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Beatnik gamer
2007-11-26, 03:05 AM
...why doesn't he join Xykon?

Seriously, everyone makes poor belkar out to be just so evil he stinks, but if that's true why doesn't he just hook up with xykon already as his personal hitman or something?

I mean, Xyk could likely take off that annoying MoJ with a snap of his boney fingers, Belkar would be free and would be in a position to loot enough booty to keep him in ale and whores for life, plus he would be able to kill without limit.

So, if belkar's so evil why not join up with X and team evil already?

Dairun Cates
2007-11-26, 03:09 AM
...why doesn't he join Xykon?

Seriously, everyone makes poor belkar out to be just so evil he stinks, but if that's true why doesn't he just hook up with xykon already as his personal hitman or something?

I mean, Xyk could likely take off that annoying MoJ with a snap of his boney fingers, Belkar would be free and would be in a position to loot enough booty to keep him in ale and whores for life, plus he would be able to kill without limit.

So, if belkar's so evil why not join up with X and team evil already?

It's that whole chaotic thing. Won't let him be bound to a master he DOESN'T feel is a sucker.

Charles Phipps
2007-11-26, 03:10 AM
Because he's only interested in killing and women.

Seriously, he doesn't get anything from Xyrkon other than a boss that's harder to kill than Roy.

With Roy, after the Mark of Justice, he can just kill Roy or leave.

With Xyrkon he may be zombified if he can't leave.

But Belkar has no real problem with Xyrkon morally. His only problem might be that it would be harder to have sex on a world that's dead.

Otherwise, he'd happily support Xyrkon's wiping out all Paladins.

2007-11-26, 03:43 AM
You might as well ask why Nale and the Linear Guild haven't tried to join up with Xykon again. (Short answer: Nale is out for himself, he doesn't want to play second string to someone else). Just because two beings are Evil does not mean they have anything else in common, any more than two beings both being Good meaning they have to be friends (see Roy and his father for a perfect example).

2007-11-26, 04:06 AM
I feel that Belkar, in his sick and `psycopath manner, have a friendship bond with the rest of OotS. He have a lot of fun with Elan, he worried for the feelings of Haley (early in the comic when Haley steal Belkar´s healing potion to give it to Elan), i am sure that at least have respect for the combat skills of Durkon and Roy (even see Roy as his leader)... and Vaarsuvius... well, its another story :smallamused:

2007-11-26, 04:40 AM
...why doesn't he join Xykon?

Seriously, everyone makes poor belkar out to be just so evil he stinks, but if that's true why doesn't he just hook up with xykon already as his personal hitman or something?

I mean, Xyk could likely take off that annoying MoJ with a snap of his boney fingers, Belkar would be free and would be in a position to loot enough booty to keep him in ale and whores for life, plus he would be able to kill without limit.

So, if belkar's so evil why not join up with X and team evil already?
In addition to what other people have said, if Belkar ever considered joining up with Xykon, he'd likely quickly realize that "for life" would be a much shorter time period that way.

2007-11-26, 05:03 AM
Well, I think the opportunity just was never there, if Belkar and Xykon had a nice little chat sometime I think he might switch sides. Their buisness contract would state that Belkar has to be paid in Hias(Hobbos I'm Allowed to Stab)

But there are several things that would maybe keep him from doing so:
-He actually likes Elan
-He enjoys tormenting Roy(Craft Disturbing Mental Image), though maybe Redcloak could partially substitute that part with his lawful alignment. But he would surely strike back, it would soon be like V and Belkar only a little bit more deadly
-Team Evil wouldn't fit his style because he enjoys doing evil stuff under the nose of good guys, see http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0206.html

Kurald Galain
2007-11-26, 05:18 AM
As an adventurer, he gets to slaughter way more stuff than as Minion #472. Because killing stuff is what adventurers do. He likes thrasing mooks, not being a mook.

Freelance Henchman
2007-11-26, 05:40 AM
Belkar's not evil. He's chaotic neutral at worst, and he's absolutely the most misunderstood character in OOTS.

2007-11-26, 06:08 AM
Belkar is chaotic evil, as the bureaucratic daeva said. But i think Belkar feel good emotions to his companions.

2007-11-26, 06:30 AM
Belkar's not evil. He's chaotic neutral at worst, and he's absolutely the most misunderstood character in OOTS.

. .the maker of the strip himself definitively declared Belkar evil> Get over it. He is EVIL! EVIL EVIL EVIL!

Why this insistance on redefining him elsewise? Elsewhere you have people trying to argue V is evil because he/she/it looked crosswise at someone, and then you have a brigade trying to say "Ignore murder and mayhem, writing in people's entrails and the ironclad word of the creator of the strip himself, he's NOT evil!!!!!"

2007-11-26, 06:54 AM
Being evil doesn't mean you can't have friends you wouldn't want to abandon, though it might mean that you wouldn't be a very good friend to them.

