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2007-11-26, 09:13 PM
The adventurer arrive in a small city. Anybody go outside today, because a little blizzard play outside, just stupid adventurer want to play with that weather. They arrive in a little inn and they some people who drink beer and icicle drink, speciality of this country. The snow dance around the window. The adventurer will wait to their rendez-vous who want to see them from their help.

2007-11-26, 11:53 PM
Xandar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=689)

I'm late. Late, late, late.

The idea of being late would've been a troubling one to most, but as Xandar danced in the blizzard, it was naught be a nagging feeling. Late? What was it compared to the beautiful, captivating snow blowing around him, moving left and right and left and right and left and right? For each bouncing step Xandar took toward the tavern, he'd stop for a few seconds, watching the snow dance around and melt at his feet. Sooner or later, he'd reach the tavern.

Hopefully later... Just as the thought crossed his mind, Xandar felt the door at his back, and heaved a heavy sigh. Sooner, apparently. He turned around, a regretful expression etched on his face as he pushed the door open.

There was no doubt his appearance had gathered the stares and attention of the few men courageous - or stupid - enough to go out in this storm. For one who'd just ventured out in a deathly weather, Xandar was surprisingly sparingly clad - the minimum to survive. His tan skin had barely whitened under the cold's assault, contrasting heavily with the snow clutching at his clothes. His ear-lenght hair was a fiery red, and seemed to absorb the tavern's fire's light somewhat. But perhaps more strange of all was the huge grin glued on his face. People coming back from such a blizzard were normally not so happy-looking.

Xandar had never been 'people', though, and he wasn't about to start. And so he looked around the tavern, searching for his rendez-vous, and called out loudly. "Someone needed help?"

Mwahaha, Xandar in all his beauty! That's a bit long, huh? :smallamused: By the way, 'personne = nobody'. Your current sentence means everyone can go out. :smallwink:

2007-11-27, 11:57 AM
The door opens again after Xandar and a little blue man, around 3 feet high, enters. His long sky blue hair is covered in snow and his golden eyes shine with the purety of all winter and happinest. His ice blue armor reflects the fire's light and his fur cap dances in the wind. His brown boots were adapted for his height. After chasing all snow on his cloack, he looks around and smiles.

He walk to the fire genasis and say, with a peaceful voice. "Your probably Xandar. I'm Frosty, nice to meet you. I think we have to talk." He presentes his hand, cover in snow, to him, with his friendly smile.

2007-11-27, 06:02 PM

Unsure what to do when presented an extended hand, Xandar falls back to his natural reaction - he extends a hand to grab the snow. "How come it isn't melting? When I touch snow it just goes away..." There's a deep sadness in Xandar's voice, and he decides he should show the strange little man what exactly happens. He grabs the tiny hand, and at the contact of his warm skin, the snow on it melts.

2007-11-27, 08:29 PM
''What did you say?''Ask the little blue man. He look the snow and answer''Oh this! My body his more cold than other creature, so the snow resist more than other body. My body his like ice, so a like cold temperature, not you?'' He smile again to the mage and created a little cold ray for repared the snow who melting on the bottom of the door.

2007-11-27, 09:36 PM

Xandar smiles longingly as the small creature produces a ray of ice. "I'm not... I'm..." He lowers his voice, as if he was about to admit the most heinous crime ever. "I'm warm."

2007-11-27, 11:54 PM
Borak arrived recover of snow. he has a sad look on his face and seem to be pissed off by something when you see it arrive you can see his lips moving put you can hear what is saying and each meter he move forward you can hear more precisely what is sayingI HATE SNOW, I hate the eternal winter he arrive in the inn Hello I'm Borak I'm Neanderthal . he sit next to XandarOh by Thrym you are really hot.

The double sense is there just for fun, Oh and yes my Barbarian can make long phrase and correct because he has a +1 on Int :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-28, 08:58 AM
Frosty turn his head to the neandertal and said. ''Oh! Hi Borak! It's not a nice day today with this beautiful snow?'' He smile again and the little uldras takes a chair and sits on the last place around the circle table.

Hahaha! I going to make some joke with snow on your barbarian. BTW, Calijames I like you write the name of your character please, because I'm sure I going to lost your name in a hole of my memory.

2007-11-28, 11:06 AM

"Yes, yes, beautiful day." Xandar repeats, looking back at the window. He could still see the blizzard outside. "Why are we talking inside? We could go out!"

2007-11-28, 03:36 PM
''I agree with you Xandar, but I think it best to talk inside. I'm sure outside it more difficult to understand one another.'' He look Xandar and laugh. ''I'm sure you going to love this country.'' He smack the mage's arm and laugh again.

2007-11-28, 06:49 PM

"Going to? I already am! It's so wonderful and intriguing and fun. So much more real than what I can do. And it's everywhere!" Xandar grins and lets out a happy sigh. "You said you needed help! What can I do? Is it outside? Anything cold? Entertaining?"

2007-11-28, 06:54 PM

*please not in the cold not in the cold*

talking to Xandar
How can you be so warm, everybody is so cold here, how can you be you are so incredible

2007-11-28, 07:11 PM

A weird, confused frown reaches Xandar's face as Borak starts questionning him, and he moves his chair slightly back, trying to keep out of the large man's reach. "I'm not... wonderful. I make snow melt." he replies, irritated. "I've always been warm. It's like that. I destroy beautiful things with my warmth."

2007-11-28, 07:15 PM

No your warm is wonderful, you are a wonderful person, you can melt snow with your warm,I was born in a land of eternal winter and snow, I hate it, i love the fire, I love everything that is warm.

2007-11-28, 07:21 PM
Frosty laugh again and say ''Right Xandar! So I demand you to come because our little village was be attack by some monsters. But normally... we live in peace, but now... He eyes tears a little, but his hand cross on him. I'm sorry... What I'm saying? He's scratch his head and look around.

2007-11-28, 08:33 PM
"Go south. There's plenty of deserts and endless sand and burning sun there." Xandar replies to Borak, his distaste for the place obvious. He turns to Frosty, and smiles "You were saying you were attacked."

2007-11-28, 09:21 PM

I will go thank you, but first I have to fulfill my mission. turning to Frosty So what do we have to do?

2007-11-29, 08:47 AM

"No! You can't go! It's dangerous down there! Endless ocean of burning sand. No water, no shadow! It's hot, hot, hot, and you humans just die from it all the time! That's without mentionning the giant scorpions, desert drakes or poisonous snakes." Each of Xandar's word is filled with disdain, and his voice turns wishful as he moves on. "Nothing like the soft, flurry snow."

2007-11-29, 09:35 AM

First I'm not human,
second the place you describe seems delightful
Third try to spend 3 hours in a Snow storm and not being pissed off by the snow

2007-11-29, 09:47 AM

"With pleasure!" Xandar stands up, thoughts of Frosty's problems completely gone from his mind, and he walks towards the door.

2007-11-29, 09:56 AM
HEH hoty, we have a mission to do here, we finished the mission and then I'll bury you in the snow, and you show me the way to those desert you talking ok?

2007-11-29, 09:58 AM

"Show you the way? But... but..." Xandar sighs, and walks back to the table. "I don't want to go back."

2007-11-29, 11:02 AM
Frosty laughs. "I agree with Xandar, the snow is the best place where we live and three hours outside is funny! He turns his face to serious and continues to talk. By the way, I want you to come because I want to kill some dangerous monster and take the Frozen Crystal, a ice blue sphere with a cold aura which protects people from evil creatures." He moves his hand quickly to form a sort of invisible ball. "So, are you accepting to help me and find that fantastic frost object?"

2007-11-29, 11:39 AM

Of course that's why we are here

2007-11-29, 11:46 AM
''Your sure? We walk outside you know? He said and laughed inside him.

2007-11-29, 01:39 PM
Let's finished this quickly

2007-11-29, 05:41 PM
He hit the table and smile. ''That what I want to heard! So, your ready? We go now.'' He stay up of his chair and go across the door. ''Let's go outside and play with the snow and the wind.'' He laugh and open the door. He look his two companion and smile.

2007-11-29, 05:50 PM

Ok so let's go

here is my character sheets:Borak the blacksmith (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=2146)

2007-11-30, 08:45 AM

"Great! It's getting stuffy and hot in here. They should turn the fire down a bit..." As he grabs his little sack, Xandar turns to the tavern's fire. He stares at it for a moment before shaking his head. "I guess that's how they like it... Let's just go!" He follows Frosty through the door, his sad smile turning into a grin as he goes back into the snowstorm.

