View Full Version : OOC: D&D 3.5 Sands of Fate: Holding destiny in your hands (Sandbox)

2022-05-08, 10:09 PM
Here is the start of the OOC for all players involved.
per admin here is the link to the Recruitment thread

here is the IC thread

"NPCs will be speaking in Bold quotations" by the way

2022-05-08, 11:36 PM
Benoojian, playing Quentin Nintigweh who will speak in a "Deep Crimson", reporting in

Edit: Well that was an awkward start. I'm more used to Discord games so I was copy-pasting the roll and didn't quite get all of it. I'll get it next time though.

2022-05-09, 12:22 AM
As my favorite weapon is going to be this thing breath weapons it's only fair I take Purple

2022-05-09, 01:35 AM
withdrawn for lack of ,

2022-05-09, 03:28 AM
Iktnek (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2045448) as a fiery individual will speak in red.

2022-05-09, 04:04 AM
I'll go with green because why not

2022-05-09, 10:03 AM
I'm playing Aralis-- for speech, I'll go with... Teal, I suppose.

I think this thread may end up getting moved by the admins; there's a separate forum for the OOC threads.

2022-05-09, 10:43 AM
Sebastian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2627990) will be speaking in Dark Orange

2022-05-09, 03:23 PM
I knew I was missing something. I did it on my phone so it doesn't surprise me if a moderator moves this. SORRY MODS!

(please move this.)

2022-05-09, 04:31 PM
For the Ability Damage DR rule, can it still be bypassed? Like if the poison was put on a cold iron needle or weapon, does that bypass DR/Cold Iron for the Str damage of the poison? Or does a celestial creature's poison bypass DR/Good?

Edit: Am I the only one that assumed that the mayor doesn't want someone to solve the ogre problem because he doesn't want to give up his power? Cause everyone else is assuming the mayor *wants* to meet with them.

2022-05-09, 10:44 PM
For the Ability Damage DR rule, can it still be bypassed? Like if the poison was put on a cold iron needle or weapon, does that bypass DR/Cold Iron for the Str damage of the poison? Or does a celestial creature's poison bypass DR/Good?

Edit: Am I the only one that assumed that the mayor doesn't want someone to solve the ogre problem because he doesn't want to give up his power? Cause everyone else is assuming the mayor *wants* to meet with them.

Nope that's why I'm going to the bar to get a read on the mood of the city. When politics are involved its best to air on the side of caution every time.

2022-05-09, 10:59 PM
Edit: Am I the only one that assumed that the mayor doesn't want someone to solve the ogre problem because he doesn't want to give up his power? Cause everyone else is assuming the mayor *wants* to meet with them.

I mean-- my character has no such assumptions about him wanting to do anything, but the mayor likely has no real choice in this and if he tries to stonewall, I'm sure we'd all be happy to go to the Queen to discuss it directly. I assume we started in this town for a reason though, so he's as likely a place to start as any. :)

Not to mention, if we are assuming control of regions of this area after ousting the ogres, then we'll want to have an idea of how the Mayor responds so we know whether we need to get rid of him or if he's likely to be loyal.

2022-05-10, 10:35 AM
@ Dieuoffire - Are Ogres "bad/evil" creatures or is it a circumstance and society based?

@Dakrsidder - Sorry for the mis timing if thats the case, I thought when I had Sebastian walk up to Iktnet & Haru I had him introduce himself to both. If it read only as talking to Iktnet sorry for the ambiguity.

2022-05-10, 11:20 AM
@Dakrsidder - Sorry for the mis timing if thats the case, I thought when I had Sebastian walk up to Iktnet & Haru I had him introduce himself to both. If it read only as talking to Iktnet sorry for the ambiguity.

I think you might be mistaken. Quentin is the gnome that approached Iktnet. Haru came after Sebastian, so you probably just forgot no worries.

2022-05-10, 11:49 AM
I think you might be mistaken. Quentin is the gnome that approached Iktnet. Haru came after Sebastian, so you probably just forgot no worries.

Ack you're right - well in any case I would have Sebastian introduce himself properly to Haru - I'll keep better track in the future.

2022-05-10, 11:56 AM
Is it ok if i change my first feat to either ignore special requirements or a metabreath feat? I forgot I could fix my int by other means.

