View Full Version : Fruits of the Reef in Bloom [Empire 7 Event]

Autumn Stars
2022-05-05, 02:10 AM
Dead City Urodela is a beautiful place. Light streams down from above, channeled into abstract works of crystal and nacre, once sacred to the Makers and now sacred to the Gravetenders. Members of the Blossoming Sequence still come here, even as the faith expands into something else.

The Gravetenders have clearly made some changes to account for the ‘Reef in Bloom’, as Laksha has taken to calling the event. Reliquaries have been moved, made more secure, and given more permanent guards. In their place, an open space for each nation invited, to better honor the works of art and culture to be brought here.

Laksha herself, of dark stone and flowing robes, makes herself prominent, personally greeting each delegation with enthusiasm. As with any significant gathering of Gravetenders, there’s a lively debate going on in the fringes of the mausoleum hall, one which outsiders are explicitly welcomed to join, -assuming they wish to participate in such an oddly morbid conversation.-

The Gravetender’s own contribution is a series of artworks by one of their own. Each one conveys some aspect of the Blossoming Sequence, collectively named “Understanding.” The first is a crystal carved city, beautiful and shining, reminiscent of the Makers.

[Goals of this event: Present whatever example of the cultural work of your people you wish to bring! Every piece will be given the utmost respect of the Gravetenders, for as long as it stays here.
Secondary: The Gravetenders are using this to invite others into the endless debate that is the Blossoming Sequence, but welcome other faiths to share their understandings as well.]

2022-05-05, 11:53 AM
Given the amorphous nature of the Riftling clusters, it would not be easy for creatures more used to solid-formed isolates to recognize individual conglomerates. However, any who attended the Meld a (few) year(s) back might find something familiar in the grasping tendrils that regularly reach from the beige nucleus of the Riftling swarm that shows up just on the uncomfortable side of early. The cluster has a dark mass in its center, obscured by the endless polyps swimming around it. Though they begin their speech for any Gravetender they encounter, it is only when greeted by Laksha that they give it in full.

"We, the Diplomatic Ambassador of the Riftlings Many, bring greetings from the Old Fathers, by the Youngest, in the name of the Great Mother. We offer our shared mourning that your land must be trespassed upon by the combined blights of our community, but are grateful that you have taken on this burden. Here is your price."

The Ambassador produce from within themselves a glassy orb, with what seems to be a very small amount of dry sand within.

"This is 729 grains of pure silica, uniform in shape and weight. We have removed all contamination from them, so far as our powers can identify them. To prevent the hidden seeding of life, we have exposed it to the greatest heat we could without disrupting their composition, the coldest parts of our southern glacial wall, and sealed it off from the waters. This is the most sterile sand outside of the Dead Seas."

Grim ranger
2022-05-11, 01:19 PM
The diplomatic party from Gravetenders' direct neighbors is, by contrast, not very mysterious or subtle at all. What it is instead is quite bombastic for a modest function, large Nathi guards swimming in two lines dozen long each as they regard everyone present with tense caution. The soldiers wear stony plates over their long forms, numerous crustacean limbs constantly moving to maintain their position in the water as multifaceted eyes gleam from the depths of their hood-like head protection. In their hands they carry long staves: clearly a more ceremonial armament, although they certainly seem ready to utilize such with glee, given a reason.

Guarded between the lines is a larger figure of dark blue carapace and net-like cloak billowing after him in the water, the loose clothing resembling partially armored robe. With a gesture from their three-pronged claw, the guards halt, leaving them to swim slightly forward to meet the other representatives. But it is what follows in the wake of the ambassador that may be of more interest still: an intricately carved stone spiral held on top of a platform of solid ice, carefully carried forth by the members of the guard detail. It evokes image of a frozen whirlpool, the fury of the movement clear in the stone even as the material is covered in lightest layer of frost, faint inscriptions visible on the stone as the slight sheen of ice fills the grooves.

"We, the Kar-Nath Hegemony, greet our neighbors and other attendees" the ambassador begins, his eel-like form dipping momentarily to offer a bow to the Gravetenders and Riftlings Many. "I am Munda, here to give words of the Frozen King. He seeks to add to this collection with the craft of our people, and as such wishes to offer you the representation of a frozen tempest: terrible might of the depths, like few peoples inhabiting these waters have yet known."

2022-05-14, 09:24 PM
The Ambassador approach the Nathi ambassador.

"We, the Diplomatic Ambassador of the Riftlings Many, bring greetings from the Old Fathers, by the Youngest, in the name of the Great Mother. We are intrigued by your contribution. Do you have the means to summon such a storm? How much destruction can it bring?"

Autumn Stars
2022-05-16, 04:11 PM
Round Four

The Reef in Bloom continues, every year open to all nations. Individual artists are invited, this year, in addition to the leaders of the various peoples of these waters. Laksha, notably, is not in evidence, but Sersi is. Perhaps this explains why the decorations of the Flourishing Sequence are so much more noticeable this year. Sersi greets those coming for the cultural exchange as dutifully as her leader, however, with nary a peep of her desire to proselytize more openly.

An Issue To Be Addressed

The threat of the Shark King and his people to the many neighbors the Gravetenders hope to bring together is undeniable. While to commit violence upon others is... nearly, if not quite, taboo, Laksha recognizes the threat and sends out word to the others. A spire in Dead City Urodela has been set aside for a meeting, with intent to decide what must be done. The table shows no special place for her, or for anyone else.

The chamber itself is elaborate, as all works of the Makers were, wrought with gems and nacre, with plenty of space for every delegate to be sent.

2022-05-16, 06:39 PM
Judge Shimmering Turquoise would attend the meeting, attended by a squad of sting-warriors and his trusted translator. Although the Shark-people had not yet attacked any Pepsin, their recent raid on the Firefly Squid stocks had proven too close for comfort. Now he sought to take action to prevent further escalation. His body shimmered vibrantly with loud colors.

"We must do something about the Shark-people. With every year they grow bolder and less respectful of their neighbors. We do not seek war, but we must take a firm stance to prevent further escalation."

2022-05-17, 06:34 AM
Any in attendance from the last sessions of the Reef in Bloom might recognize the cluster that flows eastward from the southern waters. It reaches continually towards the things that hold its attentions, as much as a reflex as some isolates turn their heads. It is very calm upon arrival.

"We, the Diplomatic Ambassador of the Riftlings Many, bring greetings from the Old Fathers, by the Youngest, in the name of the Great Mother. It is truly a shame that we have been forced into conference again, hardly a few years since the last event. We thank the Gravetenders for their sacrifice. We have not yet felt the sting of sharkish incursion, but neither do we wish to. In our recent experience, we have found that a heavy dose of threat can serve to dissuade even the most belligerent and invasive neighbor without open conflict. We would add our voice to any united discouragement."

Autumn Stars
2022-05-18, 10:49 AM
Laksha, of flowing robes and silvered stone, inclines her head. Structures one might liken to frills, or even external gills, shift in response, their purpose unknown to organic life.

"I am inclined to agree. The Shark King has, to our understanding, shown willingness to negotiate at least once. Our preference in such matters is clear. Should we gather sufficient... forces, to impress upon him the consequences of raiding our collective territories, perhaps we can find an ally, here." The discomfort the Gravetenders have shown with violence is in evidence, but her tone is firm.

Grim ranger
2022-05-20, 03:15 PM
"An ally?" a strong voice calls out as another delegation arrives to join the meeting at the spire. The pair of thick-shelled guards of Kar-Nath hegemony with their stony armor plating and tridents are likely an expected sight, but the figure they flank most certainly is. "That is a pretty optimistic assessment... and I would warn against the dangers of naiveté when it comes to military matters concerning survival of entire nations."

The speaker is a Nathi of silvery shell, elaborate lists of text scrolling respectable distance down his carapace, apparently worked into it with some sort of careful burn. Unlike the guards, the limbs of this Nathi are longer, carapace lined with sharp spurs, and a black cloak held in place by heavy stone clasp adorning his form. The image he presents is certainly not that of a negotiator.

"I am Kreel, general of the Hegemony's Path of Banners" he introduces himself sharply, long body coiling into somewhat of a spiral to keep his position steady in the water. "As it will most likely be our forces that will act the part of deterrent to predators the most, I have been put in charge of this endeavor on behalf of my King. My opinion is to present them with an unyielding front before as much as whispering the word "negotiation". I do not believe that these savages are the sort of people to respect polite overtures."

2022-05-22, 08:47 PM
Prince Telian nods in agreement as the issue of the sharks is raised, his boney hooks rubbing gently at the table in front of him. When General Kreel offers his assessment, the Doflein speaks up. Behind him, Balelia listens intently, her Beaks keeping watch on the guards of the other delegations.

"Exactly. For years now, these invaders have been ravaging the seas of the Doflein. The Ennead cannot stand for this any longer. We must all unite our forces and show the riders that their pets cannot take priority over the needs of civilization. A firm stance is needed. Peace or destruction can be the only way forward. We will call our levies and show them what it means to stand against true might.

"I, myself, would be honored to lead the delegation to issue our collective demands, when the time comes."

Prince Telian leans back, satisfied.

Grim ranger
2022-05-23, 12:30 PM
While the general seems agreeable to the sentiment, he seems to grow more wary towards the very end of prince's little speech. "I am sure you would, seeing how you already press your territorial ambitions towards our waters. Personally I feel more at ease when people with less interests in promoting themselves take command."

His claw gesturing disapprovingly at the doflein, Kreel turn his gaze towards the other delegates. "Due to our mutual ties and obvious disinterest in pressing imperial agenda of some sort, I would instead suggest Gravetenders to lead the diplomatic effort, with the Hegemony in charge of military response with our shared forces, should violence become sadly inevitable."

2022-05-23, 06:30 PM
"It would be wise not to strike too aggressive a tone, lest we provoke the very response that we intend to discourage." The Judge flickered. "Nor must we act as supplicants, begging for favors. We must present a firm stance, but not antagonistic. A measured response is our best hope for a beneficial resolution." The Judge kept purposefully dark on the question of leading the delegation, waiting to see the Hegemony's response.

"Unfortunately my people are not prepared for a grand war, yet we will assist as we will. Should negotiations fail, we can cover the expenses of logistics from our treasury, and our Sting-Warriors will be ready to fight."

Autumn Stars
2022-05-24, 12:57 PM
Laksha leans her head towards Kreel, face solemn. "I agree. Cooperation with Kar-Nath has long been fruitful. We, Gravetenders, are well suited for the task of negotiating, if in part due to the difficulty inherent in harming us. I propose the terms be set as such. We peoples of these waters agree to settle with the Shark Riders as peaceably as we can, presuming they make no unacceptable request. Should violence become unavoidable, we peoples of these waters send our warriors, to Kar-Nath's aid, allowing their General Kreel to lead the attack."

2022-05-24, 10:20 PM
Prince Telian shakes his head.

"How strange it is that when the Ennead suggests that it may be suited to function merely as the bearers of messages, we are deemed too interested in 'promoting ourselves,' but when the Hegemony decides it should lead a coalition of armies from across the entire region, no one bats an eye. Balelia and her army are fresh off a successful campaign, hardened killers all and strengthened by the acquisition of new biologies. Of course, the sharks are the issue at hand. We will cede control as necessary - our pride is not so important that we will let our merchants and serfs be slaughtered again. But this insult will be remembered when the crisis is behind us."

Belalia leaves the room in a hurry, clearly angry.

2022-05-24, 11:07 PM
"I'm afraid that I must agree with the prince." Shimmering Turquoise lit up. "Mutual trust is necessary if our coalition is to succeed. The Shifting Ennead has more to lose from the Shark people's incursions than any of us, for they are closer and have already suffered trepidation. Should we begrudge them the desire to secure their people against this danger?" The colors quivered in gentle reproach.

"I move that the Gravetenders bring our message to the Shark People, but that the Ennead be granted the honor of leading any coalition forces if necessary. It is only natural that those possessing the most experience with this potential foe lead our armies. This should satisfy your concerns, Sir Kreel, should it not? Content yourself with your nomination, but leave some honor to our new ally, so that they too may have reason to trust us."

