View Full Version : Ways to Expand a Spell List

2022-05-21, 08:25 AM
This thread was based off of this (http://bg–archive.minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=2777.0) original thread before being greatly expanded.

These threads are only as good as everyone else that assists in compiling them, so thank you for everyone for your help, no matter how minor.

Corrections and additions always welcome.

Quick Index
Arcane Spellcasting

Arcane Base Classes
Arcane Feats
Arcane Prestige Classes
Arcane Items
Divine Spellcasting

Divine Base Classes
Divine Feats
Divine Prestige Classes
Divine Items
Non–Standard Means of Adding Spells
Psionic Talents

Psionic Base Classes
Psionic Feats
Psionic Prestige Class
Non–Standard Means of Adding Psionic Abilities
Gaining New Domains

Arcane Prestige Classes Giving Domains
Divine Prestige Classes Giving Domains
Abbreviated Spell Lists

Bloodline Feats Spell List
Domain Spell List
Domain Wizard Spell List
Dragonmark Spell–Like Ability List
Initiate Feats Spell List
Planar Domain Spell List
Unique Prestige Class Spell List

Arcane Spellcasting

Arcane Base Classes
Beguiler (ECL 3, 7, 11, 15, 19) – Advanced Learning adds Wizard/Sorcerer Enchantment or Illusion spells (Player's Handbook II)
Dread Necromancer (ECL 4, 8, 12, 16, 20) – Advanced Learning adds cleric or wizard spell of Necromancy School
Sorcerer (Dragonblood Sorcerer) (ECL 7) – gain bonus spells based on alignment (Races of the Dragon)
Sorcerer (Domain Access) (ECL 5) – lose a first and second–level spell at 5th level and know one less sorcerer spell at each subsequent level, gain a cleric domain and cast one domain spell of each spell level per day (Complete Champion)
Spellthief (Trickster) (ECL 4) – gain Bard spellcasting (Dragon Magazine #353)
Warmage (ECL 3, 6, 11, 16) – advanced learning at specific levels to gain wizard or sorcerer evocation spells (Complete Arcane)
Warmage (Eclectic Learning) (ECL 3, 6, 11, 16) – add sorcerer/wizard spells, but the spell is one level higher than normal. (Player's Handbook 2)
Wizard (Domain Wizard) (ECL 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17) – add themed spells to spell list, see "Domain Wizard Spell List" (Unearthed Arcana)

Arcane Feats
Arcane Preparation – Allows spontaneous casters to prepare spells, which allows them to cast sanctified and corrupt spells (these need to be prepared and can't be spontaneously cast). (Complete Adventurer)
Aberrant Dragonmark – Gain a dragonmark spell–like ability
Apprentice Spellcaster – wizards get another spell in their spellbook, spontaneous casters add a spell to their spell list (might be able to be off–list) (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
Arcane Disciple – add spells from domain to class list of arcane spells, can cast once per day. (Complete Arcane)
Blessed of the Seven Sisters – adds a set list of nine spells between levels 1 to 7 (Ray of Hope, Vision of Heaven, Ease Pain, Blessed Sight, Sword of Conscience, Crown of Flame, Sacred Guardian, Crown of Brilliance, Righteous Smite) (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Bloodline feats (spontaneous casters) – gain an extra spell each level. Spells listed below (Assorted books)
Celestial Sorcerer Heritage (Sorcerer Only) – Protection from Evil (Player's Handbook II)
Celestial Sorcerer Lore (Sorcerer Only) – Add Magic Circle against Evil, Tongues, and Teleport (Player's Handbook II)
Corrupt Arcana – can prepare corrupt spells as a cleric/wizard (Heroes of Horror)
Draconic Legacy – adds spells to spell list. Requires four Draconic feats and either one level of Sorcerer or Dragontouched feat. (Races of the Dragon)
Dragonmarked Sorcerer (Sorcerer Only) – Add Sorcerer spells from least, lesser and greater Dragonmarks. (Dragon Magazine #351)
Extra Spell – add a spell one level lower than highest level of spells to list of known/available spells (Complete Arcane)
Hin Wandermage (Lightfoot Halflings only) – Wizards can add one extra spell for free to their spellbook each level. Can add Find the Path, Transport Via Plants, Word of Recall and Wind Walk.
Improved Oneiromancy – gain dream–related spells (Heroes of Horror)
Mother Cyst – adds cyst spells to spell list (Libris Mortis: The Book of the Undead)
Planar Touchstone – Catalogues of Enlightenment – as a higher–order ability, you can get a Cleric Domain and cast one spell per day from that domain as if you had prepared that spell normally (Planar Handbook, P166–167)
Precocious Apprentice – gain a chance at casting a second–level spell at 1st–level (Complete Arcane)
War Magic Study – allows you to cast war magic spells, detailed in Dragon #309 (Dragon #309)

Arcane Prestige Classes

ECL for Bonus Spells
Spellcasting Progression
Spells Gained


Any Evil
Assorted Spells Level 1–9

Auspician 1

Fate Domain
Faiths & Pantheons

Blood Magus
Not LG
Death Knell 1/day (not really added to spell list)
Complete Arcane

Celestial Mystic 2
Able to cast spells with celestial or archon component
Book of Exalted Deeds

Combat Medic
ECL 11
Can spontaneously cast "Heal" (not really added to spell list)
Heroes of Battle

Divine Oracle 1
Oracle domain
Complete Divine

ECL 8, 11, 14

Power Word Spells
Races of the Dragon

Dread Witch

Advances Arcane or Divine spells. Adds Bane and Doom (Arcane spellcaster only)
Heroes of Horror

Earthshaker 1
ECL 10
Earth domain
Dragon Magazine #314

Eldritch Master
ECL 9, 13

Adds an entire class spell list for future spells at 4th and 8th levels
Dragon Magazine #280 p88

Exalted Arcanist
ECL 7, 11
Any Good
Two bonus spells known, Exalted Spells
Book of Exalted Deeds

Fiend–Blooded 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
ECL 7, 9, 11, 13, 15
Any Non–Good
Requires arcane but can advance arcane or divine casting. Add one spell to spells known (fire spell or enchantment, illusion or necromancy from any spell list)
Heroes of Horror

ECL 7, 11
Any Good
Glyph of Warding, Greater Glyph of Warding
Complete Arcane


LG, LN, or NG
Assorted Spells levels 1–8
Player's Guide to Faerun

Hexer 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
ECL 9, 11, 13, 15, 17
Any Non–Good
Requires divine casting but can advance arcane or divine casting. Add one wizard/sorcerer spell to spells known
Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers

Horned Harbinger 1
Any Evil
Death Domain
Faiths & Pantheons

Impure Prince 1

1 – Disguise Self, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear
2 – Calm Emotions, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Natural Purity
3 – Daylight, Remove Disease
4 – Nature’s Wrath, Restoration
Magic of Eberron

Knight of the Thorn
ECL 6, 11, 15
One Additional Divination spell (Wizard) or spell known (Sorcerer) each day
Augury, Divination, Commune
Races of Destiny

ECL 10, 13, 16
Any Good
Can lose spells to spontaneously cast knock, arcane eye, greater dispel magic (not really added to spell list)
Races of Destiny

Lyric Thaumaturge
ECL 9, 12, 15

Extra spell slots and an extra Sorcerer/Wizard spell levels 1–6
Races of Destiny

Mage of the Arcane Order

Prepared Spellcasters only, access to "Spellpool"
Complete Arcane

Lesser Planar Binding, Planar Binding, Greater Planar Binding
Complete Arcane

Master Specialist 2, 5, 8
ECL 5, 8, 11

Specialist Wizards only, add one arcane spell of chosen school to spellbook
Complete Arcane

Prestige Bard

Any Nonlawful
Gain access to Bardic Spell List
Unearthed Arcana

Rainbow Servant
ECL 6, 9, 12, 15
Non–Evil, Non–Chaotic
Domains: Good, Air, Law, Cleric Spells
Complete Arcane

ECL 7, 9

Any two spells (one level lower than highest–level spell, any spell list)
Complete Arcane

Assorted Spells Level 1–9

Shadowcraft Mage
ECL 10

Can mimic wizard or sorcerer spells (evocation and most conjuration spells)
Races of Stone

Silver Pyromancer
Paladin spellcasting
Five Nations

Sublime Chord
ECL 11

Bard, Sorcerer or Wizard spells
Complete Arcane

Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Troubador of Stars
ECL 13
Sanctified spells
Complete Arcane

Ultimate Magus
ECL 7, 9, 11, 13, 15

8 and 10/10
Prepared arcane spell added to spontaneous arcane spell list
Complete Mage

Unseen Seer
ECL 7, 10, 13

Divination spells
Complete Arcane

Wearer of Purple 1
Any Evil
Choose one domain from Death, Evil or Scalykind
Dragons of Faerûn

Wyrm Wizard 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
ECL 7, 9, 11, 13, 15

Spells from any class spell list
Complete Arcane

Arcane Spellcasting Items
Domain Draught – gain access to a cleric domain for 24 hours, and allows those with access to domain spells to prepare spells from that domain. (Magic Item Compendium)
Drake's Helm – Can attune arcane spells to the helm; act as if they are on your known–spells list (Explorers Handbook)
Ring of Spell Storing – Can store up to five levels worth of spe
Ring of Theurgy – Arcane spells stored in ring are treated as on your class list (but disappear when cast) (Complete Arcane)
Runestaves – allows an arcane caster to expend a slot to cast the spell in the staff. (Magic Item Compendium)
Spellwurm (spontaneous casters only) – Symbiont; adds blur, ancient knowledge and mage armor (Magic of Eberron)

Divine Spellcasting

Divine Base Classes
Cleric (ECL 1) – two domains from deity and/or alignment (Player Handbook)
Cleric (Arcane Disciple) (ECL 1–20) – trade Turn undead and domains to gain one spell from the bard or sorcerer/wizard spell list each level (Dragon Magazine #311)
Cleric (Divine Magician) (ECL 1–20) – Lose one domain for one Abjuration, Divination, or Necromancy spell for each spell level you can cast (Complete Mage)
Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) (Every increase in spell slots) – Knowledge Domain, in addition to two domains from deity and/or alignment (Unearthed Arcana). Also adds Message, Erase, Identify, Unseen Servant, Fox’s Cunning, Illusory Script, Secret Page, Tongues, Detect Scrying, Analyze Dweomer, Sequester, and Vision
Druid (Domain Druid) – can choose one of the following domains – Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Sun, or Water. (Unearthed Arcana)
Druid (Sidhe Scholar) – gain Evil domain at 6th level
Druid (Storm Druid) – spontaneous casting of storm–based spells, gets to add Chain Lightning to spell list which is otherwise off–list
Druid (Wind Walker) – gain Air domain power at 12th level and Air domain spells at 14th level (Dragon #311)
Favored Soul (Favored of Bahamut/Tiamat) (ECL 1, 12) – gain one 1st–level spell and one 5th/6th level spell (Dragon Magic)
Paladin – The Bone Knight prestige class adds extra spells to Paladin spell list (Player's Handbook, Five Nations)
Shaman – Gain spells from two domain lists and can prepare one of these spells in a domain slot

Divine Feats
Arctic Priest – characters with Cold or Winter Cleric domains can swap out prepared spells for spells on list (Control Weather, Create Food and Water, Endure Elements, Heroes' Feast, Hibernate, Protection from Energy and Resist Energy) (Frostburn)
Corrupt Arcana – can prepare corrupt spells as a cleric/wizard (Heroes of Horror)
Customize Domain – exchange spells in a cleric domain for "similar spells on any spell list you have access to" (Dragon Magazine #325)
Draconic Legacy – adds spells to spell list. Requires four Draconic feats and Dragontouched feat. (Races of the Dragon)
Extra Spell – add a spell one level lower than highest level of spells to list of known/available spells (Complete Arcane)
Initiate Feats – adds spells to spell list, typically Cleric. See "Initiate Feats Spell List" for full list of spells gained with various Initiate feats. (Many books)
Improved Oneiromancy – gain dream–related spells (Heroes of Horror)
Life Restorer – for variant rules which nerfing resurrection: this feat is necessary in order to cast any Conjuration (healing) spell that return life to the dead; without the feat, such spells couldn't be neither prepared, nor cast (Dragon #342)
Mother Cyst – adds cyst spells to spell list (Libris Mortis: The Book of the Undead)
Planar Touchstone – Catalogues of Enlightenment – as a higher–order ability, you can get a Cleric Domain and cast one spell per day from that domain as if you had prepared that spell normally (Planar Handbook, P166–167)
Sword of the Arcane Order – Paladins and Rangers gain arcane spells (Champions of Valor)
Heretic of the Faith – swap a domain with another (Power of Faerûn)
War Magic Study – allows you to cast war magic spells, detailed in Dragon #309 (Dragon #309)

Divine Prestige Classes

ECL for Bonus Spells
Spellcasting Progression
Spells Gained

Auspician 1

Fate Domain
Faiths & Pantheons

Bone Knight

Assorted Spells Level 1–3
Five Nations

Celestial Mystic 2
Able to cast spells with celestial or archon component
Book of Exalted Deeds