2022-05-10, 04:22 PM
@Samduke Spot/Listen are merged into 1 skill, as are Hide/Move Silently, but I think you'd see the group of us even on a 1 since we aren't trying to hide and you've got 12 ranks

2022-05-10, 11:46 PM
Looks like I am going Plum. It does not look too bad.

As for Hide and Move Silent, you should all get a bonus because everyone will be staring at my glowing self.

2022-05-11, 07:31 AM
@Samduke Spot/Listen are merged into 1 skill, as are Hide/Move Silently, but I think you'd see the group of us even on a 1 since we aren't trying to hide and you've got 12 ranks

right seems i forgot to merge them on my sheet
i will do that now and re-assign those skill points as that now makes a few unused

2022-05-11, 09:17 AM
Sorry for taking some time to respond I will get to all of this today, but last night I helped a friend move and about half of the help dropped out so it took all night. As soon as I get time tonight, I will respond.

I just hate when DMs drop the ball, so wanted to let you all know. I am paying attention.

Btw I believe I said the mayor was a she.

Ok so update here

@ Dieuoffire - Are Ogres "bad/evil" creatures or is it a circumstance and society based?

I look at alignment (unless it is like a curse that forces alignment) More like guidelines that describe the character or race. Ogres tend to be brutish and violent. Not all of them are.

Ogres are generally *seen* as being evil because of the actions they *tend* to take. Reading the MM entry, it does not require them to be evil.

Is it ok if i change my first feat


2022-05-13, 04:44 PM

Sorry misread the prior post, i thought you were saying you notice them, then on second read I noticed you asking if you noticed them. I updated my post to include that you did/do indeed see them

2022-05-15, 12:20 AM
okay if she spots the other "party members" while in the tavern/inn great I can IC some dialog.

It is my suggestion that you GM dialog getting the party together so we can get the show on the road however.

2022-05-16, 02:13 PM
I usually stay out of character 2 character dialogue.

Mostly because I have to make assumptions that sooner or later I get something wrong.

Mostly I NPC something that helps move characters into a group. (Such as a gathering that draws attention.) But group dynamics are all up to PCs.

But if you want a helping hand, you are all easy enough to spot. Higher level characters stand out easily usually gear itself is enough to judge a level of danger or importance.

2022-05-17, 08:54 AM
I believe I gave enough time for anyone to do anything else before moving to the inn.

I hate cutting people off but it's time to move on.

2022-05-20, 11:26 PM
for my fellow players, not to seem rude but you seem to be ignoring things tina has said, and or myself, I will be dropping out , you obviously do not need me

2022-05-21, 07:22 AM
for my fellow players, not to seem rude but you seem to be ignoring things tina has said, and or myself, I will be dropping out , you obviously do not need me

I started a conversation with Tina which you ignored entirely. A slightly rude conversation maybe, but you neither reacted nor responded so after several days I started talking to someone else.

Edit: I specifically gave you an opening to talk about your character and backstory.

2022-05-21, 08:13 AM
for my fellow players, not to seem rude but you seem to be ignoring things tina has said, and or myself, I will be dropping out , you obviously do not need me

The last comment was a, for lack of a better term, 'healer roll call' to which most people haven't responded to anyone.

I would give it a little bit of a chance before dropping out but nobody will stop you.

Also I have not commented since you PCs entered the room because no NPCs are there and nobody has taken actions that need to be addressed by the DM. Just wanted to say I am reading and waiting for you guys to take action after finalizing your plan that is.

2022-05-21, 08:34 AM
for my fellow players, not to seem rude but you seem to be ignoring things tina has said, and or myself, I will be dropping out , you obviously do not need me

The last comment was a, for lack of a better term, 'healer roll call' to which most people haven't responded to anyone.

I would give it a little bit of a chance before dropping out but nobody will stop you.

Also I have not commented much since you PCs entered the room because no NPCs are there and nobody has taken actions that need to be addressed by the DM. Just wanted to say I am reading and waiting for you guys to take action after finalizing your plan that is.

