View Full Version : Serpent's Skull: City of Seven Spears [IC]

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2022-05-11, 12:33 AM
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"The legendary lost city of Saventh-Yhi (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Saventh-Yhi), known to some as the City of Seven Spears, has finally been found! Yet while the ancient city's mysteries have long remained hidden, all manner of man-eating beasts and plants still dwell within the vine-choked ruins. Can the PCs be the first among five competing factions to claim the rights of discovery? Or will they become but the latest of Saventh-Yhi's victims?"



Speech Color

Race [Ethnicity]
(Gender ID)

Side #1

Side #2

Campaign Trait
Totem Animal

Aronnahar (Aron) Zyianthus
[Tribute (N)PC]


Wishtouched Half-Elf
[Taldan] (f)
Bard 6/
LA 1
Oracle (Lunar) 7
Boarded in Bloodcove
[Mwangi Expanse]

Clarence T. (Book) Booker
[Buck Godot]

Saddle Brown

Fortune-Blessed Human
[Taldan] (m)
Rogue [Contender] 5/
Pathfinder Delver 2
Swashbuckler 6
LA 1
Mwangi Scholar

Fronaldo Claudex

Dark Orange

Goblin (m)
Alchemist 7
[Eldritch Poisoner]
Rogue 7
[Knife Master]
Boarded in Cheliax
Korir River Gorilla

Gelik Aberwhinge
[MastrK, MasterK]

Golden Rod

Gnome (m)
Bard 7
Nexus 5/
Pathfinder Chronicler 2
Boarded in Varisia
[Large Mammals]



Ekujae Half-Elf
[Wildborn] (m)
Arcanist 6
[Magaambyan Initiate]/
Magaambyan Arcanist 1
Zealot 7
[Discordant Crusader]
Mwangi Scholar

Associated NPCs


Speech Color

Race [Ethnicity]
(Gender ID)

Side #1

Side #2

Campaign Role

Amivor Glaur

Fire Brick Red

Human (m)
Bard 7+?
Rogue 5
Pathfinder Delver ??
Mobile Venture-Captain of Pathfinder Expedition to Saventh-Yhi.
Not expected on missions (at least for now), as administrative duties keep him stuck dealing with expedition business.

Sersheelda Lapispacker


LN (N)
Svirfneblin (f)
(aka, Deep Gnome)
"Doodad"? ?
??? ?
She found herself in the Tazion area by accident when captured by charau-ka. Some type of verbal impediment, regardless of language (even Gnome). Claims to "want know magic of 'Overburn.'" Possesses some type of natural connection.

2022-05-11, 12:51 AM

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de8lq4w-47a34124-f1d4-4746-9b42-ba9ccfb1f524.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_968,q_80,strp/aron_full_by_lostsole31_de8lq4w-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6 Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD05NjgiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC 9mXC8wNTlkODA4OS03NjRhLTQwMzQtYTJlNC00ZmUwOGNmODli ODNcL2RlOGxxNHctNDdhMzQxMjQtZjFkNC00NzQ2LTliNDItYm E5Y2NmYjFmNTI0LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwi YXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX 0.M2YAddrZl-XVsq7_yWq1kxQofmvdiLTInnjoQRJMbaA

Description 6' 1", 160 lbs.

She has the burnished skin of those who have spent time in the sun, red hair, and green eyes. She wears typical Druman garb, but with some of the frills cut away. Her beauty is awe-inspiring, but she is so in tune with voices not of the world that she tends to ignore people who don't use direct address, having a far-away look sometimes.

Her zebra tribal tattoo is on her chest - from her suprasternal cavity down to below her navel, and includes the inner portion of her breasts. Given her clothing with the zebra's head tattoo above and below her limited torso clothing, this is likely to have a .... distracting effect on those not used to someone of her beauty.


Of the two people in the vanguard that were the actual shipwreck survivors of Smuggler's Shiv, and therefore found information regarding Tazion and the "pillars of light" of Saventh-Yhi, Aron is by far the more proactive.

While not the "leader" of the vanguard, she is nominally the one in charge of coordinating reports to Amivor Glaur, the lead Pathfinder and de facto mobile venture-captain. Since Kalabuto, her voice has taken a massive shift down in volume so that even when she shouts she isn't very loud, though her beauty and nearly ethereal quality have further increased. She no longer sings, but rather has poured forth her artistic effort into her flute. This lack of strong voice is another reason a woman who could easily take the lead with any group of which she is a part instead takes a support role.

Practically within the group, Aron is the vanguard's primary divine caster, and therefore healing the party is her prerogative. Others have some healing or healing like ability (Gelik, Xhanfaerd, even Harrim), but primarily the duties fall squarely on her shoulders. She is also primarily a diviner with many strange powers related to her communing with the moon, but in-battle it often means that she knows when she is going to be attacked and effortlessly moves out of the way. Otherwise, she is the primary "first contact" with parties whose allegiances are unknown, and her knowledge of the natural forces of the jungle matches and that of strange metaphysics and cosmology rivals that of the far more studied Xhanfaerd. She is also the one who has he best chance of activating magical items not suited for the casting traditions of others.

Homeland Kerse, Kalistocracy of Druma

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de9iznf-cf695756-f9f6-4a45-bac8-00f935b26312.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTlpem5mLWNm Njk1NzU2LWY5ZjYtNGE0NS1iYWM4LTAwZjkzNWIyNjMxMi5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.InqXW3UIZB0u6jcC5mrcpzSYhRkZk83g7yGTXr7bXt4

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2022-05-11, 01:03 AM


Description 6' 0", 175 lbs.

Pretty much any lady's conception of the rugged, two-fisted pulp hero who can also clean up real spiffy in a good suit to boot.


Book is a man who believes that archaeology is all about getting your hands dirty. He is a dedicated scholar of the Mwangi Expanse's history and its peoples, but his close calls have caused him to have a hair trigger with gun or fist. He is a great believer in luck, as being lucky has helped him far more than being expressly competent at what he does.

When one of the diviners foresaw trouble for the vanguard, Amivor released him to rush ahead to attempt to intercept and aid the vanguard as best as possible. It seems that either he arrived too late, or was lucky to arrive late and missed the most danger .... Issilar, the serpent folk enchanter, that caused three members of the vanguard to flee into the forest (two whose remains were found, and Gelik who was rescued).

It's at the point now where Xhanfaerd has learned to trust that when Book says, "I have a bad feeling about this," everyone should listen.

Home of Record Based out of the Grand Lodge, Absalom

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2022-05-11, 01:05 AM

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de9iy8l-9d8b7287-e279-4f29-820d-23dd07735918.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTlpeThsLTlk OGI3Mjg3LWUyNzktNGYyOS04MjBkLTIzZGQwNzczNTkxOC5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.dJ80orVjUN5bdtEFR6iol7QhoDZaM15wAJPMvZRSm6U

Description 3' 3", 34 lbs.

This large-eared, green-skinned goblin has a devil may care grin and a wild glint in his red eyes. He is well spoken and dressed in well tailored coat and breaches with rolled down top boots. A pair of sharp looking daggers dangle from his belt. Hidden extracts, potions, poisons, and blades are secreted all about his person. He is full of energy and doesn't stop moving, constantly darting around the room investigating everything. He has a preternatural love of shiny things; especially gold and jewels. His shock of wild white hair hovers above his head as if burning.

He has a tattoo of a Korir River Gorilla tribal tattoo covering his whole back.


Fronaldo is quick-witted and intelligent, but easily manipulated by more forceful personalities. His high, childlike voice often leads others to assume that he is childlike. He is anything but. Raised in Cheliax by human "parents" after they found him abandoned in a gutter, young Fronaldo was raised as a beloved member of the Claudex household. While in public he was forced to behave as a slave until he reached adulthood and was able to purchase his freedom with the help of his parents Esmerelda and Javier. They taught him science and chemistry and gave him an excellent education. Once he gain his freedom and moved out on his own, only then did his true education in the real world began.

Chip on his shoulder due to his size; classic small man syndrome. Doesn't like working alone. Prefers the safety of an organized group. Weak willed. Greedy. Manic. Speaks with a high-pitched, child-like voice.

"So, Fro, if you are chosen for the vanguard, what do you bring to the table?" asked Amivor Glour, the venture-captain in Eleder.

"Poisons, potions, and pokin' holes in problem people, and vapid ideas."

That was it. That was the whole interview, and it was enough to get him hired on as the first addition (outside of Aron and Gelik). And that pretty much sums up his skill set.

Homeland Corentyn, Empire of Cheliax

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de9iynx-dff32d1d-573f-4250-bf17-60b540902fb0.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTlpeW54LWRm ZjMyZDFkLTU3M2YtNDI1MC1iZjE3LTYwYjU0MDkwMmZiMC5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.Bws7r-5KdrZc5-5cMajFmapR2dDoTt702QKeZ1mlyNI

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2022-05-11, 01:10 AM


Description 3' 6", 42 lbs.

Gelik is a spry, energetic gnome with blond hair and a neat goatee. He dresses like a noble at all times. ("If you can't take the time to dress properly, no one will take what you have to say seriously, and they'd be right not to!")

With liberal use of prestidigitation, his fine clothes always seem freshly cleaned. Only the ink stains on his fingers break the illusion of a proper gnome nobleman. ("If you don't have ink stains on your fingers, no one will take your writing seriously, and they'd be right not to!")

His hippo tattoo is on his left shoulder.


Gelik is quick-witted and a talented speaker. Unfortunately, he has a mean streak when it comes to the misfortunes of others; he often simply can't help himself from making a snide comment or a scathing remark at another's expense.

While Xhanfaerd has a more artistic touch with writing, Gelik's writing skill, equal (and more reliable) skill at linguistics and cryptography, and dedicated skill as a scribe means his position as the party's Pathfinder Chronicler is still secure at this time. He is a perfect second to Aron's skills at diplomacy and negotatiations, has a jarring ability to mimic any sound his voice box can even remotely simulate, and oddly, he has a greater grasp of the Mwangi's overall geography, even over that of Fronaldo.

Home of Record Magnimar, Varisia

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de9j14o-07cce7aa-05fa-4cde-8ddc-8f44181fb66b.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTlqMTRvLTA3 Y2NlN2FhLTA1ZmEtNGNkZS04ZGRjLThmNDQxODFmYjY2Yi5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.Baha7B1onWatBfrl6q8ua_u_0a3xTFw0LzUHqlar9I0

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2022-05-11, 01:14 AM

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Description 6' 1", 255 lbs.

Robust among his kin, to the point of usually rising eyebrows when people see the ekujae's paintings on his face, often followed by somewhat confused gazes at his ears, Xhanfaerd has everything to stand out in a crowd. His elvish heritage can be seen through his sharp features and the light green tint in the sclera of his eyes, and he shows the kind of body one could see on a veteran fighter. His gerrhosaurus tattoo is on his right shoulder, head upwards as if whispering secrets to Xhanfaerd.

He usually wears brightly colored clothes when in town, in accordance to the fashion of the urbanite Magaambyans.


Robust of body and mind, Xhanfaerd was used to playing on both of those aspects. "Surely someone so well built is not as bright", or "That dork reading those horribly precise books is probably scrawny" was the kind of things he got used to play with quite fast, earning a mischievous stance on the way. He knows quite well that most other sapients aren't as gifted as himself and how lucky he is, and won't show off, at least not voluntarily. If he knows he can do something to help, he will, and that might raise jealousy and rivalries. At least it did already, more than once. People don't like when you solve the riddle of their lives with one glance.

He tries to do his best to live up to the standards he set through his books, while knowing very well that without a major civilizational shift it won't be possible, at least not on a personal scale.

With his training from the school of the Magaambya in the openly secret/not secret city of Nantambu in the Mwangi Expanse, Xhanfaerd's training and scholasticism makes him first among equals, with particular expertise among subjects arcane, historical, natural sciences, linguistics, and the peoples of the Mwangi and their customs. Within the group, he is blessed of an almost supernal insight into personal motivations and actions, and as such is usually a voice of reason and common sense.

Home of Record Nantambu, Mwangi Expanse

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de9j0l5-f5c3f058-ad45-4455-99cd-424960d7b991.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZTlqMGw1LWY1 YzNmMDU4LWFkNDUtNDQ1NS05OWNkLTQyNDk2MGQ3Yjk5MS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.yZ0GX-hPYfO1tMjw6GgxDTOTu-Jy_GPgjassNF4mgm8

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2022-05-15, 10:46 PM
Moonday, 9 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rain throughout the day. Saturated. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Today is the worst day yet as far as heat and humidity, all being kept in the local area by the rain that act not as purgative but as enclosure.

On the other hand, today is a day that promises to finally moves things forward, for Amivor Glaur and the main force of the Pathfinder Society expedition has arrived!

Amivor Glaur is a ruggedly handsome man of medium height and average build (5' 10", 180 lbs.). He wears well worn but quality leather armor, with sidearms of short sword, whip, short composite bow, and hunting knife. A welcome, yet unsettling change to the standard perceptions of the classic Pathfinders, Amivor is decidedly unkempt, rugged, and rough around the edges. His wild Red hair seems to flow like a flame in the wind, and he is rarely seen fraternizing with those of pomp and circumstance. Amivor, all to familiar with the wilds of Sargava, wears only utilitarian clothing with multiple pockets, and prefers to expose his skin to the natural sun, in order to compensate for the heat of the days.

Amivor offers no confusion for the sort of man he is, presenting his rugged and rough attitude through his appearance and demeanor, and yet The Pathfinder Society has placed him in charge of all Sargavian Expeditions, due to his great ability to do such successful voyages. Amivor can usually be found in the bars at Eleder, drinking with his favored traveling companions and recounting tall stories about his adventures, but once he is set upon a job, Amivor is completely serious. Because of this attitude and respect for the natures of Sargava, and his positive reputation with the local tribes, Amivor is easily the most knowledgeable about Sargava and the Mwangi Expanse outside of the specialists within the party.

Amivor views the natives of Sargava with respect, and understands that their tribal ways are different, but not lesser than any other society. Because of this, he is among the very few that has established a diplomatic reputation with most tribes known to the Pathfinder Society, which has yielded a wealth of information.

Amivor reads Gelik's written work and listens to all of the accounts, including any accidental testimony of Harrim and Sersheelda (though both are trying in their own way). He is sad at the losses of Pim Starseer and Torber Ah-mose, and assures the group that their names will be put on the Wall of Names in Absalom. Meanwhile, he is glad that diviners among the rank-and-file Pathfinders in the expedition gave him what he needed to send Book ahead to the rest of you when he did.

Most of the day is spent as such, but Aron still takes time with Veress, knowing that the tiger is at a critical stage of very late adolescence.

Amivor has no desire to attend any longer in Tazion. He trusts the party has learned what they can of Tazion, but since Saventh-Yhi is the real prize, he wants to leave on the morrow. Even though it is probably only 20 miles away or so, the trackless jungle and the many laden beasts of burden in the expedition mean that it will be a two-day trip.

That evening, Fronaldo seeks out Xhanfaerd for private - not group - combat training. Fronaldo has learned to trust that Xhanfaerd is a keen observer of behavior, so Fronaldo wants to try out some deceptive blade techniques he's been thinking of, but needs the challenge of a sharp defender. Aron will have gymnastics training for Sersheelda, Book, and even Amivor (who has been looking for challenging exercise for weeks). Harrim meditates on his own; surprising, given there are so many new people, it would be a perfect time to annoy everyone with proseltyzing for Groetus. Gelik entertains the main force of the expedition with fantastic tales.

