View Full Version : Larp

2007-11-26, 01:32 PM
Hey! Since i didnt saw any LARP topic around here i tought that it could be cool if you could share your: Ideas, How your character is, the plot for your LARP place, and all stuff here.

Edit: And please nothing that refers to much to WoW ( i don´t like that game)

2007-11-26, 01:52 PM
Ive been larping for a good couple of years now. My venue of choice is labyrinthe (http://www.labyrinthe.co.uk/), in Chislehurst, England. Its got a really nice system, allowing everyone to be able to do something (bar grey wizards. They do nothing!), and allows non-standard abilities to be bought using points gained in an adventure.
Anyway, at the moment, im playing a psi-master (or psycic warrior in laymans terms) due to the ability to eventually tell someones body that they are dead, and have them believe me. Also the chance to get of silent bolt spells to the head is quite fun. Weapon wise, however, i am stuck. During the next time i play i should have got to the point where i can choose a weapon to specialise in, and im unsure what to do. I can either go for my pair of hatchets for (hopefully) faster, more controlled damage, or stick with my hammer and sheild, despite the fact my leg always gets brocken when using it. Thorghts on that.
Finally, id like to say its great to finally have a larp topic going.

2007-11-26, 02:03 PM
yea, I am pretty sure most topics on larp tended to be some specific question about it. I think larp is to the gaming community as what DnD is to the rest of the world. weird and there is a lot of speculation out and about.

anyway, i play in two larp ATM, one is medium sized people wise and i am not quite sure about the plot as a member of the thieves/assasins guild/ thee house we were qutie busy with other things. to bad my character died there. so i will be starting a healer type next time, you cant inmagine the political might such a person can accumulate.

The other larp I play in is still starting and is quite small right now, the advantage of this is that the game masters are capable of writing very specific plot for every person in the game and stuff like that. the fact that I was the only priest in the game at the first event was quite cool, giving me a great deal of power. I am interested in seeing how this one will evolve.

And what’s more, I am working on my very own steampunk larp. Currently I am still working on the rule set, if anybody has any cool idea’s for this please share, I would happily start a topic on this to see if the GitP board has some nice things to ad.

2007-11-26, 06:33 PM
I am in Texas at the moment, but LARPed a lot back in Northern Ireland.

The system used is the Lorien Trust system (latex carbon fibre weapons - pulled blows needed), which allows a fair bit of specialisation without becoming useless (heavy armoured tank right through to lightweight spellcaster). It is a DnD fantasy kind of setting. There are around 4 'big' events that involve all of the factions as well as numerous smaller events that are faction specific. Each event lasts a weekend or so, and the biggest event has thousands of people!

The group is the North Down Militia (affiliated with the Wolf faction). We held mini events and practises twice a week, so even our weakest members are better fighters than those who only fight at the events they go to. We have a killer reputation. When all else fails, we are still standing :smallbiggrin:

My character is a Black Orc with sword and shield (see sig) and minor 'divine' magic. He is the prophet of an orcish Ancestor.

It is damn good fun!

[As a note, my younger brother also LARPs, but does not play DnD because 'DnD is nerdier than LARP'. Wow...]

2007-11-27, 03:27 AM
Well i think that i should answer to now. The place that i go is quite small ( around 40-60 people per time) we use the rule system of a much bigger place ( wich comes around 600-1200 people) I was thinking of beggining there.. Well we use this kind of rule where you start with 25xp and gain 1 every time you come, you can then complete a background story to gain 15xp. I am gonna be a shaman.. Wich here is one who gets "gifts" from old spirits in exchange of sacrafises. For example it costs 18xp to become rank 1 shaman and then 9xp for every rank untill rank 6 ( wich is max). Sword-use costs 3 for example and requires you to have the ability: "Co-ordination" 1.

2007-11-27, 01:51 PM
Come on..Don´t let this topic die..

2007-11-27, 02:03 PM
Yeah, LARPers are definetly the weird paste-eaters of the nerd community.

