View Full Version : Isekai in the Playground: IC

2022-05-28, 07:44 PM
You're still doing the finishing touches in your character sheet when you feel a slight "pull", it seems like your time is running out. "Guess a timer or a clock was too much to ask, huh?" You start reviewing your sheet and everything seems alright, a little bit of gold left but there's nothing really important you can buy with that ammount. Then, uour vision starts to blur again I'm getting tired of this already....

Your senses adjust to the new world arround you. What you assume is your darkvision feels kinda strange, you've always imagined the "black and white" description from the PHB would look like watching an old movie, but it's... different. The whole world is black and white, not just a screen in front of you, with so many shades of grey that it's it's almost like it's colored. It's feels... REAL, everything feels real, the stone of the cave arround you, the water dripping from the stalactites, the bones on the floor.

You fell yourself shivering. why is that? You're not cold at all, what is that buzzing sound? No. Wait. you're not shivering. You're feeling the vibrations arround you, that is surreal! You also notice the multitude of smells that invade your nostrils, you can even smell the air umidity. Funny, the smell of rotting meat should be... bad, no? Ieven if you thin, these smells shold be fragrant or foul, to you they just... are. Is this your blindsense?

You start to feel something arround you. No. feel is not the right word, it's like they are right in front of you and you're seeing them, but also as if they are several feet away from you and you're hearing them. Are they people? Creatures? What is this feeling?. You can't see their faces, but you realize they are intellingent, very intelligent. Humm, they are also, monstrous humanoids, no, aberrations, no, wait, both? Is this your mindsight?

It's so strange not feeling your own weight. Funny how you never seemed to notice it's there until it's gone and you can't feel it, is this what astronauts feel in space? it's so cool. Moving is funny too, more like a mental exercise than actually moving your body, feels like you're puppeteering yourself, you hope you get used to it soon

Wait... Bones? It finally dawns on you where you are.


You're currently in a pit (https://app.roll20.net/join/13175436/qjXJFg), a deep bone pit inside some pitch black cave, filled with gnawed bones, debree and all manner of filth. Up above there is an opening, preciselly at 20 feet high from where you're standing, with a steep path leading to it. Funny how you could tell the height with a simple glance. You also realize you're not alone in this chamber, other 3 strange, but very much D&D like creatures are there with you. It's not a wild assumption to say they are probably the other 3 souls that were with you on the line in the afterlife but... are they friendly?

2022-05-28, 11:18 PM
Vorin Vilemind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2631568][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR="#FF0000)
[SIZE=1]Level 10 Mind Flayer/Erudite | Senses: 100ft Mindsight, 60ft Darkvision | Speed 30ft Walk, 60ft Fly (average) | Location: ?
HP 100/100, AC 30, Touch 16, FF 27, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 15, SR 20

Vorin gasps for air as his surrounding come into focus - multiple sensory inputs clamour for attention. Despite the darkness, his vision somehow adapts; what little light there is allows darkvision to provide black-and-white clarity of his surroundings. Mindsight is alien and unfamiliar, revealing flickering sparks of intellect in the darkness. The air is damp on his skin, but the smell, dear lord... The sensations are... overwhelming.

[B]"Oh god. I think... I think i'm going to.. Hurgk."

He sinks to the ground, barely noticing the bones littering the earth. With both arms braced on the ground he begins to retch.

Whether by choice or by situation, Vorin is sickened for a moment. Please avoid the splatter.

2022-05-28, 11:26 PM
This is what it is to be a predator, a being of sensation and action! Kelsey glories in the body she feels more properly fits her mind and station. Slowly, she unfurls her wings! She makes a hop, and sees if instinct can carry her to the top of the pit! Close, but not quite.

Then she remembers- she has mysteries! And soulmelds! She searches her mind for how to ready them. This is all so much! She shudders slightly at the shear level of new things her glorious new life has in store!

2022-05-29, 04:31 PM
Appearing human but translucent and floating off the ground, a roguish-looking man eyes the splatter. "That is...um...sub-optimal. Thankfully I don't seem to be affected by the physical realm unless I desire to be. I have to admit....this is pretty awesome." Floating about a bit, arms out as if somehow useful to balance (they don't seem to be effective), he floats a bit away from the splatter regardless. "I'm... Vance. Yes, that's right - Vance." Having had to think a moment about his new identities, he seems to get his floating under control and starts looking around thoughtfully. "Not exactly the fantasy tavern with quest board I expected for some reason... but it could be worse, I suppose...."