Grim ranger
2022-05-25, 12:42 AM
The carapace of Hegemony's general rattles softly at the reproach as he gives Shimmering Turquoise a long stare before stating his position in no uncertain terms.

"No. The Hegemony will not be subordinate in military matters on extinction scale to assuage the bruised pride of our neighbors. If we would be to be shoved aside instead of allowed to see to the needs of our security, you will not need our armies for your endeavor. We may work alongside them, should need arise, but we will not be commanded by them."

2022-05-25, 01:02 PM
The Diplomatic Ambassador churn, somewhat agitated by the conflict. A million small voices congeal into speech.

"It is no concern to the Riftlings which delegation serves as the face of the effort. The important thing is that we are ready to exterminate any threat which is not yet quelled by the overture. The Ennead, the Nathi, and the Gravetenders have proven respectable as neighbors, despite their embrace of aliens. Already, the Ennead have graciously dropped their push for leadership of the delegation, and the Gravetenders are supported by the Nathi. Since there is no contention, let us not invent any. The Gravetenders lead the talks, and the Hegemony can lead the armies if the measure fails."

2022-05-25, 04:46 PM
There was very little for the members of the Eternal Spring to contribute. They were entirely silent, in large part because they did not possess the capacity for speech in most cases. They had brought about the equipment for it for this treaty, but it seemed like, at least so far, the fact that they were willing to sign on and had brought about an ink fish was sufficient enough for those purposes.

2022-05-25, 06:23 PM
A large, but lithe shelled shape approaches, followed by an escort of a few Nautilons, Mer, and a Merfolk scribe. The figure has a mottled brown and yellow shell, resembling sand and gravel in the ocean wastes, and wears hanging on her chest a large, deep blue scale.
"The Riftlings are unconcerned with several things that, perhaps, they should be, and the rulers of the Ennead are high on the list." The large creature hisses through restrained mandibles as she solemnly approaches, and removes the band of the scale from around her neck, presenting it to the Gravekeeper curators.
Please preserve this, the most beautiful of heart scales ever gifted by one Draig to another in betrothal, now the memory of a wondrous creature gone from this world. May it rest here among other beautiful treasures that they would have loved to see.

She turns to the assembled dignitaries. I am Heliwrdwyni, the Dune Huntress of the Residuum Gathering. I have been appointed commander of our defense forces, and my queen wishes to help the Shark Nomads achieve a more peaceful co-existent integration into the region, if possible. So I have come to offer the help of my people in introducing the diplomats of this coalition for peace that you are forming. And, if it should become necessary and no accord can be reached, the supporting might of myself and the forces under my command...

The Dune Huntress hisses again in barely restrained anger, and a few bubbles of steam escape in the rippling water around her jaws. "... on two conditions:
First, that peaceful negotiation be tried first unless the Shark folk are immediately attacking. We have build a rapport with them that would be a shame to turn to hostility.
And second, that the monsters who lured and murdered Sgliendilynwyr, the Wisp Wanderer and envoy of the Residuum, under the pretense of a peaceful competition, be held accountable for their crime. The Residuum will lend it's might to the defense force of this treaty only if the Ennead, as long as they be ruled by the Princes Antenius or Telian, and as long as those two remain unpunished, be excluded from that protection! she points her claw open and shaking with rage at the Dophlien prince.

2022-05-25, 08:36 PM
Telian ripples his many arms in something approximating a shrug. His response is calm, as though he is not concerned over Heliwrdwyni's anger or demands.

"Your anger is unfounded, I'm sure. The Ennead did as it said it would, and we are now more prepared to oppose those who bring violence to our realms. We will stand against the shark riders, whether the Residuum would have us or not. More important, I believe, is the details of the demands to our foes. I would propose that we demand cessation of all hostilities against any member of this coalition or their vassals - raids, invasions, and plundering included. They're more than welcome to settle seas west of Danabae or, if rumor are to be believed, in waters infested with their herring friends. Thoughts?"

2022-05-25, 10:17 PM
A large, but lithe shelled shape approaches, followed by an escort of a few Nautilons, Mer, and a Merfolk scribe. The figure has a mottled brown and yellow shell, resembling sand and gravel in the ocean wastes, and wears hanging on her chest a large, deep blue scale.
"The Riftlings are unconcerned with several things that, perhaps, they should be, and the rulers of the Ennead are high on the list." The large creature hisses through restrained mandibles as she solemnly approaches, and removes the band of the scale from around her neck, presenting it to the Gravekeeper curators.
Please preserve this, the most beautiful of heart scales ever gifted by one Draig to another in betrothal, now the memory of a wondrous creature gone from this world. May it rest here among other beautiful treasures that they would have loved to see.

She turns to the assembled dignitaries. I am Heliwrdwyni, the Dune Huntress of the Residuum Gathering. I have been appointed commander of our defense forces, and my queen wishes to help the Shark Nomads achieve a more peaceful co-existent integration into the region, if possible. So I have come to offer the help of my people in introducing the diplomats of this coalition for peace that you are forming. And, if it should become necessary and no accord can be reached, the supporting might of myself and the forces under my command...

The Dune Huntress hisses again in barely restrained anger, and a few bubbles of steam escape in the rippling water around her jaws. "... on two conditions:
First, that peaceful negotiation be tried first unless the Shark folk are immediately attacking. We have build a rapport with them that would be a shame to turn to hostility.
And second, that the monsters who lured and murdered Sgliendilynwyr, the Wisp Wanderer and envoy of the Residuum, under the pretense of a peaceful competition, be held accountable for their crime. The Residuum will lend it's might to the defense force of this treaty only if the Ennead, as long as they be ruled by the Princes Antenius or Telian, and as long as those two remain unpunished, be excluded from that protection! she points her claw open and shaking with rage at the Dophlien prince.

Sternly, colors of red, blue and black flashed across the Judge's jelly form. Bright enough to demand attention, but not the flashes of "yelling" his species sometimes did.

"Consider carefully your words! Your fury is justifiable, but will you punish your people and his? It is not just Prince Telian who stands to suffer here: his farmers, merchants, traders, and subjects face the growing danger of the shark-men, as do yours and mine! Satisfy your righteous anger if you must, but you will condemn many innocents to the teeth and spears of these invaders. Scars last long, and you will have the chance to air your fury."

"It seems the matter of who shall be our envoy and our champion has been settled. In the matter of our demands, I concur: We must be firm but even-handed. Insist that the raids must stop, but that they are welcome to settle the seas in the west and to trade among us peacefully. But if they insist on war, we must make it clear that we will answer in kind."

2022-05-25, 10:53 PM
The Dune Huntress gives no response to the Doflein prince, except a certain sharpness to her stance whenever she looks in his direction.
She looks sideways towards Judge Shimmering Turquoise after hearing what he has to say. Do not mistake my closeness to the victim of their callous self-indulgence to mean my words have not been thought out. I come with the approval and authority of my queen and council. The Doflein rulers are cowardly murderers, and we will not spend blood of our own to defend those who butcher our kind under a flag of peaceful envoy. Their people's plight is regrettable, but to defend them defends the power of those who think us their prey."

She turns to speak more generally to those assembled again.
"The shark nomads are not the faceless invaders you think they are, they are a noble people even if warriors, and can be reasoned with. We have proved such. "Savage" as some of their attacks have been, they make no trickery of their intentions, and commit no violence under the banners of peace. We will risk no more Draigiau or those under our wings by trusting Antenius and Telian. We will be part of no coalition that includes them. You must decide here, who you make your allies. I do not demand you make them your enemies, though I personally desire it; but if you wish our forces committed to an agreement of mutual defense, the Dolfein must not be beneficiaries."

The Dragon steps back and slows her breath and motions, waiting to hear what the others have to say before speaking further.

2022-05-26, 01:26 AM
The Chora are heard before they are seen, as ever and always has been their wont. Soothing tones echo through Urodela, harmonizing with their own previous notes, and even the Pepsin can feel the vibrations easing tensions. The effect is more pronounced, of course, when the Chora's envoys drift down, colors flowing rhythmically across their forms in mesmerizing patterns.

The body plans of the Shark King's nomadic host and those of the bulk of the Chelonian Chora's members were close to identical - cephalic, with a partially bifurcated body and six long, powerful limbs akin to tentacles - save that they split thrice along their length, such that in all there were forty-eight tentacle-like appendages sprouting from a single member of their kind.

Though the songs and speeches of the Chora were renowned for their capacity to inspire empathy and accord, the pair of Chorallers present do not have the mere assuaging of grievances in mind. In fact, though the relaxing cadence of their duet still rings true, there is a tension within the near-perfect harmonies that refuses to be released, a tension that clings to the waters between the varied representatives present. First, they present an elaborately shaped piece of coral to the Gravetenders, recursively intricate but without clear resemblance to anything that might be found in natural forms, living or unliving, which they claim to be a statue made by a member of the Chora who was born without sight, speech, or hearing - a rare, tactile manifestation of the Great Songs. Then their attention shifts to the attendees.

"Greetings friends and clients one and all. As our cousins could hardly make this call, we felt it prudent to attend in hopes that you might hear two ends - though seems our verses might not stay the hearts that heartily seek to sway the King of the Bloodfed."

"To falter, flee, or forbear the feast - failings all to the Sharp-Toothed Hunt. Know you this at the very least: the Blue-Beaked Rider is no mere runt; our cousins misguided but unerring in aim have need of glory in raiding to make their name - much as you here hope of earning the same. Take heed of our warnings - if you so please,"

"And for the rest of the evening, let our songs give some ease."

And the Chorallers settle back once more, their main purpose settled, to observe and to make music, but especially to observe in order to later make music.

2022-05-26, 08:05 AM
The Diplomatic Ambassador shrink more and more into themselves as the various delegations pack the room. Eventually, frustrated by the sheer number of animal isolates, they flow over to the Eternal Spring, more or less sheltering behind them. After the incursion of the Chora, however, they have no choice but to speak, breaking into a series of tendrils that flow in to recongregate more visibly.

"It is well and good for those without a vested interest in this region to preach peace and endurance in the face of invasion. Where, after all, are your ancestral lands? Where, after all, are your inscrutable loyalties? Your alien advice serves to support an alien agenda, whereas this council concerns matters proper to these lands. We would hope the other honored diplomats are unswayed by your hope that we embrace raiders on our doorstep.

"That the Draigiau have a grievance, we acknowledge. However, they are the schismatics here, not the Doflein, who have continually accepted the will of the many at this council. Why punish them for what they did in their own lands? If a race is not sovereign in its own territory, then are we all not crowning the international mob as a false ruler? You may complain, Residuum, you may war. But to ask us to cast out a race for their exercise of sovereign rights within their dominion would set dangerous precedent. None should presume to dictate what occurs in others' lands; is that not the reason we are gathered here today?

"Let us send a delegation by the Gravetenders with our forces allied under the Nathi banner, as agreed."

Autumn Stars
2022-05-26, 02:31 PM
Gravetender faces do not naturally display much of their feelings, a fact that might surprise many of the organics who interact regularly with them. After all, despite this, they are a very expressive people, and make up for the innate difficulty in myriad ways. So it is no surprise that Laksha seems to remain calm. Only a deepening of tone betrays her building frustration.

Her eyes settle first on Heliwrdwyni. "We are, it must be said, grateful for your presence here, as we are for each nation willing to join our discussion. We are grateful that you would bring this matter to us. But you misdirect our purpose, and drag us away from our course, and threaten to split our coalition before it can be born. Heliwrdwyni, we are of like minds, but your methods and your timing leave much to be desired."

"This council's purpose is to bring us united in the face of the Shark Riders, not to lay out and judge the crimes of those aligned. This is not a trial, and we will not see it made into one without proper procedure."

