View Full Version : Armorer Lycan - asking for pitfalls

2022-06-03, 07:55 AM
Combining the Armorer Artificer and the Lycan Blood hunter is something I was theorising about and I wanted to ask the fine minds here what's good and what's bad about the build.

For the race I like the idea of the Tabaxi to quickly close distance and punish foes if in Guardian armor.

I was thinking Armorer 3 for 2 infusions, the 2 armor modes and intelligence casting.

For the Lycan the extra +1 to AC and damage boost are fun as well as using the rites and blood maledicts is most of the fun and can also be keyed off intelligence.

The infusions active would also be the armor bonus +1 and probably a bag of holding, for the rites it would be rite of the storm and the roar. For the BM, probably binding.

Totally the character should have about 50ft movement depending on the armor and be able to close in and mangle them or freeze them at a distance and take potshots.

Is there anything that should change, another class that would benefit the Lycan more? Which would you start as?

2022-06-03, 05:29 PM
since you're not getting any other answers, I'll throw in my two cents. While transformed, you have resistance to the most common types of damage (bludgeoning, piercing and slashing). From what I've read here and elsewhere, the next most frequent damage types are fire, necrotic, poison and psychic (all other damage types are significantly rarer). There's an infusion that can grant you resistance to a damage type you can change during a long rest. If you go with dwarf or warforged, you can also resist poison, while the gith races help you resist psychic, but the need for such resistances depends on the campaign you are playing in. Absorb Elements can cover fire and other elements.

Still you'll be in the front lines like a barbarian, but with less hp, making you less survivable than one of them (resistances only help so much). Make con one of your highest stats (if not THE highest), and make sure to take Cure Wounds. The Tough feat might also be a good idea. The more hp a front line character has, the better. Resilient Wisdom or at least a high wis score is also advised, esspecially if you have other front line players in your group to help avoid friendly fire from you possibly going into a frenzy.

I've toyed around with similar builds, but have never played one. Good luck with your character. :)

2022-06-04, 02:54 AM
Thanks! Great point about the damage resistances!