leaning back on the park bench. "I wanted an excuse to eat here anyway. The food's always great but it's hard to justify driving out here when two great cooks and a fridge full of food back at the base."

He arches a brow. "Get into what exactly, hero work? Gonna need you to be a little more specific if you can. The bike part I think I can answer though. I've been riding bikes, legally, as soon I was old enough to get my license. My old man owns a garage on our side of town and he'd occasionally let me test drive bikes we were working on or rebuilding at the time. And once in a blue moon I'd get the chance to drive his old 101."

He tilts his head. "What's there to be jealous of? You can fly. Anyone can ride a motorcycle but I'd imagine there aren't that many people who can fly on their own. I always used to wonder what was like when I was a kid; still do every now and then whenever I see other metas in action. But one day I realized that even if I learned to fly I'd never want to give up riding. Nothing really compares to the freedom you feel hitting the road on a motorcycle. It's... hard to put into words. I could probably try to say something poetic about the bond between man and machine but I'm hungry so I'm not exactly firing on all cylinders right now."

2022-06-21, 04:57 PM
"Don't sweat it." Louis says leaning back on the park bench. "I wanted an excuse to eat here anyway. The food's always great but it's hard to justify driving out here when two great cooks and a fridge full of food back at the base."

He arches a brow. "Get into what exactly, hero work? Gonna need you to be a little more specific if you can. The bike part I think I can answer though. I've been riding bikes, legally, as soon I was old enough to get my license. My old man owns a garage on our side of town and he'd occasionally let me test drive bikes we were working on or rebuilding at the time. And once in a blue moon I'd get the chance to drive his old 101."

He tilts his head. "What's there to be jealous of? You can fly. Anyone can ride a motorcycle but I'd imagine there aren't that many people who can fly on their own. I always used to wonder what was like when I was a kid; still do every now and then whenever I see other metas in action. But one day I realized that even if I learned to fly I'd never want to give up riding. Nothing really compares to the freedom you feel hitting the road on a motorcycle. It's... hard to put into words. I could probably try to say something poetic about the bond between man and machine but I'm hungry so I'm not exactly firing on all cylinders right now."

Keith chuckles and nods. "I feel ya there. Hard to justify it with that. And yeah, meant the hero work. My bad on that one." He stretches his arms a bit. "Like, my uncle got me into it, and I didn't want to have anyone else go through what I did with my mom."

Keith listens to Louis explain his past with a genuine interest. He does smile at the thought of actually working with a dad. Something he never entirely knew what to think of. "That's cool that he let you test drive them, and that you know all the ins and outs as well. Can't say I've been taught that. But man, that's nice you got to ride the old 101."

When Louis asks what Keith would be jealous of, he just shakes his head. "Flying is nice and all but it does make it rough to get around with a group, or even just take someone somewhere. I'm kinda limited half the time to anyone else who can fly, and like you said that's not a whole lot." Keith laughs a bit. Can't blame ya there. Even if I had a bike I couldn't give up flyin'. It becomes a part of ya, that freedom, the speed. The proverbial wings ain't flappin' like they should here either."

2022-06-21, 05:06 PM
Stella looks over Sidney’s shoulder at what she’s ordered. “Are the rainbow lights necessary?”

Sidney narrows her eyes at the sorceress. “They’re the most important part,” she says with grin at her friend. “They make the whole computer run faster.”

Sidney then returns her gaze to John. “Your accountants, hmm? I see. I guess I don’t need to worry about it then.”

She considers his next question. “I do like cars, but I don’t really do much driving. I have a license, but I haven’t driven in… years. I usually ride with Ryker or fly with one of my birds. I’ll definitely check out Clea though.”

2022-06-21, 07:13 PM
Stella looks over Sidney’s shoulder at what she’s ordered. “Are the rainbow lights necessary?”

Sidney narrows her eyes at the sorceress. “They’re the most important part,” she says with grin at her friend. “They make the whole computer run faster.”

“I’m no expert, Stella,” John observed with mock seriousness, “but I believe they function on a principal similar to the ‘go faster’ stripes you see on some cars.”

Sidney then returns her gaze to John. “Your accountants, hmm? I see. I guess I don’t need to worry about it then.”

“Strictly speaking, they are the foundation’s accountants and they look over my finances as a perk. Also, they notice everything but they aren’t going to blink at these figures.

“Remember:” John said earnestly, “Your dream laptop and nothing less, okay?”

She considers his next question. “I do like cars, but I don’t really do much driving. I have a license, but I haven’t driven in… years. I usually ride with Ryker or fly with one of my birds. I’ll definitely check out Clea though.”

“I’m sure she will enjoy the conversation — although Heaven only knows what conspiracies not-exactly-against-me she will hatch with you. But I am sure she will enjoy talking shop with you.”

2022-06-21, 08:00 PM
“Alright, John,” Sidney sighs, throwing her hands up in defeat. “I’ll build it tonight.”

There’s a knock at the door. “You havin’ a party in there, babe?” Ryker asks through the door loud enough to be heard. “How come you didn’t invite me?”

“Let him in please, Mimi,” Sidney says.

Ryker looks curiously at John as the door slides open. “I was kinda kiddin’. What’ve you guys been talkin’ about without me?”

2022-06-21, 08:28 PM
“Alright, John,” Sidney sighs, throwing her hands up in defeat. “I’ll build it tonight.”

There’s a knock at the door. “You havin’ a party in there, babe?” Ryker asks through the door loud enough to be heard. “How come you didn’t invite me?”

“Let him in please, Mimi,” Sidney says.

Ryker looks curiously at John as the door slides open. “I was kinda kiddin’. What’ve you guys been talkin’ about without me?”

“It’s a strange sort of party, Ryker,” John confessed. “We had just finished ordering Sidney an upgraded computer systems so she would have some machines worthy of her talent. I figure that the kind of help she was able to offer you before would be of great benefit to the base and, eventually, missions.”

“Before that, you missed some golden opportunities for a laugh at my expense. Things have gone well enough with Emi that I am worried I may be jumping the gun on some particular words I keep almost using with her. I was getting the ladies’ assessment about just how bad I’ve got it and just how bad it would be to fully disclose my feelings after a little more than 48 hours after meeting her.

“Don’t despair too much at losing the opportunity,” John said with a companionable smile. “Since there are at least two other meetings tentatively scheduled for this week, I’m sure you will catch me acting foolish about her again in the near future.”

He smiled at the ladies. “I was on top of things enough to remember to get her birthday, though.”

With a companionable slap of Ryker’s shoulder, John departs for his own room where, try as he might, he cannot focus on the texts about curses. Knowing where his mind is, he switches his focus to a series of medieval Arabic texts on the relationship between the mind and the spiritual self. Soon, he is placing more online orders for the equipment he will need to add to his workshop.

Five minutes into shopping, John decided he truly lived in an age of marvels. For centuries, alchemists, magicians, and other adepts would have had to hire craftsmen who would need to travel great distances to obtain the raw materials needed to construct an Ptolemaic Aligning Armillary. Now, he could order the basic Ptolemaic Armillary online and tomorrow, while he was picking up Sidney’s computer, he could visit Lowes for the small mirrors he needed. Only the visit to a gemstone wholesaler, to make certain the stones were of sufficient quality for the Work, could properly be described as work.

The material for the Orb of Algazelus, however, would require a special effort and preparation. That, unfortunately, would require an email to his lawyers.

2022-06-22, 12:54 AM
Keith chuckles and nods. "I feel ya there. Hard to justify it with that. And yeah, meant the hero work. My bad on that one." He stretches his arms a bit. "Like, my uncle got me into it, and I didn't want to have anyone else go through what I did with my mom."

Keith listens to Louis explain his past with a genuine interest. He does smile at the thought of actually working with a dad. Something he never entirely knew what to think of. "That's cool that he let you test drive them, and that you know all the ins and outs as well. Can't say I've been taught that. But man, that's nice you got to ride the old 101."

When Louis asks what Keith would be jealous of, he just shakes his head. "Flying is nice and all but it does make it rough to get around with a group, or even just take someone somewhere. I'm kinda limited half the time to anyone else who can fly, and like you said that's not a whole lot." Keith laughs a bit. Can't blame ya there. Even if I had a bike I couldn't give up flyin'. It becomes a part of ya, that freedom, the speed. The proverbial wings ain't flappin' like they should here either."

A bit of air escapes Louis' nose in amusement as a question comes to him. "That reminds me, why the bird theme and name? Is it a tribute to your uncle?."

He readjusts his goggles before running a hand through his hair. "And as far as the hero work goes I never really considered this path for myself until I saw Red Light in the news after she took down Revenant for the first time. My powers started to manifest during my sophomore year of high school but I didn't really have control over them at the time. Fortunately they only effected the ambient light when my emotions started to run high. I guess they still do from time to time." He concedes with a shrug. "And since neither of my parents have powers there wasn't really anyone to show me the ropes. Though it didn't help that I tried to keep my powers under wraps either." Louis laughs a bit at himself before continuing. "I didn't know what my folks would think or the full extent of what I could do at the time so I kept it all to myself. Fortunately for me, fate would put Red Light in the spotlight after she made her debut. After seeing her in action I knew I could be hero just like her. I just had to get a handle on my powers and figure out what I could really do."

2022-06-22, 09:17 AM
A bit of air escapes Louis' nose in amusement as a question comes to him. "That reminds me, why the bird theme and name? Is it a tribute to your uncle?."

He readjusts his goggles before running a hand through his hair. "And as far as the hero work goes I never really considered this path for myself until I saw Red Light in the news after she took down Revenant for the first time. My powers started to manifest during my sophomore year of high school but I didn't really have control over them at the time. Fortunately they only effected the ambient light when my emotions started to run high. I guess they still do from time to time." He concedes with a shrug. "And since neither of my parents have powers there wasn't really anyone to show me the ropes. Though it didn't help that I tried to keep my powers under wraps either." Louis laughs a bit at himself before continuing. "I didn't know what my folks would think or the full extent of what I could do at the time so I kept it all to myself. Fortunately for me, fate would put Red Light in the spotlight after she made her debut. After seeing her in action I knew I could be hero just like her. I just had to get a handle on my powers and figure out what I could really do."

Keith nods when appropriate and chuckles a bit after. "Guess that explains the name Red Line. Makes sense really. Though dang, what a time for them to manifest. That's still really cool she taught you the ropes. And definitely think you'll make her proud as hell man."

Keith shrugs. "People tend to go crazy about what they can't understand. Messing with the ambient light can be interesting and when it's connected to your emotions, it can be scary. I get it completely. Similar thing happens with mine, though it was particularly bad since mine manifested as a kid. Got them right around age nine so that was fairly early. Ended up being taught control early on, though it doesn't always help that much with emotional turmoil." He concedes with a shrug as well.

At Louis's question about his theme, Keith lets out a short laugh. "Little bit honestly. The necklace you always see me wearin'? It's the last thing I really have of my mom's and she loved crows. Guess I fell into the same bit. When my uncle started to train me and take care of me, I took on the name to try and honor both him and her." He looks up at the sky. "Kinda funny though when I think about it since crows often get misunderstood. Guess I felt a good bit of a connection with them since you don't see a lot of heroes with darkness powers and that usually has people running the other way, ya know?"

2022-06-22, 10:27 PM
The demon felt very much ill at ease as he sat behind the flimsy wooden desk, covered in papers, cords and pieces of electronics. Monitors on the wall to his left flashes information that made little sense to him, though the soul inside knew exactly what all of it meant.

With a tap of the keyboard the computer before him awakens. His fingers automatically type the password and he begins to rifle through the device, looking for information on what he desired.

He knew the body that he occupied was relatively high-ranking in this company. It was easy to lie and say that he was sick while he gained control over his annoying co-habitator. Now, he would be able to let the soul out on a tight leash so that it could work and remain in good graces with such a useful company, while he stayed in the background, observing. There was so much information to be learned here, it was almost overwhelming.

The demon pulls out the phone he’d discovered at his body’s apartment and texts the person the soul inside him called it’s assistant. Her reply is almost immediate and makes him raise an eyebrow in interest. She was giving a tour?

He sets the phone on the desk next to the keyboard and goes back to looking through the files there. A few minutes later the elevator at the end of the floor opens. Through the one-way glass that made up half of his office, he observes Kelly and the boys make their way toward him. His eyes narrow as he recognizes two of them from the memorial. They’d killed one of his raeksha and severely wounded Delas.

How… unfortunate for them. Such horrific timing. It hadn’t been his intention to get information on those irritating heroes, but now they’d walked right in and put their real names and addresses right at his fingertips.

Kelly enters the office smiles widely at him as she takes a seat across from him. It doesn’t take long for her demeanor to falter as he speaks to her, however. As hard as the demon tried, he couldn’t fake the personality of the soul to those that knew it well. It was dangerous talking to her while he was in control, but necessary. His hope was that she would assume he was still suffering from the alleged sickness that had kept him out for a week.

“Will you help me with this, Kelly?” he asks, hating the pleading tone he used.

“Of course, Mateo,” she answers, her smile returning. “You can’t help what the boss wants, even when it inconveniences everyone else. Let me escort these kids out, then I’ll head back up here and help you look for that info that Mr. Kirkstofler needs.”

“Thanks. You’re a lifesaver.” He grins at her until she leaves, and he watches through the glass as the three young heroes follow her back to the elevator.

He lets his fingers work through the programs as he pulls up the credentials that were printed for them and saves the information to a new folder before Kelly comes back.

With her help, he would hopefully be able to find if any other Vanuushan stones were in the area. He could find out wether the humans had picked up their unique energy signature, or if they were still dormant, waiting for an unknown time and place to reveal themselves.

The soul inside him whimpers pitifully as he looks over at a picture next to his main monitor that showed it, it’s sister, and mother all smiling happily on what looked like a hike.

He strangles the soul into silence.

2022-06-22, 11:19 PM
Keith nods when appropriate and chuckles a bit after. "Guess that explains the name Red Line. Makes sense really. Though dang, what a time for them to manifest. That's still really cool she taught you the ropes. And definitely think you'll make her proud as hell man."

"Thanks. I'm sure I'll be able to shine as bright as she does someday. Maybe even brighter." He smiles self-assuredly as he shrugs.

At Louis's question about his theme, Keith lets out a short laugh. "Little bit honestly. The necklace you always see me wearin'? It's the last thing I really have of my mom's and she loved crows. Guess I fell into the same bit. When my uncle started to train me and take care of me, I took on the name to try and honor both him and her." He looks up at the sky. "Kinda funny though when I think about it since crows often get misunderstood. Guess I felt a good bit of a connection with them since you don't see a lot of heroes with darkness powers and that usually has people running the other way, ya know?"

"You always hear people say 'you can't judge a book by it's cover' but they never take their own advice it seems. Hell, even I'm guilty of that." He sighs.

"Number 87!" a man calls out over the din of the park. Louis pulls his ticket from his pocket to check the number. "Looks like that's us. I'll be back in a sec." He gets up from his seat on the bench and retrieves the trios orders from the food truck. Louis returns with three po' boys in paper trays filled fries. "Take your pick.", he offers.

2022-06-23, 07:35 AM
"Thanks. I'm sure I'll be able to shine as bright as she does someday. Maybe even brighter." He smiles self-assuredly as he shrugs.

Keith chuckles a bit and nods. "I'm certain of it man. To shining brighter than our mentors someday."

"You always hear people say 'you can't judge a book by it's cover' but they never take their own advice it seems. Hell, even I'm guilty of that." He sighs.

"Number 87!" a man calls out over the din of the park. Louis pulls his ticket from his pocket to check the number. "Looks like that's us. I'll be back in a sec." He gets up from his seat on the bench and retrieves the trios orders from the food truck. Louis returns with three po' boys in paper trays filled fries. "Take your pick.", he offers.

Keith shrugs. "Eh, everyone is. We just don't like thinkin' that maybe things ain't so different for another. Used to bug me a lot, but meetin' different people and learnin' some of their stories really helped." He sighs thinking back on everything.

He's jolted from memory lane by the man shouting the ticket number. On his return, Keith just laughs a bit and takes the one on the left. "Don't get much better than this." He grins as the food came out at just the right time. After a few bites he can't help it. "Dude, this is awesome! Definitely gonna need an excuse to come back out here."

2022-06-23, 04:02 PM
He's jolted from memory lane by the man shouting the ticket number. On his return, Keith just laughs a bit and takes the one on the left. "Don't get much better than this." He grins as the food came out at just the right time. After a few bites he can't help it. "Dude, this is awesome! Definitely gonna need an excuse to come back out here."

"I know." Louis manages to get out between bites. "Just don't let it become a bad habit, or do. I'm not gonna judge ya for it." He says before digging into his meal once more.

"Not a bad way to end the day. Y'all ready to roll?" He asks after everyone finishes their trays. "Sun's startin' to set. Unless you guys have somewhere you need to go I'd suggest we start headin' back to base."

2022-06-23, 04:18 PM
"I know." Louis manages to get out between bites. "Just don't let it become a bad habit, or do. I'm not gonna judge ya for it." He says before digging into his meal once more.

"Not a bad way to end the day. Y'all ready to roll?" He asks after everyone finishes their trays. "Sun's startin' to set. Unless you guys have somewhere you need to go I'd suggest we start headin' back to base."

Keith shakes his head. "Don't worry, I'm sure we all can have the proper self control. Or see if Aeryn can copy this. Curious what holds up more." He digs in again.

After finishing up, Keith shakes his head. "Probably a good time to head back." Keith takes off with the others and as they arrive back at base, he makes his way back to his room to get changed before heading into the gym for the next few hours. Following the workout, he takes care of most of his classwork for the week. though tempted to ask John how the date went, he knew it would only exasperate his own thoughts right now. He sighed looking at the computer screen. "I'll tell Sidney about the AI stuff from Innovatech tomorrow."

Midway through a discussion board post for one class, White started to chime in with a poor rendition of I'm Not Okay. White, you are way off key on that.

White just laughed at being called out. "Yeah but it's getting you to be less serious! Seriously though are you ok?

Will be eventually, just hate the waiting. Keith sighed. Great now that's stuck in my head.... Thanks.........

"I could do something a bit wor.....


Keith put his headphones back on to try and drown out most (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhZTNgAs4Fc)of his other thoughts.

He pretty much kept this up until he fell asleep.

2022-06-23, 08:54 PM
When the trio arrives back at base Louis asks Mimi to begin diagnostics and analysis on his motorcycle in preparation for a new project on Monday. He also asks that she keeps it's specs off of AEGIS records.

Louis then returns to the lab where he types up an email notifying his professors of his impending absence from classes this week. Afterwards he opens up the file Mimi prepared earlier and reviews the materials and steps required to create transitioning lenses, then places an order for anything he may need through AEGIS.

Once all of his tasks are completed, Louis grabs a bottle of coke from the kitchen before retreating to the lounge where he takes his usual seat and starts streaming his recordings of LVESS' recent performance at the Machine Shop on the tv. After sitting through the set he sends Izzy a text then starts up the GameStation and resumes his playthrough of Grand Tour's career mode for the remainder of the night.

Really enjoyed your set down at the Machine Shop last night. I wanted to speak to you and the band after the show but I had a request for a delivery from a high profile client come through just as the last number was ending.

LVELSS huh? What's the story behind the name anyway?

2022-06-23, 08:58 PM
John, still walking around his room with a dreamy, silly smile on his face, had showered, dressed, and retrieved a cup of coffee from the kitchen early with an intention of updating his whiteboard of tasks. There was something at the back of his mind nagging him — a sense that he had forgotten something or was missing an obvious connection. Not that he had had much time to think clearly in the last day or two, when the information had started rolling in. He hadn’t even had time to check the local museum’s entry on the Smithes’ discovery of the stone to see if there was any background information that would be of any use.

At 10 AM, he planned to call 5th Chapter to reserve a table and was in the process of taking a short mental break and was in the process of pulling up 5th Chapter on his iPad Mini to get a sense of the menu and ambiance when Mimi provided him with the alert. “Vidcall from London, John. Agent Montcrieff is asking if you are immediately available. Perhaps she wants an update on how the wooing went.”

“Doubtless she does, Mimi,” John said, covering the white board and picking up his coffee. “Please patch her through.”

“Good morning, Kelley,” Montcrieff began with only a hint of a smile on her face. “You are looking well and surprisingly rested for someone up at this hour, local time. Before you say anything, however,” she said raising her hand, “I should alert you that the first part of this call is official. You have been flagged as a possible security risk based on your activities last night as your and Clea’s locations were tied to a ‘known Myriad base’ and a ‘potentially compromising, high level Myriad encounter.’”

“Now before that sounds too ominous, let me qualify that everyone who meets with Eidolon for any length of time and/or spends as quite as many hours with his daughter as you apparently did yesterday gets flagged with a special marker. It’s part and parcel of their power profile. It also means, however, that you now share the same flag as most of the senior leadership here at City of London, given the meetings they occasionally have with him — but not her. It isn’t seen as a true security risk, given his security clearance and his history of cooperation with both agencies, but it is a standard notation that requires follow up.

“That said, it didn’t help that Clea appears to have tentatively scheduled a training exercise for you and an unnamed Myriad asset at a local AEGIS facility for Saturday. While there is no question that you can use some work on your combat driving so that we can actually get you certified to use a car with proper armor and armament, the proposed training runs appear to look more like a series of race heats with a break for brunch than an actual training exercise. Full disclosure: I have been offered a cut of the house’s take by Q Division if I can confirm that you and Siren will be racing this weekend.

“The detail that you now share a flag that the senior leadership have and most of the rest of us — myself included — do not has raised a number of eyebrows here and moved it to the top of the AI generated morning briefings sent out to senior leadership, division heads, and, as appropriate, individuals associated with the matter so they can serve as resource people. As a result, I am in a high level meeting just after lunch to report out. I was able to buy myself that much time due to the difference in time zones. As you can imagine, once the rumor mill got wind of the briefing sheet and my follow-up meeting, it shifted into overdrive and Q Division’s betting pool has grown quite Byzantine, with any number of side bets being placed from all over City of London base. Psi Division, on the other hand, is in an absolutely tizzy of denial.

“Psi Division, incidentally, is the most probable source of the leak of your having been flagged as a possible security breach by not one but two Shaws and I have to confess that even I have been indulging in a certain amount of schadenfreude over their being taken completely by surprise at the news.

“So, with that prologue out of the way, I’m afraid that this has to be an on the record question: What caused you to spend quite so much unofficial time with Eidolon and Siren yesterday?”

John’s smile broadened as he took a sip of coffee. “You can put down in your report that, in addition to a joint AEGIS-Myriad mission to assist Songbird, who had been afflicted by Vibrato, I am currently dating Siren and that both the joint mission and the date necessitated some talks with her father, who observed I appear to have some potential for telepathic work and he suggested we might work together in the future.

“I’m not yet at liberty to discuss the nature of such work, but it would be of a more personal nature rather than official. I have been assured that, when the time comes, AEGIS City of London will be formally notified.

“Finally, I’ll try to do AEGIS honor at the track on Sunday but I wouldn’t recommend betting against Emi.”

“Understood.” Montcrieff replied with a sigh. “Still less than a fortnight in Iron Station, Kelley. You have no idea how many impossible dreams in Psi Division that you will be crushing in one fell swoop when this report is filed,” Montcrieff said with a self-satisfied smirk. “My report is supposed to be confidential but I doubt half of those involved will be able to sit on this news with their immediate reports. Interesting but non-actionable intel is too valuable as social capital to be hidden long internally. Externally is a different matter, of course, and City of London prides itself about keeping such news in house.”

She reached for a teacup and saucer and leaned back in her chair, smiling. “Official questioning is over, Kelley.” After taking a sip of tea, Montcrieff’s voice became gentle. “I’ve never seen you look like this. I’m really quite happy for you. I’m sure you enjoyed your time with Emi,” she teased, “but you would be quite shocked at the odds being laid on questions people here will never learn the answers to before the wagers are closed and paid out — including whether or not, to use the metaphor common to you Yanks, you got on base, struck out in the batter’s box, or didn’t even attempt to swing..”

John felt himself blushing as he took a sip of coffee in an attempt to hide an increasingly Cheshire Cat like grin.

The clatter of Moncrieff’s teacup on its saucer was clearly audible. “No!” Moncrieff said, smiling widely. “Really, Kelley? Because if that is the case and it became known, Psi Division is facing insolvency on one of the side bets with Occult and Q Divisions, who were willing to take a long shot on your chances. They are already losing big on the question whether it was a date at all.”

“A gentleman really doesn’t discuss such things, Montcrieff,” John protested stiffly while still smiling.

“A clear tell, Kelley,” Montcrieff said with a widening smile. “I’d chastise you if this wasn't so entertaining. A gentleman can deny anything has happened as it protects a lady’s reputation. I’ve seen you do it before while you were serving as Mandla’s wingman while he tutored you in how to navigate big city night life. Gentlemen only start to protest they cannot speak of things when they know something worth speaking of.”

John’s blushed deepened. He had never noticed the pattern of protesting a lady’s innocence being a no and protesting that he could not speak of it being a yes before. No wonder Kate always knew what had happened with such absolute accuracy.

“I think she liked the scones,” John offered. “I seem to have forgotten to get that detail. I liked them.”

John quickly projected his thoughts out. Good morning, Emi. I hope I am not disturbing you reaching out this early. I am on a call with Montcrieff and, despite her ersatz-self’s reminder, I forgot to ask for your review of her scones yesterday. So much for thinking I had remembered everything this time. I can’t imagine what might have distracted me.

“I can forgive your getting distracted, given that last inadvertent disclosure,” Montcrieff replied, her eyes twinkling. “So what can you tell me about the date? It lasted a surprisingly long time.”

John shrugged, filtering through what he should and shouldn’t say. “We spent a lot of time talking — getting to know one another a little better.” He almost got flustered when Montcrieff arched an amused eyebrow. “We waltzed a little. She absolutely destroyed me in Kaiju Mega-Brawl.”

“Make sure to write down the name of that waltz,” Montcrieff interjected. “It may appear on a quiz later — along with her eye color, her birthday, and her favorite kind of food.”

“It’s already flagged in my Music library. Her birthday is January first and her eyes are a lovely shade of brown. I’ll get the favorite food next date.” John touched his brow, blushing at the memory of his transparent move to touch Emi’s face yesterday. “She says that the scones are just like her grandfather used to make. That makes two baked goods that reminded her of home.”

“Oh! And we took some pictures,” John added before Montcrieff could comment on the blushing and the telepathic contact as he fished out his phone. “Rather, I had a serving spirit take some pictures. Between he two of us, I had hoped my casual summoning of such an entity would have impressed her more than it did. Given the people she grew up around I suppose that was a silly thing to hope for.

“I’d rather this not be placed in the AEGIS files, Montcrieff” John said, sending it to her.

“Understood, Kelley,” she replied as she leaned in to look at the photo. “You can count my discretion although I may quietly show it to one or two people after the bets are paid out. You know they will want to see it.” She smiled again as she looked at the picture. “What a smart looking couple. I hope your parents have seen this.”

“They have and the FPO knows not to share it.”

“Young Mr. Novas must be heartbroken,” she teased. “I’m short on time before the meeting, Kelley, and I have to go get ready to set City of London on its ear. I’m truly happy for you and hope I have half of your good fortune with my latest para. He’s one of our boys this time.”

“Good luck, Montcrieff,” John replied. “Make sure he treats you right!”

“I always do,” she replied slyly. “Montcrieff out.”

“Kelley out.”

big teej
2022-06-24, 11:51 AM
Respawn (https://youtu.be/sOs151WIr1M) in 3...2...

Iron Station, Louisiana
West Side Provisional HQ, Basement Level
"Unsorted Miscellaneous File Storage #6"
11:59 PM

A mound of dirt coats much of the bare concrete floor. A network of gouges stretch out from beneath the pile of dirt, touching a scorched ring around the perimeter of the room. Atop the pile of earth is a claw-footed bier and a black lacquered coffin. The whole ensemble is lit from a single, cold blue lighting panel in the ceiling. The Room is still, quiet, and cold.

The single ceiling panel in the room flickers as the temperature plummets even further. A growing mist diffuses the light further as some unseen force stutters the room, loosening the dirt pile as it shifts and settles, incrementally stretching out further toward the perimeter of the room.

The mist grows thicker, completely obscuring the unwatched contents of the room.

The light dies.

And in the darkness, something stirs within....

Raphael Rothmyer, Sixth in the Line of Caine, The Abominable Child of sorcery considered foul even by his corrupt & Damned kindred, Heir to the Duke of the Wrathful Mire, The So-Called Hero: Nightgaunt.... awakens in his coffin, gasping for a breath his dry lungs and still heart do not need.

He reaches out with his right arm, the one that wasn't smashed to kindling by Cassandra's mace, and with a hiss shoves the lid of aside, it bounces once off the dirt mound, a second time off the bare concrete before bouncing off of an unseen barrier above the scorch marks on the floor and rattling to the floor.

The stricken and defeated vampire emerges, fangs bared, eyes blank, bloody froth drooling from his gaping mouth. From the waist up, Nightgaunt's costume is a shredded mess, his stove-in chest is exposed, along with the entirety of his left arm, hanging limp and pierced through by multiple compound fractures.

The toe of one scuffed boot catches the edge of the coffin as he tries to step out, sending the coffin tumbling off its bier and the vampire to the floor with a dry hiss of pain. Nightgaunt crawls forward on his good arm and his knees, staggering to his feet as he reels drunkenly to the door.

The handle turns at his touch but the door shudders in it's frame, chained shut by his own hand and forbiddance, further impeded by the piles of furniture disguising his place of rest. He rests his forehead against the door, breath hissing in and out through clenched teeth. He beats on the door with his fist, stifling a whine. The door, uncaring, remains closed.

The whine deepens to a growl. Let. Me. Out. The master of the domain wills, pounding his fist on the simple wooden door again. This time, a cascade of red and black energy flickers out, washing over the room. Outside, the baroque lock clicks open and falls to the floor as the door splinters open, scattering boxes and furniture aside, leaving a messy path free to the main area of the basement.

The manifest beast of his thirst firmly in control, barely reigned in by the shadow of his humanity, ignores the changes to its room, it's domain, the strange apparati of magical and alchemical experimentation. The Beast must be fed. The Vampire turns, staggering towards the stairs. It's eyes blank, it's vision unfocused. A single image fixed in the forefront of it's mind's eye drives it onward, ignoring the sleeping prey filling the building. A Large, Silver coffin, with small silver bags inside.

The Beast and its minder see nothing as they pass through the quiet, darkened halls and rooms of West Side's HQ, focused solely on it's destination and salvation: The Kitchen.

Nightgaunt spasms, flinching at the feel of the cold metal handle in his hand. He pulls open the door and rips out the crisper drawer; full of silvery blood bags. He heaves dryly before sinking his fangs into the first bag, drinking it dry and casting it aside.


mechanically, The vampire grabs another bag and empties it in the same way. And Another. And Another.

Slowly, bag by bag, color and warmth returns to the monster's flesh. Its skin writhes and twists as bones grind and twist back into place.

Satisfied the remainder of her charges are in no danger; Mimi dutifully alerts the rest of the building that Raphael is in the kitchen.

Nightgaunt Re-enters the Fray! (https://youtu.be/5fkOtxzHOrM)

2022-06-24, 11:52 AM
Tuesday, October 26, 12:07 am
Stella rounds the corner to the kitchen, and comes to a stop, seeing Raphael. Her hand goes up to cover her mouth before she takes a few steps closer. “Raphael. Bouille? Is it really you? Are you… okay?” she asks as she nears him. She tentatively starts to reach out to touch his shoulder, to make sure he’s not a dream or a figment of her exhausted imagination.

2022-06-24, 01:01 PM
“He’s where?!” John demanded as he stood up and willed his uniform into place.

“Raphael has rematerialized in his coffin, John,” Mimi repeated. “He is, at best, in a feral state.”

“Has he noticed the letter I left for him?” John asked as he willed a six-foot long Ash stake into existence — a contingency planned for but one that he had never hoped to use against Raphael.

Matter Control (2) Plant
Contingency Plan B (https://orokos.com/roll/946291): 1d10o10 5

“No,” Mimi responded. “He does not appear to be capable of that kind of consideration at this time.”

“At least he was foresighted enough to have locked himself in,” John responded as he considered his options.

“He just commanded the door to open, John. The lock has released and the door has been shattered.”

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” John sighed, “and may Heaven forgive me if I guess wrong. Mimi: Keep this quiet. Alert only Serpah for now and contrive to keep the hallways between Raphael and the refrigerator clear. If I fall, lock down the base and tell Emi that I love her.”

Invisibility (8) Slow to Activate -1 = 7
Contingency Plan B 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/946292): 1d10o10 7
Notice rolls are at -4 to detect him.

John slowed himself down, taking extra care in the casting of the spell. He did not want to act if he did not have to.

Stealth (https://orokos.com/roll/946293): 1d4 3

He left his room quietly, at least as quietly as he could while carrying a six-foot stake and made his way to the hallway, where he watched the vampire stalk towards the kitchen. His Amulet warmed as it controlled his fight or flight reflex, allowing him to judge rather than react out of some kind of insisting. Nevertheless, John readied the stake, preparing to charge it with Holy Power should the situation devolve any further.

Raphael was a pitiable sight. He still bore all the signs and unhealed wounds of his battle at Amity Court. Only a pained glimmer of humanity in Raphael’s eyes made John hold his hand. Even vampires deserved redemption and mercy, he reminded himself. Right now, he was a threat to no one. No one, perhaps, but Raphael and himself.

Watching Raphael turn into the kitchen, John slowly shifted to the far side of the opening, giving him clear line of sight of Raphael’s back as the vampire gorged himself on the packets of blood — simultaneously containing the Beast within him and allowing him to re-knit his broken body back together. He watched and waited. With each pouch, Raphael stood a little straighter and the Beast faded a little further from his frame until, finally, the young man was all that remained.

“Mimi: Please alert Stella that Raphael has returned and is in the kitchen,” John subvocalied. “Let her know I am present and monitoring the situation.”

John continued to watch, staying as still as possible. It was less than a moment before he heard her door open and her rush down the hallway to the kitchen.

Tuesday, October 26, 12:07 am
Stella rounds the corner to the kitchen, and comes to a stop, seeing Raphael. Her hand goes up to cover her mouth before she takes a few steps closer. “Raphael. Bouille? Is it really you? Are you… okay?” she asks as she nears him. She tentatively starts to reach out to touch his shoulder, to make sure he’s not a dream or a figment of her exhausted imagination.

2022-06-25, 07:28 AM
William rushes into the kitchen seeing Stella but also now Raphael. Will moves towards him and places a hand on Raph's shoulder. As soon as William feels solid matter beneath his hand he pulls Raphael into a hug. "I cannot express how good it is to see that you've made it back." Will pulls back looking a little choked up "I have so many questions." He says looking Raphael up and down "But I'll save them for later, just not too much later."

2022-06-25, 07:29 AM
At Mimi’s announcement, altering the base to Raphael’s return, John began to quietly drift back down the darkened hallway towards the basement and the skylight. The hallway would soon be crowded with his friends, excitedly welcoming him back. It gave precious little time for his and Stella’s reunion and he wanted to offer them the maximum amount of time they had.

Not that there would not be time for talking and other things after everyone reassured themselves that he was here. But the moments between now and then will stretch their patience regardless. There was no point in making it worse by putting in an appearance now.

He wished for more time. He wanted to warn Raphael that Stella knew. He wanted to alert him to Calvin’s passing. He wanted to warn him to be careful while Emil was around — although that, at least, there would be time for later.

Once out of the kitchen’s line of sight, John quickly became visible and dismissed the stake he would not be needing tonight. Yes, he could explain it away if he had to, using Raphael’s cover story of the Darkwatch having done something to him but there was no need to fuel that particular fire. His uniform and his location would need to be explained if he chose to remain in the hallway. He had but a moment to decide if he was going to teleport back to his room, risking someone noticing, or brazen it out.

Stand Down (https://orokos.com/roll/946359): 1d10o10 9

“Twelve o’clock and all is well, Seraph,” John subvocalized as the stake vanished into a cloud of mist. “Raphael is back and appears to be in control now.”

He reached beneath his cowl and wiped away a tear that was threatening to run down his cheek. He was back and as safe as he had ever been. He would need to speak with Raphael about his condition and what, if anything, they could do to make sure he never had to face the Darkwatch alone again — for his sake and for Stella’s.

With Raphael back, the only question about whether they would be striking at the River King tomorrow would be if he needed a short breather. He had had brief discussions with Stella about that timeline after his requisition for equipment from AEGIS had arrived but the final decisions had been put off to the regularly scheduled 8AM briefing.

