View Full Version : Untraceable Messages

2022-05-17, 05:06 PM

If you were a 17th level Arcana Cleric in Sharn (Eberron) and needed to anonymously and untraceably communicate a 1-2 sentence message to someone, how would you do it? Assume they trust you and you're in regular contact, but *nobody* must know you're the sender.
EDIT: The message also needs to be private (i.e. not a booming voice that anyone can hear, or written on a wall in a public space).

2022-05-17, 05:11 PM
If you were a 17th level Arcana Cleric in Sharn (Eberron) and needed to anonymously and untraceably communicate a 1-2 sentence message to someone, how would you do it? Assume they trust you and you're in regular contact, but *nobody* must know you're the sender.
EDIT: The message also needs to be private (i.e. not a booming voice that anyone can hear, or written on a wall in a public space).

Sending (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Sending#content) might do it. Though the target does know you sent it.

2022-05-17, 05:13 PM
10 char

2022-05-17, 05:17 PM
By nobody, I assume that you don't even want the recipient to know that you sent the message?

2022-05-17, 05:25 PM
By nobody, I assume that you don't even want the recipient to know that you sent the message?


Thanks Corran, I think Dream will do nicely. It's actually kind of a signature spell of another PC, so that's even better.

2022-05-17, 05:47 PM
Galder's speedy courier (dnd beyond) can also work. Depending on how you rule on the target knowing the content, you could theoritically place small objects in the shape of letters (ie alphabet) inside the box. This way the target doesn't need to open the box, so essentially the box wont be opened at all (since anyone who is not the target cannot open it). If the message is not long then constructing the message could be doable by just knowing the letters.

Edit: Of course there's always the risk of the recipient opening the box, or writing down the letters in a parchment or something. Maybe filling it with poison would prevent opening it, though how you would warn the recipient not to note anything down is a bit more tricky.

2022-05-17, 06:24 PM
If you can disguise your voice, animal messenger may also work, but if you have access to dream, that should do what you need.

2022-05-18, 03:24 PM
Write it on a little piece of paper, tie it to a bird's leg, and then cast Animal Messenger and just don't record any audio.

2022-05-18, 06:25 PM
Write it on a little piece of paper, tie it to a bird's leg, and then cast Animal Messenger and just don't record any audio.

Yeah, I'm just worried that associating myself with any sort of item that's going to end up in the recipient's hands, may make me easier to trace.

2022-05-18, 06:45 PM
Yeah, I'm just worried that associating myself with any sort of item that's going to end up in the recipient's hands, may make me easier to trace.

So have someone else write it while you tell them what to write.

2022-05-18, 08:18 PM
TomeLock invocation Far Scribe allows the use of Sending to a number of folks (equal to your proficiency bonus) who have written their names in your book.

Basically unlimited uses; they hear the message and can respond, but you have to write it. So it may not be heard in your voice in case someone is reading their mind.

2022-05-19, 05:12 PM
Unfortunately both of the above suggestions result in someone knowing that I'm the sender. one of these suggestions results in the sender knowing I sent it, and the other in a third party knowing the content of the note, that it comes from me, and that I'm probably sending it to *somebody*.

2022-05-19, 08:36 PM
Could you not have some sort of code that only the person you are sending the message to would understand that its from you? Perhaps one intentionally misspelled word.

Also a pseudonym comes to mind, that seems pretty simple actually.

2022-05-19, 09:17 PM
Unfortunately both of the above suggestions result in someone knowing that I'm the sender. one of these suggestions results in the sender knowing I sent it, and the other in a third party knowing the content of the note, that it comes from me, and that I'm probably sending it to *somebody*.

All you need to do is add more proxies (7 is the traditional number). For instance, you can have the message accumulated from a series of much smaller, fragmentary messages, each one passing through a different chain of people and sources. :smallbiggrin:

No brains
2022-05-19, 09:30 PM
If you want to be TOTALLY untraceable, you might benefit from something like nondetection, mind blank, or mordenkainen's private sanctum. This leans on a DM call, but this might even stop divination spells from proving who sent the message after the fact.

