View Full Version : Little sandbox of Strangeness

2022-05-02, 04:28 AM
This is a continuation of Dungeon of Strangeness. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?637991-Dungeon-of-Strangeness)

You have gathered before the entrance of the cliff. The last 2 months were uneventful after you get through the dungeon you can find your old workingplaces or do something with the money you acquired there. But you all got a message from ZZ a few weeks before. It seems that he was able to find out the location of one of the benefactors of the dungeon. A "Mr. Belltower" who resides in this valley surrounded by mountains. ZZ couldn't exactly find out what exactly he got out of this sponsorship but it was probably a good idea to check it out, just to make sure there wasn't another research facility.

Behind you is a beautiful tranquil forest where you didn't encounter anything hostile (well there were two sleeping owlbears but they were more adorable than dangerous.) The next town is a 4 days walk away (less if you got carried by Labs).

Before you are the entrance to the valley, a cliff with the surrounding mountains looking dangerously sharp.

To your left and to your right the mountains continue farther than the eyes can see.

Supposedly in the center of the valley there is a little town, or a big village by the name of "Valleyington" whose primary goods are rough stone and salt.

2022-05-02, 03:49 PM
A lot has changed in these two months. Labs has come prepared. His beanie is a covert black, just as his chainmail is black with grey plaid. His beard... well actually his beard has not changed, but his eyebrows look more impressive now, showing the wisdom of character growth! Growth driven by very diligent squat routines and enduring Kalliste's endless nagging that has now become a core tenet of her life.

To be frank, he has come even more prepared! He brought the Party Harness for carrying intrepid adventurers, and it looks like it will come in handy right about now!

So standing at the cliff, Labs examines it, taking a look-see at the wall and how to best make the climb, audibly scratching whatever eldritch things that may or may not be a chin may be hidden under his beard.

2022-05-05, 03:10 PM
Kalliste… Took the opposite approach to coming prepared, which is to say, she's all blinged-out, as bold as brass and twice as shiny with a very obviously brand new light-weight outfit in daring, cheerful colours under her proudly polished chainshirt, a finely crafted, likewise new backpack made of supple leather and a pair of weird boots she seems to consider classy for some reason. Any chance you're goin' to, you know, wrap up this sightseein' business in this here century, Big Guy? she asks with a broad grin as she spies the valley below. We've got a town to hit!

2022-05-11, 03:21 PM
"Do not hit the town, it has not yet done anything to you," Labs answers, finishing his scouting of the cliff. "Alright then! Please return to your seats, the ride continues. Please put on your seatbelts. Or not. I am not your legal guardian."

And with that, he loads up the others, and begins the descent down the cliff.

Climb check with 60ft climb speed [roll0]

2022-05-12, 12:43 PM
Kalliste shakes her head with overplayed exasperation. It's just a turn o'phrase, Big Guy. Nothin' to get carried a-… …-way over. Damn idioms; why is language doing this to her? Displeased with this turn of events, she settles into the offered seat (she could, of course, use the sweat of her own brow, which is to say, her own climbing abilities, but a free ride is a free ride) and making a show of not touching the seat belt, mentally prepares herself for what should be a lovely panoramic view.

Captain Jak
2022-05-16, 02:38 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 24 | CURRENT: 24 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +14 | FORTITUDE: -- | REFLEX: +5 | WILL: +4

A shadow flickers over them as something passes before the sun, and a moment’s search reveals the broad wingspan of a hippogryph circling high overhead. It abruptly seems to somehow stumble, losing altitude for a moment, before wheeling with a shrill cry and winging strongly away to the southwest.

A short while later the translucent form of a familiar ghnome comes drifting down out of the sky to join the rest who have gathered.

"Sorry to keep people waiting!" she tells the others cheerfully. "I had to find myself a ride, or it would have taken even longer!" She giggles, and looks the odd harness over curiously.

2022-05-17, 06:28 AM
RROSI! Kalliste flashes a big, happy grin at the quasiethereal gnome hovering about around them. I was gettin' 'fraid I'll end up stuck with the Fun P'lice! she chuckles, nudging Labs with an elbow. But hey, that freakin' entrance's easily made up for most of the anguish.

2022-05-17, 09:06 PM
"Ah, lively as always," remarked the hexblade. "No offense, Rosi."

