View Full Version : Empire 7 - The Exquisite Gala

2022-05-18, 03:13 AM

Welcome, to the Exquisite Gala! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEWCCSuHsuQ)

The glittering miasma that shrouded Senja Bersinar swirled in the wake of furious activity, every volcanic plume echoing distant laughter, every strand of glowing algae radiating the afterimage of wanton joy. Such was the energy radiating out from the glittering jewel of Indah's Rise, its light blazing through the murk like a knife through jellied flesh. The twining dwellings of thousands of kucen radiated out in a dazzling array of colors and patterns from the city's grand center, where the palace of the founding mother herself reached up as if to seize the unseen stars. A marvel of woven coral and spun glass, the kaleidoscopic waterfall was studded with numerous balconies and open galleries, all radiating upwards from the yawning entryway of the grand arch, blazing with light. The approach to Indah's palace was awash with music from bells and drums, a cacophony that somehow ascended into an improbable harmony around the representatives of the green waters.

Within the central hall, a polished mosaic floor depicting the whole of Senja Bersinar swept towards the towering throne of Indah opposite the entryway, a plinth of stone so black and smooth it would have been a mirror if not for the innumerable flecks of color that glittered in its depths like the fabled "sky." Atop it sat the most magnificent of all kucen thrones, an open bowl of black stone and whale ivory surmounted by an opalescent pearl the size of an adult kucen's skull. It was a throne that had sat empty since the departure of Indah, and would remain empty until one mistress held enough power to stand undaunted against all others. The competitors for that coveted title spread around the base of the plinth like eager scavengers, their own thrones humble only in comparison to Indah's imperial glory. At the right hand of the departed empress sat the Lucent Mistress Adiratna, her indigo scales flickering with magenta highlights, a ceremonial crown atop her head that rose higher and prouder than the headdresses of her fellows. At her left was the young upstart, the Auroran Mistress Intan, bone white scales aglow with dull gold light. Around them were seated the Glistering Mistress, emerald Kirana, and the Radiant Mistress Lintang, Fulgent Mistress Roro, and Argent Mistress Mentari. All wore smiles of welcome, and all were surrounded by entourages of lesser sirens that spared them the clear sight of their rivals in triumph.

Spiraling off from the main hall were two galleries that wove through the exterior of the palace, one dominated by the polished, gaping maw of a megalodon. The beast had been recently hunted to serve as the centerpiece for the Gala itself, and preening herself in its shadow was the newly-appointed Rubicund Fist, Netra. The young general beamed with pride at her triumph, as well as the thought of the power such prestige would grant her. Everywhere, female kucen servants swam, each implanted with a specialized gland that allowed them to direct schools of flatfish bearing open shells containing delicate hors d'oeuvres prepared in styles from across the civilized sea. Through the palace's open windows, the festive atmosphere of the city faded to a pleasant roar to compete with the tide, but far closer were additional diversions - a long bowl had been erected directly north of the palace, and racing dolphins had come from every stable in the Syndicate to compete for the Rotala Wreath. To the south, sand had been cleared for a sparring field, where the pride of the newly-constituted Syndicate army prepared to compete in single combat for the glory of their Mistresses.

Dolphin Racing

The ten most illustrious competitors from across Senja Bersinar will complete three circuits around the elliptical track carved in the sand outside the palace. Representatives of the bank of Indah's Fall are on hand to arrange for any betting, and the action is already fierce! The odds are as follows:


Bright Victory
Glistering Mistress Kirana

Mother of Pearl
Lucent Mistress Adiratna

Sure Thing
Fulgent Mistress Roro

Radiant Mistress Lintang

Platinum Whisper
Auroran Mistress Intan

Argent Mistress Mentari

Virtuous Path
Hierophant Abyasa

Rubicund Fist Netra

Lost in the Churn
The Silboljan Stables

The Palau Stables

Any guest may bet Syndicate talons on the results (one talon is equivalent to a day laborer's daily wage), with the bank willing to loan out money to noble representatives on minimal collateral. Once the bets are in, each race dolphin will roll 2d6 plus their listed bonus - ties go to lower-seeded dolphins. Who doesn't love an underdog?

The Melee

Warriors may entertain one-on-one duels at their leisure in the melee field, rolling military against one another.

The main attraction, however, is the grand melee, which any participant may join. The base melee will roll 2d6+3 five times to determine the prowess of the unnamed kucen combatants, and foreign dignitaries are free to enter, rolling 2d6+ either their kingdom's full military if it is the leader participating and the leader is judged to be particularly puissant in personal combat, or half the kingdom's military score in all other cases. Victory in the grand melee guarantees nothing, save glory and the rush of battle!

