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2022-05-22, 01:30 AM
Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8+Constitution Modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (5)+Constitution Modifier

Armor: None
Weapons: All Simple Weapons
Tools: Any two artisan tools

Saving Throws: Wisdom and Charisma
Skills: Choose three from Sleight of Hand, Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
-Any weapon you are proficient in, with two copies (if the weapon is thrown) or 20 pieces of ammo (if it uses ammo)
-Any simple weapon
-Any one pack


Proficiency Bonus
Inspiration Die

Aegis Of Awe, Inspiring Words

Princess Style

Healing Touch

Ability Score Improvement

Instill Valour

Style Feature

Aura Of Devotion

Ability Score Improvement

Improved Inspiring Words

Style Feature

Commanding Presence

Ability Score Improvement

Miraculous Personage

Style Feature

Kiss Of Life

Ability Score Improvement

Unbowed Authority

Greater Inspiring Words

Ability Score Improvement

Style Feature

Aegis Of Awe
At level one, provided you are not wearing armor or using a shield, your AC may equal 10+your Dexterity modifier+your Charisma modifier.

Inspiring Words
Also at level one, you may inspire an ally that can see and/or hear you. As an action, you grant them a Princess Inspiration Die, the size of which starts at d6 and increases as shown on the table. They retain this die for one minute, or until expended. It may be expended without using their action to roll the die and add it to any d20 roll or damage roll they make.

At level nine, you may now grant a Princess Inspiration Die as a bonus action or as an action.

At level eighteen, you may grant up to three creatures a Princess Inspiration Die as an action.

Note that, while you can benefit from another Princess's Inspiration Die, you cannot grant one to yourself.

Princess Style
At level two, choose what kind of Princess you are-Classical or Boisterous. This grants you features at levels two, six, ten, fourteen, and twenty.

Lay On Hands
Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your Princess level × 5.

As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.

Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one.

This feature has no effect on undead and constructs.

Ability Score Improvement
At levels four, eight, twelve, sixteen, and nineteen, you may improve any one ability score by two, or any two by one.

Instill Valour
At level five, your words inspire your allies to ever-greater feats. When your Princess Inspiration Die is rolled for damage, roll it twice and add both together. Furthermore, anyone who has a Princess Inspiration Die from you is immune to the Frightened condition.

Aura Of Devotion
At level seven, you and friendly creatures within 10' of you cannot be Charmed while you are conscious.

At level eighteen, this improves to 30'.

Commanding Presence
At level eleven, you may cast Command as a 1st-level spell at-will.

At level fifteen, this improves to a 2nd-level spell, and at level twenty, to a 3rd-level spell.

Miraculous Personage
At level thirteen, you gain proficiency in all saving throws. Furthermore, you are immune to being magically aged, and suffer no penalties due to natural aging.

Kiss Of Life
At level fifteen, you may use your action to kiss a creature that has died within the past minute. Your kiss brings the creature back to life, as well as healing any grievous wounds and reattaching any present body parts. It does restore entirely lost body parts, nor does it cure any diseases that may have been inflicted on the creature. You may perform this action once, and regain the ability to do after completing a short or long rest.

Unbowed Authority
At level seventeen, you become a true ruler. This grants you several effects:

-You are under the effects of a Protection From Good And Evil spell at all times.
-Creatures affected by your Commanding Presence ability make their saves with disadvantage.
-Whenever a creature uses your Princess Inspiration die, they may roll one additional die and discard one of their choice.

As You Will
At level two, you may use your reaction when an ally you can observe rolls a Princess Inspiration Die granted by you to add your Charisma modifier to that roll.

At level six, you may cast Sanctuary as a 1st-level spell at-will, targeting only yourself.

So It Be
At level ten, you no longer need to use your reaction to use your As You Will ability.

Greater Sanctuary
At level fourteen, you may use your Sanctuary ability to cast Sanctuary on any target within range, instead of just yourself.

At level twenty, you gain advantage on all saving throws.Fightin' Words And Fightin' With Style!
At level two, you gain proficiency in all martial weapons. Additionally, you gain any one Fighting Style from the Fighter's list of options.

Extra Attack
At level six, you may attack twice, rather than once, when you take the Attack action on your turn.

Selfish Inspiring
At level ten, you may grant yourself a Princess Inspiration Die.

Practiced Fighter
At level fourteen, you gain a second Fighting Style from the Fighter's list. Additionally, you add your proficiency bonus to any damage rolls you make.

Warrior Princess
At level twenty, you gain advantage on all attack rolls.

Ninja_Prawn's Princess For 5E (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?482608-Zaydos-Princess-Updated-for-5e), which this is loosely based on.

2022-05-22, 01:54 AM
First thought the action economy is a bit weird here. Inspiration being at will does kinda explain why you need to wait until 9 to use it as a BA but still I could see this resulting in a heal/buff bot playstyle. Your subclasses do help with it though, boisterous being much more self sufficient. Not a bad thing just a comment on how this class would play. I will say though I believe this lacks the usual restriction on inspiration being one at a time. As a result there's nothing stopping you from using your action every round between combat to grant the beefy boys a inspiration die so everyone has a lot of bonus dice to throw at a problem every time they roll something. In fact I think they could probably roll multiple for a roll but 5e stacking rules probably stop that. Still I would probably limit how many a creature can have at a time since you could currently have 10 on the same creature or passed around the party at the start of a fight. At that point it may be better to just let you use a reaction to buff a roll whenever a creature makes one so you don't have a buff stack tracking problem to keep up with.

Interesting concept.

2022-05-22, 08:43 AM
How about?

As a base ability - "Inspiring Presence" where the Princess is so inspiring, other PCs use their bonus actions to be inspired by the Princess within range? Then the Princess gets the action back, instead of buffing others as a primary ability (which is kind of the same as a Help action).

I see that the Inspiring Words can be used without limit (unlike a Bard) but that would be kind of a dull way to actually play, IMO.

The theme is good! There should be a True Love ability somewhere!

2022-05-22, 01:39 PM
How about?

As a base ability - "Inspiring Presence" where the Princess is so inspiring, other PCs use their bonus actions to be inspired by the Princess within range? Then the Princess gets the action back, instead of buffing others as a primary ability (which is kind of the same as a Help action).

I see that the Inspiring Words can be used without limit (unlike a Bard) but that would be kind of a dull way to actually play, IMO.

The theme is good! There should be a True Love ability somewhere!

Agreed. As for the aura where players can use a BA to get a buff. It's very class dependent, characters without a good BA would love it. Problem is most good melee characters will have something they can do. Fighters, Paladins, Rangers and Barbarians have PAM or CBE feats but otherwise have a subclass dependent BA economy, Wizads and Sorcerers don't make attack rolls very often but only sometimes have a BA they can do, Warlocks have Hex and some subclass features, Rogues always have their BA tied up if they're attacking from range and like to disengage but in melee they would appreciate this, Monks are similar. The major winners here would be melee rogues and people with GWM, a BA to get a big bonus to a GWM attack is very worth it. This would also be very good outside of combat for pumping skill checks, which gives you a lot of utility in exploration. It's worth noting that, while the inspiration mechanic does risk turning a player into a combat multiplier for other people, that not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of people like that playstyle and play clerics as bless/buff bots because of that. If i might make a suggestion, i would take a leaf from 3.5 marshal and current cleric where you can inspire X number of creatures for 1 minutes as an action and for that minute those creatures can use a inspiration 1/turn. Maybe make different types of inspiration that give miscellaneous other effects in addition or change what the inspiration can be added too? Just an idea