2022-05-18, 04:02 AM
You (or Labs) makes his way up the uninviting mountainside. It doesn't take that long till you reach the top and can overlook the canyon. The first thing you see is that at the right side of the mountains seems to be an easily traversable way into the valley (though with Labs perfect climbing speed it's probably faster to get to the village on the way you already are at.)

Right in the middle of the valley is a big village (or a small city), there seems to be a relatively big mine at it's left side and north of the village is a simply massive belltower, a colossus made of white and grey stone, it seems to be even higher than the surrounding mountainside. Another unusual thing are the caves that nudge themselves in the northwest of the valley. They are other natural occuring caves dotting the mountains but these seem to be especially big and foreboding.

Then the sound of metal against metal and incoherent screaming draws your attention towards a creature.

It looks kinda like a scorpion. If a scorpion had three protruding heads that are only mouth and no eyes and if it had pincers basically all over it's body wiggling aggressively and metal armor plates that scrape against one another.

It seems to be going towards your direction.

Nice view (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NFtKUjS760H2BcsOTshpd9Ndfx3osibj2PPxnsGBozo/edit?usp=sharing)

Hi, my Name is Scorpy. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oyWj3kooBnD83X-dxz3o0fROW0M6zBUbyasLbH8oRDA/edit#gid=0)

2022-05-18, 06:39 AM
"Hello? Do you speak? Are you a victim of science crimes?" Labs calls over to Scorpy the Nightmare Scorpion.

2022-05-18, 11:55 AM
Yeah, sure, Big Guy. It's got no eyes; it's just common court'sy to point the thing in the right direction. Kalliste snarks, though with a surprisingly light acerbic edge. If there's fun to have looming on the horizon, she can't be picky, Labs. I'd also be kind of shocked to find it's speakin' Common of all things,am I right, funny scorpion thing?I'm takin' "I surrender" for an answer, in case you've been wondering!We don't know mercy, but the hairy one does! With no more pretending to be helpful to do, she flicks her eyes around to locate the ever-fluttering ghnome. Or d'you want it, Rosi?

Diplomacy on Scorpy: [roll0]; and
MORE Diplomacy on Scorpy, in case all languages need their own check: [roll1]; [roll2].

2022-05-18, 08:29 PM
"Y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if that thing was from that nasty place," remarked Elexis. "Let's face it, there was weirder stuff there."

2022-05-19, 05:35 AM
Fair. Kalliste concedes, bobbing her head. Can you imagine this ugly 'ere with burnin' tentacles for removin' cerebral matter? she goes on with chuckle, apparently finding the mental image funny.

Bluff: [roll0] to beat for finding out that no, she doesn't think it'd be funny and she'd be bravely running away if that were the case.

Captain Jak
2022-05-22, 06:34 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 24 | CURRENT: 24 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +14 | FORTITUDE: -- | REFLEX: +5 | WILL: +4

Rosiwyn shakes her spectral head.

"No thanks, I was just cooped up in a Hippogryph," she replies cheerfully. "I’m sure gonna go check it out, though! It looks amazing!" And with that, she flits forward towards the monstrously formed insect monster beast machine...thing.

Double move, advance to H10

2022-05-23, 03:48 AM
Scorpy rushes forward, which means that Rosywin get's a pretty nice view of it's numerous teeth and claws. The teeth on the heads actually seem to have three rows and are going inward. The numerous smaller claws that surround him are creating a small Vortex and slashing and stabbing all around him, which Rosywin actually get's caught up in while the nightmare scorpion rushes forward.

attack with magical mini claws, [roll0] 1-50 is actually a hit against incorporeal. If hit you can make a DC 18 Reflex save to half [roll1] magical slashing/piercing damage.

It seems to be a bit slowed down because of the slopes and hills it has to go forward too, but it seems pretty aggressive and moves towards you. It doesn't seem to recognise any speech directed towards it. Or it just wants to hug you very enthusiastic.

2022-05-23, 04:37 PM
Labs sighs as he pulls out his axe. "A no on speech, yes on experiments, very yes on angry." The next moment, Labs is in the air with a might leap, and a spin, and a spin, and a spin, and a spin, and oh an axe attack from the sky.

Move Tumble-jump next to Scorpy into square H18. Labs literally cannot fail the tumble check or the jump check, since 1s aren't auto-fails on skill checks, and Labs has hilarious jump distance.

