View Full Version : Your GM rolled 16 15 15 14 14 13 for you, what would you make?

2022-04-29, 11:27 AM
Title says all, that's the array of our whole group, we made a druid, two clerics, a warlock and a rogue

what would you make?

16 isn't locked to strength, if that wasn't clear, that's the array you can move "what's the 16" around

2022-04-29, 11:31 AM
Title says all, that's the array of our whole group, we made a druid, two clerics, a warlock and a rogue

what would you make?

16 isn't locked to strength, if that wasn't clear, that's the array you can move "what's the 16" around

A Dragonfire Adept.

That's a decent array-you could build pretty much anything with it. So I'd just go with what I like.

2022-04-29, 11:33 AM
Paladin. They are crazy MAD and that is about as good as you can get. I would go paladin of chaos so that the rogue gets some friendship(assuming your clerics are good).

2022-04-29, 11:39 AM
Depends if the game is starting at lvl one and what sources are allowed...

2022-04-29, 11:40 AM
Depends if the game is starting at lvl one and what sources are allowed...
was level 1 yes, and all 3.5 sources, (no 3.0, no pathfinder backports), we're now level 13 if that makes any difference to you

2022-04-29, 11:45 AM
given that it is equivalent to a 43 pont buy? Pretty much anything you want!! Does seem to be suited to MAD classes like paladin or monk. Me personally? My beloved Bard ;-)

2022-04-29, 02:01 PM
Paladin/monk/pious templar. If the effect has a save, it does nothing.

2022-04-29, 02:05 PM
If it was right now, then I would a ninja from Complete Adventurer, in honour of the thread I saw recently on these boards. :smallcool:


Oh looking at the make up of the OP party, maybe an arcane caster or a fighter type would be appropriate?

Hmmm. Maybe a Warblade with an eye towards getting Master of Nine after dipping into Crusader and Swordsage? Or perhaps a Wu Jen (full arcane caster, but a little different from what people usually go for)?

2022-04-29, 03:07 PM
Wood Elf divine warrior of sorts. 16 and 13 for Con/Int respectively, and 15s for Str/Wis. 14s for Dex/Cha.

In this way, I could basically recreate one of my sig-characters. Str and Wis are required for the warrior-priest sides of things. Dex helps with armor and Cha with turning undead. Con needs to be high enough for hp boosting, but intelligence can be dumped.

2022-04-30, 07:20 AM
Arcane Gnome illusionist
18 int, 17 con, 15 dex, 12 wis, 12 str, 13 cha

Since all 3.5 sources are allowed you’d be slinging miracles and crushing fists of spite around

2022-04-30, 09:58 AM
Now that I´ve had time to think about it I´ll double dip on this one.

Bard 7/Druid 3/Sublime Chord 2/Arcane Hierophant 8

Arcane 9ths/Druid 6ths (if you put a bump into WIS) NO wildshape since the party already as that covered but there are a lot of good spells on that druid list.

Hell, now I have to build one ;-)

2022-04-30, 12:03 PM
It's good enough for most builds depending on what your party needs, unless you wish to min-max a caster's casting stat.

2022-04-30, 02:42 PM
- Seconding "whatever you want" is pretty big feels with that stat spread. Solid stats all around. You can still have an 18 in a stat of your choice if you take the right race.
- From a power perspective, arcane caster would fit in great in that group. You have excellent redundancy in divine casting already and some nice DPS and utility with Warlock and Rogue, so a Wizard would complete the utility belt and allow you to have a way to overcome pretty much any encounter with enough planning. Possibly a summoning focused Wizard/Malconvoker to add more flanking buddies for your rogue/Animal companion and in case neither of the clerics is focused on the tank role, but even a generalist would do fine.
- With those stats, you can also build a gish and personally take care of both arcane support and being the extra tank, it's less good than a summoner, but I know some folks really enjoy poking people in the face with sharp sticks!
- If you want a support character, there is a fun build that I made that literally makes your party Epic at around these levels. Add Shun the Dark Chaos abuse to give epic feats: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?622924-Rebel-s-Optimization-Showcase-Nood-the-Legend-Maker

2022-04-30, 02:58 PM
Solid stats. I'd make a gishy Truenamer with a reach weapon and Combat Reflexes in my quest to make a truly mad (and MAD) character.

2022-04-30, 03:10 PM
To be clear, mine is more a curiosity about what people would pick than me looking for advice.

It's interesting to see some of what you've said lines up with some retooling we've done since then. One of the cleric retired to farm life with an npc and the replacement character is a wizard/sorcerer/ultimate magus. I myself as the druid retrained from nature's warrior to arcane hierophant. Warlock stood true to herself going glaivelock hellfire+strongheart vest now working in eldritch disciple to eventually DMM persist divine power. Rogue is going warshaper/duelist/shadowdancer and the cleric, contemplative

2022-04-30, 03:28 PM
Nifty, sounds like more arcane and a little more frontline focus is exactly what happened! Glad you ended up with a well balanced and powerful party and are hopefully having lots of fun.

2022-04-30, 03:29 PM
Str 13
Dex 15
Con 15
Int 16
Wiz 14
Cha 14

Only feat needed able learner maybe persistent for some fun wraith strike

Rouge 1/ wizard 5/ unseen seer 4/ arcane trickster 4/ unseen seer 6

2022-04-30, 05:09 PM
Anything but a save-dc focused caster would be great with those stats. (and a save DC focused caster wouldn't be terrible). So my answer is "whatever I felt like playing that week".

Monk, Paladin, Archer, Bard, Martial-cleric-with-turning, Martial-Arcanist-with-near-full-caster-levels - lots of stuff I like to play gets better with no dump stats.

2022-04-30, 11:00 PM
Same thing as always (Chameleon), but this time I'd have an excuse to build an actual does-everything chameleon rather than my standard "Int-SAD spell abuse" chameleon.

