View Full Version : Arcane Disciple questions.

2022-05-07, 01:29 PM
Does the feat give you, say wizard, 1 spell per level you can cast of that domain.

Say level 1 wizard has 3 level 0 and 1 level 1 spells per day.
So can I take 3 cantrips 2 magic missile int willing, and say cure light wounds at same time as another spell

2022-05-07, 02:36 PM
Arcane Disciple doesn't give you domain slots or extra spells known. All it does is add the domain spells to your class list.
You have to use your normal spell slots and learn the spells however your class normally learns spells.

2022-05-07, 02:41 PM
The benefit of the feat is that it adds the domain spells to your class list. It does not grant you an extra slot.

Complete Divine p.79.

2022-05-07, 03:06 PM
So decent for spontaneous arcane casters, maybe wizard to, if you wanted expanded spell list.
May not be optimal however.

2022-05-07, 03:24 PM
On top of the other restrictions, you're limited to one casting per spell level per day. That's the part that leaves me feeling Arcane Disciple is more of a 'flavor' feat than a path to optimization.

2022-05-07, 03:27 PM
If you have access to Unearted Arcana check out the Domain Wizard on p.57 but if cure spells are your specific wish then this won't help without DM agreement for you to take the healing domain. Hope it helps ;-)

2022-05-07, 03:31 PM
So decent for spontaneous arcane casters, maybe wizard to, if you wanted expanded spell list.
May not be optimal however.

It's pretty low-value unless you want a specific spell from a domain list to add to your arsenal that you can't get easier somewhere else without the requirements and limitations.
Especially for spontaneous casters who already have to consider pretty carefully what to spend their spells known on and usually use Wis as a dump stat.

The only really worthwhile use i can think of off the top of my head is getting access to Miracle as a Shadowcraft Mage.

2022-05-07, 04:16 PM
War plant healing are three core domains I'm looking at.
War for divine favor
Plant for couple spells bearskin and shambler
Healing yah as a back up healing if need, specifically for groups not having cleric or any way of healing.

Rogue 1/wizard 5/unseen seer 4/arcane trickster 4/unseen seer 6

H able learner
1 extend spell
2w scribe scroll
3 empower spell
6 arcane disciple (healing)
6w quicken spell
9 Persistent Spell
12 craft rod
15 dark stalker
18 improved initiative

Can replace rogue
Wizard mostly
Can somewhat heal if needed and either umd or wands if healing domain
War if going twf type
Plant for more spells of druid type.

My thoughts

2022-05-07, 04:46 PM
Look for the Arcane Heirophant (https://www.enworld.org/threads/the-arcane-hierophant-examined-arcane-hierophant-handbook-pyromantic.471579/). Druids get healing spells. Be an Elven Generalist Wizard to get more spells in your spellbook from the start to improve versatility and get a extra spell of each level. Sounds like it would fit your desires.

2022-05-07, 06:51 PM
An arcane gish doesn't need Divine Favor, especially not once a day while forcing you to invest a feat and pump Wis. That's what Wraithstrike is for.
And you don't have the feats to go TWF. Not that Unseen Seers make particularly useful gishes in the first place, but there's no need to cripple yourself even further.

Barkskin and Shambler are also very much not worth it. Especially Shambler, which is mediocre at best at the level you get it and you'd need 19 Wis for.
That's an incredibly painful sacrifice for an arcane caster that gives you very little in return.

The Healing domain is also not worth it. What use is a single healing spell per level per day, especially when you already need your spell slots for gishing?
You're a rogue, put some skill points into UMD and buy a wand of CLW or Lesser Vigor. Or just buy a couple Healing Belts for more healing at far lower cost.

You'll also be lacking the spell slots and metamagic reducers to make any good use of Quicken, Empower and Persistent Spell. A gish doesn't need Empower. A caster doesn't need Divine Favor. You won't be getting anything out of Quicken before level 10 at the earliest (and your 5th level slots are far better with 5th level spells instead of swift 1st level ones) and Persistent Spell until 14th (and not many 1st level spells are worth persisting, especially over using a 7th level spell).

Waiting until 15th level for Darkstalker will leave stealth largely useless during your mid levels too.

You're falling into the trap of trying to do everything and ending up incapable of doing anything well.
An Unseen Seer is already spreading himself thin just being a decent rogue/caster hybrid, trying to be a rogue/caster/gish/healer is pretty much impossible to do with any degree of competence.

Try to pick one or two roles to do well instead of doing everything (but badly). The game is far more enjoyable when you're not constantly failing at everything you try to do.

2022-05-07, 07:06 PM
The build is rouge with sneak attack from both unseen seer and arcane trickster level 19 wizard progression.
The healing aspect is just in case idea not needed.
Cloud of knives spell
Hunter's eye spell from Unseen Seer
Greater invisibility spell

The war and plant is just random ideas in my head. Different builds for war and plant.

Always remove arcane disciple and move death stalker there and get another metamagic feat or a reducer.

2022-05-08, 04:19 AM
A wizard 19 has better things to do with his actions (and spell slots) than sneak attack for piddly damage.
You can't even persist Cloud of Knives for most of your career - meaning you'd have to waste an action and slot every fight to cast it - and you're already triple-booking your spell slots on top of that.
By the time you can persist it it's not worth the high level slot because you lack metamagic reducers.
If you're using Improved Invis for stealth anyway why are you a rogue?
"Just in case" is what items are for, not something to cripple the rest of your build for.

If you want to sneak attack focus on sneak attack - Craven, TWF for more attacks, higher BAB and/or Wraithstrike so you actually hit, etc.
If you want to be a wizard use your spell slots for wizarding, not being a mediocre melee that keels over in a stiff breeze.
If you want to be a gish focus on BAB and increasing your melee damage, number of attacks, mobility and hp, not messing around with healing or stealth or summoning.
If you want to be a rogue/wizard don't waste your spell slots on things your rogue half can give you.

Don't get me wrong, i don't want to ruin your fun. I just don't think you'll be very happy with that build in an actual game because i've made the exact same mistakes.

2022-05-09, 12:00 PM
Arcane Disciple is best used by the fixed list casters {Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, Warmage} because they know all of the spells on their list, and so adding spells to their class list also adds them to their spells known.
Choosing the right domains can really increase their versatility as well.

That said it does give them a Wisdom requirement and so makes them more MAD.

It's of some use to a Wizard, but not all that much, and Sorcerer even less so.