Standard Hit Scorpy with the adamantine axe
[roll0], [roll1] slashing damage

2022-05-23, 04:45 PM
Scorpy's apparent refusal to just be their new friend saddens Kalliste, and she's not really keen on the idea of getting her face torn off either. Well, damn. she states in a perfect deadpan. YOU SURE Y'DON'T, you know, WANT TO JUST TALK THINGS OVER INSTEAD? she adds in Undercommon and then Infernal, for good measure, slightly louder for Scorpy's benefit. Maybe the poor critter's just hard of hearing. She doesn't intend to take her chances, nevertheless. Unnncllllle Trrrricky! she tells the ground, tapping it with her left foot. Someone over 'ere wants to dance!

And then it happens. She quickly takes on the probably kinda-sorta familiar shape of the gaunt lizard creature with the eyes, and gripping the hilt of her oversized sickle with her new, long, lean, clawed fingers, she draws it.

K. uses Infernal Guise to turn into a phaerlock! Her AC is now 25 (T 12 FF 23)! She gains two claws and a bite, for 1d4+2 and 1d4+1 respectively, as well as a +4 to Balance, Jump and Swim!

Captain Jak
2022-05-24, 12:46 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 24 | CURRENT: 15 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +14 | FORTITUDE: -- | REFLEX: +5 | WILL: +4

Rosiwyn yelps and squawks as the creature rips through her semi-corporeal nature, tearing rents in her ghostly form.

"Hey, that hurt!" she protests, her fingers starting to lengthen disconcertingly as she darts after the monster. "I’m not supposed to get hurt!
" She plunges her grasping hands at the beast’s armoured hide, seeking to drain some of its vitality to restore what had been stolen from her.

The nerve!

Advance to H14
Draining Touch (touch attack) [roll0] CON Damage [roll1]

2022-06-05, 09:58 PM
"Okay, suck on this, snapped the hexblade, pointing at the creature. A shadowy beast slunk out from the unseen towards it, weakening its resistance to Elexis' curse.

Move my Dark Companion to be adjacent to it, and then use my Hexblade's Curse. A Dark Companion gives a -2 penalty to saves and AC to enemies next to it, and my Hexbands give a +1 to the save DC. So DC 18, with a -2 penalty.

2022-06-07, 07:59 AM
The curse hit's Scorpy firmly and definitely making Rosiwyn's grasp hit it and siphoning some of it's sweet, sweet vitality. Labs axe connects too and Scorpy already seems pretty hurt. Though it's numerous claws still whirl around, trying to get you.

Rosiwyn: Incorporeal miss Chance, 1-50 is a miss. [roll0]
Claws deal [roll1] Damage (it's a weapon attack technically, if it's 0 then you both get no damage)
If hit make a DC 16 Reflex save for half Damage.

Scorpy screams… It's scream is somehow focused on Labs and cracks the earth around him.

Make a DC 16 Fortitude save, if you succeed you get half of [roll2] sonic damage and are not deaf, if you fail you get full damage and are deafened (which doesn't really affect anything combat-wise) till you heal any hit-point damage (like from a rest or a potion).

Didn't edited the map in! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oyWj3kooBnD83X-dxz3o0fROW0M6zBUbyasLbH8oRDA/edit#gid=0)

2022-06-07, 11:08 AM
"OW!" Labs shouts, feet tippy-tappying on the broken floor for balance. "THAT WAS NOT VERY NICE! BUT YOU MISCALCULATED! A SILENCE SPELL DOESN'T STOP AN AXE!" He underlines this (even though obviously no one can hear this, not even he himself for the most part) with another wallop from his axe.

Standard Hit with axe, to the surprise of everyone involved.
[roll0], [roll1] slashing damage

2022-06-07, 04:17 PM
Hells, Big Guy, there's no need to, you know, shout! Kalliste, well, shouts, ignoring the bit with the Silence spell (Labs's always been weird), as she scurries forward herself to join the melee. This could still be fun!

Jump if Labs needed that to get on the brown square (I can't remember what those were and can't seem to find it anywhere either): [roll0]
Tumble (eat your heart out, reach!): [roll1]

Attack: [roll2] for [roll3]

Ac's still 25.

Captain Jak
2022-06-19, 10:56 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 24 | CURRENT: 20 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +14 | FORTITUDE: -- | REFLEX: +5 | WILL: +4

Rosiwyn shivers as she siphons off some energy from the monstrosity; that certainly hits the spot!

