View Full Version : vancover by night

2022-05-26, 01:23 PM
we cut to vancouver at dusk. two sets of eyes flicker open in different areas as blood pumps to their undead hearts. you rise from your coffins and get dressed

players, gimme your morning routines

2022-05-26, 02:30 PM
The man named Johnny Lee gets up in his condo underneath the city block he owns. Everyone here knows him, is loyal, if none guess the whole truth. He is not disturbed. He checks the notebook app on his phone. He has an appointment. One of the serious one. He rarely takes patients, but he needs to keep in practice. And the gifts of the Malkavians can heal madness and pain as well as Inflict it.

After receiving reports from his cappos and reading headlines in Chinese and English, he settles into his clinic.

The child is brought before him. Her mind is already broken. No one will believe what happens next. He shouldn't fail, but little will be lost if he does. He starts with chanting and incense, then begins the careful acupuncturist routine.

Then he breaks into her mind. She is more broken than him, but he tries to create breakwalls where there are gaps, surety in place of pain. And, if he takes a little blood, that has been a price even mortals are not begrudged.

When it is done, as best he can, he compells sleep and has her carried to a wheelchair to her grateful parents.

The Great Man, Johnny Lee, Sage of Chinatown, is at as much peace as a Malkavian can be. He reads more of his papers, trying to quiet the fear that haunted him these five centuries.

2022-06-04, 04:11 PM
Estienne's eyes flutter open as they have for centuries. The rush of blood filling his immortal flesh invigorating him as it always had. Memory upon memory crashing over him like an ancient tsunami... But he was himself. Breathing held no compulsion over him, but he found it to be a comforting gesture, something routine, to take in the sense around him.

Sometimes, his senses are all that he felt he had left in this world. Silk-satin sheets slip off his pale body like water as he rises for the endless night. He extended his fangs, feeling them in his mouth to remind him of the predator that he is, that he always has been.

The dim light in his haven cast deep shadows across the new bedroom he found himself in, an almost dreamy demesne of an extended reality between Estienne's deathless sleep and rebirth into the night. If only he could stay here, forever, dreaming... But it was not to be. Each night, he rose, and each night, the hunger gripped his soul.

Again and again. As always. But these nights proved to be different than before. Estienne had received an invitation, of sorts, to the Prince of Vancouver's Court. Of course, he knew this was not a mere invitation, but more a desperate plea for help. It was almost amusing that the Prince would request the aid of an elder across such vast distances, but it had broken the ennui that had crept up on Estienne once again.

Estienne smiles to himself, half amused and half genuine elation to have a purpose again. He stares into the mirror of his bathroom, looking into the face of a man who could be no more than twenty-three years old, at best. But the truth was disquieting: Estienne was nearly a thousand years old these nights, already over seven hundred. He'd left so much in France, his native land, just to make the perilous (for a vampire) journey to the New World to answer the call from this Prince. It was quite endearing. Perhaps it would make a good love story.

Estienne dresses in an outfit that would seem almost casual, were it not for the clear designer cut and stylings. If it was anyone else, it would look like a rich kid finally got his own credit card and could afford something tasteful, but on Estienne, it looks like a classical statue of a god draped in finery. "You wear the clothes, don't let the clothes wear you," as the saying goes.

Perhaps it was best to head to Elysium, first thing in the evening, but maybe a little detour to sate his thirst. This city had its fair share of fair men and it wouldn't be difficult to pluck one away for a few intimate moments.

2022-06-04, 09:10 PM
estienne, what is your usual routine for hunting in a new city? describe who you hunt and gimme an appearance + subterfuge roll, diff 5 to hunt successfully in the rack

johnny lee, you get a phone call from a capo. it appears the prince has asked for your appearance at elysium

2022-06-05, 09:05 AM
The stars blanket the firmament like sparkling celestial gems when Estienne breaks from his haven to sate his eternal hunger. Or they would, if they weren't suffocated by the light pollution of the city. Estienne remembers the vast celestial dome that once covered the earth of centuries past, even being able to name certain stars that he'd been taught by one of his tutors in his lifetime as a mortal, but time and "progress" crept ever forward, consuming what had once been, perhaps even now the once glorious night sky.

The hunger... Yes, that was what he meant to sate tonight. Estienne peels his eyes from the sky, consigning all the thoughts to his vast well of a memory. It had been so long since he'd properly hunted and the thrill of hunting again, solo, in a new city so far from his home sends a pleasing current of excitement through his spine. If his heart still beat, it would flutter at the chance...