Church Inquisitor 1
Domain: Inquisition
Complete Divine

Combat Medic
ECL 11
Can spontaneously cast "Heal" (not really added to spell list)
Heroes of Battle

Contemplative 1, 6
ECL 11, 16

Any two domains from deity or alignment
Complete Divine

Divine Disciple 1

Any domain (deity's available domains)
Player's Guide to Faerun

Divine Oracle 1
Oracle domain
Complete Divine

Dracolyte 1

Glory or Domination Domain

Earthshaker 1
ECL 10
Earth domain
Dragon Magazine #314

Fiend–Blooded 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
ECL 7, 9, 11, 13, 15
Any Non–Good
Requires arcane but can advance arcane or divine casting. Add one spell to spells known (fire spell or enchantment, illusion or necromancy from any spell list)
Heroes of Horror

Frost Mage
ECL 8, 10, 14

Conjure Ice Beast I–IV, Animate Snow, Frostfell


LG, LN, or NG
Assorted Spells levels 1–8
Player's Guide to Faerun

Hexer 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
ECL 9, 11, 13, 15, 17
Any Non–Good
Requires divine casting but can advance arcane or divine casting. Add one wizard/sorcerer spell to spells known
Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers

Holt Warden
Any Neutral
Plant Domain
Complete Champion

Horned Harbinger 1
Any Evil
Death Domain
Faiths & Pantheons

Impure Prince 1

Assorted Spells Level 1–4 (Listed Below)
Magic of Eberron

Knight of the Raven 3
Any Good
Sun Domain
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

Lesser Planar Binding, Planar Binding, Greater Planar Binding
Complete Arcane

ECL 12, 20
Shifter only
ECL 12 – Invisibility, Deep Slumber
ECL 20 – Lesser Planar Ally, Planar Ally, Greater Planar Ally, Gate
Races of Eberron

Olin Gisir 5 8
ECL 12, 15

5th – Dispel Chaos, Dispel Evil, or Dispel Law. 8th – Dictum, Holy Word, or Word of Chaos
Lost Empires of Faerûn

Ordained Champion 1
Lawful, Neutral Good, or Neutral Evil
War Domain (or any other deity domain if you have War domain). Can add War domain spells to class spell list if not Cleric.
Complete Champion

Prestige Bard

Gain access to Bard Spell List
Unearthed Arcana

Prestige Paladin

Gain access to Paladin Spell List
Unearthed Arcana

Prestige Ranger

Gain access to Ranger Spell List
Unearthed Arcana

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Sea mother Whip
Watery Death prestige domain

Seeker of the Mystic Isle 1, 7
ECL 6, 12

Travel and Magic domains
Complete Divine


Moon Domain spells (but not domain powers)
Faiths & Pantheons

Singer of Concordance 2

Choose one domain from Dragon, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth
Races of the Dragon

Sovereign Speaker 1–9
ECL 6–14

Choose one domain per level from large list
Races of the Dragon

Swift Wing 1

Dragon Domain
Dragon Magic

Talontar Blightord

Adds the Blightbringer domain
Unapproachable East

Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Temple Raider of Olidammara 10
ECL 16

Independent Spell Progression (4ths)
Luck Domain spell list added to class spells
Complete Divine

Warpriest 1

Glory or Domination domain
Complete Divine

Wavekeeper 1

Choose one domain from Blackwater, Ocean, Storm or Water

Waveservant 1

Ocean Domain spells (but not domain powers). Clerics prepare Ocean Domain spells as divine spells
Faiths & Pantheons

Wearer of Purple 1
Any Evil
Choose one domain from Death, Evil or Scalykind
Dragons of Faerûn

Windwalker 1

Air domain spells and Travel domain spells (but not domain powers)
Faiths & Pantheons

Divine Items
Domain Draught – gain access to a cleric domain for 24 hours, and allows those with access to domain spells to prepare spells from that domain. (Magic Item Compendium)
Domain Icon – 3/day cast a divine spell and get a domain spell of that level or lower (Faiths of Eberron)
allows a divine caster to expend a slot to cast the spell in the staff (Complete Champion)
Domain Staff – allows a divine caster to expend a slot to cast the spell in the staff (Complete Champion)
Ring of Spell Storing – Can store up to five levels worth of spells

Non–Standard Means of Adding Spells
Anyspell and Greater Anyspell – read and prepare any arcane spell up to 2nd level and 5th level (Spell Compendium)
Archdragon Templates
Chaotic Arch–Dragon – Chaos, Luck, and Trickery
Evil Arch–Dragon – Death, Evil, and War
Good Arch–Dragon – Good, Healing, and Protection
Lawful Arch–Dragon – Knowledge, Law, and Strength (Dragon #321)
Boccob's Reading Room (Magical Location) – Allows a character who prepares spells to write a new spell into their spellbook (Complete Mage)
Cerebrosis – Purchasable feat that nets you fourteen unique spells. (Dragon Magazine #330, p27)
Dragonblood Spell Pact (Sorcerer 5) – dragons and dragonblooded creatures can trade spell/s with eachother. (Dragons of Faerûn)
Imbue with Spell Ability – allows the caster to give low–level spells to the recipient, which are kept until cast
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability – allows the caster to give low–level spells to their familiar, which are kept for hours/level or until cast (Complete Arcane)
Least, Lesser, Greater Dragonmarks – Gain various spell–like abilities according to dragonmark choice. Extremely limited use compared to feats like Arcane Disciple or the Initiate feats. (Eberron Campaign Setting)
See "Dragonmark Spell–Like Ability List" for a full list of Dragonmark spell–like abilities.
See "Dragonmark Sorcerer" feat from Dragon Magazine #351
Knowstone – spontaneous casters can cast a spell as if the spell was on their spell list. (Dragon Magazine #333, p93)
Monster of Legend – template gives 5th–level Cleric casting from the Cleric spell list, as well as access to Protection, Strength, and War domains. (Monster Manual II)
Node Spellcasting – very indirect (ask your GM) but evil or earth nodes grant spells up to a level of the node's class, and these are explicitly any spells, not just spells off a particular list. Node Spellcasting allows you to access the node's spells, in effect adding them to your spell list. (Champions of Ruin)
Spell Storing – a +1 enchant that allows the character to store one spell up to third–level.
Spellhoarding Dragon Psychosis Template – a dragon template that gives you an improved form of counterspelling and add them to your spell hoard. You may also be able to catch spells outside the dragon's spell list (Dragon #313)
Substitute Domain – swap one domain for another domain your deity offers
Touchstone (Kahar) – can use one of these spell–like abilities per day – aid, calm emotions, cure moderate wounds, lesser restoration, remove paralysis (caster level as Cleric level) (Sandstorm)
Touchstone (Healing Waters of Abu–Ima) – can use one of these spell–like abilities per day – cure serious wounds, remove disease (caster level as Cleric level) (Sandstorm)
Touchstone (Shrine at Kahar) – can use one of these spell–like abilities per day – aid, calm emotions, cure moderate wounds, lesser restoration, remove paralysis (caster level as Cleric level) (Sandstorm)
Touchstone (Sunken Barge) – gain water walk as spell–like ability for 10 min/day (caster level as character level) (Sandstorm)
Touchstone (Well of Al–Sharaz) – augury as spell–like ability once/day (caster level as Cleric level) (Sandstorm)
Use Magic Device – cast spells applicable to said magic device
Wish, Miracle, etc – can duplicate lower–level spells (Player's Handbook)

Psionic Talents

Psionic Base Classes
Ardent (Substitute Powers) – allows you to add powers to mantles with less than ten abilities, and substitute equal or lesser abilities (at the GM's discretion). (WOTC Site)
Binder – the vestiges "Arete", "The Triad" and "Abysm" all give bonus psionic abilities.
Divine Mind (Ectopic Ally) – Gain the ability to summon an Astral Construct as a psi–like ability (WOTC Site)
Divine Mind (Hidden Talent) – Gain a first–level power from the mantle you first selected (WOTC Site)
Erudite (Spell–to–Power) Turn your power points into spells. (WOTC Site)
Erudite (Favored Discipline) – choose a single discipline, and you can learn all powers of that discipline, regardless of the class list they're on (WOTC Site)
Erudite (Mantled Erudite) – the powers of a mantle are considered general psion/wilderpowers (WOTC Site)
Psychic Warrior (Mantled Warrior) – Choose a mantle at 2nd level in place of your feat. Can pick powers from the chosen mantle. (WOTC Site)
Soul Knife (Hidden Talent) – Gain the Hidden Talent feat (WOTC Site)
Wilder (Educated) – Gain the Expanded Knowledge feat (WOTC Site)
Wilder (Mantled) – Gain the powers of a mantle (WOTC Site)
Wilder (Shifter) – Gain access to the Egoist list (Eberron Campaign Setting)

Psionic Feats
Expanded Knowledge – Add one additional power up to one level lower than the highest–level power you can manifest, including powers from another discipline's list. (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Hidden Talent – choose one first–level power from any psion list (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Illithid Legacy – add Psionic Charm and Read Thoughts. (Requires one Illithid Heritage feat) (Complete Psionics)
Illithid Legacy, Greater – add Dispel Psionics and Psionic Dominate (Complete Psionics)
Tap Mantle – For classes with Mantles (Ardents, Divine Minds and ACF Psychic Warrior) they can access the spells of another mantle

Psionic Prestige Class
Ruby Disciple – The psionic version may add Sardior's domain spells as if they were telepathic abilities of equal level (WOTC Online)

Non–Standard Means of Adding Psionic Abilities
Allies with psionic powers can share abilities. Followers, psicrystals with "Hidden Talent" feat, or other psionic allies can all help with this.

Mental Pinnacle (Sorcerer/Wizard 6) – A Sorcerer/Wizard spell that gives you various psionic abilities to use
Power Storing – a +1 enchant that allows the character to store a targeted psionic ability worth up to five power points.
Psychic Chirurgery (Telepath 9) – allows the caster to add psionic powers to another character. (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Use Psionic Device – cast a psionic ability on a psionic device

2022-05-21, 08:25 AM
Gaining New Domains

Arcane Prestige Classes giving Domains

Domain Gained
ECL for Bonus Spells
Spellcasting Progression
Spells Gained

Air Domain
Rainbow Servant
Non–Evil, Non–Chaotic
Gained Domains: Good (ECL 6), Air (ECL 9) Law (ECL 12), and Cleric Spells
Complete Arcane

Craft Domain
Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Death Domain
Horned Harbinger 1
Any Evil
Gain Death Domain
Faiths & Pantheons

Death Domain
Wearer of Purple 1
Any Evil
Choose one domain from Death, Evil or Scalykind
Dragons of Faerûn

Warpriest 1

Glory or Domination domain
Complete Divine

Earthshaker 1
ECL 10
Gain Earth domain
Dragon Magazine #314

Earth Domain
Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Wearer of Purple 1
Any Evil
Choose one domain from Death, Evil or Scalykind
Dragons of Faerûn

Fate Domain
Auspician 1

Fate Domain
Faiths & Pantheons

Fire Domain
Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Good Domain
Rainbow Servant
Non–Evil, Non–Chaotic
Gained Domains: Good (ECL 6), Air (ECL 9) Law (ECL 12), and Cleric Spells
Complete Arcane

Warpriest 1

Glory or Domination domain
Complete Divine

Knowledge Domain
Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Law Domain
Rainbow Servant
ECL 12
Non–Evil, Non–Chaotic
Gained Domains: Good (ECL 6), Air (ECL 9) Law (ECL 12), and Cleric Spells
Complete Arcane

Metal Domain
Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Divine Oracle 1
Gain Oracle domain
Complete Divine

Planning Domain
Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Wearer of Purple 1
Any Evil
Choose one domain from Death, Evil or Scalykind
Dragons of Faerûn

Divine Prestige Classes Giving Domains

Domains Added
ECL for Bonus Spells
Spellcasting Progression
Spells Gained

Any (by deity or Alignment)
Contemplative 1, 6
ECL 11, 16

Any two domains from deity or alignment
Complete Divine

Any (by deity or Alignment)
Divine Disciple 1

Any domain (deity's available domains)

Any (by deity or Alignment) (if you have the War domain)
Ordained Champion 1
Lawful, Neutral Good, or Neutral Evil
War Domain (or any other deity domain if you have War domain). Can add War domain spells to class spell list if not Cleric.
Complete Champion

Any (by deity or Alignment)
Sovereign Speaker 1–9
ECL 6–14

Choose one domain per level from large list
Races of the Dragon

Windwalker 1

Air domain spells and Travel domain spells (but not domain powers)
Faiths & Pantheons

Wavekeeper 1

Choose one domain from Blackwater, Ocean, Storm or Water

Talontar Blightlord 1

Adds Blightbringer domain
Unapproachable East

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Horned Harbinger 1
Any Evil
Gain Death Domain
Faiths & Pantheons

Wearer of Purple 1
Any Evil
Choose one domain from Death, Evil or Scalykind
Dragons of Faerûn

Dracolyte 1

Glory or Domination Domain

Singer of Concordance 2

Choose one domain from Dragon, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth
Races of the Dragon

