View Full Version : IC: Off The Port Bow -> CRASH LANDED on the Feral World of... RAINWOO

2022-05-31, 06:52 PM
CRASH LANDED on the Feral World of... R A I N W O O D
Off The Starboard Bow


You hail from the Empire of Hellheart - the most brutal and tyrannical imperial regime the Astral Sea has ever known. The Empire has stretched its foul wings wide and conquered vast swathes of the multiverse, engulfing whole worlds and stomping out any & all resistance. It is said, eventually, all mortals will bow before the visage of the Emperor of Hellheart, a fallen angel named Raphael Deathwind. Many in the empire chafe under its cruel dominion and attempt to flee; flee far, far away to undiscovered worlds that litter the imperial borderland. You were one such rebel, seeking freedom from oppression. In the port city of Ertza, you befriended a merchant captain who agreed to take you to the elven free world of Lor’Laire, a place that lay far beyond the Empire’s grasp.

However, you were betrayed!

A drunken sailor unknowingly tipped off an imperial informant. With great haste, the Captain woke you up in the middle of the night, yanked you out of bed, dragged you across town and pulled you aboard the Grey Wolf, then set sail for Lor’Laire! Or so you thought… The Imperial Navy was primed and ready, two of their frigates gave chase. Although the Grey Wolf had head start, the imperial ships were faster and more maneuverable. The captain knew if he sailed right to Lor’Laire, the Imperials would follow. Although the elven navy might be able to defeat these two frigates, there was no way the elves could stand against the full might of the Hellheart Empire.

So as to not tip off the Imperials as to where the Grey Wolf was eventually headed, the Captain steered the vessel towards the Feral Expanse, a completely uncharted region of the Astral Sea. The barbarous, untamed worlds of the Feral Expanse were known in the Empire only for their brutish, xenophobic natives. The Captain had hoped sailing towards this region of the Astral Sea would deter the Imperials.

He was wrong.

After many weeks of cat and mouse escapades, the imperial frigates finally caught the Grey Wolf. Although the merchant galleon was a sturdy craft, it was never designed for a war. The Imperial Wizards bombarded the Grey Wolf with dreadful magics, which ignited some unknown substance in the atmosphere above a hitherto unknown world. The resulting explosion not only cracked the Grey Wolf in half, but also scuttled the two imperial frigates. Half of the merchant galleon was dashed across the jagged spires of a blood red moon, the other half - the half you were on - careened into the feral planet, crash landing in the middle of a hot, humid, steamy jungle.



Your eyes burst open. Adrenaline courses through your veins. You look around and not but devastation and destruction can be seen, for your half of the ship cut a vast swathe through this primordial forest. It is daytime right now, with this world's golden and red suns beating down upon you. Off in the distance, you can see animals curiously gazing upon the wreckage, then dart away in fear when they realize you are staring at them. The ship - what is left of the ship after the battle and the crash - is unsalvageable. Very little remains of value or use. As you rummage through the wreckage you find a few odds and ends but nothing spectacular. As you begin to scout the area out, you spy the lapping waves of a crystal clear blue sea to the west.

Suddenly, you hear someone yelling in a foreign tongue. You quickly deduce that the yelling emanates from the beach. As you creep through the trees, you spy a massive, half-sunken stone head. Near by, you see an imperious looking sahuagin siting atop a horse-sized slug, watching dispassionately as his three sahuagin underlings bumble around, attempting to lasso a horse-sized slug, who very much does not want to be captured.

A small rabbit person hops out of the woods near the sahuagin and starts yelling at them, trying to shoo them away. The underlings laugh. They push the rabbit man down to the ground. They loom over him menacingly.

What do you do...?


2022-06-01, 02:32 AM
Gunnar arose. Besides minor dings and scratches, his natural resistent plating had held up and prevented any major damage.
After collecting a passable survival bag he finally found a moment to look around.

Dispassionate but curious, he started to walk over towards the commotion.

Trying common he asked: "What seems to be the problem here?"

2022-06-03, 06:08 AM
Drawn to the commotion, a fellow injured survivor stumbled up beside Gunnar. He was a Gith-something and looked lucky to be alive let alone standing. Dry blood smeared his tattered cloak, scratches and bruises lined his exposed skin, and while hard to tell, he looked pale in the face. His eyes appeared to not be fully focused as he gazed emptily in the direction of the noise.

“Wha, what is happening? What’s going on?”

He asked on dry raspy breaths, clearly still dazed and confused.

2022-06-05, 11:49 AM
"These natives are in the process of escalating hostilities with each other. I'm trying to judge if intervening is to our advantage."
Gunnar replied, keeping his eyes on the sahuagin.

2022-06-08, 10:08 AM
Gallows rubs his head before muttering This the last time I trust anyone else with flying. Anit that damn hard to cover your tracks. He turns towards the rest of the survivors and notices the sahuagin towering over the rabbit man. Leave him we got more important stuff to worry about like figureing out how we are going to survive this

2022-06-08, 04:06 PM
Gunnar didn't turn away from the scene but whispered (actually a low rumble):
"I see finding allies that can tell us about the environment as part of that surival strategy. If we act decisive now, we might be able to gain support later on - depending on how agressive these indigenous people are."

2022-06-09, 07:39 PM
You make good points but Gallow sighs sadly We can't afford it. We just crashed and we still have to take stock of any supplies that we can scavenge. We can't afford to start any fights with any of locals at least not yet. Hell for all we know that rabbitman could be deserveing of it. We just don't know.

2022-06-10, 09:48 AM
"Still worth observing - and getting ready in case the sahuagin are getting ideas after dealing with the rabbit."

Gunnar replied, his gun loosely in his hand.

2022-06-16, 11:13 PM
Gallow nods agreed as he says this he draws his bow true to find a place to hide.