Vance (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2630031)
Male C/G Hellbred Spirit Warlock 10 // Ghost 5 / Enlightened Spirit 5, Level 10, Init 4, HP 120/120, Speed 30' Land, 30' Fly (Perfect)
AC 30, Touch 23, Flat-footed 26, Fort 4, Ref 8, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2
Eldritch Blast +12 vs Touch AC (9d6, 20/x2)
Warlock's Scepter +12/+7 (1d6+5, 20x2)
+1 Glamered Chain Shirt, +1 Dastana (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +4 Dex, +8 Deflect, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str --, Dex 18, Con --, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 26
Condition Conscious, Incorporeal, Manifested, Alert, Solid Visage
Aura of Menace Enemies within 5' get -2 Attacks/AC/Saves until they've hit Vance
Aura of Courage Allies within 10' get +4 saves vs Fear effects
Active Invocations Beguiling Influence, Ignore The Pyre (Cold)
Resistances Acid 5, Cold 10, Electricity 5, Fire 5, Sonic 5
Other Defenses +2 AC vs Ranged, 50% Miss Chance

Search for anything worth noting in the pit: [roll0]

2022-05-30, 09:08 AM
The fourth figure, looking like a wan and mature male elf with something coiled at his left hip, has shock written all over his face ... for the brief moment that he's visible. Suddenly there's no fourth figure at all. (Kelsey easily recognizes that the change wasn't the result of a spell ... but how does she just know that?) Then a voice comes out of the space where he had been: "Why can't I move?! How-- Oh. Right." A moment of silence, then the voice starts drifting slowly farther away and a bit up. "I guess you three were the ones in line with me, when we met the befuddled kid and the oni in the suit? Uh ... pleased to meet you, Vance. I'm-- ... Call me Dimers. Wh-- Agh. Sorry for your illness, stranger, but it'd be great to hear introductions from you two as well, and do you know anything about what's going on here?"

Getting my buffstack in order. Invisibility first, as an instinctual defense, then fly as soon as I realize my predicament: spectral savants aren't actually given a fly speed and can't interact with solid object to do useful stuff like WALK. Bit of an oversight on the part of whoever designed that template, oops. Anyway ... Unless something interrupts, I'll start activating effects in this order:
step of the wind stance (swift action)
inner beauty (no one has to roll a save because I'm not visible)
clarity of vision skill trick (swift action) to automatically spot invisible creatures within 30'
voice of the dragon
attempt to gain psionic focus, spending improvisation points to help (stop when I hit DC 20: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3])
resist energy 5 times on myself to cover the 5 damage types -- this takes 9 rounds because I have to recover the maneuver in between each time
detect evil facing my soon-to-be allies, round 1
detect evil, round 2
detect evil, round 3

2022-05-30, 09:19 AM
"My name was Kelsey. I don't think I need a name anymore, though. I have died and gone to heaven, and such constructs as names are behind me. As for this, we seem to be in a midden pit. I would be happy to sneak ahead and report back once I figure out how my magic works.

The little dragon tries to shape soulstuff into a Hunter's Circlet. After this, she tries the simplest of her fundamentals of shadow magic- dark candle, cast to mimic a light spell.

2022-05-30, 09:59 PM
Vorin Vilemind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2631568][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR="#FF0000)
[SIZE=1]Level 10 Mind Flayer/Erudite | Senses: 100ft Mindsight, 60ft Darkvision | Speed 30ft Walk, 60ft Fly (average) | Location: ?
HP 100/100, AC 30, Touch 16, FF 27, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 15, SR 20

[B]"You must have a very strange idea of heaven, miss."

Vorin heaves himself up onto his haunches, wiping his mouth as his tendrils coil in disgust.

"But I suppose whatever this is, we're in it together. You can call me Vorin, or just V if you prefer. Now if you would give me a moment, I'll need a minute or two."

Much like the others, he begins to investigate the reserves of power he has available; The first order of business is to test this 'binding' power he chose earlier... Slighty readjusting his position to avoid his earlier mess, he scrawls a symbol into the ground, and utters a name, speaking in the barest whisper.

"Naberius, Grinning Hound, hear my call."

Vorin will attempt to bind Naberius, the Grinning Hound. Drawing the sigil takes a minute, and the negotiation takes another minute. The vestige should become visible to everyone around once the name is called.

[roll0] vs DC 15. The Vestige is bound even if this check is failed.

Sign: Your voice deepens and acquires a gravelly, growling tone. (This occurs no matter what, as Vorin is unable to conceal the sign of the vestige.)
Influence: While you are influenced by Naberius, you love the sound of your own voice and are constantly pleased by your cleverness. Whenever you are presented with a pulpit, a stage, a talking stick, or any other place or object designed to give a speaker the floor, Naberius requires that you immediately seize the opportunity to speak. Any topic will do, but since Naberius resents others taking control of the discourse, he requires that you either shout them down or mock them. Your speech must last a number of rounds equal to your effective binder level to satisfy Naberius. (This only takes effect if Vorin is unable to meet the binding DC.