2022-05-17, 10:44 PM
Toilday, 10 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)
85 / 70 F. Normal afternoon showers. Winds N 15 mph. High humidity. Humidity Index: 95 / 80 F.

The full expedition leaves today to what seems to be relatively mild morning and make the trek towards Saventh-Yhi. During the half-trek, Harrim is sure to mention the glory of Groetus, and how the End Times will strip away all that has been built to leave a beautiful chaos before that, too, is removed from the universe.

That evening, Book and Aron bring Amivor (after hearing about his prowess from the former) to seek out Fronaldo, a master on combat preparation techniques. Gelik interacts with the rest of the expedition to learn their names and to get what gossip he can get.

2022-05-18, 07:42 PM
Wealday, 11 Abadius 4711 AR (First Quarter)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Winds S 5 mph. High humidity. Humidity Index: 105 / 90 F.

Amivor had hoped to see Saventh-Yhi, as it was estimated that the party trekked 2/3 of the way towards Saventh-Yhi, but the heavy rains and mud today slow things down. You are sure you are now on Saventh-Yhi's doorstep, but Amivor doesn't want to do a forced march and still not see the ruins by light of day for the first time.

In the evening, Aron spends extra time from the encampment to work with Veress. Amivor and Book work together, the latter studying under the former's tutelage regarding common oozes and protoplastic monsters used as happenstance guardians in crypts, tombs, and ruins. Gelik is there, chronicling the exchange, and learning from it. It turns out that Amivor is the most knowledgeable person Gelik knows regarding the Darklands and formless terrors.

Xhanfaerd takes this time to work on Magaambyan fighting arts. Fronaldo doesn't disturb him, but does watch.

Tomorrow ... tomorrow promises to be the big, daylight reveal of the terminus of your quest: Saventh-Yhi!

2022-05-19, 03:37 PM
Oathday, 12 Abadius 4711 AR (First Quarter)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Today promises to be truly awful right out of the gate, but the expedition gets moving again.

You only go through a few final miles of trackless jungle before Saventh-Yhi is revealed to you! It is breathtaking, just the part you see.
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df57j86-a6ec9f9d-334a-4cd5-b6be-42ebce57bd6d.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_556,q_80,strp/1__city_of_seven_spears_cover_art_by_lostsole31_df 57j86-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTU2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwOD ktNzY0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZjU3ajg2 LWE2ZWM5ZjlkLTMzNGEtNGNkNS1iNmJlLTQyZWJjZTU3YmQ2ZC 5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.JdYTFIfP2tq60 121jtg72Y_Cv-JfmUuagXKIiFl1t4I

The thing is, the jungle is not a quiet place, but there is an increase in background noise, almost like there is a LOT more going on at Saventh-Yhi than "undiscovered, uninhabited ruin!"

Question for everyone, do you want Amivor to use his expertise to find the best place for the expedition to make base camp at a respectful distance from Saventh-Yhi, or do you (the party) want to try and figure out the best place to be?

2022-05-31, 06:16 AM
Fireday, 13 Abadius 4711 AR (First Quarter)
90 / 70 F. Heavy rains. Winds W 10 mph. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 90 F.

The next day, as the encampment awakens, it seems that you were fooled by a cruel trick of climate. For you no longer see Saventh-Yhi, but trackless jungle along the nameless tributary of the Ocota River. It was a jungle mirage, exceedingly rare, and possible supernatural. The expedition forges on ahead, with Fronaldo - aided by Amivor - with wayfinder consult the maps they made from the Pillars of Light in Tazion. They continue along the tributary until the river seems to emerge from the side of a jungle cliff at a height of 60' - casual observation reveals little to indicate that anything but rugged jungle mountains exist beyond this point, but with Fronaldo's knowledge of the map from the Pillars of Light in Tazion, he guides the expedition to a spot where an ancient and overgrown series of trails lead up from a waterfall.

This is where the dirty work to push on ahead will occur, to be able to get the expedition to be able to navigate past, which Fronaldo figures will take several days of hard work.

Does anyone have anything they can think of that might help the work go by a little more swiftly?

2022-05-31, 11:16 AM
Fronaldo rummages in his pack for his silk rope.
“I’ve got some rope and some tent stakes that could stand in for pitons in a pinch.”

2022-05-31, 12:27 PM
Book slings his sack off his shoulder and reaches in and pulls out what appears to be a 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes.

"I've got this... It can be worked in to block and tackle with your rope, little buddy. If it will help in some way..."

2022-06-02, 06:51 AM
Xhanfaerd looks around.

"We need to set up a path we can travel relatively easily in the following days, unless we manage to set up a new encampment closer to the city. That's... going to be hard, but at least tomorrow I'll have more appropriate spells readied in cases of emergencies."

If it takes more than one day, I'll replace Enlarge Person with Monkey Fish in my level 1 spells.

2022-06-02, 01:54 PM
In short, the characters don't have any magics or abilities to help them overcome old-fashioned elbow grease and cutting. They might come up with some clever ways to clear what is cut, but the actual path clearance is straightforward cut-work. They do learn something important about their fellow (junior) Pathfinders .... this is the all-star "nerd squad." Where the Sargavan military, Free Captains, and even their own hated rivals - the Aspis Consortium - likely have all manner of bruisers, the Pathfinders assigned to act as the more general administration and support do so with the strength of their mind and their magical training, not because they are physically intimidating.

What doesn't help .... it doesn't really slow things down beyond making people more careful with their aim ... and that's the rain. The heavy, incessant, not-just-in-the-afternoon rain.

That evening, Book, Amivor, Gelik, and Aron discuss otherworldly mysticism, and how that affected the worship of ancient cultures (with Book and Aron being strongest on the subject). Fronaldo work on theory regarding toxicology. Xhanfaerd interacts with the many junior Pathfinders, finding that their first and most focused training area is general wizardry.

Starday, 14 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Gibbous)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

More trailblazing by all.

That evening, Aron leads Harrim, Amivor, Sersheelda, Gelik, Xhanfaerd, and several of the junior Pathfinder officers through various mantras and focusing exercises. Fronaldo (assisted by Book), teach a larger portion of the junior Pathfinders a variety of jungle stealth techniques. It turns out that while they are mainly wizards, this expedition is well-grounded in a variety of useful adventuring and ambush skills.
Sunday, 15 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Gibbous)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Trailblazing continues after a non-denominational service led by Harrim (who still managed to seed bits of doom and gloom in there).

Aron managed to teach Veress the command "stay" this week.

In the evening, Fronaldo will work with a different set of Pathfinders regarding various ambush striking techniques. Amivor will teach body meditation techniques to help overcome petrifying effects to Harrim, Aron, Xhanfaerd, & Book. The gnomes spend time together, with Sersheelda giving Gelik weight training. It turns out that she is a lot stronger than her little frame would suggest; not as strong as Xhanfaerd, but one of the strongest nonetheless.

2022-06-03, 01:54 AM
Moonday, 16 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Gibbous)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Trailblazing continues.

That evening, Xhanfaerd is by himself as he postulates the nature of light and dark within a free-willed mortal.

Book holds an in-house lecture regarding geography, astronomy, and how those things may have changed over millenia, as compared to what they might find in Saventh-Yhi, especially since the Ancient Azlanti were very knowledgeable of astronomy and how it guided the PC's own discoveries in Tazion. In attendance are Aron, Amivor, Fronaldo, Gelik, and most of the junior Pathfinders that don't have other duties elsewhere.
Toilday, 17 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Gibbous)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Trailblazing continues, and the trail is finally cleared by the end!

Sersheelda wants to know more about plants and animals in the Overburn, so that evening, Aron (assisted by Xhanfaerd) holds an in-house lecture for Amivor, Sersheelda, Fronaldo, Gelik, and the available junior pathfinders regarding natural sciences, especially that of the jungle.

Meanwhile, at the dwarf's request, Harrim convinced Book to help show him how best to avoid area of effect dangers and various common types of traps. While Harrim is much more agile than he might seem at first look, his training in this area is woefully inadequate, given his dwarven form.

Wealday, 18 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Gibbous)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Days and days and days of rain, and it hasn't stopped just because the trail is now cleared, and the party has easy access to the waterfall beyond.

Above the waterfall, the river splits for a short distance, flowing around a jungle-covered hillock. An open area just south of the hill can make an excellent staging area for the expedition once they’re up in the region and readying a move to a campsite located within the ruined city itself.

A narrow trail picks up not far to the south of area A, connecting to a more overgrown road down below that leads southeast to area B. This wide, paved road is the first tangible, non-mirage evidence the PCs encounter both of the hard existence of the ruins of Saventh-Yhi as well as the strange preservative magics that suffuse Saventh-Yhi. The expedition splits in two to make sure that the split in the river is mapped and charted.

The strangely preserved road leads into a narrow cleft in the jungle-choked ridges, forcing the river into a swiftly flowing rapid through the gorge. The road splits here, offering two methods onward—below, a slippery-looking path of wooden bridges connects small islands, while above a rickety rope bridge swings in the air.

Which way do you recommend taking?

2022-06-05, 09:01 PM
Xhanfaerd points at the small bridges and islands.

"I think we should start that way. If we later go through the other path, we would have the possibility to descend to a safer route, while climbing the other way wouldn't be as practical."

2022-06-05, 11:05 PM
Amivor nods and says, "In that case, Aron? I need your team to scout out that approach and look for any dangers or instabilities."

Okay, marching order and manner of approach?

2022-06-06, 05:32 AM
“Whahoo! Let’s go, Book!” squeals Fronaldo excitedly. He grabs the tall man’s hand and pulls him towards the bridges and islands.

2022-06-06, 02:18 PM
Book reluctantly allows himself to be dragged along by the green goblin while looking back over his shoulder and shrugging at Aron.

Turning to Fonzie, he says, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, little friend lets not give away our position to every living thing around... Slow and steady and quiet wins the race..."

Switching to scout stealth mode, he'll move forward with Frolando.

2022-06-06, 06:04 PM
With a gleam in his eye and a feral grin, Fronaldo says:“Yes, silent and deadly. That’s good!”
The green skinned alchemist slows his speed to match Book’s pace, moving silently through the jungle. His small dagger glimmers in the mist.

2022-06-06, 07:41 PM
Aron follows, followed by Gelik, then Xhanfaerd, and then - once beckoned to join - Harrim, with Sersheelda and her creepy ghost-wolf at the back. Aron has Veress stay, though.

Fronaldo and Book, would you rather swim or walk along the slippery-looking bridges?
(same question will be asked of all, btw)

2022-06-07, 05:29 AM
Fronaldo visually examines the condition and stability of the bridges when they arrive.

How are the bridges constructed? What is their condition? How long is the route? How many islands (map)? How deep and fast is the water? How far below is the water? Basically a full examination of the obstacle.

2022-06-07, 06:58 PM
Fronaldo mentions his examinations, taking in any input from anyone else on the following questions.....

How are the bridges constructed? What is their condition?
Rope suspension bridge. Surprisingly good condition.

How long is the route?
It's not very far at all.

How many islands (map)?
Four small islands, connected by wooden pathways that are slippery from the water but in good condition. The stepping stones look like they are challenging for someone who can balance by way of pure athleticism, but likely a moderately easy task for someone skilled in keeping their balance.

Map on Discord.

How deep and fast is the water?
While not "rapids," the flow does appear quite fast here, so Aron judges that the depth shouldn't be more than 10', and there might be submerged rocks to deal with - which would hurt if you hit them. The flow is such that swimming is not advisable unless one is trained to do so, and if only barely trained, it would be a moderate challenge.

How far below is the water?
30' from the upper bridge to the water below.

2022-06-07, 10:42 PM
Fronaldo studies the obstacle and then comments to Book.
“Doesn’t look too dangerous. I could probably get across no problem but the rest of the party might have an issue. I suggest that we cross in groups of two tied together with rope. If one person slips, the other person has a chance to hold on and keep the other from being swept down stream.”
The goblin shrugs weakly.
“Unfortunately, there are not a lot of good places to anchor yourself. I suggest that one person at a time cross to and island before the next person crosses a bridge. The team would have to match members of equal size and strength, so that if a strong member slips a weaker member is not trying to stop them both. You and I wouldn’t be a good match. I could never stop us from getting dragged in.”
”It isn’t a perfect solution but it is a little better than crossing your fingers and praying. What do you think?”

2022-06-07, 11:36 PM
Book, examining the trek ahead as well, concurs with Fronoldo and nods his head.

"Seems plausible. Let's report it back to the others with your suggestion."

2022-06-08, 05:02 PM
…And so Bookman and the green skinned boy wonder report back to Aron and Amivor.

2022-06-08, 05:10 PM
"The Pathfinders are sure-footed, but I worry about the pack animals," says Amivor.

"That," interjects Aron, "and I don't like the idea of tying people off. It doesn't matter what you can lift or carry. If you are surprised by someone falling in and then feel that tug, you don't necessarily have time to respond ... and then just as surprised as the first person, with useless brawn you fall in and get swept away, shredded by submerged rocks. It's not a bad idea for a small group, but not for the main expedition."

Amivor says, "Okay, scout out the bridge then. Book and Fronaldo, followed by Aron and Xhanfaerd at a mild pace of 10' behind them, and Gelik behind all. Sound good? Head across and make sure that everything is secure for a the main expedition to cross."

2022-06-08, 08:40 PM
Fronaldo salutes briskly before heading to the upper bridge with Book. He doesn’t bother with stealth as the party is fully exposed to anyone looking. He keeps his eyes open for traps or ambushes.

2022-06-09, 12:10 AM
Fronaldo doesn't see any hidden dangers.

2022-06-09, 05:51 AM
Fronaldo examines the condition of the rope bridge before proceeding with Book.

2022-06-09, 09:09 AM
Book nudges the wee man... "Come on, 'Naldo... We already looked this over..." and he steps out across the bridge.

2022-06-09, 10:55 AM
Suspicions assuaged, Fronaldo moves with Book onto the bridge.

2022-06-09, 01:59 PM
So far, so good .....

2022-06-09, 02:21 PM
Book will keep moving but look back and hold up a cautionary hand to Fronaldo.

2022-06-09, 09:27 PM
“What is it, Book? Do you sense something wrong?!”
Fronaldo halts his advance.

2022-06-10, 12:09 AM
That is when everyone hears the bestial screeching to the east as three large flying reptiles with distinctive, backwards-sweeping crests decorating their heads appear over the canopy.

Begin Round One ...

R1T28-27: Red does a flying charge down to Xhanfaerd. The mwangi-Ekujae throws up his arms defensively, but gets bit in his lower left arm for 12 for his troubles. Red sort of does a graceful crossing of paths with Green, also charging, as Green charges Aron to bite her in the upper left thigh for 4 mod.

R1T24: Gelik, what do you do?

Master K
2022-06-12, 08:36 PM
Gelik will take a 5 ft step farther down the bridge and begin giving a speech, with the intent to Inspire Courage. as well as casting Fox's Cunning on Xhanfaerd.