2022-05-01, 04:23 AM
Me? with those stats?
Just about anything depending my mood. Now I need to think of what would I like to play...

I do not think I have done a warforged, and I have always wanted to be a warforged at least once.
And I would probably make it a Dusk blade.
Str 16
Dex 13
Con 16
Int 15
Wis 13
Cha 12

2022-05-01, 02:23 PM
Nothing much to add, I'll join the chorus of "whatever I felt like playing".

Which, as I usually play Wizards*, and the party seems to be lacking a Wizard, seems likely I'd play a Wizard.

Level 1 Wizard can be a little painful, though.

I might pester the GM about homebrew races / classes / prestige classes... or, if they didn't have any, suggest a few of my own, if I was otherwise lacking inspiration for a character (or, you know, *had* inspiration that required such).

* Or Sorcerers. Or Arcane Spellcasters. Or... you get the idea.

2022-05-01, 02:49 PM
Also, "whatever I felt like playing," but I WOULD lean more heavily to paladin or monk given the MAD burden they have but you normally wouldn't have that good a stats to deal with.

2022-05-01, 03:37 PM
Paladin sorcerer spell sword Abjuration Champion than exorcist

16/18 bab and 9th level spells

2022-05-02, 05:09 AM
Paladin. They are crazy MAD and that is about as good as you can get. I would go paladin of chaos so that the rogue gets some friendship(assuming your clerics are good).

Mutual Assured Destruction? That is the only MAD acronym I am familiar with.

Besides that these stats are really high, you can play anything you want to.

2022-05-02, 05:27 AM
Multiple Attribute Dependent. Means you need lots in several attributes to do what you're supposed to do. Like Monk or Paladin. The opposite acronym is SAD.

2022-05-02, 09:39 AM
Multiple Attribute Dependent. Means you need lots in several attributes to do what you're supposed to do. Like Monk or Paladin. The opposite acronym is SAD.

Thank you.

2022-05-02, 09:46 AM
Since edition isn't specified, I'll put down some different entries.
3.5: I'd probably use it to finally play a chameleon.
PF: There's a counterspell arcanist build linked to on Zenithgames that I've been wanting to try out.
PF with 3PP: Omen Rider Harbinger.

2022-05-02, 02:07 PM
I guess I would play a Factotum (from Dungeonscape) : the PC has above average stats all around, so playing a jack-of-all-trade without weak points should be fun.

2022-05-02, 02:48 PM

Str 14
Dex 14
Con 15
Int 15
Wis 13
Cha 16

... and go with Words of Creation. The feat is awesome for an Inspire Courage-focused Bard, but I'm always hesitant to put what could be the only two high-ish stats I get into that. With supporting stats that good, I'd definitely take it.

2022-05-03, 04:19 AM
Great thing about this roll is it is neither really overpowered or having any real weaknesses.
Which some Players or DMs ma actually find offensive.

2022-05-03, 04:56 AM
Great thing about this roll is it is neither really overpowered or having any real weaknesses.
Which some Players or DMs ma actually find offensive.

Not offensive just incredibly boring. I try to have one ability below 10 for all characters. Like my Cha 6 fighter, or Wis 8 Warlock etc.

2022-05-03, 06:51 AM
Not offensive just incredibly boring. I try to have one ability below 10 for all characters. Like my Cha 6 fighter, or Wis 8 Warlock etc.

You can always deliberately lower one of your stats if you want to play something with a lower stat for roleplay purposes.

2022-05-04, 09:01 PM
I had one character (country girl in the big city) that didn't dump wisdom. Instead, I voluntarily failed every sense motive check she ever rolled for an entire campaign.

2022-05-05, 05:58 AM
I had one character (country girl in the big city) that didn't dump wisdom. Instead, I voluntarily failed every sense motive check she ever rolled for an entire campaign.

My warlock wis 8 character has the inattentive flaw (-4 to spot and listen). I really never do any wisdom related stuff I leave that to the Male Drow Cleric and the Bard in my party. Characters that are good in everything are not balanced IMHO. Why be in a party if you can do everything yourself?

Jay R
2022-05-05, 09:11 AM
Everyone seems to be skipping what I think are the most important two steps:

1. What has the DM told us about the campaign? It's good to prepare for the actual campaign.
2. What are the other players doing? I prefer to build a party rather than several unconnected PCs.

Since the stats don't force a particular approach, I would make whichever of Wizard, Cleric, Druid, martial, or Rogue the party doesn't already have. The order of preference between them would depend on the DM's description of the game. And what kind of martial would primarily depend on the rest of the party. If the party was entirely Good, the martial might be a Paladin; otherwise, probably a Ranger.

But I would not play the party's second Wizard, Cleric, Druid, or martial unless the campaign really pulled us in that direction. Zombie apocalypse? OK, more than one cleric. Defending the forest from an unnatural force? Let's double up on Druids. [I might go ahead and play a wizard even if somebody else is playing a sorcerer, just to get each spell level on schedule.]

I would not play the party's second rogue under pretty much any circumstances. Each lock only has to be opened once, and only one of us needs to sneak into the enemy camp.

2022-05-05, 10:24 AM
Everyone seems to be skipping what I think are the most important two steps:

1. What has the DM told us about the campaign? It's good to prepare for the actual campaign.
2. What are the other players doing? I prefer to build a party rather than several unconnected PCs.

These fall under "whatever I feel like playing that week". Those are inputs I use to spark the idea of what I want to play. Sometimes you won't know #2, either because it is something like organized play or a convention game one-off or it's play-by-post where the reveal is when the party meets via roleplay. (or they want you to say what you are playing so they can decide)

But #1 is always important. If nothing else "what is allowed" will add some boundaries.