Vorin currently detects as a faint aura of evil.

2022-05-31, 10:17 PM
The little dragon tries to shape soulstuff into a Hunter's Circlet. After this, she tries the simplest of her fundamentals of shadow magic- dark candle, cast to mimic a light spell.

"Pretty neat! That's-- Wow, I mean, I somehow know I'm doing magic right now, and it tingles, but actually seeing it is something else entirely."

"You must have a very strange idea of heaven, miss."

"Yeah, bones and dirt aren't really my thing, either. But to each his own."

Slighty readjusting his position to avoid his earlier mess, he scrawls a symbol into the ground, and utters a name, speaking in the barest whisper.

"Naberius, Grinning Hound, hear my call."

"Naberius? Are you-- You know what, I'll just wait until you're done. Don't want to distract a man at work. Hey, speaking of men, Vance, you look like one except you're kinda see-through. What's the story there? Right, see-through, I'm one to talk. Here ..." A moment later, the elf is visible again, floating about five feet off the ground. His stance is awkward like he's not quite sure what to do with his body.

2022-06-02, 12:29 PM
" Vance, you look like one except you're kinda see-through. What's the story there?".

Looking down at himself, Vance grins. "Well, if I read the description correctly, I'm a ghost. My dead body should be among my belongings in my sack that is bigger on the inside, along with its physical gear." Gesturing at himself, he continues, "All this is the ghostly manifestation of said equipment. I should be able to appear corporeal and interact with physical objects at will, however. Let me see if I can figure that out, actually..."

Carefully floating to the ground, Vance takes a few short tentative steps and nods. Seeming to concentrate, his transparent form solidifies so that he appears solid. Nodding to himself, he spreads his arms. "Ta-da!"

Vance (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2630031)
Male C/G Hellbred Spirit Warlock 10 // Ghost 5 / Enlightened Spirit 5, Level 10, Init 4, HP 120/120, Speed 30' Land, 30' Fly (Perfect)
AC 30, Touch 23, Flat-footed 26, Fort 4, Ref 8, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2
Eldritch Blast +12 vs Touch AC (9d6, 20/x2)
Warlock's Scepter +12/+7 (1d6+5, 20x2)
+1 Glamered Chain Shirt, +1 Dastana (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +4 Dex, +8 Deflect, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str --, Dex 18, Con --, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 26
Condition Conscious, Incorporeal, Manifested, Alert, Solid Visage
Aura of Menace Enemies within 5' get -2 Attacks/AC/Saves until they've hit Vance
Aura of Courage Allies within 10' get +4 saves vs Fear effects
Active Invocations Beguiling Influence, Ignore The Pyre (Cold)
Resistances Acid 5, Cold 10, Electricity 5, Fire 5, Sonic 5
Other Defenses +2 AC vs Ranged, 50% Miss Chance

2022-06-05, 09:09 PM
The initial shock of your new body and senses fade rather quickly, replaced by the novelty that is to see, feel and understand things you didn't even think were possible in your previous life.

Your new body, which felt alien and clunky at first, is now naturally responding to your every whim, making you rather confortable in your new Skin/Scales/Ectoplasm. At the same time, the turmoil that was the information regarding your many new abilities setles down in your mind, it's as if you always new how to manifest your abilities but had forgoten and just now remembered everything. The transition is so smooth you even manage to idly chat with the other reicarnated and end up feeling rested and invigorated. assume you have rested for 8 hours and meditated, studied notes, prayed or anything else you need to prepare or ready your abilities, spells and powers

The male elf ghost suddenly goes invisible, is he preparing for an attack? He then starts talking and moving, first confirming what you were thinking: everyone here has reincarnated. Then introducing himself, he seems friedly for now...
You manage to cast all you spells(like) without problem and they work as you assumed they would.
You do not see any invisible creatures arround the group and you manage to psionically focus at your first try (nice)
When you cast detect evil you imediatley sense the presence of eveil, you sustain the spell and six seconds later you detect a single moderate power evil aura, then, after another six seconds you learn that the Mind Flayer guy is the one emanating it

