View Full Version : Player Help Where did WotC say that 3.0 content was legal in 3.5 if no update has taken place?

Max Caysey
2022-05-10, 02:10 PM
Hi guys...

We are currently playing and DM is saying only 3.5... I told him that WotC had said that 3.0 was cool if no update had taken place, but I just can't find it! Can anyone remember where it is?


2022-05-10, 02:29 PM
I'm not sure there's a direct statement to this effect anywhere. Rather, it's an inference made from statements about updated content taking precedence over the 3.0-era originals, and statements that 3e content could be used in a 3.5 game "with minor updates" as needed.

But beyond this simple logical leap, a DM can decide not to allow any material into their games updated or not. Or to allow the un-updated version of something that's been officially updated, if they want. No statement from WotC is legally binding on an actual DM running an actual game.

2022-05-10, 03:01 PM
Use way back mashing.

2022-05-10, 03:08 PM
Here's text from the 3.5 update booklet, page 3:

The purpose of this booklet is not to provide a comprehensive list of everything that has changed with the 3.5 revision. The changes are too large in number and varied in scope to be able to provide an all-inclusive inventory. Instead what we want to do is to show you a broad picture of what has changed and to provide you with support for updating our most popular product.

Do you need to make these changes?

This booklet is for players and Dungeon Masters who value rules precision and need to know what's changed so that they can continue to enjoy their 3rd Edition products.

You might choose to make notations in your existing books, photocopy and cut up this booklet to add bookmarklike inserts to your books, or simply use this booklet simultaneously with your books.

I think the "so that they can continue to enjoy their 3rd Edition products" is the key quote for intent.

2022-05-10, 04:47 PM
Use way back mashing.

Where on that page does it say it?

2022-05-10, 04:55 PM
Where on that page does it say it?

You are right, it doesn't. I misreminded.

2022-05-10, 11:44 PM
There was a post I could still google before the wizards archive was taken down that had a link to an official post from a dev that said 3.0 content was usable for 3.5 games with a warning that the DM might have to update the content using the 3.5 rules. Sorry OP, I can't remember anything else either as it was years ago and google doesn't want to bring me back to that post so I can find the link to wayback. Firefox hasn't kept any internet history longer than 2 years either.

2022-05-11, 04:30 AM
DMG page 4 sidebar

This revision is compatible with existing products, and these
products can be used with the revision with only minor adjustments.