2022-05-21, 01:51 PM
for my fellow players, not to seem rude but you seem to be ignoring things tina has said, and or myself, I will be dropping out , you obviously do not need me

From my understanding it was just a healer roll call on who can and can't heal. At least that's what I meant it to be as I was the one to bring it up. Now granted we could have gone into more detail but they said they could heal so I considered the conversation about that done with. After that we moved on to scouting ability no slight was meant to have occurred at least from my end.

2022-05-21, 02:57 PM
Hmm... so, I'm a little tempted to change my name. We basically have three characters right now with names starting with "A", that could end up being a little confusing over time. Aralis and Aerilyss even sound almost the same. I didn't notice that during the character selection.

2022-05-21, 09:10 PM
So 3.5 doesn't have many (any) rules that I know of about spreading rumors but as a quick call (unless someone has a better point) I am going to use gather information because it is a quick abstract way of figuring out who to talk to/what to ask.

However as always good role playing will beat out an abstract skill. So if anyone has a plan how to spread such a rumor, in time, to stop the group. Go for it.

Just fyi I am assuming it took some time to meet with the mayor, gather information yourselves, watch the town square, join in a small power demonstration show, talk and then go to an inn, get a room, talk and plan. So mid/later afternoon right now?

2022-05-21, 11:17 PM
Mid-Afternoon sounds about right. And yeah, definitely need a plan other than just "spread rumors"-- we'll need to decide what we're spreading, who's handling it, and how to approach. Assuming no one has any other ideas that might work better.

2022-05-22, 03:54 AM
I know saving weaker adventurers is a good thing, but it's not our only goal. Quentin is only going along with it because he thinks one or more of the 3 strong ones is a spy for the Hellblades.

2022-05-22, 08:59 AM
I mean technically speaking, it's not even truly a goal of the adventure period. :) I just added it on for my character.

2022-05-22, 09:34 AM
Neutral Good is more about stopping evil than protecting stupidity for Quentin.

2022-05-22, 12:58 PM
Just as a reminder.

I said that on this adventure I was going to drop a lot of hooks so you guys could decide where you wanted to go with the campaign after the first 'getting acquainted' adventure. (Sandbox!)

So some things are only kind of related, other are really important and somethings are there to suggest future paths.

IMHO in an area of activity and growth there is more going on at once than a single adventure centered on you. Our story is centered on the characters but the world offers a lot of different options.

In LotR and the hobbit, and several other great works, there is always more going on than just what the main characters did. I think it brings the world to life.

I leave it up to the players to put the clues together and decide what is important to your group.

2022-05-22, 01:19 PM
Wording was probably wrong given the sandbox nature, but I was more getting across that it wasn't necessarily something the group as a whole needed to decide was necessary-- if it's not a hook their characters want to act on, they don't need to go along with mine.

2022-05-22, 02:51 PM

I do allow characters their own sideline stories if they would like.

2022-05-23, 09:29 AM
Hey All - I don't have much to contribute in the way of dissuading the lower level adventurers, I can diplome them, but ideologically I wouldn't at this point in time.

Figured we might/could do a party split to get some options going, I can scout and provide a "platform"/shared mount for up 2 others (provided you aren't 300 lbs each). and possibly more if we want to be specific on inventory checks.

I know Haru and Itknek have expressed interest, but beyond this I'm not sure. I also need to spend a bit of time reviewing the party/poster guide, as I agree with Balthanon about the names, twice now I've confused a pair of folk, (sorry btw).

@ Dieuoffire - If no one wants to join me scouting I guess I'll fly out and scout the area, in general I'll plan to stay very high & use my telescope/spotting glass. If folks come with I'll likely alter the plan to tailor their abilities and such, but I want to try to be as alert as possible (thematically) since we know the hellblades are dangerous. I certainly don't want to do "This (https://youtu.be/udnxdslsP5o?t=24)".

2022-05-23, 02:06 PM
I just realized combining spot/listen makes Quentin extremely sneaky while invisible even without good skills. Quentin can go along for scouting if needed. He does not have tricks for social situations though.

2022-05-24, 12:58 PM
Hey All - Likely going to be away from devices & signal for a few days starting tomorrow. It looks/sounds like we are about do commence a scouting run, Sebastian should be pretty agreeable for anything in terms of steering/navigation, so don't wait on me to respond if you want to post a narrative/descriptor scene.