Swift Wing 1

Dragon Domain
Dragon Magic

Earthshaker 1
ECL 10
Gain Earth domain
Dragon Magazine #314

Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Wearer of Purple 1
Any Evil
Choose one domain from Death, Evil or Scalykind
Dragons of Faerûn

Fate Domain
Auspician 1

Fate Domain
Faiths & Pantheons

Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Dracolyte 1

Glory or Domination Domain

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Warpriest 1

Glory or Domination domain
Complete Divine

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Singer of Concordance 2

Choose one domain from Dragon, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth
Races of the Dragon

Church Inquisitor 1
Domain: Inquisition
Complete Divine

Singer of Concordance 2

Choose one domain from Dragon, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth
Races of the Dragon

Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Temple Raider of Olidammara 10
ECL 16

Independent Spell Progression (4ths)
Luck Domain spell list added to class spells
Complete Divine

Seeker of the Mystic Isle 7
ECL 12

Travel (Level 1) and Magic (Level 7) domains
Complete Divine

Singer of Concordance 2

Choose one domain from Dragon, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth
Races of the Dragon

Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons


Moon Domain spells (but not domain powers)
Faiths & Pantheons

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Wavekeeper 1

Choose one domain from Blackwater, Ocean, Storm or Water

Waveservant 1

Ocean Domain spells (but not domain powers). Clerics prepare Ocean Domain spells as divine spells
Faiths & Pantheons

Divine Oracle 1
Gain Oracle domain
Complete Divine

Techsmith 3

Choose one domain from Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal or Planning
Faiths & Pantheons

Holt Warden
Any Neutral
Plant Domain
Complete Champion

Wearer of Purple 1
Any Evil
Choose one domain from Death, Evil or Scalykind
Dragons of Faerûn

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Wavekeeper 1

Choose one domain from Blackwater, Ocean, Storm or Water

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Singer of Concordance 2

Choose one domain from Dragon, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth
Races of the Dragon

Knight of the Raven 3
Any Good
Sun Domain
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

Radiant Servant of Pelor 5
One of Pelor's domains (Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Nobility, Sin–Pride, Strength, Sun) or the Glory or Purification domain.
Complete Divine

Seeker of the Mystic Isle 1

Travel (Level 1) and Magic (Level 7) domains
Complete Divine

Singer of Concordance 2

Choose one domain from Dragon, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth
Races of the Dragon

Windwalker 1

Air domain spells and Travel domain spells (but not domain powers)
Faiths & Pantheons

War Domain
Ordained Champion 1
Lawful, Neutral Good, or Neutral Evil
War Domain (or any other deity domain if you have War domain). Can add War domain spells to class spell list if not Cleric.
Complete Champion

Wavekeeper 1

Choose one domain from Blackwater, Ocean, Storm or Water

Singer of Concordance 2

Choose one domain from Dragon, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth
Races of the Dragon

Abbreviated Spell Lists

Bloodline Feats Spell List
Requires spontaneous arcane casting. Gain a bonus spell known for each spell level, only have one bloodline. (Dragon Compendium)

Air – Obscuring Mist, Gust of Wind, Wind Wall, Shout, Telekinesis, Control Winds, Ethereal Jaunt, Summon Monster VIII (elementals and outsiders with air subtype only) Freedom (Dragon Compendium)
Anarchic – Color Spray, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Rage, Confusion, Mind Fog, Mislead, Prismatic Spray, Maze, Weird (Dragon Compendium)
Aquatic Fey – Charm Person, Alter Self, Water Breathing, Charm Monster, Mind Fog, Control Water, Control Weather, Horrid Wilting, Shapechange (Dragon #335, p93)
Axoimatic – Detect Chaos, Locate Object, Magic Circle against Chaos, Locate Creature, Dismissal, True Seeing, Forcecage, Discern Location, Dominate Monster (Dragon Compendium)
Celestial – Protection from Evil, Daylight, Magic Circle against Evil, Rainbow Pattern, Dismissal, Guards and Wards, Sequester, Sunburst, Summon Monster IX (good outsiders only) (Dragon Compendium)
Draconic – Comprehend Languages, Darkvision, Protection from Elements, Fear, Mind Fog, True Seeing, Vision, Mind Blank, Dominate Monster (Dragon Compendium)
Earth – Enlarge Person, Shatter, Keen Edge, Stone Shape, Transmute Rock to Mud, Move Earth, Statue, Iron Body, Summon Monster IX (Elementals and Outsideres with Earth Subtype only) (Dragon Compendium)
Fey – Detect Secret Doors, Glitterdust, Tongues, Hallucinatory Terrain, Seeming, Mislead,, Sequester, Otto's Irresistable Dance, Wail of the Banshee (Dragon Compendium)
Fiendish – Protection from Good, Darkness, Sepia Snake Sigil, Bestow Curse, Nightmare, Mislead, Insanity, Maze, Imprisonment (Dragon Compendium)
Fire – Hypnotism, Pyrotechnics, Tongues, Fire Shield, Cloudkill, Summon Monster VI (Elementals and Outsiders with Fire Subtype only), Delayed Blast Fireball, Sunburst, Meteor Swarm (Dragon Compendium)
Illithid – Hypnotism, Detect Thoughts, Suggestion, Feeblemind, Mass Suggestion, Insanity, Mind Blank, Dominate Monster (Dragon Compendium)
Necromantic – Cause Fear, Ghoul Touch, Vampiric Touch, Contagion, Dominate Person, Eyebite, Control Undead, Trap the Soul, Wail of the Banshee (Dragon Compendium)
Penumbra – Obscuring Mist, Darkness, Nondetection, Evard's Black Tentacles, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Walk, Plane Shift, Greater Shadow Evocation, Etherealness (Dragon Compendium)
Plant – Endure Elements, False Life, Water Breathing, Minor Creation, Transmute Rock to Mud, Control Water, Control Weather, Control Plants, Imprisonment (Dragon Compendium)
Serpent Bloodline – Cause Fear, Hypnotic Pattern, Sepia Snake Sigil, Phantasmal Killer, Dominate Person, Repulsion, Power Word Blind, Power Word Stun, Power Word Kill
Water Bloodline – Expeditious Retreat, Fog Cloud, Waterbreathing, Quench, Transmute Rock to Mud, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Control Weather, Summon Monster VIII (elementals and outsiders with water subtype) Elemental Swarm (Dragon Compendium)

Domain Spell List
Information from this (https://web.archive.org/web/20191219065916/http://ftm3.altervista.org/ASMoNM/domains.html/) thread. Bolded spells are not native to the Cleric spell list