Not to say she couldn’t do with a touch more, and as the beast’s flailings this time pass harmlessly through her translucent form she reaches out again to drain away some of its failing vitality.

Draining Touch (touch attack) [roll0] CON Damage [roll1]

2022-06-21, 04:38 AM
It seems that Scorpy really can't take getting his pure vitality drained away while also being hacked and slashed at. With Rosywin's final vitality drain the great big Nightmare-scorpion heaves down and doesn't move anymore. Shortly after that there is a small *tink,tinkadink, tinktink, tunktink* around the scorpion (for anyone who can hear) and it seems Scorpy has lost a bunch of… Quite nicely crafted daggers he had imbedded in his numerous small claws and appendages that he weaved around frantically.

It seems Scorpy has lost 9 (NINE) +1 daggers, somehow.

Now after this threat is defeated the valley seems to be open to you once more.

Valley (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NFtKUjS760H2BcsOTshpd9Ndfx3osibj2PPxnsGBozo/edit#gid=0)

2022-06-21, 11:55 AM
"OH BOY, WHAT A FIGHT!" Labs shouts, followed by obvious surprise at the sudden influx of magic knives. "CAREFUL, IT'S LITTERING! SOMEONE COULD STEP ON THESE!" If he makes big enough mouth motions, people might be able to tell what he means in this damned silence spell. He quickly picks up the knives, much like he would if he found discarded objects in a forest.

"OKAY, LET'S GO!" The spell has to run out at some point, right?

Going to town!

2022-06-23, 09:42 AM
Kalliste the Four-Eyed Lizard watches the deluge of shiny daggers with obvious delight in all four of her lizard eyes. She's a lot less enthusiastic about Labs hogging all of them, on the other hand. Hey! I wanted those! she complains tugging at his closest elbow with a clawed hand, before swinging in front of him and bellowing straight into the Big Guy's face an indignant AND STOP SHOUTIN' FOR ALL HELLS' FREAKIN' SAKE!, coupled with a disgruntled murmur under her breath. This guy's just unb'lievable.

He could probably try to read her lips, but, you know, lizard.

2022-06-27, 06:42 AM
Getting down the mountain doesn't prove a challenge and no more nightmare monsters appear. Halfway the way towards the town Kalliste loses her lizard form and turns back to normal (because the duration has expired.)

The town is surrounded by a pretty low wall. It looks like it may have been higher before but the Stones that made up the wall were used for constructing more buildings. There is something of a central gate with some villagers standing around it. Some stop they're gossiping and wave towards you. "Welcome, strangers. Welcome to 'salt leave'."

Should you look around town a bit you can spot a town hall, an inn called 'salt soup' a miscallenous shop and one called 'ye olde magicke shop'. The belltower is towering over the town and even with it being at least a mile away it's shadow is creeping over the village. There are also a number of small restaurants and people who sell food on the streets. Not that much that it's totally unusual but more than you're used to see in a small city.

2022-06-29, 11:18 AM
"YOUR TEETH LOOK FINE!" Labs shouts back to Kalliste, assuming the clearly most likely thing why she would have opened her lizard maw wide in his face. He even adds a thumbs up.

At the village, Labs scratches his bearded chin, considering where to start investigating. Since he is still in this darned silence spell, he points to the belltower, since it seems like the most ominous thing, and says "WHAT ABOUT THERE?!"

2022-06-29, 03:24 PM
But loud as he may be, Kalliste (now a lot less scaly and complete with her usual, much more ladylike set of teeth) is already quite busy not listening to the lumberjack's words. In fact, by the time Labs finishes his weighty utterance, she's already halfway to the closest tavern, handing out smiles and Hey!s to anyone and everyone quite generously and like candy as she goes, though not breaking her stride for so much as a heartbeat until she hits the bar.

Shedding the mask of youthful mirth, she gives whoever looks most like an employee a somewhat more subdued Hey. as she slouches down on a chair with the countenance of a sad puppy. Somethin' strong, please. I'll even pay long 's it comes quick. she moans with pleading sad puppy eyes. She's not lying either. She needs that drink and she needs it now.

Bluff to pretend she actually cares about any of the townfolk: [roll0]
Diplomacy in hope of a discount on drinks: [roll1]

2022-07-04, 03:54 AM

Labs get's some bewildered looks and some people exchance… Glances. One of the villagers (who drew the short straw) Comes towards him and waves to get his attention. When he get's it he makes an effort to speak slowly and clearly, with exaggerated hand and lip motions.