2022-05-19, 09:51 PM
Could you not have some sort of code that only the person you are sending the message to would understand that its from you? Perhaps one intentionally misspelled word.

Also a pseudonym comes to mind, that seems pretty simple actually.

Illusory script does this for you. A message written in code (I think there’s a background that explicitly grants this but anyone can do it) and also written using illusory script would be even better. You can even teleport the letter directly to the destination I believe.

The issue with all the physical object ones is there is a route back to the source. Like… the paper it is written on can provide a teleport right back to where it came from potentially. Oops.

Dream is definitely the top option I think. There are a LOT of lesser options though.

Typically the level of effort depends on the resources of the people trying to counter you. Maybe more detail about that could provide options other than dream that will work.

Thunderous Mojo
2022-05-19, 10:14 PM
Phantasmal Force is a great candidate for clandestine and covert communication.

2022-05-21, 10:18 PM
Hmm, yeah, Phantasmal Force could work, though the drawbacks are A) the saving throw and B) the 60-foot range. Being out of line of sight while casting is definitely preferable. Yeah, Dream is still the top contender.

As for animorte's code word suggestion, I don't want anyone to know it's from me.

Regarding the resources of those trying to counter me, they're pretty substantial. I don't know whether my fellow players read this forum, so...

I'm basically sort-of betraying two sides at once. One has the resources of a nation-state, including a pretty impressive intelligence organization. The other one has access to a handful of high-level adventurers and could probably pay a moderate sum of money for more assistance. Although the latter side is also the one I'm sending the message to, and they may not want to be public about its contents; if the former side gets wind of its contents, then the message become much less helpful to its recipient.

2022-05-22, 07:22 AM
You could use one of the Trasha summon spells as a messenger. Sure, there will be a creature delivering the message, but so what? It cease to exist the moment you drop concentration. There's nobody to ask for any details concerning the casters, unlike normal summons where there's a miniscule chance someone else may summon them. Alternatively, anything that can't speak... tiny servants, animated objects, even random corpses raised as undead.

2022-05-22, 08:37 AM
Modify memory on the recipient has some potential too, if you get the opportunity to ever cast it on them. It can be easily removed if someone suspects it, though how easy or difficult it would be for someone to suspect it is hard to say for someone who doesn't play at your table. The upside to the increased risk you are taking and to the increased difficulty of putting it into effect, is that you could potentially use it to make the recipient more likely to believe and act on the information you want them to (as a modified memory can be far more difficult to dismiss than something like a dream, due to raising less suspicion for the targeted individual because the recipient is far less likely to question it after it have landed successfully than say, a dream spell which could very well be a trick in the eyes of someone who is familiar enough with the workings of magic). Probably better suited for a long con with a well timed trigger than if you just want to force/trick a certain one time action at any random given point from someone though.

2022-05-22, 03:17 PM
I would summon an otherworldly servitor to deliver the message of course.

2022-05-22, 05:41 PM
Write it on a little piece of paper, tie it to a bird's leg, and then cast Animal Messenger and just don't record any audio.

This, or honestly just a courier and disguise magic (no idea if Arcana Clerics get any, but it's nowhere near impossible to get your hands on it at 17th level).

Keep your message as short and direct as possible to avoid your writing style from showing or intentionally adopt a different style. Print it instead of writing it to stop handwriting from being an issue, and use new ink and paper to minimise the effectiveness of magical tracing. To make tracing even harder send it as slowly as you can afford to.

It's not perfect, but it's likely good enough. Any more secure and you're potentially losing range or clarity.

2022-05-22, 05:55 PM
This, or honestly just a courier and disguise magic (no idea if Arcana Clerics get any, but it's nowhere near impossible to get your hands on it at 17th level).

Keep your message as short and direct as possible to avoid your writing style from showing or intentionally adopt a different style. Print it instead of writing it to stop handwriting from being an issue, and use new ink and paper to minimise the effectiveness of magical tracing. To make tracing even harder send it as slowly as you can afford to.