2022-05-18, 11:45 AM
You could say a lot about the The Lambent Syndicate, Ginidu thought as he entered the hall, but they do know how to impress.
His face didn't show anything though as he made his way to the podium to pay his respects to the host. He had done his homework so he knew a bit about their language, at least enough to speak the ritual phrases needed, or at least expected.

As soon as that was done he started mingling, looking around who was there. The dolphin races sounded interesting for later as well, he would have to keep an eye on it.

The soldiers of the honour guard would try out the sparring. It would be a good way to get to know different fighting techniques. Due to the issue they had with the mercenaries from The Lojanese Republic, his honour guard had been changed from mercenaries to a small detachment of the King's own. In their ceremonial (yet functional) armour, they did look more impressive than a detachment of mercenaries, even if they were outfitted with good Hymenocera armour.

2022-05-19, 04:24 PM
I have seen a number of these spires before. Broken, crumbling, abandoned to the cruel and empty tide.

They're not so fancy once you've watched them kill a number of your brothers.

I've worn my ceremonial armor today. It's made of simple bone, a shark's skull draping my shoulder, and several glittering pearls and pieces of coral are strung together to form a simple dress. Splotches of bioluminescent material has been artfully daubed and painted over not just my bone armor but also my very skin. The outline of my skeletal structure is highlighted as a grim reminder of our duty. Our Quest. At my hip my simple and trusty sword, a stalagmite glowing brilliantly that I plucked from a cave when I was but a spawnling, and sharpened through the years of war and care. It's my only friend in this den of poison. Foreign eyes ungraced by the guiding visions of light. My cousins to the west are bolder than before.

Some of these Mistresses remember my old name when I was but a Kosong Crusader, and I answered to Rizky. But now I am The Vessel, the pointed blade of The Radiance, guardian of the Kucen, and I stand at a level most of the people in this room could never dream of. This heavy duty of danger, both physical and political. I bow my head to each of the Mistresses in turn. Not a full-bodied dip, as my commanders or Sirens do, just a simple tilting of my head. This is enough.

I take a stand beside the Radiant Mistress, observing as Goldfin sat down beside Intan, and continued his silent contemplation on the flickering light washing overhead. He's the strangest warrior I have ever met. His revelations and insights are of a spiritual height even I can't fully integrate with. Whatever his fascination with the upstart Mistress, it was between him and the Light. Down below my finest bodyguard Shabakobabaloo was too impatient for the sparring festivities to fully prepare and had already begun wrestling a cultist in the sand. My chief commander, a war chief of many banners and more teeth was idly chatting with Netra, and commending her warrior spirit. Bayu was tested in the war against the Lamplighters however and he seemed more interested in when Netra would put her skills towards more cognizant foes.

"Lintang, I think there is a need for change in Binar Fajar. I have won my first great battle and the Radiance has shown me true The Way." I say casually, quietly. Holding my hand expectantly for gift of food from passing fish.

2022-05-21, 03:21 AM
The Mistresses exchanged elaborate formalities with the delegations from their neighbors in the Hymenecera Expanse and Lighthouse, recalling elder days before peace reigned between the clans of Senja Bersinar. Somewhere in the palace, a subtle crescendo of bells accompanied each delegation as they approached, fading to the edge of hearing to serenade the guests as they dispersed through the complex. In the crescent of Mistresses, flame-scaled Lintang's tongue caressed her teeth at the familiarity shown by the Vessel. It was right and proper for his station, yet no Siren would blithely accept any equal. Still, her lips eventually parted to reveal a razor-edged smile.

"And you have our congratulations for your victory. Much of my own fortune has been directed to the hope that our forces acquit themselves so well. But tell me, what change do you foresee in the East?"

2022-05-21, 10:59 AM
“I lead a warrior people, many teeth answer to me in the depths, and they look in kind to the future where they may stand as I do. Emboldened by the light of ambition, this method of succession is… untenable,” The Vessel gazes down to the sparring sands “There must be proper order. Not merely the bloodiest warrior. A chosen scion prepared and worthy for the station. Trained and tested to ensure what is best for the Kucen. A Siren’s keen discretion would be most useful in this endeavor, no?