I'll be back by 5/31 though.

2022-05-24, 09:19 PM
Thanks for letting us know.

2022-05-27, 04:52 PM
House rule Rule 9.1 Upkeep.
Variant rule from DMG pg 130 with a houserule addition for more direct bonuses/penalties

Speaking of which... @everyone
You can all decide and pay for your level of Upkeep for this month I will assume you have been at that same level for a while. the feast I will assume was payed out by everyone putting in so even if one person was short it still happens the same.

I am not running an accounting game, and hate to stop for silver penny and copper piece every time we turn around.

Just a personal opinion here that accounting for each copper is a silly thing to do.

2022-05-27, 05:44 PM
Could you link the house rules and setting document again at the top of this thread? Just easier than going back to the recruitment thread to get the links whenever we want (also not sure if they don't clean those up eventually).

Also, quick question on that-- would the upkeep would replace buying individual clothing? I spent like 500 gold on various outfits, so if I can actually drop accounting for those since I'll be going with the extravagant lifestyle, I wouldn't mind that. :) (Looks like it might just be that it's replaced between adventures at the moment.)

2022-05-27, 07:18 PM
Do Alchemical items count as non-Magical for the purposes of upkeep?

2022-05-31, 05:13 PM
normally a gather information roll would turn up more about someone but there are two things going on here

1. They are new in town.
2. They are going out of their way to *NOT* have people know about them, which (personally) might be a point of interest.

2022-05-31, 08:43 PM
Yeah, that is rather interesting if we're walking away with that information. May let us tag on another area of suspicion to spread actually. ("Who is this guy actually and what are his qualifications to lead?")

2022-06-01, 01:20 AM
I am also interested in staying behind to persuade the other group, but I will need to see what everyone finds out to see how diplomacy fits into that. Also I kind of stand out, so I have to represent the group and not try to appear as someone from the outside.

2022-06-01, 08:15 AM
Honestly not sure how much leeway we'll have for reporting back and then doing something else. From what I understood, whoever this is is intending to march people out of the town to go attack tomorrow morning. Seems like going to help with the Mayor and convincing them that strengthening the local guards/militia with a core of adventurers might be a good use of your time though to start.

We could probably have made plans to regroup somewhere sometime during the night too.

Honestly, it might not be a bad thing to actually convince the mayor that this is good for the same reason we're doing it too-- having the majority of the local adventuring population slaughtered to no good end is going to result in the things they usually handle going undone (and long term, reduce the number of high level adventurers to take care of problems like this one).

It's basically a resource game. :)

2022-06-02, 07:03 PM
Adventures as a build resource in Warcraft suddenly popped into mind. *yah, I'm Mining gold and adventurers right now, I'll switch to wood in a bit...*

to build a dragon you need 400 gp 100 wood and 3 adventurers... (gotta get that dragon strong!)

2022-06-03, 08:52 AM
Hah, that was almost the same thing I was thinking.

2022-06-09, 12:15 PM
Did we stall?

2022-06-09, 01:29 PM
I'm still here I don't know what happened to the scout team.

2022-06-09, 01:32 PM
Did we stall?

Possibly - For the scouting party I guess I'll describe what I had in mind and we'll adjust course from there.

Along with whoever wants to come -
Assumption/clarifications -

Sebastian is in the saddle on the griffon with a strung bow and quiver, a lance is holster on the side.
Spy glass/telescope is tied to belt but accessible/usable.
We are leaving early morning/dawn so we are fresh rested.
Move Speed is 100 at good maneuverability - so approximately 22 mph when double moving each round.
Assuming 8 hrs of hustling/double moving can be accomplished without endurance checks -
Griffon is capable of hovering & can use Wingover
We will not land under any circumstances without expressly stating so or we become unable to remain airborne in which case we will manuever as far away from the enemies & as close towards town (or other defensible location) as possible.

Fly at several hundred feet above grade towards the location in question, once their spiral outwards searching for signs of the hell breakers - depending on the travel time & findings leave enough time to return to town with 30 minutes to spare.

2022-06-09, 03:46 PM
Possibly - For the scouting party I guess I'll describe what I had in mind and we'll adjust course from there.

