View Full Version : The Dread Court of The Midnight King.

2022-06-12, 12:50 AM
The Dread Court of The Midnight King

This Vampire conclave of The Midnight King began in 1374 DR. An infamous elven adventurer known as Dresdorian Olortynnal became a Vampire in 1372 DR fighting and spell-battling a coven of vampires. Dresdorian died in combat and was re-born as a vampire to Fraxel Frostfang, and rose above the ranks of the coven and destroyed his master vampire. Since that very day the gold elf has taken the name of Midnight King. He has ruled the coven of Midnight for well over a hundred years.

In his century of rule of the Kryptgarden Forest, he has built a small kingdom of elven undead in the ruins of ancient Illefarn. Summoning and calling-forth like-minded undead to his side. Rejecting all non-elves and being very racist in his disposition. Commanding Banshee Queens, Ghast Lords and a small army of elven undead from Illefarn, he rules his forest kingdom at night. The Masters of Midnight are his undead companions. Each one being a intricate elf lord of the Coven.

Although the Midnight King worships Erevan Ilerese and still calls spells from his divinity, Erevan Ilesere will only grant him spells as long as he only kills those of evil alignment, and he continues to play tricks and pranks on all those of Lawful alignment. He also cares only for the lost Kingdom of Illefarn and himself. From Kryptgarden Forest to the south and The Westwood. All of this was once Illefarn. Dresdorian was adamant that he protects his elven homeland even as a Vampire... even as a Vampire Lord, able to walk among the living.

One by one he collected his leaders. Intelligent, elven undead commanders. And a host of Crusaders and knights to command. A swarm of undead elves from ancient Illefarn. This Vampire court was bred to protect the heritage of ancient Aryvandaar. No human or beast is allowed passage through the Bogs or hills or forest of The Midnight King after sunset. Dresdorian would rather destroy himself than submit to non-elven rule.

It is said that when Dresdorian throws a Midnight Gambol that all creatures gather to witness true feral frivolity. Just simply evil in making. Nothing can stop his Gambol besides a Mischiefmaker interrupting. Only 10% of the Gambol gatherers die to the guilds needs. The weak die quick and the strong die slow. Even Elminster takes pause when coming into the Kryptgarden Forest. Dresdorian summons redcaps and all manner of evil fey, as well as the goodly races of faeries to join his Gambol.

The Midnight King also has a Legendary Werewolf Lord prowling the edges of the Kryptgarden. The only living member of the coven, Celidath Silverspear, a moon elf bladesinger, self-exiled from Evereska due to his cursed lycanthropy contracted during an adventure into the Moonwood a decade ago. Dresdorian Olortynnal had promised him a cure to his lycanthropy if he were to watch over the coven during the daylight hours and protect the ruins in the center of the forest.

Dresdorian "Witherfang" Olortynnal: CE Vampire Lord Gold elf male of Evereska. CR 40; Swashbuckler 5/ Beguiler 5/ Bladesinger 10, Favored Soul 20 of Erevan Ilesere. Lord of the Kryptgarden Forest. Grandmaster of the Coven of Midnight. Guardian of the Twilight Grove of Illefarn. The Midnight King.

Shalestra Oakleaf: CE Banshee Queen Wild elf female of The High Forest. CR 28; Ranger 10/ Sorcerer 5/ Justice of Weald and Woe 10. Mistress of Melancholy. Queen of The Hunt in Kryptgarden Forest. Commander of the Coven of The Midnight King.

Mickanowh "The Whisper" Shadowstar: CE Vampire Lord Moon elf male of Evermeet. CR 26; Rogue 10/ Assassin 10/ Uncanny Trickster 3. Master assassin of the Coven of The Midnight King. Spymaster of The Sword Coast North.

Thelandria Darkmist: CE Death Knight Copper elf female of The Moonwood. CR 26; Duskblade 10/ Ranger 13. Champion of The Coven of The Midnight King. The Lady of The Mists.

Frathadell Woodwinter: CE Wight Lord Copper elf male of The High Forest. CR 25; Scout 13/ Wizard 10. Master of Bogs and marsh. Keeper of the Dread Stone of Vecna. A veteran of a hundred adventures.

Vysasheth Celendra: CE Ghoul Lord Gold elf female of Evermeet. CR 25; Wizard 18/ Archmage 5. Queen of Pain. Duchess of masochism. Commander of the Dead Leigeon.

Larthenial "The Dauntless" Duskflower: CE Vampire Lord Drow elf male of The Vordrorn Forest. CR 25; Fighter 5/ Rogue 5/ Sorcerer 2/ Arcane Trickster 10. Jester of The Midnight Court. Master of Bloodwine.
Grandmaster of dark pranks.

Shazzethelil "Bloodbard" Sullensong: CE Ghast Lord Star elf female of The Yuri Wood. CR 25; Bard 20/ Magical Trickster 3. Poet of Death. Master Bard of bloodletting. The Weeping lady of sorrow.

Farazagill Floshin: CE Lich Lord Sun elf male of The Misty Forest. CR 30; Spellthief 20/ Necromancer 6. Master of subterfuge and slayer of Death Slaadi.

Selenfelth Oaktree: CN Baelnorn Lich Copper elf male of Ardeep Forest. CR 30; Beguiler 8/ Shadow adept 10/ Magical Trickster 3/ Archmage 5. Master of the elven art, sage of the coven, Seeker of High Magic.

Taththorac "Sombresoul" Moonflower: CN Shade Moon elf male of Evermeet. CR 30; Rogue 20/ Epic Infiltrator 6. Lord of shadow, Prince of deception, Master of the dark. As the only living member of the coven, Taththorac excels in everything he sets his will to. As a lost and abandoned child of the Moonflower house, he set off to Faerun to seek his fortune and prominency. Being cast into the Plane of Shadow by a powerful Sharn wizard 200 years ago, he was imprisoned by the Shadovar and used as a slave and multi-planar emissary until his escape. Knowing that he is an ill-gotten child of the Moonflower house, and rejected by his family, he ultimately did what he could to survive in the Shadowfell. With no animosity towards his mother and queen, he survives alone by his wits and craft.

Celidath Silverspear: CN Werewolf Lord Moon elf male of Evereska. CR 37; Scout 20/ Duskblade 15. A renowned champion of Evereska, Celidath contracted his lycanthropy during a adventure into the Moonwood when his party was ambushed by a pack of 100 Werebeasts in service to the god Malar. His six companions were all slain by Wereboars, Werebats and Werewolves. Celidath was the only surviving member of the elven party from Evereska.

Vallenenshall Mistwinter: CN Vampire Lord Wild elf male of Hellgate Keep. CR 40; Scout 5/ Sorcerer 5/ Vigilante 5/ Mage-Killer 10/ Swashbuckler 5/ Mystic Wanderer 10 of Erevan Ilesere. Portal master and brawler of the crossroads to Evermeet.

Saransethiil Youngclaw: CG Werewolf Lythari elf female of The Silverwood. CR 20; Scout 10/ Dervish 10. Champion of Karse, Hero of Myth Drannor in 1375, DR.

More coming soon...

2022-07-18, 07:24 PM
Silvestra is dead. Killed by the Death knight Jingleshod in 1460 DR

2022-07-23, 12:44 AM
Halloween is coming... I need a second elven werewolf to complete this... anyone want to write up a Lythari?