The arrival of that package had disrupted his day’s plans. He had finally presented his credentials at the two local universities and had been on his way to puck up his nose credentials from the Historical Society, after donating at the level necessary to gain research privileges. He had hoped to look at the museum displays Emi had mentioned, curious as what had been done with the chips of the Stone that now sat in Seraph’s secure vault, and examining the Smithe genealogies, if they were available.

I likely won’t have details for some time, John projected carefully, but Nightgaunt has returned. Given your team’s involvement in the investigation, I thought you should know.

He smiled. Another thing I forgot and should probably clarify: Are there times I should and should not be reaching out? This is like hearing your name in a cocktail party and focusing in rather than having someone come knocking on your door to wake you up, isn’t it?

2022-06-25, 09:56 AM
Keith spends most of his Monday hanging out with Aeryn as he can and trying to focus in the gym. Even though he kept up with his meditations, he mostly tried to distract himself outside of hanging out with the others from worrying about hearing from Kylie. He did however send Grayson a text to see if he wanted to hang out sometime this week. It had been a while since they'd hung out. Aside from that, he heard about the KMBU tournament from the others and decided it was time to brush up on his own skills for it. He would have to be there next time.

He did however find time to talk with Sidney about the AI advancements he learned about at Innovatech. Though he didn't know most of what would go on, he relayed what he could just to try and be helpful. He hoped he would hear something soon, but tried to keep a realistic approach given what the girls had told him. Today was a day of distractions.

Keith awakens a bit from a dream as Mimi makes her announcement about Raph. He just smiles and races down the hallway to the kitchen hoping to see their companion. He slowed down momentarily before turning into the kitchen and witnessing the reunion between Raph, Stella, and Will. Still floating in the air he can't help but grin.

"It's good to see you again man, can't wait to hear how you made it back." Keith glances over at Stella and Will and then kept his mouth shut. He was interrupting. "We got a lot to catch you up on to I'm afraid, but that can wait as well." Their teammate had just gotten back so no need to fill his head with everything that had happened. Besides, this should have been a time for a reunion. He mostly stood off to the side after that.

2022-06-25, 10:38 AM
With Keith and Will’s appearance, John felt it necessary to step forward. While he might have to finesse his uniform, it would be easier to do that than to try and explain his delayed arrival. As he walked back down the hallway, John wondered if Raphael would have as interesting a story as Will did when he returned out of the blue.

That reminded him: He had not yet investigated Bayou Yaga to determine if he should be monitoring her or presenting his credentials. Now that he had accesses to the archives he needed, he could at least start looking into that.

One more thing on his to do list. He really needed to start writing this stuff down or putting them in Reminders.

Just before moving into the light of the kitchen, John pulled down his cloak and integrated helmet. “Welcome back, Raphael,” he said, leaning on the door jamb. “We’ve missed you.” He glanced at Stella with a mischievous grin. “Some of us more than others, perhaps, but I am glad to see you have made it back.”

big teej
2022-06-25, 10:02 PM
Reunion I

Raphael's shoulders tense up at Stella's voice. He drops the shredded, empty, silver bag in his hand to the ground and turns, wiping the corner of his mouth with the back of his de-gloved hand.

He lays eyes on the woman and relaxes. "I don't know how to be anybody else, Stella." He says lightly. He takes her outstretched hand and kisses her palm. He ignores her other question. Flickers of memory, ripping reality and mortals asunder shoved down and to the side, at least for the moment. But not before an echo of their horror can cloud his eyes. He blinks the sensation away, focusing on this tether to humanity.

When another, and another, come streaking into the kitchen.

He flinches in Will's grasp, but gently extricates himself with a smile. "I'll answer whatever I can." He forces himself to shrug. Like nothing's happened, like he wasn't almost dusted (permanently) by Cassandra. "I dunno if my answers will be as entertaining as yours were."

Despite his efforts to emulate his normal flippant disregard and speak normally, Raphael's voice is still ragged.

He glances at Keith and nods in acknowledgment. "Good to see you too, Keith." He glances over at John as he makes his second entrance.

He tilts his head to the side, considering. "How... How long have I been gone? Where's everybody else?"

2022-06-25, 10:25 PM
Reunion I
He glances at Keith and nods in acknowledgment. "Good to see you too, Keith." He glances over at John as he makes his second entrance.

He tilts his head to the side, considering. "How... How long have I been gone? Where's everybody else?"

“It’s been about two days, Raphael,” John replied as gently as he could, trying to gauge his state of mind. “And the days have been as full as the one just before. We are just a few minutes into Tuesday. I expect the others are still in the process of waking up and getting ready to make their way out to the kitchen.

John took a deep breath. “If you think you are up to it, grab yourself another drink, sit down, and we can bring you up to speed. I should warn you that it’s not all good news. If you need a few moments to collect yourself more fully or grab a change of clothes, there’s nothing time sensitive.”

OOC: John attempts to Pierce the Mask, gauging how in control of his vampiric heritage Raphael is and how ready he is for the news that is coming.
Pierce the Mask with Raphael (https://orokos.com/roll/946499): 2d6+1 4

John does not get a reading off of Raphael. At all.

John marks potential, completing his Track and resetting it. John selects Sanctuary from the Doomed playbook.

Faced with an inscrutable vampire, John vaguely recalls a story — an Icelandic Saga that was alluded to in one of the texts he had consulted when initially doing research on Raphael out of concern for Stella. Now that he thought of it, if what he read was true, it might provide something for Emi — if he could clear it of its undead occupants.

2022-06-25, 10:44 PM
Keith glances over at John and then shakes his head. "He's right, it's only just over two days. No idea how you're feeling but each day has been..... well full is one way to put it. You may want to sit down, and since not all of it is good, do you want that news now or later?"

Keith tried to gauge his response, but he couldn't tell quite how Raph was feeling at the moment and anyone that just came back from the "dead" might not be in the best mental condition.

Keith attempts to Pierce the Mask of Raph!
Pierce the Mask (https://orokos.com/roll/946502): 2d6-1 9

Question for Raph is, what do you want me to do? Tell you now, or later?

2022-06-26, 08:56 AM
Stella’s eyes get watery as Raphael kisses her hand, but she blinks them away as Will comes in and gives the vampire a hug. She takes a breath and steps back. “Bouille, can I get you anything to drink or eat? I think we have some pizza left in the fridge or I could make you something.”

It isn’t long before Drake arrives followed quickly by the rest of South Side and Sidney.

“**** dude,” Ryker says. “It looks like you went through Hell.”

Sidney hits her boyfriend in the side. “Could you be a little more sensitive?” she mutters to him.

Drake grins at the vampire. “I’m glad you’re back.”

Yuki peeks around Drake and Ryker. “What happened to you? There was so much blood there. And your scent trail just… disappeared. It was like you teleported or something. You can’t do that, can you?”


I likely won’t have details for some time, John projected carefully, but Nightgaunt has returned. Given your team’s involvement in the investigation, I thought you should know.

He smiled. Another thing I forgot and should probably clarify: Are there times I should and should not be reaching out? This is like hearing your name in a cocktail party and focusing in rather than having someone come knocking on your door to wake you up, isn’t it?

We weren’t really that much help, Emi says back quietly into John’s mind, but I’m glad he’s returned. Does he seem to be in one piece?

It doesn’t bother me to talk with you whenever you feel like reaching out. Not any people are adept with projecting their thoughts accurately, so whenever you do, it definitely catches my attention. The only time I won’t answer would be if I’m asleep or on a mission. I quite enjoy our conversations, John.

2022-06-26, 11:59 AM
The questions — especially ‘How did you get away?’ — were all obvious and predictable and John recognized there was no good way to deflect them for Raphael. Even more alarming was the realization that Raphael had been absent when he crossed a threshold with the rest of the people here — one where he had shifted from teammate to, at minimum, something like a friend for everyone else in the room. He wouldn’t be able to assume on that kind trust from Raphael.

That meant it was unlikely Raphael would follow his lead if he tried to shift the conversation. He might be able to ascertain that John knew about his condition but that, ironically, might lead to a greater level of suspicion rather than guaranteeing that he would be reassured.

As he ran through the list of things he would have to confess (I got a date during the investigation of your apparent death. But it’s okay because I knew you were a vampire and didn’t tell you that I had scoped out your coffin room — and didn’t tell you — and knew that I should look for you there rather than on the streets of the city. Oh, and I told Stella right after the investigation and showed her your coffin. Sorry I took that intimate, secret, bonding conversation from you.) and it was a list that did not inspire confidence in his ability to win Raphael’s trust. Yes, there were rational explanations for each and a reasonable person might understand.

John wasn’t sure how rational he would be if someone other than his parents told Kate and Stephen about his secret identity.

He couldn’t even buy him a drink to talk it over.

All he could do is wait for Raphael’s responses and see where things went from there.

2022-06-26, 01:49 PM
We weren’t really that much help, Emi says back quietly into John’s mind, but I’m glad he’s returned. Does he seem to be in one piece?

It doesn’t bother me to talk with you whenever you feel like reaching out. Not any people are adept with projecting their thoughts accurately, so whenever you do, it definitely catches my attention. The only time I won’t answer would be if I’m asleep or on a mission. I quite enjoy our conversations, John.

Right now, John responded carefully, he appears to be in one piece. That said, he does look a little worse for wear and that a shower and a change of clothes might do him some good. He’s getting peppered with questions from South and West so I hope to learn more about what happened soon.

And you were there. Without you, the team wouldn’t have a clear image of his assailant to work with. I know it never feels like enough when you are there to help, but it is help nonetheless. And as grim as the scene was, it did provide an opportunity for the two of us to meet.

I enjoy speaking with you — this way or in the more traditional manner — as well. Since it is past midnight, I wasn’t certain if I was waking you up or was in some other way disturbing you. Telephone etiquette doesn’t feel like it quite applies to this from of communication and I am still trying to wrap my head around what is and is not good manners.

I suspect my need to focus on my spells — both the casting and the directing of the results — helps with the projection. It’s not precisely the same thing but it feels akin to what I do. Still, I think the only way I would ever know of a lack of precision would be to find out your father was also hearing me because he commented on something.

How is your Myriad-supplied occult expert settling in? I mentioned to Ian that I felt like I should introduce myself to her so that we can better coordinate our efforts. I confess it is, in part, an excuse to find my way to your base again and acknowledge I don’t need an excuse, butI still think it’s a good idea for us to compare notes.

big teej
2022-06-26, 05:33 PM
Reunion II

At Stella's offer of food or drink, Raphael looks down, somewhat sheepishly, at the pile of shredded nutrient baggies - all drained to the last drop. "I'm not hungry." He says, squatting and quickly gathering up the shredded remains and cramming them into the trashcan.

He turns around just in time to be greeted by South Side entering the kitchen. He rubs at his exposed collarbone at Ryker's comment about his appearance. "Not quite." He murmurs.

He nods at Drake, "Thanks. I'm glad to be back. I'm.... I'm not really sure where I've been." He says quietly, his brittle attempt at his usual irreverence cracking.

He squints at Yuki, head tilted to the side, he opens and closes his mouth a few times, trying to form an answer.

"I... I don't remember how I got away." He says, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter. He stares at the table, perplexed.

"I... think..." He frowns. Swears. "I think I lost, guys." He scratches, continually, unaware, at his exposed shoulder and collarbone.

He shudders, straightening, recrossing his arms. "They said it's been a busy two days." Raphael says, jutting his chin towards John and Keith. "I didn't miss another scuffle with a major demon or something, did I?" A hint of his usual arrogance bleeds into his voice. "You guys were were supposed to be taking it easy for when we go hit the River King's stash Tues---Today." He corrects himself, glancing at the clock.

2022-06-26, 05:46 PM
Reunion II
He shudders, straightening, recrossing his arms. "They said it's been a busy two days." Raphael says, jutting his chin towards John and Keith. "I didn't miss another scuffle with a major demon or something, did I?" A hint of his usual arrogance bleeds into his voice. "You guys were were supposed to be taking it easy for when we go hit the River King's stash Tues---Today." He corrects himself, glancing at the clock.

Keith looks over at John and then back to Raph. "You, may want to sit down for this. Still no idea who the greater demon is, so you haven't missed that. But there was supposed to be a mission going to a rave Saturday evening. We went on the cautious side beforehand since...." Keith's voice trails off as he tries to find the correct words to use.

He takes a deep breath and nods. "We kept on our toes for the most part after we couldn't find you man. Started lookin' around some more but eventually, we started to prep for the rave and to take on the Dragonovs. That didn't go through either.........." Keith shakes his head. "During a short recon trip, Will and Calvin tried to stake out the warehouse earlier but they got blindsided. Will made it out alright, John got him out in time but, Calvin." Keith tries to gauge Raph's response during this time. "I'm sorry Raph, Calvin died as they were being extracted."

Keith glanced around at everyone else before turning back to Raph. "After that we went into lockdown and most of yesterday was just John bein' on a date with my friend Emi and helpin' Sidney here. Oh and a short field trip to Innovatech." Keith thinks for a moment. "That's the long and short of it anyway."

He has to keep an eye on Raph at this time. It couldn't be easy to hear that a friend of his had passed and given what they had witnessed at the Market, there's no telling how he would react.

Keith Assesses the Situation!
Assess the Situation (https://orokos.com/roll/946535): 2d6-1+2 8

What here is in the greatest danger?

2022-06-26, 05:48 PM
Reunion IIHe squints at Yuki, head tilted to the side, he opens and closes his mouth a few times, trying to form an answer.

"I... I don't remember how I got away." He says, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter. He stares at the table, perplexed.

"I... think..." He frowns. Swears. "I think I lost, guys." He scratches, continually, unaware, at his exposed shoulder and collarbone.

It took everything John had to not demand, “You think?”

“You did, Raphael. As near as we were able to reconstruct, the red-haired, armored leader of the Darkwatch team that attacked you hit you hard, knocking you across Amity Court sometime after you called upon something deep within you to strike the crossbowmen at range with some sort of attack that tore the fabric of reality. There wasn’t enough left of them to identify them by any means other than genetic testing.

“After that, you vanished — went to ground somewhere, somehow. Stella and I managed to determine that you were out there someplace — safe but inaccessible to us or the Darkwatch. We knew we needed to wait upon your return but had no way of determining how long that would take.

There were some additional events that occurred during the investigation but those are not as important right now. It was what happened after that Keith and I were referring to when we asked if you felt up to hearing the full story.

2022-06-26, 05:50 PM
Keith glanced around at everyone else before turning back to Raph. "After that we went into lockdown and most of yesterday was just John bein' on a date with my friend Emi and helpin' Sidney here. Oh and a short field trip to Innovatech." Keith thinks for a moment. "That's the long and short of it anyway."

John looked at Keith and glanced back at Raphael.

“Keith, where did you say you went?”

2022-06-26, 05:53 PM
John looked at Keith and glanced back at Raphael.

“Keith, where did you say you went?”

Keith tilts his head to the side waiting on a response from Raph and looks over at John. "Innovatech, and why does it make me slightly concerned by the way you asked that?"

2022-06-26, 06:46 PM
Keith tilts his head to the side waiting on a response from Raph and looks over at John. "Innovatech, and why does it make me slightly concerned by the way you asked that?"

“We can discuss your trip later,” John told Keith, recalling Raphael’s injunction to not speak of the matter while Stella was in the room and letting out a dramatic sigh. “It’s late and I misunderstood you. As it happens, there is a dimension that has a name close to Innovatech when spoken in the language of its inhabitants. I was worried you had started dimension hopping while I wasn’t looking.” John smiled. “You have to admit, things are complicated enough.”

Bluff (https://orokos.com/roll/946541): 1d6o6 5

“I’m afraid it is much as Keith said, Raphael. Calvin fell conducting reconnaissance with Will just before we were going to try to try to uncover some information on the Nova supply chain - either where it is being manufactured or how it is being distributed. The encounter did confirm that the Crowns are working with the demons but that information came at a high cost.

“I’m sorry.”

2022-06-26, 08:12 PM
Stella watches as Raphael gathers what’s left of his meal and her eyes widen a fraction as a realization hits her. “Just… let me know if I can do anything for you. Whatever you need.”

“What do you remember about the fight, Raph?” Ryker asks. “Currently all we know is some red-haired ***** came after you and kicked your ass.”

Drake elbows Ryker in the side significantly harder than Sidney had earlier. “He’s glad you’re back too, by the way,” Drake mutters with a sigh.

“Never said I wasn’t,” Ryker replies. “Just tellin’ it like it is.”

Yuki looks over at John in slight confusion at his exchange with Keith, but chooses not to say anything for now.

Stella also glances over at John and Keith, keeping her expression as neutral as possible.

It is a little late, Emi agrees. I happened to be up studying for a test I have tomorrow, though I was about get ready to go to bed. I don’t mind talking with you for a little bit.

I’ve gotten a lot of practice deciding my attention between things, so it doesn’t take up too much of my concentration to speak with you, though I would appreciate it if you would leave me be from 1 to 3 tomorrow so I can put my full focus on the test.

My father respects my privacy, so while he could listen in on our long distance conversations, he most likely won’t.

As for our occult expert, she seems to have settled in as well as anyone living under the same roof as my father who isn’t used to him. Her name is Victoria Riviera. She’s around Seraph’s age, I would guess. She seems knowledgeable. Ian and Zack hang on her every word, though I suspect that may have something to do with her looks more than how impressed they are with her occult expertise.

2022-06-26, 08:46 PM
It is a little late, Emi agrees. I happened to be up studying for a test I have tomorrow, though I was about get ready to go to bed. I don’t mind talking with you for a little bit.

I’ve gotten a lot of practice deciding my attention between things, so it doesn’t take up too much of my concentration to speak with you, though I would appreciate it if you would leave me be from 1 to 3 tomorrow so I can put my full focus on the test.

John’s look softened, with a gentle smile beginning to play about his lips as he tries not to respond in any way to Stella’s non-reaction.

“I suspect I will be busy tomorrow afternoon as well,” John responds. “And if I am not, I will be sure to keep busy and off the psychic airwaves. I had noted that you and your father seem to be able to carry on two conversations simultaneously. I’m a little less used to is so please forgive me if the occasional pause occurs on my end.

My father respects my privacy, so while he could listen in on our long distance conversations, he most likely won’t.

“Given his reputation for self-discipline, I don’t doubt that he does if he has given you his word. Nevertheless, I will try to keep the sweet nothings to a respectable level — just in case. I am, after all, still new at this and I would hate to disturb him or embarrass you with any more clumsiness on my part.”

As for our occult expert, she seems to have settled in as well as anyone living under the same roof as my father who isn’t used to him. Her name is Victoria Riviera. She’s around Seraph’s age, I would guess. She seems knowledgeable. Ian and Zack hang on her every word, though I suspect that may have something to do with her looks more than how impressed they are with her occult expertise.

“I hope they remembered the words I taught them, then,” John replies, somewhat amused. “Of course, I would know nothing about being so distracted and discombobulated by an impossibly beautiful woman that I embarrass myself in front of my teammates with my antics. Perhaps I should refrain from commenting too critically on their current state.

What does he know about Victoria Riviera? (https://orokos.com/roll/946548): 1d10o10+2 8

2022-06-26, 08:50 PM
“We can discuss your trip later,” John told Keith, recalling Raphael’s injunction to not speak of the matter while Stella was in the room and letting out a dramatic sigh. “It’s late and I misunderstood you. As it happens, there is a dimension that has a name close to Innovatech when spoken in the language of its inhabitants. I was worried you had started dimension hopping while I wasn’t looking.” John smiled. “You have to admit, things are complicated enough.”

Bluff (https://orokos.com/roll/946541): 1d6o6 5

Keith raises an eyebrow, given that John wasn't one to generally mishear a word like that. He let it go with a shrug and a grin for the moment. "That's fair, and nope, no jumping between dimensions. Honestly, the last time I got teleported was way too rough, I don't wanna think of what a dimensional jump would do." Keith shudders remembering the events following the teleportation. He couldn't do it as far as he knew but he didn't want to risk puking his guts out again to find out.

"That said, following this I would love to hear a bit about that dimension. Our discussions are always rather enlightening." Keith also looks John up and down. "So the conversation is more fitting about dimension jumping, I'll get my cloak."

Stella watches as Raphael gathers what’s left of his meal and her eyes widen a fraction as a realization hits her. “Just… let me know if I can do anything for you. Whatever you need.”

“What do you remember about the fight, Raph?” Ryker asks. “Currently all we know is some red-haired ***** came after you and kicked your ass.”

Drake elbows Ryker in the side significantly harder than Sidney had earlier. “He’s glad you’re back too, by the way,” Drake mutters with a sigh.

“Never said I wasn’t,” Ryker replies. “Just tellin’ it like it is.”

Yuki looks over at John in slight confusion at his exchange with Keith, but chooses not to say anything for now.

Stella also glances over at John and Keith, keeping her expression as neutral as possible.

Keith nods along with Ryker's question. "Been tryin' to dig up any info possible durin' my spare time. Nothin' to write home about has come up though." Keith shakes his head.

2022-06-26, 09:05 PM
Keith raises an eyebrow, given that John wasn't one to generally mishear a word like that. He let it go with a shrug and a grin for the moment. "That's fair, and nope, no jumping between dimensions. Honestly, the last time I got teleported was way too rough, I don't wanna think of what a dimensional jump would do." Keith shudders remembering the events following the teleportation. He couldn't do it as far as he knew but he didn't want to risk puking his guts out again to find out.

"That said, following this I would love to hear a bit about that dimension. Our discussions are always rather enlightening." Keith also looks John up and down. "So the conversation is more fitting about dimension jumping, I'll get my cloak."

John refocused his attention on the room he was in while trying to maintain his attention elsewhere. It was not impossible. He had tracked and held multiple conversations before — but never one in his mind and one before him — especially given that he did not want to inadvertently let information slip between the two.

“I was trying to get used to some of my new equipment,” he explained to Keith as casually as he could. “A requisition I had placed for tomorrow’s mission had come in and I wanted to practice drawing my gun. I was going to head down to the shooting range but got distracted by the thought of the flowers and Madeira in the library and went to check on them.”

He dramatically touched his temple. “I trust you will forgive my distracted state,” he explained. “I wanted to let Emi know that Raphael had returned and she and I started chatting about other things.” He glanced at Raphael. “Thus far, she knows you are back — nothing more — and she was telling me about their Myriad-supplied occult expert.”

2022-06-26, 09:16 PM
John refocused his attention on the room he was in while trying to maintain his attention elsewhere. It was not impossible. He had tracked and held multiple conversations before — but never one in his mind and one before him — especially given that he did not want to inadvertently let information slip between the two.

“I was trying to get used to some of my new equipment,” he explained to Keith as casually as he could. “A requisition I had placed for tomorrow’s mission had come in and I wanted to practice drawing my gun. I was going to head down to the shooting range but got distracted by the thought of the flowers and Madeira in the library and went to check on them.”

He dramatically touched his temple. “I trust you will forgive my distracted state,” he explained. “I wanted to let Emi know that Raphael had returned and she and I started chatting about other things.” He glanced at Raphael. “Thus far, she knows you are back — nothing more — and she was telling me about their Myriad-supplied occult expert.”

Keith raises another eyebrow and just shrugs at the entire explanation. "Guess that saves me from sending a group text in the mornin'. Though I wonder who their expert is. Eh, I'll probably talk to them all at some point anyway." He shook his head. He started weighing his options again. He already felt like he had screwed up entirely with Kylie, so that would be awkward as hell. Letting Emi tell them would be the best bet. Then again, he did just want another excuse to talk with them all. Considering their plans for today, it may be his last chance to if things went south.

Keith did get curious about the gun John had requisitioned and decided to make an offer. "What model? We can target practice while discussing if that helps. Two birds one stone."

Keith turns back to the rest. "Sorry, didn't mean to get us all off track."

big teej
2022-06-27, 09:14 PM
Reunion III

Raphael flinches at the mention of the plate-clad redhead. He opens his mouth to speak when Keith's words sink in. Raphael looks away from the group, eyes unfocused. "Calvin's dead?" He asks in flat disbelief. A cavalcade of disparate emotions plays across his features. His lips press into a thin line and he is quiet for several moments.

Eventually, Raphael takes a deep breath and lets out a flat "Huh."

His ice-blue eyes slide over to John at the mention of his date, but the vampire says nothing.

He grimaces as Ryker's characterization drags his attention back to the other matter at hand. "Her name's Cassandra. Cassandra Lovelace, called 'Unbreakable' by her comrades." His eyes narrow, seeing a distant memory. He shakes his head slowly. "I'm not safe as long as the Darkwatch has... an asset like Cassandra in Iron station."

Raphael glances around the room, his eyes landing on everyone briefly. "None of you are, actually, as long as we're working together."

The vampire uneasily shifts his weight, not meeting anyone's gaze. "I'm... I think that part, at least." He starts in a thick voice. "That part's easy to solve. I don't think I belong here anymore." He juts his head at John. "He's right. I killed those guys."

He considers his next words for a moment, mastering his emotions. "Heroes don't kill people. I don't feel bad that I did." He says, the thin tremor of defiance in his voice taking greater hold. "And I'd do it again." He snarls.

Raphael marks Guilty, for a variety of reasons

2022-06-27, 09:29 PM
Reunion III

Raphael flinches at the mention of the plate-clad redhead. He opens his mouth to speak when Keith's words sink in. Raphael looks away from the group, eyes unfocused. "Calvin's dead?" He asks in flat disbelief. A cavalcade of disparate emotions plays across his features. His lips press into a thin line and he is quiet for several moments.

Eventually, Raphael takes a deep breath and lets out a flat "Huh."

His ice-blue eyes slide over to John at the mention of his date, but the vampire says nothing.

He grimaces as Ryker's characterization drags his attention back to the other matter at hand. "Her name's Cassandra. Cassandra Lovelace, called 'Unbreakable' by her comrades." His eyes narrow, seeing a distant memory. He shakes his head slowly. "I'm not safe as long as the Darkwatch has... an asset like Cassandra in Iron station."

Raphael glances around the room, his eyes landing on everyone briefly. "None of you are, actually, as long as we're working together."

The vampire uneasily shifts his weight, not meeting anyone's gaze. "I'm... I think that part, at least." He starts in a thick voice. "That part's easy to solve. I don't think I belong here anymore." He juts his head at John. "He's right. I killed those guys."

He considers his next words for a moment, mastering his emotions. "Heroes don't kill people. I don't feel bad that I did." He says, the thin tremor of defiance in his voice taking greater hold. "And I'd do it again." He snarls.

Raphael marks Guilty, for a variety of reasons

No, Raphael,” John replied with some steel in his voice. “We investigated the scene. We may not know all of the specifics of what happened, but based on what we saw and what was reported by eyewitnesses, you were the target of a hit by a group of hardened professionals.

“While Seraph and I were reviewing what happened, we both characterized that encounter as kill-or-be-killed. It wasn’t the kind of fight we would normally participate in, where one side has an objective and the other is trying to block the first from achieving it.

“They were there to kill you. That left you with a very narrow list of options — especially when you were outnumbered and limited by civilians. Were you willing to risk their lives, you could have gotten away, I suspect. But you didn’t do that, did you? You turned to face the danger rather than endanger them.”

John took a breath. “Heroes don’t kill needlessly and indiscriminately. We don’t act with malice towards the innocent or without pity. We strive to use our abilities to make the world a better place — as best we can. Sometimes, we do well. Sometimes, we fail.

“If the Darkwatch comes to the front door, I will be the first to tell them that you belong here and that they don’t and where they can go.” He looked at Stella and smiled a little gently. “That said, I think I might have to stand in line to offer my opinions.”

He turned back to Raphael. “And if we are going to rank threats, I’m willing to bet the greater demon is a larger threat. We didn’t take up residence here to stay safe. We did it to make a difference. And unless I miss my mark, you are still ready to try and do that.

“I think you should stay.”

Provoke Raphael (https://orokos.com/roll/946646): 2d6+2 7

John attempts to shift Raphael’s labels — Freak down (You are more than the monster you fear you are. You are a valued member of this team and we care.) and Danger up (You have faced a dangerous situation and survived. Welcome to any given day of the week.)

2022-06-27, 09:55 PM
Reunion III

Raphael flinches at the mention of the plate-clad redhead. He opens his mouth to speak when Keith's words sink in. Raphael looks away from the group, eyes unfocused. "Calvin's dead?" He asks in flat disbelief. A cavalcade of disparate emotions plays across his features. His lips press into a thin line and he is quiet for several moments.

Eventually, Raphael takes a deep breath and lets out a flat "Huh."

His ice-blue eyes slide over to John at the mention of his date, but the vampire says nothing.

He grimaces as Ryker's characterization drags his attention back to the other matter at hand. "Her name's Cassandra. Cassandra Lovelace, called 'Unbreakable' by her comrades." His eyes narrow, seeing a distant memory. He shakes his head slowly. "I'm not safe as long as the Darkwatch has... an asset like Cassandra in Iron station."

Raphael glances around the room, his eyes landing on everyone briefly. "None of you are, actually, as long as we're working together."

The vampire uneasily shifts his weight, not meeting anyone's gaze. "I'm... I think that part, at least." He starts in a thick voice. "That part's easy to solve. I don't think I belong here anymore." He juts his head at John. "He's right. I killed those guys."

He considers his next words for a moment, mastering his emotions. "Heroes don't kill people. I don't feel bad that I did." He says, the thin tremor of defiance in his voice taking greater hold. "And I'd do it again." He snarls.

Raphael marks Guilty, for a variety of reasons

Keith shakes his head as he listens to Raph and John in the exchange. "Raph if we were trying to not piss off people and just stay safe, we're all in the wrong business." Keith takes a deep breath before continuing. "Like John said, that was kill or be killed. And that happens. It's what you did in the situation by standing and fighting rather than tearing through bystanders that set you apart. We all have our personal battles outside of this to deal with, and pretty sure each of them are just as pissed at us as Cassandra is you."

Keith looks around. "I think we can all agree that you do belong here, and hell if she wants to try again, you have all of us with you." He glances back at John and Stella. "Though yeah there is probably a line for that forming. And if she thinks you're gone, better to be here than out in the open where she could have a comrade spot you. Then same issue.

"If you really didn't belong here, then you would have just killed indiscriminately. You went for your threat and only them. There is a point where sometimes, you have to do what you can to save others, and clear the threat. That is what makes the difference."

Keith turns to John. "Yeah they were only there for him, almost ran over a lady and stopped. Raph, you did what you had to do in the moment, and no one can blame you for that." Keith sighs. "Not meanin' to repeat what ya said, John, just wanted to give another perspective."

big teej
2022-06-28, 06:03 AM
Reunion IV

Raphael is quiet for a long moment after John's words. "I think you're wrong about me... But you're right. I've got unfinished business around here. I'll stay for now."

Provoke - Raph does it, for now!

Raphael doesn't know that John knows, and doesn't think the team knows, and is still moderately convinced that learning he's been lying about being a blood-sucking monster would evaporate almost all of the support he's earned
Roll with +1: 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/946654)

I hold true to myself and successfully tune John out: shifting Freak up and Superior down.

Raphael feels *alot* like a vampire - and I want to be rolling at +/-0 on my new reality shredding powers.
Raphael feels like he's really sort of let things spiral out of his control, like he doesn't have even the loosest grip on how things have proceeded the past several days.

2022-06-28, 07:16 AM
Drake looks around at the gathered group. “Guys, we’re all tired. Let’s get some sleep. We have a huge mission later today,” he says glancing at Raphael and Stella.

“Yeah,” Ryker agrees. “We got a catfish to piss off.”

After a few more “glad you’re back and in one piece”, South Side heads back down the hall to the living quarters.

Ryker pauses in the doorway. “Raph, I know a guy a lot smarter than me just said a lot to you to try and convince you that you that you did the right thing, but I just wanna say that, to me, that **** don’t matter. I understand what you mean, not feelin’ remorse for what you did. But everyone here keeps insisting that I’m a hero anyway, so that must mean somethin’, right? I think that as long as you want to be here and save people, you’re a hero in my book.” Ryker nods to himself, then continues around the corner.

Raphael can see the beginnings of tears in Stella’s eyes again. She blinks them away, not trusting herself to speak at the moment.

You’re fine, John. Really. I hope your mission goes well today. I’ll speak with you sometime later. Goodnight, Emi says softly.

John’s watch vibrates on his wrist, indicating an incoming call from Seraph.

“Sorry I just got your messages and Mimi’s,” he says in Angelical. John can hear something suspiciously like a belt being buckled in the background and other clothes being put on. “My patrol took me by Natasha’s apartment and I saw her lights were on and I uhmm— I may have gotten a little distracted,” he says. John can tell that the angel is absolutely mortified. “Raph’s good? He’s okay? No problems? You’re on speakerphone, by the way. But she doesn’t speak Angelical.”

2022-06-28, 11:08 AM
You’re fine, John. Really. I hope your mission goes well today. I’ll speak with you sometime later. Goodnight, Emi says softly.

Goodnight, John replies, equally softly. I’ll be in touch tomorrow about dinner.

John’s watch vibrates on his wrist, indicating an incoming call from Seraph.

“Sorry I just got your messages and Mimi’s,” he says in Angelical. John can hear something suspiciously like a belt being buckled in the background and other clothes being put on. “My patrol took me by Natasha’s apartment and I saw her lights were on and I uhmm— I may have gotten a little distracted,” he says. John can tell that the angel is absolutely mortified. “Raph’s good? He’s okay? No problems? You’re on speakerphone, by the way. But she doesn’t speak Angelical.”

John smiles and replies in Angelical. “I’m not really in any position to cast aspersions on being distracted by a lady. Please offer my compliments to Natasha. We are here in the kitchen and the combined teams are heading back to bed. Raphael has some self-doubt but nothing one wouldn’t expect. I’m going to help him clean up in the basement before I turn in. Oh, and talk to Keith about some things, apparently.

“When do you return from your patrol? There are some things I should probably update you on. I can have Mimi wake me when you are heading back and meet you at the roof garden with some coffee.

“Any messages you want me to relay to Raphael? You are on my watch’s speaker right now.”

2022-06-28, 01:21 PM
Drake looks around at the gathered group. “Guys, we’re all tired. Let’s get some sleep. We have a huge mission later today,” he says glancing at Raphael and Stella.

“Yeah,” Ryker agrees. “We got a catfish to piss off.”

After a few more “glad you’re back and in one piece”, South Side heads back down the hall to the living quarters.

Ryker pauses in the doorway. “Raph, I know a guy a lot smarter than me just said a lot to you to try and convince you that you that you did the right thing, but I just wanna say that, to me, that **** don’t matter. I understand what you mean, not feelin’ remorse for what you did. But everyone here keeps insisting that I’m a hero anyway, so that must mean somethin’, right? I think that as long as you want to be here and save people, you’re a hero in my book.” Ryker nods to himself, then continues around the corner.

Raphael can see the beginnings of tears in Stella’s eyes again. She blinks them away, not trusting herself to speak at the moment.

Keith nods at Drake's suggestion but he would only need about another hour or two of sleep. Sometimes it sucked being the only one awake at certain hours. "True, night man."
Keith says to Drake and the rest of South Side before turning back to Raph and listening to Ryker's words before nodding again.

"He's right you know. But either way, I'll you two alone for a bit." Keith turns to John as he makes his way to the door, stopping beside of him. "I'll be in the library for the consequences of my dimensional trip. See ya in a few." Keith grins with the last bit before heading into the library from the kitchen to wait on John's explanation of why he tried to lie. Maybe not necessarily lie, but something didn't feel right. He whispers the next part after leaning in. "I need to know if we should go on damage control or not. Please don't leave me hangin'."

Occult Knowledge (https://orokos.com/roll/946693): 1d6o6 10 1d6o6 4
Keith is unsure if what John said is a lie, but he has doubts it was the full truth.

Keith attempts to Provoke John into coming to the library to explain.
Provoke PC (https://orokos.com/roll/946684): 2d6+2-1 6 +1 for Influence for 7!

If he doesn't, mark a condition.

OOC: If the Influence isn't supposed to be added in, Keith will mark potential.

With that, Keith makes his way to the library to wait on John for an explanation if he comes by.

2022-06-28, 01:52 PM
“No, I’ll talk to Raph in the morning,” Seraph answers in Angelical. “One second.” The phone gets muffled.

He switches to English. “Tasha, I love you, but I have to go. Call me later if you still can’t sleep, okay? I’m sorry you’re having such bad nightmares.”

The soft sound of a kiss. “I will,” a woman’s voice answers. “Maybe don’t wait a whole month to come see me again, hmm?” she says a teasing manner. “I love you so much, James.”

“You know I can’t promise anything, as much as I want to. Are all of your wards still working correctly?” Seraph asks. “Do I need to recharge any of them?”

“They’re fine. All of them have enough juice to smoke anything less than a Greater Demon.”

“Good. You know if you ever feel unsafe, call me or let Mimi know. I worry about you, Tasha.”

