View Full Version : DM Help The Black Throne

2022-06-07, 09:51 PM
so, I was working on some ideas for a potential lich BBEG when i had a sudden sense of DeJa'Vu that I had read something that would be perfect for my idea. I swear that I read something forever ago about an item that I believe was simply called the "black throne" (or something like that) that was a powerful artifact of some unknown evil that made anyone who sat on it a lich and gave a bunch of cool powers but with some serious limitations, but sadly my google'Fu has failed me in locating it.

so I was wondering if anyone in the playground could help me in finding this elusive throne or inform me if it was third party or homebrew or something

so here's what i remember the throne doing

1. any who sat on the throne instantly became a lich with the throne acting as the phylactery and being unable to leave it by more than 100ft else be destroyed, the throne was indestructible and the only way to kill the person currently claiming it was to force them more than 100ft away from it or have someone new sit on the throne with that person then becoming a lich and taking the last person's place.

2. the throne could use finger of death at CL20th (I think) on anyone within 100ft of the throne on the liches command, can't remember if it was limited or at will.

3. the throne could animate dead at will on the liches command

4. the throne could control up to 200 HD of undead (I think), and the lich could give them orders

5. I believe the fluff text said something about the throne moving around while unoccupied but only appearing in hidden away secluded places and the reason for this and the powers it granted were because of some evil entity that enjoyed watching mortals tempted into siting on it by immortality and power only to go slowly insane from seclusion and being unable to leave else die until they simply gave in to the madness and despair and threw themselves over the 100ft thresh hold to kill themselves

anyway that's all I can remember, just hope the folks at the playground can help me out here, thanks in advance. :smallbiggrin:

2022-06-08, 12:10 AM
That sounds vaguely familiar to me too but I can't place it. It doesn't seem to be in Book of Vile Darkness, Book of Artifacts, Libris Mortis, Lost Empires of Faerun, or the Epic Level Handbook

Maat Mons
2022-06-08, 12:20 AM
The Dead Throne (Sandstorm, p212).

2022-06-08, 12:42 AM
The Dead Throne (Sandstorm, p212).

that does seem like it could be it, but I would have sworn that I remembered the fluff text right...

maybe it belongs to another item entirely and I somehow merged them in my head?

anyone have any ideas on that fluffs origin?:smallconfused:

2022-06-08, 02:32 AM
The part about it moving around sounds similar to any number of artifacts (such as most of the level advancement books), perhaps most relevant being the Throne of the Gods from page 103 of the 2e Book of Artifacts which "moves about in a manner that is incomprehensible to mortals" (although it always ends up in the vicinity of a mountain)