FA; 5 ft step SE
MA; Inspire Courage on Xhanfaerd
SA; Cast Fox's Cunning on Xhanfaerd

2022-06-12, 10:46 PM
R1T24: Gelik will take a 5 ft step farther down the bridge and begin giving a speech, with the intent to Inspire Courage. as well as casting Fox's Cunning on Xhanfaerd.

R1T23: Fronaldo, you've never seen Gelik attack performance with such speed and gusto. While Aron might be a more accomplished "performer," it is easy to forget sometimes that Gelik is still the senior "bard." His oration fills you with extra-goblin bravery. What do you do?

2022-06-12, 11:29 PM
“Get Off The Bridge!” shouts Fronaldo.
Then the green goblin gathers several vials of various alchemical agents and applies them to his dagger.

five foot step to the SE
SA: create archanotoxin - INT base, frequency =4 rnds; consecutive saves=2, Fort DC=18 MA: apply to magic returning dagger.

2022-06-13, 02:20 PM
R1T23: “Get Off The Bridge!” shouts Fronaldo. Then the green goblin gathers several vials of various alchemical agents and applies them to his dagger.You don't move anywhere, as Book is one sq. SE of you.
R1T22: Aron, who really can't shout loudly enough to be heard, turns to Xhanfaerd. "Hey, we've gone a few days without a collective active. Tell everyone to not leave the bridge but to engage. That way, this threat is taken care of here and now, and they don't come back to attack when the expedition crosses."
Aron then defensively casts a spell on herself that makes her very hard to see clearly as she seems to vibrate at incredible speed. She then takes out her bow.

R1T21: Book, what do you do? You didn't hear what Aron said to Xhanfaerd, but it doesn't look like she intends to take Fronaldo's advice.

2022-06-14, 12:43 AM
Book steps north to clear the way for anyone wishing to get off the bridge while drawing his sidearm. He aims it at the flapping beastie in front of him and squeezes off a shot and looking at Aron shouts, "What?"

FA: 5' step north (Surefooted)

MA: Draw sidearm

Attack using Risky Strike: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2022-06-14, 09:36 PM
R1T21: Book steps north to clear the way for anyone wishing to get off the bridge while drawing his sidearm. He aims it at the flapping beastie in front of him, dodges a bite from it, and squeezes off a shot that hits Green in the belly for 14. He looks over to Aron, cupping is hand outwards to her, and shouts, "What?"

R1T18: Sersheelda's form warps and grows from her normal 3-1/2' to close to 7' tall, seemingly made of stone, and bearing stone-like wings. There are two sets of horns - one seemingly fit to the type of creature she has become (or veiled herself to looks as), and the other set of horns, broad, steer-like horns. She(?) takes wing, and begins flying towards the bridge.

R1T12: Blue charges Book, biting him in the side of the abdomen for 13.

R1T9: "Everyone else, stay back!" calls Harrim as he scurries onto the bridge while taking out his skull-shaped flail.

R1T8: Amivor crosses west while taking out his bow. He takes careful aim and fires at the distracted reptair, but the arrow bounces hard off of its hide.

R1T5: Xhanfaerd, you are feeling an incredible cognitive surge from Gelik's spell. Also, Aron said something to you. What do you do?

Reptairs on deck and in the hole ...

2022-06-15, 07:31 AM
Focusing his anger, Xhanfaerd enters a quite malevolent stance and speaks.

"We need to get rid of them, so that we can cross easily afterward !"

He then summons a rain of stones on the flying creatures, roaring out loud while doing so.

So, entering Black Seraph's Glare, then casting Stone Call, aiming in the air, far enough to not hit anyone. Then, free action intimidate against them.



2022-06-15, 01:56 PM
R1T5: Focusing his anger, Xhanfaerd enters a quite malevolent stance and speaks, "We need to get rid of them, so that we can cross easily afterward!"

He then casts a spell towards the flying creatures, roaring out loudly with a wordless cry while a very large area of rocks and stones fall out of the sky to hit all three reptairs for 6.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T28-27: Red and Green seem visibly startled by the show of violence, and recover from their charge. But there are far too many tasty morsels to ignore right now. Red snaps at Xhanfaerd's as Green misses Fronaldo, and both coast a little bit higher and wheel about.

R2T24: Gelik, you are currently orating courageously. What do you do?

Fronaldo on deck, Aron in the hole ....

Master K
2022-06-17, 11:40 PM
Gelik will continue demonstrating his mighty oratory prowess and send a ray of energy at the the reptair to his south

FA; continue bardic performance
SA; fire a Planar Detonation at green as a ranged touch attack [roll0] Dmg (piercing) [roll1]
notes, possible +1 to attack roll from bardic performance if applicable

2022-06-18, 08:40 AM
R2T24: Gelik continues demonstrating his mighty oratorical prowess, pausing briefly to scream a ray of focused physical energy hits Green in the wing for 12.

R2T23: Fronaldo, what do you do?

Aron on deck, Book in the hole ...

2022-06-18, 11:26 AM
Fronaldo hops to the SE and whips his poisoned dagger at the closest flying reptile.
“Get Off the bridge!” he yells.

MA: 5 ft step to SE
SA: throw dagger at Blue: 2nd range increment -2 (not included)
archanotoxin sv Fort vs Int DC=18.

2022-06-18, 03:06 PM
Book draws his whip and blasts off another shot at the beast in front of him, looks at Fronaldo, and yells, "I heard you! But what did Aron say?"

MA: Draw whip

Attack using Risky Strike: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2022-06-18, 06:09 PM
R2T23: Fronaldo hops to the SE and whips his poisoned dagger at the closest flying reptile. The oratory helps the throw, and it hits Blue in the left lower leg for 4 + poison!

“Get off the bridge!” he yells.

R2T22: Aron casts a spell on herself, and becomes something seemingly ... more. She gets off the bridge on the far side where Book and Fronaldo are while taking out her shortbow.

R2T21: Book draws his whip and blasts off another shot at the beast in front of him (who snaps at him and misses), hitting for 5. He looks at Fronaldo, and yells, "I heard you! But what did Aron say?"

R2T18: Sersheelda/ stone demon flies to the southeast, gaining a little bit of height and then turns to give a horrific screeching noise at Green for 6 sonic.

R2T12: Blue flies slowly to the NW, and bites at Xhanfaerd, the latter's magical protection rebuffing the beak.

R2T9: Harrim casts a spell, and a little gobbet of acid strikes Blue and sizzles the side of its cheek for 3 acid. He then gets off the bridge to the NW, standing by Amivor.

R2T8: Amivor focuses his fire on Red to the north. Of two arrows fired, one hits the outer wing for 16.

R2T5: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Reptairs on deck and in the hole ...

2022-06-19, 12:02 PM
Xhanfaerd establishes his collective, then transmits Aron's earlier sentence to the other, standing as firm as he can on the bridge, his hammer in hands.

Aron said that we should stay on the bridge and engage them from there.

Standard : establishes Collective with everyone in there.
Move action : draw weapon.

2022-06-20, 04:04 PM
R2T5: Xhanfaerd establishes his collective, then transmits Aron's earlier sentence to the other, standing as firm as he can on the bridge, his hammer in hands. "Aron said that we should stay on the bridge and engage them from there."
End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T28: Red charges the flying stone-demon, landing a soft crit on her lower back for 19. Green charges Aron, but its bite is deflected by Aron's darkwood buckler.

R3T24: Gelik, do you continue your oration? What do you do?

Fronaldo on deck, Aron in the hole ...

Master K
2022-06-22, 06:46 PM
Gelik will continue his oration, and fire another bolt of energy at the nearest reptair.

FA; continue oration
SA; planar detonation at blue RTA; [roll0] DMG; [roll1]

2022-06-22, 11:41 PM
R3T24: Gelik will continue his oration, and fire another bolt of energy at the nearest reptair, hitting Blue in the left knee for 8.

R3T23: Fronaldo, your magic dagger returns to your grasp. What do you do?

Aron on deck, Book in the hole ...

2022-06-23, 08:15 AM
Fronaldo hops to the East and prepares another toxic concoction before schmearing it on his tiny blade.

“Aron, if we are on the bridge they can knock us off.”

five ft step East
SA: prepare archanotoxin
create archanotoxin - STR base, frequency =4 rnds; consecutive saves=2, Fort DC=18 MA: apply to magic returning dagger.
MA: apply archanotoxin to dagger.

2022-06-23, 03:28 PM
R3T23: Fronaldo hops to the East and prepares another toxic concoction before schmearing it on his tiny blade.
“Aron, if we are on the bridge they can knock us off.”
R3T22: Aron carefully casts a spell on herself, but otherwise holds her ground."That only works for a tactical opponent that wants to kill you and doesn't care about the body. I'm pretty sure we are morsels of food that it doesn't want to lose."
R3T21: Book, pepperbox and whip in hand. What do you do?

Stone demon on deck, Blue in the hole ...

2022-06-25, 02:21 PM
Book dashes onto the bridge and lashes out with his whip and plugs away with his sidearm...

MA: Move 1 square west (Sure-Footed)
Attack with whip using Risky Strike: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] +5
Attack with sidearm using Risky Strike: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3] +5

2022-06-26, 02:12 AM
R3T21: Book dashes onto the bridge and lashes out with his whip and plugs away with his sidearm. His whip slashes Green across the chest for 20 as he dodges the AOO from his gun, and shoots the reptair in the belly for 14.

R3T18: The stone demon tries to concentrate on a spell in the air, but seems to have trouble, and simply hovers instead.

R3T12: Blue is having trouble against the poison, and is now intellectually impaired. It continues north some to peck at Amivor.

R3T9: Harrim makes his way onto the bridge next to Gelik. He casts a spell, but he doesn't use his holy symbol to do so. Now, in addition to the courage you get from Gelik, everyone is filled with a battle blessing as well.

R3T8: Amivor steps back from the reptair and lets loose with a lucky shot right to his enemy's heart for 22 (+ 1 CON bleed).

R3T5: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Reptairs on deck and in the hole ...

2022-06-27, 07:09 AM
Xhanfaerd moves closer to the rest of the party, and casts a spell, accelerating everyone he can.

Moving 2 squares SE (supposing north is up), then casting Haste, which should cover everyone but Harrim and the one further north.

2022-06-27, 12:03 PM
R3T5: Xhanfaerd moves closer to the rest of the party, and casts a spell, accelerating everyone he can.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T28-27: Red ignores the stone demon to charge Xhanfaerd on the bridge. As it passes the stone demon, with her cow-like horns she gores the reptair in the belly for 14. Reptair continues its charge, though, biting Xhanfaerd in the chest for 10. Green snaps at Book and then peels off, but not before the latter cracks his whip into the thing's wing-shoulder for 14. That is just enough for Green to go crashing down the crevasse into the river. Something in the river snaps and pulls the carcass under the rushing water.

R4T24: Gelik, do you continue your bardic performance? What do you do? (NOTE: you are not hasted.)

Fronaldo on deck, Aron in the hole ...

Master K
2022-06-29, 11:19 PM
Gellik continues Orating and fires his ray at the nearest reptair.

FA; continue performance
SA; Planar Detonation on red RTA [roll0] Dmg [roll1]

2022-06-29, 11:41 PM
R4T24: Gellik continues orating and then screams with focused sound at Red, sound waves hitting its legs for 11 sonic.

R4T23: Fronaldo, your dagger has the STR arcanotoxin on it. What do you do?

Aron on deck, Book in the hole ...

2022-06-30, 07:07 AM
Fronaldo scurries onto the bridge until he is within 10 ft of Red Reptair and flicks his dagger at it.

MA: move roughly NE onto the bridge until at ten feet from red raptair.
SA: throw magic dagger with archanotoxin.

2022-06-30, 02:59 PM
R4T23: Fronaldo scurries onto the bridge until he is within 10 ft of Red Reptair and raises his arm to flick his dagger, but the reptair bites him in the head for 14. Bleeding but undeterred, the goblin's oratically haste-boosted dagger manages to strike the reptair in the lower leg for 5 + 4 poison + weakened (STR).

R4T22: Aron doesn't attack, but merely focuses on her bow this round. Then she heads back out on the middle of the bridge.

R4T21: Book, what do you do?

Stone-demon on deck, Blue in the hole ...

2022-07-01, 02:58 PM
Book again lashes out with his whip at the nearest beast.

Attack using Risky Strike: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
+6 for Precise Strike

IA: If attacked use Dodging Panache

2022-07-01, 08:21 PM
R4T21: Book moves up a little on the bridge and again lashes out with his whip at the nearest beast. He makes a nasty cut aross its face and beak, and it falls from the sky and into the water below, sinking and being moved along by the currents.

R4T18: The stone-demon charges the final reptair, who in turn completely misses her on its counter as the smaller creature's massive cow-horns delivers a perfect strike for 25, the impact blasting the creature down onto the rock as Sersheelda the Stone Demon tears her horns out of its body and lets the creature fall down the crevasse to its doom, where again ... something in the water waits to feed on the great morself she has delivered. Sersheelda gives a mighty shout of triumph.

Combat Ended!

The stone demon lands next to Amivor, but doesn't return to Sersheelda's normal form. (Or, is Sersheelda the fake form, and she has finally shown her true self, explaining her bestial speech pattern?)

What now?

2022-07-02, 06:02 AM
Fronaldo walks over to Aron to show her his ouchie.
“Healing please?”

2022-07-02, 01:51 PM
Before tending to Fronaldo, she shoos him to the far (new) side of the bridge, waving Amivor forward. Book and Amivor perform triage on the party to see the most wounded, and that doesn't appear to be Fronaldo, but definitely Sersheelda.

Aron and Xhanfaerd determine, by the way, that the form that Sersheelda turned into is that of a gargoyle! Meanwhile, even though there aren't any bodies anymore, the two determine that the "reptairs" that you fought were a particular strong, fast, and hardy version of a normal pteranodon.

Sersheelda casts a spell on herself, using normal verbal incantation ..... which I'm not sure if you've ever seen her do ... calling on the wooden holy symbol of the dice at her neck, giving her 10 healing.

A single healing spell heals Fronaldo right up, as it does for Book. It takes her a CMW and a CLW to fully heal Xhanfaerd. With her permission, Aron heals the rest of gargoyle-Sersheelda's wounds with a CLW.

And with that, the rest of the expedition is carefully guided ... pack mule at a time ... across the bridge. Every now and then, it is noted that there are particularly strong and powerful looking crocodiles lurking in the waters below, so probably good you didn't take the lower path.

Amivor notes there is a sizeable stream splitting off and heading south/ southwest. There are also a lot more signs of the city, so Amivor has the expedition move off the trail, as he figures a stream so close to the old city surely would have some type of "attention" in the way of old structures, and this would keep the party from walking down the center of Saventh-Yhi and getting into "central-level power confrontation, whomever that might be."

After following the stream and cutting vegetation for some 600 feet or more, you get to an area with an old tower by the stream, with more ancient buildings to the east.

The heroes are sent in, and it seems that out this far, nothing inhabits this spot. "Here is where we'll make camp. We have a lookout tower. Immediate access to fresh water. Very close to Saventh-Yhi without being surrounded by it."

How do the PCs feel about this?

2022-07-02, 04:07 PM
Fronaldo nods in agreement before picking a good spot and pitching his tent.