The dragon then introduces herself, then offers to scout ahead, her entusiasm to work as a group right from the get go is soothing and encouraging. She then concentrates and an imaterial circlet forms arround her head, then she touches a bone on the floor with her foreclaw and it starts sheding light
You manage to shape an insubstantial circlet that setles on your head, ocupying your crown chakra and casting black candle.
you have the time and you can shape your other soulmelds if you want to. You also have 20 rounds available of "elapsed time" if you want to cast buffs or other spells/abilities that don't give more information that were already provided

The Illhithid kneels on the ground and scribles, or better, draws something that looks like a magic circle and then calls for naberius. What you can best describe as a "hologram" of a black bird is projected above the magic circle, then a tree head dog attacks and starts eating the bird.
The binding went exactly as you expected it to work. The seal drawing, the calling, the bargaining and binding. Yet, something felt off, it felt mechanichal somehow, far removed from the reality that this new world transpires. You managed to summon and bind naberius, but it felt like you were talking to computer program or a mediocre A.
Your mindsight detects various creatures arround the group, they are marked on the map as circles. The red Circles are Monstrous Humanoids (10 INT) and the blue circles are aberrations (22 INT), all blue circles are small size. Yes, they are occuping the same space.
You also have 10 rounds available of "elapsed time" if you want to cast buffs or other spells/abilities that don't give more information that were already provided

The other ghost also seems friendly and in high spirits, he even explained how his incorporeality works.
You have 20 rounds available of "elapsed time" if you want to cast buffs or other spells/abilities that don't give more information that were already provided

Kelsey Listen Roll [roll0]
Dimmers Listen Roll [roll1]
Vance Listen Roll [roll2]
Vorin Listen Roll [roll3] Through your hearing and your mindsight you detect that the creature marked "2" is the one getting closer (the circled marked with "2" and another pink small circle is it's previous location
You hear a large but nimble creature footsteps getting closer and closer

2022-06-06, 12:31 AM
Vorin Vilemind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2631568][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR="#FF0000)
[SIZE=1]Level 10 Mind Flayer/Erudite | Senses: 100ft Mindsight, 60ft Darkvision | Speed 30ft Walk, 60ft Fly (average) | Location: ?
HP 100/100, AC 30, Touch 16, FF 27, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 15, SR 20

It doesn't take long to complete the binding with Naberius, but it feels... off. Perhaps a result of being in this new world. More importantly, a small translucent crystal flits around Vorin's head, jittering this way and that. Vorin instinctive knows that this is his psicrystal, a partitioned section of his mind, or so the rules text says - while it doesn't say anything, the telepathic link he has with it conveys its emotions. It moves several times in the span of a second before flying into a pouch in his robes. It's nervous - staying still for this long is a bad idea.

As this thought enters Vorin's mind, he detects something else - more sparks of sapience. But these are not his fellows in the pit, but instead alien and different. Monstrous humanoid, aberrations? And on top of one another. He quickly contacts the others through telepathy, bringing a finger to his lips to indicate that silence is needed.

[B]"Hush. There are others around, and getting closer. I can't say if they're friendly or not."

Vorin will convey information about the typing, location etc about the enemies he sees, describing through telepathy at the speed of thought.

Vorin will manifest the following buff powers on himself.
Suffer the Flesh (+5 ML), persistent - 11 pp
Inertial Armor (for +11 AC) - 15 pp
Share Pain - 3 pts (targeting his psicrystal)
Greater Resistance - 7pp
Defensive Precognition (+3 AC and saves), persistent - 15 pp

51 pp spent, 5/16 unique powers p/day used.

2022-06-07, 06:45 PM
Vance blanches slightly at the news. "Oh my...well, then we should probably get ready for an attack, just in case."

Putting action to words, he reaches into his haversack and pulls out...nothing. Frowning, he reaches in again and seems to concentrate, and finally pulls out a wicked-looking mace. "Thinking about what I want to retrieve from in there and focusing on being able to interact with physical objects is quite odd."

Glancing around at all the bones, he murmurs, "I wonder..." Reaching down, he brushes his fingers against the bones at the bottom of the pit.

Vance (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2630031)
Male C/G Hellbred Spirit Warlock 10 // Ghost 5 / Enlightened Spirit 5, Level 10, Init 4, HP 120/120, Speed 30' Land, 30' Fly (Perfect)
AC 30, Touch 23, Flat-footed 26, Fort 4, Ref 8, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2
Eldritch Blast +12 vs Touch AC (9d6, 20/x2)
Warlock's Scepter +12/+7 (1d6+5, 20x2)
+1 Glamered Chain Shirt, +1 Dastana (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +4 Dex, +8 Deflect, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str --, Dex 18, Con --, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 26
Condition Conscious, Incorporeal, Manifested, Alert, Solid Visage
Aura of Menace Enemies within 5' get -2 Attacks/AC/Saves until they've hit Vance
Aura of Courage Allies within 10' get +4 saves vs Fear effects
Active Invocations Beguiling Influence, Ignore The Pyre (Cold)
Resistances Acid 5, Cold 10, Electricity 5, Fire 5, Sonic 5
Other Defenses +2 AC vs Ranged, 50% Miss Chance