That being said, when I was younger (17-19 or so) I played nearly every weekend at the local Amtgard group. Started off as a warrior (because everyone does) and eventually became a sword and board scout.

Our park actually had a lot of sub-plots and a metaplot about an evil wizard named Malek who would use special artifiacts he found on his home world to amplify the sixth level Wizard spell "Killing Grounds" (or something like that, been awhile since I played) that would kill everyone the Wizard could see when the spell was completed.

Eventually we invited the nearest two other parks from Texas over and had a massive quest where several of us played our main characters trying to stop Malek once and for all from destroying the Amtgardian homeworld, while many more of us played as Malek's minions.

It came down to me, another scout, a barbarian and a healer charging into Malek's spellroom. I'd gotten shot in the lef earlier and tied a bandage arond it, but running through the guards had reopened the wound, so when we got in I fell back over and turtled with my shield. While me and the other scout held off the badguys, the healer and barbarian fought Malek. The Healer went down, and Malek was about to finish the spell, so the Barbarian went berserk and started smashing his spear into the crystals that powered the spell.

Reeves decided that the crystals exploded and killed us all, but we saved the day all the same. Next time we met they had a big ceremony for the four of us and knighted us all so we could play as paladins or anti-paladins next time.

Unfortunatly, soon after that a lot of the drama thats always present in LARPs came on strong, and I quickly abandoned the park since all everyone did anymore was complain and whine and talk crap about other people.

Still, good times. I wish there was still a park around here to play at. A few times I've tried asking my friends to play, but alas they claim its far to nerdy.

2007-11-28, 07:06 PM
Ah, the joys of LARP in the UK, where we fight in specific areas miles away from non LARPers.

You really have not LARPed until you have seen at least 600 people on a battlefield.

Here is a vid a guy in the group made in case you are interested:

2007-11-28, 08:39 PM
All right, Envisiron, who are you? My interest is piqued.

I've been with the LT (Lorien Trust) for nine years now, eight of those with the Wolves.

To slightly modify the previous post:

"You have not really LARPed until you have led 600 people on a battlefield."

Of course, that was many years ago, when the LT had more than 6000 people turn up to the Gathering. Ah, happy days.

Anyway, you might recognise me from the bloody awful cold GEF of 2007 (http://s160.photobucket.com/albums/t188/Bluekindred/GEF%20May%2007/?action=view&current=DSCF0073.jpg). Bloody hell, it was cold!

2007-11-28, 09:11 PM
Hey! Fellow LT-Gamers! I knew Oots was popular, but it's always nice to see some fellow countrymen on the Boards :smallsmile:

Well, I say that.... While I have LARP'd for 4 or 5 years now, my first LT event will hopefully be coming this Year, courtesy of some long-attending friends who have already kicked up a fuss over the last few years.

I'll be one of the Varjazi, fighting for the Viper Faction and glorious Chernigov, so by all means let me know if you feel like some easy prey if you're there too... Just look out for the cowardly Wizard with the frilly white shirt and gold-edged Admiral's hat! :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-28, 10:54 PM
Man, makes me wanna LARP again.

Tell me, what are those weapons made out of you've got in those pics? I was never really too happy with Amtgard's boffer weapons, way to light. I heard LARPs like Dagohir allow tougher weapons and more contact.

Personally I prefer harder, contact oriented LARPing than just tapping each other with foam swords. Take a slighty different kind of person though. I remember after the split I had with Amtgard here, a few of my friends and I used my weapons to mess around in the yard and did a lot of hip throws and shield bashing.

2007-11-28, 11:42 PM
I would love to Larp, if I could find any groups nearby. I'll try to find one when I'm older. There is no shame in being a nerd, no matter what society tells you.

2007-11-29, 01:14 AM
There is no shame in being a nerd, no matter what society tells you.

I know exactly what you mean

2007-11-29, 12:32 PM
There is no shame in being a nerd, no matter what society tells you.

But when the other nerds are calling you a nerd....

