View Full Version : The People vs Larry Flind

2022-05-31, 11:27 PM
My upcoming game is going to feature a bunch of gnolls as the antagonist. I've just discovered Flinds, and I think they're really cool and appropriate for a boss.

But. The party is 5 players, and the game is capped at level 5. Most likely, there will be at least 2 characters that are level 3 and 4.

Is it Cruel and Unusual to send a Flind after them? I don't want him to be alone either; I'm thinking at least a few gnolls, if not some Pack Lords.

This is looking like TPK territory, but every time I think that the players win, sometimes even easily.

Has anyone used Flinds before who can offer some advice?

Witty Username
2022-05-31, 11:54 PM
I saw a level 3 party kill a flind once, I think level 5 is risky but duable.
The important part with powerful monster is to create situations that allow the party to stack the situation in their favor or run, I like area hazards for that personally.

2022-06-01, 12:00 AM
My upcoming game is going to feature a bunch of gnolls as the antagonist. I've just discovered Flinds, and I think they're really cool and appropriate for a boss.

But. The party is 5 players, and the game is capped at level 5. Most likely, there will be at least 2 characters that are level 3 and 4.

Is it Cruel and Unusual to send a Flind after them? I don't want him to be alone either; I'm thinking at least a few gnolls, if not some Pack Lords.

This is looking like TPK territory, but every time I think that the players win, sometimes even easily.

Has anyone used Flinds before who can offer some advice?

Why is the game capped at level 5?

You could always use the Flind as the big villain, have his minions be the initial attackers and he comes in a bit later, if he gets hurt a bit he can retreat and his pack can regroup.

For Gnolls I also recommend using a mix of the various types. Here I can roll up a quick Warband for you using Volo's.

Warband: The Screaming Slayers
Gnoll Fangs of Yeenoghu: 6
Gnoll Hunters: 10
Gnoll Flesh Gnawers 12
Gnoll Warriors (common gnolls): 44
Hyenas: 30

Leader: Flind

Special Creatures: 2 Leucrottas.

Shared Physical Trait: Rune Branded on Forehead.

Notable Behavior or Tactics: Use of drums and screeching horns to spread fear

Demonic Influnce: Minor earthquakes strike in the Warband's area.

2022-06-01, 12:39 AM
I would maybe suggest an injury. Probably a limp that reduces movement to 15ft (Maybe also shave off some HP). That gives the party something to work with tactically, a Flind making longbow attacks and trying to close is a lot less dangerous then one who immediately gets into melee range.

Ideally the party should be aware of the injury or at least have the opportunity to learn before the big fight so that they can plan. If it's not a recent injury it can drive a lot of the story/villainous behaviour, they are more savage/vicious/fanatic then "normal" to compensate as it tries to maintain it's grip on the gnoll war band and gain/regain the favour of Yeenoghu. It could also explain a smaller then normal pack size since other gnolls don't want to follow but can't challenge directly (Some no doubt tried and got killed).

2022-06-01, 03:56 AM
Depends on your party. A fireball does a lot of good, if there's an arcanist.

A Paladin will probably be in there smiting the flind for all he's worth.

And so on.

2022-06-01, 08:30 AM
Warband: The Screaming Slayers
Gnoll Fangs of Yeenoghu: 6
Gnoll Hunters: 10
Gnoll Flesh Gnawers 12
Gnoll Warriors (common gnolls): 44
Hyenas: 30
Leader: Flind
Special Creatures: 2 Leucrottas.
Shared Physical Trait: Rune Branded on Forehead.
Notable Behavior or Tactics: Use of drums and screeching horns to spread fear
Demonic Influnce: Minor earthquakes strike in the Warband's area.
I am sooo stealing this. Thank you. :smallsmile:

For the OP: suggest your title be adjusted to

The People vs Hairy Flind. (Gnolls are hairy!) The joke will still register. :smallsmile:

2022-06-01, 01:08 PM
Depends on your party. A fireball does a lot of good, if there's an arcanist.