2007-11-30, 09:20 AM
When they go outside, the snowstorm was more calm than before. Frosty jumps outside and creates a snowball with the snow and throw it on Xandar. '' Do you like snowball fight?'' He small and laugh. ''hihi! So, we have to go to the north for find the tower where the crystal sleep.'' He turn his self and start to go to the north.

Ok I knoe it was a cliche, but he always funny.:smallbiggrin:

2007-11-30, 11:36 AM
Okay, now you're asking for it!

"Sn-snowball fight? What's a -" He stops midsentence, thinking. Snow... ball. You can make that? He grins for a moment, bending to pick up a bunch of snow. As much as he tries to keep it round-shaped, it quickly becomes evident that the snow is melting faster then Xandar's shaping it. After a moment, his expression goes from wonder to irritation, and he throws what's left of the snow away.

As the small, difformed snowball soars through the air, the fire genasi suddenly has a flash. He points at his ball, angrily spits out a string of arcane words, and - to his amazement - his makeshift ball explodes in a myriad of others, each flying in a different direction, deadly fast and solid.

Standing still, gaping at his own magic, it takes a moment before a childish grin appears on Xandar's face. "Did you see that? It was... it was so awesome! Freezing cool! Dozens of balls of snow!" Laughing wildly, he claps his hands together and adds "Of course I can do snowball fights!" Still grinning proudly, he walks after Frosty.

2007-11-30, 01:05 PM
"I like your magic, young wizard! You chose the good element for you." He laugh and hit the leg of his new friend. "I'm sure your going to love this country, with all that snow and his eternal winter" He laughs again and continues. He look behind him and smile to the neandertal. He crated another snow ball and scream: "Catch this giant!" He swing and throw the ball to the babarian.

2007-11-30, 06:44 PM

Borak move to right juste before have a ball in the face
I really don't like snow so please don't throw me some or I'll be angry and you don't want to see me angryhe has a angry face and continue walking

2007-11-30, 08:03 PM

This man is weird. How can he not like snow? Xandar shakes his head, and when he finally catches up with Frosty, he asks the strange, tiny blue man. "So what are you? I've never seen your kind around. Well, I haven't been around much, but that's another matter. And what's this Frozen Crystal? What does it do? Does it freeze things?"

2007-12-01, 02:57 PM
''Ok,ok'' Said the little blue man. ''I think you're a little boring Borak, but I accept your choice for hating snow.'' He turns his self on Xandar and laughs again. ''For answer your question, I'm a Uldras. We are a frost desendant of pixie. I'm not the uldras in this region, but I like live with human, because their are so kind with me.'' He smiles and continues with more enthusiasm. ''About the Frozen crystal, it a magical deep sky blue sphere which create a magical aura who protect the area, aproximate one hundred feet around, and the user can cast some frost spell.'' He move fast and mimic the mysterious object with his hand. He creates another snowball. ''Xandar imagines which this snowball was the crystal... This going to be fantastitic!''

2007-12-01, 11:48 PM

So where is it ? that Frozen Crystal After saying Frozen borak had a strange looks on his face as if it just eat the most disgusting thing you can think of.

And I know you can find a LOT of thing

2007-12-02, 02:59 PM
Hahahaha If you want!

Frosty checks the giant man and says: ''Now, the Frozen Crystal was in a giant and huge blue tower in the noth. But before we come on that place we have to past a lot of montains and snow plains. We going to fight some ennemis. For reach the crystal, we have a lot of floor to climb and a lot of frozing enigma.'' He turn his self again and walk happilly in the north with a great smile on his face.

2007-12-05, 07:02 PM

"So we'll be spending weeks traveling in this weather? Awesome!" Xandar grins and scampers onward. "What are we waiting for, then? I say, we should already have left!"

2007-12-05, 07:22 PM
The three aventurer walks slowly in the snow and Frosty hops in front. The blizzard stopped now and Borak look less angry. The cleric walk freelly and stop. He looks around and his face looks a little confused. "Well well well... I think this his the place but..." He stops talking and turn his head around the little group. He saws the sun and his smile appears again on his face. "Ha! Yes! I remenber now! We have to go there." That what he said when he pointed the north sun with his little figger. He continues to walk in that direction.

Two hours later, the barbarian heard a wolf sream behind them, but Frosty and Xandar don't seem to have heard that noise.

2007-12-05, 07:26 PM

The barbarian heard the noise and recognize the arctic wolf.
Hotty, strange things, careful,we must prepare to fight or to flight but there is wolf behind us, I just heard them

2007-12-05, 07:33 PM
Frosty turn his face on the giant man and laugh again. "Oh! Your heard those sympatic spirit wolf who attack stranger in that fantastic region! I'm sure they don't really want to eat us... Anyway, I'm think it more precaution to be prepared for a anoing fight with that beast." He laughs again, but he takes his silver blue trident on his back.

2007-12-05, 07:36 PM

"Spirit wolves?!" Xandar's eyes widen, and he whirls around suddenly. "I have to see this!" He walked with determination past Borak, looking around for something looking like a wolf.

2007-12-05, 07:37 PM

I think you are right for once, we should prepared from wat I heard I can tell there is 5 of them but there can be more
Borak put his great axe and his sugliin on the snow and hesited, and finally decided to pick the sugliin

2007-12-05, 08:07 PM

"You don't intend to kill them, do you?" Xandar asks, watching the weapon with suspicion. "I'm sure they're not that dangerous. Probably more fluffy and white and kind."

2007-12-05, 08:46 PM
"I agree with you Xander, but for me it just a precaution." He hit friendly the mage obsesse by ice and smile to him.

The wolf walk slowly and see there new meal.


2007-12-05, 08:54 PM

ARE YOU BOTH CRAZY, this spirit wolf, there are hungry, we are on their teritory so they want to kill and hit and defect us.

As soon as he said that Borak started to feel an anger, his eyes turns red and his face too, his hair stayed on his head has stalagmite"


INiI=19+2=21, oh and by the way I HATE YOU GUYS (Peckers, ****ing peckers)

2007-12-05, 09:11 PM

"It's only natural that they'd want to eat, of course, but I'm sure we can give them something else. Frosty, do you carry meat with you? I don't think they'd like my rations." He seems rather disappointed that he had omitted to bring raw meat along. He still hadn't made a move to prepare for the uncoming fight, busy staring curiously at the wolves.

Initiative: 1d20+3=19. If I'm going first, I'll just delay until after the wolves. :smallwink: And James, watch out for the filter, will you?

2007-12-05, 10:05 PM
Frosty laughs and says: "I think I have something like that in my bag... Just one minute." He frisk his bag and he doesn't look more happy. "No. Sorry my friend." He take a little part of his miniature meat and show him to Xandar.

The spirit wolf appeard to their stranger and smell the food on their bag, or the three people. They look a little strange, a little ghostly. Their eyes shines gold yellow and angry, must hungry. Their solid fangs look sad, because they tear. The four arctic wolf approch slowly, really slowly.

Borak 21, Xandar 19, Frosty 17, spirit wolf 15 And yé! Xandar attack before the wolf:smallbiggrin: This going to be funny guys:smallwink:

2007-12-05, 11:10 PM

Quite disappointed at the lack of meat, Xandar resumed his study of the wolves.

I forgot this: [roll0] - 17

2007-12-06, 07:39 AM
Xandar know this monster can't be hurt exept by magic weapon or spell like normal ghost. They can scent their opponents within 30 feet. They eat their food, or opponents, with their fang. They don't have resistance against cold domage and they don't be to powerful.

2007-12-06, 10:36 AM

Borak start to charge to the nearest wolf in rage

Touch attack:22 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3416),Damage 13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3417)

2007-12-06, 12:11 PM
Frosty looks the sky and says: "What can I do? Heild! Help me for this complicated question, tell me what can a do with those beautiful and fluffy creature." A ice blue aura envellop his body and his sense the lucky of the snow.

One wolf run to cleric of Heild, two go to Borak and the last on Xandar. The spirit animal who attack Frosty touch his armor and don't hurt him. One of the wolf bite the barbarian and the blood appear on his body, but second one miss his attack. The one who want eat the wizard miss his future food and prepare his new attack.