Estienne wanders The Rack, heedless of the eyes drawn to him because of his perfect beauty. He could easily pluck any man he desired off the street but there was something so...anticlimactic about that. But then one catches his eye: a cute twenty-something, probably a college student. Pale blonde hair, hazel eyes, a backpack slung over his shoulder and all the naïvety of someone who wants to change the world for a better. He was simply endearing.

Estienne approaches the man subtly and sidles up next to him under a covered bus stop, standing there beside him, his intentions obvious. The other man could barely hold up his nonchalant demeanor, stealing nervous glances at Estienne and shifting his posture, clearly unsure of how to break the ice.

"Bonsoir." Estienne says in his native French, his voice smooth as silk. "The night is young. Are you a...student?"

The other man's eyes were big now, his expression betraying his thoughts: 'Me? Really? He's interested in me? "Ah, um, yes. To both. Sorry, have we met before?"

"I don't believe so. I'm new the to city; country, in fact." Estienne emphasizes his French accent. "I'm a little bit of a night owl and was wondering where I could meet men like..." he trails off, suggestive in his wording.

"Oh!" He laughs, "I am too. Funny. I mean, if we're talking about the same thing."

Estienne smiles, the nervousness this man radiating was just so sweet. "Of the Greek way? Yes, that is what I speak of." Estienne sits on the bench at the bus stop, inviting the man to join him. "I am Stéphane, nice to meet you."

"Ethan." Estienne tastes the his name on the tongue of his mind. "Likewise." He sits more than close to Estienne, perhaps too eager to get to know him.

The two men exchange some small talk, each turn of phrase becoming more and more suggestive. Eventually, they're so close, their legs and shoulders are touching and the inevitable occurs. Thankfully, they're at a lonely corner of the city.

[Roll Appearance (5) + Subterfuge (4) at DC 5 = 5 successes]

Estienne pierces Ethan's neck, feeling the vermillion nectar burst into his mouth. The blood was strong, vibrant, youthful. It held the false promise of vitality, before eventually withering away as a husk in age. Not so for Estienne. He would be beautiful forever more. For every coming night and whatever comes after.

Drinking his fill, Estienne withdraws from Ethan, his prey's eyes half lidded, head lolling about as he rode the wave of the ecstasy of the Kiss. Estienne wraps an arm around him and rests Ethan's head on his shoulder, savoring this moment.

A spark of an idea, and Estienne takes out a piece of paper from his wallet, scribbling down his own personal number for Ethan. He'd like to see him again. Maybe...maybe he could be the one? Estienne relaxes as on the bench as he waits for Ethan to come to, gazing up at the Moon and his alabaster majesty.

((Sorry his post is so long, I wanted to hunt and get a plot point going for Estienne.))

2022-06-07, 09:57 AM
ethan wakes about a half-hour later. his eyes are unfocused but he manages to sorta snuggle himself into your arms "that was amazing" he murmurs. "maybe we can make this a thing?" he chirps cutely

how many blood points did you take from ethan? three is the maximum safe amount

2022-06-07, 12:37 PM
The Prince was calling. It was Mr. Johnny Lee's duty to attend. For this his clan was sired and for this duty they did not live in vain. He told himself this whenever he took blood, whenever he sat back as history unfolded and Empires fell, the Malkavians lived to advise, but the Clans of his homeland did not want the order of the Camarilla, so he served the Kin and Kine of Canada.

He worried briefly that he had offended someone, that this was all his fault. But that was the bloodline curse talking. He knew he was as innocent as one such as he be in the laws of his kind, and even those of mortals.

2022-06-07, 02:45 PM
Estienne holds Ethan close as for time, basking in this rarified moment of bliss. He admires the dazed mortal his arms, feeling the softness of his skin and hair. Few mortals passed them, and for those that do, they appeared as a couple might. Estienne dares any mortals to interrupt this moment, begging them to tempt his wrath... But they pass, eyes averted, as good mortals do.

As Ethan stirs some time later and murmurs, a beatific smile spreads across Estienne's face. "Is that what you would like?" He asks, looking down at Ethan and lifting his chin up with his free hand. "I would like that very, very much..."

Had Estienne already become attached to the mortal? Certainly, there was something precious and endearing about him, but what force compelled Estienne to acquiesce so easily? It was not unwelcome, but certainly curious. He kisses Ethan again. "We shall meet again soon, Ethan."

'My Ethan.'

"I left my number in your pocket, send me a message so we can share our details." Estienne sounded somewhat stiff; perhaps it was due to his age, but he could at least pass it off as non-native English speaker here.

Estienne takes three blood points from Ethan to compensate for waking up and activating the blush of life.