Air – Obscure Mist, Wind Wall, Gaseous Form, Air Walk, Control Winds, Chain Lightning, Control Weather, Whirlwind, Elemental Swarm (PHB)
Alteration (Mystic Only) – Enlarge Person, Alter Self, Gaseous Form, Polymorph, Baleful Polymorph, Flesh to Stone, Regenerate, Polymorph any Object, Shapechange[/B] (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
Ancestor – Detect Undead, Ancestral Vengeance, Speak with Dead, Divination, Atonement, Geas/Quest, Legend Lore, Compel, Foresight (Oriental Adventures)
Animal – Calm Animals, Hold Animal, Dominate Animal, Summon Nature's Ally IV (animals only), Commune with Nature, Antilife Shell, Animal Shapes, Summon Nature's Ally VIII (animals only), Shapechange (PHB)
Army – Bless, Lighten Load, Prayer, Divination, Easy March, Heroes Feast, Greater Scrying, Mass Heal, Teleportation Circle (Dragon Magazine #317 P78)
Artifice – Animate Rope, Wood Shape, Stone Shape, Minor Creation, Fabricate, Major Creation, Hardening, True Creation, Prismatic Sphere (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Avarice – Sticky Fingers, Treasure Scent, Locate Object, Shrink Item, Telekinesis, Leomund's Secret Chest, Sequester, Discern Location, Antipathy (Dragon Magazine #323 P63)
Balance – Make Whole, Calm Emotion, Clarity of Mind, Dismissal, Mass Sanctuary, Banishment, Word of Balance, Protection from Spells, Weighed in the Balance (SpC)
Beguilement – Hypnotism, Enthrall, Hypnotic Pattern, Deep Slumber, Confusion, Modify Memory, Mass Suggestion, Mass Hold Person, Otto's Irresistible Dance (Dragon Magazine #312 P50)
Bestial – Magic Fang, Bull's Strength, Greater Magic Fang, Claws of the Savage, Charm Monster, Hold Monster, Whirlwind of Teeth, Spread of Savagery, Were–Doom (Book of Vile Darkness)
Blackwater – Cause Fear, Pressure Sphere, Evard's Black Tentacles, Transformation of the Deep, Blackwater Tentacle, Blackwater Taint, Dark Tide, Maelstrom, Doom of the Seas (Stormwrack)
Blightbringer – Hold Animal, Maw of Stone, Contagion, Fear, Cone of Cold, Finger of Death, Command of Plants, Horrid Wilting, Energy Drain (Unapproachable East)
Cavern – Detect Secret Doors, Darkness, Meld Into Stone, Leomund's Secure Shelter, Passwall, Find the Path, Maw of Stone, Earthquake, Imprisonment (SpC)
Celerity – Expeditious Retreat, Cat's Grace, Blur, Haste, Tree Stride, Wind Walk, Mass Cat's Grace, Improved Blink, Time Stop (SpC)
Celestial – Vision of Heaven, Consecrate, Blessed Sight, Lesser Planar Ally, Heavenly Lightning, Call Faithful Servants, Heavenly Lightning Storm, Holy Aura, Gate (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Chaos – Protection from Law, Shatter, Magic Circle Against Law, Chaos Hammer, Dispel Law, Animate Objects, Word of Chaos, Cloak of Chaos, Summon Monster IX (PHB)
Charity – Goodberry, Aid, Create Food and Water, Imbue with Spell Ability, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Refuge, Mordenkainen Magnificent Mansion, Mass Heal (Dragon Magazine #355 P25)
Charm – Charm Person, Calm Emotions, Suggestion, Good Hope, Charm Monster, Geas/Quest, Insanity, Demand, Dominate Monster (SpC)
Chastity – Shield of Faith, Lesser Restoration, Magic Vestment, Spell Immunity, Break Enchantment, Bigby's Interposing Hand, Repulsion, Antimagic Field, Mind Blank (Dragon Magazine #355, P25)
Chromatic Dragon – Cause Fear, Gust of Wind, Claws of Darkness, Fear, Rebuking Breath, Symbol of Fear, Aura of Terror, Greater Stunning Breath, Weird
City – Rooftop Strider, City Lights, Winding Alleys, Commune with City, Skyline Runner, City Stride, Urban Shield, City's Might, Animate City (Races of Destiny)
Cold – Chill Touch, Chill Metal, Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Wall of Ice, Cone of Cold, Control Weather, Polar Ray, Obedient Avalanche (SpC)
Commerce – Comprehend Languages, Zone of Truth, Tongues, Glibness, True Seeing, Leomund's Secret Chest, Refeuge, Analyze Dweomer, Polymorph Any Object (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Community – Bless, Status, Prayer, Tongues, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Heroes' Feast, Refuge, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Mass Heal (SpC)
Competition – Remove Fear, Zeal, Prayer, Divine Power, Righteous Might, Zealot Pact, Regenerate, Moment of Prescience, Greater Visage of the Deity (SpC)
Corruption – Doom, Blindness/Deafness, Contagion, Morality Undone, Feeblemind, Pox, Insanity, Befoul, Despoil (Fiendish Codex I)
Courage – Remove Fear, Aid, Cloak of Bravery, Heroism, Valiant Fury, Heroes' Feast, Greater Heroism, Lion's Roar, Greater Cloak of Bravery (SpC)
Craft – Animate Rope, Wood Shape, Stone Shape, Minor Creation, Wall of Stone, Fantastic Machine, Major Creation, Forcecage, Greater Fantastic Machine
Creation – Create Water, Minor Image, Create Food and Water, Minor Creation, Major Creation, Heroes' Feast, Perament Image, True Creation, Pavillion of Grandeur (SpC)
Darkness – Obscuring Mist, Blinding/Deafness, Blacklight, Armor of Darkness, Darkbolt, Prying Eyes, Nightmare, Power Word Bind, Power Word Kill. (SpC)
Death – Cause Fear, Death Knell, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Slay Living, Create Undead, Destruction, Create Greater Undead, Wail of the Banshee (PHB)
Deathbound – Chill of the Grave, Blade of Pain and Fear, Fangs of the Vampire King, Wither Limb, Revive Undead, Awaken Undead, Avasculate, Avascular Mass, Wail of the Banshee (SpC)
Deathless – Detect Undead, Consecrate, Halt Deathless, Spirit Steed, Hallow, Create Deathless, Control Deathless, Create Greater Deathless, Hero's Blade (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Decay – Doom, Ray of Enlightenment, Contagion, Enervation, Blight, Antilife Shell, Withering Palm, Horrid Wilting, Energy Drain (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Demonic – Demonflesh, Demoncall, Demon Wings, Dimensional Anchor, Lesser Planar Binding, Planar Binding, Fiendish Clarity, Greater Planar Binding, Gate (Fiendish Codex I)
Destiny – Omen of Peril, Augury, Delay Death, Bestow Curse, Stalwart Pact, Warp Destiny, Bestow Curse, Greater Moment of Prescience, Choose Destiny (Races of Destiny
Destruction – Inflict Light Wounds, Shatter, Contagion, Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Harm, Disintegrate, Earthquake, Implosion (PHB)
Diabolic – Protection from Good, Devil’s Eye, Devil’s Ego, Hellfire, Lesser Planar Binding, Planar Binding, Hellfire Storm, Demand, Investiture of the Pit Fiend (Fiendish Codex II)
Domination – Command, Enthrall, Suggestion, Dominate Person, Greater Command, Greater, Geas/Quest, Mass Suggestion, True Domination, Monstrous Thrall (SpC)
Dragon – Magic Fang, Resist Energy, Greater Magic Fang, Voice of the Dragon, True Seeing, Stoneskin, Dragon Ally, Mass Suggestion, Dominate Monster (SpC)
[B]Dragon Below – Cause Fear, Death Knell, Bestow Curse, Lesser Planar Ally, Slay Living, Planar Ally, Blasphemy, Greater Planar Ally, Gate (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Dream – Sleep, Augury, Deep Slumber, Phantasmal Killer, Nightmare, Dream Sight, Greater Scrying, Power Word Stun, Weird (SpC)
Drow – Cloak of Power, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Suggestion Discern Lies, Spiderform, Greater Dispelling Screen, Word of Chaos, Greater Planar Ally, Gate (SpC)
Dwarf – Magic Weapon, Bear’s Endurance, Glyph of Warding, Greater Magic Weapon, Fabricate, Stone Tell, Dictum, Protection from Spells, Elemental Swarm (SpC)
Earth – Magic Stone, Soften Earth and Stone, Stone Shape, Spike Stones, Wall of Stone, Stoneskin, Earthquake, Iron Body, Elemental Swarm (PHB)
Elf – True Strike, Cat’s Grace, Snare, Tree Stride, Commune with Nature, Find the Path, Liveoak, Sunburst, Antipathy (SpC)
Emotion – Detect Emotions, Hypnotism, Rage, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Nightmare, Greater Heroism, Insanity, Weird (Dragon Magazine #340)
Endurance – Endure Elements, Bear’s Endurance, Refreshment, Sustain, Stoneskin Bear’s Endurance, Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Turning, Iron Body
Entropy – Cause Fear, Vision of Entropy, Ray of Exhaustion, Fear, Waves of Fatigue, Disintegrate, Insanity, Scintillating Pattern, Abyssal Rift (Fiendish Codex I)
Envy – Disguise Self, Ray of Enfeeblement, Touch of Idiocy, Vampiric Touch, Crushing Despair, Magic Jar, Limited Wish, Simulacrum, Wish
Evil – Protection from Good, Desecrate, Magical Circle against Good, Desecrate, Unholy Blight, Dispel Good, Create Undead, Blasphemy, Unholy Aura, Summon Monster IX (Evil) (PHB)
Exorcism – Protection from Evil, Magical Circle from Evil, Remove Curse, Dismissal, Dispel Evil, Banishment, Holy Word, Holy Aura, Freedom (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Family – Bless, Shield Other, Helping Hand, Imbue with Spell Ability, Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Heroes’ Feast, Refuge, Protection from Spells, Prismatic Sphere (SpC)
Fate – True Strike, Augury, Bestow Curse, Status, Mark of Justice, Geas/Quest. Vision, Mind Blank, Foresight (SpC)
Feast – Goodberry, Delay Poison, Create Food and Water, Neutralize Poison, Leomund’s Secure Shelter, Heroes’ Feast, Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion, Deoxify, Feast of Champions (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Fey – Faerie Fire, Charm Person, Inspired Aim, Blinding Beauty, Tree Stride, Heroes’ Feast, Liveoak, Unearthly Beauty, Summon Nature’s Ally IX (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Fire – Burning Hands, Produce Flame, Resist Energy (Cold or Fire only), Wall of Fire, Fire Shield, Fire Seeds, Fire Storm, Incendiary Cloud, Elemental Swarm (PHB)
Force – Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Blast of Force, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Wall of Force, Repulsion, Forcecage, Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere, Bigby’s Crushing Hand, (SpC)
Forge – Magic Weapon, Heat Metal, Keen Edge, Minor Creation, Wall of Iron, Major Creation, Hardening, Repel Metal or Stone, Iron Body (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
Fury – True Strike, Bull’s Strength, Rage, Divine Power, Shout, Song of Discord, Abyssal Frenzy, Greater Shout, Mass Abyssal Frenzy (Fiendish Codex I)
Gem Dragon – True Strike, Detect Thoughts, Mesmerizing Glare, Suggestion, Dragonsight, Probe Thoughts,, True Seeing, Mind Blank, Foresight (Dragon Magazine #344)
Generosity – Deathwatch, Shield Other, Detect Thoughts, Discern Lies, True Seeing, Prying Eyes, Guards and Wards, Teleport Others, Foresight (Dragon Magazine #355)
Ghost – Protection from Possession, Hold Person or Ghost, Undead Bane Weapon, Proper State, Contingent Spell Lock, Undeath to Death, Repel Ectoplasm, Trap the Soul, Forcecage (Ghostwalk)
Glory – Disrupt Undead, Bless Weapon, Searing Light, Holy Smite, Holy Sword, Bolt of Glory, Sunbeam, Crown of Glory, Gate (SpC)
Gluttony – Goodberry, Death Knell, Create Food and Water, Vampiric Touch, Baleful Polymorph, Heroes’ Feast Stone to Flesh, Bite of the King, Trap the Soul (SpC)
Gnome – Silent image, Gembomb, Minor Image, Minor Creation, Haullucinatory Terrain, Fantastic Machine, Screen, Otto’s Irrestible Dance, Summon Nature’s Ally IX (Earth Elementals or Animals only) (SpC)
Good – Protection from Evil, Aid, Magic Circle Against Evil, Holy Smite, Dispel Evil, Blade Barrier, Holy Word, Holy Aura, Summon Monster IX (PHB)
Greed – Cheat, Entice Gift, Knock, Fire Trap, Fabricate, Guards and Wards, Teleport Object, Phantasmal Thief, Sympathy (SpC)
Halfling – Magic Stone, Cat's Grace, Magic Vestment, Freedom of Movement, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Move Earth, Shadow Walk, Word of Recall, Foresight (SpC)
Hatred – Doom, Scare, Bestow Curse, Rage, Righteous Might, Forbiddance, Blasphemy, Antipathy, Wail of the Banshee (SpC)
Healing – Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Heal, Regenerate, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Heal (PHB)
Herald – Comprehend Languages, Enthrall, Tongues, Sending, Greater Command, Dream, Aspect of the Deity, Crown of Glory, Greater Aspect of the Deity (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Hope – Bless, Aid, Heroism, Good Hope, Atonement, Greater Heroism, Greater Restoration, Greater Planar Ally, Miracle (Dragon #340)
Humility – Reduce Person, Hold Person, Bestow Curse, Ray of Exhaustion, Enervation, Waves of Fatigue, Symbol of Weakness, Spell Turning, Energy Drain (Dragon #355)
Hunger – Ghoul Light, Ghoul Glyph, Ghoul Gesture, Enervation, Ghoul Gauntlet, Eyes of the King, Field of Ghouls, Bite of the King, Energy Drain (SpC)
Hunt – Hide from Animals, Bear's Endurance, Snare, Locate Creature, Commune with Nature, Find the Path, Control Weather, Discern Location, Foresight (Dragon #342)
Illusion – Silent Image, Minor Image, Displacement, Phantasmal Killer, Persistent Image, Mislead, Project Image, Screen, Weird (SpC)
Inquisition – Detect Chaos, Zone of Truth, Detect Thoughts, Discern Lies, True Seeing, Geas/Quest, Dictum, Shield of Law, Imprisonment (SpC)
Incarnum – Detect Incarnum, Soul Boon, Wall of Incarnum, Essentia Lock, Incarnum Weapon, Incarnum Vigor, Incarnum Bladestorm, Incarnum Apotheosis, Soulmeld Disjunction (Magic of Incarnum)
Insight – True Strike, Augury, Locate Object, Divination, Commune, Mass Owl's Wisdom, Greater Arcane Sight, Moment of Prescience, Foresight (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
Joy – Vision of Heaven, Elation, Distilled Joy, Good Hope, Chaav's Laugh, Greater Heroism, Starmantle, Sympathy, Otto's Irresistable Dance (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Jungle Entangle, Warp Wood, Poison, Summon Nature's Ally IV, Rainbow Pattern, Wall of Thorns, Summon Nature's Ally VII, Creeping Doom, Shambler (WOTC Website, http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/bs/20041126a)
Knowledge – Detect Secret Doors, Detect Thoughts, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Divination, True Seeing, Find the Path, Legend Lore, Discern Location, Foresight (PHB)
Kobold – Create Trap, Gnome Blight, Fire Trap, Stone Sphere, Transmute Rock to Mud, Contingency, Ironguard, Maze, Transmute Rock to Lava (WOTC Website)
Law – Protection from Chaos, Calm Emotions, Magic Circle against Chaos, Order's Wrath, Dispel Chaos, Hold Monster, Dictum, Shield of Law, Summon Monster IX (PHB)
[B]Liberation – Omen of Peril, Undetectable Alignment, Rage, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Greater Dispel Magic, Refuge, Mind Blank, Unbinding (SpC)
Life – Hide from Undead, Lesser Restoration, Plant Growth, Death Ward, Disrupting Weapon, Animate Objects, Regenerate, Animate Plants, Mass Heal (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Luck – Entropic Shield, Aid, Protection from Energy, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Mislead, Spell Turning, Moment of Prescience, Miracle (PHB)
Lung Dragon – Unseen Servant, Fog Cloud, Sign of Sealing, Air Walk, Draconic Might, Greater Sign of Sealing, Control Weather, Polymorph Any Object, Meteor Swarm (Dragon #344)
Lust – Charm Person, Invisibility, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Lesser Planar Ally, Scrying, Symbol of Persuasion, Refuge, Sympathy, Trap the Soul (SpC
Madness – Lesser Confusion, Touch of Madness, Rage, Confusion, Bolts of Bedevilment, Phantasmal Killer, Insanity, Maddening Scream (SpC)
Magic – Nystul's Magic Aura, Identify, Dispel Magic, Imbue with Spell Ability, Spell Resistance, Antimagic Field, Spell Turning, Protection from Spells, Modenkainen's Disjunction (PHB)
Meditaton – Comprehend Languages, Owl's Wisdom, Locate Object, Tongues, Spell Resistance, Find the Path, Spell Turning, Mind Blank, Astral Projection (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Mentalism – Lesser Confusion, Detect Thoughts, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Modify Memory, Mind Fog, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Antipathy, Mind Blank, Astral Projection (SpC)
Metal – Magic Weapon, Heat Metal, Keen Edge, Rusting Grasp, Wall of Iron, Blade Barrier, Transmute Metal to Wood, Iron Body, Repel Metal or STone (SpC)
Metallic Dragon – Vision of Glory, Shield Other, Diamondsteel, Protection from Energy, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Iron, Ironguard, Iron Body, Greater Dragon Ally (Dragon #344)
Mind – Comprehend Languages, Detect Thoughts, Lesser Telepathic Bond, Discern Lies, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Probe Thoughts, Brain Spider, Mind Blank, Weird (SpC)
Moon – Faerie Fire, Moonbeam, Moonblade, Fear, Moon Path, Permanent Image, Insanity, Animal Shapes, Moonfire (SpC)
Mysticism – Divine Favor, Spiritual Weapon, Lesser Visage of the Deity, Weapon of the Deity, Righteous Might, Visage of the Deity, Blasphemy (evil) or Holy Word (Good), Holy Aura (Good), Unholy Aura (Evil), Greater Visage of the Deity (SpC)
Necromancer – Ray of Enfeeblement, Command Undead, Vampiric Touch, Enervation, Waves of Fatigue, Eyebite, Control Undead, Horrid Wilting, Energy Drain (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Night Domain – Sleep, Deeper Darkness, Deep Slumber, Phantom Steed, Nightmare, Shadow Walk, Waves of Exhaustion, Greater Shadow Evocation, Shades (Dragon #342)'
Nobility – Divine Favor, Enthrall, Magic Vestment, Discern Lies, Greater Command, Geas/Quest, Repulsion,Demand, Storm of Vengeance (SpC)
Ocean – Endure Elements, Sound Burst, Water Breathing, Freedom of Movement, Wall of Ice, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Waterspout, Maelstrom, Elemental Swarm
Ooze – Grease, Web, Poison, Rusting Grasp, Oozepuppet, Transmute Rock to Mud, Slime Wave, Befoul, Implosion
Oracle – Identify, Augury, Divination, Scrying, Commune, Legend Lore, Greater Scrying, Discern Location, Foresight (SpC)
Orc – Cause Fear, Produce Flames, Prayer, Divine Power, Prying Eyes, Eyebite, Blasphemy (Evil) or Holy Word (Good), Cloak of Chaos, Power Word Kill (SpC)
Pact – Command, Shield Other, Speak with Dead, Divination, Stalwart Pact, Zealot Pact, Renewal Pact, Death Pact, Gate (SpC)
Pain – Angry Ache, Sadism, Wrack, Liquid Pain, Thousand Needles, Pox, Wave of Pain, Symbol of Pain, Eternal Torture
Passion – Cause Fear, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Greater Command, Greater Heroism, Song of Discord, Otto's Irresistable Dance, Dominate Monster (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Patience – Sanctuary, Delay Poison, Protection from Energy, Slow, Hold Monster, Mass Bear's Endurance, Contingency, Sequester, Time Stop (Dragon #355)
Pestilence – Doom, Summon Swarm, Contagion, Poison, Plague of Rats, Curse of Lycanthropy, Scourge, Horrid Wilting, Otyugh Swarm (SpC)
Planning – Deathwatch, Augury, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Status, Detect Scrying, Heroes' Feast, Greater Scrying, Discern Location, Time Stop (SpC)
Plant – Entangle, Barkskin, Plant Growth, Command Plants, Wall of Thorns, Repel Wood, Animate Plants, Control Plants, Shambler (PHB)
Pleasure – Remove Fear, Lastai's Caress, Heart's Ease, Remove Fatigue, Mass Eagle's Splendor, Celestial Blood, Empyreal Ecstasy, Spread of Contentment, Sublime Revelry (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Portal – Summon Monster I, Analyze Portal, Dimensional Anchor, Dimension Door, Teleport, Banishment, Etherealness, Maze, Gate (SpC)
Portal (Alternative) – Portal Stabilization, Analyze Portal, Portal View, Dimension Door, Portal Barricade, Portal-to-Portal Redirect, Etherealness, Portal Reformat, Gate (Underdark)
Pride – Hypnotism, Eagle's Splendor, Heroism, Divine Power, Mass Reduce Person, Forbiddance, Greater Heroism, Greater Spell Immunity, Mass Charm Monster (SpC)
Protection – Sanctuary, Shield Other, Protection from Energy, Spell Immunity, Spell Resistance, Antimagic Field, Repulsion, Mind Blank, Prismatic Sphere (PHB)
Purification – Nimbus of Light, Deific Vengeance, Recitation, Castigate, Dance of the Unicorn, Fires of Purity, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, Sunburst, Greater Visage of the Deity (SpC)
Radiance – Color Spray, Hypnotic Pattern, Searing Light, Faerie Fire (Widened), Rainbow Pattern, Rainbow, Prismatic Spray, Scintillating Pattern, Prismatic Wall (Dragon #321)
Renewal – Charm Person, Lesser Restoration, Remove Disease, Reincarnate, Atonement, Heroes' Feast, Greater Restoration, Polymorph Any Object, Freedom (SpC)
Repose – Deathwatch, Gentle Repose, Speak with Dead, Death Ward, Slay Living, Undeath to Death, Destruction, Surelife, Wail of the Banshee (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Retribution – Shield of Faith, Bear's Endurance, Speak with Dead, Fire Shield, Mark of Justice, Banishment, Spell Turning, Discern Location, Storm of Vengeance (SpC)
Revered Ancestor – Magic Weapon, Aid, Heroism, Spirit Steed, Glimpse of Eternity, Greater Heroism, Vision, Earthquake, Hero's Blade (Faiths of Eberron)
Rune – Erase, Secret Page, Glyph of Warding, Explosive Runes, , Lesser Planar Binding, Greater Glyph of Warding, Instant Summons, Symbol of Death, Teleportation Circle (SpC)
Sand – Waste Strider, Black Sand, Haboob, Blast of Sand, Flaywind Burst, Awaken Sand, Vitrify, Desert Binding, Summon Desert Ally IX (Sandstorm)
Scalykind – Magic Fang, Animal Trance (ophidians and reptiles only), Greater Magic Fang, Poison, Animal Growth (ophidians and reptiles only), Eyebite, Creeping Doom (composed of tiny snakes), Animal Shapes (ophidians and reptiles only), Shapechange
Seafolk – Quickswim, Fins to Feet, Scales of the Sealord, Siren's Call, Commune with Nature, Airy Water, Megalodon Empowerment, Depthsurge, Foresight (Stormwrack)
Seduction – Charm Person, Eagle's Splendor, Lesser Geas, Suggestion, Charm Monster, Dominate Person, Mass Charm Monster, Dominate Monster, Demand (Dragon #312)
Shadow – Obscuring Mist, Darkness, Deeper Darkness, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Walk, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Shades (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Sky – Raptor's Sight, Summon Dire Hawk, Enduring Flight, Aerial Alacrity, Control Winds, Wind Walk, Reverse Gravity, Mastery of the Sky, Summon Devoted Roc (Races of the Wild)
Slime – Grease, Melf's Acid Arrow, Poison, Rusting Grasp, Evard's Black Tentacles, Transmute Rock to Mud, Destruction, Power Word Blind, Implosion (SpC)
Sloth – Touch of Fatigue, Unseen Servant, Deep Slumber, Slow, Symbol of Sleep, Waves of Fatigue, Shadow Walk, Waves of Exhaustion, Astral Projection (SpC)
Spell – Mage Armor, Silence, Anyspell, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Break Enchantment, Greater Anyspell, Limited Wish, Antimagic Field, Mordenkainen's Disjunction (SpC)
Spider – Spider Climb, Summon Swarm, Phantom Steed (has vermin shape), Giant Vermin, Insect Plague, Spider Curse, Stone Spiders, Creeping Doom, Spider Shapes (SpC)
Spirit – Bane, Scare, Bestow Curse, Death Ward, Enervation, Magic Jar, Eyebite, Finger of Death, Soul Bind (Dragon #312)
Spite – Bestow Wound, Rage, Vampiric Touch, Pronouncement of Fate, Fire in the Blood, Cloak of Hate, Pact of Return, Mantle of Pure Spite, Imprison Soul (Heroes of Horror)
Storm – Entropic Shield, Gust of Wind, Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Summon Monster VI (Air only), Control Weather, Whirlwind, Storm of Vengeance (SpC)
Strength – Enlarge Person, Bull's Strength, Magic Vestment, Spell Immunity, Righteous Might, Stoneskin, Bigby's Grasping Hand, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Bigby's Crushing Hand (PHB)
Suffering – Bane, Bear's Endurance, Bestow Curse, Enervation, Feeblemind, Harm, Eyebite, Symbol of Pain, Horrid Wilting
Summer – Impede Sun's Brilliance, Sunstroke, Protection from Dessication, Skin of Cactus, Unearthly Heat, Sunbeam, Control Weather, Sunburst, Storm of Vengeance
Summoner – Summon Monster I, Summon Monster II, Summon Monster III, Lesser Planar Ally, Summon Monster V, Planar Ally, Summon Monster VII, Greater Planar Ally, Gate (SpC)
Sun – Endure Elements, Heat Metal, Searing Light, Fire Shield, Flame Strike, Fire Seeds, Sunbeam, Sunburst, Prismatic Sphere (PHB)
Temperance – Remove Fear, Calm Emotions, Dispel Magic, Neutralize Poison, Atonement, Greater Dispel Magic, Symbol of Stunning, Shield of Law, Iron Body (Dragon #355)
Temptation – Charm Person, Beckoning Call, Suggestion, Charm Monster, Dominate Person, Mass Suggestion, Soul Link, Sympathy, Dominate Monster (Fiendish Codex)
Thirst – Parching Touch, Dessicatem Tormenting Thirst, Dispel Water, Mass Dessicate, Symbol of Thirst, Mephit Mob (Dust, Salt or Sulfur Mephits only), Horrid Wilting, Energy Drain
Thunder – Shatter, Soundburst, Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Shout, Chain Lighting, Control Weather, Power Word Stun, Storm of Vengeance (Dragon #290)
Time – True Strike, Gentle Repose, Haste, Freedom of Movement, Permanency, Contingency, Legend Lore, Foresight, Time Stop (SpC)
Trade – Message, Gembomb, Eagle's Splendor, Sending, Fabricate, True Seeing, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Mind Blank, Discern Location
Transformation – Enlarge Person, Alter Self, Gaseous Form, Involuntary Shapeshifting, Polymorph, Baleful Polymorph, Doppelganger Transformation, Polymorph Any Object, Shapechange (Races of Eberron)
Travel – Longstrider, Locate Object, Fly, Dimension Door, Teleport, Find the Path, Greater Teleport, Phase Door, Astral Projection (PHB)
Treachery – Undetectable Alignment, Eagle's Splendor, Bestow Curse, Glibness, Magic Jar, Symbol of Persuasion, Eyebite, Trap the Soul, Imprisonment
Trickery – Disguise Self, Invisibility, Nondetection, Confusion, False Vision, Mislead, Screen, Polymorph Any Object, Time Stop (PHB)
Truth – Detect Thoughts, Zone of Truth, See Invisibility, Discern Lies, True Seeing, Force Shapechange, Illusion Purge, Discern Location, Mass True Seeing (Races of Eberron)
Tyranny – Command, Enthrall, Discern Lies, Fear, Greater Command, Geas/Quest, Bigby's Grasping Hand, Mass Charm Monster, Dominate Monster (SpC)
Undead – Chill Touch, Command Undead, Animate Undead, Halt Undead, Slay Living, Create Undead, Undeath to Death, Create Greater Undead, Wail of the Banshee (Dragon #312)