“Yeah, yeah I know,” she sighs good naturedly. “Be safe out there. Well, as safe as you can fighting demons. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

“I’ll be careful. Goodnight, my love. Talk to you soon.”

There’s a rush of wind that dies down as Seraph’s comm picks up the call. “I should be back around 4:30. See you then, John. Seraph out.”

2022-06-28, 02:09 PM
“No, I’ll talk to Raph in the morning,” Seraph answers in Angelical. The phone gets muffled.

He switches to English. “Tasha, I love you, but I have to go. Call me later if you still can’t sleep, okay?”

The soft sound of a kiss. “I will,” a woman’s voice answers. “Maybe don’t wait a whole month to come see me again, hmm?” she says a teasing manner. “I love you, James.”

There’s a rush of wind that dies down as Seraph’s comm picks up the call. “I should be back around 4:30. See you then, John. Seraph out.”

“Serpah sends his regards,” John reports to Stella and Raphael as he sets up a 4:15 AM alarm. “He was in a location where he could not speak freely — hence his use of Angelical. He wanted me to tell you welcome back and to let you know he would talk to you in the morning, Raphael.”

Noticing the Background (https://orokos.com/roll/946702): 1d10o10+4 8 1d6o6+4 9

John turned meaningfully to Stella. “The two of you haven’t really had a private moment since your return, Raphael. I think I will offer that to the two of you now. Perhaps a tour of the roof garden might offer you a good space for some time alone. There is a decanter with two glasses of a fine Madeira up there. I’d take it as a great compliment if you were to finish it together — assuming you enjoy wine.” He fixed Raphael with a look. “I’ll go down and clean up the basement before I follow Keith to the library to discuss the oddities of the multiverse. Mimi tells me your arrival was somewhat dramatic and I would hate for the wood from the door and the crates to cause any unintentional harm. I can have them back together in a few moments for you.

“Shall I re-lock the door for you or leave your heirloom padlock somewhere for you to take care of that later?”

big teej
2022-06-29, 07:26 AM
Reunion V

Raphael stares after Ryker for several seconds before glancing at Stella and returning his attention to John. "I actually.... don't have a clue. I've never been particularly interested in alcohol. But I guess I could give it a try."

He narrows his eyes at John, a hint of his usual cheek returning, "I guess the drinking age is a lot younger across the pond."

His expression quickly changes to a mortified grimace when the rest of the resident occultist's words sink in. "If it's intact, I'll retrieve it later."

He glances between the two "Roof Garden?"

2022-06-29, 08:00 AM
“It’s probably better if I just show you,” Stella says, gingerly taking Raphael’s hand. She squeezes it, almost to make sure he’s still there before leading him up to the roof to see John’s handiwork.

Once they’re on the roof, Stella releases Raphael’s hand. She looks at him, his shredded costume, his exposed shoulder, the puncture through his thigh, and once again has to blink away tears. “I was… I was so worried about you. Are you really okay? There was so much blood there, and Yuki knew it was yours.”

She carefully reaches up and touches his bare shoulder before moving her hand to the side of his face and gently kissing him if he’ll let her. “Still warm…” she whispers.

2022-06-29, 08:09 AM
“Hello, again, Keith,” John said walking into the library and making for the sideboard. “Do you drink Madeira? I got this to have on hand for Emi’s father on Sunday and am told it really doesn’t last once opened. I had a small taste on Sunday while I was decanting it but haven’t had a full glass. Shall I pour one for you as well — underage or no? I suspect we will both need one before the conversation is done.”

John would have preferred to have some time between his brief work in the basement and this conversation. At the rate things were going, he would be lucky to get in a single sleep cycle tonight. While restoring the crates and the door had been a trivial task, the scatter zone had been quiet testament to the power that Raphael had found within himself during the fight at Amity Court and had confirmed his decision to monitor the vampire as he had made his way to the kitchen had been the right one. An out of control Raphael would have been a frightening opponent in such an enclosed space.

Matter Control 2 (Plant), Matter Control (2) Metal
Spellcasting (https://orokos.com/roll/946767): 1d10o10 6 1d6o6 1

He hoped that Seraph or Stella would be able to reassure Raphael that his place was here with the team. Perhaps the mission later today would help convince him as well, given that the entire team was turning out to back him up.

He had also hoped, at some point, to get a better sense of why Keith had had issues with Emi’s teammates. Sure, there had been some light hazing of him when he arrived at East’s base — entirely of the sort expected from a brother and his friend trying to take a suitor’s measure — but that had been child’s play compared to his initial encounter with her father. And, following Ian and Zack’s initial forays, his conversation with them had been pleasant enough. True, he had employed one of the oldest tricks in his father’s playbook to stay on solid footing: “Always try to talk shop with a man you are trying to get on with, John. It’s almost always a safe topic, whether you are meeting with an Afghani Warlord or the head of a Milanese design house. If you are peers, it’s a chance to compare notes. If you know nothing about his line of work, it’s a chance for him to demonstrate his worth. Either stands you in good stead, if you are willing to chat pleasantly.”

Kate had offered that one of the equivalent tricks for women at most social events is to look down and compliment the other woman’s shoes — although Jeffery informed them in no uncertain terms during that conversation that, unless John or Stephen were prepared to come out there and then, they were never to try to use that with a woman except in the most desperate of circumstances.

But those issues were for later. Right now, he had other issues to face. He hoped that the way his hair stood on end when Keith mentioned they had been to Innovotech was just paranoia brought on by the late hour.

Danger Sense (https://orokos.com/roll/946748): 1d10o10+2 9 1d6o6+2 7

But that feeling had not misled him so far.

“I gather,” John said as he poured out the Madeira, “that Raphael didn’t spread the word to you about exactly who had been possessed by the greater demon plaguing the city before he had his encounter in Amity Court?” John asked as he passed the glass to Keith. “Otherwise, I suspect the three of you would not have visited Innovotech. I am really hoping that you are about to tell me that you did not have any extended encounters with anyone from their IT Division and we can chuckle about my concern that you did not bump into….” He checked his phone. “Matteo Bordeaux, the IT Operations Manager there and man I suspect to be Stella’s brother — although it could be a cousin or young uncle, I suppose. And having assured me of that, we can share our concern for her position and you can say that you understand why I told you so absurd a lie in the kitchen just now to avoid triggering Stella’s curse and we can laugh over your near miss with impossible danger.”

John took a considered sip of the Madeira.

“It never seems to work out that way, of course, and I fear you are going to tell me something closer to a worse-case scenario.” He shrugged. “Still, at least the wine is good.”

2022-06-29, 10:39 AM
“Hello, again, Keith,” John said walking into the library and making for the sideboard. “Do you drink Madeira? I got this to have on hand for Emi’s father on Sunday and am told it really doesn’t last once opened. I had a small taste on Sunday while I was decanting it but haven’t had a full glass. Shall I pour one for you as well — underage or no? I suspect we will both need one before the conversation is done.”

Keith had willed his cloak on while waiting so that the meeting between occultists would feel much more, practical. He nodded and smiled when John did appear. "Hello again, John." At the question of the Maderia, Keith shook his head. "I haven't had it, though can't say I'm not curious. I am still underage though, but as my uncle said, 'you can die at anytime'. If you think we'll both need one, I'll take a glass, thank you."

“I gather,” John said as he poured out the Madeira, “that Raphael didn’t spread the word to you about exactly who had been possessed by the greater demon plaguing the city before he had his encounter in Amity Court?” John asked as he passed the glass to Keith. “Otherwise, I suspect the three of you would not have visited Innovotech. I am really hoping that you are about to tell me that you did not have any extended encounters with anyone from their IT Division and we can chuckle about my concern that you did not bump into….” He checked his phone. “Matteo Bordeaux, the IT Operations Manager there and man I suspect to be Stella’s brother — although it could be a cousin or young uncle, I suppose. And having assured me of that, we can share our concern for her position and you can say that you understand why I told you so absurd a lie in the kitchen just now to avoid triggering Stella’s curse and we can laugh over your near miss with impossible danger.”

John took a considered sip of the Madeira.

“It never seems to work out that way, of course, and I fear you are going to tell me something closer to a worse-case scenario.” He shrugged. “Still, at least the wine is good.”

Keith listened intently as John had explained the situation and his eyes widened when he realized just how close to the greater demon they had been that day. Thoughts started to swarm around in his head about just what needed to be taken care of immediately. If only Seraph were here then he could ask for a hall pass and check out Louis's home to make sure everyone was alright. Then again, there would have been some word if something had happened between Sunday and now. This would need to be addressed as soon as possible. Oh ****, how do we tell this to Louis.....

Keith glanced at the glass of Maderia John had poured and he went to pick it up. "I may actually need this. Thank you, John." Keith took a sip as he planned his next words carefully. "I wish I could tell you that this is all a massive misunderstandin' but we may have a serious problem then. Especially now since I wish this was a discussion on another dimension. So first the good news, I completely understand the lie and find it mildly entertaining thinking back. I can't fault you for it since I did jump the gun and explain the situation to Emi so nothing happened at Amity Market the other day. Before the rest comes up, I hope the date went well and am glad to see her father didn't leave you any less for wear." Keith grinned. "As before, and I'll say it again, I do consider you a friend, and wish for the best in that endeavor."

Keith took a steadying deep breath before continuing on. "So now for the middling and bad news. That information wasn't shared with any of us I'm afraid. Otherwise, I think, at least I'd like to think, we'd have all heard Saturday before the Market attack and even before the rave. So the middling news is we went there without knowing the full scope, but we did learn a great deal that could be of use if the projects ever get past theory and become more readily available. There's also a different type of AI programming that could be useful for Sidney's birds, just a matter of getting it going."

Keith shook his head for a moment and took another sip of the Maderia. "Now the bad news. We did have an extended run-in with someone from IT, in fact, it was Matteo's subordinate who gave us the tour. though she doesn't know the full scope of everything and the running story is he has been sick the past week or so. Part of the next is no trouble, since my face is usually covered during our hero work, but we may need to get Seraph to call in a favor for Louis's family. If they can pull up the info from our I.D.s they had us show to get in, they'll know our addresses. Shouldn't be a big deal for me or Will since, well the obvious reason for Will and then mine is technically another state. I could try to call in a favor for relocation with one of my old squad on Empire duty, but there's no tellin' if they'd pick up. I do think you're right about it being Stella's brother too. From what we learned about Matteo before, well I suppose possession would be the best term here, he would talk about his sister, and their mother has been in the hospital sick for about a year. Not sure how long Stella's mom has been there, but I'm certain that narrows down our list of family members. Afterall, that is too big of a coincidence in story to ignore."

Keith sighed as he thought about the next part. "Suppose the best news of this is we never directly had contact with Matteo." Keith chuckled a bit, though it was mostly nerves from considering just how screwed they could be. "And the wine is good. Safe to assume you did some digging and found out his favorite wine?"

2022-06-29, 11:31 AM
{Cut for Length} Keith sighed as he thought about the next part. "Suppose the best news of this is we never directly had contact with Matteo." Keith chuckled a bit, though it was mostly nerves from considering just how screwed they could be. "And the wine is good. Safe to assume you did some digging and found out his favorite wine?"

“A sommelier I met last summer told me they always kept notes on their best clients’ preferences so they knew what too keep on hand. Once I knew Mr. Shaw kept a driver on staff at his own expense, I called the highest rated restaurant in town and asked to purchase a bottle of his preferred wine for sipping on after dinner. No restaurant is going to pass up the opportunity to sell a $3,000 plus bottle.” John looked at his glass. “That it was present here passed without comment. I’m still not certain what to make of that but I expect that anything involving one’s…the father of the woman you are dating is the kind of thing that keeps you second guessing.”

John sighed and turned back to Keith, reminding himself that this was a publicly recognized provisional team and not an intelligence cell. To declare them compromised would be inaccurate — although the parallels were close enough.

“Well, at least you weren’t standing outside his office or anything,” John continued as he sat down and swirled the wine in his glass to help him for sure his thinking. “If that were the case, there would be a real risk one of the three of you could have been followed back here from classes earlier today, compromising the location of our base. There’s no way of knowing how technologically savvy the greater demon is. He will have access to Bordeaux’s memories but he still needs to know what to ask or look for. So let’s assume we have a couple of days to arrange some contingencies to keep ourselves secure.

“Did any of you use your phones while there? I don’t know a lot about how they connect to networks, but the head of IT may be able to identify you and, if he has the right connections, track you via the phones’ unique identifiers. In fact, Mimi: Can you access Keith’s phone records and see if he connected to any Innovatech servers and if there have been any requests to have his number or his phone traced? I’d imagine AEGIS would have access to that kind of request.

“Now think back, Keith,” he said looking up. “Did you give any reason for your guide…. Why are you looking at me like that?”

2022-06-29, 11:48 AM
{Cut for length}
“Now think back, Keith,” he said looking up. “Did you give any reason for your guide…. Why are you looking at me like that?”

Keith nodded at John's explanation of the wine. "Suppose that worked out well. He may not have known what to say, or may have been keepin' up with appearances. Sticklers for rules tend to do that, though no idea what to think."

At John's question, Keith's eyes were wide again and he thought back to the almost mirrored sheen of the office wall. "We may want to move fast then. We did end up outside of his office. My classes are all online through an out-of-state school so no worries about me there. I'm more concerned with how deeply they would follow Will or Louis, since neither of them have a mask or anything covering their faces during our work. And as far as tech-savviness on the demon, he could delegate that task to someone else since he would be the operations manager."

Keith thinks back. "I think Louis may have used his phone, I just checked the time on mine but didn't send or receive any messages. Also didn't turn on any kind of network sync either. And if needed, I have no issues dumping this one." Keith looks up at Mimi. "Thank you in advance Mimi, though could we add Louis's phone to that trace as well please?"

"A reason for our guide to do what exactly? I asked a bit about his demeanor since our guide seemed shaken after she had to meet with him and cut the tour short. Did mention wantin' to send condolences and get well wishes to the family so asked about the mother and hospital. She didn't know the names." Keith sat the glass down on the table in front of him and stared down at it in contemplation. "This is not good. Things have just gotten out of hand."

2022-06-29, 01:53 PM
At John's question, Keith's eyes were wide again and he thought back to the almost mirrored sheen of the office wall. "We may want to move fast then. We did end up outside of his office. My classes are all online through an out-of-state school so no worries about me there. I'm more concerned with how deeply they would follow Will or Louis, since neither of them have a mask or anything covering their faces during our work. And as far as tech-savviness on the demon, he could delegate that task to someone else since he would be the operations manager."

Keith thinks back. "I think Louis may have used his phone, I just checked the time on mine but didn't send or receive any messages. Also didn't turn on any kind of network sync either. And if needed, I have no issues dumping this one." Keith looks up at Mimi. "Thank you in advance Mimi, though could we add Louis's phone to that trace as well please?"

"A reason for our guide to do what exactly? I asked a bit about his demeanor since our guide seemed shaken after she had to meet with him and cut the tour short. Did mention wantin' to send condolences and get well wishes to the family so asked about the mother and hospital. She didn't know the names." Keith sat the glass down on the table in front of him and stared down at it in contemplation. "This is not good. Things have just gotten out of hand."

“So, when you say you ended up outside his office,” John ventured as he closed his eyes, wishing Keith would slow down. “You aren’t talking about an old fashioned, wood paneled hallway with an inner and outer door that isolated you from him, are you?”

It wasn’t that Keith’s logical leaps were that difficult to follow. It was that the logical jumps risked leaving out details that might be of use. And it was growing increasingly clear that the team had fragmented its information pool. Sometime soon — perhaps tomorrow — they would have to sit down as a group to review what they did and did not know.

“And, to answer your question, I was going to ask if you could think of any reason you might have given your tour guide to comment on your presence. The fact that you were outside Bordeaux’s office — and your having asked after his family’s health — both are reason enough for him to have noted you.”

2022-06-29, 02:27 PM
“So, when you say you ended up outside his office,” John ventured as he closed his eyes, wishing Keith would slow down. “You aren’t talking about an old-fashioned, wood paneled hallway with an inner and outer door that isolated you from him, are you?”

It wasn’t that Keith’s logical leaps were that difficult to follow. It was that the logical jumps risked leaving out details that might be of use. And it was growing increasingly clear that the team had fragmented its information pool. Sometime soon — perhaps tomorrow — they would have to sit down as a group to review what they did and did not know.

“And, to answer your question, I was going to ask if you could think of any reason you might have given your tour guide to comment on your presence. The fact that you were outside Bordeaux’s office — and your having asked after his family’s health — both are reason enough for him to have noted you.”

Keith takes a deep breath and slows down a moment. "Sorry, no it wasn't an old-fashioned hallway. Standard corporate cubicle area with a back-office that was mirrored. If I'm thinkin' right, he definitely would have seen us. And Guess I screwed up with the concern. Aside from that, no reason really for our guide to note our presence to him." Keith thinks for a moment before the words all out again. "Oh ****..... Louis asked about internships. Outside of that, nothing else to draw much attention."

He leans back in the chair a moment. "I can easily disguise myself when walking around outside to avoid part of this, but we need to bring our information together soon." Keith huffs out a laugh. "Ya know, I thought hearing all this I would be more upset about this not getting shared, but I have a feeling this may be one of the kinder receptions at the news."

Keith thinks again for a moment as he processes the rest of the day. "Something else has me concerned now since he's working at Innovatech. Two of the experiments we witnessed could be massively useful to him as well, if they can get one of them off the ground. One was making bodyparts from stem cell tech. The greater demon would still have his own power in Matteo's body, but something more durable would be desired." He shakes his head. "I can't believe made such a mess of this."

2022-06-29, 04:14 PM
Keith takes a deep breath and slows down a moment. "Sorry, no it wasn't an old-fashioned hallway. Standard corporate cubicle area with a back-office that was mirrored. If I'm thinkin' right, he definitely would have seen us. And Guess I screwed up with the concern. Aside from that, no reason really for our guide to note our presence to him." Keith thinks for a moment before the words all out again. "Oh ****..... Louis asked about internships. Outside of that, nothing else to draw much attention."

He leans back in the chair a moment. "I can easily disguise myself when walking around outside to avoid part of this, but we need to bring our information together soon." Keith huffs out a laugh. "Ya know, I thought hearing all this I would be more upset about this not getting shared, but I have a feeling this may be one of the kinder receptions at the news."

Keith thinks again for a moment as he processes the rest of the day. "Something else has me concerned now since he's working at Innovatech. Two of the experiments we witnessed could be massively useful to him as well, if they can get one of them off the ground. One was making bodyparts from stem cell tech. The greater demon would still have his own power in Matteo's body, but something more durable would be desired." He shakes his head. "I can't believe made such a mess of this."

John paused before responding. “None of us should be quick to shoulder the blame — either individually or collectively. We are all bound to make mistakes and all we can do is try to make things right.

“That the greater demon has access to all of the secrets of Innovatech is frightening in and of itself. With the level of access he has, he has the ability to access most of the technological and personal secrets in the company. Think about it: How many people in Innovatech have stored personal information in their email? Or had medical information supplied to them — the kind of medical information that might form leverage for the selling of a soul — or just a piece of innocent information or task — for their health to be improved.

“And that is above and beyond the three of you. He may know Will’s face from his unfortunate encounter with the Crowns a couple days ago. And there is no way for us to know if it has access to other ways of identifying you, or me, or any of the rest of us. It may be safest for us to consider how we should act if we, and perhaps the base, have been compromised.

“I wish I knew how the demon found Bordeaux. His family traditions make me suspect he was a victim rather than a willing participant in letting a demon in. I can’t imagine his mother or his sister letting him get into that kind of thing. And possession is seldom a willing thing with demons.

“So who summoned a greater demon and gave it Bordeaux as a shell to reside within? And why? And what’s the connection to the Mangeur de Coeur. Were they what was needed to summon the greater demon or were they working for him?”

John took another sip of the Madeira. “We need more information and we need it quickly. Do you or Mimi know if anyone has been filing reports on the team’s activities since the demons started to arrive? I suspect I should make some time to read them, if they have.”

2022-06-29, 05:36 PM
“With my help, Seraph writes the reports,” Mimi replies. “I can ask him to grant you access to them, if you wish. I have also looked at both Keith and Louis’ phones. Louis only sent a message to me. It doesn’t seem like they pinged any Innovatech servers, and I haven’t found any malicious software.”

There’s a soft voice enters John’s mind. “May I come in? I need to talk to you,” Yuki says.

2022-06-29, 05:39 PM
John paused before responding. “None of us should be quick to shoulder the blame — either individually or collectively. We are all bound to make mistakes and all we can do is try to make things right.

“That the greater demon has access to all of the secrets of Innovatech is frightening in and of itself. With the level of access he has, he has the ability to access most of the technological and personal secrets in the company. Think about it: How many people in Innovatech have stored personal information in their email? Or had medical information supplied to them — the kind of medical information that might form leverage for the selling of a soul — or just a piece of innocent information or task — for their health to be improved.

“And that is above and beyond the three of you. He may know Will’s face from his unfortunate encounter with the Crowns a couple days ago. And there is no way for us to know if it has access to other ways of identifying you, or me, or any of the rest of us. It may be safest for us to consider how we should act if we, and perhaps the base, have been compromised.

“I wish I knew how the demon found Bordeaux. His family traditions make me suspect he was a victim rather than a willing participant in letting a demon in. I can’t imagine his mother or his sister letting him get into that kind of thing. And possession is seldom a willing thing with demons.

“So who summoned a greater demon and gave it Bordeaux as a shell to reside within? And why? And what’s the connection to the Mangeur de Coeur. Were they what was needed to summon the greater demon or were they working for him?”

John took another sip of the Madeira. “We need more information and we need it quickly. Do you or Mimi know if anyone has been filing reports on the team’s activities since the demons started to arrive? I suspect I should make some time to read them, if they have.”

Keith leans forward to grab the glass and take another sip of the Madeira before setting it back down and leaning into his interlocked hands as though thinking. "True, we shouldn't be so quick for shouldering the blame, but that would be a careless mistake Agent Don E. would have gutted someone for." Keith shook his head. "Then again, he would probably find this mildly entertaining and just say things just got more fun."

"We could probably assume that he's going to make use of most of the staff, either through possession or manipulation of the like. I think most everyone else for the moment should be ok since..... again most of us wear masks or cover our faces in some way. Checking through the base and going over any security would be our best option. Possibly setting up any wards as well, though I'm not experienced in that department." Keith huffs another laugh. "Honestly, if we had the time, I'd ask if you could teach me some, even if it was just that language you and Seraph keep using. Another time though when things have calmed down."

Keith tilts his head to the side and then nods. "The Heart Eaters? That's a good question. If Matteo knew of his mother's condition, he may have been made to participate in much the same manner Stella was in aiding the River King. I would almost think that the Empire was connected if not for most of the gangs being used." Keith stares at the wine glass in a pensive manner.

“With my help, Seraph writes the reports,” Mimi replies. “I can ask him to grant you access to them, if you wish. I have also looked at both Keith and Louis’ phones. Louis only sent a message to me. It doesn’t seem like they pinged any Innovatech servers, and I haven’t found any malicious software.”

After Mimi's response on the reports, Keith looks up at the speaker and smiles. "Mimi, would it be alright with you if I spent the rest of the evening, or morning in this case, going over those files?" He turns back to John. "You probably know already but, I don't really sleep that much considerin', well you know. I can go through the reports and get a bit of rest during meditation before our normal morning meeting. That or when Seraph gets back we can get this to him ASAP. And glad to know we don't have to worry much on the phones at this point."

2022-06-29, 05:45 PM
“With my help, Seraph writes the reports,” Mimi replies. “I can ask him to grant you access to them, if you wish. I have also looked at both Keith and Louis’ phones. Louis only sent a message to me. It doesn’t seem like they pinged any Innovatech servers, and I haven’t found any malicious software.”

John released his breath. “That is a relief.”

There’s a soft voice enters John’s mind. “May I come in? I need to talk to you,” Yuki says.

“Of course you may, Yuki,” John projects. “You would be very welcome and, depending on how much you have heard, you will doubtless have been able to determine that Keith and I could use all the help we can get. I am still impressed with how quickly you pieced things together at Amity Court. Shall I pour you a glass as well?”

He stopped and rolled his eyes. Had he gotten so used to communicating with Emi that way that quickly.

“Of course you may join us, Yuki,” John repeated as he stood in anticipation of her entrance.. “You would be very welcome and, depending on how much you have heard, you will doubtless have been able to determine that Keith and I could use all the help we can get. Shall I pour you a glass as well?”

2022-06-29, 06:55 PM
“I have messaged Seraph, Keith,” Mimi answers. “I will let you know as soon as he replies to me. It seems he’s currently engaged in combat.”

The door slides open to reveal Yuki in her wolf form.

Even as wolf, there’s hurt and betrayal present in her eyes.

She pads into the room and sits on her haunches. “I wanted to speak to you about what happened in the kitchen, but I smelled Keith in here too. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I… wish to help if I can.”

2022-06-29, 07:07 PM
“I have messaged Seraph, Keith,” Mimi answers. “I will let you know as soon as he replies to me. It seems he’s currently engaged in combat.”

The door slides open to reveal Yuki in her wolf form.

Even as wolf, there’s hurt and betrayal present in her eyes.

She pads into the room and sits on her haunches. “I wanted to speak to you about what happened in the kitchen, but I smelled Keith in here too. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I… wish to help if I can.”

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/946814): 1d10o10+4 11 1d6o6+4 5

“Your help is always welcome and always valued, Yuki,” John replied with great sincerity. “How much have you heard of what Keith and I have been discussing? I wasn’t sure if you heard my explanation for why I had to lie about Innovatech or not.”

2022-06-29, 07:25 PM
“I have messaged Seraph, Keith,” Mimi answers. “I will let you know as soon as he replies to me. It seems he’s currently engaged in combat.”

The door slides open to reveal Yuki in her wolf form.

Even as wolf, there’s hurt and betrayal present in her eyes.

She pads into the room and sits on her haunches. “I wanted to speak to you about what happened in the kitchen, but I smelled Keith in here too. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I… wish to help if I can.”

Keith looks up at the speaker and smiles. "Thank you Mimi. I hope the combat goes well for him, mostly just wanting to look back and see if there's a pattern or anything else to consider. That and not needing to sleep much means I have time." Keith keeps smiling. "Still, I appreciate all that you do for us."

As John mentions Yuki, Keith stands up to watch her walk in and tilts his head. "Sorry Yuki, hope we didn't wake you up. Everything ok?"

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/946817): 1d6o6+2 7 1d6o6+2 3

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/946814): 1d10o10+4 11 1d6o6+4 5

“Your help is always welcome and always valued, Yuki,” John replied with great sincerity. “How much have you heard of what Keith and I have been discussing? I wasn’t sure if you heard my explanation for why I had to lie about Innovatech or not.”

Keith looks at John. "Ah, I see." Keith turns back to face Yuki. "Glad I wasn't the only one to see through it. And would love any help, you know I always trust your judgment and advice." Keith sighs. "I'm trying to think of a contingency plan, but there's no tellin' if my old contact will pick up the phone, or even be available in the area."

2022-06-29, 07:49 PM
“All of it,” Yuki confesses, flicking her ears back. “I was thinking, maybe we should go back to where we found Aimee and, well, who we now know is Matteo. Maybe John could see something that we didn’t at the time.”

Her tail wraps around her paws as she looks at both Keith and John before she drops her gaze.

2022-06-29, 07:56 PM
“All of it,” Yuki confesses, flicking her ears back. “I was thinking, maybe we should go back to where we found Aimee and, well, who we now know is Matteo. Maybe John could see something that we didn’t at the time.”

Her tail wraps around her paws as she looks at both Keith and John before she drops her gaze.

“Found who?” John asks, dropping to one knee so that he remained at eye level with Yuki before he shook his head.

“No,” he added. “First things first. I want you to know that I am sorry that I had to lie to you and the others in the kitchen, Yuki. I know that is a breach of trust but I was afraid of setting off Stella’s curse. It protects the demon’s identity. Heaven only knows what it would have done if it thought Keith was about to name its host. And while that explains my actions, it does not justify them. I am sorry if I have offended or disappointed you.”

2022-06-29, 08:13 PM
“All of it,” Yuki confesses, flicking her ears back. “I was thinking, maybe we should go back to where we found Aimee and, well, who we now know is Matteo. Maybe John could see something that we didn’t at the time.”

Her tail wraps around her paws as she looks at both Keith and John before she drops her gaze.

“Found who?” John asks, dropping to one knee so that he remained at eye level with Yuki before he shook his head.

“No,” he added. “First things first. I want you to know that I am sorry that I had to lie to you and the others in the kitchen, Yuki. I know that is a breach of trust but I was afraid of setting off Stella’s curse. It protects the demon’s identity. Heaven only knows what it would have done if it thought Keith was about to name its host. And while that explains my actions, it does not justify them. I am sorry if I have offended or disappointed you.”

Keith's head drops to look at the floor seeing Yuki is such a state. "I-I'm sorry Yuki."

Keith then tilts his head seeing John apologize and then puts it together. "Wait, you said that you found Aimee and him together a while back? Wait Aimee Balinski? I..... crap someone else may have to ask since I've probably burned that bridge but, Kylie is workin' as protection detail for her right now. She's a reporter." Keith takes out his phone to look back at the messages between him and Kylie from Friday before they met up. "Turns out...... she's also Seraph's fiancee's little sister......" Keith looks back at them. "Ok, that is just too big of a coincidence to have there."

2022-06-29, 08:22 PM
Keith's head drops to look at the floor seeing Yuki is such a state. "I-I'm sorry Yuki."

Keith then tilts his head seeing John apologize and then puts it together. "Wait, you said that you found Aimee and him together a while back? Wait Aimee Balinski? I..... crap someone else may have to ask since I've probably burned that bridge but, Kylie is workin' as protection detail for her right now. She's a reporter." Keith takes out his phone to look back at the messages between him and Kylie from Friday before they met up. "Turns out...... she's also Seraph's fiancee's little sister......" Keith looks back at them. "Ok, that is just too big of a coincidence to have there."

John motioned for Keith to slow down. “All important details, Keith, and we will get to them in a moment. Right now, I want to focus on Yuki. It appears I have disappointed her and I want to know what, if anything, can make that right.”

2022-06-29, 08:33 PM
Her head tilts as she regards John. “That’s… that’s not the only—“

She huffs, pining her ears back, projecting only to the magician. “I’m more upset and confused as to why you would keep something so vital like the identity of the greater demon a secret. Keith, Louis, and Will were just a few feet away from it on Sunday. He could have easily killed them if he didn’t want to keep his cover in Innovatech. How did you get that information anyway?”

“Do… you not trust us?”

2022-06-29, 08:47 PM
Her head tilts as she regards John. “That’s… that’s not the only—“

She huffs, pining her ears back. “I’m more upset and confused as to why you would keep something so vital like the identity of the greater demon a secret. Keith, Louis, and Will were just a few feet away from it today. He could have easily killed them if he didn’t want to keep his cover in Innovatech. How did you get that information anyway?”

“Do… you not trust us?”

“Raphael texted it to me a day or so before he disappeared,” John explained gently. “He said not to say anything about it in front of Stella. I made the mistake of thinking he had informed others so that we did not inform everyone in a similar manner so that we did not risk Stella’s reaction. He had asked me if I could do something if I knew the name of the person who had been possessed. At the time, I should have seen that as an indication that he was not sharing the information as widely.

“You are right to take me to task for that oversight — especially given the danger it placed Will and Louis and Kieth in on Sunday. I should have confirmed that everyone knew — especially after Raphael disappeared. As to how he learned, I can only guess that he had sent the sketch Harbinger made to one of his contacts and they identified him.

“To your most important question: Yes, Yuki. I trust you and I trust the others. There are some pieces of information I hold in confidence because they are not my secrets to reveal — just as I would not reveal to Keith something you told me in confidence.

“I hope that makes sense.”

2022-06-29, 09:28 PM
Yuki’s deep blue eyes meet John’s and she eventually nods. “I’m sorry I doubted you, John,” she says softly.

She then turns to Keith. “Before you two joined the team, we rescued Aimee— and yes, it was Aimee Balinski— from a ritual site. She said that she had been held with a tall, dark haired man before he was taken out of the cell. That must have been Matteo. Half of the ritual was completed, but we must have interrupted the half that was going to use Aimee as a sacrifice.”

2022-06-29, 09:48 PM
Yuki’s deep blue eyes meet John’s and she eventually nods. “I’m sorry I doubted you, John,” she says softly.

“No, Yuki,” John responded with a smile. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Given what you hears and saw, you had every reason to doubt. I am glad you remained comfortable enough to ask me about it and hope that, should I fall short again, you continue to call me out on it.”

She then turns to Keith. “Before you two joined the team, we rescued Aimee— and yes, it was Aimee Balinski— from a ritual site. She said that she had been held with a tall, dark haired man before he was taken out of the cell. That must have been Matteo. Half of the ritual was completed, but we must have interrupted the half that was going to use Aimee as a sacrifice.”

“You said two rituals? Did anyone get a picture of the summoning circles? The names of the entities should have been there — probably written in Latin, if they were using some of the more commonly available texts. Knowing those would go a long way in helping us.”

John stood and retrieved his glass from the table he left it on. “I do agree, Keith, that the connection to Ms. Bordeaux — Stella’s mother — and to Seraph is a little too close for comfort. Two of the city’s noted healers potentially sidelined and made to suffer indirectly. Diabolical, yes, but there has to be more.

“It also confirms my worst fear. We have been focusing our efforts on the wrong target. The greater demon is a threat, of course, and one to be managed. But someone summoned him. We need to figure out why.

“There is someone else we may be want to coordinate with in that regard. Dr. Victoria Rivera has taken up my position at the East Side base. She’s quite the scholar in Demonology — I’ve read some of her work. Given Burnout’s bodyguard duties, it wouldn’t at all surprise me if she hasn’t already visited the site.

“I need to present my credentials to her, as it were, so I can take on the role of finding out if she knows anything we don’t already know.” John shook his head. “I am getting ahead of myself. My apologies, Yuki. I seem to be making a career of that tonight: I asked you a question and then gave you no time to answer.”

2022-06-29, 09:58 PM
John motioned for Keith to slow down. “All important details, Keith, and we will get to them in a moment. Right now, I want to focus on Yuki. It appears I have disappointed her and I want to know what, if anything, can make that right.”

Yuki’s deep blue eyes meet John’s and she eventually nods. “I’m sorry I doubted you, John,” she says softly.

She then turns to Keith. “Before you two joined the team, we rescued Aimee— and yes, it was Aimee Balinski— from a ritual site. She said that she had been held with a tall, dark haired man before he was taken out of the cell. That must have been Matteo. Half of the ritual was completed, but we must have interrupted the half that was going to use Aimee as a sacrifice.”

Keith nods at John's request and response to the info and sits back as he observes the exchange between the pair. Eventually he picks up that Yuki was upset about the same thing he was aggravated at. He shook his head and grimaced a bit. He wasn't quite angry, but he was irritated about the circumstances. Technically for him this would be the second time John had let him walk into the lion's den, though he did come out none the worse for wear.

"Keith does nod and chime in after their exchange. "Trust me I'm still a bit irritated too, but getting into damage control to make sure everyone is safe is helpin'. Part of why I can trust you so much John, since you did think most of us knew. I'll get irritated at Raph when he's a bit less dead." Keith turns to Yuki. "Also why I trust your judgments most of all Yuki! Though, I may ask for backup if we end up meetin' up with Aimee and if Kylie is there."

Keith thinks for a moment. "Two rituals? Wait, that might just be the slight edge we need." He turns to John. "We might be able to get to the sites again in the mornin', take a look around too. Or see if there's any pictures from the reports." Keith shakes his head and sighs. "I can text Kylie and ask if I can meet up with Aimee at some point. Again may just want some backup. And I do agree John, we need to know who set this all in motion."

Keith tilts his head at the mention of Dr. Rivera. "Oh they brought someone in too? That helps a lot actually. Could be a very interesting discussion as well." He thinks for a moment, trying to place if he could recognize the name. "Still, wouldn't hurt to see what you might notice too. Especially after what you figured out with Raph. Should probably plan for a group there too. No tellin' if someone might try to reuse the site."

Occult Knowledge (https://orokos.com/roll/946845): 1d6o6 4 1d6o6 4

2022-06-30, 01:44 PM
“Yes, there were two rituals. We found Aimee at one, the other they used to summon another greater demon. Her name was Zalta. However our two teams managed to defeat her right after she was summoned. I do remember there being three robed figures there, but they were all slain when the summoning was completed,” Yuki says.

“I don’t know if anyone took pictures, but I remember at the first ritual that the name of the demon was illegible. I would be happy to lead you through the sewers to both sites. Maybe we should also speak with Aimee, too. She was hurt and confused that day and I don’t know if anyone else has spoken to her about it.”