Frosty cast divine favor^^ first wolf:attack 7 second wolf:attack 21 bite: 3 domage thrid wolf: attack 15 fourth:attack 8 and Borak you lost 3 hp. Oh! and calijames can you check your link with your character sheet, because I can open hit. Thank.

2007-12-06, 02:38 PM

Xandar jumps back in surprise when the last wolf tries to bite him, letting out a cry of consternation. "Aaw, I guess it really does want to take a chunk out of me..."

The sadness on his face soon disappears, however, when Xandar realised that meant he'd get to try his spells. He grinned and began chanting excitedly, each arcane words flowing from his lips at an incredible rate. The moment he was done, he raised his left hand in the wolf's direction. A cold, icy blue ray sprang from it, aimed at the spirit wolf.

Scorching Ray... [Cold]!
Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4=21, Cold Damage: 4d6=22. (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3435)
Hehe, the Dice Roller loves Xandar, it seems.

2007-12-06, 05:03 PM
The wolf receive the ray and he disapear before he hurts by the cold magic. He never appears again...

2007-12-06, 05:12 PM
Borak turn on the other wolf that is not hurt for the moment and strike
and he disintegrate the other wolf

Touch attack=29, Damage=13+7=20 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3436)

2007-12-06, 05:30 PM
Frosty was offensed by the wolf and, for a exeption time, his mad face appear. "Yey! I'm want to give you some food are your crazy?" He smiles and answers his own question. "So is that answer your send me Heild... Alright, help me Heild, my weapon was the link with you." His trident dances with the winter wind and hit the spirit animal. The spike of that weapon pierce the spirit and a ghostly blood touch the snow.

In that plain, Frosty and Borak heard a powerful roar behind them again. The cleric smiles and says: "Ha-ha! I think we have a new friend who be arrive. Please protect us Heild."

Listen check: Frosty 23 Borak 25 Xandar 7... I think his realistic about the personality of Xandar:smallbiggrin:

2007-12-06, 05:46 PM

"More company? Great!" Xandar grins as he launches into spellcasting again. A small ball appears in his hand, white as pure snow yet solid looking. He flings it at the wolf attacking Frosty, a childish smile on his face.

Orb of Cold, Lesser.
Ranged Touched Attack: 1d20+4=14, Damage Roll: 2d8=13. (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3435)

2007-12-06, 06:02 PM
The wolf against Frosty misses his attack again and the cleric laughs. A snowball passes across them and Frosty looks the ball movement. "Wow! A sympatic snowball for encourage my self!"

The other spirit hurt itself when he want to attack he future food and he growl against his opponent.

The wood behind them move... The roar resonate again. The beast approch fast.

2007-12-06, 06:20 PM
Borak almost missed the wolf but finally annihilated him
attack:4+12=16, damage=6+7=13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3439)

2007-12-06, 06:48 PM
Frosty laughs and give the final blow on his opponent. "So, you think you can oppose me and my god? Regret all you done!" And he laughs again.

A giant bear with a copper armor charge the cleric and his victim fly in air by the impact. Frosty was bleeding must and didn't look great. "Heh... So... You really want to fight us... Please... Heild..." He losts consciousness and fell in the snow. The wind help te snow for cover him a little more.

2007-12-06, 07:07 PM
Borak see the giant Bear and attack him
attack 1d8+12=18+12=30,so I TOUCHHHHHHHH him and damage=2d8+7=11+7=18 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3441)

2007-12-06, 07:29 PM

Xandar watched Frosty fly by with amazement, and he stands there gaping for quite a while before finally reacting. "Hey! Y-You hurt him!" Obviously angry, he hesitates between blasting the hell out of the strange bear, and helping his new-found friend.

His head goes back and forth for a moment, and he sighs. That thing will regret its action. I'll bring the Fourth Hell's Frost on it! ... Later. He hurries to Frosty's side and crouches, before trying to mend the small fey's wound. It's obvious Xandar had no experience in that, and he spent more time poking the hurting parts than fixing the bleeding wounds.

Heal Check: 1d20+1=13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3443). At some point I'll manage something!

Before anyone asks, yes, there is a layer of Hell covered in ice. I'm not sure it's the Fourth anymore, though. :smallamused:

2007-12-06, 07:53 PM
Frosty opens slowly his gloden eyes and saws the frost wizard. "Oh! Hi! How are you feel, you looks furious against someone. It's that my fault?" He sends up, saws the beast again and remenbers what append. "You! You going to die by Heild servant!" Furious, he charges his new opponent and he touch the legs of that giant monster.

The monster growls his hurt and attack the cleric who hurt him so much. The claws passes the head of the cleric and miss him because he was to little for him.

Thank Xandar^^ He just lost consciousness because he lost more than half of his HP sorry.

2007-12-06, 08:04 PM

"Huh?" Xandar smiles slightly. I actually did it! Here comes Hell! He turns towards the large creature, and creates another deadly cold ray. "Take that, bad bear!"

Hehe, now I'm having fun! Scorching Ray, Cold!
Attack Roll: 1d20+4=21, Damage Roll: 4d6=19! (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3444)

2007-12-06, 08:36 PM

Borak attack with all his strengh and.... Miss him, so Borak became more angry.

Bouhouhouhouhou attack:1d20+12=3+12=15 I wanted to kill him bouhouhouhouhou

2007-12-06, 09:00 PM
Frosty approach the bear and touch him with his little finger. The Urskan looks suddenly less agile, he looks to have more difficulty to move in his armor. "Ha-ha! I touch you crazy bear! You never touch me again! Heild was in my side! Hahahaha!"

The bear attack the barbarian who miss his powerful attack this time. He benefied of that little maladres and hurt him so much! He bites the place next to the neck of Borak and his claws on the arms. The barbarian bleeding critically, but he stay conscious with the rage of his flame red eyes.

Frosty saw that blood on his friend and he call him. "Please survive, my dear friend. I will protect all of you! Always! On the end of my life! Nobody is going to die in my country!"

Hahahaha! He was the victime of my crazy and fantastic Frosty! Hahahahahahaha! Borack lost 33 hp.

2007-12-07, 01:38 PM

"Hey, I can do that too!" He raises his hand and a dark brown ray shoots out of it, towards the copper bear.

Ray of Clumsiness: Attack Roll: 1d20+4=22, Damage Roll: 1d6+3=4 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3481).

2007-12-07, 01:40 PM

Borak scream and became very angry and said
It's ok little man it needs more of that to get rid of me but that bear we sure die under my sugliin blade.

he attack and slice the bear in half and then he continue to cut the bear until, there is only little piece of the bear remaining.

attack:17+12=29 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3477), damage=8+7=15 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3479)

2007-12-07, 02:05 PM
The bear... was not a bear anymore... he looks like some ice cube. "Oooooooh... I just want to have some new cold animal friend. Anymay, you just a boring animal. Well, every body look great, we can go on that tower..." He turns around and looks a lost. He laugh and walk towards the forest which the bear appears. "If a remember the right way, I think it was in that direction." He sings for Heild and continues to walk in the snow. The wind play with the sky blue hair of the cleric and a little aura of snow move around him.

2007-12-07, 06:04 PM

"You know, it's no trouble if you don't quite remember. We'll just take our time and look for the tower." Xandar comments, and from the tone in his voice, it's clear he's not looking forward to being inside again. He follows the little cleric, however, constantly looking around and taking in the scenery.

2007-12-07, 06:22 PM

Borak look at the little blue man and the the hotty guy with a "little"(sarcastic) touch of despair in his face
Maybe we should rest here for the night I'm exhausted and I can't walk anymore I use all my strength for the day, and I need some healing and some sleep.

2007-12-07, 08:19 PM
The uldras looks the giant Borak and looks a little sad. ''Oh... Ok! If you thinks this is what your need, I'm agree. Anyway, the sun want to sleep.'' The sun start to down behind the montain.

Let's go calijames and annalia! we have to created some fun things with fire camp:smallwink:

2007-12-07, 08:57 PM

"Stop? Oh, okay. Do we camp in the middle of the plain? It'd bring more of those wolves!" He sounded excited, as though the recent battle hadn't drain most of his resources. But with or without resources, Xandar was always bright.

