View Full Version : Optimization [3.5] Feat Suggestion For Druid 9

2022-05-31, 07:53 PM
So, my wife has a Forest Gnome Druid 7 in the game we're currently playing. Game started as core-only, but the DM has been allowing some feats from other sources, on a case by case basis.

Her feat selections so far are 1. Spell Focus (conjuration), 3. Augment Summoning, and 6. Natural Spell.

She has had the same Wolf AC since level 1, and doesn't want to swap it out for anything else.

Her preferred play style is spell-slinging, and being stealthy.

Any suggestion for her next feat? Core to be safe, but any official feat might be allowed. The less exotic the source, the more likely DM is to allow it (he has allowed things from the Complete books so far). Anything official hard cover should be OK, but no dragon mag, and online only is unlikely as well.

Also, game is Greyhawk based, so nothing from other campaign settings is likely to get approved.

She won't be PrCing or anything, will be straight Druid.

Cheers - T

2022-05-31, 08:00 PM
On the stealth side, Darkstalker is a solid choice if the DM blesses it.

2022-05-31, 08:08 PM
Reserve feats are pretty good. Summon Elemental and Minor Shapeshift in particular are strong choices for a druid, although there are others that could work too. Metamagic feats start becoming valuable as you get into those higher levels; Extend Spell and Empower Spell are usually my go-to choices, with Maximize, Quicken, and Twin becoming more interesting the higher your higher level gets. If you can swing BoED, then Exalted Companion and Exalted Wild Shape are both excellent for good-aligned druids.

2022-05-31, 09:17 PM
Well Natural Bond and or Companion Spellbond are good choices if she wants to help keep her wolf competitive, as is Exalted Companion as stated above.

Invisible Spell could be a fun and powerful choice for a stealth spell caster thought that requires another metamagic feat so taking Extend Spell or Empower Spell as Troacctid suggested first and this at 12 could be quite powerful. Beckon the Frozen from Frostburn is an interesting choice that gives your summons the cold subtype and +1d6 cold damage to attacks and she already ha the prerequisites for it.

If you are allowed to pull things from 3.0 Blindsight from Masters of the Wild is really powerful and gives you 120' blindsight regardless of what form she takes.

2022-05-31, 11:59 PM
How about Craft Contingent Spell, from Complete Arcane? Crafting spells on both herself and her beloved wolf could help keep both of them alive, and it's useful to the rest of the party, as well, if she has access to buffs and such for them, too.

Other crafting feats would work, too, to help kit out the wolf with magic items that would likewise help keep it alive and at least somewhat functional as a combatant.

I'd suggest Kingdoms of Kalamar for Loyalty's Reward, to craft a feat that allows her to turn her wolf into a dire wolf, then to start adding templates and HD to evolve it into somethiing better suited to being in an adventuring party. Maybe call it Evolved Animal Companion and have it grant an +1 CR or LA in templates for every 2 HD it gets? Int bonuses and type changes on such templates are disregarded, maybe. Or give the wolf a supernatural ability to shapeshift into other animals of its HD. Grant it wild shape equal to the druid's (animals only).

2022-06-01, 01:37 AM
There aren't really many good choices left if you're stuck with core-only. Improved Initiative, maybe Extend Spell or Craft Wondrous Item if you have enough downtime to use it.

Outside of core there's also Mobile Spellcasting, Fast Wild Shape if she can't get a Mantle of the Beast or Aberration Blood (in preparation for Aberration WS at 12 if she's not taking Dragon Wild Shape). Pretty much all the druid summoning feats are from setting specific books unfortunately, but if your DM allows Ashbound or Rashemi Elemental Summoning those are pretty good too (without breaking the game like Greenbound Summoning would).

Snowcasting & Draconic Aura: Energy (Cold) is also a decent combo if you're dragonblooded (or have someone dragonblooded in the party who takes the aura).

2022-06-01, 02:05 AM
A bit less likely to be allowed, but Shape Soulmeld (Magic of Incarnum) has a lot of fun options. Kruthik Claws gives +4 to both Hide and Move Silently, or Disenchanter Mask gives you some information gathering with at-will detect magic. Very thematic for a Druid to be channeling the spirits of (magical) animals, and she could later take Share Soulmeld to share the benefits with her wolf companion. Also, Lucky Dice is weak but flexible; +1 to attack/damage, saving throws, or skill/ability checks, chosen each round (and you've got a 1/6 chance to get all 3).

Natural Bond got mentioned above. RAW it doesn't work (can't raise your effective Druid level above your character level), but worth asking the DM for if she doesn't want to change her companion.

2022-06-01, 02:10 AM
Greensinger initiate would fit well, since it makes for trickstery related spells and adds hide to the class list, but it's Eberron

There are the racial feats from Races of Stone, maybe she would like one of them?

If I was on core only, I'd probably go for extend spell or improved initiative at this point

2022-06-01, 04:28 AM
Silent Spell would seem to be necessary choice for her play style.

2022-06-01, 04:55 AM
Fiery Burst for more staying power?

2022-06-02, 06:25 PM
I'm very inclined to trust this Eggynack list (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aS_v_2E-zv0RHbGq7r62o9IyN0UONRHMODF9LrZBbio/edit#) for suggestions depending on what's allowed.

2022-06-02, 06:33 PM
Great suggestions everyone! ANd thanks for reminding me of Eggynack's guide. :smallsmile: