View Full Version : Eberron: where in the setting would you most likely find versatile psionic learning?

2022-05-23, 10:45 AM
So Eberron has a... lot of Psionic integration into the setting. It's all over the place.

My question, then, is more, 'Where in the setting would you find people learning psionics, but with a more academic, intellectual, math-based, or universalist bent?'

Like, where would the people who aren't treating it as an art or like knowledge to hoard, but more as a science (ie, int based) be?

Where are you, for example, most likely to find a Spell To Power Erudite and/or a Psionic Artificer trying to use math to derive a universal theory of psionics?

As a secondary question, where would you find people trying to do similar things with Incarnum, inventing new ways of interacting with Incarnum or expressing one's own soul in general for mystical power, and trying to use broad comprehension to maximize the versatility of this path?

2022-05-23, 11:14 AM
On the continent of Sarlona, psionics is omnipresent and used in everday life, similiar to how magic is used on Khorvaire. I would expect "academies" of psions there, mostly in the nation of Adar and less in the empire of Riedra, on account of Riedra having a very stratified society where people stay in the asigned niches.

Magic of Incarnum is, from what I've read, silent on Incarnum in Eberron. Incarnum comes generally with the assumption that it is Rare with a capital R, so an organized institution teaching or researching it is unlikely.

2022-05-23, 11:44 AM
The incarnum book mentions Eberron.

That the Ironsoul Forgemasters can be found in Clan Mroranon.

The Sapphire Heirarchs' temple is found in the Endworld Mountains.

The Wellspring, a giant monument of solid arcanum, a source of learning Incarnum magic might be found in Xen’drik or Frostfell.

Or that the Twelve keep the secret of Incarnum to themselves.

While of course one can do whatever you want, I'd start off by looking at those suggestions.

For example, if the Wellspring is in Frostfell, than the secrets of Incarnum might have been brought with the Dwarfs when they migrated to the Mror Holds.

if Xen'drik, maybe the Giants of old were the pioneers of incarnum in Eberron. The Drow of Xen'drik probably have incarnum.

If the Twelve keep the magic to themselves, than that suggests the dragonmarked houses hoard the knowledge of incarnum.

2022-05-23, 11:52 AM
So Eberron has a... lot of Psionic integration into the setting. It's all over the place.

My question, then, is more, 'Where in the setting would you find people learning psionics, but with a more academic, intellectual, math-based, or universalist bent?'

Like, where would the people who aren't treating it as an art or like knowledge to hoard, but more as a science (ie, int based) be?

Where are you, for example, most likely to find a Spell To Power Erudite and/or a Psionic Artificer trying to use math to derive a universal theory of psionics?

As a secondary question, where would you find people trying to do similar things with Incarnum, inventing new ways of interacting with Incarnum or expressing one's own soul in general for mystical power, and trying to use broad comprehension to maximize the versatility of this path?

The 3.5 location would be Sarlonna as others have already mentioned.


This below is to change mechanics to make it more magical academy friendly

Whatever pathfinder setting that allows two things.

1) Dreamscarred Psionics, aka 3rd Party Pathfinder Psionics, specifically the “Psychic Mage Wizard Archetype”. Psychic mages are something like a specialist wizard but different. They give up 2 forms of magic like a 3.5 wizard, and in return they can cast wizard spells of the 5 remaining schools, can cast Psionic powers off the Psion list, and they scribe Psionic powers into their spell books. There is a lot more I am skipping over for the sake of simplicity.
2) See 1 but add the Inner Sea Magic academies, magical schools that have the Eclectic Training (5 Fame) and Esoteric Training (35 Fame). These wizard and other forms of arcane academies help multi class characters catch up where your wizard spell level (not caster level) is 1 higher with 05 fame in the academy, and is 3/1 higher with 35 fame (aka 7 levels of being part of the magic academy and doing 100% success on each challenge for you get 05 fame opportunities per level.)

In sum this two things create generalized Psionic culture where psionics is everywhere it’s the exception of Psion discipline powers, and the Psionic classes of other types like vitalist, tactician, psychic warrior, etc. Those powers can still be gained via multiclassing (see 2) or by feats like expanded knowledge.

Psychic Magic Wizard Archetype merely makes Psionic powers another alternative one can study at the magic academy, and it encourages cross npc research and cooperation since powers can be scribed into spell books and you can change your layout with 10 mins of preparation, sometimes an hour.

Kol Korran
2022-05-25, 04:48 PM
I'd actually suggest NOT Sarlona... Riedra as mentioned, is heavily influenced by Quori and psionics are treated as a privilege of the elite/ chosen/ devout. More like religion. And in Adar, while far less represive, psionics are heavily influenced by Kalashtar and The Path of Light, which means it also has a more spiritual/ devout/ monastic theme.

If you want it to be more academic, then I suggest... The major academic institues in Khorvaire! Mainly the following:
# Morgrave University in Sharn: A major metropolis, and a place that has many strange, eccentric, not entirely ethical, very much experimental studies, amongst more... Common curiculae.

# The great library of Zilargo (I think it's called Korranberg? Forgot the exact name). The Zil gnomes, with their more intellectual and scholary bent, and welcoming society (At least on the surface) Would LOVE to put grand courses, debates, and such of psionics.
I also see The Trust secretly sponsoring the psionics field. Right up their alley.

# The floating towers of Arcanix:
Sure, mostly for mages, but... Are psionics a different kind of magic? They do similar effects, but they seem to come from a different source... How interesting... And fascinating... We must explore it! Lets put some promising new minds to research it, and have a few courses in the field, shall we?

# The Twelve:
Where there is profit, where there is potential power and influence- The Twelve will be there. The dragonmarked houses have their hands and plots in nearly every major power center in the five nations, and to some extent beyond them. They will surely try to find ways to exploit psionics. (I envision these ventures mostly promoted by houses Phiarlan, Deneith, Medani, and possibly a few more).

And the Twelve are wealthy, and employ/ teach also talented people not of their dynasties... Hey, if it can profit both sides, then everybody wins, right? Now put your signature here... And here...

In short- If you want it to be acadmics, look for the academy equivalents.

2022-05-26, 01:38 AM
The incarnum book mentions Eberron.

That the Ironsoul Forgemasters can be found in Clan Mroranon.

The Sapphire Heirarchs' temple is found in the Endworld Mountains.

The Wellspring, a giant monument of solid arcanum, a source of learning Incarnum magic might be found in Xen’drik or Frostfell.

Or that the Twelve keep the secret of Incarnum to themselves.

While of course one can do whatever you want, I'd start off by looking at those suggestions.

For example, if the Wellspring is in Frostfell, than the secrets of Incarnum might have been brought with the Dwarfs when they migrated to the Mror Holds.

if Xen'drik, maybe the Giants of old were the pioneers of incarnum in Eberron. The Drow of Xen'drik probably have incarnum.

If the Twelve keep the magic to themselves, than that suggests the dragonmarked houses hoard the knowledge of incarnum.
IIRC there's also one specific island way down south were you can find the two main Incarnum races. Sort of tacked on, but at least they're there!