Well, it dosn't matter, but still, it's pretty bad.

2007-11-29, 12:57 PM
Man, makes me wanna LARP again.

Tell me, what are those weapons made out of you've got in those pics? I was never really too happy with Amtgard's boffer weapons, way to light. I heard LARPs like Dagohir allow tougher weapons and more contact.

Personally I prefer harder, contact oriented LARPing than just tapping each other with foam swords. Take a slighty different kind of person though. I remember after the split I had with Amtgard here, a few of my friends and I used my weapons to mess around in the yard and did a lot of hip throws and shield bashing.

There fibreglass core latex weapons. Decent places to find them are Denmark in general (i got one from a book shop), www.eldritch.com or actual larp clubs which sell them.

Also, anyone know anything about this mass redrawal of snap traps? makes my scout kinda useless for the moment.

2007-11-29, 04:00 PM
I tried LARPing a couple times when I was living in Baltimore. They had a Vampire the Masquarade game going on there. It was nice to be out and about among gamers again but quite frankly, some of the people there took themselves far too seriously and I was bombarded by far too many stereotypes to take it as seriously as they did.

I guess LARPing just isn't for me.

2007-11-29, 04:36 PM
I was wondering what sort of weapon you all used at your clubs? Just boffer doesn’t do it, a picture might however. Most weapons here in holland come from shatzkammer (their site is down right now), but people often pay a lot for hand made weapons from profs, which look bloody good.

2007-11-29, 07:27 PM
I was wondering what sort of weapon you all used at your clubs? Just boffer doesn’t do it, a picture might however. Most weapons here in holland come from shatzkammer (their site is down right now), but people often pay a lot for hand made weapons from profs, which look bloody good.

At Amtgard the basic, no frills, quick and dirty Ak-47 of weapons was this:

A length of lightweight fiberglass tube (usually golf-club shafts) with fun-noodles (http://www.sprintaquatics.com/prodinfo.asp?number=164) (pronounced by Amtgardians as, "funnoodle") on it.

The noodle had the base shaved down so it tapered to even out with the grip of the weapon and was then taped in place. We'd use the shavings from this to pad the inside of the noodle so it didn't rattle so much and increased the life-span of the padding. At the tip you'd put two or three layers of camp foam (more for rapiers and spears) and tape that down as well.

Do the same thing to the bottom of the weapon, just much smaller, and then usually wrap the grip with griptape or something similar.

Cover the whole deal with a hand-sewn cover of usually black fabric (or if you're lazy, thick pantyhose) and tape or tie that down as well. 98% of our weapons were like this. Obviously some people put a lot of time and effort into them, but these worked well enough, and the basic idea was good enough to make everything from daggers to giant battering rams to arrows.

And they were cheap. After you found a bunch of broken golf-clubs, anyway.

2007-11-30, 07:05 PM
Yeah in Denmark you can find alot of LARP weapons in general. Do any of you realy RP when you LARP? Makes it 100x funnier

2007-12-03, 03:48 PM
I actually play in the same two larp's as YPU.

in one I am the leader of our theahouse/assasinsguild. YPU actually died because he questioned my leadership and my general didn't like that so he snapped his neck.

in the other one I play the npc barkeep. I like the idea but the story is a little bit dull so I won't play there.

I also help with the steampunk larp and maybe it will be ready early next year

2007-12-03, 06:06 PM
I've been meaning to get into LARPing for a while now, but have been unable to find anything near where I live.

2007-12-06, 03:47 PM
Since this is the topic where I will find the most larpers this will be the place best to ask around here: What would you expect/enjoy from a Steampunk Larp?

2007-12-06, 03:50 PM
Since this is the topic where I will find the most larpers this will be the place best to ask around here: What would you expect/enjoy from a Steampunk Larp?

Get a lot of kid's toys that look like futuristic spy stuff and assign stats to it.

Find some abandoned warehouses or something and play around there, if its remote and the cops won't come, try and dress it up. A barrel with fire in it never hurts.

