View Full Version : Optimization Most Useful Forms Of CR 2 Or Less (Beasts And Monstrosities Only)

2022-06-06, 02:17 AM
See title. If you had a PC who could turn into any beast or monstrosity of CR 2 or lower, what forms would be your go-to for various situations?

2022-06-06, 02:43 AM
For flying: Skyjek Roc
For tunneling: Adult Kruthik
For swimming: Plesiosaurus
For stealth: Shadow Mastiff
For fun: Mimic

2022-06-06, 06:28 AM
Don't forget Rust Monsters. They are only 1/2 CR, but can destroy an entire garrison of weapons in minutes.

da newt
2022-06-06, 07:19 AM
mimic - duh.

Chaos Jackal
2022-06-06, 07:33 AM
Here's a few.

The two-headed cerberus (MOT) is an interesting choice, packing an area crowd control effect, a ton of condition immunities (including the very rare stun immunity), decent mobility and Pack Tactics, though its regular multiattack isn't the most impressive.

The shell shark (GoS) has a few RP issues to deal with (can you transform into a creature that is normally made by sticking coral on a regular shark?) but offers a very tough (18 AC, Magic Resistance) chassis (below average HP though) and two strong attacks with an easy source of advantage. Definite consideration for an underwater combat form.

The shadow mastiff's (VGM/MPMM) at-will invisibility in dim light or darkness can come in handy for infiltration/stealth, though beware the lack of opposable thumbs in such undertakings.

The mimic's (various) ability to turn into any object of appropriate size has great potential both for practical cases and just hilarity.

The quetzalcoatlus (VGM/MPMM) is a nice flying form to consider when facing landbound enemies; it's lacking in defenses but its dive bombing is strong and Flyby is extremely good with 80ft flight speed. The peryton (various) is similar, but it's slower. However, it's significantly better defensively, with better mental stats, Keen Hearing and Sight and resistance to nonmagical physical damage.

The purple wormling (SKT) notably has both blindsight and tremorsense.

The ice spider queen (SKT) is a versatile and strong multipurpose form. Great stealth, passive damage, Spider Climb, a web attack, blindsight (short range though) and decently durable. Various other spider creatures can be substituted (including the ettercap).

The giant constrictor snake (various) is an evergreen combat form for its 60HP, decent to-hit and automatic restraining effect with a decently high escape DC. Can also swim.

The egg hunter hatchling (FTD) most notably has a burrow speed, but it also has a climb speed, can breath water, has decent offense, can work as a scout with its perception, stealth and object-damaging abilities and is even immune to fear. Low HP though.

The draconian mage (FTD) offers very limited but useful spellcasting and decent offense and defense.

The centaur (various) is a good kiting switch-hitter when flight is unavailable or not very helpful. Also excellent as a mount for others (this is true for other creatures as well).

The carrion crawler (various) has a number of spider traits and a paralyzing effect.

The ankheg (various) would make for a good combat form; has an area attack, a burrow speed, tremorsense and a grapple effect. The adult kruthik (VGM/MPMM) works in a similar manner.

The moorbounder (EGW) is extremely fast on the ground, should you need that.

The meazel (MTF/MPMM) offers some solid stealth and infiltration potential, extra good in the dark, as well as what amounts to dimension door in the shade, except it also allows you to teleport grappled enemies too. I don't think I need to explain the usefulness of no-save teleporting an enemy 500ft.

The crag cat (SKT) also deserves a note even at CR1, thanks to its passive Nondetection and Spell Turning.

Finally, the rust monster (various) can give you some really nasty chances to wreak havoc.

2022-06-07, 01:51 PM
Don’t forget the Giant Constrictor Snake is also Huge, meaning you can pretty much grapple anything.

2022-06-07, 02:08 PM
Basically you're looking for senses, unique movement abilities, grapplers, and raw meat. There are a few standouts like the rust monster who have useful abilities, but overall I think in an actual game you wouldn't use them much.

For unique movement options, you can get whatever you want. Flight is easy, I'm particularly fond of the Quetzalcoatlus with its 80 foot fly speed and flyby attack that deals 6d6 on a dive. Skyjek roc is even faster, Peryton has absurd DPR. Swimming speed is similarly easy, you can get pretty much anything you want with a swim speed. Meat? Grab the Plesiosaur. Grappling? Octopus or Constrictor. For climbing you have giant spiders. Burrowing options are a bit more narrow, but there's still the giant badger.

For senses, most snakes and spiders have blindsense, which is arguably all you need, but keen sight/smell are also common. Juvenile Hook Horror has 60 foot blindsight.

For meat I love the giant elk. What a unit. Obviously there are a lot of options here though.

2022-06-07, 09:39 PM
Spider King from OotA is nice. Standard Spider stuff, with +HP and advantage on perception checks and some condition saves. CR1 somehow (the same as a normal Giant Spider).

Giant Rocktopus (Out of the Abyss) is basically a 20' move/10' climb land version of a Giant Octopus. CR1.

Huge Polar Bear (Tales from the Yawning Portal) isn't bad, for the extra HP and size upgrade, at exactly the same CR2 as a normal Polar Bear.

Frilled Deathspitter from Planeshift: Ixalan is amazing for a CR1/2 creature. 3x attacks and a poison spit attack, pity about the HP.

Giant Spitting Lizard is nice from Jungles of Rot at CR2. Grapple, almost double poison spit, and an insane "push/ prone/ end movement" reaction.

The average Warhorse sorts a lot of movement problems at CR1/2, and is surprisingly damage'y and proney as well.

Giant Dragonfly from WBtW is ok'ish for an ornithopter form. Loud, but has 16AC, 22HP, 60' fly, and a reaction damage halver. CR1/2.

Giant Flying Spider from WDMM is just cool, because it's exactly what it says it is, at CR1. 40' fly speed, Giant Spider.

Deinonychus from VGM/MPMM is nice, because how often do you get 3-4x multiattack at CR1? The damage and HP isn't great though.

Plus everything listed above.

No brains
2022-06-07, 11:51 PM
We've already seen some love for Quetzalcoatlus, but what makes it especially good for me is that its huge size means it can lift heavy loads into the air. You can steal entire carts! Kidnap oxen! Medivac tortles! Abscond with statues! If there's something heavy that definitely shouldn't be up, a Quetzalcoatlus can put it up.