View Full Version : Pathfinder [3rd Party] Excruciator Zealot

2022-05-11, 01:12 PM
So I was recently looking at the Zealot "new" archetype called the Excruciator. It gives some neat stuff if you can prevent damage to yourself but my doubt concerns its Cosmic Agony ability. It gives temp essence when you take at least your level in damage and receptacles to invest that essence. However, it doesn't limit how much essence you can invest in the receptacles. Any ideas?

2022-05-11, 04:11 PM
So I was recently looking at the Zealot "new" archetype called the Excruciator. It gives some neat stuff if you can prevent damage to yourself but my doubt concerns its Cosmic Agony ability. It gives temp essence when you take at least your level in damage and receptacles to invest that essence. However, it doesn't limit how much essence you can invest in the receptacles. Any ideas?

It doesn't need to, all akashic users are limited by their level- Essence Capacity: However large your essence pool is, you can only invest a certain amount of essence into any one veil, feat, class feature, magic item, or other akashic receptacle. Your character level determines this essence capacity as shown below, though some feats, class features, magic items, or other abilities or effects may modify your base capacity:

Character Level Essence Capacity
1st–5th 1
6th-11th 2
12th-17th 3
18th-20th 4 (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/akashic-magic/)

An Excruciator looking to expand on that would need to invest in the Enhanced Capacity (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/akashic-magic/feats/enhanced-capacity/) feat.

2022-05-12, 10:00 AM
Thank you very much for the answer! and also awwww, I was hoping to invest a ton of essence into its abilities.

2022-05-12, 02:57 PM
Yeah I feel you.

The major akashic classes tend to get enhanced capacity for free, Viziers can invest 8 points, nine points with that feat I mentioned earlier, but Viziers are the Wizards of the akashic classes.

2022-05-28, 03:39 AM
You could get a way to shape the dark heart (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Heart).

That would give you damage equal to your lvl (and essence) and you could invest the essence into it to double it. Keep the pain engine going and you will soon be able to max all your essence receptacles. The limit of which is increased due to dark heart. You better get a good source of fast healing or a way to redirect damage though.

2022-05-28, 12:45 PM
You could get a way to shape the dark heart (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Heart).

That would give you damage equal to your lvl (and essence) and you could invest the essence into it to double it. Keep the pain engine going and you will soon be able to max all your essence receptacles. The limit of which is increased due to dark heart. You better get a good source of fast healing or a way to redirect damage though.

So it is mixing two different akashic 3rd party authors, but Dark Heart plus Essence Infusion (studio m), for the price of 1 feat and 1 1st level power which is all you need for it to be useful (aka it makes a good Psionic wand / dorje for a zealot) you can easily boost your essence capacities by 3?

Something that works real well with Radiant Dawn (so a 3rd source but Anthony Cappel did Rajah, Radiant Dawn, and Akashic Classes: Kheshig which possesses the Darkheart)…

And now your 7th level Zealot is throwing out 25 foot wide fireball like RD Sunstrokes. Using a Sunstroke in round 1, and in round 2 use Aid Another before anything else, recover last turn maneuvers, and use another Sunstroke in Round 2, repeat till enemy is dead from 680 feet away?

Throw in the feat Enhanced Capacity (so it is now 2 feats, 1 wand, and a buff round) and those Sunstroke Fireballs are 30 feet radius across at level 7. If I am doing my math correctly that is 132 hexes if we are playing with hexes, and 96 squares if we are using 5 foot squares.


Not TheThirds original build but now I want to build an Oracle or Monster Tactician another Cha based Summoner. Go Aasimar with the Angelic veil known as Heaven's Blessing which boosts your Allies and you’re weapon damage and cha skills while also penalizing your enemies damage and Wis skills by the amount of Essence invested. (Also a +1 to weapon attack for Allies but this does not go up via Essence.) Everyone gets free damage reduction, everyone gets free damage boosts that scale real well with lots of attacks. You are an Angel Summoner who also taps into their inner mortal darkness for more power.