There's a slight pause, and the same deepened tone is turned towards the Prince. "Let this not be misunderstood. The matter is set upon the table now and we cannot simply brush it aside entirely. We will speak further. Your might is needed, and we have no official grievance beyond our own, personal morality."

"I propose we set this to vote."

The Chora's contribution to the conversation got a small nod, but is set aside, a consideration for the proposal the Gravetender leader is already drafting in her head.

Grim ranger
2022-05-26, 02:48 PM
Leaning his segmented body to the side, Kreel goes on to whisper something to his aide whom takes a note to deliver to Laksha. The arrival of the Chora is certainly something of note in the proceedings, even if he has to doubt the ability of the nomads to truly deter the distrust of nations.

Still, as person perhaps most used to their jargon in the room, he has a feeling that he has understood parts of their message few others have.

"I second the notion of the vote. We must consider this matter with care, but as always time is against us. The Shark King does not seem like the sort to rest while we deliberate."

Nodding to the representatives of the Chora, general of the Hegemony goes on to continue.

"Naturally we must seek to avoid a costly and pointless war if we are able, but we cannot entrust safety of our peoples only on deals brokered: should war come, we all must be ready to contribute to our common survival."

2022-05-26, 05:55 PM
"Bureaucracy." she mutters, not inaudibly, simply in a more controlled and calm tone than before. "Your grievances are bureaucracy. But you cannot fault me for warning prospective allies of treachery. And you cannot expect me to commit lives to the defense of an enemy. As you have said, now that you know, the decision is yours. If I am granted a vote on behalf of my people, then I have made our stance clear."

The dragon gives a critical look toward the Riftlings, uncaring about concepts like treachery and the value of life, as always, but acknowledges them no further.

((Edited in!)) "The Chora bring up an additional unfortunate truth. Not that the raiding of our peoples is acceptable, but that it is the Shark Nomad's way of life, and it will take them time to leave it behind. They may accept an alliance or a treaty of non-aggression, but not one that leaves them no targets within known waters. They require an outlet for their warrior spirit, and until they can learn a less violent one, that means that for any to be safe, someone must be 'thrown to the sharks.' Whether you vote for or against us... it will not be the Draigiau. We have already made friends of them. So whom will it be: the innocent, or the corrupt who's ways also must change?"

2022-05-26, 07:51 PM
Telian slowly shakes his head.

"Well, if we must vote on whether grievances years old should affect how we oppose a common enemy, then so be it. The Ennead, of course, votes for all present to unite in the face of the raiders. Naturally, though, we will yield to the will of the council."

2022-05-26, 07:59 PM
We agree to be part of this coalition, and will arm ourselves accordingly. The Gravetenders speak for us in this matter, and the Nathi similarly command those forces we will raise. We have no interest in ejecting the Ennead, nor standing to.

2022-05-26, 08:51 PM
"I sympathize with the with the Residuum's cause, and hope that they can find their justice in a more appropriate forum. But we cannot in good sense eject the Ennead from the coalition. We vote that all who are willing be allowed to participate."

"As for our erstwhile visitors." The lights of the Judge's exterior shifted upwards, towards the Chora. "We are aware of the nuances of the situation. Unless you have an actionable suggestion, your words are of little use here. We have three options: Accept these raids and depredations, pay the shark-king tribute, or take up arms. The first option is unacceptable. The second will put us at their whim and mercy. I will not sacrifice my own people for the sake of a vague, theoretical solution."

2022-05-26, 11:23 PM
The larger of the two Chorallers twisted their limbs in a spiral in acknowledgement of the Nathi general before wrapping themselves back into a less splayed form.

"Kar-Kreel, Banner Bearing Exarch, your aims beyond reproach; already you have our trust - we know you will do as you must."

The comment by the Riftlings is ignored for the moment - their misjudgment and ignorance of both the Chora and their speech was to be expected given the level of isolationism they preferred. The smaller of the pair, however, turns toward Judge Shimmering Turquoise, flatten and twisting their limbs into a disc-like surface; pastel colors flash and morph across that created surface as the Choraller responds to the Seatide's representative in the language of the Pepsin, though it goes untranslated for all others present.

Autumn Stars
2022-05-27, 02:33 PM
Gravetenders to not have gills and do not draw in water. They do not let out sighs or frustrated sounds. Laksha nods, simply, and gestures to a nearby Gravetender of deep green and gold, who swiftly scribes out the terms agreed to. Copies are made, just as fast, and set out for signature.

"It is, it seems, decided. Any who wish to join this coalition shall be accepted, including the Ennead. I shall, myself, lead negotiations with the Shark King, and General Kreel shall lead any defense required. That which follows may flourish." It's not a speech, though she ends it with something akin to a Gravetender prayer.

2022-05-27, 04:56 PM
Heliwrdwyni draws in a deep breath, and then releases it slowly and coldly, no bubbles or ripples of heat this time. "So be it, then."

As she turns to withdraw from the gathering, her voice echoes behind. "Host Laksha, know that I bear you no ill will over this, nor your people. I wish most of you gathered here farewell."

Autumn Stars
2022-06-04, 09:17 PM
Some Time Later...

A meeting is arranged with the Shark King, with the utmost respect paid. The message itself is delivered by a number of Gravetenders, most of them support staff for the Reliquary and, by extension, protection for it.

The Shark King is invited to Dead City Urodela, to meet with the Gravetenders as a representative of a polar coalition, complete with every respect offered the emissaries that come to the Reef in Bloom. The message is full of textbook Gravetender optimism, of course.

Laksha waits to meet with the Shark King in the very meeting chamber the coalition was arranged.

2022-06-05, 03:33 AM
A pojan nonad swam into the hall, glancing nervously around the chamber before announcing to Laksha in a thick foreign accent
"Shark King wait you outside."

Above the dead city, thirty-one sharks circled. Darling, wearing her heat packs, was easy to pick out among the salmon sharks.

Autumn Stars
2022-06-08, 11:52 AM
Posturing, or simply discomfort with the architecture? Nomads used to open seas may not enjoy even the rather spacious design of Maker construction. Either way, Laksha allows this, followed on both sides by Gravetender guards. Sersi's insistence on further security is proven sensible, again.

"Welcome to the Dead Cities, your Majesty. We offer our blessings and our hospitality, no matter the grave intent of this meeting." She welcomes the Shark King, genuine in purpose.

Autumn Stars
2022-07-15, 08:20 AM
Round 8

This opening of the Reef In Bloom is different. Many more Gravetenders than usual gather in Dead City Urodela, and the signature phantom images of the Blossoming Sequence are scattered all over. Every nation has received a new invitation, and in it was noted the intent to memorialize those lost to the Reaver attacks.

Indeed, the shrine itself is impressive. A new building entirely, a towering spire large enough to host however many might come to visit this monument, and at the center of it is Sersi, addressing the gathered. It's clear most of her words are for the Gravetenders, though she acknowledges the organics in the crowd as well.

"We have suffered a great loss. True death is known to us, now, and in this, we must learn. We are not the only ones who have lost, and in truth, we are not the worst who have, either. Our lives are long, by any standard, and yet we have much to learn. We will learn to fight for ourselves. And should our organic friends wish to stand by us, we welcome them with open arms. We are not so easily torn down, and the crimes levied against our legacy will not go unanswered. This is my oath, and in this, I serve us all."

After, Sersi can be found overseeing the monument's care, and sometimes with the various offerings brought to the Reef In Bloom. The monument building itself is a hall dedicated to the cultural exchange, as well, all offerings set to be seen.

2022-07-15, 09:04 AM
The Diplomatic Ambassador of the Riftlings Many are a staple at international events, and this is no different. Though they tend not to be empowered by the Youngest to make many decisions, the diplomacy action necessary being very expensive in this economy, their dedication to international cooperation is pronounced. As Sersi speaks, they float in relative stillness by Riftling standards, grasping tendrils of polyps almost unmoving. As the Gravetender speaks of the fight to come, and of the hope for self-defensive collaboration, a low buzz begins to sound from the cloud, their constituent Riftlings giving voice to their approval.

After the speech, the Ambassador give a message to any other representatives once they can corner them, as well as to Sersi (or her people if preferred).

"We, the Diplomatic Ambassador of the Riftlings Many, bring word from the Old Fathers, by the Youngest, in the name of the Great Mother. The honorable Sersi speaks true, there is a fight to come. These treacherous Reavers will return, and they present a threat unlike anything we have faced. Yet did we not through unity alone--through readiness for violence but without the need to resort to it--drive off the depredations of the Shark King? How much more successful will we be against these Reavers, if we should unite in our now greater glory? The Riftlings have already declared war against the Reavers and pledge ourselves to the defense of all powers that join the Gravetenders' call. Those who follow the tenets of the Eternal Communion will be able to enjoy a further protection, as in the very nature of our faith, we find the thread of continuity where others would give ruins up for lost, but we will lend our strength of arms equally to those of the Sequence.

"We make no demands of our allies at this time, but in an effort to lead by example, we are doubling our military's size in preparation for any battles to come."

Autumn Stars
2022-09-10, 08:13 PM
Not Exactly A Trial, But...

This instance of the Reef In Bloom, Which Never Falls Silent, is different. The festival and exchange of the event remains, but many, many more nations have been directly invited than usual, for a specific and grave purpose.

The largest chamber in Dead City Urodela, carved entirely of crystal, is truly a work of art. Normally, it would display some of the Reef In Bloom's largest donations, but this time, it is set with tables of stone, lined with seats, and a somber air fills the room. The light from above is as beautiful as it ever is, bathing those inside in green and blue and purple, but the sounds of the Reef In Bloom fail to penetrate, achieved through some significant effort.

"Representatives of the nations of the Pax, of Mammos, and of the Abyssal Stewards. It is our solemn duty to welcome you to this gathering. Though the Reef In Bloom, Which Never Falls Silent, continues to thrive, we meet here today out of need. Our friends of the Abyssal Stewards, seeking to cause harm to the entity named Mammos, have incited members of our Pax Arctica to violence against our friends the Eternal Spring. Themselves, they have struck Separatum Corporate Holdings, and caused much havoc therein. They accuse the entity named Mammos of being a Titan, a threat to our frozen waters; and our friends the Eternal Spring of being its servants." The light of the chamber shifts somewhat, highlighting her face, hard and unflinching.

"We bring this quorum together in order to determine how we, as members of the Pax Arctica, shall handle this situation. We must know if the entity named Mammos is a threat to us, if it intends us harm, and what action is required in the face of that. Regardless of if it is, we must also determine how to respond to the attack upon our collective work within Separatum Corporate Holdings."

"Myself, and the Anointed Prophet of the Eternal Communion, of our friends the Riftlings, shall serve as mediators and, should it become necessary, judges. Let us begin."

2022-09-10, 09:46 PM
Not Exactly A Trial, But...

"Myself, and the Anointed Prophet of the Eternal Communion, of our friends the Riftlings, shall serve as mediators and, should it become necessary, judges. Let us begin."

The representative for Eternal Spring was different, this time around. Before, a Medusa representative would be a part of plant, not a whole, certainly not a mammal with a face. It might come on a Chelonian, but it was a rooted creature all the same.

Now, what came before the council was a writing mass of creatures. Something mernoid, with fins, air-fins, a face with snake like eels coming off the back of the skull. A giant row of teeth within the stomach cavity, little dragi scaled plates, and other minor abnormalities. It appeared too alien to hit the uncanny valley, but it was still recognizable as a representative.

“Greetings, on behalf of the Eternal Spring. My name and title is ManA Worm conglomerate version one, solar deviation four, The Maw Of Mammos. But that’s way too messy, just call me Mawbel. Or perhaps Mabel? Whichever pronunciation sinks your stone.” The creature chortled from both its face mouth and stomach mouth, glancing around the decorum with eyes planted within its feathered air-fins.

“I shall introduce the position of the Eternal Spring to clean the tar and proceed to the remaining issues. Yes, the Eternal Spring undoubtedly is in union with Mammos, however it is a far more complex relationship than master and servant. We are the same entity, in the end. Not just in the doctrinal sense that we are all part of a collective whole, but specifically to reference that I am the material half of our divinity.”

