View Full Version : Backstory idea help

2022-05-16, 07:54 AM
I'm currently trying to come up with a backstory for a character of mine that's in a character duo with one of my friends

They are a Changeling Lorehold Warlock, Acolyte Background in a campaign that takes alot of notes from Asia for it's setting. I don't have much down for backstory but I do have some notes jotted down:

. They grew up in a temple acting as a shaman/healer, being the child of two healers.
. They harbor an immense hatred for malevolent spirits due to their friend being possessed by one
. They have a trickster personality, oftentimes greeting people by shaking their hand and assuming their form (they don't hide the fact that they're a changeling). Because of this, locals have taken to assuming they're a spirit of sorts (I'm thinking maybe a tengu?)
- Despite their hatred for malevolent spirits, they've leaned into the rumor by decorating his outfit with more avian features (feathers, a bird mask, even flavoring his eldritch blasts to be arcane feathers)
. They left the country for a few years to study abroad, particularly studying magic relating to the spirits
. Their Lorehold summon is a lion-dog statue, and they're doing a melee build (pact of the time, shillelagh, booming blade, mobile feat, eventually spirit guardians, etc etc)

That's all I have in terms of character notes so far. I mentioned their friend was possessed by a spirit but I still want to add a bit more substance to their backstory so it's not entirely hinging off of the other character in the duo. If anyone has any ideas or questions or suggestions please let me know, thank you for your time

2022-05-16, 08:27 AM
So, when I think of Tengu, I think of an angry swordsman with the red, long-nosed mask. Doesn't really mesh with Lorehold Warlock, in my mind. Maybe a Hexblade?

If you're going for more of a trickster spiritualist vibe, why not lean into Tanuki lore? They're known for being shapeshifting tricksters and, if I've learned anything from Pom Poko and Pocky and Rocky, they love to waive gohei wands to banish evil spirits and they live in and around shrines.

2022-05-16, 08:45 AM
So, when I think of Tengu, I think of an angry swordsman with the red, long-nosed mask. Doesn't really mesh with Lorehold Warlock, in my mind. Maybe a Hexblade?

If you're going for more of a trickster spiritualist vibe, why not lean into Tanuki lore? They're known for being shapeshifting tricksters and, if I've learned anything from Pom Poko and Pocky and Rocky, they love to waive gohei wands to banish evil spirits and they live in and around shrines.

Ooo interesting! I forgot tanukis even existed, that could be neat for flavoring 👀