2022-05-21, 08:26 AM
Vile Darkness – Darkvision, Darkbolt, Deeper Darkness, Damning Darkness, Evard's Black Tentacles, Wall of Force, Shadow Walk, Utterdark, Screen (Lords of Madness)
War – Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon, Magic Vestmnet, Divine Power, Flame Strike, Blade Barrier, Power Word Blind, Power Word Stun, Power Word Kill (PHB)
Warforged – Repair Light Damage, Lesser Construct Essence, Stone Construct, Repair Critical Damage, Greater Construct Energy Ward, Iron Construct, Mass Lesser Construct Essence, Total Repair, Summon Warforged Champion (Faiths of Eberron)
Water – Obscuring Mist, Fog Cloud, Water Breathing, Control Water, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Acid Fog, Horrid Wilting, Elemental Swarm (Water only)
Watery Death (Prestige Domain) – Entangle, Mark of the Outcast, Control Weather, Rushing Waters, Dehydrate, Drown, Contagious Fog, Horrid Wilting, Drown, Mass (Underdark)
Wealth – Alarm, Obscure Object, Glyph of Warding, Detect Scrying, Leomund's Secret Chest, Forbiddance, Sequester, Discern Location, Antipathy (SpC)
Weather – Obscuring Mist, Fog Cloud, Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, Call Lightning Storm, Control Winds, Control Weather, Whirlwind, Storm of Vengeance
Windstorm – Obscuring Mist, Binding Winds, Call Lightning, Ice Storm, Arc of Lightning, Cloudwalkers, Control Weather, Whirlwind, Greater Whirlwind (SpC)
Winter – Ray of Frost, Chill Metal, Protection From Elements, Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Simulacrum, Elemental Swarm (Dragon #290)
Winter – Snowsight, Snow Walk, W inter's Embrace, Ice Storm, Blizzard, Death Hail, Control Weather, Summon Giants (Frost Giants only), Fimbulwinter (Frostburn)
Wrath – Rhino's Rush, Bull's Strength, Rage, Shout, Righteous Might, Song of Discord, Tenser's Transformation, Greater Shout, Storm of Vengeance (SpC)
Zeal – Bless, Consecrate, Helping Hand, Dismissal, Commune, Greater Dispel Magic, Holy Word, Holy Aura, Miracle (Dragon #355)

Domain Wizard Spell List
Adds domain–themed spells (Unearthed Arcana)
Abjuration – Resistance, Shield, Resist Energy, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Mage's Private Sanctum, Greater Dispel Magic, Banishment, Mind Blank, Prismatic Sphere
Antimagic – Detect Magic, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Obscure Object, Dispel Magic, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Break Enchantment, Antimagic Field, Spell Turning, Protection from Spells, Mage's Disjunction
Battle – Daze, True Strike, Protection from Arrows, Greater Magic Weapon, Fire Shield, Interposing Hand, Transformation, Power Word Blind, Moment of Prescience, Time Stop
Cold – Ray of Frost, Chill Touch, Chill Metal, Sleet Storm, Wall of Ice, Cone of Cold, Freezing Sphere, Delayed Blast Frostball (as Delayed Blast Fireball), Polar Ray, Comet Swarm (As meteor Swarm)
Conjuration – Acid Splash, Mage Armor, Web, Stinking Cloud, Summon Monster IV, Wall of Stone, Acid Fog, Summon Monster VII, Maze, Gate
Diviniation – Detect Magic, Detect Secret Doors, See Invisibility, Arcane Sight, Arcane Eye, Prying Eyes, True Seeing, Greater Arcane Sight, Discern Location, Foresight
Enchantment – Daze, Charm Person, Hideous Laughter, Suggestion, Confusion, Hold Monster, Greater Heroism, Insanity, Mass Charm Monster, Dominate Monster
Evocation – Light, Magic Missile, Flaming Sphere, Lightning Bolt, Shout, Wall of Force, Forceful Hand, Mage's Sword, Telekinetic Sphere, Crushing Hand
Fire – Flare, Burning Hands, Scorching Ray, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Cone of Fire (As cone of Cold), Summon Monster VI (Fire creatures only), Delayed Blast Fireball, Incendiary Cloud, Meteor Swarm
Illusion – Ghost Sound, Disguise Self, Invisibility, Major Image, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Evocation, Mislead, Mass Invisibility, Scintillating Pattern, Shades
Necromancy – Disrupt Undead, Ray of Enfeeblement, False Life, Vampiric Touch, Fear, Waves of Fatigue, Circle of Death, Control Undead, Horrid Wilting, Energy Drain
Storm – Ray of Frost, Obscuring Mist, Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt, Ice Storm, Control Winds, Chain Lightning, Control Weather, Whirlwind, Storm of Vengeance
Transmutation – Mage Hand, Expeditious Retreat, Levitate, Haste, Polymorph, Baleful Polymorph, Disintegrate, Reverse Gravity, Iron Body, Shapechange