Figure out some way to use guns as boffers.

Get a laptop and use it as a prop for hacking or something.

2007-12-06, 03:56 PM

nerf guns, the IC location is a frontier town, no computers and a whole heap of futuristic toys painted up in brass/bronze and black. also the plan is a lot of bronze cimney stakes and a whole bunch of smoke props.

2007-12-06, 04:59 PM
I do LARP once or twice a year or so. There are far more arrangements going on than I have any chance of participating in, so I have gotten rather picky in the last few years. Currently I use apply the following few requirements when choosing my LARP:

It should have:
-a length between two to five days, with no strong continuity to previous arrangements (including no recurring characters).

-a mainly historical setting (possibly with a hidden twist). I strongly prefer the early 20th century.

-a defined genre to roleplay within. This usually mean that most players will be on the same page when playing their characters.

-as few rules as possible that will obstruct actual play or strain my suspension of disbelief. Typically, if the rules go over more than a page or two, its to much for me.

When I find the ones that fits most of these requirements, I tend to have much more fun than back in the days when I didn't really know what made me happy.

Btw: I have a strong impression that LARPing is very different in different countries.

2007-12-21, 07:38 PM
Hey all,

I'm Mike.... and i'm a LARPer. I have LARPed now for about 10 years in the Vampire the Masquerade setting. I have seen games come and I have seen games go. Currently I am trying to drum up interest in the Sarnia Ontario area so if any of you are in the neighborhood I would love to hear from you.

The closest I have come to any D&D esque LARPs would be when a former friend of mine introduced our bar buddies and myself to boffer weapons.

Anyway. Hope to hear from you guys.

2008-08-28, 05:31 PM
So, I played LARP at a birthday party the other day. Sprained my wrist, too.:smile: Anyone care to post the full rules? And settle the debate among my friends and I whether it's LARPing or playing LARP?

2008-08-28, 05:38 PM
The rules vary widely per group and even event. Its larping as it is Live Action Role Playing.
It would be doing a LARP.

2008-08-30, 07:50 PM
i'm thinking currently of joining an organisation known as the society for creative anachronism or the SCA for short.
they operate around the world and even have a wing in japan. so anyhow they use rattan weapons and have a huge group of people one event in my area gets around 10000+ people every year. .most of which do the armored combat or fencing. It's not technically LARPing but it's very close. i actually have a link to a video with thousands of people fighting
go to http://scademo.comfor others and information.
here's the video

2008-08-31, 05:06 AM
I've been to one Maelstrom event and I'm going to the next one this weekend. I had a ball at the first event, even if in places it was a little slow.

2008-08-31, 05:42 AM
There are 3 good reasons NOT to join the SCA (point: I fought in Midrealm, and was a heavy weapons marshal for 2 years, along with doing some light weapons play)

1) (least important) There really are people in the SCA who will mentally grade you on how period your costume is, regardless of how long you've been doing reenacting or how much money/time/materials you have to spend. and they will NEVER let you forget wearing something that isn't in any way period. These people are more rare than they used to be, but they do exist.

2) Cost. Fighting in the SCA can be expensive. I always expect to spend $300 or so breaking in to a new hobby. I can easily spend more than that easily on just a helm. Fortunately, practically all shires have plenty of loaner gear to help new players out, so you can pick up armor over time.

3) (most important) You will learn to fight wrong if you only play in the SCA. There is a book that expresses this, by John Clements, called Medieval Swordsmanship. Granted, he's a d**k who bashes everything except his own personal system, but he raises a VERY good point in the essay entitled: "The Importance of Targeting the Lower Leg in Sparring" that is absolutely correct. Stuff about his book can be found here: http://www.thearma.org/medsword.htm. Essentially, fighting in the SCA has no more relevance to actual combat than modern Olympic Fencing does. It has a strict and arbitrary set of rules that serve to protect the pet systems fat old guys have developed to protect their bad knees. As long as you look at it as a sport and simple exercise, you're gold. Anything else is a lie. if you'd like a further explaination of why the SCA fights wrong, ask in the "Real-world Weapons and Armor" thread, and we can all explain at great length and detail.