1 Round: Retrieving and wielding Warlock's Scepter.

1-2 Rounds: Attempting to invoke The Dead Walk (no onyx materials):

"You can turn the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies (as the animate dead spell). Unless you include the normal material component for the spell (an onyx gem worth 25 gp per Hit Die of the undead) as part of the process, undead created by this ability crumble into dust after 1 minute per caster level."

He has a 10HD Skeleton (permanent) in his haversack already, but he can make up to 20HD worth of temporary (10 minutes) minions per use, if the bones end up being a valid target for the invocation. And he can just do it twice to hit his max of 40HD worth of undead (10HD skelly in haversack + 30HD worth of temp minions).

2022-06-08, 06:46 PM
The floating elf's eyes open wide, and he goes completely silent as he looks toward the opening of the pit above. His legs wheel for a moment like he's trying to walk, then he looks sour, frowns with concentration, and drifts toward the nearest wall. The movement suddenly stops, and the elf's eyes go even wider as he spins to look at the stone.

A voice comes back through the telepathic link, haltingly, saying, "Welcoming committee? I guess I shouldn't expect cupcakes if the decor means anything." It sounds pretty much like the elf's out-loud voice ... but somehow more solid, less ethereal -- and without the slight echoes of the chamber.

Dimers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2630415)
male CG gray elf evolved spectral savant arcane swordsage 10 // psion 1 paladin 4, Level 10, Init +17, HP 130/130, Speed land 35, fly 70 (good)
AC 49, Touch 39, Flat-footed 42 (VoP force armor +7, Dex +7, deflection +15, natural +3, misc +7)
Fort 19, Ref 25 and evasion, Will 26
Abilities Str --, Dex 24, Con --, Int 20, Wis 26, Cha 28

incorporeal traits, undead traits, turn resistance +8, aura of resolve, VoP mind shielding, fast healing 3
resist 20 acid/cold/elec/fire/sonic
darkvision, low-light vision, automatic Search check when within 5' of concealed door
psionically focused, 4pp available
step of the wind stance
Clarity Of Vision skill trick used, Collector Of Stories and Shrouded Dance still available
maneuvers readied and unexpended: greater mage hand, disintegrate, swift etherealness

2022-06-12, 03:33 AM
The being formerly known as Kelsey concentrates, and makes another simple soulmeld. It feels different because she knows this one is from another class list and given by a feat, not her innate link to The Wild Blue Yonder. She feels, and, in her mind, her various Shadowcaster powers sit arrayed on a little shelf in her mind

2022-06-14, 05:33 AM
Vorin Vilemind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2631568][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR="#FF0000)
[SIZE=1]Level 10 Mind Flayer/Erudite | Senses: 100ft Mindsight, 60ft Darkvision | Speed 30ft Walk, 60ft Fly (average) | Location: ?
HP 100/100, AC 30, Touch 16, FF 27, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 15, SR 20

The mind flayer huddles in closer to his companions, gesturing to keep voices down; It's not necessary since he's not actually uttering any words, but it seems right given the situation.

[B]"So what's the plan? I could whisk us out of here with a Dimension Door, but I have no idea where we would end up. Same deal with Plane shift.

Do you think we can talk to them? They might be able to tell us more about our situation...

Maybe they would recognize a Mind Flayer? Don't they usually live underground, or in the Underdark? Someone talk me out of this train of thought before I make a big mistake...

While this chatter continues Vorin casts one more power. There isn't much time before a decision has to be made...

Vorin is considering trying to talk to these creatures. They might be intimidated enough by a mind flayer to deter any attacks, and from there the party can get some much-needed information. Or they might just attack anyway.

Vigor - 6 pp, granting 30 temporary hp. Share spells will also give this effect to his psicrystal.

Suffer the Flesh (+5 ML), 24hrs
Inertial Armor (for +11 AC), 24hrs
Share Pain (targeting his psicrystal), 24hrs
Greater Resistance - 7pp, 24hrs
Defensive Precognition (+3 AC and saves), 24hrs
Vigor (30 temp hp), 15 minutes
81 PP remaining, 6/16 UPP/day

2022-06-16, 04:46 PM
"Hell, as far as -- uh, can everyone hear me or just you? -- as far as I know, if I match the character sheet then I should be nearly unkillable, so I favor waiting a couple rounds to see if we can make some friends."