“I will full throatedly reject the concept that we are a threat to Polar, on the contrary, I plan to bring us Prosperity. Unfortunately, although I would hope the gifts bestowed to the region already would provide net benefit to all, true Prosperity is still to my estimation approximately nine years of development away. Hopefully, it will be worth the wait.”

More laughing, although it was more accurate to say the giggling took the overtones as her face-mouth joined the joyous noise. Mawbel’s stomach-mouth had a nonstop guttural snickering going on non-stop during this speech, albeit one she didn’t project and unnoticeable to most within the quorum. Stopping said laugher from both mouths now, the face turned more serious, albeit still smiling sinisterly.

“But you knew I’d say that part. Let's chew the meat. Is Mammos a titan? Maybe? Maybe! But what the blub is a titan? Sounds big and dangerous, but it’ll be up to the Abyssal Stewards to educate us on what they are, that Mammos is a titan, that titans are dangerous, that Mammos has specific dangerous intent, that Mammos’ danger is directed inwards at Polar, rather than serving as a protective blanket. That any danger isn't outweighed by compensatory benefits. That's a lot to prove. They're already popped the ‘big’ part, Mammos isn’t big. I’m bigger than Mammos!”

Mawbel gestured to herself, not just this mer style body, but to the floral Medusa like petals surrounding her, that carried her in. She rode in the living petals like a carriage scuttling through on her way in. They unfurled, making her true size more apparent as she was connected to the living plant. Still not supremely huge, and technically many creatures in tandem, but definitely multiple times the size of a Mer.

“They're zero for one so far. In any case, while I will respond to specific accusations of the Stewards if valid and presented, I refuse to box shadows, and feel in the absence of substantial evidence, I may temporarily rest my case. I am primarily the prosecution in this case, seeking compensatory damages for the isolate deaths and economic devastation wrought upon the Pax. Assaults, I should stress, that don’t even have anything to do with Mammos herself! It would be as if I had a herring with the Kar’Nath, and used that to justify ripping asunder Dolfein halfway across the region.”

A pause, the serious faces turning back to wicked grins, and the soft rumbling glee of the stomach-mouth starting up again, while the top maw spoke language, and some number of eyes glanced over at the Ennead direction. “Speaking of, the dealings between the Ennead and the Abyssal Stewards were public. It is clear the Stewards assaulted our beautiful city only after they strong-armed you for a price, a deal I do not pretend to know the full extents of, but I do know involved them threatening to ravage your lands. If you wish to extract compensation or safe haven from these marauders, bringing such a case forward at this quorum would be a profitable idea.”

2022-09-15, 10:50 AM
The last time the reef had seen the Shark People they came as presumptive or possible raiders, threats to be assuaged, now however they come as a holy delegation. The Shark People, as it was noted many times, are not themselves sharks - they resemble the SEN more than anything, octopus-like, they arrive in a tidy group of eight riding tamed sharks. These sharks are each of different varieties - there is a hammerhead, a great white, and other lesser known and even unknown breeds. The holy delegation from the nomads themselves do not dismount, to dismount a shark is death for a nomad, instead still riding them they enter the Dead City Urodela.

In the center of the group is the holy prophet of the Shark People and she greets the other two heads of faith as an equal, not bowing but tilting her head ever so slightly. She begins with the traditional welcome of presenting these heads of faith picked god-flesh, herring, to eat. The offer on the metaphorical table the rest of the delegation repeats a prayer like a mantra in harmony, until the holy prophet says the last word and they all fall silent.

Oh, there the roaming currents move,
Now, then and again,
Like dorsal fins beating a chant,
There to the north.

Oh, where silvery surf laps and laps
That freezes the fresh stones
With red-hot tips, and the yellow of them gets red
With the tongues of wild fire.

Oh, you are weary, when you are fighting at life's call,
When that steaming bitter well runs dry,
Fight as if the whole world were a battle,—
Forgetting hate, forgetting name.

2022-09-17, 06:46 PM
"It is a good thing that we of different beliefs and faiths can come together and unite towards common causes, and I thank you for your treats."

It was a ceremonious gathering, and MAWbel delighted in the fish offered, once the time for peace keepings. Delicious. It doesn't matter that I have primary control over Herring flow and dine on these every day, it is the ceremony and social etiquette that really gives them flavor. I can taste your souls in this offering, my friends.

She wiped her mouth, rolling the food around in her many rows of teeth, savoring it to the last drop, long after the physical meat had been churned whole.

The Eternal Spring are very welcoming and understanding of religious differences, it is a joy that we come together within the PAX for the better of all. We differ in significant ways from our friendly Rifty felons. Fellows? Abyss, I disagree with myself half the time too. My better half has a wild side that exceeds even my passion.

2022-09-17, 09:01 PM
The sharks gnash and churn the waters as Mawbel took some of the offered fish, as the Prophetess and her party exclaimed in horror and rage:

"How dare you! Spit out the God now! Those offerings were only meant for those of faith, the Popes of these frigid waters, not for one such as you. And if you have swallowed, then regurgitate and purge your insides."

2022-09-17, 09:40 PM
MAWbel, for the first time perhaps yet, wears something of a frown, scowling just a smidge. However, her face returns to a smile, wider than before, expression filled with charm.

"Oh, my. I guess my standing as High Priest of Mammos isn't quite high enough for your offer. Good thing you informed me as soon as you did, though, or else the physical matter might have been digested."

With a yawning chasm, the center maw opened up. As if the top half of Mawbel's body were abruptly a hinge, a giant mass of tongue like appendages roiling about. She seemed to have swallowed the pieces whole, and have been chewing on the water left in their wake previously. Something not material...?

Regardless, a good chunk of bile floated around the waters surrounding the beast, offal gently floating upwards and downwards as their weight allowed, and with all that, the piece of prepared Herring. Snatched out from the mess by one appendage like an octopus grabbing a Herring, and placing it back before the Shark People only a little worse for its journey.

2022-09-18, 09:10 AM
The Sharks quickly gobble up the regurgitated fish and for a moment the Prophetess and her party are mollified. However, after a brief pause, the Sharks begin to twist and then vomit back up the twice eaten herring. Concerned, the Prophetess takes a tentacle and scoops up some of the remains and chews. Slowly the horror returns to her eyes. She snarls at Mawbel.

There is no taste of divinity in this chum. What did you do you monster?!

2022-09-18, 10:35 AM
There is some twisting and cracking as the distorted form of the Mammosian Maiden rehinged her stomach-jaw and returned to normal shape. A deep smile is on her face, more akin to the wide one used during speeches. A mild pinch of concentrated thought as the beast stirred her own thoughts, looked for the most appropriate answer.

"... ah. It should be self evident 'what I did', I took the offering. I'm impressed it's as obvious to you as it is to me, even if this will cause issues. But your language is imprecise, I know you're not concerned with the what, so much as the how."

Mawbel bared her teeth into a wide smile, looking very much like a menacing shark in that moment. "Your god and I are on quite good terms on net, even if we have our disagreements. I wasn't kidding when I said I partook regularly, though I'll have to look into those preparation rites you performed. They really improve the taste." She shook her head, returning to the matter at hand. "I digress. While I wouldn't dare claim such a position as your god holds, my own existence is complicated and different, I would purport that the closest approximation you could have of me is as a fellow divine entity. That's not true, but it's the best answer I can give without going into hours of scripture."

Her face scrunched up, not angry, not any emotion, deep in thought as she spoke. "My... divinity? Hrm, no no divinity isn't the right word that's definitely not the right word I don't like the taste..." Teeth gnashed, but she shook it off after a moment. "But I'll go with it for the sake of your convenience. It only manifested recently, after your people swarmed my fields and departed from Polar. Regurgitating that part specifically is... possible, but much harder, and would kill you twice over from one bite. Only the Riftlings have proven willing to partake of my gifts, I've found."

2022-09-18, 11:36 AM
"Don't mistake our God's tolerance for friendship you Aberration. Release what you've stolen.

2022-09-18, 11:57 AM
She squints, looking over the plate of godflesh offerings, judging the size of them. "True, I'm not sure how much of a concept of friendship your god has. But insofar as it has the concept, I'd like to think I am one. Regardless, I will return your offering, given how picky you were about which religious entities are to partake. Let's see... quarter pint ought to do it."

The beast kneels, as much as one can kneel without legs. Picking up one of the scattered rocks from a ground, finding a sharp edge. A piece of woven seaweed as well. There is a moment where Mawbel looks like she's concentrating, staring intently at the leg, as if the rest of the world had vanished into nothing.

Pulling up the rock to a thigh like portion of its leg, it cuts a small tear. A black, ink like substance comes out, a liquid that seems to sink within the water rather than float. Mawbel lets just a little of it out before covering the self inflicted wound with seaweed, placing the maleficent liquid before the shark people.

"Here you are, contained within is the divinity I have taken, paid back twice over with interest. Be warned though, it will kill you."

2022-09-18, 01:27 PM
"What horrendous bile this is! You have ingested something wonderful and transcendental and have regurgitated it into something material and fecal."

The Shark Prophetess refuses the spoiled gift, crushing between the weight of her steed, the heavy liquid, seeps into the ground of Urodela.

Turning towards the Polar Popes to whom the initial offering was addressed, she exclaims.

"How you suffer this consumptive monstrosity, unhinged in mind as they are in jaw, we do not understand."

2022-09-18, 02:32 PM
There is a howling laughter from her now, outright improper, and wiping her eyes she moves to address both the other popes, and the prophetess simultaneously, her multiple extras locked onto them.

"Excuse me, are you sincerely claiming that your s**t sparkles? You know how consuming food works, right? You convert it into nutrients and blood, blood which I have concentrated into and given back." She states, watching the liquid seep below, squirming like a crushed, live jellyfish.

Popes, if there is something else that should be happening upon consumption of food, if I'm actually missing something, then I could make great use of this knowledge.

2022-09-19, 07:07 AM
The Anointed Prophet of the Eternal Communion have spent many years among the isolates and are aware of some of their peculiarities. The obsession other races can have about petty gods and what is or is not of their will, and what is or is not proper, and who is or is not in their favor...all of it exhausting. Among Riftlings, faith is a matter of biology, and divinity is a material fact; so long as the Mother breathes, the Riftlings have life, and so far as She exerts Her will, they enjoy wonder. That other races lack the same concrete understandings and find conflict in the concept is curious.

Fascinating as well are the intricate mealtime rituals enjoyed (or in this case, suffered) by the isolate races. Riftlings do not properly eat. They subsist on the clouds of toxin billowing from the Maternal Fonts, and they have neither ceremony nor value ascribed to the process. Yes, the Prophet have spent long enough among isolates to know that they mean honor by offering, but they are amused to see facets of the mealtime ritual yet unknown to them, this battle over consumption.

We, the Anointed Prophet of the Eternal Communion, speak for ourselves as we offer thanks for this offering. Long have we enjoyed close collaboration with your plural deity, and we are honored to be remembered by the plural god of the arctic waters. You treat with us with generosity, and we hope to offer you the same--a generosity we would hope all would extend to each other in these waters, and which the alien Stewards float accused of violating.

Both you and the High Priest of Mammos stand not as our equivalents, honored prophet, but as equals. You are the chosen voices of the gods you serve, the heroes charged with seeing divine will fulfilled while the Gravetenders and the Riftlings are but the humble servants of the philosophies that undergird our lives. We are gratified by your indulgence, but we do not speak here to settle matters of the divine, but merely determine where mundane sin lies.

We do, however, enjoy some meager wisdom that perhaps brings insight into your divinity's wounds. Gods, we know, are mighty, and the Herring God no exception among them. Moreover, the Eternal School is active and present in our waters. If it finds offense in the Spring's profanities, let it act itself in response. Or, perhaps, its recent actions are already retribution, preemptive judgment as only one so far-seeing can wreak.