A Paladin will probably be in there smiting the flind for all he's worth.

And so on.

There will definitely be a paladin, and they're level 5. Serious damage dealer (halberd + PAM)

I don't think there's going to be a fireball-equipped character. If I knew there was, I'd have very little reservations.

2022-06-01, 01:44 PM
The People vs Hairy Flind. (Gnolls are hairy!) The joke will still register. :smallsmile:

It's a pretty gross thing to joke about, though.

What about "Gone with the Flind," "The Flind in the Willows," or "Ya Flind some, ya lose some?"

What's the CR of that warband, though? Would level 12 PCs be too high? Would 10 be too low?

2022-06-01, 08:24 PM
What's the CR of that warband, though? Would level 12 PCs be too high? Would 10 be too low?

Well I'm throwing this thing at a level 5 party, so I'd think even level 10's would utterly decimate a warband like that, even if all of them were there.

2022-06-01, 10:47 PM
It's a pretty gross thing to joke about, though.
No, it isn't. PM me if you are not sure why I say that.
What about "Gone with the Flind," "The Flind in the Willows," Very nice, *golf clap* :smallsmile:

2022-06-02, 08:32 AM
Well I'm throwing this thing at a level 5 party, so I'd think even level 10's would utterly decimate a warband like that, even if all of them were there.

I just can't imagine a level 5 party could deal with the 100+ gnolls and a CR9 leader. Like, if the mission is to assassinate the flind, ooookaaaay, sure. But, if I wanted to run a one-shot against that warcamp, what level should my party be?

2022-06-02, 11:44 AM
I just can't imagine a level 5 party could deal with the 100+ gnolls and a CR9 leader. Like, if the mission is to assassinate the flind, ooookaaaay, sure. But, if I wanted to run a one-shot against that warcamp, what level should my party be? I was going to suggest 7th level, but I just checked and noticed that cloudkill is a 5th level spell, not 4th. In any event, the key to taking out that warband is to catch them in a bivouac through extensive scouting/recon/preparation (druid in wild shape form, flying, so maybe 8th level?) and to only engage on their terms.

The next thing is to use some AoE and distraction / feints to get the gnolls to react to two different attacks.

Add a substantial summons to add a second front once the fight begins. (Packs of would be good here).

How may PCs do you have and how good are they at the "combat as war" approach to D&D? (And maybe 9th is better given how many leader gnolls are in the warband).

Hmm, you can get 16 wolves out of a level 5 conjure animals spell; that might be enough.

2022-06-02, 01:04 PM
Warband: The Screaming Slayers
Gnoll Fangs of Yeenoghu: 6, CR 4
Gnoll Hunters: 10, CR 1/2
Gnoll Flesh Gnawers 12, CR 1
Gnoll Warriors (common gnolls): 44 CR 1/2
Hyenas: 30, CR 0 (However if they eat the kills of a Fang of Yeenoghu they transform into a full Gnoll)
Leader: Flind, CR 9
Special Creatures: 2 Leucrottas, CR 3

Oh yeah putting the CR's of the various monsters in this example Warband.

2022-06-02, 01:48 PM
if the idea is to put all that up against a 5th level party...

The 5th level party will have to do a significant amount of hit and run, launching big AOEs, then fleeing, to chip away at the war band till it's small enough and has few enough enemies left in it to start challenging it with less running.

2022-06-02, 06:37 PM
if the idea is to put all that up against a 5th level party...

The 5th level party will have to do a significant amount of hit and run, launching big AOEs, then fleeing, to chip away at the war band till it's small enough and has few enough enemies left in it to start challenging it with less running.

Yeah I'm not going to throw the whole thing at them. I mainly want the Flind, and enough other gnolls to make the Aura work. I'm eyeing a Flind, two pack lords, and 4 gnolls. They'll still need to approach it very carefully, but it should be doable.