If it doesn't look like former-Kelsey and Vance have heard, the elf will whisper aloud, "Let's wait and see."

2022-06-18, 04:31 PM
The creature finally reaches the sole entrance of the bone pit, hist hulking form almost reaching the ceiling of the cave. It is humanoid in shape, but with a bat like face and arms so long they reach the ground. It's movement resembles a gorilla walking. It is obviously intelligent enough to use weapons, since it has cleaver like swords strapped to the side of it's legs.


It's gaze is directed to the group down below, but it has a "blank" expression, almost as if it didn't notice the intruders or at least was unfased by them. Without any kind of warning it turns it's head to the side, towards the corridor it emerged from, and releases an earsplitting roar, then draws on of it's cleavers.

Creature - [roll0]
Vorin - [roll1]
Dimers - [roll2]
Vance - [roll3]
Kelsey - [roll4]

Sense Motive - CD 25
Vorin - [roll5]
Dimers - [roll6]
Vance - [roll7]
Kelsey - [roll8]

Spot - CD 20
Vorin - [roll9]
Dimers - [roll10]
Vance - [roll11]
Kelsey - [roll12]

You can tell that someone’s behavior is being influenced by something, but you're not sure what. Other than the unnerving complete lack of facial expressions the creature has, it's movements are not mechanical or limited, on the contrary.
When it turns it's head you see a large lump on the back of it's neck, it's way smoother than the rough, almost hidelike skin, the creature has

2022-06-19, 09:10 PM
Vorin Vilemind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2631568][B][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR="#FF0000)
[SIZE=1]Level 10 Mind Flayer/Erudite | Senses: 100ft Mindsight, 60ft Darkvision | Speed 30ft Walk, 60ft Fly (average) | Location: ?
HP 100/100, AC 30, Touch 16, FF 27, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 15, SR 20

A momentary thought, and quick reflexes become even quicker.

Vorin will manifest Nerveskitter on Kelsey as an immediate action, giving +5 to initiative. 1 PP spent.

Suffer the Flesh (+5 ML), 24hrs
Inertial Armor (for +11 AC), 24hrs
Share Pain (targeting his psicrystal), 24hrs
Greater Resistance - 7pp, 24hrs
Defensive Precognition (+3 AC and saves), 24hrs
Vigor (30 temp hp), 15 minutes
80 PP remaining, 7/16 UPP/day

2022-06-20, 08:58 PM
Tight-lipped, the floating elf says aloud, "Yeah, that's not a good sign, drawing a weapon." He raises his right arm, hesitates, puts his left hand on the arm as if to steady it, and fires a green ray toward the roaring creature.

First, if the creature is Large or larger, I'll switch into giant killing stance as a swift action for +2 to hit and +4 damage.

As a standard action, initiate the disintegrate maneuver. [roll0] to hit touch AC. If it hits, make a Fort save (DC 23). On a success, take [roll1] damage. On a failure, add another [roll2].

To confirm crit, [roll3] against touch AC. If confirmed, a successful save deals the previous 5d6 plus [roll4], and a failed save totals all three damage rolls plus [roll5] more.

Not doing anything with my move action.

Dimers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2630415)
male CG gray elf evolved spectral savant arcane swordsage 10 // psion 1 paladin 4, Level 10, Init +17, HP 130/130, Speed land 35, fly 70 (good)
AC 49, Touch 39, Flat-footed 42 (VoP force armor +7, Dex +7, deflection +15, natural +3, misc +7)
Fort 19, Ref 25 and evasion, Will 26
Abilities Str --, Dex 24, Con --, Int 20, Wis 26, Cha 28

incorporeal traits, undead traits, turn resistance +8, aura of resolve, VoP mind shielding, fast healing 3
resist 20 acid/cold/elec/fire/sonic
darkvision, low-light vision, automatic Search check when within 5' of concealed door
psionically focused, 4pp available
either step of the wind or giant killing stance (depending on opponent's size)
Clarity Of Vision skill trick used, Collector Of Stories and Shrouded Dance still available
maneuvers readied and unexpended: greater mage hand, swift etherealness

2022-06-20, 10:17 PM
The little dragon pounces! [angry squeaks]

Figuring penalty for charge reduced by cobalt charge feat. Sphinx claws soulmeld provides pounce monster ability.


