View Full Version : Effects scaling with number of arms

2022-06-04, 05:05 PM
So, there is this monster from MM3 called an Odopi. It's basically just an amalgamation of dozens of arms with eyes on them. Already pretty freaky. But it explicitly says that all these arms are dextrous and can manipulate objects, including thrown weapons (not melee or ranged, though, for some reason. I guess having the eyes at the extremity of the arms makes it difficult to coordinate movements to fire a bow).

Now let's say a 16th level druid with the item that increases his wild shape effective level and Aberration Wild Shape changes into one of those. How would you exploit that number of arms and hands?

The most obvious ones are:
-the Multiweapon Fighting feat (throw 50 shurikens per round. Add Brutal throw and Power Throw to really rack up damage),
-the Multitasking feat (yeah, 4 feat tax, but isn't that worth it to get 50 standard actions in a round? Probably useable with maneuvers too?)
-the Fuse Arms spell (take a level of arcane swordsage and bam! +96 Str at the cost of only having two arms left. Then go hulking hurler.)
-Going Blighter instead and add the skeleton template to get one claw attack per hand.

Are there other things you can think of?

2022-06-04, 05:20 PM
Savage Species has a rule where any masterwork 2-handed weapon can be made for 3+ hands, with each hand adding +50% Str damage.

Spell weavers (MMII) can cast more spells due to more hands. Crossbreed with an odopi.

2022-06-05, 07:49 AM
There is mention in S&F p. 62 that every pair of hands give you +4 to grapple checks.

2022-06-05, 08:50 PM
Spell flower is a 1st level transmutation that lets you hold the charge for a different touch spell in each forelimb. It's only round/CL, so you'd have to buff the duration and/or get clever with the spell matrix line to take full advantage of it, but you could have 49 different spells ready to go at a moment's notice and still have hands free for normal adventuring.

2022-06-05, 09:05 PM
The spell fuse arms can grant you one massive arm