We are grateful for your attendance, and our gratitude only widens in the face of your decorum despite insult. We now see all four of the great spiritual leaders assembled, but where are the alien accused?

2022-11-09, 06:52 PM

"I grieve as I come before you. I grieve that our dear friends and allies, the Riftlings, have been swallowed by the hate of their Titanic Father. What was once a voice of peace now void of fury and hunger. I grieve that the Eternal Spring has fallen into the grips of avarice, entranced by the petty promises of a corrupting monster."

Judge Azure gleam shimmered in the clear waters of the reef, his many eyes watching the small crowd. This was no vast assembly: only a collection of generals, diplomats, journalists and others assembled in a time of emergency. Beside him, a single Mer translated his flickering colors for the convenience of the onlookers."

"It is clear now that a time of great trials is upon us. The dynamics of the past have been swept away by the inexorable currents of change. We must now adapt to these new waters, or be swept away and set adrift by them. Old rivalries and alliances must fade away, or find new meaning. The Pax Arctica, while worthy in its cause, is now defunct: its appeal to peace now rings hollow in a Polar Zone that must prepare for war. Its chief architect now become one of our greatest threats."

"Yet does this mean we should reject such pacts? Turn our backs on cooperation and seek to defend our own people? No! No nation can hope to weather the coming tide alone. To turn our backs on each other is to court grief and slaughter. Cooperation has been the great advantage of our peoples for many years. That is our way forward!"

"For this reason I now urge you all to support a new alliance more suited to the times ahead: one built upon the principles of mutual defense and coordinated action. An alliance upheld by all its members, where each nation will have a voice in its decisions. An alliance with established structures for making vital decisions and deciding upon needed actions. I propose such an alliance to you now, and pledge the full backing and support of the Seatide Confederacy to its creation. Let us establish a Polar Council among us, for the good of all our peoples!"

Article 1: The Nations of the Polar region join together in an alliance for mutual defense against Titans, Marauders and other “Existential Threats.” Assistance against such attacks shall be obligatory for all council members when invoked. This clause does NOT entail an alliance against foreign nations and is NOT an offensive alliance.
Article 2: A Council of member nations will be formed to coordinate actions and settle disputes. Resolutions passed by the Council will be binding: any member that refuses to abide by them will forfeit the Council’s protection and membership.
Sub 1a: Every member shall have the right to propose resolutions, and each member shall have 1 vote. A resolution passes if a majority of members vote “Yes,” and If no more than 1 member votes “No.”
Sub 1b: If a resolution is not passed by the end of a three-year period (1 turn) it will be considered defeated.
Article 3: The Reef in Bloom will be the capital of the Council. All resolutions shall be proposed and votes concluded there.
Article 4: The Polar Council shall replace and supersede the Pax Arctica from this time onward.
Article 5: The following members are free to join the Council from its inception: the Seatide Confederacy, the Kar-Nath Hegemony, the Shifting Ennead, the Gravetenders, Deep Blue, and the Cryptid Congress.
Sub 5a: the Eternal Springs will be allowed to join the Council only on the condition that they denounce Mammos and are willing to contribute to future defense against the titan
Sub 5b: Other nations may be granted membership upon passing of a resolution granting such.
Article 6: This Charter may be amended only by Unanimous vote following the rules in Article 2.

2022-11-10, 03:14 PM
The strange shrimp-thing brought to the Gravetenders by a cloud of herring had been there for... a while. When she(?) Was awake, she chattered, in a highly educated manner reminiscent of the Nacres. Who, she insisted, had, via negligence, caused this. When she was asleep, which was altogether more often, she twitched fitfully and curled as though around something. She twitched almost as much awake, when she wasn't drawing complex tesselating patterns on the walls.

After a while, a Chelonian came to see this living exhibit that had installed itself in the Reef, a guest of Deep Blue. The Chelonian knew she wasn't a shrimp, she was a Hermit Crab. A creature instinctively drawn to cover itself, found inexplicably nude by the Fish-God. There was, obviously, a full race of these beings in the extreme north, but the pilgrim knew little more than that.

It was offered to the guest a giant conch shell. "The dead god rises, and is in my mind, you are, all, Her thralls!! What matters it now that we wear her vestments? You mock me!"

Her hosts were shocked by this reaction, but even more so that, though she would not wear the shell, neither could she bear to be parted from it. She began carving it, cutting little tiles out and decorating her cell with them. Eventually this tile work was exhibited in the Reef as a work of an unknown race, after she was convinced to make an instalation there.

Years passed. Contact was made first with the Lux-Glossians, who heard rumors of her people, then the Cyphiri, who told tales. And the Hermit of the Reef built her tile works and cursed the God Fish and the Nacres, even as word came of their close alliance and its breaking.

Then, one day, a caravan swam, carried by Squid-Chariots. The Primarch of the Sakura-Jin, making a tour of the world even as their last molt wore through and they began to wither and die.

Though the Primarch wanted to meet the God-Fish and see the Reef and even, meet Ennead soldiers for... some unclear reasons... they were brought, soon and firmly, to the lonely hermit.

"Primarch... the Flower... Eusebia" she convulsed in crustacean tears and gave her leader one of the bizarre crinoids she grew in her little garden.

The Primarch ate the worm-thing as directed. As the memories integrated into her. "I... see. You have done a greater service for The World Garden than you will know in this life. Come home. It's over."

As Sister Nephina finally found peace, the fitful nightmare of MRK continued. Mother! Why Can't I wake up!?


Marcion considered what they learned. Jail-breaking the science of the Cathedral was now a possibility. Sophion was born anew, even as Ïaldaba'oth resurfaced. It might take lifetimes, centuries, to complete the work. It was fine. Marcion had time, now.

Marcion listened with polite uninvolvement to the speeches promising peace, and wished them well. One day, the World would be a Garden. And tranquility would make fine soil to sow....

Grim ranger
2022-11-12, 05:38 PM
While the Kar-Nath Hegemony had not sent its grizzled general to attend to this particular meeting, it was only due to the fact the newly risen monarch himself had chosen to arrive...and by the looks of it, he did not find all of the proposal's points very agreeable. While he was rumored to be less hidebound thank his direct predecesor, the weight of his responsibilities hung heavy on the young King.

Floating slightly up from his seated position, Nedir shook his sinuous form from side to side in slight gesture of disagreement, chains adorning his figure rattling softly.

"While it is true unity is needed during these times, fairness must also be something that must be maintained, lest we only invite our own subjugation to whomever would raise to the top of this proposed Council. The relative strength of a nation compared to its peers should not grant it special considerations or excuse its actions, but this should only apply to nations that stand on their own, not clearly subjugated vassals with no will or direction of their own."

"Moreover, while the Pax was proven to be ineffetual, allowing attacks upon each other within this arrangement would certainly weaken the whole of this proposed system. As such, any who would invite such should not be allowed to get away with their schemes, should they truly put their own interest ahead of that of common survival."

- No nation considered to be a Vassal of another shall be given a vote of its own in decisions of the Council
- Any attack (invasion, hostile intrigue action or raiding) on one Council member by another terminates the membership of the offending nation immediately

2022-11-13, 01:53 AM
The Ennead has two representatives at the Reef currently. One is a grandchild of Telian's, a Olinius Graftless, and the other is their mother Malonun. Olinius serves mostly as a student here, but their voice carries some weight among the Nautilites and thus they are expected to be a mighty warleader someday.

When the Hegemony delivers its suggested modifications to the charter that has been floating around, Malonun is unimpressed.

"Vassals receiving no votes is hardly groundbreaking. Do you give your serfs a say in household manners? Is your valet invited to audit your personal finances? I think not. Those without autonomy are to be given none, lest they hang themselves with sudden excess leash. If they were capable of deciding their own fate, they would not be vassals.

"But, King Nedir, what is this line you feed us about strength? I would have expected better of Rham's successor, frankly. Strength is what sets us apart from the vanquished. It is what distinguishes those of us at this table from those who wait on our pleasure. Strength is why the Doflein rule - is this not true for your line? No. The only fairness we recognize is that the mighty will do as they please. Our king is untouchable. Not because of some immutable fact, not because that is just or fair, but because he - we - are strong. This strength can come in many forms, it is true. The Gravetenders shy away from martial matters, but their strength lies in their ironclad reputation and alliances. The Confederation to the north is strong because they can afford to be. The Riftlings are strong because their faith boils the very ocean around us. The Ennead is strong because our Beaks cannot be bested. Let each act as they might, let each defend as they can. If the council condemns any specific action, then so be it; the aggressor will have proven that they are not strong enough to enforce their will. But we will not suffer such foolishness to reign. It would be an admission of abject frailty to agree to the second term you propose. The Ennead will not - can not - do this."

Malonun sits, apparently satisfied. Her myriad of wriggling pseudopods and quivering, scaled fins settle as one, signaling her passions are cooling. Olinius watches, unblinking and keen-eyed.

2022-11-20, 03:29 AM
Mawbel v2.0 has come to see the Grand Archives. Regardless of the turmoil at home, she wants to learn about this world. Memories from her preincarnations fill her head, and as she moves, she sings (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQRRq2ogc04&list=PLCxiJpyreHoUCAjuOy4T30ViMknYzuBsz&index=8). A melodic tune, soft yet powerful. It releases EMP vibrations and sounds to echo throughout the location. She herself is just a bunch of glowing seaweed, vibrating with electricity and glowing radiant colors, holding in a bunch of ink like its a magical net.

In her hand is a book, made of Woven Seaweed. Hilariously enough, she herself is made of that substance too. Later, and earlier, she will go to war. But today, she will go to Debate.

That, she's heard, is far harder.

Book in hand as a kind donation, simply labeled A guide to Prosperity, she takes her place within these archives. Planning to read them all, her electromagnetic senses let her start scanning the knowledge and incorporating it into her hive mind. But that process will take at least a day, and in the meantime she gets to greet the Gravetenders.

Presuming, of course, somebody she's expecting is here to greet her back.

2023-01-12, 12:30 AM
When and if delegates arrive to discuss the difficulty centered around the noble Ennead and the generous Spring, the Riftborn are already there. The walls and ceilings, not merely the floors, move as though alive, carpeted thick with verminous swarms of Kiwa, the air buzzes with thick knots of fat Riftling polyps, here and there dead-eyed Mer float vacant and corpselike, and a few rare, exotic selves of the Unity are glimpsed by lucky ambassadors.

W E C O M E T O E X P O S E F A L S I T Y , A M E L I O R A T E W R O N G , A N D P R E V E N T O P E N W A R . B O T H T H E E N N E A D A N D T H E S P R I N G H A V E P R O V E N E V E R - R E A S O N A B L E A N D G E N E R O U S A L L I E S T O A L L . W E H O P E T H A T U N D E R T H E G R A V E T E N D E R S ' W I S D O M , C O O L E R H E A D S W I L L P R E V A I L .

2023-02-24, 03:50 PM
New Arrivals

Darkness, betrayals, Titans, and the forgotten. They all lurk in the depths of the ocean, where the light-dwellers have not ventured for centuries. Now they return after rediscovering how, illuminating the seafloor with their ignorance yet again. Looking for riches, afraid of the abyssal monsters they miss the signs. They are not alone, they were not first, civilization trudges on in the world's corners.

Nomadic in their nature the bears travel the seafloor, listening to the vibrations above of their nonexistence.
A myth, not fit for life in water, extinct, just the figment of some starved explorer’s mind.
Alive, civilization older than mosts’ history, prosperous.
Both accounts true, the first of their molds, the second of their current eternity.

Returning to the main caravan Amanita, Boletus, and Craterellus have a lot to contemplate, to reach out or stay hidden.
Fortunately the choice is made for them as rumors of the new polar powers meeting at the Reef in Bloom begins to circulate. Sending invitations would be a break of habits, scoping out the Dead Cities for minerals is just a normal work day. Now to time it right.

Entering Urodela in their purple fursuit Amanita does not marvel at the prismatic colors permeating the city, no the widening lenses are to take in the logistics of harvesting such wonders. The breathlessness not of joyful anticipation to wander the streets but in preparation for the hard work to come. Keep to the core thoughts - do not stray.