2007-12-07, 10:20 PM
''Oh! That right!'' Frosty laughs and saids: ''Right, right, right... I can make a magical santuary who protect us again opponent or fluffy monster.'' He looks against the two other. ''Are you agree with that you two?''

2007-12-08, 01:13 PM

"It won't last long enough to protect, I'm sure." Xandar stated seriously. "Sanctuaries tend to be very short-lived, and are last-minute emergencies at best." It was the very first time you heard Xandar speak in a level, calm tone.

2007-12-08, 02:54 PM
Maybe we should try to find a place a little covert by some trees, or something else, I mean NOT in the middle of the plain.

2007-12-08, 04:51 PM
''Hum... Alright! Let's go in that beautiful and peaceful forest.'' Frosty laughs and walk in the direction of the forest. ''Let's go you two! We have some meter to walk before the blizzard start again.'' He smiles and continues to walk.

2007-12-08, 05:01 PM

"Oh! It'll start again!" All seriousness is once again gone from his tone, and he scampers after Frosty, nearly falling more than once as his feet got stuck in the snow.

2007-12-08, 08:17 PM
The uldras and the genasis enter the forest first and Frosty saws the perfect place for a camp. ''Ha-ah! I think this is a good place for our camp, are you agree Borak?'' He smiles to the giant and looks the wizard. ''Are you alright Xandar? You have a pale-faced. Borak, can you make a fire camp for him?''

2007-12-08, 11:13 PM
Yes, of course, it'll be a pleasure

Borak gather some wood and start a good little fire and said
with this snow it's the best I can do

2007-12-09, 02:59 AM

"Huh? I'm quite fine, really.." He squatted next to the small fire, looking at the tiny flames with disappointment. After a moment, he commented "They don't give much heat..."

He smiled weakly, and stared out at the fire. He looked like a kid willing a spoon to bend under his willpower - except unlike the spoon, the fire did react. It flared up, its flames becoming strong and warm. "See? Now that's better."

2007-12-09, 08:38 AM
Frosty looks impress by the power of his friend, but he dicides to laugh. ''Impresive. You can manipulate flame, right?'' He sits across the fire and he prepares his bed for the night. He looks the barbarian and says: ''Can you do the first turn for the guard?'' He don't wait for the answer and he falls in sleep.

The star starts to appear in the night blue sky. The blizzard start a little bit with his peaceful cold wind. The tree arounds the group was cover by the beautiful white snow. A little reflection of the fire camp flame teint the snow in fire orange. A little night bird singing for them, during the moon apparition.

2007-12-09, 09:24 AM

Borak stare at the fire and try to take it in his arm,
ouch, no problem little Uldra, whooa how did you do that , is it because you came from the desert?, can I do the same? ,it's so fantastic , it's amazing, I want to learn how to do that, please teach me, teach me.
he put his sugliin in his back and take the great axe, the sugliin stand in his back as a piece of iron with a magnet.

2007-12-09, 08:56 PM

"I can't teach you. It's natural." He looks at Frosty and chuckles. "He sure doesn't loose time sleeping."

2007-12-12, 12:00 PM
Ohhhh, too bad I wish I could do the same

he start to rub against Xandar
Ohh you are so hot

2007-12-12, 03:05 PM

Xandar jumps back, landing ass first in the nearby snow as he tries to avoid Borak. "Hey, cut that off!" He sounded scared and rather disturbed. "Flames are hot too and they won't mind being touched."

2007-12-12, 08:15 PM

Borak rub again against Xandar
You know, where I came from there isn't that much of women so men start to develop preference for... other men there are hotter than woman so... you know we rub against each other to keep warm. And you are the warmer here so it,s natural that I rub agains you

2007-12-12, 10:45 PM

"Stop it! Leave me alone!" Obviously disturbed, Xandar pulled back again. "Do that one more try and I'll ice you!"

2007-12-12, 11:00 PM
Don't be so tight minded, it was just a joke, your should have seen your face, hotty, hahahaahahha he laugh very loud

2007-12-12, 11:49 PM

Xandar kept away from Borak, eyeing him carefully. He knew next to nothing about people who lived around here, and whether or not this was really a joke was quite unclear to him. The only thing he knew for sure was that Borak hated snow, and that he'd stopped the moment he'd threatened him with it. And that was good.

For now, the fire genasi intended to keep awake and a fair distance from the tall barbarian. Too bad if that meant he'd have to stay away from the warm flames. He liked snow anyway.

2007-12-13, 12:11 AM
Are you sure you want to sleep? hahahahahahahahaha

2007-12-13, 01:10 PM

"I'm not sleeping. You can, if you want. I'll stay up until Frosty wakes." He mumbled in a low voice. He'd started tracing circles in the snow in front of him, trying to get time to pass by faster.

2007-12-15, 12:03 AM

I will for sure, I need to get some sleep too you should do the same, you look very tense. and he get to bed

2007-12-15, 03:10 PM

I am very tense. Xandar thinks, eyeing Borak carefully as the tall man goes to bed. He'll crawl back close to the fire a few minutes later and huddle close, determined not to close an eye until Frosty wakes.

There is, unfortunately, an enormous gap between Xandar's will to stay awake and his capacity to do so. A few hours later, he fell asleep - his head landing barely a foot away from the campfire - leaving the camp completely unguarded.

2007-12-17, 05:28 PM
Xandar don't have a peaceful sleep, he was in the desert and a powerful flame surrond him. He want to cast a little orb of cold, but he can't! He was never be able to cast cold magic. He teleport his self in the city where he meets Frosty but the snow disappear and... the cleric too! The meanderthal run with joy with nothing more than his underwear in the city, now with hot weather. The pain of the dream was to intense, she was hurts him, litterally.

When he opens his eyes in panic, he saws a mysterious women who laughs of him and she prepared for attack him against. Xandar saws the bood grouts a long of his nose, he bleeding because of his nightmare? Or it was a magic trick?

The women looks a grandmother, or a witch... His hideous face laugh for what she does on the wizard. His long finger on his mouth, she hide his laughs reflexe, but Xandar can see that a failure. She have some white fur dress. Her blues eyes gleam with malice. She prepares to cast another spell on the group.

Initiative please:smallbiggrin: Nightmare spell! Hahahahahaha! Xandar tooks 5 domage on his HP.

2007-12-18, 12:14 AM

"AH!" Xandar scrambled to his feet, a hand on his bloodied nose. "What did you do? Why is my nose bleeding? Can I still cast -" He stopped, frowning as he realised the cruel woman was preparing yet another spell. "Hey, no attacking my friends! Even the weird heat-loving one!"

With that final call, Xandar launched into the casting of one of his most familiar spells. He stretched his hand in front of him and from each of his fingertips, blue flames erupted. They spread out in a cone in front of him, icing the woman's clothes and skin.

Initiative: 1d20+3=9! (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3732) Still... talking is a free action, so I should wake up the two others with the first scream.
Spellcraft: 1d20+11=14 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3733). The dice roller hates me. Couldn't recognise a cantrip with this. :smalleek: Bah, let's just cast...
Burning Hand [Cold]: 3d4=7 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3734), Reflex DC 17 for half.

2007-12-18, 03:46 PM

Borak saw the strange women and the nose of Xandar, he said did you make that to him, you hurt the hot man, I'm gonna to kill you , he attack the women

Ini:18 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3736), attack:14 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3737), damage:10 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3738)

2007-12-19, 10:26 AM
Frosty startles and saws the ice witch. ''Right! That's I had forgot! This is the witch, probably more a Marzanna, who attack travel who sleep in the wood. Right! Now it the time for defeat her!''

Borak wants to hurt the wictch, but he miss her. Xander touch the Marzanna with his cold aura which free up his hand.

Angry, the witch monster attack the barbarian with his long finger. The two attack hurt the neandertal who bleeding a lot, again I think...

Frosty who saw the attack run to the barbarian. ''Calm down my friend, I heal you with the power of ice god, same I know you don't like the cold weather.'' He touchs the injury and a blue aura envellop his little hand. A tiny sparkling gets out of his hand and close some of wounds of Borak. He smiles to the giant man when the healing spell was finish. ''Don't push yourself, ok? I protect everybody at the end of my life.'' He smiles angain and looks the witch and take a furious face. ''Don't touch my friend again or I kill you with my hand, witch!'' He takes his ice blue trident and prepares his self for the next round.

