View Full Version : A list of SoM attack rider effects

2022-05-24, 05:17 PM
Rider effects are additional effects (or damage, I suppose), which can be applied to an attack - generally not additional actions. Although I suppose I should include free actions. But... eh.
There are Three categories: Special attack actions, which are exclusive to each other; The ones that proc on hit/on attack; and weapon enhancements, which need to be applied to the weapon before they can act. And then a fourth, which I'll just call "Other." Typically during a special attack.
I'm not going to include non-SoM spheres sourced effects, like Vital Strike or Stunning Fist. I am also avoiding overly specific effects like Palm Throw, which works exclusively for shuriken. That is just going to bog down the entire list.

Special Attack actions:
(Barrage) Blitz talents - Very weak. The main point is getting extra attacks. But the blitz talents are still...something. I mean, -5 to initiative isn't a horrible effect.
(Sniper) Snipe talents - The inverse of Barrage. You make a singular, low damage shot, with a generally really nice debuff
(Berserker) Brutal Strike - batters. Also deals +2*BAB on expending focus. That's not bad, given that it's rider damage that's marginally greater than the 1.75 / CL of cantrip Destruction sphere. Even though regaining focus is at minimum an extra swift action.
(Berserker) Exertion talents - Apply debuffs that persist while they are battered, meaning you can stack them, up until they finally burn their turn going full defensive. Relatively minor.
(Berserker) Heavy Swing - This exertion talent in particular staggers on hit, if they've already been battered, and if they fail a save, dazes them.

(Barroom) Jagged Edge / Shatter - 1d4 bleed / extra damage, breaking the weapon. Generally not worth mentioning.
(Boxing) Counter Punch / Counter talents - Delays your attack and doesn't generally add all too much. Most notable is Launching Uppercut, which effectively roots non-fliers in place. Which... yeah, not that much.
(Duelist) Blooded Strike - +1 bleed / 4 BAB. Doesn't... appear to stack with itself. So generally worthless.
(Duelist) Bleed talents - Anything from blinding to narrow, namless penalties, to a bit of extra bleed
(Equipment) Versatile Fighter - As a stance, gain a set of bonuses, including power attack and batter, dodge bonus, or free use of Heroic Resolve (ignore conditions for the combat)
(Fencing) Fatal Thrust / Skewer - Grants around +0.5 precision damage / BAB. Sneak attack restrictions. Skewer sets it closer to 1.5 / BAB, but grants a second exploit talent.
(Fencing) Pace Setter - Move target 5 feet in any direction, on sneak attack.
(Fencing) Exploit talents - a plethora of small, narrow, and short duration debuffs, with exception to Chest Strike granting sickened for 1d4 rounds.
(Lancer) Impale - Impales a creature, restricting movement, and force an additional concentration check to cast spells.
(Lancer) Pincushion Punishment - On applying at least 2 impales, they suffer -1 AC and attk per impaled weapon. They only need to spend a move action per attack action you use impaling them to negate that, but that's like an action burn rider effect.
(Lancer) Cruel Vibration - Max weapon damage. Which can be upwards of 10.5 expected damage for a medium Butchering Axe.
(Scout) Deadly Strike - +1/2 to 1 times BAB damage, when attack from stealth.
(Scout) Target weakness - Half damage converted to a damage type the target is weak to (if applicable), which is upwards of +25% more damage, if the creature is 1.5 times vulnerable to damage. Rather rarely useful.

Weapon Enhancements:
(Alchemy) Poisons - Most are 3-hit KO, and provide notable debuffs. Short duration without talent investment.
(Alchemy) Chemical Coating - Most formulae are better thrown than coated, without substantial investment.