Boletus clad in a gray suit with green stripes of leaves surveys the populace before them, lingering on a giant Octupus with thirteen (?) arms. The longer the inspection goes on the harder it becomes to classify the creature as some new oddity is revealed every time it turns. Ennead - not required for harvest . . . but they sure seem interesting . . . no, keep focus. Boletus moves on to the next prospect, a small krill seemingly astray. Everything seems to have grown an awareness in the light these past decades.

Meanwhile Craterellus has noticed faint traces of electrum and twists the right paw,
<Right place?>
getting a lifted head in return
Twist of right ancillary joint
<Right time?>
Lifted head, flexed thorax
<Most likely>
Bowed head, ready to pounce
Raised heads
Pouncing, lifted head Craterellus

R o a r s

Loud enough for the muted orange fur to sway with the sound waves.

2023-02-24, 05:04 PM
Mawbel was super excited to be here for their new guests. New friends! Major players on the Polar Stage. She'd been looking for these bears a while back, and while they seemed quite different than before. She wasn't expecting them on this day, but this fragment of Mawbel was now Full-Time within the bloom, browsing the grand library and learning quite a lot. Those roars, they send shivers through her reeds, and though she was smaller than a Mer she rose up nontheless.

01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111 00100000 01001110 01000101 01010111 00100000 01000110 01010010 01001001 01000101 01001110 01000100 01010011 00100001 00001010 (https://youtu.be/7EfcsRfIEe0?t=1348)

The sounds echoed through the bloom, dim magnetic shocks tinting the color of the air for a roaring moment as she quieted down her song to its usual whisper after her similarly loud outburst to the roar, a sound that never hurt the ears or damaged auditory devices regardless of how booming it seemed. Floating on over to the new, roaring beast she bore what seemed like a raw smile within her inky form. Her tiny form that seemed to be made purely of plucked plant matter and blackest tar in the vague shape of a humanoid.

"I believe it is customary to use Language, however, so hello, new friends. Lovely voice you have. It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome you to these portions of the frosty depths. Don't let that stop you from roaring however, if you want to converse partly or purely in non-lingual harmonics I'm more than glad to do so."

2023-02-25, 09:18 AM
Closed auditory systems <Safe?><Safe?><Safe?>

A lifeform seemingly draining the light around them had appeared accompanied by the most screeching harmonics, jarring the bears into high alert. Probingly resuming their hearing they were met by a lecture on language by this youngling. Auditory systems restored <Safe> playful tackle <All yours>

With that Amanita and Boletus began to head towards the not-octopus, leaving Craterellus to initiate negotiation with their summon. Monotonously accepting the request for “speech” and opening up unsynchronized subsystems of roars, Craterellus returned the lecture.

Yet you are here you not are? Language is no more a way than to convey intent. Here are you. Thus I used have language, not or known you to. Who, you are but?
Am I Craterellus the of Sensitivity Moot Nanuuq.

2023-02-25, 04:47 PM
Yet you are here you not are? Language is no more a way than to convey intent. Here are you. Thus I used have language, not or known you to. Who, you are but?
Am I Craterellus the of Sensitivity Moot Nanuuq.

It was intended as a self-condemnation of her own speech patterns and not a lecture, but this would be far from the first time that Mawbel created a faux pas in diplomacy. She was at least old enough now to recognize when it happened, even if she couldn't quite pin why. The little lady paused for a moment, her brain processing the different, more unique speech patterns, and her smile widened.

"Excuse me. You speak differently than the local dialect. That's not a bad thing. I'll try my best, and you can tell me if I make mistakes." For a moment her reeds turned like rolling pins. "Am I Mawbel, v2.13, the of Eternal Spring. Heard have much your about people, little but has been information available. The like I way talk you. The really like I way roar you. Could we get to each other know? We things many could accomplish together. Treasure. Enlightenment Spiritual. nIsudyr... wait okay say that can't this like. On what depends want you the world from."

2023-02-25, 05:23 PM
New Arrivals

Though the Enneii and the Gravetenders have been at odds at least as often as they've been at evens, rare is the hour that does not see at least a small finful of Doflein and their retainers in the seas of the golems. Now, though, an event of interest has drawn the normally silent watchers of the Ennead back into the main thoroughfares of Urodela: the seabears. Since the strange rantings of the Shah of the Cryptids, the Shifters have kept an eye on the waters to their east, the strange depths from which even stranger entities hail.

As the call of the fur-suited drones sounds, Lenna and her retinue make their way into the the vicinity of the new creatures. Seeing two of them moving toward her cousin Hecilo, Lenna hurries to intercept, gesturing broadly in welcome. Her followers keep a short distance, with weapons, recording tools, translations, and refreshments at the ready.

"Hail! We offer our sincerest apologies for waiting until now to greet you. If truth be told, we regretfully admit that we mistook you for some variety of the local hegemons until you opted to communicate! We have the pleasure of representing the ever-mutating, uncontained, all-grasping Shifting Ennead and his majesty King Akkoroas. We have the honor of being Prince Lenna, seventh granddaughter of Prince Telian, fourth granddaughter of General Balelia. How might we most politely address you and yours?"

2023-02-26, 11:51 AM
"Excuse me. You speak differently than the local dialect. That's not a bad thing. I'll try my best, and you can tell me if I make mistakes." For a moment her reeds turned like rolling pins. "Am I Mawbel, v2.13, the of Eternal Spring. Heard have much your about people, little but has been information available. The like I way talk you. The really like I way roar you. Could we get to each other know? We things many could accomplish together. Treasure. Enlightenment Spiritual. nIsudyr... wait okay say that can't this like. On what depends want you the world from."

The Lady? Lady before Craterellus had a way with words, screeching singing in harmony and soothing discordant speech at the turn of a fin. While the Eternal Spring was deemed as too far away to matter, rumours of their exploitations outpaced them. Approvals could be a new avenue to improvals. Discussion deemed to align with core functions, progression without limiters to proceed.

"Your is speech . . . asymmetric jarringly. Fire like a poured on conscience our. Conversation maay proceed. What Mawbel knows want? Your is information correct broad strokes in. Wrong specifics misleading and."

2023-02-26, 12:40 PM
"Hail! We offer our sincerest apologies for waiting until now to greet you. If truth be told, we regretfully admit that we mistook you for some variety of the local hegemons until you opted to communicate! We have the pleasure of representing the ever-mutating, uncontained, all-grasping Shifting Ennead and his majesty King Akkoroas. We have the honor of being Prince Lenna, seventh granddaughter of Prince Telian, fourth granddaughter of General Balelia. How might we most politely address you and yours?"

Blocked by an equally weird octopus as the one they were heading towards, Amanita and Boletus found themselves listening to a flowery introduction of “Lenna”. Its saving grace the grating length and the flabbergasted translators taking the approach of using every language known to Mer. At once.
Twisted head, flared particulate sensor <Worth it?> Lifted head, extended throat <Yes, yours>
Evaluated interests deemed acceptable, personal curiosity to be satisfied. Mission command assumed, cleansing clogged sound systems.

"Ha-il! Your a-pologi-es ar most grat-efu-lly accepted. W are B-o-letus of th Na-nu-uQ constellation’s se-nsiti-vity mot."
Boletus scoffs slightly, twisting the head towards Amanita, who immediately lays down.
"I am honored to be in the presence of prince Lenna, se-ven-th granddaughter of Prince Telian, fourth granddaughter of General Balelia, re-pr-esenti-ng the ever-mutating, uncontained, all-gras-ping Shifting Ennead and his majesty King A-kk-oro-ass. We re e-miss-aries of the Fr-ying Min-d th gr-eat Arm-illa-ria."

2023-02-27, 12:36 AM
Blocked by an equally weird octopus as the one they were heading towards, Amanita and Boletus found themselves listening to a flowery introduction of “Lenna”. Its saving grace the grating length and the flabbergasted translators taking the approach of using every language known to Mer. At once.
Twisted head, flared particulate sensor <Worth it?> Lifted head, extended throat <Yes, yours>
Evaluated interests deemed acceptable, personal curiosity to be satisfied. Mission command assumed, cleansing clogged sound systems.

"Ha-il! Your a-pologi-es ar most grat-efu-lly accepted. W are B-o-letus of th Na-nu-uQ constellation’s se-nsiti-vity mot."
Boletus scoffs slightly, twisting the head towards Amanita, who immediately lays down.
"I am honored to be in the presence of prince Lenna, se-ven-th granddaughter of Prince Telian, fourth granddaughter of General Balelia, re-pr-esenti-ng the ever-mutating, uncontained, all-gras-ping Shifting Ennead and his majesty King A-kk-oro-ass. We re e-miss-aries of the Fr-ying Min-d th gr-eat Arm-illa-ria."

Prince Lenna offers a pleased gesture, then bobs slightly. "Excellent! It is most pleasing to meet you both, and to learn of the-" a moment of hesitation here. Uncertainty. "-the Fraying Mind? Truly, the Ennead is most relieved to learn of your existence. A vassal of our king spoke, astoundingly, of you during a frankly concerning rant about the etymology of a proclamation made decades ago. Tell us - do you know of the Ice Tyrants? Have you spoken to the Cryptids? And, perhaps most pressingly, how can the Ennead best welcome you into international discourse?"

2023-02-27, 04:49 AM
Amanita places the front paws on head <Let me out>
Boletus growls louder and lifts their head towards the companion <Yes>
“Le-t us not hav ser-vants int-erfer-ing in matters of impo-rt”
Bowed head, shown throat <Thank you, sorry> Amanita crawls away towards other interested parties, leaving Boletus alone with the grace Prince Lenna, seventh granddaughter of Prince Telian, fourth granddaughter of General Balelia, representing the ever-mutating, uncontained, all-grasping Shifting Ennead and his majesty King Akkoroas.
"Th Ra-ying Mid has not dee-med an-y Ice Ty-rants wort-hy of incl-usion in ou missi-on statement. We ar currently acq-ui-ring approval fo c-olle-ction in Crypt-dys-us. We se-ek to enli-ght-en sha-lower wait-ers o the depths, a mer ac-know-led-gment ill suffice, unt-il further arran-gements."

2023-02-27, 07:17 PM
"Your is speech . . . asymmetric jarringly. Fire like a poured on conscience our. Conversation maay proceed. What Mawbel knows want? Your is information correct broad strokes in. Wrong specifics misleading and."

She smiled eagerly, floating around, being smaller, to get up to a more level aspect with whatever she thought it was a head, her eyes inquisitive towards it. "Can see already I details wrong was, aid your visual me helps. To first also help with your you want. Can which vary, friends previous wanted be to poisoned. Figure also out what are you, hivemind you are? Isolate? Amalgam? We also but talk could about philosophy of topics. Business beliefs or depends we discuss, important both."

Talking like this was hard, and even when excited Mawbel couldn't get into her usual frenzy where she talks too fast. She had to deliberate at least a little on each word. Fascinating!

"Example for, feel death how about you?"

Autumn Stars
2023-02-28, 02:08 AM
Gravetenders, for the lack of a better word, manifest. The crackling energy of the Blossoming Icons fills the water for but a moment, before refining back into the glowing shapes of the various Gravetenders asked to investigate. With them is Laksha, Peacemaker. Carvings cover nearly every inch of her body, a current trend among the deeply faithful of the Blossoming Sequence. Laksha stands to greet this new visitor, discovering that some of their usual friends... and not so friends, have beat her to it.

This does not bother her. The plurality of nations within the Dead Cities can only bring good things, in time. There is yet one more of these new friends-to-be. Her manifestation floats in a way Gravetenders are not actually physically capable of, graceful and gentle. A skill she has learned through decades of practice with the Blossoming Icons.

"We greet you, fellow sentient, and ask of you your purpose. We, the Gravetenders of the Dead Cities, the Bastion, and the Lostling Lands, welcome you in your visit. I am Laksha, first to guide our nation. Elkelt, Voice of the Second, sends her regards."

