View Full Version : Looking for variant Daern's Instant Fortress...

2022-05-27, 07:49 AM
I am wondering if anyone has made variant Instant Fortress, either homebrew or 3rd party. We play pathfinder, but our DM is fairly easygoing with 3rd ed material.

2022-05-27, 09:56 AM
What kind of variant are you looking for?

2022-05-27, 07:33 PM
What kind of variant are you looking for?

Anything. It's a small fort that shrinks down into a portable cube and can be placed anywhere.

Why not a portable greenhouse for your herbalist, or a portable tavern...or one with a cellar that is actually the inside of a handy haversack and it is your servants that sort it and hand you stuff??


2022-05-27, 09:51 PM
Ok. I see where you're going (great ideas, by the way). I'll see what I can come up with.

This thread might get more ideas in the Homebrew section, though.

2022-05-28, 05:16 PM
What about the tiny hut or magnificent mansion or rope trick spells or similar?

2022-05-28, 05:42 PM
What about the tiny hut or magnificent mansion or rope trick spells or similar?Or genesis? That can make an entire universe to your specifications, up to a point.

2022-05-28, 06:33 PM
I don't know of any published variants off the top of my head, but since the magic item costs 55k gold and requires Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion during crafting, I'd say you could create any of the types of variants you mentioned in your reply, for the same cost. I'd probably allow it to be cheaper even, in a game I was running, given that a portable greenhouse or tavern don't have adamantine walls and such.

2022-05-28, 06:54 PM
There's a couple of things in MIC somewhat along these lines: Daern's Instant Tent (p.155, 9000gp) & Personal Oasis (p.168, 4600gp).

Pretty sure there are others in Complete Mage and/or Magic of Faerun.

2022-05-28, 07:11 PM
There's a couple of things in MIC somewhat along these lines: Daern's Instant Tent (p.155, 9000gp) & Personal Oasis (p.168, 4600gp).

Pretty sure there are others in Complete Mage and/or Magic of Faerun.

Awesome! Hadn't ever noticed those 2 before

2022-05-29, 12:12 AM
Any homebrew spells equivalent to the arcane ones for cleric or druid?

Maat Mons
2022-05-29, 03:23 AM
In a Pathfinder game I'm currently playing, our party has an Expedition Pavilion, which is a sort of magic, climate controlled tent that's bigger on the inside. We also have a Safecamp Wagon, which is like a normal wagon, except it magically shrinks down to toy size. The DM has ruled that we can set up the tent on the wagon, so whenever we want, we pop both out of the Handy Haversack, and have a very comfortable trip.

For propulsion, we've been using the Mount spell. We recently got Horseshoes of a Zephyr, which the DM rules also apply their benefits to any vehicles pulled by the horse wearing them. And he's also ruled that they can magically affix themselves to a horse's hooves anyone needing to nail them in place.

It works pretty well, but I find myself thinking it would be more streamlined as a single magic item. A magical Romani wagon (https://www.pinterest.com/circinn/gypsy-wagons-are-beautiful/) that has a Magnificent Mansion on the inside, can shrink to toy size for easy transport, can conjure it's own dray animal, and and Air Walk effect that benefits both the dray animal and wagon.

Actually, it would be best as an upgradable thing. So you can add all the previously-mentioned features over time as your budget allows. And then maybe add some other cool options.

2022-05-29, 08:53 AM
For Pathfinder reference:
Expedition Pavillion (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Expedition%20P avilion)
Safecamp Wagon (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Safecamp%20Wag on)

If you like 3rd party pathfinder, there's also the Keyhome (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/apparatuses#toc28), which is ten ten-foot cubes arranged however the maker wanted. Which you can then mundanely customize largely as you see fit, with walls, doors, furnishings, and so on.

2022-05-29, 02:30 PM
OK, I've had a chance to do some thinking and creating. Let's see how well I did...

The Incredible Tree Fort was first created by a powerful druid, Aldric Adelbern. His grandchildren had been pestering him to build them a treehouse. Aldric, being an overachiever, went a little overboard.

Incredile Tree Fort

This acorn (or pinecone), when placed upon soil and given the command word, grows into a seemingly normal 20 foot tall oak (or evergreen) tree over 1 minute. Anyone who knows the command word or is given permission by someone who knows the command word may enter the tree by touching it. Inside the tree is an extradimensional space. At it's most basic, the Tree Fort has100 cubic feet of space (one 10 foot cube). It is unfurnished, and has windows looking out in all 4 cardinal directions. These windows cannot be seen or interacted with from outside of the tree, nor can anything pass out from the windows. Air is constantly renewed in the Tree Fort. Anyone inside can exit this space in any direction by simply walking through the walls.

The space is temperature controlled as per the Tiny Hut spell.

The Tree Fort is a living tree, and must be in its tree form for at least 24 hours per month in sunlight and fertile soil and be watered in order to stay alive. If the tree dies, the Tree Fort is no longer magical. As a living tree, it grows. For every additional 10 feet of hight, it gains an additional 100 cubic feet of space inside. This space may be split between multiple floors, as desired by the Tree Fort's owner. The Plant Growth spell can only add 10 feet of hight per year.