That said, there is one, overarching good reason to join the SCA: it's fun as all hell. Just be aware of what you're getting into. Good luck!

2008-08-31, 07:24 AM
It would be very nice to have an overview over possible tactics with swords and other weapons for larping. I myself have over a few weeks trining with latex weapons already found several things that work great with latex, but would be totally wrong with steel.

2008-08-31, 12:04 PM
Hmm. I had one LARP session, with about three-quarter dozen of my best friends, in one of their backyards. Granted, he lived out in the woods, but it was still cool. We used PVC covered in the foam pool noodles (of varying lengths), And we taped tennis balls to arrowshafts with electrical tape. I brought tiny foam pigs from my dads work to act as attack spells, and shin gaurds to act as bracers for my monk. Let me tell you, Stunning Fist is kickass. It was the funnest day ever. We had a mini-tournatment while we waited for people to show up, in which I deflected three arrows in a row with a 'bastard sword', before being hamstrung and stabbed through the neck. Best fight ever. Another good moment was when I fought my friend Derek, who was wielding two 'daggers'. We had a good volley of blocks and strikes for about 2 minutes, until he tried to get fancy and I smacked him in the back of the head. Good memories. Blocking a longsword with my bracer when I played the monk and watching Dans face as I turned it aside and stunned him, leaving him for the archer.

sadly, I've moved since then, and have no idea how to get into larping around where I am now. Anyone know of Larping groups (that would accept a High school Senior) around the Central Coast of California? (Monterey, Salinas, Pacific Grove, etc.)

2008-09-01, 05:00 AM
Whoever said LARPS don’t work at gencon UK? Meeting up with a couple of playgrounders (namely askaris, pannarans, Z-axis and apelord69). We joined in the Meta larp, and had a great time. Granted, it was set in Hogwarts, but if you swallow your pride, as we did, we ended up greatly amused.
Unfortunately, Z and Ape had to leave early just before what the rest of us agreed was the best part of the weekend we we're there. Basically, it was a Meta larp set in the Victorian era. We we're given out characters, who had been invited to join in a "thought experiment", run by Queen Victoria’s spy chief. We hadn’t been told why we were there, but my character had been working with said spy chief for a long time, and had been told it was to aid in the recruitment of two new secret agents and it was my job to put forward two suggested names from those who were also in the experiment.
We were then given another character, for our character to play in this thought experiment, myself the general of the British army, (and askaris my assistant), and had the task of organising an appropriate agreement around the port of Nadal. Is amusing as it was, it had no purpose in the game at all. The whole thing was simply an elaborate trap for the capture of agents of Moriarty (who had taken my daughter hostage and were blackmailing me, but that’s another story), who had stolen some diamonds or something. I wasn’t really involved in that plot. I was just supplying names of secret service people to the 3 agents who were around in an attempt to free my daughter.
There ended up being so many intertwining plots, such as hitmen refusing to kill, spies infiltrating the British government, diamond theft, policemen arresting more than 3 times the number of people than there were gang members and several more that I cannot remember.
Great fun overall, and very amusing. Once the site gets pics up, I'll post a link.

2008-09-01, 07:04 AM
Ah, but most of those we 'arrested' were in fact in protective custody as material witnesses. We didn't want Moriarty killing them off before we could interrogate them all.
It was a really fantastic game. The meta-LARP 'thought experiment' run by Mycroft Holmes was an excellent front to keep people distracted while I ran around as a plain clothes policeman asking people tricky questions, and the fact we had also signed up for the Hogwarts LARP and all had wands in our pockets (I think Onasuma actually cast Tarantellegra on someone in the middle of negotiations) made it a meta-meta-LARP.
Despite that silliness, it was so intricately plotted we all just spent about 4 hours in a small room, talking to each other in character. Truly brilliant, and the organisers did very, very well.

