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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Craft Domain for a Domain Wizard

Jay R
2022-05-02, 05:26 PM
Here’s a Craft Domain my DM and I put together. Feel free to critique any part of it – the idea of the domain, the spells chosen, the new spells created, or anything else.

It was an epic campaign, so he was using it all, even the 9th level spell, from the start.

Pip (my character) was Pixie. He was an Ultimate Magus who was a domain wizard. I wanted him to come in and create things to help people anonymously. I thought about stories in which fairies, pixies, and brownies could do standard crafts much better or faster than people – shoemakers, bakers, etc. Then I remembered the Fair Folk in the Prydain series, who were omnicompetent. I decided that this should be one of Pip’s character traits. For that reason, we put together a wizard Craft Domain.

It required creating two new spells, because we didn’t have good ones for 7th or 9th level.

He’d been around for centuries, and it’s possible that he’s the origin for folk tales in certain villages. [Yes, he actually once visited a shoemaker’s shop in the night, and made lots of shoes out of very little leather.] Besides, it’s easy for somebody who is usually invisible to do things anonymously. In our first session, a village was devastated by a tsunami. When they started to rebuild, he went one night and cast perfect craft, so their first 24 days of building would all be excellent.

There have been many similar incidents. These days, he returns to a certain brewery each year right before midwinter, and casts perfect craft. People all around know that that innkeeper serves the best beer and mead and food at the Midwinter Festival, but none of them (including the brewer/innkeeper) know why.


Cantrip: Amanuensis
1st level spell: Magecraft
2nd level spell: Woodshape
3rd level spell: Stoneshape
4th level spell: Minor Creation
5th level spell: Fabricate
6th level spell: Hardening
7th level spell: True Creation, Lesser
8th level spell: True Creation
9th level spell: Perfect Craft

Level: Craft 7, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: Unattended, nonmagical object of nonliving plant and animal matter up to 20 cu. ft./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You create a nonmagical, unattended object of nonliving plant or animal matter. Items created are permanent and cannot be negated by dispelling magic or negating powers. For all intents and purposes, these items are completely real. For a group of similar items, like clothes, arrows, or firewood, the volume created cannot exceed 1 cubic foot per caster level. For a single large item like a footbridge, the volume cannot exceed 20 cubic feet per caster level. Large, complex items, such as a small cottage, can be created as long as it fits within the 20 cubic feet per caster level.

You must succeed on an appropriate skill check to make a complex item, such as a Craft (carpentry) check to create a table or bridge or a Craft (tailoring) check to make several shirts.

Unlike the items brought into being by the lower-level spells minor creation and major creation, objects created by the casting of lesser true creation can be used as material components.

Material Component: A small piece of matter of the same type of item you plan to create—a sliver of wood to create a bridge; wood, cloth and down to create a bed, and so forth.

Level: Craft 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 0 ft.
Target: One creature touched or an area equaling 100 ft./level
Duration: 1 hour/caster level or 1 day/caster level

This spell can be cast in two ways. The caster can cast it on herself or another creature for a period of hours or on an area for a period of days. She cannot, in any way, cast it in the second way on herself.

When cast on herself or an individual, the spell allows the individual to take the maximum roll (20 on the d20) on all craft checks for a specific purpose. For instance, if she is creating a spyglass, the maximum roll applies to the glasswork check for the lenses, the woodwork check for the body, and possibly a jewelry smith check for a decorative plaque on its side. The roll would not apply any other glasswork check she made at the same time. For items that take more than one day to complete, the spell must be cast each day.

When cast on a location, all related craft skills in the area used for a specific purpose during the given period have the maximum roll applied. This includes all rolls made by all crafters. The skills must be related by a common theme. A carpenter building a ship, a sailmaker making sails, and a ropemaker crafting the halyards are covered by the spell. A cobbler in the same area is not.

Items purchased outside of the area and brought in are not affected by the spell. All items created in the area are masterwork

This spell applies to magical crafting as well, such as fabricate, true creation, playing a Lyre of Building, or painting with Nolzur’s Marvellous Pigments.

The domain was mostly for swank and style and character, but it had its tactical value as well. With a Rod of Excellent Magic to pay the xp cost, he could use true creation often enough to create all expensive spell components for free. And with a daily slot dedicated to hardening, every object he had was soon hardened. Nothing was likely to break in use. [Even in the wilderness, he ate off of fine china and drank out of delicate crystal, because why not? It wasn’t going to break.]

With perfect craft and magecraft, and various other adjustments, he could make a DC 43 check on each of 23 Craft skills in which he had a single rank each. [He could make a DC 42 check on Craft skills with 0 ranks.]

Again, feel free to offer any critiques.