The space can be entered via the Tree Stride spell, as long as the caster has permission to enter the space.

The Tree Fort can be returned to it's acorn form by touching the tree and speaking the proper command word. All living creatures inside the space are harmlessly ejected when this occurs.

The Tree Fort has a Hardness of 10 as well as 100 hp per 10 feet of hight.

Skyhome, the Great Tree

One of the first Tree Forts created by Aldric, Skyhome evolved from a simple border outpost to a magnificent city. A group of powerful, and some would say arrogant, druids performed many magical expiriments on the Tree Fort some 730 years ago. Among these expirements was Awakening the tree.

Skyhome is now a 480 foot tall oak, and contains over 1 million cubic feet of space. 20 foot tall doors are present on the front of the tree, which Skyhome can open and close at will. Numerous windows can be seen, and defenders can use these to fire arrows down on attackers. Skyhome can remove or place windows at will. It has running water and indoor plumbing. It produces 3d20 Goodberries per day.

Skyhome has 8000 hp, a hardness of 30, and Fire Resistance of 20. It also has Fast Healing 5. Skyhome is fully sentient, and has formed an alliance with the elves in his area, becoming home for several thousand souls.

The Field Hospital is a 1 foot square, drab, olive green cloth. When commanded, it turns into a 30x30 foot tent. Inside the tent are 15 comfortable beds, a desk, and cabinets of supplies.
The cabinets contain 5 fully stocked healer's kits, 2 antitoxins, and 2 potions each of cure light, moderate, and severe wounds. These are all replenished each day at dawn, but disappear if removed from the Hospital.

Anyone who sleeps in one of the cots for 8 hours is considered to have been treated for long-term care as per the Heal skill. Anyone who is actually being tended by someone with the Heal skill will double the results of the long-term care. In addition, the Hospital grants a +5 bonus to all Heal checks made while inside.

All those inside are also granted a +5 to saving throws vs poison and disease, if they have been inside for more than 4 hours.

The Hospital can withstand winds up to 70 mph. The temperature inside the tent is a constant 75 degrees, regardless of exterior temperature. Speaking the command again will return the Hospital to the cloth form.

Scholars are uncertain as to the origins of what have been dubbed "portable pubs", but most agree they are extradimensional.

A portable pub appears as a large iron key. When touched to the ground and given the command word of "It's five o'clock somewhere!", broad stone steps leading 15 feet down appear. The door at the bottom of the steps is never locked, and opens into a low-ceilinged 30x60 space. The temperature of the pub is comfortable to all who enter it. Those entering the space are greeted with friendly-sounding cheers in an unknown language. The space contains a 30 foot long bar and numerous booths and tables. Behind the bar are what appear to be two doors, one on either side of the bar. These apparent doors do not open, and will not yield to any force. (attempting to break these "doors" results in immediate forceful ejection from the portable pub, which deals 10d6 nonleathal damage).

Patrons who sit at any booth, table, or bar stool may order food and drink. They price of their order will appear in their mind when they order (whatever is the local fair market price, or the common price if the pub is not near a settlement). There are no menus available (unless they have been written by patrons), but any and all concievable alcoholic beverages are available, as are most non-alcoholic beverages. There are only 2 different meals available: battered fried fish with fried strips of potatoes served wrapped in a white paper with black writing in an unknown language with a side of shredded cabbage and carrots in a creamy dressing, and what appear to be the wings of some type of bird covered in a spicy sauce with a side of carrots and celery and a creamy dill sauce.

After paying, all orders seem to float through the "doors" and to the ordering patrons shortly after ordering. Payments go to the pub, not the owner of the key.

Fighting in the pub will result in the same forceful ejection as attempting to break the "doors".

When no patrons remain in the pub, touching the steps and speaking the command "you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here" will return the pub to key form.

A Turtle Shell Shield appears as a light shield made from the shell of a turtle or tortise. While it has the same stats as a +1 light metal shield, it is something more.

Once per day, when the owner places the shield on the ground and gives the command "Cowabunga Dude!", it turns into a turtle-shaped shelter. The shelter is approximately 10x10 feet, but is in all other ways the same as the inside of a Secure Shelter. It can remain in shelter form for 24 hours, or until the owner gives the command "Radical Dude!".

For every +1 of protection (but not special abilities) the shield is upgraded by, the space inside the shelter increases by 10x10 feet.

Versions of this shield havve been found that look like a snapping turtle shell as well. These function as +1 spiked light steel shields, but are otherwise the same.

What do you think?

2022-05-30, 12:49 PM
Totally going to use that Portable Pub in a game.

2022-05-30, 05:50 PM
I love those, especially the Field Hospital!

2022-05-30, 08:26 PM
Thank you both. 😊

I'm working on a house-on-a-cloud, too.

If someone with more item creation experience wanted to try to figure out creation requirements and costs on those, I'd certainly appreciate the help.