2022-07-02, 04:35 PM
Fronaldo could pitch his tent, but to his surprise, these outlying structures - while having some semblance of nature overgrowing - are not fully overgrown and appear to be moderately good at being "weather-tight."

2022-07-03, 08:34 AM
Book will find a room for himself if one is available... Although he feels they should all still stay in close proximity... He will set up his bed and the like before sitting down to clean and reload his sidearm. He will bring one of his cartridges to Fronaldo and ask, "Hey 'Naldo... Do you think you could make any more of these? You seem pretty knowledgeable about the chemical stuff... Just wondering... You know... If you're not busy..."

2022-07-03, 11:36 AM
Fronaldo walks around the ruins, eyes wide in amazement.
“These “ruins” are anything but! How can they still be in such good condition after such a long time!”
He will pack up his tent and set up camp in Book’s building. He will then take time to further explore the area.
When Book asks him about the ammunition, he replies. “I don’t know how to make them but if you give me some to experiment with, I will see what I can do.
The little green alchemist’s eyes twinkle with excitement.
“I can probably make something that goes boom! What fun!”

2022-07-03, 02:42 PM
Book looks at the small man as he sets up in Books room and shakes his head...

"They are a rare commodity and I can sort of only spare one..." he says as he hands over the cartridge.

2022-07-03, 03:38 PM
Fronaldo smiles wide, showing a mouthful of sharp teeth.
“You can count on me, Book! I will study this tonight.”

Master K
2022-07-04, 01:49 AM
Gellik will take time to explore and take notes on everything, so that he has reference material to use when he writes his grand chronicle of the expedition

2022-07-06, 11:39 PM
That night, as something that passes for a group dinner, Amivor comes in on the tail end and says, "Okay, we're here." He punctuates this with a celestial bench press.

"Tomorrow, Aron, I need you and your team to mainly check around the immediate area .... determine what district of Saventh-Yhi we're in ... any interesting or useful pictograms or carvings to record ... but also to verify what will be our main base to be safe and clear. Try to treat well with locals .. I mean, if you don't have to fight everything, that would be great ... but get a social lay-of-the-land, not just historical."

Aron nods. If there is nothing else .....

.... what will people be preparing for the next day? The expectation at this time is jungle ruins/ historical study/ always possible combat or first contact diplomacy.

2022-07-07, 04:03 AM
Xhanfaerd updates his notes in the evening, and in the morning he'll make sure that everyone is in his collective. As the party leaves, he'll shield himself with Mage Armor.

"That sounds like the safest idea for now, yes. I just hope the inhabitants here aren't as aggressive as the last ruins we explored."

2022-07-10, 01:14 AM
Aron straps her buckler on, but otherwise has no weapon out.

Harrim casts endure elements on himself.

Sersheelda was in stone demon shape for a few hours after last night's battle. She is herself again, though the offsetting feature of note is that she again - albeit for herself - has a pair of steer horns jutting from her head, and she wears a spiked collar you hadn't noticed before.

Book, Fronaldo, Gelik, any "activations" before beginning today's exploration?

In addition, since Book is the senior archaeologist, Aron would like Book to make the major decisions on direction of travel and various other on-site decisions. She has been a good team leader getting the group here, but now that we're here, Aron defers to the main expert.

2022-07-10, 09:20 AM
Fronaldo is ready with his current fit out. He uses his wand of endure elements on himself.

2022-07-10, 04:41 PM
Oathday, 19 Abadius 4711 AR (Full Moon)
90 / 75 F. Moderate rain. Saturated. Feels like 110 / 95 F.

For the first day, Book doesn't want to travel too far from base camp itself, seeing as their camp is part of the ancient site. He directs those with magic to use them to read what type of preservatives and protections might be running.

Xhanfaerd, supported by Aron, takes the lead on that specifically, moving about the general area to look at more area-based magic rather than specific-site magic, and very carefully recording exact types of fluctuations viewed through detect magic and so forth. The overall area ... seemingly the valley itself ... appears to be several strong auras of magic, but they are too strong and of a type Xhanfaerd has never seen before, and he is unable to determine more than that.

While Xhanfaerd and Book do that, the rest are more general study of the broad bits of the city that they can see from the safety of base camp.

Although Saventh-Yhi has gone through innumerable changes over its millennia of existence, its appearance has long since settled into a status quo. The first things a visitor notices on first sight of the city’s skyline are its seven spears. Protruding from the already lofty tops of seven 100-foot-high ziggurats, these narrow monoliths extend a further 100 feet into the sky. Book surmises that each of these spires marks the heart of one of the city’s major districts, and they can be seen from nearly everywhere in the ruins—the seven spears will make excellent landmarks.

Nestled in a cradle of sheer cliffs thick with jungle vines and brushed with wisps of fog, the several districts of Saventh-Yhi are arrayed around a large central lake. The buildings of the city are clearly weathered and worn, but most resist the encroachment of plants and mud, and they refuse to crumble, appearing as a ruin of only a few thousand years of age rather than over 10,000. The architectural style is remarkable, marked by massive guardian sculptures and intricate geometric patterns carved into the stone—any who have studied Azlanti ruins (Book, Gelik) can automatically recognize this. Up close, countless individual carvings and murals decorate the inner walls of these buildings, and it is from these carvings that the secret history of Saventh-Yhi might hopefully be recovered with time.

Fog rises and clings to the waters and cliffs of the city every morning, but these mists quickly burn off by midmorning. By noon, the heat of the sun raises temperatures to agonizing heights (treat the hours between noon and 3:00 p.m. as very hot). Those not protected by endure elements (most of the party), retreat to Base Camp for shade during that time. Heavy rain falls in the late afternoon, providing relief from the sweltering heat. As evening approaches, the rain dies off and the fog returns, remaining until midnight when more rain clears the air. And that is the daily climate of Saventh-Yhi.

Today was general information gathering of the above, and there is time for some other things in the meanwhile.

Fronaldo, what do you wish to try to do with the alchemical cartridge Book gave you?

2022-07-10, 10:15 PM
Fronaldo sidles up to Book as they are surveying the area around base camp. “Psst..Book. Hey I did the research you asked me to do on alchemical ammunition. I could make you paper wrapped alchemical rounds. They would be faster to load but would increase the chance of the round misfiring. The only problem is that I don’t have bullets or shot. I could have made a couple per day at the cost of raw materials of 4 Gold per round.
The green skinned alchemist seems a little saddened by this, but his eyes quickly regain their rabid gleem.
“Is your pistol capable of scatter shot?! If so, I could make dragon breath rounds! You would be able to shoot flame at your enemies! Those cost more (say around 14 Gold) and take about 2 days to make, but I bet it would be worth it! They would also increase your chances of misfire. Let me know if you want me to make some the next time we have some free time.”
The little goblin strolls away tossing his dagger up into the air and catching it.

2022-07-11, 01:21 AM
That evening, after everyone finishes their collections for the day, Xhanfaerd, Fronaldo, Book, Harrim, Gelik, and Amivor (with Sersheelda listening) study some collected drawings from the local area that might be related to ancient magical practices, and discuss various possibilities. Aron spends time on her own for awhile with her tiger, and then entertaining the main camp with song.

Fireday, 20 Abadius 4711 AR (Long Moon)

Tonight is Longnight, a holiday celebrated on the Long Moon of Abadius. During the festival, revelers stay up all night to greet the dawn to defy the long winter months.

For those interested in Osiriani politics, it is also the birthday of the current ruler, the Ruby Prince.

Today's focus is more site-specific study of local preservation magics. Xhanfaerd is able to determine that the area is suffused by a strong transmutation effect ... one that he will note time and time again throughout the city, that does little more than to retard the effects of time and erosion.

As always, the group retires for the midday, and Fronaldo knows to not waste the magic of his wand for when he might need it later.

More studies of the latent preservation magics in the early evening, when the party is accosted by three large, white-furred, four-armed simians ... girallons. They give a roaring challenge.

It is important to note that while Xhanfaerd has his collective up, his first use of mage armor expended maybe an hour or so ago.

Begin Round One ...

R1T26: "Girallons!" warns Book, "Not grapplers like most simians, but they get enough of their claws on you they'll rip you open. Keep your distance if you have the option."
Then, in complete defiance of his own advice, Book draws his pepperbox and whip as he moves out to the front, likely to prepare a threat display.

R1T22: Sensing tension, Veress (Aron's tiger, as a reminder) gives a roar.

R1T21: Fronaldo, what do you do?

2022-07-11, 07:08 AM
“I am going to fight from cover.”

Fronaldo moves to the SE and then East taking cover behind ruins and jungle plants.
Hidden, he quaffs a swirling, multi-hued concoction.

MA: move behind ruins to the East and hide (stealth check).
SA: drink mutagen

2022-07-12, 06:54 AM
R1T21: “I am going to fight from cover.”Fronaldo moves to the SE and then East taking cover behind ruins and jungle plants.
Hidden, he quaffs a swirling, multi-hued concoction.

R1T20: Sersheelda takes off with her little gnome legs. She gets around of vegetation to see Fronaldo right there. "Why hide? Monsters!" she exclaims, getting into a fighting stance of some type.

R1T19: Coming from the other direction, Fronaldo sees one of these 8-foot-tall monsters. It snaps its massive jaws at the goblin.

R1T18: Sersheelda's ghostly wolf follows behind and launches forward, but not before the girallon nips it in the midsection for 5. Fruthrin Steelfeet (the name Sersheelda gives to her spectral wolf) closes and snaps its jaws and snarls at the monster.

R1T16: Meanwhile, the lead girallon in the main pack steps foward a little and begins attacking Book, who dodges the bite but has to make a hard block with his bracers against the first claw. Doing so leaves him open to get slashed in the upper left arm by another claw for 5, then along his right thigh for 7, and his left upper arm for 8. Luckily for Book, though, without all four claws landing a blow, he just manages to keep from getting pulled apart.

R1T15: Gelik, what do you do?

Master K
2022-07-14, 09:43 PM
Gellik will once again demonstrating his oratory prowess and begin inspiring courage in his allies before firing a piercing ray of energy at the nearest girallon

MA; begin bardic performance
SA; planar detonation at Blue RTA [roll0] Dmg [roll1]

2022-07-15, 11:52 AM
R1T15: Gelik once again demonstrates his oratorical prowess and inspires courage in his allies before firing a piercing ray of energy at the nearest girallon, finding that despite its bulk is rather agile and just barely gets out of the way of the beam.

R1T14: Red closes, slowing a little with some underbrush, biting Book in his left forearm for 10.

R1T10: Aron, seeing Book getting torn apart, rushes to his aid with brilliant acrobatics, concentrates carefully to cast a spell and then touch Book for 16 healing.

R1T8: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Harrim on deck, Book in the hole ...

2022-07-16, 02:04 AM
Shielding himself again with a layer of force, Xhanfaerd moves around a stone while drawing his weapon.

Casting Mage Armour, then moving 2E, 2NE, 1N while taking my weapon.

2022-07-16, 12:46 PM
R1T8: Shielding himself again with a layer of force, Xhanfaerd moves around a stone while drawing his weapon. As he closes on Blue, Blue launches forward quickly with a nip at the side of Xhanfaerd's abdomen for 10.

R1T7: Harrim follows Xhanfaerd's lead by doing the same thing ... briefly taking out a small, cured piece of leather and casting a similar spell on himself before putting the square of cuir boulli back in his component pouch. He trudges forward on short dwarven legs.

R1T6: Veress, Aron's tiger, finally goes ... getting next to Aron, but out of reach of the monster.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T26: Book, what do you do? Originally you took so forward a position to do a threat display, though you did get lit up.

Fronaldo on deck, Sersheelda in the hole ...

2022-07-17, 02:27 AM
Book maintains his position and brings his whip into play and performs an amazing display of skill and talent, showing what he is capable of with it.

FRA: Dazzling Display (while wielding any flails group weapon (incl. whips), he makes an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes w/in 30' who can see his display.)

2022-07-17, 12:34 PM
R2T26: Book maintains his position and brings his whip into play and performs an amazing display of skill and talent, showing what he is capable of with it. It is enough to give Red and Blue some pause.

R2T21: Fronaldo, what do you do?

Sersheelda on deck, Green in the hole ...

2022-07-17, 03:56 PM
“Let’s attack from two sides. Flank.” Fronaldo says to Shersheelda.
Hopefully ducking an expected attack from the creature, the wee alchemist whips up a nasty cocktail of alchemical agents, adds a dash of his own magic sauce and drinks it down.
He then sprints off at an amazing rate of speed before ending up behind the four armed monstrosity.

SA: create and imbibe extract: Channel Vigor. He focuses his strengthening in his limbs. (Affect : as per Haste)
MA: use acrobatics to avoid attacks and/ or move through threatened squares
SE (5 ft)
E (15 ft)
N (20 ft) * if moving between bushes / obstacles counts as difficult terrain, spend movement as needed to clear it. Stop.
[If the route North is impassable (from the point before going North), go back West (10 ft). Then: moving acrobatically at full speed, move N(10ft), E(10ft), and N(10ft).]

2022-07-17, 07:27 PM
R2T21: “Let’s attack from two sides. Flank.” Fronaldo says to Shersheelda. The wee alchemist whips up a nasty ccoktail of alchemical agents, getting bitten in the side for 7 for his trouble, and then adds a dash of his own magic sauce and drinks it down. He then sprints off at an amazing rate of speed before ending up behind the four-armed monstrosity.

R2T20: "Why you no take weapon? We not flank now!" shouts Sersheelda, obviously frustrated at the speed-goblin. She moves in on Green, who was focused on Fronaldo. She leaps up to kick the girallon in the left shoulder for 9. When she lands post kick, she fails to gore with her horns.

R2T19: Green spins to attack Fronaldo. The bite misses. One claw completely misses, one claw hits hard but doesn't connect, but two claws land for a total of 11.

R2T18: Fruthrin nips at Green.

R2T16: Blue bites Xhanfaerd's left hand for 6. Its first claw comes down from above to savage Xhanfaerd's head an shoulder for 17; the second and fourth claws miss; the third claw catches across the side of Xhanfaerd's neck for 5.

R2T15: Gelik, what do you do?

Red on deck, Aron in the hole ...

Master K
2022-07-18, 07:11 PM
Gellik will continue his oration and fire a ray of energy at blue.

FA; maintain performance
SA; planar detonation RTA; [roll0] Dmg [roll1]

2022-07-18, 07:40 PM
R2T15: Gelik continues his oration and fires a ray of energy at Blue, hitting it in the upper of its right forearms for 11.

R2T14: Red bites at Book, then throws all claw attacks his way. A claw slams against his armor, almost getting through but for its fear, but otherwise Book is untouched.

R2T10: Aron calls Veress to attack Red. She defensively casts a spell and then disappears."I couldn't safely tumble past them. I am NE of Book, and NW of Xhanfaerd."
R2T8: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Harrim on deck, Veress in the hole ...

2022-07-19, 03:56 AM
Focusing his thoughts on the opponent in reach, Xhanfaerd makes his hammer shine with a silvery light, before striking, sharing his martial knowledge with Fronaldo.

Fronaldo, use that when you need some healing. Don't wait too long for it, though.

First, swift action to enter Silver Crane Waltz, which I forgot to do last round.