Dragonmark Spell–Like Ability List
The feat “Dragonmarked Sorcerer” allows Sorcerer to add spells from least, lesser and greater Dragonmarks. (Dragon Magazine #351)

Detection (Half–Elf): Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Detect Scrying, See Invisibility, True Seeing, Detect Dragonmark, Ebon Eyes, Discern Shapechanger, Know Vulnerabilities, Dragonsight
Finding (Half–Orc or Human): Identify, Locate Object, Locate Creature, Instant search, Circle dance
Handling (Human): Animal Growth
Healing (Halfling): Cure Light Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Cure Serious Wounds, Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease, Restoration, Heal
Hospitality (Halfling): Prestidigitation, Unseen Servant, Leomund's Secure Shelter, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Clothier's Closet, Servant Horde, Dragonmark Demesne, Hidden Lodge
Making (Human): Mending, Minor Creation, Repair Serious Damage, Fabricate, Major Creation, Golem Strike, Stick, Force Ladder, Quick Potion, Metal Melt, Wall of Gears
Passage (Human): Expeditious Retreat, Mount, Dimension Leap, Dimension Door, Phantom Steed, Overland Flight, Teleport, Benign Transportation, Dark Way, Baleful Transposition, Swift Fly, Flight of The Dragon
Scribing (Gnome): Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Whispering Wind, Illusory Script, Secret Page, Tongues, Sending, Amanuensis, Ancient Knowledge, Speaking Stones, Dragonmark Symbol, Transcribe Symbol
Sentinel (Human): Shield, Protection from Arrows, Protection from Energy, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Globe of Invulnerability, Aura of Evasion
Shadow (Elf): Darkness, Disguise Self, Minor Image, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Shadow Conjuration, Scrying, Mislead, Prying Eyes, Shadow Walk, Insightful Feint, Net of Shadows, Veil of Shadow, Hide from Dragons, Shadow Form
Storm (Half–Elf): Endure Elements, Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Sleet Storm, Control Weather, Electric Jolt, Storm Touch
Warding (Dwarf): Alarm, Arcane Lock, Fire Trap, Misdirection, Explosive Runes, Nondetection, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Guards and Wards, Dispel Ward, Hidden Ward, Shadow Cache, Sign of Sealing, Zone of Respite

Initiate Feats Spell List
The following feats add to a spell list, typically Cleric

Arcane Insight (Boccob) (Cleric): True Strike, Arcane Sight, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Greater Arcane Sight, Moment of Prescience (Races of Destiny)
Dread Tyranny (Hextor) (Cleric): Scare, Evard's Black Tentacles, Dominate Person, Eyebite (Races of Destiny)
Dderywdd Chymdeithas Initiate (Need to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally: Disguise Self, Undetectable Alignment, Helping Hand, Sending, Teleport, Shadow Walk, Sequester, Discern Location, Etheralness (Dragon #332)
Eternal Strength (Kord) (Cleric): Heroism, Waves of Fatigue, Greater Heroism (Races of Destiny)
Far Horizons (Fharlanghn) (Cleric): Expeditious Retreat, Leomund's Tiny Hut, Overland Flight, Shadow Walk (Races of Destiny)
Gatekeeper Initiate (Need to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally): Protection from Evil, Zone of Natural Purity, Dimensional Anchor, Nature's Wrath, Banishment, Dimensional Lock, Return to Nature, Mind Blank, Imprisonment (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Greensinger Initiate (Need to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally): Charm Person, Daze Monster, Displacement, Charm Monster, Hold Monster, MAss Cat's Grace, Ethereal Jaunt, Mass Charm Monster, Etherealness (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Initiate of Aasterinian (Cleric): Expeditious Retreat, Soul of Anarchy, Greater Invisibility, Shadow Walk (Dragon Magic)
Initiate of Amaunator (Cleric): Augury, Haste, Oder's Wrath, Sunburst, Time Stop (Power of Faerun)
Initiate of Anhur (Cleric or Ranger): Bless Weapon, Spiritual Weapon, Thunderstroke (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Arvoreen (Cleric or Paladin): Enlarge Person, Low–Light Vision, Message, Blade Thirst, Safe Clearing (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Astilabor (Cleric) (Dragonblood Subtype): Hoard Gullet, Knock, Nondetection, Sequester (Dragon Magic)
Initiate of Bahamut (Cleric) (Dragonblood Subtype): Featherfall, Wingblast, Lord of the Sky, Aspect of the Platinum Dragon (Dragon Magic)
Initiate of Bane (Cleric): Mystic Lash, Battletide, Stone Walk, Undeath after Death (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Initiate of Baravar Cloakshadow (Cleric or Paladin): Camouflage, Invisibility, Swift Invisibility, Displacement, Dimension Door (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Boccob (Any Divine spellcaster) – Memory Jar, Identify, Research Aid (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Cyric (Cleric): Black Talon, Dread Blast, Skull of Secrets, Skull Eyes, Triple Mask (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Initiate of Ehlonna (Any Divine spellcaster) – Longstrider, Snare, Commune with Nature, Animal Shapes (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Eilistraee (Cleric or Ranger): Eilistraee's Moonfire, Lesser Spellsong, Spellsong (Cleric Only) (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Erythnul (Any Divine spellcaster) – Greater Cause Fear, Erythnul's Slaughter, Mass Rage (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Falazure (Cleric) (Dragonblood Subtype) : Rot of Ages, Vampiric Touch, Waves of Fatigue, Waves of Exhaustion (Dragon Magic)
Initiate of Fharlanghn (Any Divine spellcaster) – Alarm, Expeditious Retreat, Dimension Door, Phase Door, (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Garyx (Cleric) (Dragonblood Subtype) : Flaming Sphere, Ferocity of Sanguine Rage, Lesser Dragonshape, Haze of Smoldering Stone (Dragon Magic)
Initiate of Ghaunadaur (Cleric) : Corrosive Grasp, Blindsight, Amorphous Form, Slime Hurl, Mantle of the Slime Lord (Champions of Ruin)
Initiate of Gond (Cleric) : Wieldskill, Understand Device, Fantastic Machine (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Initiate of Grummsh (Cleric) : Battle Line, Bloodspear, Pocket Cave, Eyebite, Waves of Exhaustion (Champions of Ruin)
Initiate of Heironeous (Any Divine spellcaster) – Lesser Mark of Justice, Greater Bless, Righteous of Heironeous (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Helm (Cleric or Paladin) : Warning, Foreceward, Mace of Odo (Champions of Ruin)
Initiate of Hextor (Any Divine spellcaster) – Scare, Greater Bane, Wrath of Hextor (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Kord (Any Divine spellcaster) – Kord's Power Surge, Kord's Greeting, Champion of Kord (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Kossuth (Cleric) : Aganazzar's Scorcher, Fire Stride, Shroud of Flame, Incendiary Cloud (Champions of Ruin)
Initiate of Lendys (Cleric) (Dragonblood Subtype) : Detect Thoughts, Soul of Order, Lesser Geas, Hold Monster, Justice of the Wyrm King (Dragon Magic)
Initiate of Loviatar (Cleric) : Nybor's Gentle Reminder, Mystic Lash, Fleshshiver (Champions of Ruin)
Initiate of Milil (Cleric or Paladin) : Harmony, Dispel Silence, Reveille (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Nerull (Any Divine spellcaster) – Greater Cause Fear, Nerull's Scythe, Wail of the Banshee (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Nobanion (Cleric or Paladin) : Lionheart, Summon Nature's Ally II (Lion Only), Shout (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Obad–Hai (Any Divine spellcaster) – Summer Breezes, Spontaneous Combustion, Quicksand, Waves of Destruction (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Olidammara (Any Divine spellcaster) – Festival Feast, Olidammara's Bard Spell, Olidammar's Carapace (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Pelor (Any Divine spellcaster) – True Turning, Greater Bless, Immolate the Wicked (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Shar (Cleric) : Disguise Self, Crushing Despair, Armor of Darkness, Darkbolt (Champions of Ruin)
Initiate of St. Cuthbert (Any Divine spellcaster) – Lesser Mark of Justice, Retributive Strike, Spell Turning (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Tamara (Cleric) (Dragonblood Subtype) : Disrupt Undead, Chill Touch, Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords, Call of the Twilight Defender, Sunbeam (Dragon Magic)
Initiate of Tchazzar (Cleric, Blackguard or Ranger) : Flare, Flame Blade, Palarandusk's Fire Breath, Fireball, Magic Vestment, Fire Shield (Dragons of Faerun)
Initiate of the Holy Realm (Chauntea, Helm, Lathander, Nobanion, Selune, or Sune) (Cleric, Paladin or Ranger) : Alarm, Handfire, Horrible Taste, Rosemantle, Lionheart, Love Bite, Warning (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Tiamat (Cleric) (Dragonblood Subtype) : Charm Person, Curse of the Elemental Lords, Dominate Person, Glorious Master of the Elements, Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon (Dragon Magic)
Initiate of Torm (Cleric or Paladin) : Bless Weapon (Cleric Only) Command (Paladin only), Hand of Torm (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Tymora (Cleric or Ranger) : Fleeting Fortune, Favor of Tymora (Champions of Valor)
Initiate of Tyr (Cleric) : Sword and Hammer, Greater Sword and Hammer (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Initiate of Varae (Cleric) : Blinding Spittle, Serpent Arrow, Veil, Animal Shapes (snakes only) (Champions of Ruin)
Initiate of Vecna (Any Divine spellcaster) – Vecna's Courier, Arcane Eye, Eyebite (Dragon #342)
Initiate of Wee Jas (Any Divine spellcaster) – Disguise Undead, Magic Jar, Circle of Death (Dragon #342)
Law Inviolate (St. Cuthbert) : Color Spray, Daze Monster, Suggestion, Passwall, Power Word Stun (Races of Destiny)
Nightbringer Initiate (Need to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally, Non–Good): Inflict Light Wounds, Darkness, Deeper Darkness, Enervation, Summon Monster V (Shadow Mastiff only), Planar Ally (Mabar natives only), Control Undead, Create Greater Undead (shadows only), Gate (only to Mabar) (Faiths of Eberron)
Radiant Fire (Pelor) (Cleric): Scorching Ray, Summon Monster III (Fire Elementals Only), Summon Monster VI (Fire Elementals Only), Summon Monster VIII (Fire Elementals Only)
Undying Fate (Wee Jas) (Cleric): False Life, Halt Undead, Blight, Finger of Death(Races of Destiny)
Warden Initiate (Spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally) : Protection from Evil, Detect Thoughts, Displacement, Locate Creature, Hold Monster, Repulsion, Banishment, Screen, Mass Hold Monster
Whispered Secrets (Vecna) (Cleric) : Disguise Self, Darkvsiion, Glibness, Arcane Eye, Prying Eyes, Analyze Dweomer, Mind Blank (Races of Destiny)

Planar Domains
* Spell limited to summoning creatures of specified alignment. Bolded spells are not native to the Cleric spell list