That's the order: Borak, Xandar, Marzanna (the witch), Frosty Borak lost 22 domage by the witch... but he restore 17 hp by the miracle healing hand of Frosty :smallwink:

2007-12-19, 04:20 PM

As soon as Frosty gets up, Xandar smiles at him and inform him of latest events: "She made my nose bleed!" That put aside, he turned back to the witch. He didn't want to her the lady, but attacking passerby wasn't very kind of her. And it meant he got to create more ice. Smiling weakly, he cast his next spell and raised his hand again. One familiar icy ray sprang from it, aimed at Marzanna.

Scorching Ray [Cold]!
Ranged Touch Attack Roll: 1d20+4=12, Cold Damage: 4d6=18. (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3747)

2007-12-20, 09:55 AM
Frosty saw the blood on his friend and he looks more furious. ''That witch pays for that!''

The ray touch the Marzanna, but it doesn't look to hurt her... She laughs against his opponents. The cold was her environnement, she probably immune to the frost weather.

2007-12-20, 11:38 AM

Borak get's up become very angry and strike on the witch he touch the which
with all his strengh

Attack roll:1d20+12=30 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3750), damage 2d8+7=19 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3751)

2007-12-20, 01:43 PM
Psst, Klern, I have Cold Penetration. I'm pretty sure that'll pierce her resistance. You're the one owning Frostburn, though, so look it up! :smallamused:

2007-12-20, 02:58 PM
If you have the Piercing cold feats you ignore the damage reduction for cold

2007-12-20, 04:22 PM
The witch hurt very baddly hurt by the barbarian's strike and the cold ray of the wizard, because of his mysterious power can penatre her resistance. Furious, she attack the barbarian again! She skewer the big body of Borak with her finger and a lot of blood. He looks bad.

Frosty runs to his friend again and prepares to heal him. He close his eyes and concentrate his self for casting the healing spell. ''Mistic power of Ice give me the power for heal my friend!'' The blue aura envellop his hand again and a sparkling light go on the injury.

Oups! Thanks Annalia:smallwink: I don't see it on your sheet:smallbiggrin: Domage against Borak... 16 but Frosty heal him... again :smallbiggrin: 10 hp restore.

2007-12-20, 08:26 PM

Xandar grinned as his ice ray pierces even the native's defenses. He'd trained long to be able to do so, and was quite happy to see it work so well. "Awesome! Did you see that, Frosty?"

His enthusiasm ever-growing, Xandar threw his next spell. He created a small orb of ice and happily flinged it at the witch. Perhaps he was being a little over enthusiastic: in his haste, the fire genasi forgot to aim.

No problem. :smalltongue:
Orb of Cold! Attack Roll: 1d20+4=9, Damage Roll:2d8=7. (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3753)

2007-12-21, 12:51 AM

Borak looks at the little blue man
Thanks, but it was not necessary he said that we a hoarse voice and a burning looks he dash with his sugliin on the witch and he slip on the ice to finish on his but, he get up and became more angry

1d20+12=1+12=13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3754) I will not even roll the damage

2007-12-21, 10:38 AM
The witch laughs against his opponent and she casts again. The wind was awaken and the snow start to fall. The visibility was very bad now and she laughs more with her hideous voice.

Frosty was furious against the Marzanna. ''I hate your spell!'' By the hate of j=his heart, the cleric charge the ice witch and he hurts her really baddly. With the trident, he take the arm of the witch with him... and she sream of pain. ''Hahahaha! You see why you don't have to make me furious.'' He laughs again.

Let's go everyone! 21 hp left and she dies! Obscuring snow! You have 20% chance to miss you attack. Frosty do some critical hahahahahaha!:smallbiggrin:

2007-12-21, 02:49 PM

"Frosty... what does she find so funny? I don't get the joke." He looks around, at the whirling snow and wind. "You think it's the snow?" With a smile, he turns to the witch. "It's really pretty, by the way, witch lady! It's sad that you have to attack us like this... You should change profession and then teach me to do this!"

Xandar will wait a few seconds to see if the witch truly considers this an option, but if she (again!) laughs at him, he'll throw his next spell at her. Focusing the energy around him, he froze the air solid in front of his hand. With a small cracking sound, a dagger took form and sprung forth at the witch.

I'm missing again. Maybe Xandar will become the new Hertz. :smalleek:
Attack Roll: 1d20+4=8, Damage Roll: 3d4=6. Concealment Chance: 1d100=33. (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3758)

2007-12-22, 06:02 PM

borak as usal attack the with all his anger but he missed and strike in the storm

Chance:1d100=17% (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3762), attack=1d20+12=27 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3761), damage=2d8+7=15 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3763)

2007-12-24, 10:10 AM
Marzanna casts a new spell and the ice storm start to hurt the three aventurer. She laughs more with his old voice, who hurts the hears of Frosty.

The cleric of Heild attacks the witch again and hurt him. ''Ha-ha! My God was on our side! Let's go everyone! We can kill her! Or we going to die!'' He looks the wizard and saids: ''I know you passion for cold, just like me, but I promise you, if we survive, I teach you some cold magic or anything you want about this region.'' He turns his face on Borak and smile him. ''I know you don't like cold weather, but I promise you I go with you to the desert if your want...'' He looks the witch and takes his furious face. ''You can do that again! I konw you can do that one time per day! You so cruel and I think your a...'' He stop talking before the end of his speak... He don't one to tell her wath his mind think.

Everybody take 10 domage or do the reflex save for take the half... well... Frosty miss it again... But! He hurts the witch!!!!!:smalltongue:

2007-12-26, 05:16 PM

Xandar was beggining to tire. He'd barely slept a few hours - and even then he had spent them having bad dreams of hotness and desert - and was starting to get low on useful spells. Not only that, but he was annoyed at his continued lack of aim. His and Borak's. Deciding to solve that problem, he conjured a pale beige beam and shot it at the witch, hoping to slow her movements.

Attack Roll: 1d20+4=9, Dexterity Damage: 1d6+2=4. Poor, poor Xandar.

2007-12-26, 11:40 PM

Borak was at his limit he hadn't enough sleep and he was badly injured by his last combat, but he was still in great rage so he did what he do the best (usually) he attacked, but he is not a good to fight in the blizzard because he hates it, so he used to stay at home in the warm when they had blizzard outside instead of training.
I had a 19 % for the percentage of missing :smallsigh: :smallsigh:

2007-12-31, 06:46 PM
The Marzanna laughs when she saws the ray creates which miss her ''beautiful'' body. When the witch runs to Xandar, she miss her attack because of the mist she create.

Frosty run to the mage who love the snow and heal him when he prays to his God. ''Heild give me your power for heal my friend!'' He look up the star sky and a ice blue aura envellops his hand. The golden spark gets out of his little blue hand and goes around the body of the fire genasis. ''I wish you going more great now.'' He smile him and turn his mad face on the witch.

Xandar was heal of 14 hp^^ and he miss the Marzanna... she have 11 on touch hahahahaha!... But I wish everyone survive after that...

2008-01-01, 01:12 AM

"Yes. Much better. Here, let me give this witch another try." He sighed and moved to her left, taking out a wand on the way. Making sure Borak would not be caught in the blast, he yelled the trigger word "Flissak!" Cold blue flames not unlike those he had created earlier erupted from the wand's tip, envelopping the witch.

Wand of Burning Hand [Cold]. Cold Damage: 1d4=3 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3887), Reflex DC 11.

2008-01-08, 12:07 PM

Borak, concentrate on the sound of the sorceress and found her and hit her with all he strengh.
Now you gonna to die daughter of the ice

percentage:1d100=100% (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3929),attack roll:1d20+12=23 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3930), damage:2d8+7=16 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3931)

2008-01-08, 12:23 PM
The pain sream of the witch hurts the ears of Frosty, but he runs to his giant friend for heal him. ''Good... You finish that cold women... I give you some of my frost power, same I know you hate that...'' The ice blue aura envellop his little hand again and goes on Borak's injuries to close them. The cleric start to fell a little dizzy, he was very tire by the battle they do. He fall in the snow and a magical light blue energie stroll around his entire body. The snow stops and the moon start to observe them with the peaceful wind around the tree of the forest.