2008-09-01, 02:00 PM
I am now so envious of people who didn't have to catch a train that day :smalltongue:

As Onasuma mentioned, I was at GenCon UK, but I didn't do enough real LARPing to call myself a LARPer (we didn't exactly do much roleplaying in the Harry Potter LARP, great fun though it was). Nonetheless, I intend to get into LARPing after this point, and I'm slowly gathering a decent steampunk costume so that I can join in properly with the Victorian game at next year's GenCon.

2008-09-02, 08:03 PM
The rules vary widely per group and even event. Its larping as it is Live Action Role Playing.
It would be doing a LARP.

That would mean doing a live-action-role-playing. That sounds to long, and weird.

2008-09-02, 11:54 PM
Yeah...that can vary excessively. From acting out dnd to freeform roleplay without actual mechanics.

I think, at least.

2008-09-03, 01:26 AM
LARP means Live Action Role Play. There is no "ing" and therefore it makes perfect sense to say "I was doing/having a larp." Saying LARPing is easier though.

2008-09-03, 04:13 AM
anyone who knows where to buy a good, cheap 2 handed larp sword?

2008-09-03, 11:26 AM
Cheap? No no no (well, Denmark...). Good? Yes yes yes: www.eldritch.com

Roland St. Jude
2008-09-03, 06:52 PM
Sheriff: There seemed to be two active Larp threads so I merged them.

2008-09-03, 06:55 PM
Cheap? No no no (well, Denmark...). Good? Yes yes yes: www.eldritch.com

wow, that store made me almost want to start a LARP group over here in mexico.
But what would be the scenarios? Fight the angry cactii? run from the bewildered rock?

2008-09-03, 07:19 PM
Hmm, since no one answered my question, I will assume that ther eare no active larping groups in the Monterey Bay/Seaside/Pebble Beach area. ...Anyone want to start one? If you live in the Monterey Bay/Seaside/Pebble Beach/Carmel Valley(or By-the-sea)/Pacific Grove area, are of roughly high-school age and would like to try and start a LARPing group, let me know!:smallbiggrin:

2008-09-04, 02:18 AM
Cheap? No no no (well, Denmark...). Good? Yes yes yes: www.eldritch.com

Nah, he uses one month before even starting on the order, so that will take to long for me compared to all those who sell from store directly.
Anyone else?

2008-09-04, 10:54 AM
I ordered my warhammer from them. Took about 3 weeks to arrive.

Anyhow, if you insist:
http://www.havingalarp.com/ : Saw these guys down at gen con. They make amazing stuff, but most of it isnt on the site, so if the one 32" longsword doesnt do it for you (and it should for £32), i suggest emailing them and asking, as i know they do decent comissions.

http://www.lrpstore.com/ : The more expensive option. These things are amazing quality and theres a wide variety up there. Downside is that they arent cheap even by larp standards.

http://www.latex-weaponry.com/ : Just one i like. Pretty similar to larp store bar page design.

2008-09-04, 06:27 PM
Amtgard is the only LARP I like. I really dislike Wayfinder and Westfinder more than any other LARP because of the high fees for low quality, and the fact it's really an excuse for nerd polygamy.

*expects to receive a hundred PM's asking, "Where can I sign up!?"*

Even WhiteWolf LARPs make it pale in comparison.

Also, I do say LARPing.

String, check out the Amtgard Atlas and see if there's a group near you.

2008-09-04, 06:29 PM
hmm, tell me, is LARPing like paintball?
I mean, do you play on premade forests and fields? is there a DM? is it expensive to enter a LARPing club?

I'm asking this because the game is becoming increasingly attractive an option

2008-09-04, 07:28 PM
You know it really depends on the country your in and even the group in general. At worst it’s a group of half costumed guys hitting each other with pvc pipes covered in foam and screaming “fireball”
However at best you have groups of well prepared people in good costumes with good weapons and an absolutely nice skill system playing out a plot you will remember for the rest of your life.
A note of general advice, most larps have a NPC or monster group. These generally have costumes and weapons available, and only require you to wear some base black clothing. In most cases its also cheaper (sometimes even half the price, and often added perks) to NPC and no les fun! When you play a rank and file orc you can really go for it in combat, while players will always want to keep their characters alive. Plus that you actually will know what the heck is going on plotwise, a thing most players tend to lack.