2022-06-30, 02:46 PM
“Yes, there were two rituals. We found Aimee at one, the other they used to summon another greater demon. Her name was Zalta. However our two teams managed to defeat her right after she was summoned. I do remember there being three robed figures there, but they were all slain when the summoning was completed,” Yuki says.

“I don’t know if anyone took pictures, but I remember at the first ritual that the name of the demon was illegible. I would be happy to lead you through the sewers to both sites. Maybe we should also speak with Aimee, too. She was hurt and confused that day and I don’t know if anyone else has spoken to her about it.”

Keith nods listening to Yuki's explanation. He does tilt his head a bit. "That actually makes sense to have them in the sewers, not many people would go down there without reason. Guess they didn't want any loose ends." Keith thinks for a moment. "Maybe a robe will still be down there and give us a clue to follow too."

Keith turns to John. "If Raph took a picture and sent it to his contacts like you said with our greater demon, maybe he did the same with the ritual site." Keith looks at his phone in his hand and sighs. "I'll send Ky..... Burnout a text later in the mornin' to try and set up a meeting with Aimee. Might not be a bad idea to see if Emi can tag along too if Aimee has some kind of mental block as well." He thinks again for a moment. "Or suppose we could ask Seraph how to contact her for a meetin'. What do you think would be the better route, John?"

2022-06-30, 03:51 PM
John drew his iPad Mini from its pocket. “Did Zalta offer a title by any chance?” John asked Yuki as he opened his electronic copy of the Clavicle. “Their hierarchies are quite important to them.”

Occult Research on Zalta (https://orokos.com/roll/946859): 1d10o10+2 7 1d6o6+2 3

That the name sounded, at first listen, like a female name gave John some pause. The thought of a demonic couple being brought across was cause for some concern. It might also explain why the demon possessing Bordeaux was seeking a stone associated with summoning. He might be intending to complete the ritual that had been disrupted.

But he was getting ahead of himself. It was best not to make any assumptions that might color his research.

“Mimi: Did anyone take photos of the summoning circles, whether those photos are from this team or in a police database accessible by AEGIS?”

Following his question, John considered their next move. “Unless Seraph is willing to clear us to go tonight, we have a little time to play with — although not much. Whatever our next step is, we should clear it and coordinate it with him — whether it has to do with the summoning site or speaking with his fiancée’s sister. I would like to have you lead us to the site as soon as is possible, Yuki. As always, your instincts are good. I’d be surprised if we found much there following the police investigation but we can’t expect them to have looked over the scene with the eye of a trained occultist.

“As to a meeting with Miss Balinski, we wouldn’t be able to meet with her with her until the late afternoon at the soonest and we don’t have a set schedule for our mission — unless I missed the time at some point. Regardless, I think we should wait on Seraph’s response. I am scheduled to meet with him at 4:30 — briefly, I hope, for both our sakes.”

2022-06-30, 05:52 PM
Yuki thinks for a moment before she looks back at John. “She said that she was Princess of the 5th House of Vaneya.”

John recognizes the name, but he can’t recall Zalta having a partner. He knows that her released form is gorgon-esque. Vaneya is the 6th plane of Vanuusha.

“There are photos in the reports from AEGIS and ISPD,” Mimi answers. “I will add it to the list to get Seraph to give you access to.”

“I agree with waiting for Seraph,” Yuki says. “Let me know tomorrow morning what he said. I took the day off for the mission, so I don’t have any classes tomorrow.”

2022-06-30, 06:23 PM
Yuki thinks for a moment before she looks back at John. “She said that she was Princess of the 5th House of Vaneya.”

John recognizes the name, but he can’t recall Zalta having a partner. He knows that her released form is gorgon-esque. Vaneya is the 6th plane of Vanuusha.

“There are photos in the reports from AEGIS and ISPD,” Mimi answers. “I will add it to the list to get Seraph to give you access to.”

“I agree with waiting for Seraph,” Yuki says. “Let me know tomorrow morning what he said. I took the day off for the mission, so I don’t have any classes tomorrow.”

John winced and pinched the bridge of his nose when Yuki reports Zalta’s status. “Well, it could be worse, I guess. She was only the penultimate level of royalty of a lower level of Vanuusha.” He sighed. “Nevertheless, someone is loading for bear if they are pulling that level of entity across. I’m not sure if Miss Balinski will be flattered or not to learn the elevated status of her would-be possessor.

“And still less than a fortnight,” John muttered. “Montcrieff will be so proud.”

He turned back to Yuki. “I cannot overstate how valuable your help has been, Yuki. I am glad you sought us out tonight and let us know this information. When you wake up, let me know when you are ready to meet and I will be at your disposal. Once I look at the pictures, I will have a better sense of how critical it is to visit the site but I will want to consult with both of you about that decision.”

Occult Research on Zalta (https://orokos.com/roll/946867): 1d10o10+2 11 1d6o6+2 3

2022-06-30, 07:01 PM
“You’re welcome, John,” Yuki says as she stands. She bumps into the magician’s shoulder with her head and wags her tail. “I’m glad I could be of help to you two. I guess we’ll find out in the morning when our mission is, but regardless I expect to be up around 6:45 or so.”

“Goodnight Keith, John,” she says as she leaves the library.

The stone that is kept currently in Seraph’s safe would be capable, with enough magic and blood, to summon a demon from the 5th plane.

2022-06-30, 07:49 PM
“You’re welcome, John,” Yuki says as she stands. She bumps into the magician’s shoulder with her head and wags her tail. “I’m glad I could be of help to you two. I guess we’ll find out in the morning when our mission is, but regardless I expect to be up around 6:45 or so.”

“Goodnight Keith, John,” she says as she leaves the library.

The stone that is kept currently in Seraph’s safe would be capable, with enough magic and blood, to summon a demon from the 5th plane.

One and a half sleep cycles, John thought to himself. “I am sure Mimi will be able to have me up and moving by then, Yuki,” he offered with a smile, “and Keith assures me he doesn’t need much sleep. Shall we meet in the kitchen, with its easy access to the coffee and tea?”

The domestic world of the kitchen felt like a safe balance against the otherworldly threat they were facing. Both Yuki and Keith had shown themselves to be brave in some pretty dire circumstances but every little bit helped.

OOC: Both touched by her willingness to help and shaken by her momentary loss of faith in him, John feels compelled to do better by Yuki and gives Influence to her.

“What do you think, Keith: Have we covered everything we need to this evening or was there something that we missed?”

2022-06-30, 07:52 PM
John winced and pinched the bridge of his nose when Yuki reports Zalta’s status. “Well, it could be worse, I guess. She was only the penultimate level of royalty of a lower level of Vanuusha.” He sighed. “Nevertheless, someone is loading for bear if they are pulling that level of entity across. I’m not sure if Miss Balinski will be flattered or not to learn the elevated status of her would-be possessor.

“And still less than a fortnight,” John muttered. “Montcrieff will be so proud.”

He turned back to Yuki. “I cannot overstate how valuable your help has been, Yuki. I am glad you sought us out tonight and let us know this information. When you wake up, let me know when you are ready to meet and I will be at your disposal. Once I look at the pictures, I will have a better sense of how critical it is to visit the site but I will want to consult with both of you about that decision.”

Occult Research on Zalta (https://orokos.com/roll/946867): 1d10o10+2 11 1d6o6+2 3

“You’re welcome, John,” Yuki says as she stands. She bumps into the magician’s shoulder with her head and wags her tail. “I’m glad I could be of help to you two. I guess we’ll find out in the morning when our mission is, but regardless I expect to be up around 6:45 or so.”

“Goodnight Keith, John,” she says as she leaves the library.

The stone that is kept currently in Seraph’s safe would be capable, with enough magic and blood, to summon a demon from the 5th plane.

Keith nodded in agreement. "It would be better to get some rest and work on it later. And there is still plenty of time. I'll still stay up just in case I have the permission for the files." Keith turns to Yuki. "Seriously Yuki, thank you so much for all the help. And in advance for taking us to the ritual sites. How can I repay you?" He then nods at John. "Think that might be everythin' so far, and the kitchen sounds fine. Easy enough access to that wonderful energy fuel."

When Yuki bumps John's shoulder and says her goodnights, Keith waves, and smiles. "Goodnight Yuki, rest well!"

Keith turns to John then. "Suppose I should let you get some rest too. Sorry for the delay on that, but I'll be up when you're ready, and if ya need me to talk with Seraph as well." Keith chuckles a bit. "Not that I expect you to need backup in that department."

After he was left alone, Keith's eyes grow distant thinking about how he has grown to trust his new team as compared to the issues with East Side. Granted his main issues were with three of them, and he got along fine with Kylie, Emi, and Grayson, he just had the trust issue of contacting them now from his own issues. Considering Yuki and Stella's advice from Sunday, he didn't know what to say or even how to phrase it. At this point, he worried that he might just make things worse. It didn't help that Zach would still try to shock him any chance he got, and then him being treated as a liability after everyone learned about his father.

Keith grimaced thinking to himself about what Emi had said the day before, and he started wondering if maybe Kylie thought the same thing as well? What if she took it further? What kind of hero would date a villain, least of all the son of one? He was still confused by just how to keep in touch when things were so, well after he made them awkward. Should he just try to chat as normal? Even that was awkward as hell now since he pretty much disappeared and hadn't said much over the first week he had been gone.

In the back of his mind, he could see his Uncle Ken just talking and trying to give him the advice on the situation, though it was something that made absolutely no sense. Even just picturing Uncle with his glasses and white hair in the cloak was enough to make Keith smile a bit in his worries. 'Remember Keith. You must look within yourself to save yourself from your other-self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.' Keith groans inwardly. Even when I talk for him, he doesn't make sense. Wait, how the hell was that supposed to help with this situation?

Ya know, your trust issue probably just stems from not trusting yourself right?

Keith shakes his head Yeah, I know. Doesn't help that I still worry about becomin' like that man. I'm pretty sure Ian and Zach thought that too as to why I got separated from everyone so much.

White sighed and laughed a bit. Ok well look, you took your shot, and either it's gonna work out, or it won't. You won't know by avoiding the issue and you need to come clean to the rest of the team about your past breaking into places, and stealin' **** from your father. Maybe leave out that he's our father for now but ya might feel better with it out in the open. Now suck it up, finish that glass of wine, that we both know isn't going to affect you Mr. Immune to Poisons, and text the girl about meetin' up with her new boss. White sneered with his last words. Do It.

Keith huffed a laugh and finished up the glass of Maderia John had left with him. Fine, suppose you're right that I can't just mope around while we have a mission to attend to. Keith raised his glass , and saw White do the same sitting across from him, though he was only in the mental space. Just as Uncle one said,

You can die at any time, you can drink at any time.

Just don't let another adult, or Don E. find out. Keith finishes with a smirk. "I should still try to call Don E. and see if there's a way he could get someone out here."

2022-06-30, 08:17 PM
John groggily opened the door to the roof, a full carafe of coffee and two mugs in his hand.

At least there hadn’t been any nightmares.

He set the coffee down and summoned a serving spirit.

Spellcasting for another Minion (https://orokos.com/roll/946869): 1d10o10 5 1d6o6 5

Please wash up the glassed that Keith and I were using earlier,” he requested. “Once they — and any glassware used by Stella and Raphael up here on the roof are cleaned, you may return.

“Thank you for your assistance.”

He really wished this meeting could wait. But in between letting Seraph know what he saw when Raphael returned and the news about the field trip to Innovatech did not seem like a pair of items that could wait.

“Mimi: Please alert me when Seraph is approaching so I can pour his coffee. Preferably,” he teased, “offering me more warning than you had been permitted to offer with Mr. Shaw’s dramatic entrance on Sunday.” He smiled as he poured his coffee. “I’m probably glad there isn’t a publicly available image of my face when you warned us.”

He turned to face the river as he took his first sip of coffee. Later today, he would be entering a pocket dimension somewhere beneath its surface. If they could pull that mission off, it might balance out their recent missteps — putting their opponents on the defensive. Even better would be to get in and out with Stella’s mother without their knowing until they were long gone.

He tried to reassure himself that his desire to get the mission done in time for dinner was more than natural and not a sign that he had lost perspective on what was and was not important. More than anyone on the team, he suspected, he understood what tweaking the nose of the Spirit of the River would mean for all of them. There was no avoiding it. His friends and the River King were already on a collision course. They had, prior to his arrival, already engaged his forces on the streets of the city — although what they were hoping to accomplish remained unclear to him. Come to think of it, he wasn’t even sure if anyone had tried to look for that pattern.

Another thing to look into.

He took another sip of coffee. Emi unquestionably mattered to him, of course, and the thought of dinner with her on any day was enough to make him giddy. To have dinner after this mission, however, implied survival, at minimum, and likely some level of success. It spoke to longer term hope as well — that he and the rest of them would not succumb to the fates Stella had dreamt for them.

Nonetheless, it would likely be prudent for them to chose someplace other than the riverfront for dinner.

“Mimi,” John asked tentatively as he watched a barge make its way upriver. “Have you completed your search of Burke’s Peerage to see if the Sterling or Shaw lines are listed there?”

With Mimi’s response and following alert that Seraph was about to arrive, John poured a mug of coffee and, when the angel landed, offered it to him. “Welcome back, Seraph. Before anything else, I wanted to ask how you are doing.” John looked at his Angelic mentor with concern. “I’ve often noticed that, at times like this, the leader must bear the weight of the crises at hand for others as well as for himself and is too seldom checked up on. Are you doing okay?”

2022-07-01, 12:03 AM
Rooftop- 4:30am
“I have checked and have not found the Shaws or Sterlings within,” Mimi replies.

As Seraph lands, his knees buckle, but he stays standing. His right shoulder is a bloody mess and one wing doesn’t seem to want to fold in with the other one. He gives the magician a tired smile. “Honestly, I’ve been better, John.”

He reaches up to touch his shoulder and winces, finding fresh blood. “Some demon wanted to use me as a chew toy earlier tonight.”

2022-07-01, 05:47 AM
Rooftop- 4:30am
“I have checked and have not found the Shaws or Sterlings within,” Mimi replies.

One fewer thing to be concerned with, long-term, John thought to himself. The peerage was not always welcoming to outsiders.

As Seraph lands, his knees buckle, but he stays standing. His right shoulder is a bloody mess and one wing doesn’t seem to want to fold in with the other one. He gives the magician a tired smile. “Honestly, I’ve been better, John.”

He reaches up to touch his shoulder and winces, finding fresh blood. “Some demon wanted to use me as a chew toy earlier tonight.”

“That wasn’t the kind of check in I meant,” John replied. Sensing that his serving spirit had already departed, he focused and slowly cast his spell, making sure to catch any toxins the demon may have left behind. “I was more referring to the burden of leadership and all that.

“You should have let me know you were in this condition and swung by.”

Healing (5) Cure (+3) Slow to Activate (-1) = 7
Spellcasting (Healing) (https://orokos.com/roll/946886): 1d10o10 4 1d6o6 8
One Bennie Spent to Reroll

“Was it one of the bigger demons,” John asked, adapting his spell to accommodate for Seraph’s non-human nature as he went, “or did one of the littler ones get in a lucky shot?”

2022-07-01, 06:57 AM
“This is isn’t much different from any other night,” he replies with a pained grimace as his wing pops back into place. “I usually come in with a few small injuries, but my body heals itself within a few hours with a little bit of sleep. Tonight I used an ISPD tip to track a lesser demon to a nest on the outskirts of town. I misjudged just how many demons were in there and a few got through my guard.”

“Thank you,” Seraph says as John finishes healing up the angel. “As for your initial question, I won’t lie to you. Losing two of my team in one day… shook me. I’ve been having a lot of self-doubt— if I’m fit to lead this team. It was one of the reasons I allowed myself to get a little distracted tonight with Natasha. She’s my fiancée—“ he stops, corrects himself. “My wife. We got all the paperwork in a few weeks ago, but we haven’t had an official ceremony yet. Only a few people know about it, so if you’d keep that between us for now I’d appreciate it,” the angel says with a wink.

He takes a long drink of coffee, then looks down into the mug, contemplating. “I’m worried, John. I feel like something big is going to happen and we’re not prepared for it. We’re at least one step behind in whatever’s happening here. Harbinger’s visions usually give us a leg up, but he can’t make sense of them right now.”

2022-07-01, 08:45 AM
“This is isn’t much different from any other night,” he replies with a pained grimace as his wing pops back into place. “I usually come in with a few small injuries, but my body heals itself within a few hours with a little bit of sleep. Tonight I used an ISPD tip to track a lesser demon to a nest on the outskirts of town. I misjudged just how many demons were in there and a few got through my guard.”

“Thank you,” Seraph says as John finishes healing up the angel. “As for your initial question, I won’t lie to you. Losing two of my team in one day… shook me. I’ve been having a lot of self-doubt— if I’m fit to lead this team. It was one of the reasons I allowed myself to get a little distracted tonight with Natasha. She’s my fiancée—“ he stops, corrects himself. “My wife. We got all the paperwork in a few weeks ago, but we haven’t had an official ceremony yet. Only a few people know about it, so if you’d keep that between us for now I’d appreciate it,” the angel says with a wink.

He takes a long drink of coffee, then looks down into the mug, contemplating. “I’m worried, John. I feel like something big is going to happen and we’re not prepared for it. We’re at least one step behind in whatever’s happening here. Harbinger’s visions usually give us a leg up, but he can’t make sense of them right now.”

“Congratulations,” John offered quietly but with a wide smile. “I assume the two of you are registered someplace but will hold off making any purchases until you make the announcement.

“Your sense aligns with mine. I am worried a number of us are holding pieces to the puzzle that others don’t have right now and that what occurred with Raphael and Darkwatch, to chose the most immediate example, is a costly sideshow.

“As to how costly that is, Raphael determined who has been possessed by our grater demon but it appears he did not have the chance to pass the news to anyone but me. I was under the misapprehension he had made it more generally known, as he approached me via text wondering if I could do anything with just the name of the possessed.

“Here’s the bad news: The greater demon has possessed Matteo Bordeaux — a presumed close relative of Stella — and he is high up in their IT department.” He checked his phone again. “IT Operations Manager. Keith thinks he may have spotted him, Louis, and William when they were touring Innovatech on Sunday.

“They used their IDs to get in and can be pulled up on any security camera. We have to assume their identities have been compromised beyond what happened with William on Saturday and should probably take some extra precautions with them and their comings and goings here.

“I am guessing you already knew what Yuki briefed Keith and myself — the name and title of the second demon that was to be summoned and possess your sister-in-law. She filled us in after I was able to explain why I had not passed Bordeaux’s name to others — although I may have skipped over the role my additional distractions may have played in that. I’ve been taking some amount of perhaps understandable flack for the timing of Sunday’s date and I didn’t want to go another round.

John sipped his coffee. “I had originally asked to meet you this morning to cover anything you wanted to know about Raphael — who looked rough when he arrived but healed quickly after consuming a number of his blood packets. Since my conversation with Keith and Yuki — both of whom saw through my fairly lame attempt to move the conversation away from a foolish question on my part — it seems to have shifted into a request to review the record on our recent missions to see if I can learn anything from the summoning or any patterns in the Crowns and River King’s activities.”

He sighed. “I suspect that the raid on the River King’s pocket dimension is turning out to be more central to what we are facing than I would have thought. I didn’t mention it to Keith or Yuki but I did want you to consider an emerging pattern: East Side’s team lead has been sidelined by the killing of her husband. You were almost sidelined or compromised via your sister-in-law. Harbinger has been sidelined by something complicating his visions — something that predates his contact with the Stone of Vanuusha. It may be worth checking in with Coldfront.

“Depriving the River King and the greater demon of Madame Bordeaux — in addition to having Mademoiselle Bordeaux here — may be an important shift in the balance of power in this case — along with providing us with what we can hope is access to someone who knows as much as her daughter but is not afflicted with a major curse.”

John took a deep breath. “And your resident occult expert is trying to figure out how to get all this done in time to go out to dinner with the impossibly wonderful psychic attached to the rival intelligence agency — who has brought in their own occult expert. I’d like your permission to share information with her — Dr. Victoria Rivera, that is — in the hope that her expertise in demonology can give us some insight into this.”

big teej
2022-07-01, 12:55 PM
Reunion VI

Raphael looks around at the transformation wrought upon the warehouse's simple rooftop, perplexed at the changes in the mere two days he'd been dust.

Stella's voice refocuses his attention, he steps into her touch and her embrace and kisses her. Eventually, a long moment later, he pulls away and rests his forehead on hers. "I'm sorry I worried you."

He tries to force a smile, "It wasn't really my idea."

He leans back, looking her in the eyes. "I think this was a lot harder on you than me. How have you been these past two days? I... I don't remember anything since the market."

2022-07-01, 01:56 PM

“Congratulations,” John offered quietly but with a wide smile. “I assume the two of you are registered someplace but will hold off making any purchases until you make the announcement.“
“Thanks,” Seraph says, returning John’s smile. “It’s going to be weird getting used to calling her my wife. We’ve been engaged for six years, almost seven. Harbinger’s been teasing me about it for ages.” His ears and neck flush pink. “Before tonight I hadn’t seen her in almost a month. I feel horrible that our marriage is starting off like that, but there’s just been so much going on with the team after the Panzer incident, and Tasha’s been working just as hard. I…” he pauses, realizing that he’s said too much. “Sorry John, it’s not really something I should be complaining about to you.”

He sighed. “I suspect that the raid on the River King’s pocket dimension is turning out to be more central to what we are facing than I would have thought. I didn’t mention it to Keith or Yuki but I did want you to consider an emerging pattern: East Side’s team lead has been sidelined by the killing of her husband. You were almost sidelined or compromised via your sister-in-law. Harbinger has been sidelined by something complicating his visions — something that predates his contact with the Stone of Vanuusha. It may be worth checking in with Coldfront.

“Depriving the River King and the greater demon of Madame Bordeaux — in addition to having Mademoiselle Bordeaux here — may be an important shift in the balance of power in this case — along with providing us with what we can hope is access to someone who knows as much as her daughter but is not afflicted with a major curse.”

John took a deep breath. “And your resident occult expert is trying to figure out how to get all this done in time to go out to dinner with the impossibly wonderful psychic attached to the rival intelligence agency — who has brought in their own occult expert. I’d like your permission to share information with her — Dr. Victoria Rivera, that is — in the hope that her expertise in demonology can give us some insight into this.”
Seraph moves over to the couch and sits, sipping thoughtfully on his coffee. “Well, the good thing is AEGIS supplies IDs with fake address, so at least Louis’ family is fairly safe. His name is common enough that it will take at least a little bit of digging to track him down— assuming the demon won’t think to use facial recognition software. Most demons aren’t very technically savvy, but I guess most of them don’t have the memories of an IT Operations Manager. I wish we knew his name or at least his House, so we knew what we were dealing with.”

He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’ll talk to Detective Varga and get you those reports and pictures. You may have to meet with him to get the physical copies. They’re trying to keep everything about demons out of the system and the news as much as possible. I also think it’s a good idea to talk to Dr. Riviera. I actually had a few classes with her at ACU; she’ll be thrilled to talk to someone that can keep up with her.”

“What are you talking about with Harbinger?” Seraph asks. “I know his visions have been jumbled since his contact with the Stone, but he hadn’t said anything to me about anything before that. Unless you’re referring his worsening migraines.”

“It’s not your fault, bouille,” Stella whispers back. “I’ve been… holding it together. It helps that I had Sidney and the grimoire to distract me from your absence.”

She closes her eyes as tears threaten once again. “It almost broke me when we arrived at the Market and couldn’t find you. Jaal and John are the only reasons I didn’t go flying around the city to look for you and your attackers. It hurt, thinking you were gone and having no idea when or if you would return,” she says, kissing him again. “I’m so glad that you’re back, Raphael.”

big teej
2022-07-01, 02:13 PM
Reunion VII

Raphael frowns and looks away from the woman in his arms. Unfamiliar with and ignorant of how to handle the complex swell of emotions her words had stirred up.

"John's only been here for 4 days. I'm a little surprised you found him so persuasive." Raphael pauses, thinking back to 'the meeting' where John was introduced to the team. He purses his lips, remembering how analytical and observant John had been, even only moments after meeting the group.

2022-07-01, 02:18 PM
John“Thanks,” Seraph says, returning John’s smile. “It’s going to be weird getting used to calling her my wife. We’ve been engaged for six years, almost seven. Harbinger’s been teasing me about it for ages.” His ears and neck flush pink. “Before tonight I hadn’t seen her in almost a month. I feel horrible that our marriage is starting off like that, but there’s just been so much going on with the team after the Panzer incident, and Tasha’s been working just as hard. I…” he pauses, realizing that he’s said too much. “Sorry John, it’s not really something I should be complaining about to you.”

John chuckled. “Who else are you going to complain to? Is there some kind of rule that would prevent her from moving in here at the base? It might be a big ask for her to suddenly have to become den mother for all of us but at least the two of you would get to be in one another’s presence.”

Seraph moves over to the couch and sits, sipping thoughtfully on his coffee. “Well, the good thing is AEGIS supplies IDs with fake address, so at least Louis’ family is fairly safe. His name is common enough that it will take at least a little bit of digging to track him down— assuming the demon won’t think to use facial recognition software. Most demons aren’t very technically savvy, but I guess most of them don’t have the memories of an IT Operations Manager. I wish we knew his name or at least his House, so we knew what we were dealing with.”

He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’ll talk to Detective Varga and get you those reports and pictures. You may have to meet with him to get the physical copies. They’re trying to keep everything about demons out of the system and the news as much as possible. I also think it’s a good idea to talk to Dr. Riviera. I actually had a few classes with her at ACU; she’ll be thrilled to talk to someone that can keep up with her.”

“What are you talking about with Harbinger?” Seraph asks. “I know his visions have been jumbled since his contact with the Stone, but he hadn’t said anything to me about anything before that. Unless you’re referring his worsening migraines.”

“His worsening migraines and inability to keep his visions straight is what I was referring to. It may be mere coincidence that they are getting worse right now but I can’t help but remember him mentioning the Stone calling out to him. That may be just a question of his and your nature but you did not mention it when we first opened the time capsule. His indirect contact with our adversary is one I am glad I did not have, but the targeting of senior-level heroes in this city appears too systematic right now for me to discount it as a potential plan.

“Of course,” he continued, sipping his coffee, “I don’t want to leap to conclusions either.

“I will make a point of reaching out to Detective Varga and Dr. Rivera tomorrow — well, today. With luck, Detective Varga will remember me from the Memorial and there are one or two people at East Side who will likely be able to get me in to see Dr. Rivera. ” He smiled slyly. “She appears to have made quite the impression on the occupants of the East Side base, according to Emi. At least I won’t be the only young man walking around there unaccountably distracted when I next arrive.”

2022-07-01, 07:05 PM
Stella rest her head on Raphael’s chest, listening to his heartbeat for a moment. “John has been nothing but helpful since he arrived— other than the time he activated my curse, though he didn’t know about it at the time. He… he told me something about you that made me believe that you would be back,” she says quietly. “I’m grateful that he did, because I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had no other option but to think that you were captured… o-or dead.” She hugs the vampire tighter.


John chuckled. “Who else are you going to complain to? Is there some kind of rule that would prevent her from moving in here at the base? It might be a big ask for her to suddenly have to become den mother for all of us but at least the two of you would get to be in one another’s presence.”

“AEGIS prefers if significant others live separately from team leads. Too many distractions. And a base full of young adult heroes isn’t really a place for children, if the team lead had any. I can ask for time off, but that leaves you without your link to AEGIS. And who else is going to do all the necessary paperwork?” Seraph says with a slight shake of his head. “I just feel like I shouldn’t be complaining to one of my mentees. It doesn’t feel right to burden you with my problems.”

“His worsening migraines and inability to keep his visions straight is what I was referring to. It may be mere coincidence that they are getting worse right now but I can’t help but remember him mentioning the Stone calling out to him. That may be just a question of his and your nature but you did not mention it when we first opened the time capsule. His indirect contact with our adversary is one I am glad I did not have, but the targeting of senior-level heroes in this city appears too systematic right now for me to discount it as a potential plan.

“Of course,” he continued, sipping his coffee, “I don’t want to leap to conclusions either.

“I will make a point of reaching out to Detective Varga and Dr. Rivera tomorrow — well, today. With luck, Detective Varga will remember me from the Memorial and there are one or two people at East Side who will likely be able to get me in to see Dr. Rivera. ” He smiled slyly. “She appears to have made quite the impression on the occupants of the East Side base, according to Emi. At least I won’t be the only young man walking around there unaccountably distracted when I next arrive.”

“He did say that,” the angel recalls. “I didn’t feel anything from the Stone, but Nolan’s always been more sensitive to that kind of thing.” Seraph sighs. “I wish he’d talk to me more, but he’s… stubborn.”

“Varga should remember you. He’s always been good with names and faces, and I’ll give him a reminder when I call a little bit later today. I’ll also speak with Alistair and get your excursion to the East Side base cleared.”

He grins at the thought of his former classmate talking circles around a couple of distracted young men. “Tori— Dr. Riviera is enjoying it, I’m sure. She’s always liked to educate others, even when they may not be paying attention fully.”

2022-07-01, 07:31 PM
“AEGIS prefers if significant others live separately from team leads. Too many distractions. And a base full of young adult heroes isn’t really a place for children, if the team lead had any. I can ask for time off, but that leaves you without your link to AEGIS. And who else is going to do all the necessary paperwork?” Seraph says with a slight shake of his head. “I just feel like I shouldn’t be complaining to one of my mentees. It doesn’t feel right to burden you with my problems.”

“I would think AEGIS would be quick to point out the advantages of having that many potential babysitters around,” John deadpanned. “In all seriousness, it isn’t a burden. I also suspect that, if the team were to learn of your marriage, it would quickly pull together to arrange some time and opportunity for the two of you. After all, if we were able to pull together to produce this setting, we can probably manage something for you.

“Don’t be afraid to reach out if you need to talk. While I can’t say you’re human, too, I suspect you get the idea.”

“He did say that,” the angel recalls. “I didn’t feel anything from the Stone, but Nolan’s always been more sensitive to that kind of thing.” Seraph sighs. “I wish he’d talk to me more, but he’s… stubborn.”

“Varga should remember you. He’s always been good with names and faces, and I’ll give him a reminder when I call a little bit later today. I’ll also speak with Alistair and get your excursion to the East Side base cleared.”

He grins at the thought of his former classmate talking circles around a couple of distracted young men. “Tori— Dr. Riviera is enjoying it, I’m sure. She’s always liked to educate others, even when they may not be paying attention fully.”

John smiled and shook his head. “I’ll be sure to make it apparent I am taking notes, then. Based on what I have read of her work, there is a good bit about demonology I can learn from her. Can I expect her to be collaborative or someone who has bought into the inter-agency rivalry? From what I recall, she is a scholar rather than a practitioner so I wasn’t sure if she was formally attached to Myriad or was operating as a consultant.”

big teej
2022-07-01, 08:56 PM
Reunion VII

Raphael flinches in Stella's arms. "Oh yeah?" He says with forced nonchalance. "What might that be?"

"Hey Mimi?" Raphael says.

"Where's John? I just wanna talk to him." (https://youtu.be/TJhVeJ8on20?t=32)

2022-07-01, 09:12 PM

“I would think AEGIS would be quick to point out the advantages of having that many potential babysitters around,” John deadpanned. “In all seriousness, it isn’t a burden. I also suspect that, if the team were to learn of your marriage, it would quickly pull together to arrange some time and opportunity for the two of you. After all, if we were able to pull together to produce this setting, we can probably manage something for you.

“Don’t be afraid to reach out if you need to talk. While I can’t say you’re human, too, I suspect you get the idea.”

“Thank you, John,” Seraph says, looking down at his coffee. “I’ll remember that in the future.”

John smiled and shook his head. “I’ll be sure to make it apparent I am taking notes, then. Based on what I have read of her work, there is a good bit about demonology I can learn from her. Can I expect her to be collaborative or someone who has bought into the inter-agency rivalry? From what I recall, she is a scholar rather than a practitioner so I wasn’t sure if she was formally attached to Myriad or was operating as a consultant.”

“I haven’t heard of her joining Myriad, so I believe she’s just a consultant that they’ve hired. She should be willing to collaborate with you. From what I remember when I had classes with her, she enjoyed the group projects.”

Stella takes a breath, thinking about how to reply to Raphael’s question. Eventually, she pulls back a little, so she can look him in the eyes. Her hands slide down his arms so she can hold his hands. “He told me what you are,” she says quietly.

big teej
2022-07-01, 10:09 PM
Reunion 20XX

Raphael chews on his lip in consternation. "You.. don't seem particularly bothered by that revelation." He says, watching Stella very closely.

2022-07-01, 10:12 PM
“I haven’t heard of her joining Myriad, so I believe she’s just a consultant that they’ve hired. She should be willing to collaborate with you. From what I remember when I had classes with her, she enjoyed the group projects.”

“If there was ever an assignment that could profit from some group work, this would be it,” John observed. The only missing piece now is when Raphael wanted us to strike against the River King..” John looked up at the sky. “We have a little darkness left this night. Did you have anything else you wanted to go over before we called it a morning?”

2022-07-01, 10:31 PM
“I…” Stella starts, breaking eye contact for a moment before looking back up once again. “I don’t think I am. You’re the same person that promised to help save my merè and fight the River King. The same person that I’ve grown to care deeply about since I met you on the church balcony that night.”

“I do have a few questions though, if you’ll allow me,” she says, waiting for permission to continue.

Seraph shakes his head and finishes his mug of coffee. “I think I’m going to try to get an hour or two of sleep before our meeting this morning. We’ll ask Raph about his plans then, I guess.”

“There was one other thing I wanted to ask you,” the angel says as he stands. “Do you know a guy named Manny Vincent? He’s from the London branch of AEGIS. He’s supposed to be arriving around 7:30 this morning to join West Side.”

big teej
2022-07-01, 10:37 PM
Reunion 20XX

"I don't know how to be anybody else." Raphael says again, finally letting go of Stella. He walks over to the new furniture, working himself free of what's left of the top half of his costume as he goes. He turns and sits heavily in a chair, tension oozes out of him, replaced by unearned exhaustion.

He looks at his boot, studying the interplay of gravedust, ground pavement, and blood on the leather, as if some great arcane mystery could be divined from the swirls and splotches.

He grimaces. "I hope you can understand, and forgive, how evasive I was this past week." He says quietly.

He shrugs. "But now you know, I think, the biggest secret I have." He look across the roof to Stella. "I don't have anything else to hide." He gestures at the furniture, inviting her to take a seat as close as she dares and ask away.

2022-07-01, 10:50 PM
Seraph shakes his head and finishes his mug of coffee. “I think I’m going to try to get an hour or two of sleep before our meeting this morning. We’ll ask Raph about his plans then, I guess.”

“There was one other thing I wanted to ask you,” the angel says as he stands. “Do you know a guy named Manny Vincent? He’s from the London branch of AEGIS. He’s supposed to be arriving around 7:30 this morning to join West Side.”

John smiled. “Manny’s coming? I hope The Times is ready for the influx of letters from the women of London wondering how and why the US got him. He was my self-appointed instructor in learning how to navigate big-city night life. Once he learned I could warn him when a woman was taking off a ring to meet him, I got promoted from student to wing man.” He chuckled. “He’s in for a shock when he hears I’m dating Emi.”

John grew more serious. “He’s been working through some of his powers. He developed them in conjunction with the appearance of an impundulu — a lightning bird — a powerful figure out of African myth and his father lost his eyesight as a result. Some of the same voices that worried about me worry about his control and what he might be able to to do wether patterns. I never saw any signs of him losing control but you wouldn’t expect to see that kind of thing in a high-end night club. What’s bringing him to Iron Station?”

2022-07-01, 10:59 PM
Stella takes a seat at the end of the couch, the closest seat to the vampire, and folds her legs up underneath her, leaning onto the arm of the couch. “Bouille, I did agree to you telling me one secret a month,” she says with a quirk of her lips. “If you want to retain some of your mystery, I understand. There’s nothing to forgive.”

She reaches out, taking Raphael’s hand. “You actually drink blood, oui? Do you drink it to replace your own because you’re… dead? Are you dead? If so, why do you have a heartbeat? And why are you warm?” she asks, rubbing her thumb across his knuckles. She suddenly looks intently at his mouth. “Do you… have fangs?”

“It’s who the higher-ups picked to send,” Seraph answers with a shrug. “I’m glad you know him though. Do you think we need to worry about his control? Fighting demons is a little more stressful than hanging out in a nightclub.”

Seraph shakes his head. “I’m surprised you’re dating Emi. It’s official, huh?”

2022-07-01, 11:17 PM
“It’s who the higher-ups picked to send,” Seraph answers with a shrug. “I’m glad you know him though. Do you think we need to worry about his control? Fighting demons is a little more stressful than hanging out in a nightclub.”