Move action to aid another on myself (for +4 total on myself, +2 on the allies, if it works), then I'll initiate Silver Knight's Blade, healing myself, spending 3 PP to then share it with Fronaldo through Echoes of Steel.

[roll1] (+4 if the above isn't a nat 1)

Making a seperate spoiler for clarity.

Defense wise :
-I'll redirect the first attack that deals more than 10 damage to myself, spending PP to reduce the damage (1PP/4 damage, spending as much as possible, though the down value (ie, if I redirect 15 damage, I'll spend 3 PP and take the remaining 3)).
-I'll use Body of Delusion on the first attack that hits me and deals more than 16 damage, spending 2 PP for +2 to the roll.

2022-07-19, 04:46 AM
R2T8: Focusing his thoughts on the opponent in reach, Xhanfaerd makes his hammer shine with a silvery light, before striking, sharing his martial knowledge with Fronaldo."Fronaldo, use that when you need some healing. Don't wait too long for it, though."His earthbreaker strikes the girallon right in the groin with an upward swing for 31 and giving himself 15 healing.

R2T7: Harrim casts a spell on himself and then moves forward.

R2T6: Veress moves forward to attack. The tiger bites Red in the right thigh for 9. He bats wth a claw and lands with the other one in the lower arm right under-shoulder for 12, and that claw hangs on enough for him to then rake at the girallon (no strike).

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T26: Book, what do you do?

Fronaldo on deck, Sersheelda in the hole ...

2022-07-20, 10:12 AM
Book dashes west and then tumbles north deftly trying to avoid being hit and lands north of the friendly feline and then lashes out at red with his whip.

MA: Move 1 square west then 3 north using Acrobatics to avoid being hit and Dodging Panache if he is attacked (Dodging Panache (Ex): 1 panache, IA, when an opponent attempts a melee attack against him, he can move 5 feet; doing so grants him a +5 [CHA] dodge bonus to AC vs. the triggering attack. This movement doesn’t negate the attack, which is still resolved as if he had not moved from the original square.
* This movement is not a 5-foot step; it provokes AOOs from creatures other than the one who triggered this deed.
* He can only perform this deed while wearing light or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load.)
Sure-Footed (He can move through difficult terrain at his normal speed. Ground that has been magically manipulated to impede motion still affects him normally.)

Attack using Risky Strike: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] {+6} (Precise Strike)

2022-07-20, 06:08 PM
R3T26: Book dashes west and then tumbles north deftly trying to avoid being hit and lands north of the friendly feline and then lashes out at Red with his whip, lashing its left calf deeply for 20.

R3T21: Fronaldo, you are currently using channel vigor [limbs] and have nothing in hand. You have been given inspiration of tactical attack and healing (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Silver_Knight%E2%80%99s_Blade?so=search) from Xhanfaerd. What do you do?

Sersheelda on deck, Green in the hole ...

2022-07-20, 11:30 PM
”Thanks Xhan! Sorry Sersheelda.”

The diminutive goblin pulls his trusty knife and slices at the four armed behemoth trying to flank. He uses the special ability that Zhan transferred to him as well as relying on his rogue training and natural pluck.

MA: draw weapon-magic dagger
SWa: use 1 Pt. Guile pool for+2 to hit
SA: attack green garillion, risky strike, goblin foolhardiness(+1) to hit, silver knights blade
[roll0] +3 not included
If flanked [roll2] plus 4 bleed and disoriented
sliver knight’s blade strike [roll3]

2022-07-22, 12:28 AM
R3T21: ”Thanks, Xhan! Sorry, Sersheelda.”The diminutive goblin pulls his trusty knife and slices at the four armed behemoth trying to flank, using the special ability that Zhan transferred to him as well as relying on his rogue training and natural pluck. He stabs the monster right in the hand at an angle that goes into the center of its forearm for 54 + disoriented (+4 bleed), while fully healing himself at the same time.

R3T20: Sersheelda looks up at the big monster to get a good measure of it. She tries to carefully cast a spell, using the red, gem-like die symbol as a focus, but her spell fails.

R3T19: Green suffers 4 bleed. It steps to the north out of the flank, but then lashes out to the south. It bites at Sersheelda, who is dizzyingly effective at getting out of the way, so it goes for the strange-looking quadruped for its trouble, and three of its claws slash into Fruthrin for 20. Fruthrin doesn't bleed so much as its spectral matter is torn away in cloudy chunks, but it still stands there.

R3T18: Fruthrin moves forward to bite it in the other lower hand from what Fronaldo struck, and for 3.

R3T16: Blue snaps at Xhanfaerd and then misses wildly with a claw. The next claw looks like it is going to connect, and Xhanfaerd tries to momentarily port to the Ethereal Plane, but the ferocity surprises him as he is struck along the side of the neck for 7. Another claw ends up raking across his chest for 6.

R3T15: Gelik, you are currently orating. What do you do?

Red on deck, Aron in the hole ...

2022-07-23, 03:08 AM
R3T15: Seeing the effectiveness of words against the beasts, Gelik continues his stirring speech. He again does a focused sonic burst against the girallon, but just misses.

R3T14: Red struggles with his captor, biting the tiger in the back for 8, and then landing three claws for a total of 17.

R3T10: Xhanfaerd feels a light tap on his shoulder, and then he sees he is surrounded by flurring, melding, illusory versions of himself. About the same time, a discarded wand appears on the ground, giving away that Aron is still invisibly in that spot.

R3T8: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Harrim on deck, Veress in the hole ...

2022-07-25, 06:54 PM
With another hammer strike, Xhanfaerd attempts to chain the beast with doubt.

Move action to aid another on myself.

Initiating Chains of Doubt on Blue, who has to roll Will DC 19 or be nauseated for one round. Spending Focus to force Red to save as well if Blue fails.

[roll1] (+4 if the above is a success)

2022-07-25, 06:55 PM
Since apparently the dice roller here can't handle complex formulas :
[roll0] (2d6 from weapon, 3d6 from maneuver)

2022-07-26, 12:43 AM
R3T8: With another hammer strike, Xhanfaerd attempts to chain the beast with doubt. He swings from left to right too wildly, though. His weapon skips of of the hard chest muscles of the girallon and slams into the stone block nearby, doing 9 mod to his earthbreaker in the process.

R3T7: Harrim steps up to the grappled Girallon and swings, magical energy guiding his attack. It actually was a very clumsy attack, and yet somehow corrected course mid-swing twice to slam the girallon in the lower leg for 14.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T26: Book, you notice that despite getting the beat-down, the girallons have descended enough into a battle fury that they have shaken off whatever terror your initial display inflicted. What do you do?

Fronaldo on deck, Sersheelda in the hole ...

2022-07-26, 02:47 AM
Book once again wields his whip in a menacing display of his prowess.

Dazzling Display (Ex): FRA, while wielding any flails group weapon (incl. whips), he makes an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes w/in 30' who can see his display.

2022-07-26, 08:04 PM
R4T26: Book once again wields his whip in a menacing display of his prowess, again making Red and Blue flinch.

R4T21: Fronaldo, you are currently using limbs (haste) for channel vigor. Magic dagger in hand. What do you do?

Sersheelda on deck, Green in the hole ...

2022-07-26, 10:01 PM
Fronaldo feints high and then quickly changes direction to strike at the creature’s vitals. “Watch out ape! I have a wicked sting!”, taunts the diminutive knife fighter.

MA: feint
SA: slash with magic dagger, risky strike, +1 attack Goblin Foolhardiness, +2 attack guile pool Pt. -Not included
[roll1] and disoriented

2022-07-27, 12:08 AM
R4T21: Fronaldo feints high and then quickly changes direction to strike along the inside of the creature's lower arm, along the vein for 35+disoriented. “Watch out, ape! I have a wicked sting!”, taunts the diminutive knife fighter.

R4T20: Sersheelda sidesteps to also flank to do a hook kick to its hamstring for 10, then come in low and gore it in the calf for 23. The girallon falls and hits its head on a rock. She says something to Fruthrin in an unknown language, while pointing north.

R4T18: The badly wounded spectral wolf follows its mistress' commands. By coming around a rock it keeps from getting hammered by Blue when it closes and snaps at it.

R4T16: Blue bites at the sudden newcomer, breaking Fruthrin's back and causing it to disappear in a hazy fog. It then focuses its claws against the hammer-wielder. The first claw comes in and nearly cracks Xhanfaerd's spine; even with resisting some of its effects Xhanfaerd takes 8 +2 DEX. The second and fourth attacks get rid of the last of the mirror images.

R4T15: Gelik, do you keep up inspiration? What do you do?

Red on deck, Aron in the hole ...

2022-07-30, 08:19 AM
R4T15: Gelik maintains his oratory, and gets up behind Xhanfaerd. He carefully concentrates and casts a spell, touching Xhanfaerd for 13 healing. The gnome looks mighty pleased with himself.

R4T14: Red bites Veress for 8, and then in the tiger's grip slashes with its claws, with two scoring for 12 total.

R4T10: Aron's voice is heard casting, and then Veress receives 15 healing.

R4T8: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Harrim on deck, Veress in the hole ...

2022-08-02, 06:49 PM
Trying to learn from his earlier mistakes, Xhan aims at the girallon's harmony.

"This one will be more vulnerable !"

Move action to aid myself, standard action to initiate Harmony Shattering Strike (with Risky Strike), spending 2PP to add a total of 2d6 damage per allied hit against it, and spending focus to add 2 to the DC (Will DC 19 to not take extra damage from my allies).

[roll1]+4 if above isn't a nat 1

If the aid another successes, all allies in the collective gain a +2 morale bonus to attack.

2022-08-03, 02:06 AM
R4T8: Trying to learn from his earlier mistakes, Xhan aims at the girallon's harmony, hitting it in one of its upper-upper arms for 24."This one will be more vulnerable!"
R4T7: Sensing the energy from Xhanfaerd tied to Blue, Harrim steps forward and swings his flail, but it just bounces off of the girallon's tough hide.

R4T6: Veress continues to savage Red for 7 with the grasping bite.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T26: Book, what do you do? Red is grappled and vulnerable, but you also sense a temporary boon against Blue.

Fronaldo on deck, Sersheelda in the hole ...

2022-08-04, 03:18 AM
Book deftly tumbles north behind red and lashes out with his whip.

MA: Using acrobatics move 2 squares to the NE to position himself behind red for flanking damage.

Attack using Risky Strike and Sneak Attack (Sneak Attack (Ex): +3d6 precision damage anytime he is flanking foe, or foe would be denied DEX bonus to AC.
* Ranged attacks only count as a sneak attack if performed within 30'.
* W/ a weapon that deals NL damage, he can make a sneak attack that deals NL damage instead of lethal damage.
** He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal NL damage in a sneak attack—not even with the usual –4 penalty.
* He must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot.
* He cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with total concealment.): [roll0]

Dmg: [roll1] +6 for precision damage
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]

2022-08-04, 12:28 PM
R6T26: Book deftly tumbles north behind red and lashes out with his whip, hitting upper arms, face, and chest with one nasty slash for 30.

R6T21: Fronaldo, you have a flash of insight on how to cause more pain to Blue. What do you do?

Sersheelda on deck, Blue in the hole ...

2022-08-04, 04:15 PM
Fronaldo gives Shersheelda a big thumbs up and grin before sprinting North. He pulls a second tiny dagger from his bandolier as he moves. After acrobatically avoiding Girillion attacks, Fronaldo moves up to the beast Xhan is fighting.
“Sorry to be late!”
He slashes at the beastie.

use acrobatics to avoid AOO.
MA: move 15’ N, 5’ NW, 15’ N, 10’ W
SA: slash at big blue with magic dagger, flank with Xhan, Risky strike, sneak attack
[roll0] +1 for Goblin Foolhardiness trait, +1 channel vigor, plus other stuff by others?
[roll1] plus [roll2] plus 4 bleed and disoriented.

2022-08-05, 02:49 AM
R6T21: Fronaldo gives Shersheelda a big thumbs up and grin before sprinting North. He pulls a second tiny dagger from his bandolier as he moves. Because he attempts to cover so much ground, his acrobatics are at full speed, and he gets nipped by the girallon for his efforts (5). Fronaldo moves up to the beast Xhan is fighting and quips, “Sorry to be late!”

He slashes at the beastie as its head is still presented to him from the bite, and cuts it deep in the cheek and behind the ear for 44 + disoriented (+4 bleed).

R6T20: Sersheelda's little legs begin moving her to the main battle.

R6T16: Blue suffers 4 bleed ... and falls.

R6T15: Gelik, what do you do?

Red on deck, Aron in the hole ...

Master K
2022-08-05, 09:47 PM
Gelik continues his performance as he repositions to get a clear shot at the last remaining foe, before firing off another piercing ray at it.

FA; maintain performance
MA;5ft NW then 5ft W
SA; Planar Detonation aimed at Red. [roll0] [roll1]

2022-08-06, 07:57 AM
R6T15: Gelik continues his performance as he repositions to get a clear shot at the last remaining foe, before firing off another piercing ray at it, hitting it in the right shoulder for 11.

R6T14: Red goes into its death throes now. It nips Veress for 1, then brings all claws to bear against the tiger. Three claws hit for a total of 24, and Veress is doing very poorly.

R6T10: An invisible Aron casts healing on Veress for 18.

R6T8: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Harrim on deck, Veress in the hole ...

2022-08-08, 03:26 AM
Xhanfaerd steps forward and analyses possibilities, sending his intuitions over the collective.

5 foot step N (but probably still uses up a move action) then as a move action, aid another for Harrim.

If successful, everybody gains a +2 morale bonus to attack, Harrim gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack, and I ready Silver Knight's Blade.

2022-08-09, 12:05 PM
R6T8: Xhanfaerd steps forward and analyzes possibilities, sending his intuitions over the collective.

R6T7: Harrim's attack - even with all of the help - is sloppy, and he completely misses.

R6T6: Veress loses its grip ... the last girallon is free.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T26: Book, what do you do?

Fronaldo on deck, Sersheelda in the hole ...

2022-08-10, 08:34 AM
Book continues his onslaught with his whip from the creature's flank.

Attack using Risky Strike and Sneak Attack (Sneak Attack (Ex): +3d6 precision damage anytime he is flanking foe, or foe would be denied DEX bonus to AC.
* Ranged attacks only count as a sneak attack if performed within 30'.
* W/ a weapon that deals NL damage, he can make a sneak attack that deals NL damage instead of lethal damage.
** He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal NL damage in a sneak attack—not even with the usual –4 penalty.
* He must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot.
* He cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with total concealment.): [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] +6 (precise strike)

Sneak Attack: [roll2]

Disoriented from Debilitating Injury

2022-08-10, 08:38 AM
Severity roll: [roll0]

Bonus Damage: [roll1]

2022-08-11, 05:47 PM
R7T26: Book continues his onslaught with his whip from the creature's flank, flaying it along the ribs and back for 29, killing it instantly.

Blue bleeds out only three rounds later.

Combat Ends!

2022-08-15, 06:01 PM
Xhanfaerd looks around.

"I say we recover, then we keep going ? How is everybody ?"

2022-08-16, 07:07 AM
Book will apply his Wand of CLW as needed before ensuring his sidearm is fully loaded and clean. Then indicate his readiness to proceed.