Abyss (CE) – Align Weapon, Cause Fear, Bull's Strength, Death Knell, Babau Slime, Summon Monster III*, Balor Nimbus, Poison, Slay Living, Summon Monster V*, Mass Bull's Strength, Harm, Destruction, Summon Monster VII*, Finger of Death, Bodak's Glare, Implosion, Summon Monster IX (Spell Compendium)
Arborea (CG) – Endure Elements, Longstrider, Aid, Eagle's Splendor, Heroism, Summon Monster III*, Neutralize Poison, Opalescent Glare, Break Enchantment, Summon Monster V*, Heroes' Feast, Mass Eagle's Splendor, Spell Turning, Summon Monster VII*,. Greater Heroism, Mind Blank, Freedom, Summon Monster IX*
Baator (LE) – Bane, Disguise Self, Darkness, Fox's Cunning, Detect Thoughts, Summon Monster III*, Deeper Darkness, Suggestion, Spell Resistance, Summon Monster V*, Dominate Person, Mass Fox's Cunning, Repulsion, Summon Monster VII*, Demand, Spell Turning, Imprisonment, Summon Monster IX*
Celestia (LG) – Light of Lunia, Shield of Faith, Bear's Endurance, Shield Other, Magic Vesetment, Summon Monster III*, Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Righteous Might, Summon Monster V*, Blade Barrier, Mass Bear's Endurance, Regenerate, Summon Monster VII*, Power Word Stun, Shield of Law, Foresight, Summon Monster IX*
Elysium (NG) – Charm Person, Protection from Evil, Enthrall, Planar Tolerance, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mantle of Good, Charm Monster, Holy Smite, Dispel Evil, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Find the Path, Mind Fog, Control Weather, Holy Word, Holy Aura, Sunburst, Mass Heal, Moment of Prescience
Hades (NE) – Doom, Protection from Good, Resist Planar Alignment, Rebuke, Magic Circle Against Good, Mantle of Evil, Contagion, Unholy Blight, Crushing Despair, Dispel Good, Mind Fog, Waves of Fatigue, Blasphemy, Plane Shift, Unholy Aura, Waves of Exhaustion, Energy Drain, Gate
Limbo (CN) – Lesser Confusion, Protection from Law, Entropic Shield, Resist Planar Alignment, Magic Circle Against Law, Mantle of Chaos, Chaos Hammer, Perinarch, Baleful Polymorph, Dispel Law, Animate Objects, Insanity, Song of Discord, Word of Chaos, Cloak of Chaos, Otto's Irresistable Dance, Planar Perinarch, Shapechange
Mechanus (LN) – Command, Protection from Chaos, Calm Emotions, Mechanus Mind, Magic Circle Against Chaos, Mantle of Law, Discern Lies, Order's Wrath, Dispel Chaos, Mark of Justice, Hold Monster, Wall of Gears, Dictum, Mass Hold Person, Iron Body, Shield of Law, Call Marut, Mordenkainen's Disjunction

Unique Prestige Class Spell List
This is a list of prestige classes that adds a set of spells to an existing character’s spells. This does not include prestige classes that add domains or domain spells, or add a new spell list.

Arachnomancer (Underdark)
0 – Stick
1 – Summon Small Monstrous Spider.
2 – Spiderskin.
3 – Neutralize Poison, Poison, Summon Medium Monstrous Spider.
4 – Giant Vermin, Repel Vermin, Summon Huge Monstrous Spider.
5 – Spider Plague.
6 – Summon Gargantuan Monstrous Spider.
7 – Spider Plague.
8 – Summon Colossal Monstrous Spider.
9 – Shapechange
Bone Knight (Five Nations)
Adds spells to the Paladin spellcasting list only
1 – Bane, Deathwatch, Doom.
2 – Death Knell, Desecrate, Gentle Resposte.
3 – Bestow Curse
Deadgrim (Magic of Eberron)
0 – Disrupt Undead
1 – Chill Touch, Detect Undead, Hide from Undead
2 – Command Undead, Ghoul Touch
3 – Halt Undead, Vampiric Touch
Hathran (Player's Guide to Faerun)
1 – Naturewatch.
2 – Low–Light Vision, Scatterspray.
3 – Flashburst, Moon Blade.
4 – Land Womb, Lesser Planar Ally.
5 – Lesser Planar Binding, Moon Path.
6 – Planar Ally, Planar Binding.
8 – Greater Planar Binding.
Impure Prince (Magic of Eberron)
1 – Disguise Self, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear.
2 – Calm Emotions, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Natural Purity.
3 – Daylight, Remove Disease.
4 – Nature’s Wrath, Restoration
Knight of the Thorn
One Additional Divination spell (Wizard) or spell known (Sorcerer) each day
2 – Augury
4 – Divination
5 – Commune
Moonspeaker (Races of Eberron)
2 – Invisibility
3 – Deep Slumber
4 – Lesser Planar Ally
6 – Planar Ally
8 – Greater Planar Ally
9 – Gate
Sandshaper (Sandstorm)
1 – Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Endure Elements, Parching Touch, Speak with Animals, Summon Desert Ally I.
2 – Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Heat Metal, Owl's Wisdom, Resist Energy, Summon Desert Ally II, Summon Swarm.
3 – Control Sand, Desiccate, Dispel Magic, Dominate Animal, Haboob, Slipsand, Summon Desert Ally III, Sunstroke, Tormenting Thirst, Wind Wall.
4 – Blast of Sand, Summon Desert Ally IV, Wall of Sand, Wither.
5 – Choking Sands, Flaywind Burst, Flesh to Salt, Summon Desert Ally V, Transmute Sand to Stone, Transmute Stone to Sand.
6 – Awaken Sand, Mummify, Sandstorm, Summon Desert Ally VI.
7 – Mass Flesh to Salt, Summon Desert Ally VII.
8 – Summon Desert Ally VIII, Whirlwind.
9 – Summon Desert Ally IX.

Any further recommendations or corrections, etc are quite welcome.

2022-05-21, 08:42 AM
From level 2, Malconvoker adds the Planar Binding (Lesser, Normal, Greater) spells to a caster's spell list (known/list/spellbook).

EDIT: Also, in actual spells - the spell Dragonblood Spellpact (Dragons of Faerun) allows two dragonblood casters to swap spells between their lists. Doesn't matter if the spells are arcane or divine, once you swap the spell, it's yours and part of your spell list.

EDIT THE SECOND: I don't think it's listed above, but seeing as Dragon content's on the table - the Thunder domain is from the Red Sails setting in Dragon 290. Adds the following spells:

Shatter, Soundburst, Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Shout, Chain Lighting, Control Weather, Power Word Stun, Storm of Vengeance

The bolded ones are not on the default cleric spell list (Call Lightning and Control Weather are default druid spells.) Shatter is also granted as a first level domain spell rather than its default Cleric 2 spell status.

From the same issue, Dragon 290, there is the Winter domain, which adds the following spells:

Ray of Frost, Chill Metal, Protection From Elements, Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Simulacrum, Elemental Swarm

Again, the bolded ones are not on the default cleric spell list, though some are Druid-only spells or appear on domains such as Air/Fire/Water.

2022-05-21, 09:44 AM
From level 2, Malconvoker adds the Planar Binding (Lesser, Normal, Greater) spells to a caster's spell list (known/list/spellbook).

EDIT: Also, in actual spells - the spell Dragonblood Spellpact (Dragons of Faerun) allows two dragonblood casters to swap spells between their lists. Doesn't matter if the spells are arcane or divine, once you swap the spell, it's yours and part of your spell list.

EDIT THE SECOND: I don't think it's listed above, but seeing as Dragon content's on the table - the Thunder domain is from the Red Sails setting in Dragon 290. Adds the following spells:

Shatter, Soundburst, Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Shout, Chain Lighting, Control Weather, Power Word Stun, Storm of Vengeance

The bolded ones are not on the default cleric spell list (Call Lightning and Control Weather are default druid spells.) Shatter is also granted as a first level domain spell rather than its default Cleric 2 spell status.

From the same issue, Dragon 290, there is the Winter domain, which adds the following spells:

Ray of Frost, Chill Metal, Protection From Elements, Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Simulacrum, Elemental Swarm

Again, the bolded ones are not on the default cleric spell list, though some are Druid-only spells or appear on domains such as Air/Fire/Water.

Thanks, Saintheart. I'll add these later, I appreciate the work

2022-05-21, 10:09 AM
Whoa, good work, thank you! *adds to bookmarks*

2022-05-21, 10:51 AM
Whoa, good work, thank you! *adds to bookmarks*

Thank you so much, compliments like that are really appreciated.

2022-05-21, 02:40 PM
You're missing the Domain Icon (Faiths of Eberron) - lets you trade a spell slot for a spell from the attuned domain of equal or lower level 3/day.

Great work.

2022-05-21, 05:26 PM
Eldritch Master PrC (Dragon #280): have 2/10 spellcasting progression, but at 4th and 8th levels allow to add the whole spell list from any other class

"Initiate" feats:
Eberron Campaign Setting have Gatekeeper Initiate, Greensinger Initiate, Nightbringer Initiate, and Warden Initiate
Dragon #332 - Dderwydd Chymdeithas Initiate
Dragon #342 - "Initiate" feats for all the Core deities - from Boccob to Wee Jas

Dragon #308: Dragon Magic feat - allow to cast spells with the "Dragon Magic" component
Dragon #343: Wormbound feat - allow to cast several Kyuss-related spells; also, the same article have Spellworm - an... "item" (living Vermin) which allow to cast one specific spell one time

2022-05-21, 07:18 PM
Hathran (Player's Guide to Faerun) grants a small number of spells known to arcane and divine spell if the caster can cast L4+ spells from that list.

I request you also format your tables with alternating colors using the formatting from the Iron Chef competitions. (Sample (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?601292-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-C))

I also request you repost this on the MinMaxForums Handbook Discussion Forum (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?board=77.0) and Handbook Submission Forum (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?board=253.0) for greater exposure and redundancy.


2022-05-21, 11:52 PM
I didn't see Domain Wizard variant included here, thought it deserved a mention. Great job btw!

2022-05-22, 01:14 AM
From level 2, Malconvoker adds the Planar Binding (Lesser, Normal, Greater) spells to a caster's spell list (known/list/spellbook).

EDIT: Also, in actual spells - the spell Dragonblood Spellpact (Dragons of Faerun) allows two dragonblood casters to swap spells between their lists. Doesn't matter if the spells are arcane or divine, once you swap the spell, it's yours and part of your spell list.

Added these. Still need to finish the domain spell list, so will add the mentioned stuff later. Thanks for the additions.

You're missing the Domain Icon (Faiths of Eberron) - lets you trade a spell slot for a spell from the attuned domain of equal or lower level 3/day.

Great work.

Added with thanks.

I didn't see Domain Wizard variant included here, thought it deserved a mention. Great job btw!

Added Domain Wizard. Added Domain Wizard spell lists. Thanks for the additions.

Hathran (Player's Guide to Faerun) grants a small number of spells known to arcane and divine spell if the caster can cast L4+ spells from that list.

I request you also format your tables with alternating colors using the formatting from the Iron Chef competitions. (Sample (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?601292-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-C))

I also request you repost this on the MinMaxForums Handbook Discussion Forum (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?board=77.0) and Handbook Submission Forum (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?board=253.0) for greater exposure and redundancy.


Added Hathran. Added Hathran spell list. Fixed table colours.

I'm not on the minmax forums, but you or someone else are quite welcome to share this. Still working on Domains and whatever additions other people are suggesting. Not sure if the forums share table formatting but I'd be happy to send this by notepad or whatever.

Eldritch Master PrC (Dragon #280): have 2/10 spellcasting progression, but at 4th and 8th levels allow to add the whole spell list from any other class

"Initiate" feats:
Eberron Campaign Setting have Gatekeeper Initiate, Greensinger Initiate, Nightbringer Initiate, and Warden Initiate

Added these. Going to need some time to dig up the Dragon Magazine material to add it too.

2022-05-22, 03:15 AM
BoED has the feat Blessed of the Seven Sisters which is intended for those who can cast level 6+ arcane spells. I normally don't recommend the feat, but it's an option!

2022-05-22, 03:27 AM
BoED has the feat Blessed of the Seven Sisters which is intended for those who can cast level 6+ arcane spells. I normally don't recommend the feat, but it's an option!

Added this. Seems like a pretty good option to me - nine spells is about what the average feat adds, but since it's between 1st and 7th-level, it works really well for spellcasters who wouldn't reach ninths.

2022-05-22, 04:49 AM
Added this. Seems like a pretty good option to me - nine spells is about what the average feat adds, but since it's between 1st and 7th-level, it works really well for spellcasters who wouldn't reach ninths.

Getting nine spells doesn't help much if the spells just aren't very good.
If you're going to spend a feat on expanding your class spell list you usually want a specific spell or set of spells or broad access to a different class list, not a handful of crap that won't really add much to your repertoire.
You're not taking Arcane Disciple (Luck) because it adds nine spells for one feat, you're taking it because you want Miracle.

BotSS doesn't have anything like that.
Spells like Blessed Sight or Sacred Guardian are already barely worth preparing/learning over other spells if you already have them on your class list.
They're simply not worth a feat or the complications of being exalted.

2022-05-22, 04:53 AM
Getting nine spells doesn't help much if the spells just aren't very good.
If you're going to spend a feat on expanding your class spell list you usually want a specific spell or set of spells or broad access to a different class list, not a handful of crap that won't really add much to your repertoire.
You're not taking Arcane Disciple (Luck) because it adds nine spells for one feat, you're taking it because you want Miracle.

BotSS doesn't have anything like that.
Spells like Blessed Sight or Sacred Guardian are already barely worth preparing/learning over other spells if you already have them on your class list.
They're simply not worth a feat or the complications of being exalted.

Fair enough. I really like the flavour of the feat and spells though.

2022-05-22, 06:22 AM
Deadgrim PrC (Magic of Eberron): Extra Spells class feature adds some spells of 0th-3rd levels
Dread Witch PrC (Heroes of Horror): Master of Terror class feature adds Bane and Doom as 2nd-level arcane spells

For the Eldritch Master - its at 4th and 8th levels - thus, if you progress it this far, you would get two additional lists

2022-05-22, 02:19 PM
You have the Blightbringer prestige domain listed, but I don't see the Talontar Blightlord (the only way to access the domain) Prestige Class listed anywhere.

