View Full Version : Covid-infected: a humorous template

King of Nowhere
2022-05-03, 09:25 AM
I just pinged positive on the covid test, and I suddenly realized, this means I have a breath weapon that causes contagion! I wonder what that does to my CR?
I decided to have some fun making this silly template. Hope it will be appreciated.

Covid-infected creatures are creatures that are infected by the covid virus. They are more sickly than their normal counterparts. They cough often, although that alone is not enough to identify a covid-infected creature.

"Covid-infected" is an aquired template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature. It is aquired by failing a saving throw against covid, and it is lost upon recovering from the illness.

A covid infected uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Special attacks
Cough (ex)
The infected gains a breath weapon that sprays infected droplets in a 10-ft radius. Creatures touched by those droplets must make a DC 10 fort save or be infected with covid. A dc 15 reflex save can avoid contact with the droplets, but only if the creature has some form of evasion.
using this breath weapon is a swift action, and it can be used every 1d4 rounds. Once per minute, the infected must use his breath weapon, whether he wants or not.
If the infected creature wears a mask, every creature in the area of effect gains cover against the breath weapon. If an affected creature wears a mask, it also gains cover.

Special qualifies
Quarantine (ex)
The infected is subjected to stay inside his home and avoid all unnecessary social contacts as if by a quest/geas spell. Infected with the no-vax template are not thus restricted.

Smart working (su)
The infected gains the supernatural ability to perform his daily job from his home.

Social isolation (su)
Other humanoids that see the infected use his cough ability can't enter a 10-ft radius around the infected unless they pass a DC 10 will save against fear. Being vaccinated against covid gives a +4 competence bonus to this save. Being at special risk of covid gives a -4 competence bonus to this save. Creatures with the no-vax template are immune to this ability, but not to the cough attack.

If the infected has received the covid vaccine, use the same stats as the base creature, because the vaccine protects from the worst symptoms. Otherwise, apply a -2 to str, dex and con, but in this case the DC to resist all the other abilities of the infected increases by 2.

An infected gains a +2 circumstance bonus to diplomacy checks made against good-aligned creatures who may be symphatetic of his plight.

Homes and medical clinics, as per the quarantine special quality, unless the infected also has the no-vax template

Solitary, extremely solitary, as dictated by the quarantine special quality. If the infected has the no-vax template, organization instead is mob (10-100 no-vax plus 2d6 sergeants equipped with banners reciting no-vax slogans and 1 leader with a megaphone)

Challenge rating
If not no-vax, same as the base creature. If no vax with 5 hit dice or less, as base creature +1

Level adjustment

2022-05-03, 09:32 AM
Don't forget the rare case where there's also a permanent reduction in intelligence and wisdom.

2022-05-03, 10:41 AM
It's probably more appropriate to post this in the homebrew section, though I'm not sure how much traffic that subforum gets. How about removing Scent and other similar abilities?

Maybe also add a new property that can be added to mask and other face-based equipment to deliberately lower the DC of your relevant abilities, instead of outright cover.

2022-05-03, 01:26 PM
Shouldn't it be applicable to Animals too? I heard about bats, cats, and - maybe - pangolins...

2022-05-03, 01:46 PM
Profession skills just got a buff!