2023-02-28, 05:59 AM
She smiled eagerly, floating around, being smaller, to get up to a more level aspect with whatever she thought it was a head, her eyes inquisitive towards it. "Can see already I details wrong was, aid your visual me helps. To first also help with your you want. Can which vary, friends previous wanted be to poisoned. Figure also out what are you, hivemind you are? Isolate? Amalgam? We also but talk could about philosophy of topics. Business beliefs or depends we discuss, important both."

Talking like this was hard, and even when excited Mawbel couldn't get into her usual frenzy where she talks too fast. She had to deliberate at least a little on each word. Fascinating!

"Example for, feel death how about you?"

This was turning away from the previous topic. Conversation deemed to stray from core functions. Realign, consider personal stake. Deemed out of alignment, to proceed regardless.

“We enlighten to want the the shallow-people depths of, be to considered myth not. A suffice mere will acknowledgment, until further arrangements. Death would like to I discuss. Are amalgam we an? Biology, yes of machinery, amalgam, consciousness. Biology of you seems to death flesh of link with death of mind, true is this?

2023-02-28, 06:36 AM
"We greet you, fellow sentient, and ask of you your purpose. We, the Gravetenders of the Dead Cities, the Bastion, and the Lostling Lands, welcome you in your visit. I am Laksha, first to guide our nation. Elkelt, Voice of the Second, sends her regards."

Amanita considered the beings before them, appearing from nowhere, smooth carvings running around the speaker's hull. A sudden impulse strikes amanita to shape their claws and scratch sweet, jagged lines through it all. No, there is no beauty here. Only core functions and the mission.

"The Fraying Mind welcomes you to participate in the moot, Armillaria. A mere acknowledgment will suffice until further action is decided by the Sensitivity moot. To tread from myth to reality, we seek to enlighten the shallow-waters of the depths. Emissary of the Nanuuq Constellation in the depths to your north, I am Amanita, greetings."

Grim ranger
2023-02-28, 03:38 PM
New Arrivals

As the festivities continue, a procession familiar with most of those whom have visited the Dead Cities finally arrives to partake: a small convoy of soldiers from the Frozen Court. Although most of the Legionaries accompanying Hegemony's diplomatic delegation are left outside, two pairs of Depth Guard follow them inside, one to accompany the ambassador of the frozen realm... and another to accompany a familiar figure they seem to have brought with themselves.

Balelia, returned from captivity to be handed back to her nation. It seems that the Frozen King has tired of war, true to his word.

Munda, the long-time ambassador of the Hegemony, naturally heads towards the Gravetender delegation, joined by pearl-shelled younger nathi clad in robes of blue silk, the rimestone talismans on it leaving behind a small trail of cold. "The Hegemony greets our dearest neighbors. It is enchanting to see you once more, Laksha" the senior diplomat notes, their form by now hunched with age, scepter of a favored ambassador held in worn claws. "My company for the occasion, Pearlshell Deva, student of faith we both share and older beliefs still. I believe she is due to publish her works soon."

Deva seems to be struck speechless by the presence of Laksha herself, numbly bowing as her long form dips quite deep into the gesture.

Autumn Stars
2023-02-28, 06:46 PM
Amanita considered the beings before them, appearing from nowhere, smooth carvings running around the speaker's hull. A sudden impulse strikes amanita to shape their claws and scratch sweet, jagged lines through it all. No, there is no beauty here. Only core functions and the mission.

"The Fraying Mind welcomes you to participate in the moot, Armillaria. A mere acknowledgment will suffice until further action is decided by the Sensitivity moot. To tread from myth to reality, we seek to enlighten the shallow-waters of the depths. Emissary of the Nanuuq Constellation in the depths to your north, I am Amanita, greetings."

Laksha takes some time, interpreting Amanita's words, before replying in turn. " And stands ready to do so again, the Reef Which Never Falls Silent has accommodated many functions in the past, should you wish our assistance in hosting it. We would be delighted to attend the moot. Specifically as well, Amanita, we welcome you," It is not the strangest form of communication. Pepsin lightshows took the Gravetenders several years to properly interpret, despite being part of the standard education for new Disciples.

2023-02-28, 10:03 PM
Amanita places the front paws on head <Let me out>
Boletus growls louder and lifts their head towards the companion <Yes>
“Le-t us not hav ser-vants int-erfer-ing in matters of impo-rt”
Bowed head, shown throat <Thank you, sorry> Amanita crawls away towards other interested parties, leaving Boletus alone with the grace Prince Lenna, seventh granddaughter of Prince Telian, fourth granddaughter of General Balelia, representing the ever-mutating, uncontained, all-grasping Shifting Ennead and his majesty King Akkoroas.
"Th Ra-ying Mid has not dee-med an-y Ice Ty-rants wort-hy of incl-usion in ou missi-on statement. We ar currently acq-ui-ring approval fo c-olle-ction in Crypt-dys-us. We se-ek to enli-ght-en sha-lower wait-ers o the depths, a mer ac-know-led-gment ill suffice, unt-il further arran-gements."

Long moments pass as Lenna listens to her translators struggle through the odd words of the bears.

"Enlighten us? On what topic, might we ask? We are most curious what truths you bear from the deeps. We also must make it known that the Cryptids exist at our pleasure and under our aegis - be wary of treating with them in arenas beyond their station. They have a tendency toward ill-planned bursts of rash action that see them into hot water."

Autumn Stars
2023-03-01, 04:22 AM
New Arrivals

As the festivities continue, a procession familiar with most of those whom have visited the Dead Cities finally arrives to partake: a small convoy of soldiers from the Frozen Court. Although most of the Legionaries accompanying Hegemony's diplomatic delegation are left outside, two pairs of Depth Guard follow them inside, one to accompany the ambassador of the frozen realm... and another to accompany a familiar figure they seem to have brought with themselves.

Balelia, returned from captivity to be handed back to her nation. It seems that the Frozen King has tired of war, true to his word.

Munda, the long-time ambassador of the Hegemony, naturally heads towards the Gravetender delegation, joined by pearl-shelled younger nathi clad in robes of blue silk, the rimestone talismans on it leaving behind a small trail of cold. "The Hegemony greets our dearest neighbors. It is enchanting to see you once more, Laksha" the senior diplomat notes, their form by now hunched with age, scepter of a favored ambassador held in worn claws. "My company for the occasion, Pearlshell Deva, student of faith we both share and older beliefs still. I believe she is due to publish her works soon."

Deva seems to be struck speechless by the presence of Laksha herself, numbly bowing as her long form dips quite deep into the gesture.

Laksha's delight cannot be understated. While her disagreements with Nathi policy are well recorded, she has always respected and enjoyed their company. The delicate work of bringing their people closer together has flourished under Gravetender Nasko's work, after all. "And we the Gravetenders are always glad to welcome our friends of Kar-Nath to the Reef That Never Falls Silent. Greetings, Munda, Pearlshell Deva. I look forward to your work. My partial retirement has left me with ample time to learn all that resides within Elkelt's Grand Archive.

Laksha is as she has ever been, though some new additions are quite striking. The First has never taken any sort of armament, dedicated to peace, but into her stone are carved intricate works of art. A passing fad amongst the Blossoming Sequence faithful, one she saw fit to make a permanent inclusion of for herself. Those Gravetenders who closely follow her specifics of the Great Debate have taken to imitating these carvings, though most with only temporary paints.

2023-03-01, 11:02 PM
“We enlighten to want the the shallow-people depths of, be to considered myth not. A suffice mere will acknowledgment, until further arrangements. Death would like to I discuss. Are amalgam we an? Biology, yes of machinery, amalgam, consciousness. Biology of you seems to death flesh of link with death of mind, true is this?

"Can I aknolwegde? Heartedly full not know myth you're. Any discuss topic can we, death glad like you. If though want you gain anything, deal can make we. Say word just the." She paused, rattling around her own ink, some of it spilling out before she used a wave of her fin like hand to coil it back up. "Used I believe biology mind link to a in body. Now? So much not."

The girl spun around a little on her body, twirling it once like she were on a display. "Thing this here right? Alive not. Dead mess flesh of. Alive is what? Mindfulness alive is. Sick dead matters body not. Gravetenders? Even not biology all at. Things many be consciousness may."

2023-03-02, 06:44 AM
"Can I aknolwegde? Heartedly full not know myth you're. Any discuss topic can we, death glad like you. If though want you gain anything, deal can make we. Say word just the." She paused, rattling around her own ink, some of it spilling out before she used a wave of her fin like hand to coil it back up. "Used I believe biology mind link to a in body. Now? So much not."

The girl spun around a little on her body, twirling it once like she were on a display. "Thing this here right? Alive not. Dead mess flesh of. Alive is what? Mindfulness alive is. Sick dead matters body not. Gravetenders? Even not biology all at. Things many be consciousness may."
Craterellus had long held that contacting the shallows was madness, but in what a delightful way the insanity was playing out. Truly not all that swum was fish with rotting brains.

"Acknowledgment your and of the Eternal accepted Spring that is graciously on of the Nanuuq Constellation behalf. Our pertain wants cycle to the life and death of, this for now conversation and the it grants will suffice knowledge.
Awareness If matter the body does not can be free floating, without vessel a. Being what purpose such a would have, unable to interact with the world?"

Long moments pass as Lenna listens to her translators struggle through the odd words of the bears.

"Enlighten us? On what topic, might we ask? We are most curious what truths you bear from the deeps. We also must make it known that the Cryptids exist at our pleasure and under our aegis - be wary of treating with them in arenas beyond their station. They have a tendency toward ill-planned bursts of rash action that see them into hot water."
Boletus takes but a moment to respond, defragmenting the words of the Ennead into something more pleasant.

Enli-ght-e-nment o life awa-y from te sun in he crus-hing depths, of its wa-ys, shapes, and dang-er. The Cry-pto-ids are inde-ed in hot water, bu knows not what lurks in th cold aby-ss and da-res not brave i to find out. Yo-ur ple-asu-re truly show no bound, list-enin-g to the-ir ram-blings.

Laksha takes some time, interpreting Amanita's words, before replying in turn. " And stands ready to do so again, the Reef Which Never Falls Silent has accommodated many functions in the past, should you wish our assistance in hosting it. We would be delighted to attend the moot. Specifically as well, Amanita, we welcome you," It is not the strangest form of communication. Pepsin lightshows took the Gravetenders several years to properly interpret, despite being part of the standard education for new Disciples.
Laksha’s words and attention sizzled like antioxidants over Amanita’s sensory systems. "I - - - Uhmmm - - - I - - I"
Reboot - There is no beauty, only core functions. Maintaining strife between shell and organics. Proceed.
Frozen in place, open jaw revealing an inside of glimmering silver the frame before the Gravtenders shivers and returns to its previous mannerisms.
"Tell me of its functions - ever turbulent, this Reef. As few of us can brave the shallows, but the moot must take place in the depths, we would be most delighted to host you."

2023-03-03, 12:19 AM
Boletus takes but a moment to respond, defragmenting the words of the Ennead into something more pleasant.

Enli-ght-e-nment o life awa-y from te sun in he crus-hing depths, of its wa-ys, shapes, and dang-er. The Cry-pto-ids are inde-ed in hot water, bu knows not what lurks in th cold aby-ss and da-res not brave i to find out. Yo-ur ple-asu-re truly show no bound, list-enin-g to the-ir ram-blings.

"Ah! Yes, in fact, we are also exploring the depths. We would be pleased to invite you to visit Mortuus Marea or, once it is properly civilized, Calvarnsis Inferior. Your expertise would be most welcome as we seek to best utilize the safety of the depths, and your presence would be equally as welcome as our friendship evolves.

"Tell us, is there some danger from above that you fear? Oh! Do you know of the Reavers? We imagine your home keeps you remarkably safe from their designs, no?"