Level up everyone! You merite it:smallwink:

2008-01-08, 12:31 PM

Borak lie down on the snow and for the first time of his life he kind of like the snow and it's softness, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

2008-01-13, 02:06 PM

Xandar sits down, also quite happy to lie down in the snow. With Borak asleep, he feels like he can rest more peacefully. Only... he probably wasn't the only one needing it. "Are you alright Frosty? Your skin isn't as blue as normal and you look like you might collapse and fall asleep right there. Maybe you should. I can try and keep awake for another hour."

2008-01-15, 09:58 AM
Frosty wokes up when the sun starts to show his face. He felts more better than the last day. His looks his hand and said jolly: ''I... I fell different today... Anyways! It going to be a nice day today!'' He turns tu Xandar who sleep again and smiles. He starts to prepare the breakfast before his friend wake. He decide to cook his special soup, the snow soup, a blue broth with some vegetable, like frost carrot. He cooks some fresh meat of snow beast and mixs with the broth. The smell of the soup was really great and sweet. The cleric does a prayer to Heild, his god, for the ''peaceful'' they have last night and, after that, he start to serve the breackfast.

It's alright I wrote Xandar fell to sleep again? I think he just repeat the same error :smallbiggrin:

2008-01-15, 01:35 PM

A delicious smell of hot soup with meat reach the nose of Borak which woke him up slowly then he remember the combat of the eve and how is was terribly hurt, but when we move and don't feel any pain and when he look to his suppose injury he only see scar, suddenly a strange sensation fill Borak, he have the impression to be stronger than before, he sit next to Frosty

Good morning, what are you cooking ? it smell very good

2008-01-15, 01:47 PM
Frosty looks the barbarian a little surprise. ''Oh! Hi! You wake already? I think all of you two sleep more longer with the fight we just have last night. Anyway.'' He starts to laugh before continues. ''For your question, I cooks my special soup. It's call snow soup. I know you don't like cold weather, but my soup his... really special.'' He smile and give him a bowl with the ice blue soup. The golden eyes of the cleric shines with pleasure. ''Eat it and tell me if your like!''

2008-01-15, 01:58 PM

Borak take the bowl and start to eat the liquid goes down to his cold esophagus to his empty stomach, the piece of boiled meat and hot soup meet his taste bud which give a electric signal to the pleasure part of his brain, the brain give an order to the tongue of Borak which make movement in his mouth
and in the same time make his vocal cord move and air pass trough the mouth to make words
THIS IS SO DELICIOUS, I never taste something that great, you have to teach me how to make that.

2008-01-15, 02:15 PM
Frosty smiles more when he hears that. ''Great! I so happy to hear that! If you want to make some I give you my special recipe.'' He take a peice of paper and start to write on it and repeat the same thing to the hot barbarian. ''First, you have to boil up some water with beast blood, not a lot, just a little, and meat and all vegetable you like. When all seethe, you mix some spicy you like. For me, I just take some pepper and salt, I know it's not a spicy, and garlic powder and some rosemary with a smidgeon of marjoram whole. Third, I adds some cheese and snow of this region. In last, I pray for Heid and do a ray of frost on it, for heat up after.'' He give the paper to Borak with his small friendly smile.

2008-01-17, 01:27 AM

Waking up well after the two others, Xandar rolls over and gives his surrounding a sleepy look - until he realises that he is still surrounded by tons of snow. That brings a grin to his face and he scrambles up to his feet.

"Morning!" he calls out, sitting down and eyeing the soup. "What's that?" If he's even remotely guilty at having once again fallen asleep on his guard turn, he certainly doesn't sound like it.

2008-01-17, 09:48 AM
Frosty turn on Xandar and smile him. ''Oh! Good morning! Did you have a nice sleep?'' Said him with pleasure, but he not waiting the answer, he give a bowl of soup to the wizard. ''I do the breakfast this morning. It's my special snow soup! I wish you going to like it.'' He slime to his friend and he continues to cook some other ration for later in the beautiful day, with this great sun which refelted in the pure white snow around the aventurer.

2008-01-17, 10:03 PM

"Huh, yes, nice sleep! What's the plan for today?" He takes the offered soup, gulping it down with impressive speed. "Busting another witch's ass? Reaching the tower? Snowball fights?"

2008-01-18, 01:32 AM

Reaching the tower might be a good idea he take another bowl of soup and say with the mouth full
But first we need to eat

I know this is kind of disgusting if you don't read the "he take another bowl of soup" part (even their he sound strange)

2008-01-18, 11:07 AM
Frosty puts his finguer on his mouth and looks pensive. He amiles to Xandar before to answer him. ''Snowball fight looks intersting, but I think it's a best idea to move to the tower.'' He check the sky and said: ''It's a beautiful weater today, it's best to move on quickly... and do some snowfight, when we take the frozen crystal.'' He laughs when he saws the shudder of Borak who hate snow and cold.

2008-01-19, 03:41 AM

"Another bowl of soup it is, then!" Xandar declares, devouring his second bowl with a hunger one would not expect from someone with such a frail frame.

But as good as the food is, it cannot hold Xandar's attention for long. As soon as he his done with the second bowl, he opens his large, almost cracking spellbook and absorbs himself into spell preparation. It only takes a glance to tell the tome is foreign in origin: it has a strange sunset colour, a sharp yet simple design and - more importantly - grains of sand are still stuck in-between the pages.

2008-01-19, 11:41 PM

Borak who was eating is soup saw the grains of sand he took one what is this?

2008-01-20, 02:02 AM

"This?" Xandar repeats, somewhat confused. "Just sand." From the sound of it, nothing could be more simple and common than sand.

2008-01-20, 01:59 PM

But but where does it come from it look like nothing else you can find here, what's the purpose of it? do you eat it ? why do you have it here ? you could see the admiration and the curiosity in his face

2008-01-20, 04:12 PM

"Sand is... from down south. From the desert." Xandar explains, slightly disgusted. "The thing has absolutely no use; can't be eaten. It gets in everywhere, making clothes uncomfortable and creating a grinding noise that gets on the nerves. That's how it slipped in my spellbook." He gives the book a small shake, but only a few grains fall. "I've been out of the deserts for month and it's still stuck there!"

2008-01-21, 01:32 PM

Borak take the sand grain
hello you I'm gonna call you Herman, hello Herman

He take the grain sand and put him in his pocket.
Whoooo, I love you little grain sand, I'm sure I can find a use for you

looking at Xandar and Frosty
So.... Shall we go?

2008-01-21, 04:22 PM

"Er... give me some time. I didn't open that book for nothing." With that, Xandar fell back into his spell-preparing. He often glanced up doubtfully at Borak, but otherwise said nothing. Once he's done, he quickly packs up and announces cheerfully he's ready to go.

2008-01-21, 05:49 PM
Frosty rolling in the ground and laughing a lot, his hands on his stomac. When he's clam down, he takes off the tear on his gold eyes and said: ''I like you humor my friend.'' He laughs a little more and continues to talk. ''I know someone of the south... She pray a different god, but... She a nice person... By the way, we can go now, Xandar looks prepare.'' The Heild cleric start to take all food he prepares and takes his symbol of Heild next to the casserol with the snow soup, which be transferd in four ice blue bottle. He looks the sun and start to walk in the beautiful snow forest.

The sun was refected on the snow on the high tree around the little group who ''like snow and winter''. The artic priest start to hum with the artic bird who singing on tree's branch. One blue bird flys on Frosty head and stays here. The cleric takes the little bird with his tiny figuer and gives him some impulse for the bird fly with his friend.

''It looks the animal forest like me.'' He said with a great smile. He closes his eyes and stop walking. He looks in transe. The wind push his sky blue hairs on his face and he don't reacts.

2008-01-21, 05:55 PM

Xandar stops in his track, eyeing Frosty curiously. He's about to turn Borak and ask what the tall man reckons he's doing, but having previously been freaked out by him, he decides against it. Instead he settles down next to Frosty, watching the cleric intently.

2008-01-23, 05:11 PM

Borak, who was running with his grain of sand didn't see the little priest stoping and continue running looking to his grain of sand.

2008-01-23, 05:39 PM
Borak stumble on Frosty and his grain of sand fly over him and fall on the snow. The snow freezes the face on the giant barbarian when he touchs him and enters on his armor. When he stays up and grumble his hate of this weater, he saws the cleric of Heild on knee. His golden eyes shinnes and he saids: ''Danger...'' His voice sound far-off and he fall unconscious in the white snow around the group.

