View Full Version : E6 Monster Hunter style mounting

2022-04-29, 07:28 PM
So, I've been thinking about ways for people in an E6 environment to have more options for dealing with really, really big monsters, like, a T Rex lets say. Of course, you can just wail on it but that's kinda boring, it'd be far more fun to climb around on top of it and stab the bejeezus out of it.

Obviously, that would be a grapple in the base rules but that... well that sucks cuz you aren't gonna be able to out grapple a Rex unless you are super optimized for it, which isn't what I want. Also I feel like climbing up its leg shouldn't be a Grapple check, but w/e.

So Im trying to figure out how to do Monster Hunter style mounting, probably as some series of Skill Checks, but also trying to figure out what benefits it should give. Off the top of my head:

Can't hit you with a Bite attack, any feet-based attacks or its tail (DMs discretion on the last one).
Some penalty to hit with whatever attacks are left
It's flat footed to you

Like... those seem neat.

2022-04-30, 01:59 AM
Have a look at that feat: Hammer and Piton, from Dungeonscape.

2022-04-30, 04:07 AM
Spheres of Might has rules for this under the Athletics talent Scale Foe (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/athletics#toc34)

2022-04-30, 06:11 AM
Also, Giantbane (Complete Warrior) - the Climb Aboard tactical maneuver

2022-04-30, 11:42 AM
Have a look at that feat: Hammer and Piton, from Dungeonscape.

TGhats what it was called. That was bugging me.

Spheres of Might has rules for this under the Athletics talent Scale Foe (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/athletics#toc34)

Oooh, have to take a look at that.

Also, Giantbane (Complete Warrior) - the Climb Aboard tactical maneuver

Oh, that is a thing.