2022-08-18, 08:38 AM
Fronaldo grimaces at the blood and Girallon saliva dirtying his clothing.
He searches out Aron for some healing before cleaning up the best he can.
He spies Shersheelda and gives her a shrug and a smirk before strolling off tossing his dagger into the air.

2022-08-19, 06:03 PM
"Well, we are recording not just Saventh-Yhi, but its current occupants," says Aron after healing Fronaldo fully. "Book and Gelik can continue looking at the very near ruins. Meanwhile, Xhanfaerd? You and I will take careful naturalist sketchings and notes of our girallon attackers - height, estimated weight, foot shape for tracking, bite castings, etc. Then, we'll take that back and end for the day."

The day passes, and the group packs up and heads back to the main Pathfinder encampment to give Amivor the daily findings.

That evening, Xhanfaerd works on his own, devising blocks of ruins and vines to configure weights as best he can for strength training. Gelik talks logistics with the quartermaster. Fronaldo focuses on alchemical R&D, seeing if anything he took from the bodies of the girallons might be useful to him. Book and Sersheelda discuss observed geography of Saventh-Yhi with Amivor.

True to Longmoon, there is a party in the encampment as they celebrate by staying up to greet the dawn. It is a particularly important time for Aron, who gets her power from the moon. On the other hand, Sersheelda never heard of this silliness, and sleeps.

2022-08-24, 09:24 AM
Starday, 21 Abadius 4711 AR (Waning Gibbous)

The next day .... the group continues exploration in Tazion, slowly working south and east. It is slow going as Book wants to check out the buildings, not just pass them. But this is what separates a careful archaeological expedition from "dungeon exploration" with a specific maguffin in mind. They still hoots, hollers, and noises ... but stay clear of confrontation at this time.

Then, the party returns at the end of the day and makes notes applicable to each of their specialities.

This is pretty much the regimen that each day will take - including a break midday for respose from the sun - barring an exceptional find or encounters.

After work and dinner, Aron and Book will work with the other PCs, Amivor, and some select Pathfinders on area avoidance. Aron specializes in teaching simple dance maneuvers that translate to rolls and turns and pullbacks, whereas Book specializes in avoiding common traps.

2022-08-27, 01:09 PM
Sunday, 22 Abadius 4711 AR (Waning Gibbous)

Group explores north from last point, and then east. With the saturation of old buildings, jungle mists, mid-day heavy rains, and the like, visibility isn't what it was, but the group's exploration is steady with progress nonetheless.

By today, Aron has properly trained Veress with basic attack commands for semi-normal combatants, but not yet for anything too weird.

That evening, Aron will give a lecture on jungle flora and fauna, which Sersheelda, Fronaldo, Amivor, and several Pathfinders are sure to attend.

2022-08-30, 10:05 AM
Moonday, 23 Abadius 4711 AR (Waning Gibbous)

The vanguard picks up their "trail" from yesterday and then explore a wide swath moving northwards, which includes being sure of the northern limits of the ruins and even into the jungle. At this yard, the group would have to continue southwest from mid-section of the buildings, it seems, to follow the line of buildings deeper into the ruins that are "connected," though it is true it is not known if something more could be found through the jungles to the north and east on the morrow.

Amivor will work privately with Book on secret defensive exploratory techniques as a Pathfinder delver. Aron and Harrim train under Gelik, learning some gnomish health secrets.

2022-08-31, 12:00 PM
Toilday, 24 Abadius 4711 AR (Waning Gibbous)

Book guides the group east, and then south, over their day of exploration.

After giving the nightly report and dinner, Gelik goads Aron into an argument for argument's sake, which Amivor is unwittingly drawn into as well, much to the overall entertainment of the Pathfinders. Book works privately on his gun combat training, as others likewise work on personal interests.

2022-09-01, 08:31 PM
Wealday, 25 Abadius 4711 AR (Last Quarter)

The heroes moves south two units today. Book and Sersheelda receive stealth training from Fronaldo, as Amivor, Xhanfaerd and Aron act as the wolves in rabbit games against them.

2022-09-02, 08:31 PM
Oathday, 26 Abadius 4711 AR (Last Quarter)

Today's exploration moves south first, and then east.

Book, what directions are next?

2022-09-03, 02:23 AM
Realising he may have missed a section, Book offers apologies to the group. Then says that the plan is to go SW and investigate the buildings there before moving east.

2022-09-03, 06:01 AM
The initial excitement of exploring the somehow not ancient ruins has worn off and the diminutive green goblin is growing increasingly bored. As empty ruins slide past as they explore with painful tedious monotonous care, he becomes lost in alchemical theory as he ponders new ways to combine and intensify poisons.
In the evening, Fronaldo will begin to study Issilar’s spell book, working on adding a spell called Protection from Energy to his formula book.

2022-09-03, 02:48 PM
Fireday, 27 Abadius 4711 AR (Last Quarter)

Book guides the group as above, definitely striking into a new buildings, but still there is .... something ... about the buildings that seem to provide a unified concept. Still, where this general area seems like it was once mercantile, Book and Gelik seem to translate materials from what was once a fighting school. The information they uncover is fascinating and of special note to Xhanfaerd, Book, and Gelik regarding ancient fighting styles, and later that evening is of great interest to Amivor as well.

If Fronaldo mentions he doesn't think the buildings are that ancient, Gelik (to annoying detail) can probably tell him that ancient, powerful, preservative magics kept the ruins in relatively good shape, for Saventh-Yhi is about 10,000 years old.

That night, Fronaldo realizes he can only do though concepts on protection from energy, as he needs special transcription materials before he can take notes to translate arcane to alchemical. Still, he takes time attempting to mentally crack the code of the arcane spell.

Book, what is the plan for the morrow?

2022-09-03, 03:18 PM
While the new section to the south looks desperately inviting, he decides to stick to his plan and head north two squares.

2022-09-03, 04:15 PM
Starday, 28 Abadius 4711 AR (Waning Crescent)

Book guides the group two units north this time.

That night, Gelik spends a significant amount of time writing his own version of the exploration thus far, hoping to get his own Pathfinder chapbook published when this is all over.

What's next?

2022-09-03, 11:19 PM
The next day Book will direct everyone north and then east.

2022-09-04, 12:52 PM
Sunday, 29 Abadius 4711 AR (Waning Crescent)

Harrim will stay behind to perform a non-denominational service and to see to the spiritual needs of the encampment.

I fear that one of the things I don't make clear in my narration, gentle reader, is that you have the impression that you are wandering these ruins in complete loneliness in the muted quiet of ruins. This is not so, for Saventh-Yhi is less of a "complete ruins" and is more of a "ruined city." For it hosts much life, and there is much noise of monstrous and inhuman types that call throughout. One of the reasons exploration takes so long ... beyond the rigors of proper archaeological exploration ... is that it is assumed that your little group does note several larger bands of creatures moving through that in no way would you want to interact with in a random nature, so that you move carefully along on your exploration.

Unfortunately or fortunately, other than the girallons a week ago, you've managed to elude any one of the many bands of monsters that you don't want to tangle with unnecessarily. Still, there is a certain level of complacency that can be bred. And where even Xhanfaerd is very careful of step, both bards make a little more noise than is prudent.

And that is when the group is accosted by a lone girallon.

Begin Round One ...

R1T20: Book, what do you do? You have no weapons in hand. You might have tools or journal or something else easily dropped, but nothing offensive.

2022-09-05, 10:22 PM
"Draw it this way and I'll attempt to circle around and flank it!"
Book dashes to the west and then heads north in an attempt to navigate around the buildings and somehow come back to flank the creature.

Dropping whatever he is holding and drawing his whip.
MA: 2 squares west and as far north as he can get looking for a way east (Off the map so I can't say how far I can go.)

2022-09-06, 09:15 PM
R1T20: "Draw it this way and I'll attempt to circle around and flank it!" Book dashes to the west and then heads, finds he is blocked if he goes north, so goes south in an attempt to navigate around the buildings and somehow come back to flank the creature.

R1T19: Gelik, what do you do? You are finding an uncomfortable lack of meat shields between you and the girallon!

Master K
2022-09-08, 11:07 PM
Gelik Swallows hard and raises his hands slowly in what he hopes is a nonthreatening manner while casting Charm Monster on the Girallon. "Easy there, we mean you no harm. If you just move along, we will be on our way shortly" slowly Gelik backs away taking a 5 ft step to the NW, never taking his eyes off the girallon.

"Don't attack it yet, let it make the first move, with any luck it will leave us be as long as we don't provoke it further."

SA; Cast Charm Monster on Girallon
FA; Speak
FA; speak through collective
FA; 5ft step NW subtly/no so subtly putting Aron between him and the Girallon

2022-09-09, 01:05 AM
R1T19: Gelik swallows hard and raises his hands slowly in what he hopes is a nonthreatening manner .... only to completely ruin that by then speaking in a strange language in a clear strong voice and breaking his nonthreatening demeanor with strange arm movements as he casts a spell with an unseen effect on the Girallon. "Easy there, we mean you no harm. If you just move along, we will be on our way shortly," says Gelik as he backs away, taking a 5 ft step to the NW while never taking his eyes off the girallon.
"Don't attack it yet, let it make the first move, with any luck it will leave us be as long as we don't provoke it further."
R1T18: Aron very slowly takes out her flute, seemingly prepared to play, but not yet."Right. I see chivalry is dead in gnomes.""Veress, down."

R1T17: Veress obeys, delaying ...

R1T14: Fronaldo, what do you do?

2022-09-09, 05:59 AM
Fronaldo skips forward just ahead of Aron, winking at her as he goes past. He pulls his favorite dagger from his bandolier as he moves. Once in position, the green goblin creates a vile looking orange concoction in a non-threatening manner.

MA: move East 30’ drawing magic dagger as he does.
SA: prepare Archanotoxin (Strength). Fort DC 18, Freq=4 rnds, 2 consecutive saves.

2022-09-09, 12:23 PM
R1T14: Fronaldo skips forward just ahead of Aron, winking at her as he goes past. He pulls his favorite dagger from his bandolier as he moves. Once in position, the green goblin creates a vile looking orange concoction in a hopefully non-threatening manner.

R1T10: The girallon leaves, six-limbing it casually into the jungle.

Encounter Ends ...

Unless, of course, anyone wants to give chase.

2022-09-09, 03:22 PM
Fronaldo’s sighs and carefully removes the archanotoxin from his blade once it is inert.

2022-09-09, 06:56 PM
From where the team began today, it seemed there was a rivening in the earth down which there was a thin brook of water. Once the party finishes going north and east, they see very obviously emplaced areas for water, almost like a reservoir or something, to the east and south which might require more inspection on the morrow. To the north the party has moved away from cramped ruins, though that doesn't mean that nothing lies northwards.

The party returns with the days' results.

Aron finishes her training with Veress, having taught the tiger to overcome its revulsion of strange targets to attack whatever she might designate. Meanwhile, Xhanfaerd holds combat training for everyone else.

Fronaldo, Book is trying to ameliorate whatever hostility you seem to have with him by training you in more advanced archaeological techniques. What two squares of an exploration path do you recommend for the party on the morrow?

2022-09-12, 01:49 PM
Fronaldo is happy to be included in the archeological exploration. Two squares East or so following the road.

2022-09-12, 02:02 PM
Moonday, 30 Abadius 4711 AR (Waning Crescent)

Today, Fronaldo guides the group back out of the rough to the road, and even checks out part of the long canal-reservoirs while getting the group onto a main road to use as a marker. There's a thinner, longer spur of some canal at the end of the day, and even ancient, long stairs to the north.

Definitely more interesting structures than just more old buildings (though those, from an archaeological standpoint, are still fine to study), and a report is given to Amivor, as usual.

That evening, Book will tutor Amivor, Aron, Gelik & Xhanfaerd in how to psych out an enemy to take the fight out of them before it begins.

Fronaldo,, what direction do you recommend on the morrow?

2022-09-12, 03:52 PM
The next day Fronaldo guides the party North to the ancient stairs and if viable, down them into their unknown depths…

2022-09-12, 08:53 PM
Toilday, 31 Abadius 4711 AR (Waning Crescent)

It's actually a ridiculously wide-set of stairs .... and going only slowly, slowly, slowy upwards ... but still climbing high. Because of the lack of distracting other-explorables on this route, the party is able to make it to the top (today covering a total of four squares).

But in doing so the party is exposed during the worst time of day, meaning that means to abate the weather are needed. Since it usually doesn't take more than four hours, Sersheelda casts communal endure elements on the party, but endure elements on herself.

The party gets to a wide empty dais on top of the stairs, with lots of large, ornate pillars all around, and the diameter of this smooth-surfaced higher area about 160' across.

And as the party is up there, they hear a screech from the sky. There to the southwest, flying 50' altitude from the marbletop of this great platform, is a large, flying beast.

Begin Round One ...

R1T21: Sersheelda shouts a warning to the party, "Khy-mara! Old scaley ... hot breath line, short range!" She then moves to the front of the group (in relation to the khy-mara) and readies an action.

R1T17: Gelik, what do you do? The winged monster has the body and head of a lion, but two other heads split off from it ... that of a large goat, and that of a red-scaled dragon.

Master K
2022-09-13, 10:10 PM
Gelik will begin his bardic performance to inspire courage among his allies

MA; Start Bardic Performance

2022-09-14, 01:32 AM
R1T17: Gelik will begin his bardic performance to inspire courage among his allies.

R1T15: Xhanfaerd, you have nothing in hand right now. What do you do?

2022-09-14, 03:47 AM
Xhanfaerd takes out his hammer, gathers his malice to his eyes, and sends a volley of force projectiles, before shouting at the beast.

Move action to take out weapon, swift action to enter the Black Seraph's Glare stance, standard action to cast Magic Missile, with all projectiles targeting the chimera, then free action to intimidate it at +4.


[roll1] size difference not taken into account.

2022-09-14, 02:04 PM
R1T15: Xhanfaerd takes out his hammer, gathers his malice to his eyes, and sends a volley of projectiles that rip into it for 15 force, before shouting at the beast.

R1T14: Fronaldo, what do you do? The monster is 50' off the ground.

2022-09-14, 05:49 PM
Fronaldo bares his pointed teeth and hisses at the incoming monstrosity before whipping out a bright blue vial and quaffing it. The mini-alchemist disappears in a blink.

SA: prepare and quaff extract of invisibility (3rd lvl)
MA: move 30’ South pulling magic dagger as he goes.

2022-09-15, 03:06 AM
R1T14: Fronaldo bares his pointed teeth and hisses at the incoming monstrosity before whipping out a bright blue vial and quaffing it. The mini-alchemist disappears in a blink.

R1T13-11: Veress delays, waiting for a command. Fruthrin, on the other hand, becomes very wary.

R1T10: Book, what do you do? You no longer see Fronaldo.

2022-09-15, 07:31 AM
Book gasps! "NO!! Fronaldo! They vaporised him!!! He was too young to go! SURROUND IT AND WE SHALL HAVE REVENGE!!!" and he draws his whip and his sidearm preparing to move towards the beast.

Draw whip and sidearm

Planning to move straight west to draw its attention.

2022-09-15, 09:16 PM
R1T10: Book gasps! "NO!! Fronaldo! They vaporised him!!! He was too young to go! SURROUND IT AND WE SHALL HAVE REVENGE!!!" and he draws his whip and his sidearm preparing to move towards the beast.