Along with whoever wants to come -
Assumption/clarifications -

Sebastian is in the saddle on the griffon with a strung bow and quiver, a lance is holster on the side.
Spy glass/telescope is tied to belt but accessible/usable.
We are leaving early morning/dawn so we are fresh rested.
Move Speed is 100 at good maneuverability - so approximately 22 mph when double moving each round.
Assuming 8 hrs of hustling/double moving can be accomplished without endurance checks -
Griffon is capable of hovering & can use Wingover
We will not land under any circumstances without expressly stating so or we become unable to remain airborne in which case we will manuever as far away from the enemies & as close towards town (or other defensible location) as possible.

Fly at several hundred feet above grade towards the location in question, once their spiral outwards searching for signs of the hell breakers - depending on the travel time & findings leave enough time to return to town with 30 minutes to spare.

If you have a free seat on the griffon, Quentin can come with, mostly as artillery in case we are attacked. Zero in Spot/Listen isn't great for scouting though

2022-06-09, 07:42 PM
I had forgotten for a while there, although personally I hadn’t said anything until now because the one who’d proposed scouting hadn’t posted yet and, as I mentioned earlier, I planned on riding along considering I can’t keep up with 100ft movement.

2022-06-09, 07:43 PM
Possibly - For the scouting party I guess I'll describe what I had in mind and we'll adjust course from there.

Along with whoever wants to come -
Assumption/clarifications -

Sebastian is in the saddle on the griffon with a strung bow and quiver, a lance is holster on the side.
Spy glass/telescope is tied to belt but accessible/usable.
We are leaving early morning/dawn so we are fresh rested.
Move Speed is 100 at good maneuverability - so approximately 22 mph when double moving each round.
Assuming 8 hrs of hustling/double moving can be accomplished without endurance checks -
Griffon is capable of hovering & can use Wingover
We will not land under any circumstances without expressly stating so or we become unable to remain airborne in which case we will manuever as far away from the enemies & as close towards town (or other defensible location) as possible.

Fly at several hundred feet above grade towards the location in question, once their spiral outwards searching for signs of the hell breakers - depending on the travel time & findings leave enough time to return to town with 30 minutes to spare.

I'm also sending my familiar along with this as whatever it see I can to. I assumeed that the scouting was going to happen at the same time as the convincing the other adventures.

2022-06-12, 12:42 PM
I also thought it was going to happen at the same time.

But if you want to go the next day, the larger group of adventurers will be going out that morning too (just as a fyi). So you could have another target to watch if you would like. (Or use them for other purposes.)

2022-06-12, 12:45 PM
Yeah, I was under the impression you were scouting while we were doing the social-fu stuff as well. The entire party might as well go if we're waiting honestly.

2022-06-12, 03:59 PM
Well now would be the time (relatively speaking) to decide that.

2022-06-12, 09:48 PM
Well now would be the time (relatively speaking) to decide that.

How long is the flight there and back? It sounds like part of the incentive to leave in the morning was actually an assumption it would take a solid 8 hours to get there.

2022-06-13, 11:16 AM
How long is the flight there and back? It sounds like part of the incentive to leave in the morning was actually an assumption it would take a solid 8 hours to get there.

Yeah I'm trying to be intelligent about entering enemy territory, without tying the DM into map measuring endeavour, but I don't want to similarly leave an hour from dusk and get caught unawares by nighttime archers, or have to make camp in unknown terrain.

We can leave while the others are doing their stuff in town though. No big push from me either way.

2022-06-13, 05:10 PM
"there" is kind of an issue as far as being a single location.

The Hellblades attack in an area that starts just a few miles north of town. It ends about 20 miles north. Think of a circle with 9 miles in diameter. (Area of a circle puts this to about 250 square miles of territory, good luck searching that in a single day.)

So as far as getting "there," would you mind being a little more specific?

2022-06-14, 09:29 AM
"there" is kind of an issue as far as being a single location.

The Hellblades attack in an area that starts just a few miles north of town. It ends about 20 miles north. Think of a circle with 9 miles in diameter. (Area of a circle puts this to about 250 square miles of territory, good luck searching that in a single day.)

So as far as getting "there," would you mind being a little more specific?