"Are... you... allright?..."


People greet you back, clearly thinking that you love all of them.

When you get into the bar, there's a gnome barkeep, who currently is done mixing a drink for another guest who mentions towards Kalliste quickly. "Had a hard day?" Asks the barkeep who quickly mixes another drink. "It's on the house, you look like you need it."

2022-07-04, 06:02 AM
Labs squints his eyes, craning his neck to try and make sense of what is happening.


2022-07-04, 09:54 AM
"Oh gods why," muttered the hexblade, facepalming.

2022-07-04, 03:17 PM
Kalliste flashes a very grateful sad puppy smile at the gnome and slowly shakes her head. More like the hardest, worst, worst two hours, you know, like, ever. she explains taking a few hearty (and, indeed, probably a bit heartier than it's healthy) gulps from her lovely free drink. Stupid o'rsized hairy coworker stole all my magic daggers and he's been shoutin' every single freakin' word he's uttered ever since. I reckon he's gone all, you know, nuts rather than mostly nuts as he'd been before. I think he thinks we're deaf or somethin' and he has these stupid, o'rsized hairy lungs, so he's, like, super loud. the spirit then winces as Labs is heard bellowing something in the distance. Again. Case in point. she remarks, downing the rest of her drink. And to, you know, top it off, I think he said my lizard teeth are fine. Man. she sighs. I'll think I'll be needin' a refill.

2022-07-07, 06:54 AM

The commoners, seeing themselves confronted with a big, hairy, shouting man do the sensible thing and ask a magician. From "Ye Olde Magicke Shoppe" steps practically a cliche. A stark grey robe with arcane symbols, a pointy hat and on his side a bunch of scrolls. He walks towards Labs and gives Elexis a short nod. "Well... They didn't joke when they said there is a small loud giant… I think the magic at work here is not of silence… I have the perfect scroll Right..." Cue rummaging for 2 whole minutes "Here! Aganazzars Remove Blindness/Deafness, let's see."

The magician uses the scroll and suddenly Labs can hear again! Though his ears feel a bit warm and there is a certain tingling in them. Like an earworm (of the song variety) that wants to keep coming back, but isn't quite been able too.

"Could you describe any unusual feelings that you currently have? Any feelings of wanting to take a bath in acid? A burning stomach? Funny taste in your mouth? Bad Breath? Death?"

Aganazzar is more widely known for his destructive spells.

The symbols on the magician are purely decorative without any actual protective meaning.


"Hairy lungs?" "Lizard teeth?" More out of curiosity then anything else, another patron pays for another drink to hear Kalliste talk more. Somehow there is also a portion of gnomish bread before her. The bar has mostly coagulated around Kalliste and everyone is taking in the unusual talkings of the stranger.

2022-07-07, 03:11 PM
"THERE IS ONly a bit of tingling in my ears. And they feel a little warm! Thank you very much, good sir!" Labs says, shaking the mage's hand, before fanning air to his ears to cool them. "I'm Labs, nice to meet you. Are three-headed scorpions a normal sight around these parts?"

Captain Jak
2022-07-10, 03:54 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 24 | CURRENT: 24 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +14 | FORTITUDE: -- | REFLEX: +5 | WILL: +4

Rosiwyn flits around, coming to hover beside the magician with a speculative look on her translucent features.

"I dunno, he’s always looked like someone who has bad breath, but I’m not really in the best position to be the judge of that," she giggles. Looking the magician up and down, she smirks slightly at his professional garb.

"You sure do have a great collection of scrolls," she compliments him. "No wonder you’re such a respected pillar of the community!" She bats wide, cloud-grey eyes at the spellcaster, eagerly waiting to see his reaction to herself up in his face.