R1T9: The khy-mara charges Xhanfaerd, but as it does so, Sersheelda gets off a shot ... an SLA that is her letting loose with a wad of caustic powder that hits the clumsy beast in the wing for 6 acid. It doesn't even register the pain as it lands a terribly painful bite in Xhanfaerd's vulnerable abdomen for 16 + sickened. It's flight is ended in its charge 5' above the ground.

R1T8: Aron adjusts well to the east while drawing her whip, casts a spell, and from the palm of her hand a beam of light launches forth to catch the khy-mara in the other wing for 11. She then calls Veress to attack the monster. She gives the monster a look and says over the collective..."We call it a 'chimera,' a classic monster of myth that we should be able to handle. Just be careful, though, as its heads can handle multiple attackers just fine. They are born of primordial evil, so we have no tears if we kill it."
R1T7: Veress closes and bites the monster in the foreleg for 16.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T17: Gelik, you are orating right now. What do you do?

Xhanfaerd on deck, Fronaldo in the hole ...

Master K
2022-09-18, 11:14 AM
Gelik will conitune orating and fire his Planar detonation at the Chimera

FA; continue bardic performance
SA; Planar Detonation[roll0] [roll1]

2022-09-18, 04:02 PM
R2T17: Gelik continues orating, and screeches his planar detonation at the chimera to hit it in the wing for 13 sonic.

R2T15: Xhanfaerd, what do you do? You are still feeling the pain from that last crit.

Fronaldo on deck, Fruthrin in the hole ...

2022-09-19, 06:03 AM
Fronaldo will do some invisi-alchemy.

SA: prepare Strength Archanotoxin max potency.
MA: apply said archanotoxin to blade
FrA: smirk happily and analyze opponent

2022-09-20, 08:23 PM
In pain, Xhanfaerd changes his stance, before unleashing a heavy hammer strike.

"Be ready to strike, just like that !"

Swift action to switch to Internal Dominion of the Sleeping Goddess, rerolling either the first failed save, or the first attack roll hitting me.

Move action to aid myself. If it succeeds, +2 to my next attack, and +2 to all allies' attack rolls.

Standard action, Harmony Shattering Strike, spending 3 PP to share it with Book and 2 PP to increase bonus damage and DC (Will DC 20 to avoid being nauseated for one round, and the target will take 5d6 extra damage).


Defensive effects :
-rerolling either the first failed save, or the first attack roll hitting me
-redirecting to myself the first damage suffered by an ally in the collective, spending PP to reduce it without overspending PP.

2022-09-21, 01:34 AM
R2T15: In pain, Xhanfaerd changes his stance, before unleashing a heavy hammer strike against its upper foreleg for 23. "Be ready to strike, just like that!"Book feels his mind fill with esoteric martial knowledge that he can use, regardless of melee or ranged (his choice)!
R2T14: Fronaldo does some invisi-alchemy.

R2T11: Fruthrin closes and actually lands a crit, biting the chimera in the gut for 15 (+1d4 bleed)!

R2T10: Book, as noted, your mind fills with martial knowledge that coul be used for a dedicated single shot or strike (SA to use). What do you do?

Sersheelda on deck, Chimera in the hole ...

2022-09-21, 04:10 AM
Book dashes southeast to attempt to flank the beast and using his sudden insight strikes with his whip.

MA: Move 30' (6 squares) SE

Attack Action: Attack using Risky Strike and Precise Strike

Attack Roll: [roll0] +2 from Xhanfaerd

Precise Strike (Ex): Maintain 1 panache, +6 [CL] precision damage w/ Lt/ 1H P-melee weapon.
* He cannot attack w/ a weapon in his other hand or use a shield other than a buckler.
* He can even use this ability w/ thrown Lt/ 1H P-melee weapons, so long as the target is w/in 30' of him.
* Any creature immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects it from the additional damage of a precise strike.

Damage: [roll1] +6 for Precise Strike

Sneak Attack Damage for flanking: [roll2]

Debilitating Injury: Disoriented

Sneak Attack (Ex): +3d6 precision damage anytime he is flanking foe, or foe would be denied DEX bonus to AC.

Debilitating Injury (Ex): Whenever he deals sneak attack damage to a foe, he can also debilitate his target, causing it to take a penalty for 1 round.
* Penalties do not stack, but additional attacks that deal sneak attack of same injury increase duration by +1 rd.
* A creature cannot suffer from more than one type of debilitating injury at a time. If a new type is applied, old penalty immediately ends.
* Any form of healing applied to a target suffering from one of these penalties also immediately removes the penalties.
>>> Bewildered: -2 penalty to AC, but -4 penalty to AC vs. Book's attacks.
>>> Disoriented: -2 to attack rolls, but -4 to attack rolls vs. Book.
>>> Hampered: All of foe's speeds are reduced by half (min 5'), and target cannot take a 5-foot-step.

2022-09-21, 11:56 AM
R2T10: Book dashes southeast to attempt to flank the beast and using his sudden insight strikes he realizes that ... because he had to stop short with Sersheelda in the way ... he has to use his pepperbox instead of his whip. He takes aim and fires, but misses.

R2T9.5: Sersheelda sees that Book wanted to go to that spot, and she steps away while casting a spell on herself.

R2T9: The chimera takes 1 bleed. With perfect precision and very little effort, it recovers from the charge and shifts its facing mid-hover, breathing a cone that catches Veress, Sersheelda, and Book. Veress and Book manage to totally clear the cone, but Sersheelda gets caught .... but the burning wounds show on Xhanfaerd for 3 fire (and 6 PP). Seeing little effect from the flame and its life force bleeding out, the chimera's three heads roar in frustration.

R2T8: Aron hooks to flank while drawing her short sword and stabs the chimera in the haunches for 16, Xhanfaerd's resonance and Gelik's oration helping her strike harder.

R2T7: Veress, outside of Xhanfaerd's power, nonetheless gives a staggering bite for 16 + 8 NL + grab, and then claws for 13, and another claw which boxes the ear for 14 + deafened + dropped!

Veress will savage the chimera's remains until it moves no more.

Combat Ends ...

2022-09-21, 05:30 PM
After a few moments Fronaldo pops back into view, dejectedly kicking pebbles as he moves over to examine the Chimera. Hopefully it would have some useful poison or other alchemical goodies he could scavenge.

2022-09-21, 07:07 PM
Fronaldo does indeed find ... no poison, but a variety of things on the chimera that will be good to help replace some of the materials in his alchemy crafting kit (but not as resource base for alchemically-crafted items ... just the RP for maintaining his poisons and extracts). Such a magical beast is quite useful for the maintenance aspect, as he looks at his alchemy crafting kit, and truth be told he was running low on webshooter fluid.:smallsmile:

2022-09-25, 12:01 AM
With nothing of value up here, the chimera is harvested for whatever good those that can make use of it can, but the team ... knowing that the flashiness so high up might attract unwanted attention, beat feet back to the camp and provide a report.

Having seen a creature unlike anything she'd ever witnessed before, Sersheelda has much to meditate upon. Amivor is putting together a map based on the team's explorations thus far, sharing his knowledge of his skill with Fronaldo and Book. Gelik enthralls the main encampment with the story of the fight against the chimera.

Wealday, 1 Calistril 4711 AR (Waning Crescent)

The party is ready to explore again. What route will Book ask to take today from where you were yesterday? or will he seek an entirely different split-off?

2022-09-25, 11:40 AM
Realising Frondo has a bit more of a chaotic nature than is required by most archeological disciplines, Book wants to resume the grid search pattern. (Noted on the map on Discord.)

2 Squares to the south from where noted is where he wants to search.

2022-09-26, 09:24 AM
The team explores some of the long canal/reservoir sections of the city and heads past and back into the main ruins of the once mercantile district, then returns to give their report.

That evening, Xhanfaerd gathers everyone (except Harrim, who wants to meditate instead) for combat training. Later, he and Book focus down by helping Fronaldo with a request on tactics to fight off multiple attackers.

Oathday, 2 Calistril 4711 AR (New Moon)
Cayden Cailean Holy Day: Merrymead

Amivor tells you before you go out that in the evening he will be busy celebrating Merrymead in honor of his deity (Cayden Cailean), and therefore today is a day "off" for him, and will not be doing a debrief that night.

Book, which way today?

2022-09-26, 09:39 AM
Book expresses his desire to complete this section before exploring further. One square east and one square north.

2022-09-26, 10:45 AM
The group continues to explore the areas of the long canals, and search a wider area given the openness of their current site. They end the day noting a body of water that is potentially not a canal to the east, but pull back before overextending.

That night, as mentioned, Amivor is drunk on some things he brought for himself. He didn't bring enough to share, sadly, only enough for him to observe the right of Merrymead as he knew he'd be in the field on this hoiiday. Meanwhile, Fronaldo teaches survival techniques to Book, Sersheelda, & Aron. Gelik entertains the other Pathfinders with many exploits of his close escapes. Xhanfaerd and Harrim each meditate on their own.Fireday, 3 Calistril 4711 AR (New Moon)

Which way today, Book?

2022-09-26, 10:49 AM
Back to the waters edge and north.

2022-09-26, 12:05 PM
It is during the morning exploration in the wide open section of the canals working to the water's edge that the party spots 3 boar off in the distance.

Do you wish to kill them? Do you wish to wait for them to move off?

2022-09-26, 12:15 PM
Book points and says, "How's our party food supply?"

2022-09-26, 12:34 PM
Having spoken aloud with no use of the collective or desire to whisper, the boar notice the much larger group of big creatures down the way, and scurry away and out of sight. The party continues their search up to the water's edge. The water's edge here is not a natural beach, but a stone stopping point that abuts the water. The water at this point continues its edge about 200 yards to the northeast. To the southwest in the other direction, there seems to be an old ruined type of bridge or something that heads out across the water, likely coming into contact with what appears to be a large, man-made island to the southeast that is a hundred yards or so away at its closest point. The party then headds to the northeast along the edge for a couple hundred feet of exploration of the nearby structures before returning to the camp.

That evening, Fronaldo tutors Gelik on light-fingered exercises. Xhanfaerd will work with Aron on mental-spiritual conditioning, with Aron returning the favor by helping Xhanfaerd better understand and resist a variety of specific verbal enchantments. The rest of the party likewise sits in on this training.Starday, 4 Calistril 4711 AR (New Moon)

What way today?

2022-09-26, 01:12 PM
North one square to ensure we have everything covered there and then east one.

2022-09-26, 01:23 PM
Exploration continues per Book's direction and returns for debrief.

That eve, Xhanfaerd works on upper-level spellwork. Gelik tutors Aron on rehearsal and performance techniques. Fronaldo works on physical conditioning and poison immunity titration. Amivor tutors Sersheelda on the geography of the "Overburn." Book works on his whip-and-pepperbox combat style.
Sunday, 5 Calistril 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)

Harrim stays back at camp today to conduct an nondenominational service and to see to the spiritual needs of the many NPCs of the camp.

Meanwhile, where to now, Book?

2022-09-26, 01:26 PM
NE one square and then North one square.

2022-09-26, 01:38 PM
The party continues to explore along the water's edge and the adjacent (and adjacent-adjacent) buildings, heading northeast and north as the water's edge then heads east. They return to report/ debrief/ journal.

Fronaldo does general experimentation with body parts and effluvia taken from the chimera. Where yesterday Gelik tutored Aron on technique, today Aron tutors Gelik on artistic presence. Book simply takes it easy on a Sunday evening and rests. It's leg day for Xhanfaerd's strength training.
Moonday, 6 Calistril 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)

Book, which way(s)?

2022-09-26, 01:53 PM
Due north for two squares, please.

2022-09-26, 11:18 PM
The party explores due north, reaching the southernmost tip of a different body of water, and then return "home" to debrief.

Xhanfaerd runs combat training for everyone except Aron, who turns in early, complaining of headaches brought on by "strange whispers." :smalleek:

Toilday, 7 Calistril 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)

Book, which way today?

2022-09-27, 03:30 AM
North one square. West one square.

2022-09-27, 01:13 PM
The party explores north, but because of the large waterway have to backtrack to explore the western bank as well. The ruins of the city-proper are diminishing here. The party returns to camp.

That evening, as part entertainment and part didacticism, Xhanfaerd starts to mention other magical creatures - not unlike the chimera - that exist in mythology and legend. Sersheelda, Book, Amivor, Aron, Gelik, and many of the Pathfinders enjoy this. Fronaldo doesn't find Xhanfaerd an engaging speak and is bored, and when Xhanfaerd doesn't include alchemical usages for owlbear feathers, Fronaldo just goes off to work on knife techniques to work out his overall, weeks-long boredom.

Wealday, 8 Calistril 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)

What's next, Book?

2022-09-27, 01:28 PM
Due west two squares, please.

2022-09-27, 03:51 PM
The party has only just begun heading west, when a short, squat, bald-headed man with slate gray skin accosts you with a deep and scratchy voice. "Who are you that dithers about the ruins of Saventh-Yhi?"

2022-09-28, 02:40 AM
Book steps back from a fascinating mural he was investigating and says, ”Greetings, friend. We are but a humble group of archaeologists. Researchers hoping to learn from and preserve the ancient mysteries of the peoples who were here before us. What brings you to these wonderful ruins?”

2022-09-28, 05:48 AM
Fronaldo eyes the stranger, fingering the hilt of one of his knives.

using his keen powers of observation and almost supernatural ability to sense motives, Fronaldo studies the newcomer.

2022-09-28, 09:57 AM
The little man makes a circuit more to the west to see more of the party, and they him.

"My name is Dr. Kilral Blackmountain, Aspis Consortium .... member of your biggest competitors ... and we are here in Saventh-Yhi now as well."

"Doo-gar! Kill 'em!" shouts a warning cry from Sersheelda, though she doesn't do anything until the group commits.

"She's right," says Harrim. "Degenerate duergar," he adds spitting, "but, I guess, we are all doomed, so perhaps such delineations are pointless."

2022-09-28, 05:11 PM
Fronaldo casually saunters West 5 ft. to better take advantage of cover while keeping an eye on the good doctor.

2022-09-28, 08:00 PM
"Yes," he smiles, "kill me for my race, or the color of my skin. Anyway, we are here now. My camp is just north up this side of this finger lake. Where is your encampment. Perhaps we can find a tentative truce?"

2022-09-29, 04:38 AM
Looking the man over, Book says to the group, ”Lets not be hasty…” Turning back he says, “I’m not in a position to make that call, however, I’ll take your offer back to the head cheese and see what’s decided.” and turns to the others.

“We’ll call it a day here and report back.”

Assess and try to sense if he’s lying. (Sense Motive)

Master K
2022-09-29, 04:52 AM
Gelik will keep an eye on the rear to make sure the group isnt being followed/Alert them if they are

2022-09-29, 10:52 AM
Everything about this guy is off. He seems super-sus. The problem is that when people are being sus, you don't know what is truth and what is lie.

2022-09-29, 11:42 AM
Right. So… back to camp. ”Lets do our best to make sure we’re not followed…”

2022-09-29, 11:52 AM
Fronaldo will endeavor to obfuscate their tracks.

2022-09-29, 12:01 PM

Begin Round One ...