Roger thanks that helps -

So assuming we know about the upper and lower limits (more or less) I'd say fly to the approximate center of said 9 mi circle, then spiral out with a ring distance of about a mile, at an elevation of 400-500 ft above grade. This gives a spiral length of about 283 miles, which we can cover in 12.5 hrs, I'm willing to try a few endurance checks to sweep the area in a single day. We will be neglecting the outer edges a bit, but if we don't find anything during the survey of the interior it should help us narrow where on the rim they are.

That work okay?

2022-06-16, 03:18 PM
283 miles. your griffon has a speed of 100, isn't that an hourly speed of 10 miles per hour? So 28.3 hours?

You take damage for hustling so you can't hustle for 12 hours. (Which would give you over 1000 damage when you sum it up.)

Somehow my post did not get posted from before. Sorry meant to respond a while ago.

2022-06-19, 12:32 PM
Did not mean to cut off conversation. Is my math wrong somehow?

Also if it is not you would need about 3.5 days to get it all. Do you want to start?

2022-06-19, 12:43 PM
I'd assume in that scenario we're back to it doesn't really make much sense to try and scout and return really. The entire party would be better off heading that general direction and looking for traces with shorter scouting expeditions from whatever the base camp is.

If there's a reasonable search pattern other than circling that could be accomplished in maybe 6-8 hours, that seems like it would make more sense. Possibly searching the immediate vicinity to validate the hellblades aren't poised to attack the town and maybe get lucky? If the area starts a few miles north, I could see flying there and then covering the lower third or so of the circle they're in potentially.

2022-06-19, 02:13 PM
283 miles. your griffon has a speed of 100, isn't that an hourly speed of 10 miles per hour? So 28.3 hours?

You take damage for hustling so you can't hustle for 12 hours. (Which would give you over 1000 damage when you sum it up.)

Somehow my post did not get posted from before. Sorry meant to respond a while ago.

Did not mean to cut off conversation. Is my math wrong somehow?

Also if it is not you would need about 3.5 days to get it all. Do you want to start?

I was figuring a double move which would double to 20/22 (depending on conversion methods) - which I thought (AFB atm) one could do without damage for up to 8 hrs., then make endurance checks (gradually increasing with duration) to avoid damage.

Depending on what we find we obviously won't keep looking hours after we find them.....so I guess I'd say fly the area in question per the above plan for as long as we can, then head back to town, then continue the until either the area is covered or we find their camp, or some significant event happens.

2022-06-19, 07:40 PM
I was figuring a double move which would double to 20/22 (depending on conversion methods) - which I thought (AFB atm) one could do without damage for up to 8 hrs., then make endurance checks (gradually increasing with duration) to avoid damage.

Hustling is only possible for an hour before damage starts kicking in-- no checks to avoid the damage either, it just starts accumulating at 1 damage per hour the first time and then doubling each hour after. Forced marching is the one that requires constitution checks for every hour after 8 hours.

Both cause fatigue as soon as you take nonlethal damage, but it also gets eliminated if you heal the damage. So if we have any forms of free healing in the party, even 1 point a round or minute, that would drastically increase the amount of time you can move quickly.

2022-06-20, 09:14 AM
Hustling is only possible for an hour before damage starts kicking in-- no checks to avoid the damage either, it just starts accumulating at 1 damage per hour the first time and then doubling each hour after. Forced marching is the one that requires constitution checks for every hour after 8 hours.

Both cause fatigue as soon as you take nonlethal damage, but it also gets eliminated if you heal the damage. So if we have any forms of free healing in the party, even 1 point a round or minute, that would drastically increase the amount of time you can move quickly.

Gotcha, whelp - sorry for my misunderstanding, guess we’ll fly as much as we can while keeping ourselves safe, may take a few days but we’lol see what we find.

2022-06-22, 03:59 AM
Hustling is only possible for an hour before damage starts kicking in-- no checks to avoid the damage either, it just starts accumulating at 1 damage per hour the first time and then doubling each hour after. Forced marching is the one that requires constitution checks for every hour after 8 hours.

Both cause fatigue as soon as you take nonlethal damage, but it also gets eliminated if you heal the damage. So if we have any forms of free healing in the party, even 1 point a round or minute, that would drastically increase the amount of time you can move quickly.