(Dual Wielding): Asynchronous Swing: Grants anywhere from 0 to 12 added damage for medium weapons (such as by grafting Split-Blade Sword's weapon die (2d6) onto say, an acupuncture needle (0) ). Theoretically, a heavily invested unarmed build could do slightly increased damage.
(Dual Wielding): Mercurial Flow: Full strength to off hand, and treated as a main hand for abilities similar to power attack
(Equipment): Thrown attacks count as melee attacks. Which gets real funky real quick.
(Unarmed spheres): Generally add things to your unarmed attacks. And progressing talent count for more damage. Worth at least pointing it out in general, without getting bogged down in the specifics.

If I missed any, or have left out important details, do let me know.

2022-05-25, 09:33 PM
Just off the top of my head:

The Heavy Swing [Exertion] talent deserves mention for being (when combined with Brute's Shove) one of the most oppressive things in Spheres. If the daze on command doesn't get you, the no save stagger will.

Base Lancer is also absurdly overturned and should be outright banned in most games. On top of everything else, it does weapon damage in bleed (butchering axe wheee). Lancealot increasing the damage die for bleed by up to 2 size categories (butchering axe wheeeeeee).

You mentioned the Unarmed stuff; I think the stand outs worth mentioning are Rippling Blow for an easy extra AoO on demand, and Snap Kick for similar reasons. Snap kick also comes with a save-or-stagger rider.

Brute's Follow-Through allows a free bull rush or reposition on an Attack Action.

2022-05-25, 10:05 PM
Just off the top of my head:

The Heavy Swing [Exertion] talent deserves mention for being (when combined with Brute's Shove) one of the most oppressive things in Spheres. If the daze on command doesn't get you, the no save stagger will.

Base Lancer is also absurdly overturned and should be outright banned in most games. On top of everything else, it does weapon damage in bleed (butchering axe wheee). Lancealot increasing the damage die for bleed by up to 2 size categories (butchering axe wheeeeeee).

You mentioned the Unarmed stuff; I think the stand outs worth mentioning are Rippling Blow for an easy extra AoO on demand, and Snap Kick for similar reasons. Snap kick also comes with a save-or-stagger rider.

Brute's Follow-Through allows a free bull rush or reposition on an Attack Action.

Oh an escalating exertion talent. Most of them are either applied or they're not. Guess Heart Crusher technically "escalates," but... hah. I'll specially point it out.
The bleed damage is done as a later action, and so not a rider effect to the attack. But yeah, it's worth noting.
I did specifically say that I am not including bonus actions as rider effects. Even though they probably should be, if they're free.

2022-05-25, 11:02 PM
Oh an escalating exertion talent. Most of them are either applied or they're not. Guess Heart Crusher technically "escalates," but... hah. I'll specially point it out.
The bleed damage is done as a later action, and so not a rider effect to the attack. But yeah, it's worth noting.
I did specifically say that I am not including bonus actions as rider effects. Even though they probably should be, if they're free.

Oh my bad, I missed that part.

Seems like the task of classifying riders is kinda a daunting one, given how many flavors of "attack and do another thing" there are. Dunno how it would interact with your classification scheme, but Brute in general gets dummy strong mostly due to the ways in which it chains into itself with procs. Outside of that, most of the [Manhandle] talents give riders on a non-free action bullrush/reposition/overrun. Glancing over the talents, these are the ones that have effects which might be classified, conservatively, as "riders:"

Shove - touch attack, give battered

Destabilizing Charge [manhandle] - charge, target loses dex to AC for 1 attack

Dazed And Confused [manhandle] - Will or Staggered 1 round

Dizzy Spin [manhandle] - Fort or treat everyone else as partially concealed 1 round

Humiliate [manhandle] - Reflex or Entangled 1 round

These ones are iffy if they count:

Smash is weird, cause it's like a reverse rider - deal damage on bullrush

Dominoes(?) - Bullrush into creature gives trip

Hammer - become the Dungeoncrasher fighter, damage based on how hard they hit the wall

Drop - make a trip and use the floor as a wall for the purposes of Hammer (this one def isn't a rider but I really like it so I'm including it anyway)