It's not perfect, but it's likely good enough. Any more secure and you're potentially losing range or clarity.

Make sure the paper isn’t from an incriminating location though. Teleport with an “associated item” takes you straight there. I hope you didn’t write your message in your study…

Dream is still the winner. Nation state and high level adventurers pretty much crushes any other option.

2022-05-22, 06:28 PM
Make sure the paper isn’t from an incriminating location though. Teleport with an “associated item” takes you straight there. I hope you didn’t write your message in your study…

Put on hat and false beard. Buy paper and ink. Go to cafe. Write letter.

That's not really a hard barrier to overcome. If your letter ends up.spanning multiple pages you could always write each in a different location.

2022-05-22, 09:08 PM
Put on hat and false beard. Buy paper and ink. Go to cafe. Write letter.

That's not really a hard barrier to overcome. If your letter ends up.spanning multiple pages you could always write each in a different location.

Sure. Just make sure you do.

And that the messenger can get to this guy, and not accidentally give it to someone else with the same description, and isn’t seen running from you to them, and they’re in range… and they don’t let it go and scry it on its return and and and and…

Or just use an option with no way to trace it (except through DM fiat). Like dream.

2022-05-22, 09:31 PM
Or just use an option with no way to trace it (except through DM fiat). Like dream.
Not that I dont agree that dream is better than delivering the message by a note (however cleverly one might go about it), but dream is not untraceable either. Commune could do the trick if you are asking an entity for whom it would be plaussible to know the answer (eg the cleric's deity, or a deity with the appropriate domain, such as dreams/nightmares or lies). Not too likely, and certainly there's DM dependence there, but I would not necessarily call it DM fiat just like I might do if someone attempted to do the same with something like a contarct other plane, since commune is made for these sort of things if you are lucky enough to have access to an an entity like the aforementioned ones.

2022-05-22, 11:52 PM
Not that I dont agree that dream is better than delivering the message by a note (however cleverly one might go about it), but dream is not untraceable either. Commune could do the trick if you are asking an entity for whom it would be plaussible to know the answer (eg the cleric's deity, or a deity with the appropriate domain, such as dreams/nightmares or lies). Not too likely, and certainly there's DM dependence there, but I would not necessarily call it DM fiat just like I might do if someone attempted to do the same with something like a contarct other plane, since commune is made for these sort of things if you are lucky enough to have access to an an entity like the aforementioned ones.

Especially in Eberron, anything dream-related should be suspect.

2022-05-23, 03:54 AM
Sure. Just make sure you do.

And that the messenger can get to this guy, and not accidentally give it to someone else with the same description, and isn’t seen running from you to them, and they’re in range… and they don’t let it go and scry it on its return and and and and…

If we're intentionally trying to make a physical message untraceable then it's easy enough to ensure that it's not linked to you in any significant way.

Plus a courier likely to give it to the wrong person is not a courier who gets asked to deliver letters. This is Everton, get an address and send it with an actual business

Or just use an option with no way to trace it (except through DM fiat). Like dream.

Which, RAW, gives you a choice between appearing as yourself (and the target gets perfect recall) or monstrous enough to limit you to ten words and cause a nightmare.

Yes you can create images and change the landscape, but going by the text of the spell you're either appearing as you or causing nightmares. I'm sure you can use 'create objects/images' to give them a letter or put your message in mile tall flaming letters carved into a mountain, but then you're running the risk of them not paying attention.

2022-05-23, 06:33 AM
There's always the old trope of paying a street urchin to deliver it.

2022-05-23, 09:07 AM
Plus a courier likely to give it to the wrong person is not a courier who gets asked to deliver letters. This is Everton, get an address and send it with an actual business

Which, RAW, gives you a choice between appearing as yourself (and the target gets perfect recall) or monstrous enough to limit you to ten words and cause a nightmare.