[roll1] Bite damage

[roll2] claw

[Roll]1dd+4 claw damage

[roll3] claw

[roll4] claw damage

2022-06-22, 07:04 AM
Vorin Vilemind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2631568][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR="#FF0000)
[SIZE=1]Level 10 Mind Flayer/Erudite | Senses: 100ft Mindsight, 60ft Darkvision | Speed 30ft Walk, 60ft Fly (average) | Location: ?
HP 100/100, AC 30, Touch 16, FF 27, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 15, SR 20

[B]"Wait! Try to take it alive! There's something on it's neck!"

The illithid extends a hand, muttering a phrase of black speech as horrid energy collects in its palm; Then there is a horrid tearing sound, and 5 projectiles stream forth, precisely weaving around the fray and sinking deep into the flesh of the creature.

Vorin draws a hissing breath as he clutches his hand to his chest. The fingers on his right hand are completely gone, with red tears where they once sat before.

Vorin will cast Lahm's finger darts, suffering 5 strength damage to do so. He will deal [roll0] Dexterity damage to the creature. 3 pp spent.

Suffer the Flesh (+5 ML), 24hrs
Inertial Armor (for +11 AC), 24hrs
Share Pain (targeting his psicrystal), 24hrs
Greater Resistance - 7pp, 24hrs
Defensive Precognition (+3 AC and saves), 24hrs
Vigor (30 temp hp), 15 minutes
77 PP remaining, 8/16 UPP/day

2022-06-23, 12:48 AM
The bone pile shifting as first two and then a third skeleton amalgamation shake off the other loose bones as Vance's magic finishes crafting their bodies from disparate parts, the large skeletal ettins crowd themselves between the group at a mental command given bz their temporary master, even as the ghost turns his attention to the creature looming above.

"I mean....if we blow its limbs off, it can't run off, right?" With a shrug, his form lifts upwards several yards and points his mace towards the creature, letting loose a roiling beam of ominous green energy.

Vance (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2630031)
Male C/G Hellbred Spirit Warlock 10 // Ghost 5 / Enlightened Spirit 5, Level 10, Init 4, HP 120/120, Speed 30' Land, 30' Fly (Perfect)
AC 30, Touch 23, Flat-footed 26, Fort 4, Ref 8, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2
Eldritch Blast +12 vs Touch AC (9d6, 20/x2)
Warlock's Scepter +12/+7 (1d6+5, 20x2)
+1 Glamered Chain Shirt, +1 Dastana (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +4 Dex, +8 Deflect, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str --, Dex 18, Con --, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 26
Condition Conscious, Incorporeal, Manifested, Alert, Solid Visage
Aura of Menace Enemies within 5' get -2 Attacks/AC/Saves until they've hit Vance
Aura of Courage Allies within 10' get +4 saves vs Fear effects
Active Invocations Beguiling Influence, Ignore The Pyre (Cold)
Resistances Acid 5, Cold 10, Electricity 5, Fire 5, Sonic 5
Other Defenses +2 AC vs Ranged, 50% Miss Chance

Minions: 3 x Ettin Skeletons (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm) with +4 Str & +20hp from Corpsecrafter feat. (Duration 10 minutes)

Move Action: Fly straight up 30 feet.
Standard Action: Eldritch Blast + Spirit Blast Essence [roll0] attack roll vs Touch AC & [roll1] Untyped damage (+9 if target is undead) if hit.
Minions move towards the edge of the pit and simply menace threateningly - basically acting as meat (bone?) shields for the group right now.

2022-07-03, 10:00 PM
Dimmers is the first to react to the monster's presence, but his hesitation disturbs his aim and he hits the rock wall behind the monster, leaving a gaping hole the size of a head in it.

Kelsey pounces on the creature bigger than herself, clawing a biting at it. Though her strikes hit true, it's leathery skin is much harder than she initially tought and she's unable to draw any blood. If that wasn't annoying enough, she's also left with the feeling like she just gnawed on a truck tire.

Avoiding his companion, Vorin lauches all the fingers from one hand on the monster, which sunk deep. Though the creature insist on not expressing any feeling or emotions whatsoever, her movements are visibly more sluggish.

Two of Vance's skeletons were created too close to each other, their bones getting stuck and rattling as they try to disengage theselves to follow their masters commands. The ghost soars to the cave ceiling, facing directly o the pit entrance, launching a bolt of eldritch ennergy that hits the monster's torso dead center, ripping it's flesh where it hit.

Two other similar creatures can bee seen from behin the first one

2022-07-04, 12:12 AM
Vorin Vilemind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2631568][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR="#FF0000)
[SIZE=1]Level 10 Mind Flayer/Erudite | Senses: 100ft Mindsight, 60ft Darkvision | Speed 30ft Walk, 60ft Fly (average) | Location: ?
HP 100/100, AC 30, Touch 16, FF 27, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 15, SR 20

With a popping sound, a single finger regrows on Vorin's hand within the span of a few seconds.