Seraph shakes his head. “I’m surprised you’re dating Emi. It’s official, huh?”

“No one is more surprised than me, I assure you,” John replied with a laugh. “My mind still hasn’t fully made the jump from needing to figure out how to get her to go out on another date with me. But I did check before sending the photo of the two of us to my family, letting them know they had to keep that news quiet.” John shrugged. “We’ll see how long it stays quiet once we’re seen together in public, of course.

“And by some additional miracle, I appear to have made a positive impression on her father.” John looked into his coffee. “It’s all a little intimidating, to be honest, and you have already noted how my emotions have unsettled me over her.”

He glanced over to the part of the couch where they shared their first kiss — her first kiss. “I hope she’ll be patient with me as I settle into the thought of her wanting to date me. I really do feel out of my league, even if everything seems to be going well.” He shook his head. “Given that, I can understand why it comes as a surprise to you.”

big teej
2022-07-01, 11:19 PM
Rooftop Revelations

Raphael smiles a little at Stella reminding him of his promise. "I..." he suffers a few more false starts before finally getting his thoughts together enough to say "I always wanted to tell you. I just. How do you tell someone." He catches himself again, floundering "Something like that? I thought if I could, you know... kinda... ease you into it. It.." He looks down, smiling. "It'd be like this."

He shifts in his seat, making a frustrated sound. He grabs at the shredded part of his costume and finishes tearing it free of the mostly intact legs and tosses it aside.

Settled once again, he ponders Stella's questions before saying, "Yes. Every one of those silver bags has been about what I need for the day. We use ours up." He makes a face. "it's... kinda like gas in a car." He grimaces and holds up a hand. "We need life, because we don't have any of our own."

He pauses a little longer to consider her second question. "Am I dead? Hmm..." he muses. "Was I ever alive? am I alive?" He shakes his head. "I... That's a really philosophical question, I think." He says.

"Maybe it's more useful to say I have always been what I am." He says. "I was never not as I am now." He smiles broadly, still hiding his fangs. "I am an aberration, a blasphemy to my own kind." His smile has a nasty, cruel, spiteful cast to it. "My parents never admitted it, but I think that's part of why I... am."

He looks down at her hand in his. "Being able to pass for the living is one of the first tricks we learn. It requires an expenditure of effort, but after a while, it is an act of minimal exertion. I've gotten good enough at it that I'd actually have to work at not doing it. I'm not a very sciency person, I have no idea how long it'd take me to be cold to the touch, or how long my complexion would hold up." He brushes the fingers of his free hand against his face. "Such as it is."

"My heartbeat is an extension of that, along with being able to eat or drink things that aren't blood."

He smiles at Stella, showing all of his perfectly mundane teeth. "yes. Can't you tell?" He laughs. He looks away from the woman and snarls, his face twisting up. He looks back at Stella. "These are actually why I designed my helmet the way I did." He continues, lifting a lip out of the way and revealing his now-elongated canines.

"This is the hardest thing to hide under stress." He grows somber, looking at his feet again. I wonder if Calvin noticed...

2022-07-01, 11:50 PM
“It’s not that I think you’re out of your league, John,” Seraph says, looking over at the magician. “You are correct in thinking that you’ve impressed Alistair. We talked about you a little bit when we met Sunday, both before and after Emi worked on Sidney.”

He grins at John. “I think you got a bit distracted though since you didn’t answer my question. Do we need to worry about Manny staying in control?”

Stella drinks the information in, excited to learn about her vampire boyfriend. She tilts her head at Raphael calling himself an aberration. “Are the pop culture myths true? Vampires are usually created by by another vampire through a bite, oui? And from there they’re stuck at whatever age they were bitten at. But you said you grew up in a castle, and that you’ve always been a vampire. How does that work?”

As Raphael reveals his fangs, her free hand touches the soft skin of her throat and a blush creeps across her face. She looks quickly down at the arm of the couch. “Have you ever bitten anyone?” she asks quietly. She swallows, her blush growing a little deeper.“If you have, is it… pleasurable for you?”

2022-07-02, 07:18 AM
“It’s not that I think you’re out of your league, John,” Seraph says, looking over at the magician. “You are correct in thinking that you’ve impressed Alistair. We talked about you a little bit when we met Sunday, both before and after Emi worked on Sidney.”

He grins at John. “I think you got a bit distracted though since you didn’t answer my question. Do we need to worry about Manny staying in control?”

“From where I sit, it feels like I….ah. Am. Sorry,” John replied with some embarrassment. “I was, um, hoping I had gotten a better handle on that kind of thing. No, in truth, I don’t expect there to be any major issues. There were no major issues with the weather in London while I was there. His manifestation of storms, from what I recall, tend to be tied up with his emotional state right now. Dr. Pearson, among others, wanted a better sense of his control of those — although, in truth, I suspect that tells you more about Dr. Pearson’s desire for control rather than Manny’s.

“It’s possible with any power tied to emotion for things to get out of control but it is equally true that I — or any of the rest of the team — would become dangerous were I to lose my emotional equilibrium, given the powers we have access to.

“That said, we only went into the field together once or twice and I can’t say that it ever reached the kind of stress level that Raphael faced at Amity Court, so there could be edge cases I don’t know about.”

It was taking all of John’s willpower to not ask Seraph for additional information about his conversations with Mr. Shaw — both in terms of what was said, what was thought of the Madeira, and if there was any connection between those conversation and Seraph’s surprise. Mentioning that conversations between two gentlemen took place was appropriate. Prying into their nature, however, would not be.

Seraph’s own observations, however, would be fair game.

“One follow up question, if I may,” John asked tentatively. “If you don’t think I am out of my league, then what makes you surprised about my dating Emi?”

big teej
2022-07-02, 12:58 PM
Rooftop II

"Which ones? Some are, some are useful lies." Raphael muses.

"Nearly every single vampire ever damned to suffer The Thirst was...." He makes a dismissive gesture with one hand. "Brought Across. Embraced. Turned. Gifted. Sucked Dry. Whatever genteel or vulgar term you wanna use for it. There are, however, exceedingly rare exceptions." He gestures to himself.

"Both of my parents were brought across the old fashioned way. Sorta. They were lied to and it was forced upon them." He makes a face. "That's... a radical oversimplification, but we don't have all night."

"Centuries passed, and in time, they were able to destroy their creator, assuming his mantle. They had been mortal lovers, and resented their chance at happiness being stolen from them. So..." He holds up a finger "I don't know all the details."

"So... they did a lot of research and experimentation and by some Rite. Some... Ritual, they wrought a spell that allowed them to conceive naturally.... sorta."

"As for the castle, and this is something of a 'state secret', Many ancient vampires are experts in creating what we'd refer to as 'pocket dimensions' It's a lot easier to move and breathe freely when people can't just come find you in the middle of the day and jab a railroad spike through your chest."

Raphael shudders involuntarily.

"So I grew up an incredibly privileged, but mostly normal life in Castle Rothmyer...." His eyes grow distant. "Until The Darkwatch found a way in."

He glances at Stella and considers how to answer her question for a long moment. "My parents wanted me to have the freedom to make my own decisions, something they were denied. So... I was taught how to feed without killing the..." He blinks several times. "Person. It's an essential skill, and I was a quick study." He says somewhat flippantly and evasively.

"Ever since I was.... I dunno, nine? I've been using blood bags rather than..." He pokes her thigh with one finger "Blood bags."

2022-07-02, 03:19 PM
“Oh, I… I see,” Stella says, blinking a few times. She swallows again, getting her emotions under control.

“And Cassandra, the woman in armor that defeated you at the Market, she’s the one that attacked Castle Rothmyer and killed your parents? How did she find the pocket dimension?”

“A fair observation,” Seraph says. He starts to make his way toward the door, but stops at John’s last question. “You met her on Saturday? That, and Alistair is extremely protective over his daughter. He wouldn’t let just anyone date her.”

2022-07-02, 03:51 PM
"Manny, are you sure that flying on a commercial plane is the right choice for maintaining a low profile?" Bernard asked, concern deepening the creases on the middle aged man's face.

"Of course!” Manny says, checking his messages. “Way less profile than taking AEGIS assets. It's been almost 2 years since I've modeled, so as long as I keep a low profile It should be fine." He says, attaching a mask as the chauffeured Rolls-Royce comes to a complete stop.

Bernard sighs audibly as he opens the door for the young man, slides on some shades, grabs their bags from the boot. Manny takes a good look around at London one last time before he makes his way to the check-in at Heathrow.

Inside Manny spots the check-in booth for Lufthansa and saunters up. A woman smiles warmly behind her mask at him.

"Good afternoon sir and thank you for flying with us today. Can I see your identification?"

"Of course." Manny says, returning the masked smile. He hands her his passport and her demeanor shifts.

She looks back at Manny for a moment and takes a deep breath. Bernard rolls his eyes and walks off.

"Sir, I need to confirm your identity. Could you please remove your mask and sunglasses for a moment?"

Manny for a moment appears pensive. Bernard is waiting at the start of the security line, chatting with someone on the phone.

Maybe we should've just taken the AEGIS Charter. Too late to worry now, I suppose.

As Manny removes his glasses and mask, the clerk's suspicions are proved right. She smiles again behind the mask and bops behind the courtesy desk.She hands the passport back. Obviously trying not to give too much away and draw too much attention.

*ahem* "Would you like to check any bags, sir?" Manny relaxes as the woman composes herself.

"Just the two bags, Miss." He says, setting them on the scale.

As the scale registers and the labels print off she steals glances at his face. She places the tags on the bags and them on the conveyor behind her.

"Thanks for flying with us sir. Enjoy your flight." The attendant says with a wave before watching him walk away.
Manny looks over his shoulder, lowers his shades and winks at the woman. As he walks away he can hear the woman talking to her co-workers and a loud “OHMYGOD!” rings out from the check-in desk.

“Can’t help yourself can you?” Bernard says, hanging up the phone. A hint of a grin playing at the corner of his mouth.

“Bernie, come on. I was just doing as she asked.” Manny says, all smiles.

“Right. Let’s try making it onto the plane before making it on to Instafeed hmmm?” The older man suggests. He walks up to security and briefly after showing his ID is whisked past all the checkpoints and Saunters into the Terminal

“How did you?-

“Same way I skipped checking in, The way I told you. Pre-check and pay for the Fast Track.” The Man says, cutting him off.
“One day you’ll listen~”

Manny watches Bernie bypass the screenings. He sighs for a second before straightening up and hopping into the queue.

Once past security and onto the concourse, He spots Bernie sitting a bar with a woman. She’s laughing and he’s smiling.

“Lucky Sod.” He says before returning front and crashing into someone sending a smattering of papers sprawling across the thoroughfare.

“Oh no. I’m terribly sorry. Are you alright?” Manny says, dropping his bag to clean up the papers.

“I’m sorry I should’ve been looking where I was go- Wait.


Young man looks up at the person for the first time. That voice.


“Oh my gracious Manny! It’s been years since I’ve seen you.” Sarah says with a hug. “How have you been?”

“I’ve-- been well, I haven’t seen you in years. How have you been? Last I heard you were a TA for Prof. Baxter’s Anthropologie course.”

“Great! Great! I’m on my way the U.S. to present my research at the Innovatech Discoveries Conference. It’s going to be based on the findings that -your father made.” She said, suddenly remembering. Her expression changing solemnly..

“-How is your father?”

“He’s fine. Fussing about students, as always.” Manny says in a measured tone, straightening up the papers he’s collected.
He hands her the collection after making sure he hasn’t missed anything and smiles behind his mask again.

“Apologies for bumping into you but I’m glad I did. I’m headed to America myself.” He mentions.
“Perhaps I’ll see you stateside?”

“That’d be lovely.” Sarah says, stowing her papers away in her bag trying to hide a faint blush. “Maybe we could grab a bite and t-

“Sarah? There you are. Our plane is boarding soon, let's go.” A stern-looking woman says.

“Coming Camille.” Sarah says turning towards the woman. She stops and looks over her shoulder. “Take care of yourself.”

“You too.” Manny says. But she’s well out of earshot. Manny thinks back to the last time He and Sarah spoke. She was upset. A research grant had been awarded to another team and she’d be forced to postpone her research. His attempt to confront the issue turned into an argument and She’d left his flat in tears. It started raining soon afterwards.

Manny takes a breath and walks over to the bar, opposite end of Bernie. His conversation partner is nowhere to be seen. He takes a double shot of tequila and rubs his hand over his face. As he stands up, he notices Manny with a cocktail in front of him. As Manny reaches for it, Bernie grabs it.

“No drinks on company time, Kid.” The older man says sternly

“Says the guy who’s had three drinks since I’ve been paying attention.” Manny says brushing Bernie’s hand aside.

“So who was she?” Manny asks after taking a drink.

“A ghost.” Bernie says, looking out the window at a plane taking off.
“Past that just keeps haunting. Who was the girl you bumped into?”

He saw that? “An Ex. ‘Right one wrong time’ sort of thing , I think.” Manny says, taking a sip of his drink. “Probably better this way.”

“Agreed.” Bernie nods. slipping his shades back on. “I’m headed to the terminal. Boarding starts in 15 minutes. I’ll see you there.”

Manny looks at his drink, takes a deep breath and smiles at the thought of lunch with Sarah.

Maybe this assignment won’t be all bad.

2022-07-02, 03:54 PM
“A fair observation,” Seraph says. He starts to make his way toward the door, but stops at John’s last question. “You met her on Saturday? That, and Alistair is extremely protective over his daughter. He wouldn’t let just anyone date her.”

John opened his mouth to respond to Seraph, pointing out that surely such a thing would be Emi’s decision and not her father’s as several memories came back to him.

“I can meet you on the roof of your HQ. Just go up there and have your AI lock the door,” Emi suggested. “Hopefully they’ll get the hint. If they don’t, I can be very persuasive,” she said, looking faux-intently at John.

Much like the day before, John felt a mind testing the boundaries of his, though this time, it's wasn’t nearly as gentle. The amulet he wears around his neck heated up to an uncomfortable temperature as Eidolon's mind closes around John's like a steel trap. Tendrils of power find cracks in John's mental defenses and push them almost to their breaking points before they withdraw. A demonstration.

Ian took his hand and shook it, his grip is strong, but not crushing. He stepped back, crossing his arms. “I hope you do better than the last guy she dated. He only lasted a week.”

Yes, it could be her decision. And Mr. Shaw’s and, of course, his while remaining primarily Emi’s.

John sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was too early for this. Or late. Or something.

“This is even more complicated than I thought it was,” he observed, “and I had assumed it was incredibly complicated.” He looked up and smiled wryly at Seraph. “I suppose that, if one is to court an extraordinary woman, one must be prepared for extraordinary circumstances.”

He sipped his coffee as he reached for the carafe.

“At least you will be assured of ongoing entertainment.”

big teej
2022-07-02, 04:23 PM
The Roof is Gothic

"I mean. She had a lotta help. But as far as we-- I've been able to discover, she's one of the most powerful people in the Darkwatch." Raphael frowns. "They tore the place apart and shattered the anchor that kept the pocket dimension stable and whole... I nearly died getting out with what little I have. I dunno how they got in, how they learned how to get in... I'm not sure I ever will."

He heaves a great sigh and looks skyward. "Now I am what remains of the Rothmyer Estate. It puts me in a very peculiar place among my kind."

2022-07-02, 04:29 PM
“What do you mean?” Stella asks, shifting in her seat. “How do other vampires treat you? I would guess it isn’t great, considering what you called yourself earlier.”

2022-07-02, 04:36 PM
Finally aboard the plane, Manny visibly relaxes. And melts into the Business class- faux leather seat about the front of the Lufthansa 747 Deluxe Carrier bound for the States. Or, at least he tries too. The longer he sits in the seat, the more of a reminder of the stark contrast to his normal flying experiences. Between flying privately once his modeling/tv career took off and the First- class accommodations on trips with his mother and grandfather, He was never one to consider leg room to be a luxury but, here he is: Knees pinned gracelessly between the chair in front of him and his own. He sighs heavily and looks over Bernie who is already asleep in his chair.

“Wow, before the safety presentation comes on.” Manny says, fishing in his bag for his headphones.

“I’ve flown and jumped outta planes before. I think I got it.” Bernie mumbles before nodding back off.

As the plane continues to fill with passengers, A shared look of interest grows amongst the flight crew. And Manny feels more and more eyes upon him. He closes his eyes and smiles to himself. AEGIS flights from now on. After the cabin is filled and the presentation ends, The plane taxis and takes off.

Once the plane hits cruising altitude the crew begins setting out to their tasks and Manny, to his.

Collecting his thoughts, Manny starts listening to a brief breakdown of the AEGIS reports someone codenamed “Seraph” issued.

Demons attacking civilians.
A River King?
A drug made of crystallized demon blood.
1 Member MIA.
1 Member KIA.
A meeting with Myriad agents?

“What the hell has been going on there?”
- “S-sir?”

Manny looks up at the stewardess looking at him from behind a cart. “Everything ok?”

“Y-yes madam, everything is fine.” He replies smiling at her. Her concerns are immediately disarmed looking at his smile

“Would you like a drink.? Snacks?”

“Just–some sparkling please.” Manny says. Looking quizzically at the arrival of a different steward.

“Oh of course sir.“ The steward says, his gaze lingering for a moment before pushing his own cart in front of Manny, Moving the original stewardess and her cart out of the way. The first stewardess smiles at Manny before continuing down the aisle. The steward sets a napkin down before placing a drink on top and smiles at Manny before walking away. Manny sighs and Bernard stifles his laughter.

“There’s a number on the napkin, isn’t there.”

“Of course there is.”

“Well you’ll have someone to talk to on those lonely nights in Iron Station.”

Manny sighs again. “Thanks Bernie, I’d really like to just get my work done. while I’m there. I’m-”

“- I know, kid.” The old man rumbles. “Just uh. Try to let yourself be happy alright?”

Manny smiles at Bernie. “You know me , I’m always having a good time.”

“Having a good time and being happy ain’t the same thing and you know that.”

Manny put his headphones back on Listens to some music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5uQMwRMHcs&ab_channel=DaftPunkVEVO) and goes over profiles of his new team. He stays silent until the plane lands.

big teej
2022-07-02, 04:40 PM
It's Late for Politics:

"It's.... complicated." Raphael manages. "My parents were really high up in the hierarchy. With them gone, their position and authority passes to me. But aside from my own personal strength. I have nothing appropriate to my station. No coterie of spawn and servants, no accumulated wealth from decades or centuries of life..."

He sighs again. "If I were less powerful, I would have been destroyed or subsumed into another house by now. If I had what my parents had, I'd be in charge around here."

He shrugs. "There's a lot more too it than that, but I doubt you'd find the vagaries and pretense of vampire loyalty and court particularly engaging."

2022-07-02, 04:46 PM
“I suppose you’re right,” she replies. Stella checks her phone for the time and sees that they’ve already been talking for over an hour. “What time did you want to head out tomorrow?” she asks with a small yawn. “D-do you need sleep? Do you sleep in your coffin?”

big teej
2022-07-02, 04:51 PM

"Well. I've been pretty lazy these past few days, and have made absolutely no plans or efforts to research the best time to make an enemy of a massive river spirit." Raphael says.

"I require rest, for now, as I grow I won't, not like you do." He continues. "Sleeping is kind of like flicking a light switch for me. I sleep in my coffin when I visit the castle. Otherwise I sleep in the bed in my room like anybody else." He chuckles slightly. "Just better than the rest of you."

2022-07-02, 04:58 PM
Stella gives Raphael a small smile, seeing some his usual self come back. “Well I certainly haven’t been sleeping well, so I think I should probably try to sleep before the meeting in the morning.”

She stands, but stops and leans down to kiss the vampire once more. “Thank you for talking to me, Raphael. I missed you.” She sighs heavily. “I just have this horrible feeling that all of this has been a dream too, and I’ll wake up and you’ll still be gone. Can you promise me that you’ll still be here? Please?”

big teej
2022-07-02, 05:05 PM
And Scene:

Raphael gets to his feet and hugs Stella tightly. A dozen different dramatic oaths drift through his mind. He looks her in the eyes and says "I Promise."

2022-07-02, 06:04 PM
The plane lands at the airport roughly at Iron Station Intl at roughly 7:30 am.

As the plane lands Manny yawn and stretches and looks at Bernie who is dead asleep still.

"Bernie, planes landed lets get going."

Bernie looks at his Nokia 3310. "It's 7 am why are you so chipper?"

"It's 6 hours behind London time, Its 1pm back home. Let's go."
Bernie groans before taking off his blind, grabbing overhead and disembarks.

Manny makes it outside with his luggage and a cup of coffee.

Can't wait to get started with the new team. I should get a Uber for me and Bernie.

As Manny reaches for his phone, it vibrates in his pocket.

Manny. Department meeting with AEGIS going to the local HQ. Head on over the the West Side Base. Seraph should be expecting you. And an old friend.

Old friend? Who the hell is in Iron Station?

The Uber picks him up and takes him to a warehouse of the address listed.

Manny looks at the building. "Looks can be deceiving, I suppose. and AEGIS wouldn't be wrong about this sort of thing."

He walks to the main door. Apprehension clawing at his throat. "H-hello?"

2022-07-02, 06:24 PM
Tuesday, October 27th- 7:50am
A disembodied voice answers Manny’s question. “Hello Manny, welcome to West Side HQ. My name is Mimi. I am this base’s Artificial Intelligence. Please, let me know if I can do anything for you during your stay here.”

“Please, head up the stairs to your right. Seraph is waiting for you in the living room.”

Once Manny reaches the living room, he spots a dark haired man with golden angelic wings leaning against the far wall clutching a mug of coffee. Upon the new team member’s entrance he takes one final sip and sets it down on the end table as he crosses the room. “Welcome to West Side, Manny,” he says, holding out his hand. His dark green eyes look tired, but he smiles warmly. “How was your flight?”

2022-07-02, 06:55 PM
The second alarm in as many hours, John thought as he dragged himself out of bed and started to head towards the showers.

“Mimi:” he requested groggily. “Can you please put my messaged up on the mirror?”

“Of course, John. You have one from your sister and one from Agent Montcrieff.

It’s been days, John! We can understand your missing the Sunday evening call, given who you were with, but to keep us waiting this long with only a brief ‘It went well’?

Your morning surprise (and mine): Manny is joining your team. Dr. Petersen is beside himself, thinking of the two of you there — although that may also have to do with his having lost big in Sunday’s pool. Tell your wing commander I said hello.

“Mimi: Please reply to Kate, “I promise to call soon — after I have dinner with her tonight, if our schedules work out.” Add a smiley face emoji to that message.

“Reply to Montcrieff, “I learned that at about 4:30 this morning. I am beginning to think I should not be surprised at anything any more. I will call to catch up as soon as I am able.”

His Amulet once more steeled him for the cold water he needed to wake quickly. By the time he had dressed in black pants and a white button down, he had a response from London. “It’s all part of the lifestyle, Kelley. Try to take care of yourself, though — if not for your family or for me than for her.”

He smiled, pocketed his phone, grabbed the iPad Mini he would need for the meeting, and set off for the kitchen to make two cups of coffee.

Tuesday, October 27th- 7:50am
A disembodied voice answers Manny’s question. “Hello Manny, welcome to West Side HQ. My name is Mimi. I am this base’s Artificial Intelligence. Please, let me know if I can do anything for you during your stay here.”

“Please, head up the stairs to your right. Seraph is waiting for you in the living room.”

Once Manny reaches the living room, he spots a dark haired man with golden angelic wings leaning against the far wall clutching a mug of coffee. Upon the new team member’s entrance he takes one final sip and sets it down on the end table as he crosses the room. “Welcome to West Side, Manny,” he says, holding out his hand. His dark green eyes look tired, but he smiles warmly. “How was your flight?”

“I think I still remember how you take your coffee, Wing Commander,” John says as he rounds the corner with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Although I fear I have to tell you your wing man has been recently grounded.” He offered the cup to his friend. “It’s good to see you again, Manny. What brings you stateside?”

2022-07-02, 06:56 PM
Tuesday, October 27th- 7:50am
A disembodied voice answers Manny’s question. “Hello Manny, welcome to West Side HQ. My name is Mimi. I am this base’s Artificial Intelligence. Please, let me know if I can do anything for you during your stay here.”

“Please, head up the stairs to your right. Seraph is waiting for you in the living room.”

"Pleased to meet you, Mimi. And thank you." Manny says with a bow.

Once Manny reaches the living room, he spots a dark haired man with golden angelic wings leaning against the far wall clutching a mug of coffee. Upon the new team member’s entrance he takes one final sip and sets it down on the end table as he crosses the room. “Welcome to West Side, Manny,” he says, holding out his hand. His dark green eyes look tired, but he smiles warmly. “How was your flight?”

"Too long but nothing another cup of coffee wouldn't cure." Manny says with a smile. "Seraph, I presume? Pleased to meet you, sir. I'm Izulu from AEGIS London. The team is still resting?"

“I think I still remember how you take your coffee, Wing Commander,” John says as he rounds the corner with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Although I fear I have to tell you your wing man has been recently grounded.” He offered the cup to his friend. “It’s good to see you again, Manny. What brings you stateside?”

"Dee! Good to see you, mate! So you're the old friend Bernie mentioned. How in blazes are you?" Manny says, clasping the man on his shoulder. "I didn't think you'd be here of any of the old squad though with your occult background it makes a bit of sense to have you aboard. Bloody good!" Manny says genuinely relaxing. With Dee here, I can state definitively I wont be the most high-strung one here. He could really do to get-

"Wait. " Manny says, deadly serious.

"Did you say my wingman was grounded? I want a full status report as soon as possible." He says, in a mocking military tone.

2022-07-02, 07:18 PM
Living Room
The angel nods to both of his questions. “Yes, I’m Seraph, Team Lead for the West Side Provisional Team. The rest of the team should be arriving shortly for a meeting,” he says as John enters the room.

It isn’t too long after that, that Yuki enters the room, holding a steaming mug in one hand. She looks curiously at the newcomer and gives him a small smile as he speaks to John.

2022-07-02, 07:46 PM
Living Room
The angel nods to both of his questions. “Yes, I’m Seraph, Team Lead for the West Side Provisional Team. The rest of the team should be arriving shortly for a meeting,” he says as John enters the room.

It isn’t too long after that, that Yuki enters the room, holding a steaming mug in one hand. She looks curiously at the newcomer and gives him a small smile as he speaks to John.

John’s smile slips from mischievous to something a little more foolish. “I believe you’ve heard the name Emilia Shaw, code name Siren? She and I, well, started dating a few days ago. She and her brother — as well as her father, are attached to Myriad’s East Side provisional team,” He looked down and chucked. “You must have been given a few days R&R if you missed Q Division’s latest betting pools.

“But where are my manners? You’ve met Seraph but haven’t yet met Yuki. Yuki, please allow me to present Mandla Vincent, code name Izulu. Manny, this is Koyuki Kitagawa, code name Zodiac and one of the members of the South Side provisional team. Manny and I worked together in London for a time, Yuki, although it’s more likely you saw him in one of his acting or modeling roles.”

John wasn’t sure if Manny would pick up on his use of their club code, which he had defaulted to out of instinct, extending his left hand during the introduction instead of the right. The warehouse base was a long way from the smart clubs of London, of course, but it didn’t hurt to try.

2022-07-02, 07:49 PM
After his conversation with the others in the library, and his talk with White, Keith spent the rest of the early morning doing his meditations and starting an early workout in the gym. Roughly around 5 he took a short nap before waking up at 6 and getting into the kitchen. After a couple of cups of coffee and some time pondering there, Keith took out his phone and sent a group text to Grayson, Kylie, and Emi, then one to Kylie and one to Grayson separately, roughly around 7-ish.

Mornin' y'all. Know it's early, but wanted to let y'all know Nightgaunt got back this morning right around midnight. Seems fine and all, just a little rattled.

Mornin' bud! How's the new occult expert there workin' out? Heard about her yesterday, and we may need to consult with her about a theory. Oh right, when are you free this week man?

Mornin' Kylie, so know this is rapid-fire between the group, and sorry for blowing up your phone this early but, do you think it would be possible to meet with Aimee sometime? Somethin' came up in a talk last night with some of the group here and we thought it might be a good idea to revisit it. I know you stay pretty busy so hate askin' for a favor like that. I hope that you're doing alright.

Living Room
The angel nods to both of his questions. “Yes, I’m Seraph, Team Lead for the West Side Provisional Team. The rest of the team should be arriving shortly for a meeting,” he says as John enters the room.

It isn’t too long after that, that Yuki enters the room, holding a steaming mug in one hand. She looks curiously at the newcomer and gives him a small smile as he speaks to John.

Keith floats into the living room from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand. He smiles and waves at the new guy as he sees him talking with John. Figuring the familiar tone made it a friend rather than someone John would rather not see. He also smiles seeing the introductions being played out. "'Nother friend from across the pond, John? Half expected to see Montcrieff just outa nowhere." He says with a chuckle.

Keith floats over and lands. "Nice to meet ya. Keith Karver, otherwise known as Crowe."

2022-07-02, 08:07 PM
John’s smile slips from mischievous to something a little more foolish. “I believe you’ve heard the name Emilia Shaw, code name Siren? She and I, well, started dating a few days ago. She and her brother — as well as her father, are attached to Myriad’s East Side provisional team,” He looked down and chucked. “You must have been given a few days R&R if you missed Q Division’s latest betting pools.

“But where are my manners? You’ve met Seraph but haven’t yet met Yuki. Yuki, please allow me to present Mandla Vincent, code name Izulu. Manny, this is Koyuki Kitagawa, code name Zodiac and one of the members of the South Side provisional team. Manny and I worked together in London for a time, Yuki, although it’s more likely you saw him in one of his acting or modeling roles.”

John wasn’t sure if Manny would pick up on his use of their club code, which he had defaulted to out of instinct, extending his right hand during the introduction instead of the left. The warehouse base was a long way from the smart clubs of London, of course, but it didn’t hurt to try.

What?! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k69XCqaWfXU&ab_channel=GamingSoundFX)

*ahem*"Well done, padawan. The student becomes a master. I'm glad to see my sterling influence and tutelage was helpful." Manny says playfully. "Congratulations! I'm sure your earnest demeanor was quite effective on her family. You we're always a genuine fellow and i'm glad to see that hasn't worn away." He pats John's shoulder again.

At John's introduction's He turns to Zodiac. "A pleasure to meet you, Yuki." Manny says, with a big smile and small bow. " Noticing his practiced cue with john. He maintains a modest distance. "I hope that I will be a asset to the team and we get along well." Maintaining his smile.

Keith floats into the living room from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand. He smiles and waves at the new guy as he sees him talking with John. Figuring the familiar tone made it a friend rather than someone John would rather not see. He also smiles seeing the introductions being played out. "'Nother friend from across the pond, John? Half expected to see Montcrieff just outa nowhere." He says with a chuckle.

Keith floats over and lands. "Nice to meet ya. Keith Karver, otherwise known as Crowe."

"Much the same, Yank. A pleasure." Manny says. "You look a magic sort like John here. You know Montcrieff?"

big teej
2022-07-02, 08:50 PM

Several moments later, Raphael pads out into the common area, dressed in a muscle shirt the color of dried blood and black sweatpants. He tilts his head at the new arrival but shrugs it off until he disappears into the kitchen and reappears holding a silver bag. He puts the green nozzle of the bag to his lips as he watches for a moment before crossing over to Yuki and nudging her gently.

"I know I missed a lot while I was out... Should I know who this guy is?"

2022-07-02, 08:57 PM
Living Room
“Nice to meet you Manny,” Yuki says with a slight bow. She tilts her head, looking up at the Londoner. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before, but I also haven’t watched a lot of American or English TV,” she says with an apologetic smile as she takes a seat at the end of the couch.

At Raphael’s question, Yuki shakes her head and takes a sip of her tea. “Drake told me last night that someone was coming to join your team as Calvin’s replacement. It’s the first time I’ve seen him.”

Drake, Ryker, and Aeryn enter the room next, talking between themselves. Ryker stops in the doorway and rolls his eyes upon seeing Manny. “Not another one,” he grumbles before Drake gives him a swift punch in the ribs.

“Sorry about that,” Drake says, crossing the room toward Manny. “I’m Drake Varga, codename Mercury, team leader for South Side. Harbinger told me you’d be arriving today, just not when.” He gestures to Ryker and then to Aeryn. “These are my other two teammates, Ryker and Aeryn. It looks like you’ve already met Yuki.”

Ryker sneers at the newcomer and drops onto the couch, crossing his arms.

Aeryn gives Manny a small waves and floats over.

Grayson: Emi told us this morning. That’s great news!

She’s really nice honestly. A little scary cuz she has this pet demon that follows her around. She keeps telling me not to be afraid of it though.

I think the next time I’m gonna be around is Saturday. I have a ton of tests this week and Eidolon has us running drills as soon as we get back to base.

I’ll have to check with Aimee. Gimme an hour or two and I’ll get back with you.

big teej
2022-07-02, 09:10 PM
Reintegration II:

"Replacement?" Raphael mouths, indignation welling up like bile within. He takes a deep breath and quells the feeling. "Fair enough." He says.

"New Guy, I'm Raphael. Or Nightgaunt if you prefer." He offers a cheeky smile. "Your timing is excellent."

Raphael looks around and picks a seat in clear view of the hallway to the bedrooms, so Stella can't miss him when she emerges to join the group.

2022-07-02, 09:17 PM
"Much the same, Yank. A pleasure." Manny says. "You look a magic sort like John here. You know Montcrieff?"

Keith smirks and chuckles a bit at Manny's response. "Don't worry, we'll give ya that good ungrateful, treasonous, colonial hospitality and not a revolution."

Keith glances at John and nods slightly. "A bit. Just very different schools, well if you could call it that. And yep, met her when John first got here. Briefly though."

Keith tried to take White's advice and act again on instinct and just be himself. He was a bit worried at the responses he might get, but then he had also decided that whichever way thinks went, there's nothing he can do other than focus for today. Didn't mean that it wouldn't sting like all hell either.

Seeing Drake and them walk in Keith turned and waved. "Mornin' y'all."

Text Time

Got a lot to catch him up on but know he would say thanks to y'all for coming out the other day.

Wait did you say a pet demon? No lie would be a little hard to not be unnerved by that lol. But that's good she's nice, kinda curious to see this pet now too!

Oof, gonna be a busy week then. Hopefully the drills aren't too bad. Good luck on tests though bud! Figured end of the week we could probably hang and unwind or something.

A gif with a thumbs up is sent along with the text.
Thank you, Kylie. No rush just wanted to know.

2022-07-02, 09:41 PM
Living Room
“Nice to meet you Manny,” Yuki says with a slight bow. She tilts her head, looking up at the Londoner. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before, but I also haven’t watched a lot of American or English TV,” she says with an apologetic smile as she takes a seat at the end of the couch.

At Raphael’s question, Yuki shakes her head and takes a sip of her tea. “Drake told me last night that someone was coming to join your team as Calvin’s replacement. It’s the first time I’ve seen him.”

Drake, Ryker, and Aeryn enter the room next, talking between themselves. Ryker stops in the doorway and rolls his eyes upon seeing Manny. “Not another one,” he grumbles before Drake gives him a swift punch in the ribs.

“Sorry about that,” Drake says, crossing the room toward Manny. “I’m Drake Varga, codename Mercury, team leader for South Side. Harbinger told me you’d be arriving today, just not when.” He gestures to Ryker and then to Aeryn. “These are my other two teammates, Ryker and Aeryn. It looks like you’ve already met Yuki.”

Ryker sneers at the newcomer and drops onto the couch, crossing his arms.

Aeryn gives Manny a small waves and floats over.

"No worries. It's probably better this way." Manny says waving his hand at Yuki. "People still send letters to 'Ben Branham'." he says, rolling his eyes.

"Pleasure to meet you, Gents ." Manny says with a wave to the men. "Codename: Izulu, But you can call me Manny. Didn't realize the South Side team was staying here. This operation much be a bit bigger than i thought."

Reintegration II:

"Replacement?" Raphael mouths, indignation welling up like bile within. He takes a deep breath and quells the feeling. "Fair enough." He says.

"New Guy, I'm Raphael. Or Nightgaunt if you prefer." He offers a cheeky smile. "Your timing is excellent."

Raphael looks around and picks a seat in clear view of the hallway to the bedrooms, so Stella can't miss him when she emerges to join the group.

"Pleasure to meet you, Raphael." Manny says. "I definitely don't mean to replace anyone aside from making sure the mission gets done. People and their meanings to each other aren't something so easily reproduced. especially in this line of work. I just hope i can be a help to the team."

Keith smirks and chuckles a bit at Manny's response. "Don't worry, we'll give ya that good ungrateful, treasonous, colonial hospitality and not a revolution."