2022-05-21, 05:57 PM
Eight palanquins, frame of natural driftwood, as latest fashion dictates, with numerous gems slotted in lightly, irregularly, as if they happened to get stuck there by chance. They are drawn by two marlins each, dressed in embroidery sparkling with gold plate, except for the rightmost palanquin, impractically wide and drawn by a quad. An overweight Mer, Gloent Noerjang, now widely famous for his wealth, reclines upon a bed of finest fur, dipping a finger into a bowl of the blue Delight jelly. In spite of his seemingly relaxed mood, his small sly eyes dart back and forth quickly, taking in all of the sights of the Gala and simultaneously reading the document in his other hand. Trade did not grind to a halt just because he was travelling, though you would be forgiven for thinking otherwise. Taking turns with him in tasting from the bowl was Nau'eak, a slim Tobar, his secretary of sorts, wearing a beautiful purple skin with a blue wave motif. The other palanquins carried merchants or nobles as well. Naturally wagons filled with gifts followed, and the entire delegation was guarded by Tobar guardsmen, all in uniformed yellow skin, wearing mollusc shell helmets and tail guards, painted in black. The guards' weapons are bone spikes firmly affixed to their bodies and blowpipes mostly from the same material.

Gloent dismounts in the hall, and swims toward the Mistresses. Two servants in white tunics immediately appear to flank him and disperse trails of coins to the sides, free for anyone to take. The merchant is not particularly respectful of the Mistresses or anyone else, but he has good business sense, and so he bows to the Mistresses in order of apparent importance, paying each a compliment on her brilliant colours - going somewhat overboard in embellishing the details, due to his recent consumption of the Delights of Moonlight, albeit of a dilute form. "It is entirely my pleasure to meet you, great Sirens. As you already know, we have many things to discuss and come to a beneficial agreement on."

Some time later, a few more figures arrive in the capital, though their presence is announced by the smell of blood and sweat rather than by the clinking of coins. They are sharks wearing freshly battle-marked armor made variously of leather, twine and shells. Pieces of distinctive Vicari mosaics peeking out from bags make it clear that they are some of the Selachians from the Lojanese army returning from the Sack of Bloodhome*, having decided to make a stop for refreshment and entertainment on their way home. Only their leader enters the hall. He is covered by numerous scars, telling of a life worth living, each battle adding to its value. He enters not to greet the Mistresses, but only to announce that he, Zabkrew, and two of his companions, will enter the melee. Gloent Noerjang notices the Selachians' daring entrance, but does not react, perhaps waiting to see if anyone will object to their presence.

*) in order to avoid constraining the timeline too much, let us say that it is possibly still ongoing, this being one of several "waves"

2022-05-22, 03:27 PM
Ginidu noticed the Selachian mercenaries arriving, but he didn't say anything. Due to the attacks from Lojalese selachians, he had left his detachment at home and gotten a squad from the King's own instead. But it wasn't his place but the host to say or do anything.

"Excuse me, sir," the leader of his guards said, "would you mind if we joined the melee?"
"Not at all," he replied, "just make sure you're fit to travel when we go back.

With a nod the guards left to join the melee, while he drifted over to the betting. There he looked at the contestants and the information that was provided. After thinking things over, he placed a little bet on Riptide. Not too much, just something to get into the action.

2022-05-27, 01:03 AM
The Vessel

Drifting closer to the kucen male, the Radiant Mistress laid four long talons lightly upon his shoulder. In her eyes, The Vessel saw reflections of his grand designs fulfilled, if only for an instant.

"It would be my pleasure to provide whatever partnership you desire, oh Vessel."

Gloent Noerjang

There were murmurs of appreciation as the Lojanese merchant praised each Siren in turn, the vain creatures dismissing his remarks towards their sisters as empty flattery while their own praise was clearly genuine. Clicking her talons against the edges of her throne, the Lucent Mistress Adiratna smiled her brilliant, bone-white smile.

"You are a most gracious guest, Gloent Noerjang. And speak we shall, once our festivities have concluded."


As the last of the guest arrived, a knowing glance passed between the mistresses. Reaching into secret compartments in their gilded seats, each removed sets of small castanets expertly crafted to slip atop their polished talons. Sliding into the water above the hall's mosaic floor, the six sirens began a dance that might have convinced an onlooker that their rivalry was simply for show. For a brief moment, the music swelled, while dissonance and rivalry were subsumed in the exquisite patterns of the Queen's Dance. Intricate finger movements sent chimes ringing down like sparkling sand, both from each individual Mistress and from the intersections of their courses. As the dance continued, errant strands of luminous vapor from each of them began to coalesce into a greater whole, a brilliant tapestry of chaotic pattern but pure and driven emotion. At last the Mistresses ceased their movements, each one floating above their individual thrones yet inclined in reverence towards Indah's vacant seat. The spell lingered a moment more, until Adiratna turned.

"Welcome, friends from near and far. May this be but the first of many such celebrations, where our passions mingle like all the brilliant colors of this auroran hall."

2022-05-27, 12:30 PM
Ginidu was surprised at the music and the dance. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, and he had been around. Mostly in boring trade meetings, he had to admit, but he had done gala's before. They must have practiced quite a bit make everything seem so easy. When it was done, he lingered a bit before moving to mingle with the other diplomats.