A cat's screams sound not far away of the three aventurers. A white cat, with long fang outside of his mouth, runs to them. He growls to Xandar and jump to him and bite him.

Xandar lost 12hp!

2008-01-23, 06:00 PM

"Hey! Let go, let go!" Xandar starts shaking his arm frantically, desperately trying to shake off the tiger-like thingy, Xandar quickly adapted his favourite's spell's somatic component to cast it one-handed. He pulled back his arm slightly to better aim... and was taken completely by surprise when two rays shot forth.

The first was aimed right - Xandar had, after all, expected to see it spring from his open palm. The second, however, nearly froze part of his own belly of. "Look, Frosty! I have two rays now!" At the silence, Xandar glanced at his earstwhile companion and asked in a low voice. "Frosty?"

Scorching Rays [Cold]!
Ray 1: Attack Roll: 1d20+5=20, Cold Damage: 4d6=14.
Ray 2: Attack Roll: 1d20+1=6. Obviously! Pecker!
Initiative is 22.

2008-01-23, 06:13 PM
The white cat lament his self, charge the giant guy and eat him! The barbarian feel the long fand enter his skin. The blood falls in snow and stains it... and the base of the barbarian's armor. The forest's animal stand back and stays alert.

The blue birds goes on Frosty and his friends goes aways. The singing bird stay on him and he want to wake him... with not success.

Take 14 hp Borak!

2008-01-23, 06:26 PM

Borak scream and became angry his eye turned red, his hair became straight, his muscles became large and he made a really angry face
I'm so gonna to kill, you poussy

he attack the fangy cat with all his anger

damage=1d20+14=25 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4043), 1d12+10=15 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4044)

2008-01-23, 06:36 PM
Frosty stays unconscious but he move his head a little and the bird starts to peck his face to wake him. The wind starts and the sky starts to become darkness.

2008-01-23, 06:54 PM

"Oh! Look at the nice sky!" Xandar pointed upwards before realising Borak was being attacked. Now, the large man scared him, but that didn't mean he should be left to die.

He brought forth one of his mighty orbs of cold, flinging it at the large tigers with all the 'strength' he could mutter.

Orb of Cold, Lesser: 1d20+5=8! Weeee!

2008-01-23, 06:58 PM
The ice tiger wants to eat his prey again, but the neanderthal was to agile and the frost animal miss him.

2008-01-23, 07:13 PM

Borak attack the icy tiger, the axe touuuuuuuuch on of the leg

attack:1d20+14=32 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4047), 1d12+10=17 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4048)

2008-01-23, 07:16 PM
Frosty starts to move his head a little more. Other blue bird strats to appear and talks to his friend who want to wake the pixie. The snow start to fall.

2008-01-23, 09:12 PM

"Snow! Awesome!" Xandar grins, enchanted at the idea this kind of cloud-gathering-snow-falling event was actually something regular around here. Rain in the desert certainly wasn't, that was for sure.

He once again has to remind himself there's a battle at hand, and that happy feelings should wait for after it has been won. Normally. Wide smile still on, he brought forth one of the new spell he had devised from observing the ice witch: an orb about half as large as he was tall made of solid, freezing ice materialised in front of him. It seemed to constantly shift, pikes of ice growing then receding as Xandar shot it forth at the ice tiger.

Flaming Sphere [Cold]! Cold Damage: 2d6=7. (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4049) (see link for more comments :smalltongue:) Reflex Save DC 19 for half.

2008-01-24, 09:57 AM
The saber-toothed tiger jumps to the left of the sphere to save his life, but he take the half of the sphere. Furious, he attack the barbarian again and bite him again. He wants to pierce his armor with his claws, but he doesn't use the strengh to do that.

Bite: 16 (http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=4053) wow! I roll 2 on my two attack roll with the claws!

2008-01-24, 10:28 PM

Borak is in a really bad mood; he slept pretty well, he had a delicious breakfast, he found this adorable "grain of sand", really all was going well until this cat arrived, Frosty stopped and because of him he lost his cute little and adorable Herman, then he fell and now this bad cat his attacking him, so as usual the big and tall man his NOT IN A GOOD MOOD and he reaaaaaaly want to kill that kitty and he attack

attack 1d20+14=31 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4062), damage=1d12+10=17 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4063)

2008-01-25, 04:33 PM
The blizzard really starts and the visibility was really bad. Frosty, always unconscious, starts to be covert by the snow. Brids around him starts to panic and screams above the corpse of the artic priest.

A women silhouette approach the pixie who don't react of the cotact of her hand. She smiles and saids some curious words in his ears. She stays across him... to proctect him?

2008-01-25, 04:48 PM

Xandar grins as he notices the newcomer, happy to have some help with the tiger. Making sure his sphere of ice stays on target, he conjures a second one up and mentally commands it to slam in the tiger.

Two Flaming Sphere [Cold]!
1: 2d6=10
2: 2d6=12 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4069).

2008-01-25, 04:56 PM
The artic tiger want to jump outside the target he was, but he take the two icing sphere who Xandar shots him.

The tiger bites the neanderthal again and his claws pierce, this time, his armor and his skin. The ferious animal love to eat his dinner and prepare to bite him more and more.

total of domage 16+10=26^^

2008-01-25, 11:08 PM

Borak saw the woman and look at her with a strange eyes, but he think that the first thing to do his to kill that tiger and then get rid of the witch

he said to the witch: Hey you what are you doing to him if you touch him I kill you :smallfurious:

he attack the tiger

attack=1d20+14=17 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4074), damage=1d12+10=20 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4075)

2008-01-26, 05:39 PM
The misterious women takes the uncouscious cleric of heild out of the snow which covert him and she desappears with his body. All blue birds starts to panic and flys above the battle.

2008-01-26, 05:50 PM

"Hey! Hey, no! Bring back Frosty!" Xandar runs to the spot where Frosty was, looking around wildly. He ignores the tiger entirely, but he needed not concentrate on his iced ball for them to slam into the northern animal. Instead Xandar fell on his knee, shoving the snow around frantically. It took a bit for him to realise it was useless, but when he did he looked up at the birds that had kept company to Frosty. "Hey, birdie... any idea where he is?" he asks in a low, whimpering voice.

Flaming Sphere [Cold] 1: 2d6=9.
Flaming Sphere [Cold] 2: 2d6=6. (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4085)

2008-01-26, 05:58 PM
The long-teeth tiger was surprise and takes the first ball completly, but he jump for take the half of the second, but he dead...

The birds listens the snow-obsession wizard and starts to fly quickly in the weast of the wood. The snow stops and the sun appears again.

2008-01-26, 06:01 PM

Not even noticing the tiger was dead, Xandar ran off after the birds. In his haste, he stumbled more than once in the newly-fallen snow, but he kept going on. At first his balls followed him, but they disappeared as he desperately ran forward.

2008-01-26, 06:26 PM

Borak saw Frosty disappear and run to the place where were Frosty. He saw Xandar he ask him in panic WHAT HAPPENED?

2008-01-26, 06:36 PM
The birds continues to fly really quickly and Xandar haves some difficulty to fallow them. They stop above a dilapidate house, construct with ancient woods, with a smoke which getting outside it.

2008-01-26, 08:10 PM

Not answering, Xandar walked up to the door, opened it and stepped in. He had a weird, determined look on his face, one that fit very little with his usual childlike expressions.

2008-01-27, 02:30 PM

Borak, who have catch up with Xandar enter in the house following Xandar
What are you doing running in the house like this while our friend have been captured by?

2008-01-28, 07:54 PM
The women inside startles when the door of his modest house. She brush off his snow white hair and looks Xandar with his peaceful blue eyes. She stands up of his chair and goes to the fire genasis. ''Oh... Can I help you mister?'' She saids with his angelic voice. Frosty eats on a table across the women and he sees his friend wizard. ''Xandar! You look great! What are you doing here?'' He said with his common friendly tone. The misterious women looks his precious guest. ''You know them Frosty?'' ''Yup! They are my friend! The man, who is hot, is Xandar and the giant behind him is Borak, one of all neanderthal of this region. He call my other friend Hotty and he give a name to a grain of sand... Herman, if I remenber correctly...'' He laughs and looks the hopeless women who save him.