Yes you can create images and change the landscape, but going by the text of the spell you're either appearing as you or causing nightmares. I'm sure you can use 'create objects/images' to give them a letter or put your message in mile tall flaming letters carved into a mountain, but then you're running the risk of them not paying attention.

I believe animal messenger specifically says you give a description of the person. This isn’t a human courier who is going to a business address. (That’s an even more easily traced option)

When I’ve played with dream it’s like holodeck. You can shape the whole environment any way you like. That includes concealing yourself (even if you have to look like yourself).

2022-05-23, 11:04 AM
I believe animal messenger specifically says you give a description of the person. This isn’t a human courier who is going to a business address. (That’s an even more easily traced option)

When I’ve played with dream it’s like holodeck. You can shape the whole environment any way you like. That includes concealing yourself (even if you have to look like yourself).

And you don't have to look like yourself. Even if you argue the polite form of the spell doesn't give you the option not to, the nightmare version explicitly lets you look like some sort of hideous monster-creature.

As long as you don't mind afflicting your target with 3d6 psychic damage and a lack of a good night's sleep, you can deliver the message as a nightmare-horror rather than yourself.

2022-05-24, 01:02 AM
And you don't have to look like yourself. Even if you argue the polite form of the spell doesn't give you the option not to, the nightmare version explicitly lets you look like some sort of hideous monster-creature.

As long as you don't mind afflicting your target with 3d6 psychic damage and a lack of a good night's sleep, you can deliver the message as a nightmare-horror rather than yourself.

Especially amusing given that my message was basically "So-and-so knows all your plans. I'm doing you a favour and I'm on your side."

2022-05-24, 01:17 AM
Especially amusing given that my message was basically "So-and-so knows all your plans. I'm doing you a favour and I'm on your side."

Again, this is Eberron. There's an entire plane full of literal nightmare monsters who pull that kind of stuff all the time. Anyone who knows about the Quori probably wouldn't be very inclined to trust such message.

2022-05-24, 09:35 AM
Especially amusing given that my message was basically "So-and-so knows all your plans. I'm doing you a favour and I'm on your side."

If you're on his side, and he already trusts you, why do you need to hide your identity as the message-sender from him?

2022-05-24, 05:48 PM
Again, this is Eberron. There's an entire plane full of literal nightmare monsters who pull that kind of stuff all the time. Anyone who knows about the Quori probably wouldn't be very inclined to trust such message.
Ah, this makes sense now, thanks for clarifying.

2022-05-25, 11:46 AM
If you're on his side, and he already trusts you, why do you need to hide your identity as the message-sender from him?

Just so I'm not wasting anyone's time, I've already gone with the Dream option (yes, I hear the Quori thing, we'll see what the DM does with that).

Might as well tell you the whole story, since it's easier and it's pretty cool.

Right. So I'm playing the eldest son of a Karrnathi noble family, the former masters of the city of Atur, now exiled in Sharn for opposing the Treaty of Thronehold. We've ended up working for Greykell ir'Ryc, and (I think) the DM's custom NPC named Relena. Through various adventures, we've acquired data that reveal the cause of the Mourning and, Relena thinks, also a possibility of reversing it. So we're preparing for a mission into Cyre - very secret because Relena fears interference or competition from other nations.
A few weeks ago (in game time) King Kaius of Karrnath offered to reinstate my family if we pledged renewed allegiance to him and publicly renounced the Blood of Vol, and, crucially, I agreed to spy on Relena and Greykell for him. My character's major theme is family loyalty and noblesse oblige, so I agreed.
I've been feeding him everything, but I also think reversing the Mourning is a Good Thing, and I've come to see that not all Cyrans are murderous warmongers. Oh, and I worry that Kaius might interfere in a way that endangers my friends or myself. But if Kaius knows I've betrayed him, or he learns that my cover is blown, then I'm worthless or less than worthless to him and the deal is quite likely off. That's why I want to give Relena a warning that her plans are known (at least until we lift off and further dead drops become impossible) in a way that doesn't point back to me and hopefully discourages her from searching for the leak.