2022-05-22, 02:25 PM
Moonspeaker adds the planar ally line, at 12th level, up to gate included. Also invisibility and deeper slumber at a earlier level

2022-05-22, 03:33 PM
Great work - adding this to my extended sig.

BTW Holt Warden is accidentally listed as being from Frostburn, rather than Complete Champion.

2022-05-22, 04:00 PM
Excellent work.

I currently have most of this information in various txt files but you have pointed me to a few new ones and collated it all.

2022-05-22, 05:42 PM
Spellhoarding Dragon psychosis template (Dragon #313) gives, among other things, Spellcatching SQ:

Spellcatching (Su): Spellcatching is an improved form of counterspelling. It functions like normal counterspelling, except that the dragon may use any spell of the same level or higher as the countered spell so long as it either comes from the same school or has a descriptor in common with the spell to be countered. For example, any 3rd-level or higher spell with the fire descriptor or from the evocation school can be used to spellcatch a fireball. The dragon must also expend a gem worth at least 100 gp per level of the spell, or burn spells from its spellhoard to generate the same gp value. If the spellcatching attempt succeeds, the dragon counters the spell and immediately adds it to its spellhoard.
It may allow to catch spells outside the Dragon's original spell list (or, maybe, not spells at all - like shadow mysteries)

The Ruby Disciple (https://web.archive.org/web/20130531105513/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030124c) have rather unusual source of additional psionic powers:

Power Use (Sp): Psionic ruby disciples can discover Sardior's domain spells as though they were telepathy powers of equal level. Discovering a spell this way replaces one of the normal powers discovered by the psionic ruby disciple. Psionic ruby disciples can discover domain spells as powers only when gaining a level of psionic ruby disciple.

2022-05-23, 07:32 PM
It is very limited, but Ultimate Magus allows you to add spells from your spellbook to your spells known for your spontaneous arcane class; one spell every two levels in the prc.

2022-05-24, 12:53 AM
EDIT THE SECOND: I don't think it's listed above, but seeing as Dragon content's on the table - the Thunder domain is from the Red Sails setting in Dragon 290. Adds the following spells:

Shatter, Soundburst, Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Shout, Chain Lighting, Control Weather, Power Word Stun, Storm of Vengeance

The bolded ones are not on the default cleric spell list (Call Lightning and Control Weather are default druid spells.) Shatter is also granted as a first level domain spell rather than its default Cleric 2 spell status.

From the same issue, Dragon 290, there is the Winter domain, which adds the following spells:

Ray of Frost, Chill Metal, Protection From Elements, Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Simulacrum, Elemental Swarm

Again, the bolded ones are not on the default cleric spell list, though some are Druid-only spells or appear on domains such as Air/Fire/Water.

Added these. Still need to finish off the rest of the Domain Spells, but getting there.

Deadgrim PrC (Magic of Eberron): Extra Spells class feature adds some spells of 0th-3rd levels
Dread Witch PrC (Heroes of Horror): Master of Terror class feature adds Bane and Doom as 2nd-level arcane spells

For the Eldritch Master - its at 4th and 8th levels - thus, if you progress it this far, you would get two additional lists

Added the two Prcs and fixed Eldritch Master. Thank you very much.

Eldritch Master PrC (Dragon #280): have 2/10 spellcasting progression, but at 4th and 8th levels allow to add the whole spell list from any other class

"Initiate" feats:
Eberron Campaign Setting have Gatekeeper Initiate, Greensinger Initiate, Nightbringer Initiate, and Warden Initiate
Dragon #332 - Dderwydd Chymdeithas Initiate
Dragon #342 - "Initiate" feats for all the Core deities - from Boccob to Wee Jas

Added these, thank you very much

Dragon #308: Dragon Magic feat - allow to cast spells with the "Dragon Magic" component
Dragon #343: Wormbound feat - allow to cast several Kyuss-related spells; also, the same article have Spellworm - an... "item" (living Vermin) which allow to cast one specific spell one time

I'm going to need a bit of time to dig up the relevant Dragon Magazines for these two, but they're on the list.

You have the Blightbringer prestige domain listed, but I don't see the Talontar Blightlord (the only way to access the domain) Prestige Class listed anywhere.

Fixed this up, thanks.

Great work - adding this to my extended sig.

BTW Holt Warden is accidentally listed as being from Frostburn, rather than Complete Champion.

Fixed this

Love that this got added to a sig, thank you very much.

Moonspeaker adds the planar ally line, at 12th level, up to gate included. Also invisibility and deeper slumber at a earlier level

Added this, thank you very much.

Spellhoarding Dragon psychosis template (Dragon #313) gives, among other things, Spellcatching SQ:

It may allow to catch spells outside the Dragon's original spell list (or, maybe, not spells at all - like shadow mysteries)

The Ruby Disciple (https://web.archive.org/web/20130531105513/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030124c) have rather unusual source of additional psionic powers:

Added both of these, thank you.

It is very limited, but Ultimate Magus allows you to add spells from your spellbook to your spells known for your spontaneous arcane class; one spell every two levels in the prc.

Added this as well, thanks.

2022-05-24, 03:51 PM
Precocious Apprentice feat - like Extra Spell for 2nd-level spell, except must be taken at 1st level

Arch-Dragon templates (Dragon #321) get access to additional spells from domains:
Chaotic Arch-Dragon - Chaos, Luck, and Trickery
Evil Arch-Dragon - Death, Evil, and War
Good Arch-Dragon - Good, Healing, and Protection
Lawful Arch-Dragon - Knowledge, Law, and Strength

Monster of Legend template (Monster Manual II) - 5th-level Cleric spellcasting with spells from Protection, Strength, and War domains

2022-05-24, 09:32 PM
I'm not sure if this actually works, but the Apprentice feat (DMG 2) adds an addiotnal spell known if you are a spontaneous arcane caster. It doesn't specifically say it has to be on your class list.

I guess it would be in a similar category to Extra Spell.

2022-05-24, 11:17 PM
Precocious Apprentice feat - like Extra Spell for 2nd-level spell, except must be taken at 1st level

Arch-Dragon templates (Dragon #321) get access to additional spells from domains:
Chaotic Arch-Dragon - Chaos, Luck, and Trickery
Evil Arch-Dragon - Death, Evil, and War
Good Arch-Dragon - Good, Healing, and Protection
Lawful Arch-Dragon - Knowledge, Law, and Strength

Monster of Legend template (Monster Manual II) - 5th-level Cleric spellcasting with spells from Protection, Strength, and War domains

Added and thank you.

I'm not sure if this actually works, but the Apprentice feat (DMG 2) adds an addiotnal spell known if you are a spontaneous arcane caster. It doesn't specifically say it has to be on your class list.

I guess it would be in a similar category to Extra Spell.

Added and thank you.

2022-05-25, 04:38 AM
Truly, an incredible resource, and so well-organized. I'll definitely consult this in future iron chefs.

2022-05-25, 07:15 AM
Storm Druid variant class (Dragon #328): spontaneous casting allow to swap prepared spells for "storm" spells; 6th-level spells could be swapped to Chain Lightning, which is usually unavailable to Druids

War Magic Study feat (Dragon #309) allow to cast [War] spells (and, maybe, even create your own custom [War] spells)

Life Restorer feat (Dragon #342) - for variant rules which nerfing resurrection: this feat is necessary in order to cast any Conjuration (healing) spell that return life to the dead; without the feat, such spells couldn't be neither prepared, nor cast

2022-05-25, 03:50 PM
Eggynack's Druid Guide has these Initiate feats (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aS_v_2E-zv0RHbGq7r62o9IyN0UONRHMODF9LrZBbio/edit#heading=h.5m87bqr43zpz) which expand a spell list.

This post (http://bg-archive.minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=2777.0) gives other ways to expand a spell list.


2022-05-25, 05:52 PM
Should have finally finished entering all the spell domains. If I've missed any, please let me know.

Truly, an incredible resource, and so well-organized. I'll definitely consult this in future iron chefs.

Thank you so much.

Storm Druid variant class (Dragon #328): spontaneous casting allow to swap prepared spells for "storm" spells; 6th-level spells could be swapped to Chain Lightning, which is usually unavailable to Druids

War Magic Study feat (Dragon #309) allow to cast [War] spells (and, maybe, even create your own custom [War] spells)

Life Restorer feat (Dragon #342) - for variant rules which nerfing resurrection: this feat is necessary in order to cast any Conjuration (healing) spell that return life to the dead; without the feat, such spells couldn't be neither prepared, nor cast

Added these, thank you so much.

Eggynack's Druid Guide has these Initiate feats (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aS_v_2E-zv0RHbGq7r62o9IyN0UONRHMODF9LrZBbio/edit#heading=h.5m87bqr43zpz) which expand a spell list.

This post (http://bg-archive.minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=2777.0) gives other ways to expand a spell list.


Looks like I've already got all of those Initiate feats in this thread already.

This thread actually started from the "how to expand a spell list" thread you linked, which I've expanded and updated due to lacking a lot of information and not being well-formatted. Was a good thread to start with though.

Thanks for checking that it was all included.

2022-05-25, 06:42 PM
Note: not all of War Magic spells are arcane: some of them allow Cleric, Druid, or Paladin; Enhance Armor and Feed the Many are both divine-only (Cleric 4)

2022-05-25, 06:56 PM
Note: not all of War Magic spells are arcane: some of them allow Cleric, Druid, or Paladin; Enhance Armor and Feed the Many are both divine-only (Cleric 4)

Whoops, meant to add that to Divine as well. Fixed now

2022-05-25, 07:11 PM
One more arcane, from the Dragonlance Campaign Setting: Knight of the Thorn. Adds Augury, Divination, and Commune to your spellbook/spells known at 1st, 6th, and 10th levels respectively as arcane spells, normally Cleric exclusive. At 1st level, you also gain a bonus Specialization in Divination; extra spells known, spell slots, the whole package without giving up any school, and explicitly retains prior specializations-by RAW, it even works with the Domain Wizard acf.

It also allows you to become a Specialist Sorcerer. Same benefits as a Wizard, you get the extra spell slots, and a bonus spell known at each level: nine bonus divination spells known for a Sorcerer is very nice, on top of Augury, Divination and Commune. Overall, a very solid full caster prc.

2022-05-26, 03:59 AM
If you want to include Pathfinder 1e stuff, here are some:

Mnemonic Vestment (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/r-z/vestment-mnemonic/) (debatably)

Page of Spell Knowledge (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/m-p/page-of-spell-knowledge/)

Ring of Spell Knowledge (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-spell-knowledge/)

2022-05-26, 06:44 AM
One more arcane, from the Dragonlance Campaign Setting: Knight of the Thorn. Adds Augury, Divination, and Commune to your spellbook/spells known at 1st, 6th, and 10th levels respectively as arcane spells, normally Cleric exclusive. At 1st level, you also gain a bonus Specialization in Divination; extra spells known, spell slots, the whole package without giving up any school, and explicitly retains prior specializations-by RAW, it even works with the Domain Wizard acf.

It also allows you to become a Specialist Sorcerer. Same benefits as a Wizard, you get the extra spell slots, and a bonus spell known at each level: nine bonus divination spells known for a Sorcerer is very nice, on top of Augury, Divination and Commune. Overall, a very solid full caster prc.

Added this, thank you.

If you want to include Pathfinder 1e stuff, here are some:

Mnemonic Vestment (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/r-z/vestment-mnemonic/) (debatably)

Page of Spell Knowledge (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/m-p/page-of-spell-knowledge/)

Ring of Spell Knowledge (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-spell-knowledge/)

I feel like if I start adding Pathfinder stuff, I'll have to do as much work again for for Pathfinder that I have for 3.5. Not a task I'm really keen on when I don't even play Pathfinder.

Someone else should totally make a thread about this stuff for Pathfinder though, expanded spells and full spell lists are very useful information for character builds.

2022-05-26, 11:33 PM
@OP: A simple way to back this thread up is to repost it (preferably with spiffy formatting) in a Google Doc. That way, if this forum goes down, people can still access your spiffy guide. Enjoy!

2023-03-08, 02:11 PM
You appear to be missing the Watery Death prestige domain, granted by the Sea Mother Whip class. Underdark p42.

2023-03-08, 03:23 PM
You appear to be missing the Watery Death prestige domain, granted by the Sea Mother Whip class. Underdark p42.

Entered this, thank you. Also found the alternate Portal domain thanks to this so added that too.

2023-03-08, 05:26 PM
Are you interested in epic feats? That opens up Bonus Domain, Spell Knowledge, and Epic Expanded Knowledge.

2023-03-08, 05:38 PM
Are you interested in epic feats? That opens up Bonus Domain, Spell Knowledge, and Epic Expanded Knowledge.

I'm not really interested in touching Epic levels - I don't play anywhere near Epic, so it's not really knowledge I can use, and from what I hear Epic has to be extensively homebrewed so any information I give is likely irrelevant.

But thanks for the contribution.