[B]"Damn it, this is going to suck."

Vorin points his other hand at the creature, casting the same spell again. 5 more projectiles fly at the creature, and now he is left bereft of the fingers on his other hand as well.

Heal 1 strength damage at the start of the turn, thanks to the Naberius Vestige.
Vorin will cast Lahm's finger darts, suffering 5 strength damage to do so. He will deal [roll0] Dexterity damage to the creature, which is hopefully enough to put it down. 3 pp spent.

Suffer the Flesh (+5 ML), 24hrs
Inertial Armor (for +11 AC), 24hrs
Share Pain (targeting his psicrystal), 24hrs
Greater Resistance - 7pp, 24hrs
Defensive Precognition (+3 AC and saves), 24hrs
Vigor (30 temp hp), 15 minutes
74 PP remaining, 8/16 UPP/day

2022-07-15, 04:09 PM
The creature jerks for a moment (the first natural reaction so far) and falls face first on the cave floor, laying there completely still. A smooth "protuberance" can be seen attached to the back of the creature's neck, reaching straight down to the middle of it's back.

The protuberance itself starts to ondulate, in a peristalsis like movement. It then detaches itself from the creature, revealing it's actually some form of parasite

It then skitter away in a swift and rapid motion.

The big creature is prone and helpless. There is a large wound left on it's neck and back from the parasite attachment, it is bleeding heavily.
Kelsey and one of the ettin skeletons have an Attack of Opportunity on the parasite that is running away, along with anyone else that has 10ft or more of reach

2022-07-19, 07:56 AM
Kelsey realizes she can't bring herself to bite that thing, and claws at it.


[roll1] Damage

2022-07-20, 12:18 AM
Looking out and seeing more than just one creature, Vance smiles mirthlessly. "Oh, neat. More fun." Holding his hands out towards the lead enemy, he blasts another beam of destructive eldritch energy, this time focusing on having it branch off to the other creatures as well. "Climb out and attack - keep them from the others," he calls out to his large skeletal minions.

Vance (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2630031)
Male C/G Hellbred Spirit Warlock 10 // Ghost 5 / Enlightened Spirit 5, Level 10, Init 4, HP 120/120, Speed 30' Land, 30' Fly (Perfect)
AC 30, Touch 23, Flat-footed 26, Fort 4, Ref 8, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2
Eldritch Blast +12 vs Touch AC (9d6, 20/x2)
Warlock's Scepter +12/+7 (1d6+5, 20x2)
+1 Glamered Chain Shirt, +1 Dastana (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +4 Dex, +8 Deflect, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str --, Dex 18, Con --, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 26
Condition Conscious, Incorporeal, Manifested, Alert, Solid Visage
Aura of Menace Enemies within 5' get -2 Attacks/AC/Saves until they've hit Vance
Aura of Courage Allies within 10' get +4 saves vs Fear effects
Active Invocations Beguiling Influence, Ignore The Pyre (Cold)
Resistances Acid 5, Cold 10, Electricity 5, Fire 5, Sonic 5
Other Defenses +2 AC vs Ranged, 50% Miss Chance

Move Action: NA
Standard Action: Eldritch Chain Blast + Spirit Blast Essence [roll0] attack roll vs Touch AC & [roll1] Untyped damage (+9 if target is undead) if hit on led target. Chain attack to second target with [roll2] attack roll vs Touch AC & 1/2 previous damage roll of Untyped damage (+9 if target is undead) if hit. Chain attack to third target with [roll3] attack roll vs Touch AC & 1/2 previous damage roll of Untyped damage (+9 if target is undead) if hit.

Minions: 3 x Ettin Skeletons (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm) with +4 Str & +20hp from Corpsecrafter feat. (Duration 10 minutes)

Minions' Move Action: Minions clamber up to the top of the pit (Lead enemy gets an AoO, I believe as it counts as a stand action, if it lives after Vance's attack).
Minions' Standard Action: Then they take swings if they're within range (10') of anything.
Ettin 1 (http://imarvintpa.com/dndlive/monsters.php?id=559) [roll4] claw attack roll & [roll5] slashing damage.
Ettin 2 (http://imarvintpa.com/dndlive/monsters.php?id=559) [roll6] claw attack roll & [roll7] slashing damage.
Ettin 3 (http://imarvintpa.com/dndlive/monsters.php?id=559) [roll8] claw attack roll & [roll9] slashing damage.
(Note: rolls modified by +4 Str. HP for each is also +20 from what is listed in the link to their statblocks)