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View Full Version : Is smoke from Pyrotechnics a magical effect?

2022-04-25, 12:12 PM
Does the smoke created by Pyrotechnics count as a magical effect that could be dispelled by Dispel Magic or Antimagic Field? Unlike Grease, Fog Cloud, etc it could be interpreted as being the natural result of using magic on a nonmagical flame.

2022-04-25, 12:17 PM
Pyrotechnics is Instantaneous, therefore dispel magic does nothing to its effects. The smoke it creates is nonmagical.

2022-04-25, 01:18 PM
Pyrotechnics is Instantaneous, therefore dispel magic does nothing to its effects. The smoke it creates is nonmagical.

With that interpretation, would you also consider the grease created by the 1st level spell of the same name nonmagical?

2022-04-25, 01:22 PM
With that interpretation, would you also consider the grease created by the 1st level spell of the same name nonmagical?

Unlike Pyrotechnics, Grease has a duration of 1 minute, ergo it is maintained by magic. If you dispel the magic maintaining it, the spell ends and the grease goes away.

Sage Advice (https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/SA-Compendium.pdf) might help you with these questions:

Can you use dispel magic on the creations of a spell like animate dead or affect those creations with antimagic field?

Whenever you wonder whether a spell’s effects can be dispelled or suspended, you need to answer one question: is the spell’s duration instantaneous? If the answer is yes, there is nothing to dispel or suspend. Here’s why: the effects of an instantaneous spell are brought into being by magic, but the effects aren’t sustained by magic (see PH, 203). The magic flares for a split second and then vanishes. For example, the instantaneous spell animate dead harnesses magical energy to turn a corpse or a pile of bones into an undead creature. That necromantic magic is present for an instant and is then gone. The resulting undead now exists without the magic’s help. Casting dispel magic on the creature can’t end its mockery of life, and the undead can wander into an antimagic field with no adverse effect.

Another example: cure wounds instantaneously restores hit points to a creature. Because the spell’s duration is instantaneous, the restoration can’t be later dispelled. And you don’t suddenly lose hit points if you step into an antimagic field! In contrast, a spell like conjure woodland beings has a non-instantaneous duration, which means its creations can be ended by dispel magic and they temporarily disappear within an antimagic field.

2022-04-25, 06:05 PM
Thanks for the setting me straight.
Completely glossed over the implications of it being instantaneous.
Also, I was not aware that creatures “summoned” with an Instantaneous casting time are run that way. I remember a few years back noticing some spells specified “Until Dispelled,” but didn’t make the connection.


2022-04-25, 08:49 PM
Pyrotechnics is Instantaneous, therefore dispel magic does nothing to its effects. The smoke it creates is nonmagical.

This is why Pyrotechnics is one of my favorite spells.