Knowledge: Arcane [roll0]

2022-07-13, 09:33 AM
Look, I don't know, it's not like I've, you know, seen them from the inside or gross stuff like that, I mean yuck no. Kalliste blurts out without so much as a hint of uncertainty or a single apologetic tone as she continues to, khm, lift her spirit hire by way of guzzling on. Buh lahmme thall yo dhis, she continues through a good chunk of food in her mouth. He snores and ehen he's all snorin' you can 'ear the bristles rustlin'. Might be his beard, though. Did I mention that his face's a beard? An' he, you know, wrestles ghost trees or somethin'; he says he does it for those poooor sparkly-eyed orphans, but it's fishy. I mean, it would be, if fish had all that hair. Kalliste finishes her second drink and slams it down, abruptly and dramatically on the counter (taking very good care not to break it in the process). Al that, it must sound like, you know, a tall tale, but he's crazy. No kiddin', no nothin'. He threw a big fat oaken table at me one time. While I was standin' on top of it. she affirms firmly, with righteous indignation mixed with deep, dark horror painted all over her face. And then, there were those nice elves, and they were, you know, on fire an'did he help them? No. Let me tell you this: he didn't. she shakes her head gravely. He lobbed a freakin' tentacle potion at them and dragged us all away! Those elves were my friends. I mean, you know, they could have been my friends. They were nice. she says, crossing her arms and leaning back somewhat, quite grumpily.

Bluff, of course, to sell the righteous indignation thing and the rest of the theatrics: [roll0] and
Diplomacy (also known as any of my new best friends wanna pay for the next round?): [roll1]

2022-07-14, 03:56 AM
----Rosywin, Labs, Elexis----

A bit surprised the mage shakes Labs hands before writing down the effects the scroll had. "Interesting… That seems to be one of the tamer side effects. I'm Grummelgorn Basilium but I'm fine with Grum."

The three-headed scorpion procures a surprised Expression on his face that only get's more intense when Rosi appears. He keeps it together pretty well, though some of the commoners are. "Is this… A ghost?" "A g-g-g-g-ghost!?" followed by some fast running away. Some doors are slammed shut, cupious amounts of salt is thrown out of the windows and the doors and the smell of burned thyme fills this section of the village.

Which doesn't do anything. If you'd get hit directly by the salt it would also not do much. But it's no barrier or anything.

"Well first things first… I have never heard anything about three-headed scorpions that must be something new. I have only seen some harpyies in the mountains though they're relatively peaceful. Very relatively."

Grummelgorn expects Rosi and raises a finger that is shaking a bit. "Well miss it seems you have a slight cause of… Death. Are you aware of that fact?" Though the scrolls immediately let's him forget his fears and his shoulders slump down and he suddenly looks pretty tired. "Ah yes… The scrolls. I fear they are more burden than helping the community or amount to any amount of greatness. Which reminds me that I should probably get back to work. If you want to procure anything you can browse my shop if you want too."


You're not sure if everyone beliefs the exaggeretedness of your tale but everyone is clearly entertained. "How do you throw a table at someone if you stand on top?!" "How can you make friends with elves that are burning?" "shh! I want to know what she tells next."

There are some drinks payed by several people, a lot of encouraging words. "It's gonna be better I'm sure." "we have a great barber… Though I don't know if he can do anything about hairy lungs. Or hairy fish." "You poor thing! BUT WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?"

There's also a substantial amount of food before Kalliste. They're also seems to be no bards or any other form of entertainment which may explain some of the eagerness of the patrons.

2022-07-14, 10:17 AM
"Nice to meet you, Grum."

As the villagers flee, Labs says "That is not very nice! And also food waste!"

Turning back to the now semi-slumping Grum, he says "People here do not like scrolls?" A beat. "Did you notice anything unusual recently? Also is your clock tower usually this foreboding?"

2022-07-18, 02:51 AM
"Ah no it's not About the people, you know how it is…" Grum Looks towards the very big, strong, muscular Labs, then towards the slightly translucent form of Rosywin and then his eyes stay on Elexis, who seems to at least be the most fitting target.

"You know how it is. You're paying up your mage-credit and you make pretty good progress and of course you expect the accountant or whatever to also take some of that gold away for your mage-membership-fee but you don't realize that you have to send that in separately and now you haven't pay'd your mage-membership-fee for 10 years and some people are very concerned and of course you currently don't have the money to pay it back in bulk. Then they talk to you about this abandoned shop that someone has to take care for and look through the mage-research-results that the former occupant had accumulated and it turns out that he has a massive bunch of really weird scrolls, like Aganazzars Cure Blindness/Deafness or Delayed fireball or Acidballstorm or even something ridiculous sounding like Agressive Pustules! And of course you can't just Identify that weird stuff because it's really weird and I basically have to really carefully recreate These scrolls, which is really not easy mind you, and find a way to test these and Then I have to make another copy and sent it back to the mage guild with an impeccable recount of what it does and then, Maybe I can go to the next scroll and I have a massive bunch of them."