R1T27: Veress, instantly sensing hostility, roars in readiness for his mistress' commands.

R1T25: Sersheelda snarls and moves to a better vantage point. "No ken ass-piss. Doogar killies fam. Die, now!" she shouts before casting a spell and sending forth a mote of flame at the duergar but it goes wildly up into the canopy before guttering out, though she still has a mote of flame resting in her palm still.

R1T22: Book, this took a strange turn. What do you do?

2022-09-29, 11:36 PM
Book draws his whip and begins a mighty display of prowess.

"Everyone stand down. This stinks of a setup! Defense only!"

"Stay back!"

Dazzling Display (Ex): FRA, while wielding any flails group weapon (incl. whips), he makes an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes w/in 30' who can see his display.

2022-09-30, 12:46 AM
R1T22: Book draws his whip and begins a mighty display of prowess, saying, "Stay back!""Everyone stand down. This stinks of a setup! Defense only!"
R1T21: "Veress, down!" shouts Aron as she casts a spell on herself and takes a mid-party position.

R1T19: Fronaldo, what do you do?

2022-09-30, 05:47 AM
Fronaldo grabs a dagger, squeaks “Eeep!” and ducks behind some cover before quaffing an extract. He disappears from everyone’s view.

Ma:Draw his favorite magic dagger and Duck behind some bushes and ruins. It doesn’t need to be full cover. Feign frightened goblin squeak.
SA:drink extract of invisibility

2022-09-30, 01:08 PM
R1T19: Fronaldo grabs a dagger, squeaks “Eeep!” and ducks behind some cover before quaffing an extract. He disappears from everyone’s view.

R1T16: Gelik, what do you do?

Master K
2022-10-02, 01:45 PM
Gellik will begin his oration to inspire courage, and ready himself to fire upon the strange man should he actually decide to attack.

MA; begin bardic performance, Inspire Courage.
RA; If the stranger Attacks and Ally then Fire a Planar Detonation at Stranger. [/roll=Attack]1d20+9[/roll] [roll0]

2022-10-02, 02:34 PM
R1T16: Gelik begins his oration to inspire courage, and readies himself to fire upon the strange man should he actually decide to attack.

R1T14: Though a little shaken, the duergar begins casting a spell that Gelik doesn't recognize, so it isn't until the spell is successfully finished and he actually shoots forth a beam of energy at the tiger that Gelik reflexively shoots at him with a planar detonation as well. Gelik's shot goes wide, but the dark energy of the dwarf's spell hits Veress squarely. Despite the perfect shot, Veress is too mighty a target to be felled by such simple tools.

R1T13: Fruthrin Steelfeet, Sersheelda's spectral wolf, comes out of the area where it is to bite the duergar's lower right arm for 5. So savage is Fruthrin's worrying of his target that the dwarf is knocked off of his feet.

R1T12: Veress moves over to his mistress to protect her.

R1T10: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Harrim on deck, Sersheelda in the hole ...

2022-10-04, 04:29 AM
Taking out his hammer, Xhanfaerd steps to the front, forming a second first line aside from the tiger, before taking a stance and casting Haste on as many allies as possible.

Moving 1 NW 5W while unsheathing weapon, then enter Internal Dominion of the Sleeping Goddess, rerolling either the first attack that hits me, or my first failed save.
Then I cast Haste, centered on the center group (so both NE and SW characters aren't in, I can't include one of them without removing someone due to the "not two of which are more than 30 feet apart" clause)
I'll redirect damage to myself, too, no matter how low the damage.

2022-10-04, 03:37 PM
R1T10: Taking out his hammer, Xhanfaerd steps to the front, forming a second first line aside from the tiger, before taking a stance and casting haste on as many allies as possible (which includes all but Fruthrin Steel feet, Sersheelda, and Gelik - because they're out of range; and Fronaldo - because he's invisible).

R1T3: Harrim casts a spell, and now in addition to Gelik's oration and Xhanfaerd's speed spell, everyone feels a calm focus in battle to help them bring about the end of their enemy.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Sersheelda goes up to the fallen duergar and swings at him with her fiery hand, missing wildly.

R2T22: Book, you feel yourself amped up in speed! What do you do?You get bonuses (that I deal with), an additional attack when making a FAA, and +30' speed.
Aron on deck, Fronaldo in the hole ...

2022-10-05, 01:21 PM
Book draws his sidearm and rushes to the downed foe. Kneeling on his chest, he places the weapon to the enemy's head and says, "Look here, little fellow, I don't know what your game is but you can either stop right now and live to regret it or we can just end you. You are clearly outnumbered and outgunned. Stand. Down. Now!"

MA: Move 6 squares west. (Surefooted)
SwA: Draw weapon

Use Intimidate to end conflict

2022-10-05, 06:02 PM
R2T22: Book draws his sidearm and rushes to the downed foe while taking out his pepperbox. Book fails to grapple the duergar. "Look here, little fellow, I don't know what your game is but you can either stop right now and live to regret it or we can just end you. You are clearly outnumbered and outgunned. Stand. Down. Now!"

"Foolish interloper!" the duergar cackles maniacally ...

R2T21: Aron casts a spell on herself, and whirling globes of distracting color orbit and surround her before she moves out.

... "Flee Saventh-Yhi!"

R2T19: Fronaldo, what do you do?

Gelik on deck, Dr. Blackmountain in the hole ...

2022-10-05, 08:52 PM
Fronaldo does something invisibly…probably.

SA: create archanotoxin Strength, full power
MA: apply to magic dagger

2022-10-05, 11:24 PM
R2T19: Fronaldo does something invisibly…probably.

R2T15: Gelik, what do you do? You are currently inspiring courage.

Dr. Blackmountain on deck, Fruthrin in the hole ...

Master K
2022-10-07, 11:20 PM
Gelik will continue to orate but otherwise hold his ground

2022-10-08, 03:19 AM
R2T15: Gelik continues to orate, but otherwise holds his ground.

R2T14: It seems the good duergar is already over his fear of Book. He carefully casts a spell upon himself using some type of primitive fetish and then tries to stand. Sersheelda gores him in the lower right arm with her strange set of horns for 15 and Book lashes him in the shoulder with his whip for 15, and Fruthrin bites him in the upper right arm for 7. "I will end you all, and we Aspis will fall upon your people and wipe their presence from this land!" he yells, cackling as he moves a little bit, albeit into a flanked position.

R2T13: Fruthrin moves up and snaps his jaws, biting through the armor, but now being stopped by the duergar's toughened skin.

R2T12: Veress pads up to the gray man and bites him in the left knee and holds on, slashes him in the neck with a forepaw, tears into his head with his other forepaw, and his two back legs totally disembowel the gray dwarf.

Dr. Kilral Blackmountain's countenance changes from maniacal hate to an almost distant smile, though even that is still hideous on his torn-face death rictus.

Combat Ends!

2022-10-08, 04:31 AM
”Damn it! Im sure that was a setup to invite revenge… Well. Let’s check him over for clues and report back…”Book says.

2022-10-09, 09:46 AM
Fronaldo pops back into view, grumbling to himself about crazy deep dwarves not being worthy of a fight. He shuffles over to the fallen figure and rifles through his gear looking for anything interesting. He also performs a medical examination of the corpse to try and see if he was ill or suffering from a physical malady of some sort.

2022-10-09, 08:57 PM
The duergar had the following equipment...
Sling w/ (20) bullets
Dagger (more tool in design than weapon)

Hide armor

Explorer's Outfit
Spell Component Pouch (these are personalized, not one-size-fits-all)

Masterwork Backpack, containing...
* Alchemist's fire (2)
* Acid Flask (2)
Other than the backpack, nothing is masterwork.

What do you take (for the party, I do NOT want to hear about what you want to keep for yourself right now)?

The duergar died by multiple wounds of various types, mainly brought on by disemboweling and critical skull concussion commensurate with the natural attacks of a large hunting cat. There seem to be no signs of any physical ailments.

What else do you do here?

2022-10-09, 09:09 PM
Fronaldo definitely suggests that they take the alchemical weapons but the rest does not interest him.

2022-10-13, 04:29 AM
The party leaves the body as is ... doesn't check the immediate area ... and returns to the encampment to debrief Amivor. Amivor finds the news disturbing. While there was no "bronze shield" that Amivor expected you to find from an Aspis agent, he can't ignore the fact that the Pathfinder Society's main competition ... the Aspis Consortium ... has found their way to Saventh-Yhi. From the description of your interaction, it definitely doesn't sound like the duergar was acting in duergar interests.

That evening, Fronaldo tutors Harrim, Gelik and Xhanfaerd on economic theory.

Oathday, 9 Calistril 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)

What's the plan for today?

2022-10-13, 01:29 PM
It may be a little late, but Book suggests we send a scout out to check out the alleged encampment the dead fellow said was there. As to the continued exploration. 2 squares due west, please.

2022-10-17, 06:04 AM
Does anyone volunteer to be "a scout?"

2022-10-17, 06:17 AM
“Me! I will do it!” shouts Fronaldo excitedly. He waves Book over.
“Are you coming “scouting?!”

2022-10-17, 11:10 AM
Book looks at Fronaldo and back at the others and shrugs. ”We’ll be back…”

He turns to Fronaldo and gestures ahead. “Let’s go take a look.”

2022-10-17, 12:01 PM
Fronaldo smiles toothily and takes a short lead heading back to the location of the Duergar encounter.
“Hey Book! Do we want to capture one of them alive for, you know,“interigation”? ​

Well…mostly alive?”, asks the little green goblin.

2022-10-17, 01:11 PM
Book looks at Fronaldo… ”What? No! Of course not!”

2022-10-17, 01:59 PM
Well, hopefully you are looking to be stealth AFTER you get to this point, as the two scouts - Book and Fronaldo - were just chatting away.

Okay, you are at the scene of where you killed the duergar (you think), but while there is blood and the like, there is no body.

2022-10-17, 02:27 PM
Book looks for signs of whether the body was dragged away or otherwise.

2022-10-17, 05:44 PM
A slightly deflated Fronaldo helps Book look for clues as to where the body went.

he will aid Book to search

2022-10-18, 03:49 AM
Interestingly enough, while Fronaldo normally isn't that aware, when looking for tracks, signs of passage, living off the land, not getting lost, etc. .... Fronaldo is the best survivalist and tracker in the group. This is probably because while Fronaldo is usualy internally focused and intellectual, he enjoys to some degree what amounts to a type of "puzzle" in figuring out tracks, where as more intuitive or reactive sensory input he is less adroit. Book, for his point, is a decent assistant.

Unfortunately, it's been a day ... there are the usual mid-day heavy rains, and it isn't missed by Fronaldo that it seems that very specific attempts were made to hide passage. In the end, the two scouts don't find much to work with, and are unable to pick up the trail at any point.

Now what?

2022-10-18, 04:48 AM
“The deep dwarf said North from here along the lake to their camp, right? We should check it out. says Fronaldo excitedly. There is a gleem in his red eyes as if he hungers for mayhem and excitement.

2022-10-18, 07:31 AM
Book nods and switching to stealthy mode heads north with the wee green man in tow…

2022-10-18, 12:01 PM
In extremely short order, the ruins-proper fall behind as Book and Fronaldo follow along the jungle along the western bank of an 80-foot-wide ancient canal or finger lake (hard to tell which) that extends north briefly before you can see from the bank that it slowly turns eastwards.

About 250' or so north of where you started, is a full-size encampment ... a match in manpower and organization as your own full Pathfinder encampment. You see the flag flying of the Aspis Consortium.

What do you do?

2022-10-18, 02:12 PM
Book gestures to Fronaldo to start backing away and we'll head back to camp to report.

"Yup. He wasn't lying! We need to get back and report this..."

2022-10-18, 08:51 PM
Fronaldo nods and backs away with Book.

2022-10-18, 10:48 PM
Meanwhile, Aron, Xhanfaerd, Sersheelda, and Harrim wait, with increasing worry ... not realizing that the two jokers decided to go right back to camp instead of catching up with their friends first.

2022-10-19, 02:59 AM
Remembering that they apparently led the group away from the camp first, Book changes direction towards the other group members while glancing at Fronaldo and rolling his eyes.

2022-10-19, 06:29 AM
Once the two scouts regroup with the others, the group as a whole return to the main encampment and report to Amivor.

He nods his head philosophically, seemingly unworried. "We knew that we weren't going to be the only ones. I'm sure that the Free Captains and Sargavan military will find their way here before too long, so we can expect to see signs of them as well."

From the day's scouting mission, Fronaldo realizes that while training is one thing, he had better help tutor Book's overall physique in fine motor control. Whatever the goblin may think about his rival, he can respect his agility, so perhaps helping Book develop his wouldn't be a bad thing if more scouting missions are called for. Aron gets in on this training as well.
Fireday, 10 Calistril 4711 AR (First Quarter)

What's the plan of exploration today, Book?

2022-10-19, 09:25 AM
West two squares, please.

2022-10-19, 11:32 AM
Moving west is all jungle, so there was little cataloguing and slow-exploration, meaning more time to explore. Where next?

2022-10-19, 11:36 AM
One square west and one north, please.

2022-10-19, 12:26 PM
And with that, the group charts a portion of the jungle surrounding (or surrounded by) Saventh-Yhi, and then return to the main encampment.

With the day mainly being about jungle movment, Fronaldo gives survival training to Book, Aron, & Sersheelda.
Starday, 11 Calistril 4711 AR (First Quarter)

Which way today, Book?

2022-10-19, 12:55 PM
Two west, please.

2022-10-20, 05:35 AM
More jungle, less exploration. You can select two more squares..

2022-10-20, 06:23 AM
West 1. North 1.

2022-10-20, 06:25 AM
With the party at this distance, do you take an exploratory route back to camp, or fishhhook all the way to the east, then south, then west?

2022-10-20, 06:28 AM
Fishhook, definitely.

2022-10-20, 06:45 AM
The party returns, showing a rough map of their jungle movements. Amivor mentions that there is definitely a large encampment that seems to have set up about 500' northeast or so of the Pathfinders' encampment. He figures that it is either the Free Captains or the Sargavan Government that have arrived.

That evening, Aron and Gelik have a passionate discussion about the performing arts. Amivor, Book, and Xhanfaerd talk about various combat practices and styles. Sersheelda and Harrim have a spiritual discussion.

Sunday, 12 Calistril 4711 AR (First Quarter)

What is the plan today?

2022-10-20, 10:39 AM
South two squares, please.

2022-10-20, 03:24 PM
The party's exploration leads them right up to sparse stone ruins, their roofs open to the sky and their walls thick with vines, perching next to three crystal blue pools in this circular, bowl-shaped valley.

Every. single. one of you .... note that while the sounds of jungle life remain strong beyond the edges of this valley, the singing of birds and even the whirring of insects is strangely absent within.

Your day's exploration leads you right to this point but not beyond. You are starting to lose the light. Does the party want to press on anyway or hold off?

2022-10-20, 10:54 PM
Book votes to come back in the daylight so everything can be properly examined and catalogued.

2022-10-21, 06:10 AM
Fronaldo suppresses a shiver of unease at the unearthly quite valley and votes to leave and come back tomorrow.

2022-10-21, 08:12 AM
Xhanfaerd nods.

"We should keep it for tomorrow, indeed."