Keith glances at John and nods slightly. "A bit. Just very different schools, well if you could call it that. And yep, met her when John first got here. Briefly though."

Keith tried to take White's advice and act again on instinct and just be himself. He was a bit worried at the responses he might get, but then he had also decided that whichever way thinks went, there's nothing he can do other than focus for today. Didn't mean that it wouldn't sting like all hell either.

Seeing Drake and them walk in Keith turned and waved. "Mornin' y'all."

"I just hope you're not so wasteful with tea as your predecessors." Manny said in his most feigned snobbish tone.

2022-07-02, 11:24 PM
I hope I am not banishing the last remnants of sleep before your exam, John projected to Emi, but since I see Keith checking his texts, I am guessing your base has begun to stir. We had a surprise arrival this morning. My friend from London, Manny Vincent, has arrived to join the team. You may remember him from his time modeling or when he played Ben Branham in his youth. Of those in my circle, you and Ian are, I suspect, the most likely to have seen him.

He was surprised at the news that we were seeing one another.

Seraph will be reaching out to your father to set up a meeting with Dr. Rivera so we can bring her up to speed. I hope you will be able to be there — even if I am occasionally a little less focused when you are around.

If I projected emoji or emotions with these messages, would you sense them? I sometimes fear my tone is not getting carried across — especially when I try to employ self-deprecating humor.

2022-07-03, 10:18 AM
Monday - 8:45 AM

Louis rises from his slumber after a long night of touring the greatest stages the racing world has to offer and shambles downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

Kitchen - 8:49

The smell of eggs and bacon being cooked on the stove top fills the kitchen and spills out into the living room. The voice of an Iron Station news anchor echoes throughout the adjacent hallways as they cover the days headlines.

Gym - 9:27

Feet pound down on a treadmill pushing a faster pace with every passing second. After some time passes the only sound that can be heard coming from the gym is the occasional clanging of weights.

Lab - 11:36

The periodic clink of glass breaks through the electrical hum of several machines within the lab. The length of the white board is covered in a number of various chemical formulas and set of instructions that go into great detail regarding the the creation and application of each substance.

Kitchen - 3:51

Louis finishes the last few bites of a homemade club sandwich and washes it down with a can of Arizona Tea. A quick rinse of his plate and it's return to the dish rack signal the end of his afternoon meal.

Garage - 5:14

Loud music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPE5UUCPHyY) and the sounds of heavy machinery fill the garage as Louis stands over a work bench shaping various pieces of metal. The schematics of his motorcycle are projected onto a nearby wall. Several of it's internal components are highlighted and virtually disassembled to provide the observer with greater detail. Boxes of text filled with lines of data and analysis provided by Mimi extend from each component when selected.

Lab, Tuesday - 12ish AM

[Post Pending]

Living Room, Tuesday Morning

Louis yawns as he takes several steps towards the Living Room but pauses at it's outskirts to stop and take a look at everyone assembled. He leans a shoulder against the wall, both hands still tucked into the pockets of his sweatshirt as he watches the interactions between his teammates.

2022-07-03, 07:54 PM
Living Room
As Raphael finds a seat, Seraph makes his way over to him. “Hey Raph,” he says quietly. “It’s good to see you back in one piece. If you don’t mind, after you come back from your mission today, would you sit down with me and go over everything you remember from Saturday? You might have seen something that can help us track down the Darkwatch, or at least how they found you.”

A few minutes later, Sidney and Stella enter the living room. Stella looks tired, but smiles widely upon seeing Raphael. “Good morning, bouille,” she says softly as she pulls up a seat beside him. “I’m glad you weren’t one of my dreams.”

Drake and Aeryn say a quick good morning to Keith as they take their seats. Drake sits in the couch next to Yuki, and Aeryn takes his normal floating seat against the the wall a little ways away from Louis.

Sidney nods to Manny and says a quick good morning before taking a seat next to Ryker.

The scary thing is, the thing is kinda cute. But it’s a demon, ya know?! Like what the hell? Demons are aren’t supposed to be cute.

Thanks man. I think I’d like to hang this weekend if you don’t have plans.

“Good morning, John. No, no. I was awake,” she says quickly. “He was on Coronation Street for a bit, wasn’t he? I had no idea he worked for AEGIS.”

“I would like to be there too. And yes, I can feel emotions through our link.” John feels a hint of amusement. “Please don’t send me emojis.”

2022-07-03, 08:30 PM
"I just hope you're not so wasteful with tea as your predecessors." Manny said in his most feigned snobbish tone.

Keith just grins at Manny's response. "Nah, can't be wastin' stuff like that. Either way, from the South rather than the North. We don't just throw out tea."

Keith extends his hand for a handshake. "Still, glad to have ya here, Manny right?"

The scary thing is, the thing is kinda cute. But it’s a demon, ya know?! Like what the hell? Demons are aren’t supposed to be cute.

Thanks man. I think I’d like to hang this weekend if you don’t have plans.

That's kinda terrifying. Like dude demons should be scary! Suppose anything is possible though. So is it like a dog, cat, bird? Kinda curious now.

No plans that I know of as of now, just survive the missions this week and keep my sanity in check. Got one today we have no freakin clue when it happens.

2022-07-04, 07:24 AM
Living Room John
“Good morning, John. No, no. I was awake,” she says quickly. “He was on Coronation Street for a bit, wasn’t he? I had no idea he worked for AEGIS.”

“I would like to be there too. And yes, I can feel emotions through our link.” John feels a hint of amusement. “Please don’t send me emojis.”

Big thumbs up to that, John teased, and thanks for being patient with the telepathic newbie. Our meeting is about to start. I’ll be in touch later about dinner.

“Emi remembers you from Coronation Street, John mentioned to Manny. “You need anything before the meeting starts? It looks like we’re in for a busy day.”

2022-07-04, 08:28 AM
Keith just grins at Manny's response. "Nah, can't be wastin' stuff like that. Either way, from the South rather than the North. We don't just throw out tea."

Keith extends his hand for a handshake. "Still, glad to have ya here, Manny right?"

Manny smiles and shakes his hand. "Correct, Keith and Thanks mate."

Big thumbs up to that, John teased, and thanks for being patient with the telepathic newbie. Our meeting is about to start. I’ll be in touch later about dinner.

“Emi remembers you from Coronation Street, John mentioned to Manny. “You need anything before the meeting starts? It looks like we’re in for a busy day.”

"A little food would go a long way." Manny says. "You lot made breakfast? I'll whip up something If someone wants to give me a tour of the Kitchen and possibly the rest of the place. I must say, it's a sight better on the inside."

big teej
2022-07-04, 08:51 AM
Living Room:

"Sure, it's not much though." Raphael says to Seraph.

Raphael smiles back at Stella, decides not to lament not being the man of her dreams, and says "A Promise is a promise."

2022-07-04, 09:46 AM
Living Room
Seraph nods, looking around the room before he addresses Manny. “This meeting should be fairly quick. The mission is off the books, so you have the choice to stay out of this one if you want.”

“Stella, Raph, what’s the plan?”

It’s a… cat? Kinda. But not. It’s small enough to curl up in my hands. And it’s stupid soft.

big teej
2022-07-04, 10:44 AM
Hey, that's me:

Raphael briefly gets a deer-in-headlights expression before shrugging and looking around the room.

"As you might have noticed, I haven't been around to make any elaborate plans or do any research.... so my plan is simple." He says.

"We're going to go to the entrance of the River King's Treasure Trove." He glances at Menagerie. "Stella remembers where it is. Once at the entrance, I'll open a rift between this realm of existence and the treasure trove. Once Inside, we'll k-- deal with any guardians inside between us and Mom's Soul. Once it's in our possession, we break back out, swing by the pub for a cold one, and call it a day" (https://youtu.be/MeJzHSxRq40)

Raphael nods to himself. "As for when, I defer to our resident expert." He turns to John. "Is there an auspicious or traditional appointed hour for stealing from river monsters or the like?"

He'll then turn back to Stella "Could you tell everyone what you told me about the one time you went there before?"

2022-07-04, 11:35 AM
Living Room, Tuesday Morning
Will walks in, dressed for a mission, and takes up a spot next to Louis, listening to plans being made.

2022-07-04, 11:47 AM
“Rivers, unfortunately for us, never sleep,” John replied, “
so there is no time better than another. Astrologically, the day is a wash. It is a good day for getting lost in unfamiliar places, which is bad for us, but also a bad day for confronting a woman, which is bad for the River King.

“The good news is that, with Mandy of n town, we have someone with electrical-based powers — which could inconvenience some of his minions.

“I was hoping to brief Dr. Rivera, the occult expert Myriad sent East Side later today so if you are asking when I think we should go, I would suggest the morning — but that is a scheduling preference rather than an occult-based one.”

2022-07-04, 01:52 PM
Living Room
Stella stands from her chair and walks up to the wall next to Seraph. “Mimi, would you project a map of the sewers with a mostly transparent overlay of the city, please?”

Once the map is up, she holds her hand out and summons her hat in a plume of smoke and reaches in to pull out a miniaturized Jaal. She sets the dragon on her shoulder, and after a moment conversing with him telepathically, she traces out a short route, which Mimi highlights in red. The path begins in South Side territory about 20 minutes away from West Side’s base and ends just short of the Iron River. “There’s a door here that you’ll probably need to open, Drake,” she says, pointing at a place halfway through the route. “If you’re still planning on coming, of course.”

“South Side’s behind you guys,” he answers. “Ryker, Aeryn, and I can get that door open, no problem.”

Stella gives him a soft smile. “Thank you,” she says as she turns around to face the group. She takes a breath, intimidated by all the eyes on her before she lets it out and continues, “I was taken there about a year ago by Julian. The door was sealed shut magically, and he opened it with a Riverspeak spell, so I don’t know if I can replicate that. John and I may want to try a few methods before we break in through a fracture in reality though. While I don’t doubt it would work since we know where the entrance is, it would probably set off every spell the River King has guarding the Trove.”

“Inside there’s a… room, about the size of city block. It almost looks like a ruined city on the edges of a bayou. There’s a ton of water and broken down buildings. It’s filled with everything you can possibly imagine. Gold, gems, artifacts… but I would suggest that we don’t touch anything unless we need to. We don’t know what could be cursed. The edges of the dimension stop abruptly. There’s something kind of like a forcefield with darkness beyond. I don’t know how far up it goes, but the people who can fly should have some maneuverability.”

“I don’t know what other monsters are in there, but guarding the entrance is a bus-sized two headed gator. Julian told me that it was one of the River King’s oldest pets. Once we take care of him, I can activate a tracking spell that should lead us straight to my merè’s soul. Then we get out as quickly as possible.”

“Do you know how deep the water is?” Yuki asks apprehensively.

“Umm… no? Why?” Stella asks.

Yuki glances over at Drake before he sighs deeply. “I sink in water,” he explains. “I’ll just have to be careful.”

“Did I miss anything, Raphael? Any other questions?” Stella asks, looking at the group.

2022-07-04, 02:21 PM
Living Room
“Do you know how deep the water is?” Yuki asks apprehensively.

“Umm… no? Why?” Stella asks.

Yuki glances over at Drake before he sighs deeply. “I sink in water,” he explains. “I’ll just have to be careful.”

“Did I miss anything, Raphael? Any other questions?” Stella asks, looking at the group.

“I took the precaution of placing a requisition with AEGIS,” John noted. “We have enough rebreathers for everyone here. That may not fully address the mobility question, though. Was there enough detritus there to craft a raft, Stella, or is it worth it considering dragging in one for ourselves? We could also conjure one, I suppose, but only if you think the casting of a spell there would not immediately draw attention to us.”

2022-07-04, 02:43 PM
Living Room
“I don’t think we’ll need a raft,” Stella replies. “From what I could see, the edges were water, but the interior was mostly those destroyed buildings, with only a few channels of water that we should be able to easily cross. Jaal can carry people if he needs to.”

At the suggestion, the black dragon on her shoulder snorts out a small cloud of smoke.

“As for magic, I’m unsure if it would trigger anything. Julian cast a few spells while I was in there with him and nothing happened, but he’s also one of the River King’s creations.”

2022-07-04, 02:46 PM
Living Room
“Inside there’s a… room, about the size of city block. It almost looks like a ruined city on the edges of a bayou. There’s a ton of water and broken down buildings. It’s filled with everything you can possibly imagine. Gold, gems, artifacts… but I would suggest that we don’t touch anything unless we need to. We don’t know what could be cursed. The edges of the dimension stop abruptly. There’s something kind of like a forcefield with darkness beyond. I don’t know how far up it goes, but the people who can fly should have some maneuverability.”
“Did I miss anything, Raphael? Any other questions?” Stella asks, looking at the group.

“I took the precaution of placing a requisition with AEGIS,” John noted. “We have enough rebreathers for everyone here. That may not fully address the mobility question, though. Was there enough detritus there to craft a raft, Stella, or is it worth it considering dragging in one for ourselves? We could also conjure one, I suppose, but only if you think the casting of a spell there would not immediately draw attention to us.”

Keith glances over at John then back at Stella and grins. "That answers most of mine."

He then thinks for a moment. "Actually, there is one. Should we make an attempt at trying to detect any magical traps on triggers to our own spellwork or just hope for the best and book it?"

It’s a… cat? Kinda. But not. It’s small enough to curl up in my hands. And it’s stupid soft.

A cat? That.... ok that's adorable and that it's stupid soft. I gotta come and see this!

2022-07-04, 02:51 PM
Living Room
“I don’t think we’ll need a raft,” Stella replies. “From what I could see, the edges were water, but the interior was mostly those destroyed buildings, with only a few channels of water that we should be able to easily cross. Jaal can carry people if he needs to.”

At the suggestion, the black dragon on her shoulder snorts out a small cloud of black smoke.

“As for magic, I’m unsure if it would trigger anything. Julian cast a few spells while I was in there with him and nothing happened, but he’s also one of the River King’s creations.”

“I’d we have any high-resolution recordings of Julian — video and audio?” John asked the room. “Or is there a way for your to project his image? I suspect that the absence of a completely accurate scent profile might not be enough to get us past the guardian, but it might buy us a moment or two.

“Unless, of course, Jaal has scented him. If that is the case, I might be able to create the correct scent profile as well as physical profile.”

2022-07-04, 03:23 PM
“I’d we have any high-resolution recordings of Julian — video and audio?” John asked the room. “Or is there a way for your to project his image? I suspect that the absence of a completely accurate scent profile might not be enough to get us past the guardian, but it might buy us a moment or two.”

Keith tilts his head to the side. "That crazy frog? I think I remember runnin' into him a couple of times. I can try somethin' right fast, just..... well if it don't work we can go back to the "take care of it" plan, since we may have to either way." He looks around at everyone. "Just, uhhhh, please don't attack me if this works ok?"

Keith focuses for a moment as his shadow starts to crawl up his body and it starts to transform. "I have no idea how Uncle stands this!" Keith groans as his body starts to mirror that of a frog and his voice changes slightly with an accent. His clothes take the form of one of Julian's outfits he semi-remembers.

His eyes go wide once he's engulfed in the shadowy illusion and he looks at his now frog hands. "This is just plain ridiculous. Wait, did I get shorter? Odd, thought he was taller." Keith as Julian rubs the back of his head and looks slightly disgusted. "If I can get some mannerisms down, this might work. 'Specially since someone walkin' by could raise an alarm if the guard is out cold while we in there. Then again, scent profile is definitely another story." Keith shrugs. "Can I drop this for now?"

big teej
2022-07-04, 03:35 PM
Peace was never an option:

"Uhm... This is great and all." Raphael says eyeing Keith's transformation dubiously. "But I'm killing the bus-sized gator." he holds up both hands in a helpless shrug. "I don't know how sentimental that oversized carp is, but I plan on breaking a bunch of his toys."

He sneers. "This isn't just a snatch and grab. This is a declaration of war."

"This fish is ultimately responsible for everything we've been dealing with." The vampire continues, warming to his theme. "Every single life taken or damaged by the riverfolk, everyone devoured by a heart eater, anyone addicted to or consumed by Nova."

Raphael jerks a thumb at Stella. "And as far as I'm concerned, it's been made personal."

2022-07-04, 04:00 PM
Peace was never an option:

"Uhm... This is great and all." Raphael says eyeing Keith's transformation dubiously. "But I'm killing the bus-sized gator." he holds up both hands in a helpless shrug. "I don't know how sentimental that oversized carp is, but I plan on breaking a bunch of his toys."

He sneers. "This isn't just a snatch and grab. This is a declaration of war."

"This fish is ultimately responsible for everything we've been dealing with." The vampire continues, warming to his theme. "Every single life taken or damaged by the riverfolk, everyone devoured by a heart eater, anyone addicted to or consumed by Nova."

Raphael jerks a thumb at Stella. "And as far as I'm concerned, it's been made personal."

“How certain are we that the lines all go back to the River King,”John asked, “and not to someone one level above him in this plot? I still haven’t come to grips with the question of who is pulling the strings on this interlaced plot. Thus far, we have the River King and his operations, the Crowns and their Nova operation, and the greater demon that is only one of two demons expected to be summoned. What we don’t yet know is who was the initial summoner — unless someone here knows more than I do.

“I can appreciate your desire to declare war, Raphael — whoever is behind this has it coming. What worries me is the possibility of needing to go back into the treasury at some point. If we can slip in and slip out — perhaps while sowing discord in the ranks, it may be to our benefit.”

2022-07-04, 06:12 PM
Louis greets Will with a nod as his teammate takes a spot beside him just that the meeting begins.

He watches intently as Stella walks both teams through the inner workings of the River King's pocket dimension and arches an eyebrow at Keith's display.

"Uhm... This is great and all." Raphael says eyeing Keith's transformation dubiously. "But I'm killing the bus-sized gator." he holds up both hands in a helpless shrug. "I don't know how sentimental that oversized carp is, but I plan on breaking a bunch of his toys."

He sneers. "This isn't just a snatch and grab. This is a declaration of war."

"This fish is ultimately responsible for everything we've been dealing with." The vampire continues, warming to his theme. "Every single life taken or damaged by the riverfolk, everyone devoured by a heart eater, anyone addicted to or consumed by Nova."

Raphael jerks a thumb at Stella. "And as far as I'm concerned, it's been made personal."

"That's awfully big talk coming from someone who had to book it from their fight against Felicia Belmont and the last crusade." Louis says, finally standing upright.

“How certain are we that the lines all go back to the River King,” John asked, “and not to someone one level above him in this plot? I still haven’t come to grips with the question of who is pulling the strings on this interlaced plot. Thus far, we have the River King and his operations, the Crowns and their Nova operation, and the greater demon that is only one of two demons expected to be summoned. What we don’t yet know is who was the initial summoner — unless someone here knows more than I do.

“I can appreciate your desire to declare war, Raphael — whoever is behind this has it coming. What worries me is the possibility of needing to go back into the treasury at some point. If we can slip in and slip out — perhaps while sowing discord in the ranks, it may be to our benefit.”

"John, I know you're new to these parts so I wouldn't expect you to know this but there's an old saying around here that still holds true to this day. 'Everything leads back to the river, one way or another.' The River King's been lurking beneath the depths of Iron Stations waters for centuries and as far as I can tell he's had a hand in just about everything that goes on in the shadows, even if it isn't readily apparent at first. I don't think it's a stretch to assume he's played some part in all of this but to what end I couldn't tell you." He offers a slight shrug in the absence of any real insight.

Louis looks around at the faces of everyone gathered in the living room before locking eyes with Raphael. "I can tell you're serious about everything you've said but let's take a second to put all of this into perspective. The River King's had a hold Iron Station for longer than any of us has been alive or any hero this city's seen. And in all that time he's never once been captured or defeated. Hell, no one's even caught a glimpse of 'im. What makes you think things will be be any different after we break into his bank? You're talking about starting a war with someone who can call down the full force of the Iron River on a whim. Are you really ready to brave those waters?"

big teej
2022-07-04, 07:55 PM

"I appreciate your desire to be cautious, John." Raphael says. "But it's not a suggestion, it's a statement of intent."

Raphael jumps to his feet at Louis' challenge. He drains the rest of the blood bag dry and tosses it into the trashcan. "If you're scared. Stay home. I said I'm going after the River King, and that's exactly what I'm going to do." Raphael glares around the room. "Louis has a point. Nobody has ever even seen this sump-sucker. Which means his oh-so-high-and-mighty reputation is entirely unearned (https://youtu.be/xXssYGcyemk?t=23)."

He looks back at Louis. "Not only am I ready. I think I'm exactly the kind of -- person to do it."

The vampire calms himself with a visible effort. "John says it doesn't matter when we do this. So if there's nothing else relevant to hash out. I say we get on with it."

He heaves a sigh and looks at his boots. "Look." He shrugs. "I asked for volunteers. I'm not blind to the task I've set for myself. I won't think any less of any of you who don't want to get into the middle of this." He looks around again, meeting everyone's eyes, trying to impress his sincerity upon them.

He looks back at the floor and shrugs again. "But the way I see it, We're all already caught up in this demon business. So I figure we're all already on the River King's Drek-List."

2022-07-04, 08:05 PM
“That’s part of my point, Louis,” John responded in as calm a voice as he could muster after Raphael’s outburst. “Why would the River King, of all of the residents of Iron Station, want or need a greater demon or two? At best, you are introducing a potential rival to your authority. You only do that if there is a clear benefit to you and, right now, I see no clear benefit. That means there is either some larger plan we have not seen or that there is someone else that the River King and the Crowns are working alongside — a figure we can theorize but not put a name to.

“Right now, the River King’s motivations are either being implemented by the greater demon or the are aligned with the interests of the unnamed summoner. Freeing Stella’s mother may help us to fill in some of those gaps — which is reason enough for us to go. And I have a suspicion that someone declared war on the four provisional teams a while ago without letting us know.

“Our taking the war to them is one thing, Raphael — as would be blooding their nose. Right now, my concern is that we don’t know what we are striking and why. Destroying the two headed gator would be a symbolic blow and an impressive one. I would prefer to do it if we had a better sense of what the other pieces on the board are.”

2022-07-04, 08:43 PM
Living Room
Stella glances over at John. “The reason that we’re attacking now is that my merè is very close to death. She won’t last more than another day or two without her soul. The doctors say that her body is shutting down. Honestly, I’m surprised that she’s lasted this long.”

The sorceress closes her eyes briefly to control her emotions. “I don’t have any doubts that we’ll have to kill Duex, the gator that guards the entrance. With this many people, there’s just no way for all of us to get in undetected. But bouille, I still think that we shouldn’t disturb the rest of the Trove. We don’t know what spells or curses are hiding in there and it would be best if we didn’t activate anything that we don’t understand.”

“I agree with Stella,” Drake says. “The objective of this mission should be to grab her mom’s soul and get out. Raph, I get it. I’d be pissed if the King hurt Yuki, but we don’t have enough intel. I doubt this is his only pocket dimension. Look, I have your back, but I think we can deal a more decisive strike later with some additional recon.”

“You shouldn’t **** with magic,” Ryker says in low voice. His right knee jitters in place. “You know I wanna **** up that fish too, but he holds all the cards right now. I’m with Drake and Stella.”

2022-07-04, 08:47 PM
Keith looks around at his team hashing it out and a ribbit escapes the frog throat. "Gah, I.... well if we don't use this." Keith let's the shadow drop and he returns to his normal self. He shakes his head as though clearing it and looks back at John. "It's not that we don't agree with you Raph. It's that there are a lot of variables in the air. Sending a message is somethin' that needs to be done, but sendin' that message while we're in the vault, think about how we already don't know what's going to come up. someone walks by and sees a killed guard, what happens then?"

Keith nods at Stella. "Even if it was just trying to get in and out with John to teleport, I know we'd all still go regardless. " Keith turns to Raph. "You'll get your chance, but if we want to get Stella's mom out, our best chance is a smash and grab. Otherwise, we risk far more. And if that greater demon is working with the River King, I'd rather him not show up."

Not as close as we got to him the other day, thanks for the heads up........ Keith thinks to himself.

2022-07-04, 09:04 PM
“With the exception of my own, I put the rebreathers in the Control Center last night,” John said, motioning to the adjoining room as he stood and willed his costume into place before taking a picture of the route they would need to follow through the sewers and uploading it to his HUD. “Was there anything else we needed to go over for this mission? With apologies to the two of you, ladies,” John said bowing to Stella and Sidney, “there are one or two small details we need to go over with the two Provisional Teams about a separate matter before we go. And out of respect for your mother, we should go sooner rather than later.

John turned and looked at his friend. “You in, Manny?”

2022-07-04, 09:38 PM
“With the exception of my own, I put the rebreathers in the Control Center last night,” John said, motioning to the adjoining room as he stood and willed his costume into place before taking a picture of the route they would need to follow through the sewers and uploading it to his HUD. “Was there anything else we needed to go over for this mission? With apologies to the two of you, ladies,” John said bowing to Stella and Sidney, “there are one or two small details we need to go over with the two Provisional Teams about a separate matter before we go. And out of respect for your mother, we should go sooner rather than later.

John turned and looked at his friend. “You in, Manny?”

Manny reclines on the wall. "Can't let my new team go soul searching in a pocket dimension of a unseen river spirit without me now can I?" He says with a toothy grin .

"And besides Bernie would never let me live it down if he heard i had a chance to fight a two-headed gator. He lives for good stories."

2022-07-04, 10:13 PM
Raphael jumps to his feet at Louis' challenge. He drains the rest of the blood bag dry and tosses it into the trashcan. "If you're scared. Stay home. I said I'm going after the River King, and that's exactly what I'm going to do." Raphael glares around the room. "Louis has a point. Nobody has ever even seen this sump-sucker. Which means his oh-so-high-and-mighty reputation is entirely unearned."

He looks back at Louis. "Not only am I ready. I think I'm exactly the kind of -- person to do it."

The vampire calms himself with a visible effort. "John says it doesn't matter when we do this. So if there's nothing else relevant to hash out. I say we get on with it."

He heaves a sigh and looks at his boots. "Look." He shrugs. "I asked for volunteers. I'm not blind to the task I've set for myself. I won't think any less of any of you who don't want to get into the middle of this." He looks around again, meeting everyone's eyes, trying to impress his sincerity upon them.

He looks back at the floor and shrugs again. "But the way I see it, We're all already caught up in this demon business. So I figure we're all already on the River King's Drek-List."

"Sounds like we're locked into a collision course with that gator if we want in. And at this point I'd hope everyone here realizes that there's no turning back once we do this. We'll be making ourselves a target for the River King and his servants but it's not like we haven't done that already with the greater demon we're hunting."

Louis steps forward to meet Raphael in the center of the room. "Listen, if this is the path you've chosen for yourself then who am I to stop you? But whatever happens, just know that you won't have to walk down that path alone. I'm in, always was. And I-" He pauses, choking on his next words. "It's good to have you back Raph." He holds up an open hand at chest height between the two.

“That’s part of my point, Louis,” John responded in as calm a voice as he could muster after Raphael’s outburst. “Why would the River King, of all of the residents of Iron Station, want or need a greater demon or two? At best, you are introducing a potential rival to your authority. You only do that if there is a clear benefit to you and, right now, I see no clear benefit. That means there is either some larger plan we have not seen or that there is someone else that the River King and the Crowns are working alongside — a figure we can theorize but not put a name to.

“Right now, the River King’s motivations are either being implemented by the greater demon or the are aligned with the interests of the unnamed summoner. Freeing Stella’s mother may help us to fill in some of those gaps — which is reason enough for us to go. And I have a suspicion that someone declared war on the four provisional teams a while ago without letting us know.

“Our taking the war to them is one thing, Raphael — as would be blooding their nose. Right now, my concern is that we don’t know what we are striking and why. Destroying the two headed gator would be a symbolic blow and an impressive one. I would prefer to do it if we had a better sense of what the other pieces on the board are.”

Louis looks from Ryker back to John. "Sometimes you have to play with the hand you're dealt. We may not know who or what we're dealing with until we get to the river but that's the kind of game we're playing."

big teej
2022-07-04, 10:48 PM
Clever Title:

Raphael looks ready to continue arguing the point until Stella brings up her mom. He bites back on his fury, and his next outburst. just a couple of days? Did I really cut this so close? Surely something has changed while I was gone to take away what little extra time we had...

He considers another long moment. "Fine, fine. I won't break anything unnecessary this time." He concedes to the room. He turns to John with a shrug. "I can't think of anything I've got squirreled away that's going to make a difference." He shifts his weight with a grimace. "And I'm.... willing to grant that you and Stella trying to get us in is going to be a lot less...Declarative conspicuous then how I was going to do it.

Raphael takes Louis' hand with a smile and winks at him. "Don't worry Louis, nobody can stop me." He let's go and says more soberly "I'm glad to be back."

2022-07-04, 10:59 PM
Living Room
Stella gives Raphael a gentle smile. “Thank you bouille,” she says before she looks curiously over at John. “I understand why I may need to leave the room, because of the curse, but what about Sidney? I thought she was better?”

Sidney arches an eyebrow at John in a silent question after Stella’s words.

2022-07-05, 05:18 AM
Living Room
Stella gives Raphael a gentle smile. “Thank you bouille,” she says before she looks curiously over at John. “I understand why I may need to leave the room, because of the curse, but what about Sidney? I thought she was better?”

Sidney arches an eyebrow at John in a silent question after Stella’s words.

“It’s the same kind of abundance of caution that we were prepared to operate under while healing her,” John explained gently. He wished he could explain that he wanted to provide a cover story, in case her curse was somehow listening and that he wanted Sidney there in case, even when separated, it was somehow triggered and Stella needed comfort of a sort he had not yet learned how to provide. Ryker would be able to fill her in later.

He pushed away the consideration that he was trying to keep the two of them out of the room, lest they register the same disapproval of him that Yuki had.

“Of course, I will defer to Seraph’s wisdom in this matter. If he believes it is more appropriate for me to discuss it with a fuller room, I will be happy to do so.”

2022-07-05, 07:51 AM
Living Room
The angel, silently leaning against the front wall while the team hashed out their plan, looks over at Sidney and Stella. “I think John’s right. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of caution when dealing with curses and psychic attacks.”

Sidney looks between Seraph and John in disappointment, but stands and follows Stella out of the room. Mimi closes the door to the living room and confirms that they’re out of earshot.

2022-07-05, 08:15 AM
Living Room
The angel, silently leaning against the front wall while the team hashed out their plan, looks over at Sidney and Stella. “I think John’s right. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of caution when dealing with curses and psychic attacks.”

Sidney looks between Seraph and John in disappointment, but stands and follows Stella out of the room. Mimi closes the door to the living room and confirms that they’re out of earshot.

John took a deep breath as he pulled down his hood. As much as he wanted to use it to hide, his friends deserved better than that. “I believe Raphael and I owe the team an apology. It seems he and I had access to some information that was not shared as widely as it should have been — so let me open with telling all of you that I am sorry that you are only receiving this news now.

“We know the name of the person who has been possessed by the greater demon. His name is Matteo Bordeaux, the IT Operations Manager at Innovatech and — Mimi, if you can confirm the relationship via US Census records — the brother of Stella. Raphael was able, if I am guessing correctly, to learn his name via some contacts after seeing Harbinger’s sketch and he asked me what, if anything, I would be able to do with the possessed’s name. I was operating under the assumption that he had passed the word along to others initially. Given Stella’s curse, you can appreciate why one might not want to mention this in an open meeting. Soon after, Raphael had his encounter at Amity Court. I should have checked to make sure that all of you knew but I was distracted by helping Sidney and preparing for the date associated with her treatment. That lapse in my judgement resulted in William, Louis, and Keith being within yards of Bordeaux on Sunday. Gentlemen, my apologies for putting you at risk.” John smiled and offered Keith a sidelong glance. “Again.”

He looked down, turning serious again. “I worry that we are all carrying too many fragments of information like that individually. We should probably — perhaps over a post-mission late lunch, begin to compare notes as a group. It would be a beneficial way to bring Manny up to speed if we were to do that.

“The other thing I would like to mention is something I alluded to a few moments ago. Right now, it is a pattern but one I think we should be all aware of — especially if anyone notices something on today’s mission that one might discount otherwise. To list it out:

“West Side’s Team Lead’s fiancée’s sister was a target for possession by the greater demon this group defeated.

“Stella’s mother’s son was a successful target for possession and has had her soul captured.

“South Side’s Team Lead is being afflicted with an increasing number of migraines and had been called to by the Stone we retrieved from beneath the Volta Memorial, resulting in further challenges for him.

“East Side’s Team Lead has been sidelined by the assassination of her husband by the Crowns — who are neck deep in all of this. Eidolon’s presence — which, for now, appears to have been unexpected — appears to have been a piece of luck in Iron Station’s favor in that regard.

“I don’t know what, if anything, is happening to North Side, but I am concerned about the pattern. I would ask all of you to keep an eye out for anything that might confirm this as significant or if there are any other larger patterns of activity by the Crowns, the Demon, and the River King that align.”

John turned to Seraph. “Did I leave anything out?

2022-07-05, 08:56 AM
Living Room
Ryker sits up straighter as John reveals the name of the Greater Demon and pins the magician with an intense gaze. “Wait. Matteo is the Greater Demon?” he asks incredulously. “You… you’re jokin’, right?”

2022-07-05, 09:06 AM
Living Room
Ryker sits up straighter as John reveals the name of the Greater Demon and pins the magician with an intense gaze. “Wait. Matteo is the Greater Demon?” he asks incredulously. “You… you’re jokin’, right?”

“I wish I were, Ryker,” John replies. “I suspect our job would be easier if it were someone completely unrelated. When I slipped last night and confirmed that Keith had said he and the others went to Innovatech, Stella’s face was absolutely neutral — the kind of neutral my parents get when someone has said something that they can neither confirm nor deny. It was enough to make me believe that Raphael’s contacts were correct.

“I take it you know him?”

2022-07-05, 12:59 PM
Living Room
Ryker’s fists clench for a moment before he answers. “Yeah, he’s Stella’s brother. He’s like 8 or 9 years older than her. Graduated from Bastion and was recruited by Innovatech right outta college. Before I got arrested, I used to go over to his place to watch the pay-per-view M3A fights with him while Stella and Sid hung out. He’s a good guy.”

He looks down at the floor, silent for a moment. “Seraph. What happens when you get possessed by a Greater Demon?”

The angel sighs. “You’re not going to like the answer, Ryker.”

“What. Happens?” Ryker repeats, glaring up at the older hero.

“Typically, when you’re possessed by a Greater Demon, your soul is burned out,” Seraph says quietly. “The demon takes over the empty husk. That’s why lesser demons inhabit dead bodies if they want to have a chance at hiding. They don’t have the power to take over a body that still has a soul. There’s a small possibility that Matteo is still in there, but it’s a very slim chance.”

2022-07-05, 01:06 PM
Living Room
Ryker’s fists clench for a moment before he answers. “Yeah, he’s Stella’s brother. He’s like 8 or 9 years older than her. Graduated from Bastion and was recruited by Innovatech right outta college. Before I got arrested, I used to go over to his place to watch the pay-per-view M3A fights with him while Stella and Sid hung out. He’s a good guy.”

He looks down at the floor, silent for a moment. “Seraph. What happens when you get possessed by a Greater Demon?”

The angel sighs. “You’re not going to like the answer, Ryker.”

“What. Happens?” Ryker repeats, glaring up at the older hero.

“Typically, when you’re possessed by a Greater Demon, your soul is burned out,” Seraph says quietly. “The demon takes over the empty husk. That’s why lesser demons inhabit dead bodies if they want to have a chance at hiding. They don’t have the power to take over a body that still has a soul. There’s a small possibility that Matteo is still in there, but it’s a very slim chance.”

Keith's eyes widen as he hears the result of demon possession. He had been listening intently to the rest of the conversation and had offered a grin to John when he mentioned needing to apologize again.

"So it is her brother, that..... we have to succeed today. So if the soul is burned out, do they retain the memories of the host, or would they still need a part of the soul? Either way the best chance to see if he's still in there would be to handle this quickly and find a method to get rid of a greater demon." He start to think for a moment if he can recall anything special about getting rid of a demon from his Uncle's lessons.

Occult Knowledge (https://orokos.com/roll/947131): 1d6o6 9 1d6o6 2

2022-07-05, 02:17 PM
“What. Happens?” Ryker repeats, glaring up at the older hero.

“Typically, when you’re possessed by a Greater Demon, your soul is burned out,” Seraph says quietly. “The demon takes over the empty husk. That’s why lesser demons inhabit dead bodies if they want to have a chance at hiding. They don’t have the power to take over a body that still has a soul. There’s a small possibility that Matteo is still in there, but it’s a very slim chance.”

“For what it is worth, Ryker, the demon likely has some motivation for keeping Mateo around,” John offered gently. “It is going to be very difficult for him to function in his role at Innovatech without Matteo’s expertise. But much like his mother, the clock is ticking on saving him as well.