Grum takes a deep breath. "Sorry, sorry. It's really hard on me but it was good to finally talk to someone about it."

He gives the Clock Tower a casual glance. "It's kinda as foreboding as usual I would say. People don't really talk to me about that, as far as I could gather it was here even before the town but that could just be hearsay. Well..." He spreads his fingers, hesitating a bit. "You could ask our Major I guess. She could know more. If you would like to try a more esoteric source you could try asking the harpyies. I heard they were here before the salt mines and if you could get me some harpy feathers that would be really great! They make for really good writing feathers and I'm almost out of all of mine."

2022-07-18, 02:19 PM
Labs pats Grum's shoulder twice. "I met a few wizards, and they always spoke of loans with horror. Heartbreaking when you see some cry on their rations discussing them. Didn't even want to be in dungeons, but needed the gold. I'm hoping you'll be free of those debts as soon as possible." Labs slips a bag with 50 gold into Grum's pocket without further comment.

"Well, on to the mayor. If I come across harpy feathers, I'll get some for you." He looks around, then back to Grum. "Can you please point the way to the town hall?"

2022-07-22, 04:06 AM
Grum seems to want to say something about the gold, but then decides not to. Though he does helpfully Point out the Majors Office. "It's this building with the dark-blue roof. Good luck on your travels and should you seed something, I'll always make sure my shop is open for you."

The mayor has a half-elven secretary who just takes a short look at you and nods. "She's currently taking supper but there is no one else there at the moment you can just go through." The secretary seems to be highly occupied with letters.

The major's offfice is kinda small and a little cramped for all of you and the major (a very thin looking elderly woman, with a sharp aristrocratic face, and long black-grey hair) currently enjoys some soup. She seems to be happy to see you and mentions you to sit.

"It's good that you're finally there, we wanted to send another messenger already. The situation with the mines has become a bit worse and we even have some wounded currently. With the mines being our most important income it would be really good if you could take on the problem as soon as possible, I'll even doube the reward if that would be acceptable?"

2022-07-24, 02:29 PM
While the others are otherwise occupied, downing drink after drink, Kalliste is having the time of her life. They weren't, you know, huggers, those burnin' elves. Like the tentacle potion; that one was a hugger. And he lobbed it at them and he didn't even understand any'f their talkin'. she clarifies helpfully to Curious Local no.1 just as she distributes affectionate shoulder punches to her well-wishers. That guy, he's just hopeless. And very, you know, dangerous. Pretty sure 'is beard's somehow alive. I saw him destroy a perfectly good door with a freakin' spoon, and not the Bohemian ear-sort. Your regular cutlery. Fo'real. she nods a couple of times to look more convincing. Your barber? He doesn't have a chance, really, and it's not just the lungs any'ow. Lemme tell you, the only saving grace there's that he's a pretty smooth ride for a guy of his size. Fast too. You know. Could Labs be a lungfish, she wonders idly for a heartbeat before resuming her exploration of the local cuisine. That's not really the point, even. But I can see how you'd need some, you know, context for that stuff and the stuff of the table. So, she continues between mouthfuls of food and more gulps of drink. we are in this fancy chill place chillin' and he storms off to beat some guys we've never met though I haven't even, you know, finished my cake from the magic box of, you know, magic cold. So far, so good. A man gotta beat what a man gotta beat, you know? But once we've done messin' up these werecartdriver whatevers, he storms off again to consort with some tentacle lady. All I asked him was to borrow that one head for one freakin' moment! So we set out on our own, me and one of the cool ones and… she rambles on and on …this massive fellow with those, you know, glowin' eyes. And I'm tryin' to be all friendly and chat about the cursed toilet… stuffing herself as a frenzied swarm of locusts …then enter this bird, a real, you know, professional, I gotta tell you, four legs and the right attitude… and drinking on it as no sane locust would. … an' he never ever ap'logised, I'm serious. she finishes with a sigh, only to notice that something's off. Huh. Do you folks ever get, you know, the feeling that you should be somewhere else doing stuff? she shudders at the thought. Where else she would want to be? Weird right? she follows up with a chuckle, waving the thought away. Anyhow, This stuff 'ere, it's, like, really good. Anyone up for another round?