I also like and agree with the point that if your goal is to stab things, there's no better job than adventurer. In this way the paladin and the CE rogue have a lot in common.

Freelance Henchman
2007-11-26, 06:56 AM
. .the maker of the strip himself definitively declared Belkar evil> Get over it. He is EVIL! EVIL EVIL EVIL!

Why this insistance on redefining him elsewise? Elsewhere you have people trying to argue V is evil because he/she/it looked crosswise at someone, and then you have a brigade trying to say "Ignore murder and mayhem, writing in people's entrails and the ironclad word of the creator of the strip himself, he's NOT evil!!!!!"

I know, I was being facetious. I never understood how anyone could possibly think Belkar was anything other than uncurably, dangerously evil and violent, but there were loads and loads of people who argued the opposite despite the Giant's own words, and who stated this in the same matter of fact tone that I used in the previous post. Just testing if this delusion is as strong as it used to be. But judging from the recent thread that claimed *Durkon* was evil... well, people will believe strange things for stranger reasons, I guess.

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-11-26, 08:37 AM
I know, I was being facetious.
Then use a smiley. You can't tell otherwise. Letters alone on a computer screen can only convey literalism, you know. :smalltongue:

Freelance Henchman
2007-11-26, 08:52 AM
Then use a smiley. You can't tell otherwise. Letters alone on a computer screen can only convey literalism, you know. :smalltongue:

Well, I *was* screwing up my face in an amusing way when I clicked the submit button :smallsmile:

2007-11-26, 10:08 AM
But judging from the recent thread that claimed *Durkon* was evil... well, people will believe strange things for stranger reasons, I guess.

I don't think that it was about Durkon being evil, just about him holding the 'dwarven way' so highly that it could be endangering the rest of the order.

Please not, I am not claiming to agree, nor disagree with the above statement, so please no 'how could I ever think such a thing about Durkon' replies.

2007-11-26, 05:14 PM
Then use a smiley. You can't tell otherwise. Letters alone on a computer screen can only convey literalism, you know. :smalltongue:

If I remember correctly, an upside-down exclamation mark is what you use to denote sarcasm. (ˇ)

2007-11-26, 05:44 PM
Also, a good party will be more likely to save him, heal him, etc...

Kurald Galain
2007-11-26, 06:02 PM
If I remember correctly, an upside-down exclamation mark is what you use to denote sarcasm. (ˇ)

Only in Spain :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-26, 06:08 PM
[ if Belkar is so evil... ]...why doesn't he join Xykon?

Monolithic evil is retarded?

2007-11-26, 06:15 PM
Belkar's not evil. He's chaotic neutral at worst, and he's absolutely the most misunderstood character in OOTS.

Wrong. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0489.html)

And I think he won't join Xykon because he likes killing hobgoblins and other monsters waaay to much. If he worked for Xykon he'd have to either stand guard, or maybe go out and kill one or two adventurers.

Much better to be a PC and get to slaughter sentient creatures and take their stuff because they're orange or green.

2007-11-26, 06:32 PM
Because he's only interested in killing and women.

Seriously, he doesn't get anything from Xyrkon other than a boss that's harder to kill than Roy.

With Roy, after the Mark of Justice, he can just kill Roy or leave.

With Xyrkon he may be zombified if he can't leave.

But Belkar has no real problem with Xyrkon morally. His only problem might be that it would be harder to have sex on a world that's dead.

Otherwise, he'd happily support Xyrkon's wiping out all Paladins.

Who is this Xyrkon of which you speak? I should've noticed if there was a Xyrkon character this entire time. Plus, it was Xykon who wiped out the Paladins, not this Xyrkon guy.:smalltongue:

In all seriousness, there isn't really to much that Belkar could gain from Xykon that he won't get on his own once he gets the MoJ taken off when he regroups with Hinjo, V, Durkon, and Elan.

2007-11-26, 07:58 PM
Who is this Xyrkon of which you speak? I should've noticed if there was a Xyrkon character this entire time. Plus, it was Xykon who wiped out the Paladins, not this Xyrkon guy.:smalltongue:

In all seriousness, there isn't really to much that Belkar could gain from Xykon that he won't get on his own once he gets the MoJ taken off when he regroups with Hinjo, V, Durkon, and Elan.
Who the heck is Xykon last time I checked it was Xylon

I think Belkar hasn't joined Xlyon becuase he hasn't had the chance. The first encounter he was protecting the spell casters. The second encounter Xylon was buzzing the walls not a lot of time to have a nice chat.:smallsmile:

2007-11-26, 08:13 PM
Who the heck is Xykon last time I checked it was Xylon

I think Belkar hasn't joined Xlyon becuase he hasn't had the chance. The first encounter he was protecting the spell casters. The second encounter Xylon was buzzing the walls not a lot of time to have a nice chat.:smallsmile:

Oh, come on.

The Extinguisher
2007-11-26, 08:21 PM
What comic are you reading? It's obvious Xylophone.