2023-03-03, 07:08 AM
Calvarnsis Inferior, Calvarnsis inferior, where had they heard it before? Ah the southern depths, that must be almost a century ago by the Ennead’s reckoning. Permission would have to be acquired anew with the current colonizations. Kindness was in order.

“We wo-ud be delig-hted to visit Calv-arns-is Infe-rior an lead fora-ys et further south, once or moot re-aches its conc-lusi-on. No more than a mere decade fom te pres-ent I ould hazard.

What w fea-r from he shal-lows is stagnation. Th Re-avars with thei de-afen-ing hymns ad seari-ng ligt are, even though they rarely reach the depths a break in pattern, a obstakle to overkome, progreccion. The wurst danger of the challows is not its destruktive strife bot the Kephalopods trying to sobdoe it with their screekhing congs. Yu wou-ld kno the-m as the Chel-oni-an C-hora - We kno them as inhi-bito-rs of lie in its glo-ri-o-us disco-rd.”

2023-03-03, 02:43 PM
Craterellus had long held that contacting the shallows was madness, but in what a delightful way the insanity was playing out. Truly not all that swum was fish with rotting brains.

"Acknowledgment your and of the Eternal accepted Spring that is graciously on of the Nanuuq Constellation behalf. Our pertain wants cycle to the life and death of, this for now conversation and the it grants will suffice knowledge.
Awareness If matter the body does not can be free floating, without vessel a. Being what purpose such a would have, unable to interact with the world?"

Rotting brains. Ironic.

"Spirit the needs vector a to with interact material, need doesn't but body be. Have entities met such. Debatably have such entity become. Purpose as for?" She lifted her fingers, pulling them upright, drwaing them in the air. Little traces of ink followed, flowed, into the sign of a spinning spiked geared wheel.

"Build to. Construct. Greater ever, higher climb. Death and life cycle things different, dead and living for. Not things alive cycles have too. Comes in excess many names." There was more of a smile in her eyes, a hearty glint.

2023-03-03, 07:09 PM
"Curious, there what vectors are to material with the interact, as which could be construed bodies not? Interaction would your vector of is still a argue body, even if current boundaries preference are just a.

Complacency feeds excess, which is it not is a death of its own? Way strife is Eternal of life but need does it to be for grander things ever?"

2023-03-04, 06:39 AM
"Curious, there what vectors are to material with the interact, as which could be construed bodies not? Interaction would your vector of is still a argue body, even if current boundaries preference are just a.

Complacency feeds excess, which is it not is a death of its own? Way strife is Eternal of life but need does it to be for grander things ever?"

She paused very slightly. Dipping down, lifting up a small stone from the ground. One shaped a little more like a cylinder than the others. "Perhaps. Tools but vectors are also. One uses if a pulley hoist up to a rock, that does a body constitute? One if resides in a cave, one cave moves around shelter provide to needs, cave does body construed?" Mawbel grinned wider, dropping the rock to her side and fanning out her limbs.

"Complacency feeds excess? If you allow only it. Could I make the arguments all the of opposite. Want escalation without strife? Hoist you can the corpse same of enemy one slaughtered, down and up bottom and top pit of. Same hunt whale, matter how no much venture becomes the effortless. Afflicted self wounds, strife strive for complacent in manner, not while doing anything. Argues Mawbel that for striving grander things ever is complacency of opposite. Point the wherein is complacency one longer no seeks challenge out."

2023-03-05, 04:48 PM
She paused very slightly. Dipping down, lifting up a small stone from the ground. One shaped a little more like a cylinder than the others. "Perhaps. Tools but vectors are also. One uses if a pulley hoist up to a rock, that does a body constitute? One if resides in a cave, one cave moves around shelter provide to needs, cave does body construed?" Mawbel grinned wider, dropping the rock to her side and fanning out her limbs.

"Complacency feeds excess? If you allow only it. Could I make the arguments all the of opposite. Want escalation without strife? Hoist you can the corpse same of enemy one slaughtered, down and up bottom and top pit of. Same hunt whale, matter how no much venture becomes the effortless. Afflicted self wounds, strife strive for complacent in manner, not while doing anything. Argues Mawbel that for striving grander things ever is complacency of opposite. Point the wherein is complacency one longer no seeks challenge out."

“Line where the drawn objects and bodies lies varies between, a mind have but does meaning without body a - a of vector interaction? Not awareness alone matters.”
Craterellus scoffed, tracking the rock as Mawbel moved it. “Excess feeds complacency, thereof the want not does.”
Pinching the cylinder between two claws they continued. “When have it all, find the depths and we shatter the notion.”
Asserting enough pressure to splinter the rock Craterellus took a step closer. “Greatness facet is life only of among a many, strive for we all, awareness seams tearing at its. Is excess complacency, else but only there is when nothing to yearn.”

2023-03-06, 06:55 PM
“Line where the drawn objects and bodies lies varies between, a mind have but does meaning without body a - a of vector interaction? Not awareness alone matters.”
Craterellus scoffed, tracking the rock as Mawbel moved it. “Excess feeds complacency, thereof the want not does.”
Pinching the cylinder between two claws they continued. “When have it all, find the depths and we shatter the notion.”
Asserting enough pressure to splinter the rock Craterellus took a step closer. “Greatness facet is life only of among a many, strive for we all, awareness seams tearing at its. Is excess complacency, else but only there is when nothing to yearn.”

"We strive all, matter only of for what. Matters what the destination is not journey but." Mawbel did not back away one inch, allowing the creature to come in close. Whatever one could call a smile in her visage grew wider, hovering in place in the water as the rock splintered close enough she thought some of it might have gotten onto herself. "Will I be never satisfied, craft then crane swallow world. World when swallow then stars to gaze. That with point vantage find will goals new."

A slight pause, and then a chuckle. "Strife what you do seek? Do how seek you strife?" It was increasingly hard for her to manage the conversation, but it was delightfully fun, and if nothing else, she was learning. She could catch up on the other going-ons later. "Not is mine way only. Said as I before, matters what the destination is not journey but."

2023-03-07, 11:44 AM
“Your outpace ambitions your thoughts. When the is gone world, who to will you talk? You be alive would at that point or just a of instincts to harbinger swallow. Strife can you call it it is when the only thought you have?”

The automaton stood their ground, trailing wisps of inky black following behind the paw on its way to seafloor.

“I do not strife seek - we strife are by our nature. The mechanical shell revolting against the rooting fungi, the mycolic chords strangling our joints. I am the pain born in between, mindlessness lurking on the far end of either side. Survival is my strife, strife is our survival. Both within and without.”

Craterellus grinned at Mawbel, revealing row upon row of razorsharp teeth in glimmering silver.

2023-03-07, 08:52 PM
“Your outpace ambitions your thoughts. When the is gone world, who to will you talk? You be alive would at that point or just a of instincts to harbinger swallow. Strife can you call it it is when the only thought you have?”

The automaton stood their ground, trailing wisps of inky black following behind the paw on its way to seafloor.

“I do not strife seek - we strife are by our nature. The mechanical shell revolting against the rooting fungi, the mycolic chords strangling our joints. I am the pain born in between, mindlessness lurking on the far end of either side. Survival is my strife, strife is our survival. Both within and without.”

Craterellus grinned at Mawbel, revealing row upon row of razorsharp teeth in glimmering silver.

She thought about this, longer than a second. The ink was clearly calculating something. "... See I. Fascinating." Huh, when talking in small chunks, it comes out the same as it does normally, almost. Think about that later. "If truly desire to talk and this find empty world, can I make denizens new. Cannot if, that then may my ending point be. As I much try avoid it to, risks remain end of points there. That the fact might I die cannot me stop, if my even pointless is goal, keep I will going."

It was fun how she was practically touching the other creature, and bore her own smile, as much as it didn't make sense, it somehow lit a small hole in her face. "Expect you will I same the say. Because might just cease you, just because strife serves greater purpose no, embody you the it all same."

2023-03-18, 05:32 AM
"Thus the serpent bites its own tail, death hunting ambitions in an endless race. Our goals might be meaningless or swirl like a tornado in our eyes, death comes anyway. Our destination remains the same, so the journey fills with meaning, in this lies wisdom. But what fun is a journey without challenge?"
Thin cracks were appearing in Craterellus’ paws, but the automaton only dug their claws deeper into the ground, grinning wider. Mere inches away from the appropriation of a shallow-dweller they had found someone who understood. Time was always slipping through claws, impossible to size and freeze in place. Right now seas were slipping through but what did it matter on a journey worth oceans.
"Tell me what will you do when your awareness fails and just a shell remains, or the shell breaks and you become nothing but fleeting thoughts. Will your journey continue?"

2023-04-01, 08:33 PM
Mawbel for her part enjoyed herself immensely. Baring a grin nice and wide, letting it root itself. She herself wasn't rooting here, her roots had long since decayed, though she made a small gesture all the same.

"If that happens, I don't know. If the I that I am now has any say in it, I would like to imagine I would. It is in my nature. Many would say that I have already endured death. That I have already warped past mortality into something unrecognizable to what I was before. I have done what I can to move forwards, and will keep doing so. I keep changing the end, creating the journey, warping everything around, but perhaps it is that none of the things I shift in my endless expansion are truly that final destination. All I can truly promise is that if I ever stop, it will not be because I stopped trying. If anybody wishes to stop me, I'm not just going to let them. It'd be no fun for either of us if I did that."

A slight pause, a slightly wider grin. Her thorns twirl and turn inside her body.

"What about you? What challenges do you seek out? I know my general directives, and with every turn of the gear I find new challenges to impose on myself, but I am curious about your own. What challenge do you seek?"

2023-04-16, 11:06 PM
A group of Ecclesiarchs took the long ride accross half the world to the Reef of the Gravetenders. They knew they would likely not return. Their arrival was heralded by semaphores of glowing lights to the Gardener embassies among Deep Blue and The Ennead, each holding specially bred staff raised in location and only carrying memories of their home via MRK's communion. But, for this, a core quorum of the distributed intelligence that ushered in the Apostolic Era was needed. One fresh from Dashasham in entire, not relying on update packets months out of sync.

They had one task, one suspected doomed by Ïaldaba'oth, called Deep Blue, the God of the material world and mother of MRK:

Parlay with The Titan Mawbel!

To this end, they reserved a neutral territory and a public venue that all could see and an accounting could be guaranteed. All must know. Did this creature truly seek to unmake the world!? Was their goal to pollute and contaminate without end, as it seemed? If not, what could account for her comments?

The Ecclesiarchs arrived and waited to be introduced to Mawbel.

2023-04-17, 06:41 PM
Waiting doesn't take especially long at the Bloom. Unlike the core of her power, this thing appears smaller than the average mer. Twintailed, what some species refer to as 'legs', and strolling along the ground like a Gravetender. That might be cultural appropriation, however. The Ant queen surely didn't look imposing, but this fragment wasn't meant to.

She grins when they approach, what seems like a mass of weeds plant creature kept alive by biotechnics and soaked into ink that stays inside has some glowing parts. Bright sky blue, today. At least, that's the shade they turn to when she comes over and looks up at the approaching guests, having been a dull red before that primarily stood out from the sea surrounding by the occasional line of static reverberating along the shades.

"Hello, foreign ambassadors. To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence? You've caught me in a tranquil year, but that doesn't mean I can't engage in lengthy discussion." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvyCSUWx644)

Her song rings, it feels good to hear. Moreso than usual, with the little static reverberations resounding in gentle echoes upon the walls.

2023-04-28, 04:30 AM
An ecclesiarch sighs and channels MRK

The World, The World is Big and so are we.

God is gone, Mother went beyond the sky,

Without her, do you think now you are free?

Destroy, destroy, rebuild and stratify

Eternity, Eternity is ever ours

It can be yours if you believe and try,

Here, here and not beyond Her starlit doors

Soul and mind and flesh- dead gods never die.

Many, many a legion, am I

And many auxilaries, our friends

And, simultaneously, in my eye

Endless means, endless means, worlds without ends

Take care, take care, to sow as you reap

Watch out, watch out never kill what you keep