View Full Version : The Syndicate: How should I do it?

2022-04-29, 10:58 AM
Currently, I'm in a high seas campaign using the 3.5 system. I am a goblin rogue 9/swordsage 1, and I'm a fashionable businessman, not your average gob'.
There is an island with a pretty big population, and I'm already opening a business there. What it does is house and feed people, and every day, they are sold for the day to people who need labor. This way, we make a profit and house the homeless or those who are just willing to do labor for food and experience.
However, I'm thinking about running a sort of syndicate out of this, which would fit with my character's economic beliefs. How should I build a syndicate? My DM's pretty lenient, but I don't want to abuse this.