“I am hoping that, once I speak with Dr. Rivera, we can put together some kind of a plan to help him.”

Knowledge Occult — the rescuing of souls and the banishing of demons (https://orokos.com/roll/947132): 1d10o10+2 4 1d6o6+2 3

Just as he wanted to limit what he said now, out of fear of giving false hope or magnified despair, John had shied away from the collateral damage question as much as he could the night before — the fact that Stella, her mother, and Seraph would all be painfully aware of what their loved one would be experiencing and the process by which they would lose them. He knew the broad outlines of things, of course, and what one could do if one had the demon’s True Name, but to get beyond those basics would take the kind of study that took longer than he had had in Iron Station — even if he had not been distracted by Emi.

He knew he needed to speak with Dr. Rivera before committing much beyond what he had.

2022-07-05, 08:17 PM
Living Room
“Demons gain the person’s memories when they possess them,” Seraph replies to Keith. “That’s why they’re so good at hiding among humans. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, they’ll fool you.”

The angel looks between John and Ryker. He starts to say something, but the words die in his throat as the magician tries to give the former criminal some small comfort. “I’m going to speak to Alistair after our meeting wraps up. I’ll let you know what he says before you leave for the mission.”

Aimee says she’ll be available at noon today

2022-07-05, 09:02 PM
Living Room
“Demons gain the person’s memories when they possess them,” Seraph replies to Keith. “That’s why they’re so good at hiding among humans. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, they’ll fool you.”

The angel looks between John and Ryker. He starts to say something, but the words die in his throat as the magician tries to give the former criminal some small comfort. “I’m going to speak to Alistair after our meeting wraps up. I’ll let you know what he says before you leave for the mission.”

Aimee says she’ll be available at noon today

Keith nods at what Seraph tells him, though he is disappointed in himself for not knowing much more than he does about demons. I really should have paid attention that lecture.... Then again who thinks they're just gonna come across a demon? He shakes his head. "We'll figure somethin' out. Like John said, there might be a reason to keep him around for now. Sooner it's done with though the better."

Keith feels his phone buzz in his pocket and takes it out slightly smiling at the text and then grimacing at the pure business approach each has taken. And the time frame that's been placed on them now. He turns to John as he drafts up a new response. "Got a meeting with Aimee to see if we could learn some more, but she'll be available at noon. Had hoped a bit later."

Thanks Kylie, really appreciate it. And I owe ya again. We have a mission at some point today but it should be done with before that, or should take place after. No one has given us a major timeframe.

Keith sighs. "I really ****ed that up." He says mostly to himself. He pinches the bridge of his nose and then looks back at the group. "At least if anythin' we know who the greater demon here is, now if we could just get its actual name."

Keith looks over at John. "Come to think of it, how many people can you teleport with you if we need a quick exit? Hypothetically."

2022-07-05, 09:15 PM
Keith looks over at John. "Come to think of it, how many people can you teleport with you if we need a quick exit? Hypothetically."

“The more people you add, the more difficult it becomes,” John replies. “The should of the living create a kind of drag through the paths I create when I teleport. If I were trying to get us all out at once, I would be using alternative methods from the spell I normally use. It is less stable but it doesn’t have the same kinds of limitations. While I have already prepared for that eventuality for this mission, it would be accurate to characterize it an act of desperation rather than the endgame of a well-laid plan.”

2022-07-06, 04:42 AM
Raphael takes Louis' hand with a smile and winks at him. "Don't worry Louis, nobody can stop me." He let's go and says more soberly "I'm glad to be back."

Louis mirrors Raphael's smile and offers a small nod of his head in return.

John took a deep breath as he pulled down his hood. As much as he wanted to use it to hide, his friends deserved better than that. “I believe Raphael and I owe the team an apology. It seems he and I had access to some information that was not shared as widely as it should have been — so let me open with telling all of you that I am sorry that you are only receiving this news now.

“We know the name of the person who has been possessed by the greater demon. His name is Matteo Bordeaux, the IT Operations Manager at Innovatech and — Mimi, if you can confirm the relationship via US Census records — the brother of Stella. Raphael was able, if I am guessing correctly, to learn his name via some contacts after seeing Harbinger’s sketch and he asked me what, if anything, I would be able to do with the possessed’s name. I was operating under the assumption that he had passed the word along to others initially. Given Stella’s curse, you can appreciate why one might not want to mention this in an open meeting. Soon after, Raphael had his encounter at Amity Court. I should have checked to make sure that all of you knew but I was distracted by helping Sidney and preparing for the date associated with her treatment. That lapse in my judgement resulted in William, Louis, and Keith being within yards of Bordeaux on Sunday. Gentlemen, my apologies for putting you at risk.” John smiled and offered Keith a sidelong glance. “Again.”

It took a moment for the revelation of the greater demon's identity and his ties to those around him to finally sink in. A wave of cold washed over Louis, filling him with a sense of dread. Not for himself but for the fates of those tied to a threat far greater than anything they could've imagined. Stella, Kelly, and hundreds if not thousands of innocent employees of Innovatech were at the mercy of an unknown enemy. Their lives were equivalent to that of pawns being fielded in a game with undefined rules and stakes transcending death.

"Of course... It couldn't have just been a coincidence, could it?" Louis says to no one in particular. "And there's no need to apologize John, at least not to me anyway. It's everyone else I'm worried about."

He pulls out his phone and types up a message, his finger hovering above the send icon for a few moment before finally pressing it.

Hey, I know you're usually off the clock by now but there's something you've gotta know. It's about Kelly. She's... She's in danger and doesn't even know it. Call me whenever you can or send a text my way if you can't talk right now and I'll fill you in on everything we know so far.

2022-07-06, 01:38 PM
John and Keith
“Alistair said that Dr. Riviera is available until 3pm today,” Seraph says before the team leaves. “I’ve cleared it with him so that you two have permission to be at East Side’s base. He also said that Kylie had mentioned that you wanted to speak to Aimee today, so they’ll both be there too. I’ll also see if I can pick up the documents from Detective Varga before then, but I can’t promise anything on that front.”

“Say hi to Aimee for me,” the angel says. “I worry about her.”

Underground, 9:27am
The twenty minute walk through the sewers has been mostly uneventful. The only living things the team has seen are a few rats and cockroaches.

Aeryn holds a small fireball in his hand to illuminate the dark passageways. Stella motions the alien closer as they come to a metal door that looks exactly like the others that the team has passed except for a small wavy symbol (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJhSrUnhnOENjHJFUm1r3lOp4Q1mL2O wqBiw&usqp=CAU)carved in the concrete above it.

“This is it,” she says quietly. The sorceress frowns as she looks at it. “That symbol glowed the last time I was here.”

2022-07-06, 02:01 PM
John and Keith
“Alistair said that Dr. Riviera is available until 3pm today,” Seraph says before the team leaves. “I’ve cleared it with him so that you two have permission to be at East Side’s base. He also said that Kylie had mentioned that you wanted to speak to Aimee today, so they’ll both be there too. I’ll also see if I can pick up the documents from Detective Varga before then, but I can’t promise anything on that front.”

“Say hi to Aimee for me,” the angel says. “I worry about her.”

“Interesting,” John observes, noting to himself that the start and end times for the interviews neatly align with when Emi would be away taking her exam. It could be a coincidence, a father keeping his daughter from a known weakness, or any number of other reasons.

It also meant the meeting would not conflict with taking Emi to dinner.

“We will be sure to pass along your compliments, Seraph.”

Underground, 9:27am
The twenty minute walk through the sewers has been mostly uneventful. The only living things the team has seen are a few rats and cockroaches.

Aeryn holds a small fireball in his hand to illuminate the dark passageways. Stella motions the alien closer as they come to a metal door that looks exactly like the others that the team has passed except for a small wavy symbol (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJhSrUnhnOENjHJFUm1r3lOp4Q1mL2O wqBiw&usqp=CAU)carved in the concrete above it.

“This is it,” she says quietly. The sorceress frowns as she looks at it. “That symbol glowed the last time I was here.”

Knowledge Occult — the absence of a glow in the symbol (https://orokos.com/roll/947196): 1d10o10+2 5 1d6o6+2 7

Danger Sense — The Doorway to the Vault (https://orokos.com/roll/947197): 1d10o10+4 9 1d6o6+4 5

“I’d feel better about knowing why the River King’s personal symbol wasn’t glowing,” John observed from the shadows on the far side of the sewer tunnel, testing the weight of his new gloves. “But what I can tell you is that something — likely something unpleasant — is just beyond that doorway and we should be prepared for it.

“I would recommend, Raphael, that you and any other fist-first combatants position themselves to the side of the doorway that Ryker and Drake will not be pulling from and those of us with ranged attacks stage ourselves across the tunnel — with those, like Ayern, who can provide themselves some additional height to the back. I can stand mid-channel — as unpleasant as that is — and be ready to provide shielding or other support as needed.”

2022-07-06, 02:59 PM
John and Keith
“Alistair said that Dr. Riviera is available until 3pm today,” Seraph says before the team leaves. “I’ve cleared it with him so that you two have permission to be at East Side’s base. He also said that Kylie had mentioned that you wanted to speak to Aimee today, so they’ll both be there too. I’ll also see if I can pick up the documents from Detective Varga before then, but I can’t promise anything on that front.”

“Say hi to Aimee for me,” the angel says. “I worry about her.”

“Interesting,” John observes, noting to himself that the start and end times for the interviews neatly align with when Emi would be away taking her exam. It could be a coincidence, a father keeping his daughter from a known weakness, or any number of other reasons.

It also meant the meeting would not conflict with taking Emi to dinner.

“We will be sure to pass along your compliments, Seraph.”

Keith nods. "It is pretty interesting, but at least makes it so we don't have to wait around long. Just make it through this first trial." He was a bit nervous though. He thought that Kylie would have said something to Eidolon but he hadn't thought she would be there when they met with Aimee and Dr. Riviera. Maybe he should let White take over and..... Nah that was a terrible idea. Guess I'll just have to deal with that. My luck Zack will be around too.....

Keith did smile back at Seraph. "John's right, we'll pass along the message. Anything else that you would like us to mention?"

Underground, 9:27am
The twenty minute walk through the sewers has been mostly uneventful. The only living things the team has seen are a few rats and cockroaches.

Aeryn holds a small fireball in his hand to illuminate the dark passageways. Stella motions the alien closer as they come to a metal door that looks exactly like the others that the team has passed except for a small wavy symbol (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJhSrUnhnOENjHJFUm1r3lOp4Q1mL2O wqBiw&usqp=CAU)carved in the concrete above it.

“This is it,” she says quietly. The sorceress frowns as she looks at it. “That symbol glowed the last time I was here.”[/QUOTE]

Knowledge Occult — the absence of a glow in the symbol (https://orokos.com/roll/947196): 1d10o10+2 5 1d6o6+2 7

Danger Sense — The Doorway to the Vault (https://orokos.com/roll/947197): 1d10o10+4 9 1d6o6+4 5

“I’d feel better about knowing why the River King’s personal symbol wasn’t glowing,” John observed from the shadows on the far side of the sewer tunnel, testing the weight of his new gloves. “But what I can tell you is that something — likely something unpleasant — is just beyond that doorway and we should be prepared for it.

“I would recommend, Raphael, that you and any other fist-first combatants position themselves to the side of the doorway that Ryker and Drake will not be pulling from and those of us with ranged attacks stage ourselves across the tunnel — with those, like Ayern, who can provide themselves some additional height to the back. I can stand mid-channel — as unpleasant as that is — and be ready to provide shielding or other support as needed.”

Keith eyes the symbol and listens to Stella describe it. "Seems a bit unnerving if it's not glowing when it did the last time. Can't be helped though."

Occult Knowledge (https://orokos.com/roll/947198): 1d6o6 3 1d6o6 1

He takes a look around the door at first though. "Gimme a sec to take a look though." He takes a look around the door to see if there might be a trap at it.

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/947201): 1d6o6+2 3 1d6o6+2 7

As John described the plan for opening the door, Keith nods as he floats up a bit higher as allowed. "Sounds like a plan. Just be careful in the midpoint." Keith looks over. "So who all else is goin' over? Think our close range sorta outweighs the ranged part here." After everyone gets into position, Keith readies himself for a fight depending on what comes through the door.

2022-07-06, 03:18 PM
“Two quick things,” John says quietly as he maneuvers into position next to Stella. “Let me know if anything begins to feel eerily familiar. Second, if necessary, could Jaal carry everyone here on his back? It would be good if he could, should we need to get out quickly.”

2022-07-06, 08:02 PM
“I’ll be sure to let you know,” Stella replies to John. “As for Jaal, I’d have to cast a spell to make him bigger to fit everyone if our flyers also have to ride.”

Yuki, in her tiger form, pads closer to observe. “If I remember correctly, the map of the sewer showed that there was another corridor behind this door. How are we supposed to activate the pocket dimension?”

As John and Yuki get closer to the door and Stella, Keith notices that the symbol above starts to glow a light blue. It flickers before it goes out again.

2022-07-06, 08:23 PM
“I’ll be sure to let you know,” Stella replies to John. “As for Jaal, I’d have to cast a spell to make him bigger to fit everyone if our flyers also have to ride.”

Yuki, in her tiger form, pads closer to observe. “If I remember correctly, the map of the sewer showed that there was another corridor behind this door. How are we supposed to activate the pocket dimension?”

As John and Yuki get closer to the door and Stella, Keith notices that the symbol above starts to glow a light blue. It flickers before it goes out again.

Keith watches the symbol glow as they get closer and holds up a hand to stop them. "Hold up a sec y'all. So I know about Dee and Menagerie's powers being magic. But what about yours Zodiac? If they are I think this door or at least the symbol is reacting to it. The closer y'all got, it started glowin'."

Keith shook his head. "I have a hypothesis, but if it's activated by magic, and without much else to go on, it's either already active in the presence of magician, or it's the trigger to a trap." Keith thinks for a moment. If not many people knew about the door, why bother trapping it? If it only reacts to magic then that would be the key. "If not many people know about this spot, someone's probably opened it with no issue." Keith shrugs. "Process of elimination, just active by magic. And only way to test is to try unfortunately."

Keith turns to Stella. "Menagerie, was it a blue glow before when you came here or a different color? That would definitely help in narrowing it down."

2022-07-06, 08:51 PM
Keith turns to Stella. "Menagerie, was it a blue glow before when you came here or a different color? That would definitely help in narrowing it down."

“If the River King were a Tolkien fan, the answer would be to say the Riverspeak word for friend,” John observed before speaking the word. “Could you go over precisely what Julian did before you went in, Stella?”

2022-07-06, 09:00 PM
Yuki tilts her head. “The powers I’ve inherited are technically magical,” she says, looking up at the door. “But I can’t do magic.”

Stella looks up at the symbol. “It was blue before. When Julian brought me down here, it was already glowing blue when we got here. He touched the door and said a spell in Riverspeak, then he opened the door into the Trove.”

She reaches out and touches the door and the symbol starts to glow again as she sends a little bit of magic into it.

2022-07-06, 09:19 PM
Yuki tilts her head. “The powers I’ve inherited are technically magical,” she says, looking up at the door. “But I can’t do magic.”

Stella looks up at the symbol. “It was blue before. When Julian brought me down here, it was already glowing blue when we got here. He touched the door and said a spell in Riverspeak, then he opened the door into the Trove.”

She reaches out and touches the door and the symbol starts to glow again as she sends a little bit of magic into it.

“I don’t suppose you remember the spell he spoke?” John asked Stella as he studied the interaction between the sorceress and the glyph. “Even a handful of the words might be enough for us to reverse engineer it. If not, I can attempt something. I wouldn’t want to see how your curse interacted with a trap.”

2022-07-06, 10:16 PM
Stella’s face brightens as she thinks if something. “I don’t. But Jaal might. If you say the words and we power the door together, it should open.”

She takes off her hat and reaches in to pull out the tiny black dragon. She speaks with him telepathically for a moment before John hears the dragon’s voice in his head, relaying the guttural, hissing Riverspeak spell.

“Drake, be ready to open the door when John completes the spell,” Stella says as she puts one hand on the edge of the door.

2022-07-07, 05:28 AM
Stella’s face brightens as she thinks if something. “I don’t. But Jaal might. If you say the words and we power the door together, it should open.”

She takes off her hat and reaches in to pull out the tiny black dragon. She speaks with him telepathically for a moment before John hears the dragon’s voice in his head, relaying the guttural, hissing Riverspeak spell.

“Drake, be ready to open the door when John completes the spell,” Stella says as she puts one hand on the edge of the door.

John nods respectfully to Jaal, before following Stella’s instructions and hissing out the spell to open the door in Riverspeak and stepping back to allow Drake to open the doorway as planned.

Casting a Spell in Riverspeak (https://orokos.com/roll/947230): 1d10o10 3 1d6o6 13

2022-07-07, 07:56 AM
Once John completes the spell, the glyph over the door glows a bright white-blue. Drake strains to open the door until Ryker jumps in to help him.

“How the hell did that skinny little frog open this?” Ryker asks as they force the door open inch by inch.

Yuki, looking carefully through the crack they’ve opened, says to the team, “It’s just… dark. I can’t see anything.”

Stella focuses and increases the amount of magic she’s putting into the door and the weight of the door lessens slightly, allowing the two South Siders to pull it all the way open. Inside is just a yawning pit of darkness. No light from Aeryn’s fire or from Louis illuminates the inside.

Stella gets unsteadily to her feet, getting her breathing under control. “That’s what it looked like last time. We have to go through there and we should come out at the edge of a ruined city.”

OOC: SESSION ENDS Happy 1st Anniversary to the game! Everyone gets 3xp and Masks Moves reset. If anyone wants new cards (expect for Manny) let me know in the Discord and I’ll try to remember to get them for you tonight.

2022-07-07, 09:00 AM
OOC: SESSION ENDS Happy 1st Anniversary to the game! Everyone gets 3xp and Masks Moves reset. If anyone wants new cards (expect for Manny) let me know in the Discord and I’ll try to remember to get them for you tonight.

OOC: John grows into his own self-image. Despite his role, he feels that he is finding a balance between his growing mastery of magic and being the kid from Providence he still feels himself to be. Freak -1, Superior +1.

Bennies for XP (https://orokos.com/roll/947235): 3d6 10 — 10 [3d6=1, 5, 4]

One Bennie Converts to XP and John marks two Potential. He advances in the Savage World system and bumps up two skills. His Knowledge: Occult and Spellcasting are both now at d12.

2022-07-07, 10:32 AM
Stella gets unsteadily to her feet, getting her breathing under control. “That’s what it looked like last time. We have to go through there and we should come out at the edge of a ruined city.”

"So you're saying all we have to do is take a leap of faith through the door of forever darkness and we should come out at the edges of the pocket dimension? Forgive me if I sound a bit skeptical but this doesn't seems like an exact science." Louis says, his voice dripping with skepticism.

"Do we even know if we'll emerge though the gate together? Or is there a chance we end up in separate locations along the outskirts of the dimension?"

2022-07-07, 11:12 AM
"So you're saying all we have to do is take a leap of faith through the door of forever darkness and we should come out at the edges of the pocket dimension? Forgive me if I sound a bit skeptical but this doesn't seems like an exact science." Louis says, his voice dripping with skepticism.

"Do we even know if we'll emerge though the gate together? Or is there a chance we end up in separate locations along the outside of the dimension?"

John smiled at Louis. “You make a technological leap of faith every time you flip a light switch, Louis. You have faith that the wiring has been installed in such a way that it is secure and won’t short out. You have faith that the bulb still works. You have faith that the grid that you don’t control is doing what it is supposed to.

“If it makes everyone feel better, I will go though first and you can follow. Just don’t wait too long before stepping through. Something is waiting for us on the other side and I would rather not face it alone.”

2022-07-07, 11:45 AM
John smiled at Louis. “You make a technological leap of faith every time you flip a light switch, Louis. You have faith that the wiring has been installed in such a way that it is secure and won’t short out. You have faith that the bulb still works. You have faith that the grid that you don’t control is doing what it is supposed to.

“If it makes everyone feel better, I will go though first and you can follow. Just don’t wait too long before stepping through. Something is waiting for us on the other side and I would rather not face it alone.”

"I'll go along with you." Manny says to John, floating casually off the ground towards the yawning darkness. "'Nothing ventured, nothing gained.' right?"

Benny Rolls; 1, 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/947250)

Manny grows into his won self image. Having met the team less that a 3 hour ago doesn't leave much for growing towards/away team.

2022-07-07, 01:22 PM
OOC: SESSION ENDS Happy 1st Anniversary to the game! Everyone gets 3xp and Masks Moves reset. If anyone wants new cards (expect for Manny) let me know in the Discord and I’ll try to remember to get them for you tonight.

Keith tilts his head and looks back up at the symbol. He starts to wonder about the true nature of his powers since he had always thought, or at least considered, them to be magic of some sort. Seems like there was a conversation he needed to have with his Uncle at some point. But if they weren’t magic, why would he have been taught about magic? What was the disconnect there? Why treat his powers and training as magical if the darkness was just what White had said? Maybe it was just another extension of himself.

He squinted looking at the dark tunnel past the door. If it was just an extension, maybe he could illuminate the hallway by banishing it, though that could also alert any enemies nearby as well. Summoning the dark was much easier. Best to stay on the safe side in this case.

Keith nods at Louis. “Would love some concrete evidence as well but sometimes a leap of faith is all ya got.” Keith looks back at the glowing symbol. “Honestly now I have more questions, but those can wait until later.”

When Manny and John step forward to go through the door, Keith floats over as well. “Nothin’ like jumpin’ into the Void first thing in the mornin’. Did ya want me to transform to try and trick them or nah?” Keith asks before they all go in.

Keith gains 3 XP! Gains a Savage Worlds Advance!

Benny EXP (https://orokos.com/roll/947256): 1d6 6 1d6 6 1d6 2

Keith gains 2 extra XP and marks 1 potential.

Bump Shooting to 1d10!

Keith grows into his own self-image. He is coming to the realization that his powers may not be dark magic the way that his father seems to exhibit and is slowly coming to terms with them. He is also slowly starting to find a balance between his roles as a West Side team member and his personal life outside of them.

Shifts Savior +1 and Freak -1

2022-07-07, 04:45 PM
"I'll go along with you." Manny says to John, floating casually off the ground towards the yawning darkness. "'Nothing ventured, nothing gained.' right?"

“It can’t be more dangerous than that underground leather club you accidentally led us to in Soho, right?” John teased Manny.

Keith nods at Louis. “Would love some concrete evidence as well but sometimes a leap of faith is all ya got.” Keith looks back at the glowing symbol. “Honestly now I have more questions, but those can wait until later.”

When Manny and John step forward to go through the door, Keith floats over as well. “Nothin’ like jumpin’ into the Void first thing in the mornin’. Did ya want me to transform to try and trick them or nah?” Keith asks before they all go in.

“It can’t hurt,” John suggested, turning to Keith. “Even if it buys us a moment, it will be better than not using it. How good is your Riverspeak?”

2022-07-07, 05:02 PM
“It can’t be more dangerous than that underground leather club you accidentally led us to in Soho, right?” John teased Manny.

Keith raises an eyebrow and then shakes his head with a laugh. "I'm so sorry John, suppose that'll be an entertaining story!"

“It can’t hurt,” John suggested, turning to Keith. “Even if it buys us a moment, it will be better than not using it. How good is your Riverspeak?”

Keith just smirks. "Not nearly as good as yours I'm afraid." Keith's shadow starts to crawl up him and transfigure his appearance back to that of Julian as he focuses. His voice changes again to match the frogman as he regains his frog form. A laugh almost like a croak escapes his throat. "I'm hopin' they see a reflection in the attitude and just let me pass through. Still best to be ready, probably gon' be a fight either way."

"Worst case go 'head may wan' cast a mass illusion mon ami. Anythin' to buy a bit'o time." Keith's frog face smirks again. "Once more into the breach, mes amies!" Keith waits for any other preparations before heading into the void.

2022-07-07, 06:49 PM
“It can’t be more dangerous than that underground leather club you accidentally led us to in Soho, right?” John teased Manny.

“It can’t hurt,” John suggested, turning to Keith. “Even if it buys us a moment, it will be better than not using it. How good is your Riverspeak?”

Keith raises an eyebrow and then shakes his head with a laugh. "I'm so sorry John, suppose that'll be an entertaining story!"

Keith just smirks. "Not nearly as good as yours I'm afraid." Keith's shadow starts to crawl up him and transfigure his appearance back to that of Julian as he focuses. His voice changes again to match the frogman as he regains his frog form. A laugh almost like a croak escapes his throat. "I'm hopin' they see a reflection in the attitude and just let me pass through. Still best to be ready, probably gon' be a fight either way."

"Worst case go 'head may wan' cast a mass illusion mon ami. Anythin' to buy a bit'o time." Keith's frog face smirks again. "Once more into the breach, mes amies!" Keith waits for any other preparations before heading into the void.

"It wasn't that bad. Not as bad as the Hostel afterwards." Manny says on a sigh. "Just think how boring your 2-week holiday would've been without me."

Manny takes a good look a Keith and shakes his head. "Change the accent up a bit and you're a dead ringer for that Hostel keeper." He says shuddering at the thought of ever seeing that mug again.

2022-07-07, 07:25 PM
"It wasn't that bad. Not as bad as the Hostel afterwards." Manny says on a sigh. "Just think how boring your 2-week holiday would've been without me."

Manny takes a good look a Keith and shakes his head. "Change the accent up a bit and you're a dead ringer for that Hostel keeper." He says shuddering at the thought of ever seeing that mug again.

John smiled broadly. “Our hostess was quite a fan of your work, though,” John responded as he cast a spell to prepare for whatever was on the other side, trying to forget the unsettling visage of the Hostel Keeper.

Parry (5), Uncanny Reflexes (4) — bumping current level to 8, Contingent -2 = 7
Casting a Defensive Spell (https://orokos.com/roll/947270): 1d10o10 4 1d6o6 1

John’s Parry is temporarily raised to 10 and he is at -4 to be hit by ranged and melee attacks
One Bennie Spent to Reroll

“Shall we?” John asked, leading the way through the portal.

2022-07-07, 07:57 PM
Pocket Dimension
John, Manny, and Keith walk through the darkness. It’s cold, suffocating almost, until they take one final step and emerge onto a concrete bridge that sits just above the waterline, surrounded by a infinite sea of black water. Half a mile ahead, a ruined cityscape stands below a bruised purple-blue sky. A full moon hangs above, illuminating everything with an eerie glow.

The South Siders and Stella emerge from the portal soon after.

The sorceress stops, looking at the bridge, which is wide enough to fit three semi trucks side by side comfortably, and then the city. “This… wasn’t here before.”

Aeryn floats up, looking out over the vast sea to either side of the bridge. As he looks out to the left, a small blue-white globe appears behind him a few yards away. The glow quickly intensifies and the globe crackles briefly.

Drake reaches up and grabs Aeryn’s foot, yanking him back down to the ground as the orb discharges a blast of white light where the alien’s head was a second before. “Let’s stay on the ground for now,” Drake says as the orb fades back into the night.

Aeryn nods, eyes wide. “Understood.”

2022-07-07, 08:20 PM
Pocket Dimension
John, Manny, and Keith walk through the darkness. It’s cold, suffocating almost, until they take one final step and emerge onto a concrete bridge that sits just above the waterline, surrounded by a infinite sea of black water. Half a mile down ahead, a ruined cityscape stands below a bruised purple-blue sky. A full moon hangs above, illuminating everything with an eerie glow.

The South Siders and Stella emerge from the portal soon after.

The sorceress stops, looking at the bridge, which is wide enough to fit three semi trucks side by side comfortably, and then the city. “This… wasn’t here before.”

Aeryn floats up, looking out over the vast sea to either side of the bridge. As he looks out to the left, a small blue-white globe appears behind him a few yards away. The glow quickly intensifies and the globe crackles briefly.

Drake reaches up and grabs Aeryn’s foot, yanking him back down to the ground as the orb discharges a blast of white light where the alien’s head was a second before. “Let’s stay on the ground for now,” Drake says as the orb fades back into the night.

Aeryn nods, eyes wide. “Understood.”

“How charming,” John observes as his friends and teammates cross into the pocket dimension. “The River King has a taste for the Romantic vis a vis Iron Station.” He looked down at the bridge. “A touch of Brutalism here and there as well. Still, expecting something modeled on the Rainbow Bridge or something mirroring the Arup Group or Menn and Rosales’ work would have been too much to ask.”

He drew his binoculars from his cloak and swept the city before them, looking for obvious landmarks that might help him orient himself later or determine if this location was patterned after a particular point in history or some known location — perhaps pinched by the River King from some point in the distant future. He also tried to note for obvious observation points and spaces where a crocodilian the size of a bus might lair.

Notice things about the City (https://orokos.com/roll/947272): 1d10o10+4 6 1d6o6+4 9

“When you say this wasn’t here,” John asked, glancing to Stella as he continued his visual sweep of the city, “was this point of entry closer before or did you enter via a different location the last time you were here?”

big teej
2022-07-07, 09:18 PM
Imminent Domain:

In the time since the meeting, he'd been distracted. Noncommittal, unresponsive. His fingers flexed and curled as the team moved on the River King's trove, seeking a throat to be throttled.

His memory taunted him, of his rage and desire, every time her curse activated. Every time he'd asked who'd been hurting her. The bubbling quagmire of rage now forced to contend with knowing it was her brother. Someone she loved.

Someone else she loved the beast snarled. Pure id, uncaring of the connection and ramifications between the tormentor and the tormented.

He'd listened closely as John described the slim, but likely, chance that her brother's soul had been overwhelmed, but not extinguished.

It has to be me... It can only- be me. I'm the only one who could do it. His lips curl up in an involuntary snarl. As a Noble, he fed more on simply the crude substance that flowed in living creatures veins. His groundling kin found sustenance in it, just as he did, but he was aware of the transference of Essence in a way they were not... He was more aware of his own existential nature - and that of everyone around him - than they were of their own heartbeats....

He'd never done it before, but he knew he could rip Matteo and this demon thing asunder. Separate them once again, and with luck, cast the demon back into the void, leaving Matteo -however crippled- intact.

The Door, and the yawning portal beyond, beckoned, finally breaking his reverie.

Nightgaunt waits, arms crossed, until the team starts to enter the portal, and follows quick on Menagerie's heels.

When Menagerie says that the Trove seems different than last time, the vampire finally speaks.

"You know." Nightgaunt says, his voice muffled by a new, pristine helmet. "The River King knows Menagerie's with us now."

"We might have walked right into a trap." The vampire spits out. And if we have, any deal we had about not breaking all his toys is going right out the window.

OOC: ignoring end of session, I've been back for like 6 hours.

Assess the Trove: 13! (https://orokos.com/roll/947276) - ask two! the GM will answer honestly
- what here can I use to find The Soul quickly?"
- What here is the biggest threat? (that isn't Deux)

2022-07-07, 09:30 PM
Imminent Domain:
The Door, and the yawning portal beyond, beckoned, finally breaking his reverie.

Nightgaunt waits, arms crossed, until the team starts to enter the portal, and follows quick on Menagerie's heels.

When Menagerie says that the Trove seems different than last time, the vampire finally speaks.

"You know." Nightgaunt says, his voice muffled by a new, pristine helmet. "The River King knows Menagerie's with us now."

"We might have walked right into a trap." The vampire spits out. And if we have, any deal we had about not breaking all his toys is going right out the window.

“You mean like extending the pocket dimension far enough into the water so that you could put a bridge in place that forced any intruder to face your pet two headed crocodilian on its own home ground — a place where it could drag people into the water and drown them or face them on the bridge while the Will o’ the Wisps guaranteed you could not merely fly above it?” John asked Raphael calmly, as he lowered his binoculars and held them out for anyone else who wanted to take a look. “And the buildings of the city beyond provide any number of vantage points for an enemy to observe that battle and assemble a response at the far end of the bridge?

“The thought had crossed my mind. But, as you pointed out earlier, what choice do we have? Madame Bordeaux’s soul is somewhere in that city and we have to retrieve it.”

2022-07-07, 09:34 PM
As he walked through and appeared on the other end, Keith's eyes went wide. Then his eyebrows raised hearing Stella say that this wasn't here before. Though he wondered which part. "Interestin'." He does chuckle a bit at John's response. "Would think with a name like the River King, he'd have somethin' more elaborate."

His eyes go wide seeing Aeryn's head about get blown off by the blue sphere's blast. "Probably a good idea to stay low. Hells.... Nice catch Drake."

Keith eyes the area and and tries to keep his thoughts on the prize. He can't help but nod at Raph's assessment. "We may very well have. Can't rule it out since he does know she's with us."

Keith grimaced. "Fair to say he knows all our power sets too. Probably best to keep some sorta formation as we go forward, doubt this will trick them if they see it now anyway." Keith shook his frog head with a croak.

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/947278): 1d6o6 3 1d6o6 4

2022-07-07, 11:08 PM
Pocket Dimension
“The bridge,” Stella clarifies. “I think John’s right. The King could have pushed back the edge of the dimension to make room for it. When Julian brought me in before, the portal opened where the end of the bridge is, right in the middle of the street. And it’s bigger. I remember it being the size of one city block, but this is… massive.”

Across the water, on the left side of the central street, there’s a tall clock tower with an illuminated face. Several numbers are missing and the hands are stuck at 2:43. Buildings of various sizes make up the riverfront; almost all the windows are open or broken. One or two of the concrete structures have completely collapsed. Debris and chucks of concrete litter the street. Keith spots something suspiciously shiny through the front window of a small store that faces the water.

Through the binoculars, John spots the telltale glitter of gold in the streets. In one of the taller buildings on the right side of the center street, he spots a shadow moving behind one of the broken windows.

Drake takes the binoculars from John and surveys the cityscape before handing them over to Ryker.

“That central street is dangerous,” Drake says. “Like a giant fatal funnel. We should try to avoid exposing ourselves there if we can.”

“It is the fastest way through though,” Ryker offers with a shrug as he passes the binoculars back to John. “If we need to make a quick exit.”

Stella mutters a few words and a small spark of purple fire pops into existence in front of her. It pulses faintly and begins to float sluggishly down the bridge toward the city. “Well, at least my tracking spell is working. It will lead us to my merè’s soul.”

Yuki perches on the edge of the bridge looking down into the black water before she backs away and returns to the center with the group. “I don’t like this,” she says quietly as the fur on her back stands up.

1) Stella’s tracking spell
2) There is something here that Raphael is not yet aware of that is more dangerous than Deux

2022-07-07, 11:51 PM
Keith nods along with Ryker. "Quick getaway versus a longer but safer run, we'll have to weigh the options." Keith looks at the storefront where he sees something suspiciously shiny. "Somethin' is shinin' kinda weirdly over there in that storefront. Can't make out what it is though. Ribbit" A croak leaves his throat at the end of the statement. His frog face grimaces. "Man if this body had better eyes I'd be able to see if it was just a mirror or someone watchin'."

He turns as Yuki makes her way back into the group center. "Same here. We should get moving and get back out as soon as possible." Keith watches the tracking spell move a bit.

2022-07-08, 06:45 AM
“There’s movement in that building to the right — the first one with an arch over the doorway instead of a lintel,” John observes as Drake takes the binoculars. “and there is a lot of gold just lying around. It is probably a good time to repeat Stella’s injunction about not taking anything but the one thing we came for.”

John glanced over the side of the bridge, hoping to gauge its thickness, before looking out over the still waters for any anomalies — especially bus-sized logs floating just beneath the surface.

Noticing things about the water (https://orokos.com/roll/947303): 1d10o10+4 5 1d6o6+4 7

“That is, I suspect,” John said, offering a smile to Zodiac as he tucked his binoculars back into their pocket, “the effect the River King was going for and I don’t like it, either. But we’ve been brave in the face of such things before.”

In truth, John was particularly worried about Yuki as they set out after the purple flame. The entire idea behind the rebreathers was to have them ready for moments like Deux breaking through the bridge and knocking them into the water. While in her animal form, that would not be an option for Yuki. He made a mental note to watch her.

2022-07-08, 08:36 AM
Manny lets out a short whistle. "Talk about bigger on the inside. This place is wild." He says skimming the top of the water, before turning back to face the group. "So what's the plan? Because this doesn't seem like an in and out affair anymore. and since we seem to have a no fly zone in here. it's gonna make this a bit more interesting."

2022-07-08, 11:43 AM
Pocket Dimension
As John looks at the bridge and the water he surmises that the deck of the bridge sits about six feet above the waterline, and the rest of it extends slightly below. The water is just black, murky darkness that laps quietly at the bridge. Nothing seems to have disturbed it at the moment.

“I think we still try for a quick in and out,” Drake says to Manny as the walk down the bridge. “Everyone stay with Stella if you can. If we do end up getting separated, let’s rendezvous at the base of the clock tower.”