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2022-07-24, 03:30 PM
"Excuse me, what situation with the mines?" Labs asks. "I wanted to ask you if you have heard about anything unusual in or around town. And why the clock tower seems so foreboding this time of year."

2022-07-28, 05:18 AM
--------------Labs, Elexis, Rosywin-----------

The mayor seems a bit disheartened at Labs answer. "You're not from the adventurers Guild? We have sent a messenger, he came back 2 weeks before with the assurance that there would be a group there in a week." She nods firmly and seems to build herself up.

"Well yes there are some unusual activities as of late. We have some undeterminable problem with our salt mines. Shaft's that have been made one day are closed the next, we get 10 carts full of salt out the mines one day and only 2 arrive at the warehouse. Some miners have been wounded, not by falling rocks or by a swung pick but they suddenly have wounds on they're arms that look like they are from claws." She helds her whole body perfectly still while giving the report. "That happened 3 days before your Arrival and the mines have been nearly abandoned. We have some warehouses and I have made room for a fund too should there be occurences like that. It's not that we couldn't wait some additional weeks for the adventurers to come, but you are currently here and they are not. I would like to give the mission to you should you be up for it. The reward would be 1000 Gold and 200 Pounds of our best salt."

She hesitates a Moment but then answers the other Questions too.

"I don't really now how you operate but more information is good, right? The clocktower doesn't seem different to me or any others, I think. From some of our young men I know that the harpyies seem to be a bit out of order recently, but I don't know any specifics. Trade caravans have been arriving as usual. I'm sorry I couldn't give you any more Information but other than the mine the business of our little town goes smoothly, some neighboring quarrels as usual but not something that affects the whole town like the mine situation. Would you help us?"


Your audience howls and hollers at your story and keep the refreshments and some snacks flowing, when asking for another round the gnome barkeep gives you one and throws two silver coins your way. "That was a good story las. Could need some like you to fill the wee night hours. Usually we have a more feathery girl singing but she couldn't make it the past few nights. Had some people really pent up. Good to have some other entertainment."

2022-07-28, 11:20 AM
"Well that does not sound good," Labs says on the matter of these invisible monsters in the mines. "I'd want to see what is going on in those mines, if you want to as well? And everyone keeps saying something is wrong with the harpies?"

2022-07-28, 11:48 AM
"Please don't tell me they have, oh I don't know eyes that shoot magic rays or something," muttered the hexblade under his breath.

2022-07-29, 03:18 AM
Kalliste catches the coins with a mischievous grin and disappears them in some fold or pocket of her clothes (it's hard to tell with a garment so idiosynchratically tailored as hers). The pleasure's all mine. You're all some lovely folks! she twitters pleasantly, sipping her current dose of booze in a somewhat more ladylike manner for a change. I'd consider stickin' around, were I not busy doin' stuff about now. I can even do feathers, y'see, if you folks're into that. You don' want to 'ear me, you know, actually sing, though. she confesses, just as a thought occurs to her. Speakin' of. You said feath'ry, right? About that girl, I mean. Is she, like, a raptoran or, you know, an actual bird bird?

2022-07-29, 03:40 AM
--------------Labs, Elexis, Rosywin-----------

"It is, very much, not good"

Towards Elexis statement.

"I can assure you that our harpyies don't have magic eye lasers."


"Oh some folk are definitely 'into that'" followed by a jovial but still a bit dirty, laugh. "Well if you have stuff to do there is no helping." The barkeep muses a bit about the girl, serves another guest and goes back to Kalliste. "Well, no actually she's more of a harpy. You know these man-stealing, street-food-loving folk of only female bird-people? Also has currently some stuff going on you know?" The Gnome shoots Kalliste a weird look. "Are you having something to do with that?"

2022-07-29, 04:02 AM
Hey! I kind of resent that remark. I'm good at stuff and all that, but I can't mess with, you know, what I don't even know about. she manages to protest almost grumpily even as she realizes that her being her, the accusations sound anything but outlandish. Whatev'r made you think that? And what's, you know, wrong with your harpies, anyway? she looks down at her drink for a moment in deep thought. And while I get the thing with, you know, street food, are your men really into gettin' stolen? So many questions!

Bluff (because no, K.'s not a weirdness magnet with sinister secrets): [roll0]

2022-08-03, 12:32 PM
"So, uhhh..." Labs starts, trying to glean something from the reactions of the others, or lack thereof. "I guess we are helping?"