View Full Version : Dreamscape: Hobgoblin Hunter

2022-04-27, 12:07 PM
You are walking through what seems to be a desolated, hilly field, with burnt out husks of buildings scattered about. More destroyed furniture and boxes are scattered about the blasted landscape than vegetation.
While you're making your way, you hear a howl - like that of a great beast - getting closer, along with extremely rushed footsteps, and the cracking and crunching of wood underneath as it runs quicker towards you from out of sight. Then you hear it again, and again. From different directions. They aren't all coming towards you, but they are definitely running away from something.

That's when you hear a ear-piercing screech, as an orc crests the hill. It's tattered and burned clothes are visible even from this distance as, suddenly, a large orange humanoid launches on the back of the orc, and chomps down on its neck with oversized teeth. The shower of blood coats the crazed, near-bare humanoid in a thick red paint as it straightens up, stretching as though after a workout. Those of you who know of them, believe that this is a sort of hobgoblin, though its arms and claws are much too large - much too primal. Perhaps it is better described as a small troll.

It lifts its muzzle into the air and sniffs so hard its nose scrunches up 3 inches, and scans the area, and looks in your direction. It slowly, ploddingly moves towards you. With each step, it hunches further down, and gets faster, until it's virtually sprinting towards you on all four. Roll initiative.

Just a neat little scene I gleamed from what I dreamed. In addition to a mind-warping illusionary, ballroom within one of these burnt out buildings, this seemed like a cool scene that I could find a way to add to one of my games. And it seemed neat enough that someone else may wish to use it. Could be a bit of self-aggrandizement there. But hey, whatever.