View Full Version : Advice on taking on ancient dragons

2022-04-30, 06:47 PM
I’m about to hit 17th lvl…working on a series of quests that, once completed will give me access to a legendary item (of my choice). However, the next ones are an ancient blue dragon, and after that, an ancient red. I play a battle smith artificer, and I might have a party including 4 others…but I’m fairly certain the dragons in question will have lair actions, minions, and we can’t change the location since we have to travel to the dragon’s hoard to fight it (based on my t3 fights with an ancient green dragon). I have several potions of lightning/fire resistance prepped, dust of disappearance and other helpful items…but need advice on how to deal with the dragon and any minions it might have…

2022-04-30, 06:51 PM
I’m about to hit 17th lvl…working on a series of quests that, once completed will give me access to a legendary item (of my choice). However, the next ones are an ancient blue dragon, and after that, an ancient red. I play a battle smith artificer, and I might have a party including 4 others…but I’m fairly certain the dragons in question will have lair actions, minions, and we can’t change the location since we have to travel to the dragon’s hoard to fight it (based on my t3 fights with an ancient green dragon). I have several potions of lightning/fire resistance prepped, dust of disappearance and other helpful items…but need advice on how to deal with the dragon and any minions it might have…

If you're expecting as-yet-unknown minions, sounds like this could ideally be a question for in-character research, particularly since the potency of dragons can vary quite a bit by campaign/DM (so you might be a better judge given you're in the group) even before dealing with any potential minions. For dragons, flight, blocking flight and/or causing falling can be handy, as can be things that make breath weapons suboptimal (party placement) or less effective (e.g. saving throw boosts, resistance like from your potions)... but with potentially four others, planning as a party seems more effective than conjecture from me without knowing party composition! (I will give a shoutout to Blink [Spell], if you're not meant to be a tank... but if you are, that's counterproductive in some cases... So back to the party composition!)

2022-04-30, 08:33 PM
Useful Spells:
Absorb Elements
Warding Bond
(seconding Blink, as PhantomSoul mentioned)
Pass Without Trace (to sneak past minions on the way in & out)

Negating dragon fear:
Heroism / Heroes Feast / Calm Emotions, or a paladin in your party

Attacking a dragon:
If you can keep away from the dragon, attack at range. Arrows & spells, for the win. If you can pick up an arrow of dragon slaying or three, great.

To help your squishies stay out of the dragon's range, consider pairing your archer or other ranged attacker with your mage, and use Dimension Door as often as needed. Remember the mage can transport one other willing creature with this spell. Obviously in a smaller lair this is probably not your best option.

Maybe most importantly though, is conserve resources on your way to the fight. A lv17 group at near-full strength should find this fight relatively easy.

da newt
2022-05-01, 08:43 AM
This sort of encounter is entirely dependent on your DM - they can design it so that it's pretty easy, very difficult and suspenseful, or neigh impossible. Ancient dragons played to their full capacity are extremely potent and then you add minions and fight in their lair ...

Expect Legendary Resistance so don't use spells that are save for no effect.
Don't stand near each other - make sure only one of you can be targeted at a time.
Bring plenty of minions (summons, hirelings, etc).
Be ready to deal with burrowing, flying, swimming dragons, blind sense, frightening presence, and nasty terrain.
Use all your tools to find out what to expect before you get there and plan - scrying etc.
Find a way to fight somewhere other than in it's lair.

2022-05-01, 11:38 AM
This sort of encounter is entirely dependent on your DM - they can design it so that it's pretty easy, very difficult and suspenseful, or neigh impossible. Ancient dragons played to their full capacity are extremely potent and then you add minions and fight in their lair ...

Expect Legendary Resistance so don't use spells that are save for no effect.
Don't stand near each other - make sure only one of you can be targeted at a time.
Bring plenty of minions (summons, hirelings, etc).
Be ready to deal with burrowing, flying, swimming dragons, blind sense, frightening presence, and nasty terrain.
Use all your tools to find out what to expect before you get there and plan - scrying etc.
Find a way to fight somewhere other than in it's lair.

I bet your DM loves that you are metagaming like this, or is that common agreement at your table?

My advice? Ancient dragons are pushovers. Do what your character would do, make it epic for yourself and the other players at the table.

2022-05-04, 10:55 AM
Well…the encounter is designed to take place in the dragon’s lair, so I can’t really change that…my dm may let me spend dtd to find out what sort of minions n lair actions to expect, so I’ll post about those as soon as I find out about them.