At about the halfway mark of the bridge, the water on the left side ripples slightly about 20 yards away. Two large pairs of glowing yellow eyes appear before they sink down under the water again.

2022-07-08, 12:23 PM
Pocket Dimension
As John looks at the bridge and the water he surmises that the deck of the bridge sits about six feet above the waterline, and the rest of it extends slightly below. The water is just black, murky darkness that laps quietly at the bridge. Nothing seems to have disturbed it at the moment.

“I think we still try for a quick in and out,” Drake says to Manny as the walk down the bridge. “Everyone stay with Stella if you can. If we do end up getting separated, let’s rendezvous at the base of the clock tower.”

At about the halfway mark of the bridge, the water on the left side ripples slightly about 20 yards away. Two large pairs of glowing yellow eyes appear before they sink down under the water again.

Danger Sense (https://orokos.com/roll/947310): 1d10o10+4 9 1d6o6+4 7

“Get ready, everyone,” John reports quietly. “We have dinner plate-size eyes in the water to our left about twenty yards out. If it is Deux, he will try and ambush us.

big teej
2022-07-08, 02:56 PM
Tread Heavily:

Nightgaunt eyes the clock tower in the distance for a moment, wondering if the time has any significance. He shrugs after a moment, if it is, it's beyond his limited occultic background. (https://orokos.com/roll/947319)

Nightgaunt starts walking toward the ruined city, head turned to look where Deux is supposedly hiding. "Good." He says. "I'd hate to think the overgrown boot is such a poor host as to make me climb in there after it."

significance of 2:43 - occult roll: 3 (https://orokos.com/roll/947319) - absolutely nothing.

Housekeeping: Swapped out Connections for +1 step in Spirit

2022-07-08, 03:12 PM
"Good plan for a meet up, we'll probably need it if it comes down to it."

At John's mention of the eyes, Keith just nods. "No sense in fightin' 'im in the water if we can help it. If we just had a way to deal with them orbs now." If they could all just fly around, it would make avoiding attacks a lot easier. The problem then would be a lot fewer places to hide. "Regardless, we may have a good number of pairs of boots with a gator that big."

2022-07-08, 05:03 PM
Pocket Dimension
The water vibrates as the giant gator’s back breaks the surface of the sea and it lets out a low gurgling rumble. It dives again and the water stills.

“**** me,” Ryker mutters just before the monstrosity (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/40/59/9b/40599bf4d57898449ac0895f0bf57cd2.jpg) launches its front half onto the bridge. The structure buckles from the gator’s weight, but holds as the reptile opens both mouths and snaps at Yuki, trying to drag her to the depths.

The tiger leaps back and away from the snapping jaws with a snarl.

Combat Begins!
The team is entering combat with a dangerous foe! +2 to Camaraderie. Who is the leader in this battle?
John begins this battle on hold!
Aces… Manny has initiative!

2022-07-08, 09:23 PM
Pocket Dimension
The water vibrates as the giant gator’s back breaks the surface of the sea and it lets out a low gurgling rumble. It dives again and the water stills.

“**** me,” Ryker mutters just before the monstrosity (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/40/59/9b/40599bf4d57898449ac0895f0bf57cd2.jpg) launches its front half onto the bridge. The structure buckles from the gator’s weight, but holds as the reptile opens both mouths and snaps at Yuki, trying to drag her to the depths.

The tiger leaps back and away from the snapping jaws with a snarl.

Combat Begins!
The team is entering combat with a dangerous foe! +2 to Camaraderie. Who is the leader in this battle?
John begins this battle on hold!
Aces… Manny has initiative!

Manny gathers his feet beneath him slides to the beast's flank and focuses inward before emitting a Concentrated pulse of electricity at it, Hoping to stop its rampage.

Fighting Roll Ranged touch: 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/947343) A test against the creature's vigor -2. Improved Jinx May or May not be in play.

Flares and Burn: 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/947374). Manny holds 3 burn and Marks the Insecure condition.

2022-07-09, 04:14 AM
Earlier... Underground

John smiled at Louis. “You make a technological leap of faith every time you flip a light switch, Louis. You have faith that the wiring has been installed in such a way that it is secure and won’t short out. You have faith that the bulb still works. You have faith that the grid that you don’t control is doing what it is supposed to.

“If it makes everyone feel better, I will go though first and you can follow. Just don’t wait too long before stepping through. Something is waiting for us on the other side and I would rather not face it alone.”

"Yeah sure, but the key difference there is that I could actually tell you how all of those things work. And even if I didn't I'd find it hard to believe that the answer couldn't be found online or in a book."

Redline slides his googles down over his eyes after watching the first few members of the team go through the portal. "Let's just make this quick." He says, in mild annoyance before jumping through the dimensional doorway.

Battle on the Bridge

The water vibrates as the giant gatorÂ’s back breaks the surface of the sea and it lets out a low gurgling rumble. It dives again and the water stills.

“**** me,” Ryker mutters just before the monstrosity launches its front half onto the bridge. The structure buckles from the gator’s weight, but holds as the reptile opens both mouths and snaps at Yuki, trying to drag her to the depths.

The tiger leaps back and away from the snapping jaws with a snarl.

Redline steadies himself as the gator throws the front half of it's body onto the bridge. "You know I think I liked 'Beast Slayer' a lot more when it was just a game." He say aloud.

A flash of light. A second Redline appears beside the first, both pairs of hands enveloped in red light. He studies the bridge in an attempt to analyze it's integrity.

Nightgaunt has influence over Redline!
Redline wants to end the fight with Deux quickly to in an effort to avoid any harm to the team and expedite the retrieval of Mrs.Boudreux's soul!

Redline attempts to assess the integrity of the bridge and weather it will hold up over a prolonged fight with Deux.

Knowledge (Engineering): 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/947373)

Redline gains 3 XP!

Redline converts 1 Bennie into XP and marks 2 Potential (https://orokos.com/roll/947531)!
Redline unlocks "Heroic Tradition"!

Redline gains the Knowledge (Engineering) at d4!

After Nightgaunt's return and the team doubling down on their promise to help Stella retrieve her mother's soul from the River King, Redline finds himself growing closer to the team. Nightgaunt's unphased demeanor and vow to put an end to the River King's reign serves as reassurance that the team is on the right path, even if it's a perilous one. From this point onward there's no turning back.

Raphael already has influence over Louis so he may shift his labels instead.

Louis clears the "Guilty" Condition.

2022-07-09, 08:59 AM
John dropped his defensive spell, quickly scribing a variation on the binding spells he had used on the demons at the Volta Memorial. “It may not be fueled by Cyttorak,” John quipped to himself as he cast the spell, “but it should hold Deux’s jaws closed for a time.”

Watching the magical tendrils weave themselves around the creature and anchoring him to the bridge, he hoped that crocodilians having weaker muscles for opening their jaws rather than closing them would help.

John comes off of hold and casts a spell.

Entangle (3), Very Strong (+2) Ranged Touch Attack (+2) = 7

Binding Deux — especially his Jaws (https://orokos.com/roll/947412): 1d12o12 11 1d6o6 3

John spends a Bennie to reroll.

Deux is fully bound, and cannot take any physical action other than to try and break free; Breaking free requires an Agility or Strength roll at -4. If he achieves a Raise while trying to break free, he may act on that turn.

Raphael, the leader of this mission, has Influence over John.
John wants to support Raphael in his mission to free Madame Bordeaux’s soul from its imprisonment and return it to her body before it dies.

Edit: Additionally, Dee’s binding of Deux sets up Nightgaunt’s attack, providing +1 Camaraderie.

2022-07-09, 11:22 AM
Pocket Dimension
Manny electric burst doesn’t seem to do much to Deux’s scaly hide.

Drake crouches down and places his palms on the bridge as the massive two headed gator’s mouths are bound shut by John’s spell. A stream of silver metal flows out of his hands until it reaches the gator, then turns into several long spikes that impale it from below.

Stella chants a quick spell that summons a ghostly black Minotaur that bellows and charges at Deux, impaling one of the gator’s snouts with its horns before it fades back into the ether.

Deux rumbles and thrashes against his bonds, breaking the golden ropes. His right head hits Manny as he flails, and the left head attempts to bite Ryker, who jumps back out of the way before punching the gator in the mouth, breaking off one of its teeth.

Deux hauls more of his body up up onto the bridge, causing small cracks to form in the deck. The team can see the wounds they’ve already dealt rapidly close over and heal as the two-headed gator gets himself all the way out of the water.

Mechanically, there’s about 5 rounds before the bridge collapses

Deux breaks out of Manny’s Stun
Jack of Diamonds and Hearts… Drake goes, Wounding Deux, then Stella goes, also Wounding him.
10 of Spades… Deux goes! He unshakes and breaks out of the bind with a raise, then hits Manny for 12 damage, he then misses Ryker, who counter attacks, Wounding him. However, he regens all 3 wounds.
10 of Clubs, 9s, 8s… Raphael, Will, and Keith have Initiative!

big teej
2022-07-09, 07:31 PM
I Have Control:

Nightgaunt watches Deux rear up out of the water and slam down on the bridge in a shower of black river water, scaled flesh, teeth, and bad temper. For a moment, he's back in Menagerie's room... before the darkwatch.... before the complications of the demon's vessel... when they were talking about this moment right here, this two headed monster.

Menagerie had said that killing Deux would hurt The River King.

Raphael remembered how his anger had simmered, cooled, crystalized into a sense of satisfaction....

Planning III:

Raphael waves away Stella's apology. He stares at the floor, intent on her description of how to get there. "So killing it would hurt him." Raphael muses aloud, a statement rather than a question.

"Good." (https://youtu.be/IdTMDpizis8)

Nightgaunt rips off his helmet and casts it aside. Before it makes contact with the concrete, he's sprinting at Deux, grim purpose carved into his pale face.

Behind him, the helmet bounces once before rolling to a stop and melting into a pool of coagulated blood.

Nightgaunt picks up speed, reaching out with both hands and taking hold of the massive, vibrant essential tether of Deux's existence. Using the same manipulative trick he'd used against Zalta, he leaps into the air, yanking on the tether to drag him into Deux, landing astride one of the beast's necks.

The pool of blood dries into a thin smear of ash and river water.

Nightgaunt squats, digging his claws on either side of beast's thrashing head and pulls. (https://youtu.be/iTKEMx5BULg?t=131)

Raising his grisly trophy over his head, heedless of the fountain of blood, brain, and gore leaking from it. Keeping his balance, he twists to look down the bridge to the city.

"I'm coming for you, you crap-eating-carp. You hear me?!" Nightgaunt bellows before twisting and flinging the severed head like a frisbee into the depths of the fake Iron Station.

End of Session:

Louis is the only other surviving "original" member of West Side. Raphael really feels like Louis has had his back this entire time, and, even though it hasn't come up yet, feels a stronger sense of camaraderie with the light-based hero because of it. This persists in spite of a few flying sparks pre-mission.

Raphael sees Louis more as his brother in arms, Mundane up.
Raphael sees Louis less as a cocky know it all, Superior down.

Enter Battle - already accounted for by GM
Leader Influence - Nightgaunt does not have influence over the entire team, 0 Camaraderie Gain
Team Purpose in the Fight: Unknown - not all members have voiced their purpose
Nightgaunt's Purpose: "Rescue Mom's Soul, butcher every guardian between me and it in the process."
Mistrust the Leader: Nobody has stated such, Nightgaunt will not mark a condition to prevent Loss of Camaraderie.
Ill-Prepared/Off-Balance: We walked in here on purpose, no surprises.

Charge Burn: 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/947466) generates 3/3 Burn

Fat Finger fighting roll: 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/947469) and actual wild die: 1 (https://orokos.com/roll/947470) + any gang up bonuses to hit + 2 from Directly Engage

Damage: 25 (https://orokos.com/roll/947474)

Directly Engage via Freak: 5..... (https://orokos.com/roll/947471) +1 from Dee's assistance +1 from ignoring the team = 7

Spend 1 Burn to Activate "Reality Storm" to Directly Engage via Freak instead of Danger
On a 7-9 pick one: Activate Reality Storm to Play "Critical Blow" doubling my Melee Damage to 50.
Spend 1 Burn to avoid causing unwanted collateral damage
Selfish use of Camaraderie: Danger up, Superior down - I'm literally bloody fisted right now, and I'm giving up on being 'plan' oriented. I'm ignoring the team by paying no heed to the danger caused by my actions (calling out The King by name, lobbing the noggin downtown. being focused on killing the gator rather than simply driving it off.)

Note to Team and GM:
IF The gator attempts to retreat, Nightgaunt is 100% clinging on and following it/hitching a ride so he can keep attacking it.

Burn: 1/3

2022-07-09, 09:02 PM
On His Initiative:

Keith watches Raph's display and a croak leaves his throat again. "That's one way to announce it." Keith chuckles as he summons forth some of the darkness into his hand to blast it at Deux. Once it envelopes his hand he lets it loose right into the gator. A smile creeps across his face as the blast lands, and White cackles away in the back of Keith's mind.


Camaraderie Stuff:
Raphael as the leader of this mission has Influence over Keith.
Keith's purpose in this fight is to end it quickly to support Raph in saving Stella's mom.

Keith attacks Deux at Range! Heavy Weapon!
Shooting (https://orokos.com/roll/947489): 1d10o10 12 1d6o6 4
Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/947490): 4d6o6 20 + 1d6o6 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/947491) = 28 Dark Damage!

2022-07-10, 08:45 AM
Will catches sight of the gator just before it hits the bridge. He silently sends a prayer as it easily breaks through Dee's binding and heals the wounds it gains. The brutal display Raphael follows up with snaps Will's focus into the now. He pulls out his gun and taking a solid stance shoots at the beast.

Raphael already has Influence over Will
Will's purpose in this fight is to stay true to his promise and help Raphael in his endeavors.

Will takes 2 shots at the gator

Shots 1 & 2 - 9 & 10! (https://orokos.com/roll/947535)

Damage Roll 1 - 15 Heavy Weapon Damage! (https://orokos.com/roll/947536)
Damage Roll 2 - 17 Heavy Weapon Damage! (https://orokos.com/roll/947537)

Will Gains 3 Exp!
Will gains 5 Potential from his bennies! (https://orokos.com/roll/947520)
Will Increases his Spirit to d10 from his Savage World Advance!
Will gains Martyr from his Masks Advance!

2022-07-10, 01:38 PM
Pocket Dimension
Though both Keith and Will’s attacks bite into the gator, the wounds quickly close over.

Yuki snarls and shifts into her newest form, a giant white viper (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2c/1b/1d/2c1b1dd05f8b4acdc9efb6e3cc61fdd1.jpg)as long as a semi-truck. She strikes at Deux and wraps the gator in her coils.

Sensing his defeat, Deux snaps out at Ryker with his remaining head, catching the former criminal’s arm between his teeth before straining and pushing himself and Yuki off the bridge, pulling Ryker and Raphael along with them.

Drake runs to the edge as the four of them disappear beneath the black water. “C’mon…” he mutters as a ton of bubbles erupt from the surface. A few seconds later, the bridge is hit from below as Deux rams his back into it, trying to dislodge Yuki and Raphael. Larger cracks appear in the already weakened bridge deck.

Nightgaunt’s attack “Incapacitates” a head!
The Gator soaks Keith and Will’s attacks
6s… Yuki goes! She shifts into snake form and grapples the gator!
5s… Deux goes! He bites at Ryker, then retreats into the water before hitting the bridge, people in melee (except for Nightgaunt) get to make a Attack of Opportunity
We are currently off cards—

The water is murky and completely opaque, however, Raphael’s thermal vision can pick up the vague shapes of the gator he clings to, Yuki’s snake form still attempting to strangle the gator and the much warmer body of Ryker with his arm still clamped in Deux’s jaws.

Water surges around him as the gator thrashes its tail and rams into the bottom of the bridge.

OOC: Raphael needs to make an Agility Roll (TN 8) to maneuver out of the crush zone, or take 23 damage. If he fails his Agility Roll, please make a Strength Roll (TN 8) to keep holding on

big teej
2022-07-10, 08:17 PM
Uh Oh:

Nightgaunt's next threat is cut short by a muted "Uh Oh." as Deux flings itself back into the water. He hangs on to the stump of the neck, the clouding blood reducing visibility even further. So intent on hanging on is the vampire that he doesn't notice the concrete pillar until he's crushed into it, knocking the breath from his lungs in a torrent of useless bubbles.

He digs his claws in tighter with one hand, locking his gaze on Ryker. He centers himself with an exhalation of fluid and makes a chopping gesture in the water with his other hand in the middle of the blood cloud. Jagged purple-black crystal trails the motion, and Nightgaunt plunges his arm through the tear in reality, it emerging in a similar jagged gash behind Ryker.

Gathering a handful of Ryker's clothes and snarling his talons in the tether of his life, Nightgaunt heaves airlessly and hauls Ryker through the void, out of the gator's mouth. He plants the former villain next to him on Deux's stump and tries to recollect his expended power.

He kicks off from the beast's neck and takes a hold on the tether of Deux's life with both talon'd hands and begins to wrench and tear at it, trying to shred the spells and false life holding the oversized flesh together.

Agility Roll: 7.... (https://orokos.com/roll/947607)

Spend a Benny to Soak: 13 (https://orokos.com/roll/947611)
No Wounds!

Strength Roll: 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/947608)

Spending my last burn to Snatch! Ryker away from Deux.

Since we're off cards, I'll just Recharge my Burn: 14 (https://orokos.com/roll/947654)

I said "unleash" when I meant "directly engage" via Reality Storm: 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/947655)

"Shooting" roll 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/947657) +2 from Engage = 6

Damage: 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/947662) x2 for Reality Storm "Bullseye" = 22

2022-07-10, 08:58 PM
The gator twists and writhes before slamming itself up into the bridge once again. Ryker’s remaining breath is crushed out of him as he’s caught between the concrete and the gator and his one-handed grip falters.

Yuki tightens her grip and strikes at the gator again, finding purchase with her fangs. The gator slowly goes limp and begins to sink.

OOC: Ryker fails his roll and takes a 3rd Wound after he soaks.

On the Bridge
The bridge is hit from below again. Chunks of concrete lift up from the ground. Water is visible through several large holes in a swathe about fifteen feet long.

“Guys, we gotta move!” Drake says. “The bridge looks stable on the other side, but we gotta get there before this part collapses.”

big teej
2022-07-10, 09:16 PM
He Ain't Heavy:

Feeling the gator's essence fade away into nothing, Nightgaunt turns his attention back to Vitriol. I'll never catch up to him in time.

Night gaunt reaches out and drags his nails through the water, opening another tear in reality and letting himself sink through to re emerge below Ryker. Grabbing the former villain, He repeats the trick and lets himself and Ryker fall through the void.... and out.

Back On the Bridge:

A jagged, crystalline, crimson tear opens up in the air above the bridge. Water geysers forth, dumping forth a soaking wet Nightgaunt and Vitriol.

Nightgaunt lands with a wet thwack and rolls over and starts heaving out black water.

Spending the last 2 burn to MOVE twice.

2022-07-10, 09:38 PM
Back on the Bridge
Seeing Nightgaunt and Ryker appear out of a rift on the other side of the compromised part of the bridge, Drake, Aeryn, and Stella carefully make their way across.

More concrete falls into the water as they do, but the remainder of the bridge is still passable for now.

Ryker rolls onto his side and coughs out murky water. His left arm is laid open to the bone in his forearm and bicep where Deux’s teeth pierced through and Raphael forcibly extracted him.

2022-07-10, 10:10 PM
Keith's eyes go wide with excitement as he sees the blast damage from a moment before and then they narrow as he sees the wounds close up. White scoffs in the back of his head in a disapproving manner.

Keith shakes a bit with the bridge as it gets hit and he just nods at Drake. "Let's hurry then! Another hit and this side is probably done for!" Keith makes his way over to the other side as carefully as he can after seeing Nightgaunt tear back through a portal with Ryker.

On seeing that and reaching them, Keith raises an eyebrow. "That.... is a nifty ability. Wait what happened to Zodiac?" He does sharply inhale seeing Ryker's arm, though it could have been much, much worse. "Lucky he has that much left."

2022-07-11, 07:24 AM
Back on the Bridge
Ryker rolls onto his side and coughs out murky water. His left arm is laid open to the bone in his forearm and bicep where Deux’s teeth pierced through and Raphael forcibly extracted him.

As Dee crosses the remaining parts of the bridge towards Vitriol, he begins scribing out a healing spell. “We may need to work in tandem on him, Stella.”

Healing (5)
Healing Spell (https://orokos.com/roll/947674): 1d12o12 7 1d6o6 7
7-3=4 — a Success, meaning one Wound is healed.

“Strange question for the two of you,” he asks Raphael and Ryker as he hears Keith ask after Yuki. “Is it water you were in or something else?”

2022-07-11, 09:23 AM
Manny gets pushed back by the flailing gator and lands gracefully towards the edge of the bridge shaking his head to clear his head

The gator twists and writhes before slamming itself up into the bridge once again. Ryker’s remaining breath is crushed out of him as he’s caught between the concrete and the gator and his one-handed grip falters.

Yuki tightens her grip and strikes at the gator again, finding purchase with her fangs. The gator slowly goes limp and begins to sink.

OOC: Ryker fails his roll and takes a 3rd Wound after he soaks.

On the Bridge
The bridge is hit from below again. Chunks of concrete lift up from the ground. Water is visible through several large holes in a swathe about fifteen feet long.

“Guys, we gotta move!” Drake says. “The bridge looks stable on the other side, but we gotta get there before this part collapses.”

Taking Drake's advice he move to the stable part of the bridge. He breaths heavy as the bridge breaks.

Keith's eyes go wide with excitement as he sees the blast damage from a moment before and then they narrow as he sees the wounds close up. White scoffs in the back of his head in a disapproving manner.

Keith shakes a bit with the bridge as it gets hit and he just nods at Drake. "Let's hurry then! Another hit and this side is probably done for!" Keith makes his way over to the other side as carefully as he can after seeing Nightgaunt tear back through a portal with Ryker.

On seeing that and reaching them, Keith raises an eyebrow. "That.... is a nifty ability. Wait what happened to Zodiac?" He does sharply inhale seeing Ryker's arm, though it could have been much, much worse. "Lucky he has that much left."

Realizing that the Zodiac didn't come back out of the Water. He Runs to the edge and doesn't see any thing in the Murky water.

"****." He says, under his breath before diving into the towards the the gator's last known location.

I can't let anyone die. Not day one. Not like this.

Benny roll to soak : 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/947687) Manny unshakes and takes a wound, I think.

2022-07-11, 01:39 PM
Back on the Bridge
“Tell ya what, Keith,” Ryker says as he starts to shiver violently and uncontrollably. “Next time, you get bit by a giant gator and dragged into ice cold water, and then get ****in’ smashed against a bridge. I wonder how much would be left’a you.”

His breath hisses in through his teeth as Stella joins John next to him and starts to heal his arm.

“I’m sorry, Ryker,” Stella says as she pulls his arm toward her so that she can see what she's doing. She focuses, whispering a spell, and muted light seeps up from her palm into the two wounds in his arm. They slowly start to close over until they’re fully healed.

“T-thanks,” Ryker says through his teeth chattering.

“Bouille, are you unharmed?” Stella asks Raphael.

The water is shockingly cold and drives the air from his lungs. He sees nothing but absolutely darkness below.

OOC: Please make a Swimming Roll at -2 to not start drowning

Back on the Bridge
Drake pauses, waiting for Raphael to open another rift or say something. When nothing happens, he looks sharply at the vampire. “Raph. Where’s Yuki?”

A few moments later, a huge, white, triangle-shaped head erupts from the black water next to bridge. A spray of water mists out from her nostrils as she looks down and sees that Raph and Ryker made it out.

Drake breathes a sigh of relief and makes his way to the opposite side of the bridge toward the snake. “You okay?”

“Yes. Duex is dead. I think he succumbed to a combination of blood loss and my venom,” Yuki replies.

2022-07-11, 02:12 PM
Back on the Bridge
Drake pauses, waiting for Raphael to open another rift or say something. When nothing happens, he looks sharply at the vampire. “Raph. Where’s Yuki?”

A few moments later, a huge, white, triangle-shaped head erupts from the black water next to bridge. A spray of water mists out from her nostrils as she looks down and sees that Raph and Ryker made it out.

Drake breathes a sigh of relief and makes his way to the opposite side of the bridge toward the snake. “You okay?”

“Yes. Duex is dead. I think he succumbed to a combination of blood loss and my venom,” Yuki replies.

“In that case,” John observed, casting a spell, “let’s get everyone back on the bridge and dried out before hypothermia sets in.”

Matter Control: Water (4), Mineral (4), Contingent (-1) = 7
Spellcasting: Matter Control — Water (https://orokos.com/roll/947716): 1d12o12 8 1d6o6 4

Extending his will, John had Manny rise from the water on a pillar, allowing him to step back on the bridge. Following his and Yuki’s return, he drew the excess water from their clothing, beginning with Ryker, before turning his attention to the bridge — which he shored up as best he could.

“You had us worried, Zodiac,” he said, offering a relieved smile as he stitched the bridge’s cracked concrete back together. “I was about to follow Izulu into the drink to make sure you made it back to us.”

2022-07-11, 02:31 PM
Back on the Bridge
“Tell ya what, Keith,” Ryker says as he starts to shiver violently and uncontrollably. “Next time, you get bit by a giant gator and dragged into ice cold water, and then get ****in’ smashed against a bridge. I wonder how much would be left’a you.”

His breath hisses in through his teeth as Stella joins John next to him and starts to heal his arm.

“I’m sorry, Ryker,” Stella says as she pulls his arm toward her so that she can see what she's doing. She focuses, whispering a spell, and muted light seeps up from her palm into the two wounds in his arm. They slowly start to close over until they’re fully healed.

“T-thanks,” Ryker says through his teeth chattering.

Drake pauses, waiting for Raphael to open another rift or say something. When nothing happens, he looks sharply at the vampire. “Raph. Where’s Yuki?”

A few moments later, a huge, white, triangle-shaped head erupts from the black water next to bridge. A spray of water mists out from her nostrils as she looks down and sees that Raph and Ryker made it out.

Drake breathes a sigh of relief and makes his way to the opposite side of the bridge toward the snake. “You okay?”

“Yes. Duex is dead. I think he succumbed to a combination of blood loss and my venom,” Yuki replies.

Keith smiles a bit as Ryker starts speaking realizing that he was alright. "Fair enough. Next time, I'll get bit and dragged about. Just glad you made it man. Sorry, Ryker." Keith thinks for a moment. "Ah ****, eh if they're listenin' in this ain't gonna do a thing now." Still retaining the frog form, Keith's voice returns to normal at the realization. His form melts back to the shadow and his regular form, with his hero garb re-emerges. "If we need it, can just swap back but it'll need to be fast."

As Yuki appears his eyebrows raise. Of course, he was glad they all made it out, though he hadn't realized Manny had jumped in. "Good catch on him, and the bridge, Dee. Glad you're alright, Zodiac." He is awestruck at the snake form though.

2022-07-11, 03:08 PM
"Well if everyone's finished playing in the water for now, let's get Ryker patched up and get moving. Clock's still ticking." Redline says aloud as the group reconverges.

"Well, not that one but you get the idea." His double says, pointing back at the stopped hands of the clock tower.

2022-07-11, 07:48 PM
On the Bridge
The snake dips her head in a apology. “I didn’t mean to worry anyone. I did some experiments in the pool when I first unlocked this form and I knew I could hold my breath for about 15 minutes. I should have let you all know.” She places her head down in the deck and shifts back into her tiger form and shakes the water out of her coat.

Aeryn offers Ryker and Manny a palm-full of fire to warm up by. The former villain begrudgingly accepts and huddles up next to the alien while they continue to the end of the bridge.

Enter the City
At the end of the bridge, Stella reactivates her tracking spell, which begins to drift off to the left, away from the larger central street. The ground is littered with gold and silver coins. Empty shells of buildings loom over the team as they make their way deeper into the city. Shadows dance inside the broken windows.

There’s a rumble from below, and several large cracks appear in the road.

Drake shakes his head. “We should hurry.”

Down a side street, a large, open plaza is visible. On the ground, several runes are burned.

2022-07-11, 08:36 PM
There’s a rumble from below, and several large cracks appear in the road.

Drake shakes his head. “We should hurry.”

Down a side street, a large, open plaza is visible. On the ground, several runes are burned.

Notice — Even if he doesn’t want to know. (Oh, who am I kidding. He always wants to know….) (https://orokos.com/roll/947791): 1d12o12+4 9 1d6o6+4 6
One Bennie spent to reroll.

“Oh, no,” Dee says quietly, glancing at Miss Menagerie. “Runes burned into the ground. I’ll quickly check them and catch up.”

John scribes out a spell, shifting himself more into the spirit realm.
Intangibility (5), Invisibility (4), Contingent (-2) = 7
Spellcasting (Oh, who am I kidding. He always wants to know….) (https://orokos.com/roll/947793): 1d12o12 7 1d6o6 5
John becomes Intangible and somewhat less visible.

Dee kept to the shadows as much as possible as he slipped down the alleyway to inspect the runes. Arriving at the end, he tried to make sense of what he saw.

Occult — what are these runes and why are they here? (https://orokos.com/roll/947794): 1d12o12+4 5 1d6o6+4 9

2022-07-11, 08:44 PM
Keith keeps his eyes peeled as they make their way through the cityscape. It was eerie how empty everything was, but with the shining earlier, he was still on edge. Something still didn't sit right with him about it.

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/947792): 1d6o6+2 3 1d6o6+2 13

As they passed the alleyway, Keith took a look down. "I'll keep an eye on his back, we'll catch up in a sec."

Keith kept to the shadows as much as he could while making his way down the alley, since it was best to keep out of sight as much as possible. then again, the enemy did know they were there.

Stealth (https://orokos.com/roll/947795): 1d6o6 4 1d6o6 4

He looked around and scanned the area after reaching the end, though maybe being invisible would have helped some. Still, the runes caught him off guard. He had expected a lot more treasure in here than just the ruins of a city.

For scanning the plaza;
Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/947796): 1d6o6+2 4 1d6o6+2 6

For looking at the runes and what they may be.
Occult Knowledge (https://orokos.com/roll/947797): 1d6o6 7 1d6o6 2

In the back of his head, White chimed in again with his commentary. "Ya know, weren't y'all LITERALLY just tellin' Raph to not do this kinda crap that you are right now? Then again guess that was more so stoppin' him from fightin' the war here, rather than checkin' a potential threat should anyone get led down here. Seriously why did you come down this alleyway?"

Keith sighed internally. Yeah yeah, I know, I was helpin' to tell Raph not to just go crazy. But come on, we're in another dimensional area and John was goin' off on his own. Besides, I already know you would have gone to figure out those runes too.

"THAT IS NOT THE ****IN' POINT!" White started fuming and raving in Keith's mind at being called out. It was mildly humorous for Keith, given the serious nature of the break-in in progress.

big teej
2022-07-11, 09:01 PM

Nightgaunt shudders, choking up more water. "Just waterlogged." He croaks to Stella and retches again.

While Yuki is explaining herself to the team, He pushes himself to his feet and looks out over the black waters again before shrugging and following the team to the city.


He frowns as Dee evaporates and Crowe scuttles off down an alleyway. He stops and plants his hands on his hips, glaring down the alleyway after his two errant teammates. "Don't go poking around, Nightgaunt. Stay focused on the mission Nightgaunt. We're not here to mess with anything else Nightgaunt." He mutters, watching and waiting for the inevitable to occur.

Notice: 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/947799)

2022-07-11, 09:31 PM
In the Plaza
As John and Keith enter the plaza, they see a giant ritual circle burned into the ground.

John recognizes several runes. One is for a Greater Demon. The inner ring, which has several cracks from older earthquakes, is a large sealing spell which would have kept the demon contained within the circle, if it was undamaged.

Up in the window of a building on the left that surrounds the plaza on the fourth floor, a shadow appears more solid than the others.

2022-07-11, 09:31 PM
City Streets

He frowns as Dee evaporates and Crowe scuttles off down an alleyway. He stops and plants his hands on his hips, glaring down the alleyway after his two errant teammates. "Don't go poking around, Nightgaunt. Stay focused on the mission Nightgaunt. We're not here to mess with anything else Nightgaunt." He mutters, watching and waiting for the inevitable to occur.

The two Redlines move further into the city with the team, the original near the front of the party and his copy watching their rear. "So... do we wait for them to come back? If we keep moving there's no guarantee they'll be able to find us but we did agree on a rendezvous point."

He looks over to Stella. "Can you tell how much farther out we are? And what are we looking for exactly if you don't mind me asking? I doubt yours mother's soul or anyone's would just be lying around with the rest of this stuff. What's a soul even look like?"

5 (https://orokos.com/roll/947798) + 2 (Perception) = 7

2022-07-11, 09:49 PM
It was only when he reached the entrance to the plaza that two realizations kicked in. First, one should never split the party. And, only slightly further behind, he was still not the thief-figure in a well balanced party.

If he felt he had the power available to him, he would consider summoning a Great Dane to help him right now.

He would have to remember to ask Keith later why his work with Shadow had not led him to leverage that power to make him an infiltration expert.

As he focused on trying to decode the meaning of the runes, he considered the cost/benefit of relying on his magical senses to alert him to danger. Yes, he was limiting the information he had to work with. Someone studying them from a window might not be a sufficiently immediate threat for him to sense, leaving him more vulnerable later, but he was also concerned with the amount of time he had.

Stella’s dream tugged at his memory. Cracks were appearing in the street and she had dreamt of Yuki, being pulled lifeless from a fallen building.

He felt like he was running out of time.

In the Plaza
As John and Keith enter the plaza, they see a giant ritual circle burned into the ground.

John recognizes several runes. One is for a Greater Demon. The inner ring, which has several cracks from older earthquakes, is a large sealing spell which would have kept the demon contained within the circle, if it was undamaged.

Up in the window of a building on the left that surrounds the plaza on the fourth floor, a shadow appears more solid than the others.

“More greater demons? What can that River Spirit be thinking of?” John muttered as he felt his eye drawn up. “He should know about the danger of them…getting…loose.”

Who’s Watching Whom? (https://orokos.com/roll/947801): 1d12o12+4 7 1d6o6+4 9

“We’re being watched, Keith,” John said as quietly as he dared as he drew his binoculars out of their pocket. “The building on the left — fourth floor, second window.”

He raised the binoculars to take a closer look, hoping to not find a greater demon watching them from above.

He also regretted not thinking of testing the comms before now.

2022-07-11, 09:53 PM
Back with the Group
“I think we should wait for them,” Drake says. “The rendezvous was more if we get completely separated. I think we can afford to wait a few minutes.”

“I agree,” Stella adds on. “It’s better if we stay together, of course, but at least we know where they went.” She looks at her tracking spell as Louis asks his second question. The small purple flame is slightly brighter than when she first summoned it, but the pulse is still faint. “We’re closer, but it seems we still have a little ways to go.”

“Most of the time, and I’ve only seen this in books—“ the sorceress says “—you would keep a soul in a vessel of some kind. Like a box of sorts. It doesn’t really matter what it’s made out of as long as it’s completely enclosed and you can inscribe the correct runes on it. They’re called soul cages. Souls themselves are formless and invisible. You have to use magic to sense them.”

In the Plaza
The window is empty when John looks up at it through his binoculars.

2022-07-11, 09:56 PM
Keith couldn't make much sense of the runes, though he hadn't gone that far into his studies. He had the realization that while he was trained to infiltrate some places, he was making some rookie mistakes. He needed to get better about it.

Keith heard John's voice not too far from the alley where he had stopped and nodded. "Seems like there's somethin' worse than Deux here. Wonder if he was who I saw earlier."

Keith kept his eyes looking at the window, trying to make out what was there, but all he saw was the more solid shadow.

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/947803): 1d6o6+2 11 1d6o6+2 7

"Please tell me that wasn't another one."

2022-07-11, 10:03 PM
Keith couldn't make much sense of the runes, though he hadn't gone that far into his studies. He had the realization that while he was trained to infiltrate some places, he was making some rookie mistakes. He needed to get better about it.

Keith heard John's voice not too far from the alley where he had stopped and nodded. "Seems like there's somethin' worse than Deux here. Wonder if he was who I saw earlier."

Keith kept his eyes looking at the window, trying to make out what was there, but all he saw was the more solid shadow.

Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/947803): 1d6o6+2 11 1d6o6+2 7

"Please tell me that wasn't another one."

“It appears to be gone now. Unless you want to look at anything else, Crowe,” Dee said quietly, “we should go back and rejoin the others as quickly as we dare.”

John tapped his comm and subvocalized. “All points: Returning.

“Did you receive that, Crowe?” Dee asked as they moved back down the alleyway towards the others.