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View Full Version : Clockwork steed into clockwork bike?

2022-05-20, 02:31 AM
So I'm trying to figure out a way to turn a clockwork steeds legs into wheels for it to be a sort of motorbike.
So far all I've found is maug graft for rollers which is 10,000 gp and the transforming construct from Pathfinder which is 12,500 gp.

Anyone know of anything else?

2022-05-20, 07:15 AM
Does it has to be the clockwork steed? Imho go for an animated object and you have your real motorcycle (powered by magic^^).

Urban Druids can also pick an Animated Object as Urban Companion.

If it really has to be the cl. steed, I guess the graft is the sole way. (or use Polymorph any Object to change it into an Animated Object^^).