It doesn't reduce the next hour's damage however even if you fully heal, only a rest cycle resets that. The numbers get ridiculous very quickly.

2022-06-22, 10:03 AM
It doesn't reduce the next hour's damage however even if you fully heal, only a rest cycle resets that. The numbers get ridiculous very quickly.

No, it doesn't reduce it, but we're talking about hour increments too-- once per round healing at a single point of damage is 600 hit points per hour. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 = 63 points of nonlethal damage, times 5 for party members is still only 315 damage for 6 hours of hustling. That's not a small amount of additional movement.

That said, once per round healing isn't super easy to come by either unless people are at half hit points or lower.

2022-06-22, 12:28 PM
Assuming regular speed you could get 5 hours in before dark.

So are you starting at the bottom or the top?

2022-06-24, 09:20 PM
Assuming regular speed you could get 5 hours in before dark.

So are you starting at the bottom or the top?

May as well do bottom, moving up.

2022-06-25, 10:40 PM
Oh I forgot. Middle is an option too.

Does anyone else have any input? Just making sure everyone has a chance.

2022-06-27, 11:35 PM
Party is still split right? This is just those going on the scouting expedition?

2022-06-28, 07:59 PM
Oh I forgot. Middle is an option too.

Does anyone else have any input? Just making sure everyone has a chance.

Can I do a Knowledge(Geography) to see if there are likely places they might be operating from? Particularly in the center of the vague circle.

A circle suggests they are returning to a base not doing a constant raid which would create a vague line instead. The fact that they are only traveling about a day's journey suggests that they are probably within a couple miles of the rough center. If we had the times that they attacked various villages we might be able to do an actual regression on the data and narrow it down even more. People like routine so they probably leave for raids at the same time every day and a difference of an hour in arrival could tell us which side of the smaller circle their base is at.

TLDR; we should be searching the center only with limited time.

Edit: Did you mean 9 in diameter or 9 miles in radius? because you said diameter then did math based on radius.

The two sheets in this spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/103K5GRcCL5D-nr5eCgea2Ckj1fY-mXTJPQiA5pqA9go/edit?usp=sharing) illustrate the difference as well as the likely locations for their base given the constraints as we know them.

2022-06-29, 01:26 AM
Yes still split

You could check your kno(geography) I never tell a character they can't think, but I do not guarantee anything.

There is merit to that logic.

Sorry I did mean 9 Mile radius.

did you want to then start at the center?

2022-07-26, 11:12 PM
I do not give up easily on an adventure that I put effort into making. All I did was ask if you wanted to start in the center or from the bottom; and i asked in character what your spot check was. I'll give this one more bump then I'll probably look for another group to try it out.

So from the bottom? And please post spot check on IC thread.

2022-07-27, 08:31 AM
There’s been a lot of downtime, which is likely the cause of the inactivity. Personally, I’m not too sure I have the motivation to continue.

2022-07-27, 04:52 PM
Hmm... well staring an adventure always has its' slow start. If that is the case I will see about recruiting a new group.

I'm sorry I did not get it moving fast enough.

2022-07-27, 07:15 PM
I'm still up for playing, though I had several things I was planning with my character that I never got around to either, so I can't say I was completely on top of things. For the slow down, on my part, we just got to a place where my character wasn't technically in the group, so I didn't really push it from there.

Honestly, splitting the party probably didn't help with posting speed in general.

2022-07-28, 04:18 AM
I would also be still up for playing, if possible.

But yeah keeping momentum can be really hard.

2022-07-28, 11:55 PM

as two of you are still wanting in and I respect the original rights I will be filling out the party with 6 new players. they are all interested in homebrew and most are very excited.

Here is the recruitment thread.

yes splitting the party up so soon was a bad Idea, I will make sure there is more going on to keep everyone going before I do that again!

2022-08-06, 01:11 PM
I had Covid and spent most of a month recovering, can I join the new group or do I need to reapply?

2022-08-15, 11:03 AM
So are we basically going to have a situation where most of the party goes scouting and then disappears?

If we end up doing that, it kind of seems like we could just continue using this thread to preserve continuity-- we didn't reserve posts near the beginning for character sheets or anything, so, so there's not a lot of advantage to going with a different thread, other than possibly clearing out subscriptions for the old characters.