Evil can still have friends, save the world, and be a likable guy.
They don't need to switch sides and stab Good's back every chance.

Belker is not joining Xylophone because he likes the Order. But he's still evil.

2007-11-26, 09:52 PM
Maybe he just doesn't like music that much. Poor Xylophone.

2007-11-26, 09:55 PM
Maybe he just doesn't like music that much. Poor Xylophone.

skill focus performance(xylophone) might help. the issue may be that he has never heard one played well.

2007-11-26, 10:22 PM
because he loves money and D&D economics is based of the premise of adventurers whacking MM stuff.

2007-11-26, 10:31 PM
I also think Belkar gets a thrill from doing killing and doing generally evil stuff around good characters. It gives him attention. If no one cared if he did it, who knows, maybe Belkar would *gasp!* stopping killing :smallbiggrin: .

(Yeah, I know, too absurd to believe. But it would be interesting to see.)

2007-11-26, 11:41 PM
Maybe he is with Xylon, but, he hasn't told the OOTS team. Maybe he's plotting his revenge against Elan for YEARS of annoyance. Maybe he is hiding a pie in his pants!!!!!!!!!!!! Then again......that would be a VERY gross pie.....

2007-11-27, 12:34 AM
Maybe he is with Xylon, but, he hasn't told the OOTS team. Maybe he's plotting his revenge against Elan for YEARS of annoyance. Maybe he is hiding a pie in his pants!!!!!!!!!!!! Then again......that would be a VERY gross pie.....

Might it be...evil pie?

2007-11-27, 03:49 AM
no way Hayley would never alow evil pie
mo matter how yummy

2007-11-27, 05:27 AM
Belkar simply wants to have fun. The only problem is that his idea of fun consists of stabbing people and breaking their childhood memories. And his lack of morals and ethics mean almost nothing will stop him from enjoying what he wants.

He could have left the Order of the Stick long ago (up until they met Miko), but it's fair to assume he was enjoying his time with them. He's friendly with Elan and Haley, and likes tormenting Roy. Plus he gets to kill hordes of monsters (including giants, whomake a satisfying *thump*), gain XP, become rich, and he has allies who'll protect him and heal him if he really needs it. Could he say the same if he was with Xykon? Deinetely not.

2007-11-27, 12:40 PM
...why doesn't he join Xykon?

Maybe he doesn't like Xykon. Maybe he likes Roy (if only because it's fun to annoy him). Just because he's evil doesn't mean he can't have personal reasons for opposing other evils.

I mean, Xyk could likely take off that annoying MoJ with a snap of his boney fingers, Belkar would be free and would be in a position to loot enough booty to keep him in ale and whores for life, plus he would be able to kill without limit.

Sshhhh. Don't give the little sociopath ideas.

the mysterian
2007-11-27, 03:46 PM
team evil is a growing company, and belkar is not a corporate stooge :smallamused:

2007-11-27, 07:23 PM
It was answered above. He is also Chaotic. He doesn't pay attention to anything enough to switch sides, or notice sides in the first place. And he isn't all that wise, either.

2007-11-27, 10:28 PM
Probably because Belkar sees little to gain by joining Xykon. Also if they were aligned with each other the similarities that they have (IE their chaotic nature) would probably cause a whole lot of trouble within the group.

2007-11-27, 11:44 PM
Because he's only interested in killing and women.

Seriously, he doesn't get anything from Xyrkon other than a boss that's harder to kill than Roy.

With Roy, after the Mark of Justice, he can just kill Roy or leave.

With Xyrkon he may be zombified if he can't leave.

But Belkar has no real problem with Xyrkon morally. His only problem might be that it would be harder to have sex on a world that's dead.

Otherwise, he'd happily support Xyrkon's wiping out all Paladins.

There is no r in Xykon.

..Thats why he cant be a pirate

..what? someone had to say it and I doubt anyone else would have.. :smalltongue:

2007-11-28, 12:05 AM
Might it be...evil pie?

.....Interesting.....gross but interesting theory.

slight strider
2007-11-28, 12:08 AM
In the comic with Vaarsuvius and the Belkars protobrain chart, Belkar hates Roy, but he lusts for Haley, is it possible, he stays because he hates everybody on the Xykons side, and that he stays because he actually lusts for somebody on his team?

2007-11-28, 12:47 AM
I agree with the theory that Belkar just hasn't really thought about joining Xyclops. It'd be a hilarious interview, though.

I hope Rich tacks that onto a book, so my friend can buy it and I can mooch off him.

PS: I hate it when people reply without reading at least the last page. :smallsigh:

2007-11-28, 03:15 AM
In the comic with Vaarsuvius and the Belkars protobrain chart, Belkar hates Roy, but he lusts for Haley, is it possible, he stays because he hates everybody on the Xykons side, and that he stays because he actually lusts for somebody on his team?

You're assuming that V's theory about Belkar is correct, which there's no evidence of...