But for your questions:
Is it like paintball, I hope not for you. paintball is a game about competition 100% focused on combat. Larp should be about the roleplay with a good heap of action to spice it up. The fight against the invading orcs should be fun, but the real fun should be the respect you get afterwards for taking down their leader.

DM’s yes, about all larps have game masters or game leaders. People who know what the plot is and make rule cals where needed. They will also act as special effects explaining what you see IC if things are not doable IRL.
Playing in premade forests or fields. Depends, I hear that in the USA and new Zeeland at least some groups have their own grounds with buildings and everything. Down here in the low lands most groups hire camping sites or event grounds for a weekend. Generally lightly to densely forested terrains work best as the threes will shield different IC locations from each other. Thus allowing different plots to be played in totally different IC places when they are not that far from each other. Larping events tend to be expansive around here. Then again generally they also offer a place to put up your tent for the night and dinner for two days around here, considering those two its not bad at all.

2008-09-04, 07:50 PM
wow, YPU, that is some serious ****. and an awesome **** at that

Do you know of any LARP group near the San Diego area? I don't think I can afford traveling much further

2008-09-05, 01:26 AM
Just further expansion on the area of where you play (despite how much YPU wrote):
I find that those in europe (well, england and denmark at least) normally run with areas made by nature. My local is in a massive set of natural caves, but built out of bits of them are large quantities of rooms, temples and the like.

2008-09-06, 07:27 AM
Ah, larping. My uni is overrun with it, and good thing too; larp is awesome.

We currently have 3 systems, 2 of which are once monthly (a vampire game and a low fantasy game) and the third of which is twice weekly (fairly high fantasy and with 15 years of play behind it). Even better, the twice weekly one is free :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-06, 10:56 AM
Just further expansion on the area of where you play (despite how much YPU wrote):
I find that those in europe (well, england and denmark at least) normally run with areas made by nature. My local is in a massive set of natural caves, but built out of bits of them are large quantities of rooms, temples and the like.

my natural enviroment is rock
and earth.
with a couple of cactii thrown in every houndred miles.


Mc. Lovin'
2008-09-12, 04:02 PM
I am now so envious of people who didn't have to catch a train that day :smalltongue:

As Onasuma mentioned, I was at GenCon UK, but I didn't do enough real LARPing to call myself a LARPer (we didn't exactly do much roleplaying in the Harry Potter LARP, great fun though it was). Nonetheless, I intend to get into LARPing after this point, and I'm slowly gathering a decent steampunk costume so that I can join in properly with the Victorian game at next year's GenCon.

You don't exactly need a costume, they were gonna let me into the victorian larp with a blue shirt and pink fluffy scarf on ... (Though they did look a bit disgruntled about how someone with a better costume than them turned up)

2008-09-12, 04:09 PM
You don't exactly need a costume, they were gonna let me into the victorian larp with a blue shirt and pink fluffy scarf on ... (Though they did look a bit disgruntled about how someone with a better costume than them turned up)
The vikings considered pink to be a very manly colour, so that's why they were grumpy, most likely.:smalltongue:

2008-10-12, 08:45 AM
http://www.havingalarp.com/ : Saw these guys down at gen con. They make amazing stuff, but most of it isnt on the site, so if the one 32" longsword doesnt do it for you (and it should for £32), i suggest emailing them and asking, as i know they do decent comissions.

Having a LARP are resellers. They don't make anything but they do sell stuff for other people, plus the stuff they import from india. Don't know if they take orders because like I said, they don't make stuff themselves.

2008-10-13, 09:17 AM
I'd like to get involved with the Lorien Trust, but unfortunately, I tend to end up being busy when my local regular events are on.