The women have a ice blue clothe who have miniature star with the refletion of the fire light. She stays up and waits for the react of this two stranger. She looks distrustful to them, same they are friend of the artic priest. She have green fingernails and she have a sapphir blue ring on his slender finguers. A sea green amulet around his neck.

2008-01-29, 02:41 PM

Xandar's already tan skin colour deepens when the woman calls him. He had expected Frosty to be in some sort of trouble, and here he found him eating with this weird woman. "Hum... I'm here for Frosty." he mumbled, examining the woman's mismatched clothes. "I'm well."

2008-01-30, 08:06 AM
Who are you ? Why did you kidnapped Frosty? you wanna die woman . said Borak with anger and with muscles in fire and red eye

2008-01-31, 09:34 AM
Frosty move between the women and Borak. ''Calm down my friend.'' He saids, always calm. ''I'm alright and I'm not his presonieer. You don't have to be worried about me.''

The women lays down his young hand and looks the barbarian in his eyes with his peaceful blue eyes. ''I'm sorry to take your friend with me, but I think it more safety for him if I take him with me.'' She stays calm but cold with Borak. She turn his head quickly tu Xandar and tags on: ''You can stay here for a will you know. I always happy to see all friends of this artic pixie cleric.''

The fay smiles and laughs. ''We are friend.'' He said with a magical tone on his voice. ''You already know, right? I always protect my friend, at the end of my life!'' He laughs once more. The misterious and strange women smiles.

2008-01-31, 10:24 AM

Xandar shifted uncomfortably. Somehow, he couldn't feel at ease around the woman. "We were doing fine protecting him. That ice tiger didn't come less than five feet of him." He muttered, not entirely liking to hear his competence being doubted.

"But we won't stay. Right, Frosty? We have something important to do."

2008-02-01, 04:16 PM
Frosty looks lost. ''...I think not... Well, if yes... What we have to do so important to you?'' The women smile more and saids: ''You see, he was happy to be here."

2008-02-01, 04:29 PM

"We did, Frosty. Please, come with us. It's warm in here. Warm. You and I, we live and thrive outside. In the freezing snowstorms. Making snowball fights!" As he talked, Xandar walked over to Frosty. Each of his sentence was punctuated by a step forward, until he grabbed the small ice pixie's shoulder.

"Don't you remember the wonderful feel of sharp, cold weather stinging your eyes? The gentle touch of a snowflake falling on your skin? Their wonderful dance as a cool breeze moves them left and right, left and right? Is there anything that can truly beat sharp ice forming in your hand out of nowhere, only to be propelled forward at high speed?" He took a hold of the pixie's arm and started tugging him towards the exit. "Would you let it all disappear while you loose yourself in this snowless, warm shack?"

2008-02-01, 04:54 PM
Frosty doesn't look to want to go with him. ''Sorry, but I stay with my new friend... I want to play with the snow and dance with it, but I stay here... for now... I just want to... to protect... her... The crystal don't be use... She's not death... She live now... She was across me when I'm with this women... I can live... without snow... Heild... Forgives me and continues to thrust me...'' The women laughs when she saws the tear on the golden eyes of the pixie priest. ''You see.. He likes me more than you. You can go if you don't want to stay, but don't disterbe us.''

Birds outsides start to growl to the cleric. They want to enter the wood house, but they can, just a magical wall stop them. They start to peck the invisible wall and want to enter.

2008-02-01, 05:12 PM

For a moment, Xandar listened to Frosty blankly. His mind began spinning when he realised this situation was, in fact, linked to something he knew well: magic. "Y-you charmed him!" Xandar exclaimed, before stepping back quickly. And there was only one way he knew to solve this...

Xandar flung his arm forward, calling out a single arcane words. His voice was loud, clear and cold, much like the ray that shot forth from his hand. It wasn't as powerful a ray as he often brought forth, but it'd sure break the hold she had on him.

Ray of Frost: 1d20+5=10, Cold damage: 1d3 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4114). Gaah! Hit, hit, hit, pecker!

2008-02-01, 05:50 PM
Borak the Blacksmith

Meanwhile, Borak who heard what Xandar said attack the witch
I just know you a bit and I already hate you, I don't know who you are or why you did that but you did it so I'm gonna to kill you

attack 1d20+14=27 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4115), damage 1d12+10=21 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4116)

2008-02-04, 04:31 PM
The women start to laugh when she saw the fiddling attempt of the two friend of the pixie. ''You think you can fight me, the great sorceress Ferillia? How amusing!'' She laughs more and more. The wall starts to shacke and becomes in stone. All windows steps aside bricks and lanterns with cold blue flame. The house becomes in circle and grows taller. All furnitures vanishs of the tower which take place of the wicth's house. Frosty dissapear of his chair and Ferillia too. The two friend fall in the hole underneath their feets and they fall unconscious.

When they open their eyes, the are in a prison cell with no light... Exept a little flame on the wall far away of the door bar. The cold floor froze the feet of Xandar.

2008-02-04, 05:09 PM

Groaning slightly as he wakes up, Xandar began examining his surrounding. He wasn't bothered by the dark, for sure, but the steel bars bothered him. A lot. "Frosty... I'm coming."

He stood up resolutely, determination burning in him fiercely. "Borak! I'll weaken the bars by freezing them - another wonderful property snow has - and I want you to break them." He put his hands on the bar, and invoked a powerful blast of ice. Soon, the steel was entirely iced over, and would no doubt have suffered from it.

Burning Hands, Cold! If you want damage, it's 4d4. I'm just hoping to lessen the require Strenght check.

2008-02-04, 05:36 PM
The door opens when Xandar touchs the cold steel bar. A winter wind runs in the corridor, where a stairs was in the burden. A low light shines in it up.

2008-02-04, 06:19 PM

"Huh?" Xandar stares at the door for a long moment, wondering what was the point of a cell if the door was unlocked. Concluding there was none, but that it was not his concern, he headed off down the corridor.

2008-02-06, 05:52 PM

Borak follow Xandar by the heard he made *he is quite noisy, fortunately I can follows him * he was ready to go trough the door but it opened , Borak go in front of Xandar and start to go up the stairs

2008-02-08, 02:11 PM
When they enter the second floor, blue flame torchs start to burn. The corridor was close of the stairs, but a soul of a saber-toothed tiger sleep in the center of the round room. The invisible white fur of the beast move slowly with his peaceful breathing and he looks to have good dream. A ball of blue flame float in the air, next to the cold animal.

2008-02-08, 03:50 PM

"Hey look! It's the tiger that attacked us earlier! He looks so peaceful lying there.." Smiling softly, eyes alight with curiosity, Xandar walked up to the saber-tooth tiger and began petting it.

2008-02-08, 04:23 PM
Borak, the Blacksmith

Borak gaze at the tiger and took is axe out. Without taking his look off the tiger eyes he said
Now Xandar, step back smoothly.

2008-02-08, 04:41 PM

"Step back?" Xandar repeated with worry. "Are you alright? Did you loose sight? Maybe I can do something about it. Because this tiger looks pretty dead to me." With that, Xandar continued on to pet the tiger.

2008-02-08, 04:47 PM
Did you remember that YOU kill that tiger so in a minute you he can stop t be nice and start attacking you. So the question is not do I am blind but if are you stupid ?

2008-02-08, 04:52 PM

"I'm not stupid..." Xandar replied, obviously hurt. "This is a spirit, and it is sleeping. You know what'll happen? My hands will pass through it." Xandar sounded certain of himself, and he stepped forward and brushed his hand above the tiger's fur before waving it directly into it.

2008-02-08, 05:01 PM
When Xandar touch the ghostly white fur of the tiger, he opens slowly his eyes, yawns and stretchs his powerful legs. He saws the two stranger and looks surprise to see someone in this place. ''Who are you? What are you doing here?'' He saids with a slowly somnolent voice. The blue sphere shines and spins up the tiger' head. ''So? I'm watting your answer, guys.'' He stays calm and wait.

2008-02-08, 05:09 PM

Xandar took a surprised and incredibly happy expression and clapped his hands together."You talk! See, he's not dangerous!" Grinning like a child that was just given a candy, Xandar continued on excitedly. "We're here to save our cleric friend, Mr. Tiger! He's about that high -" He lowered his hand to two feet above ground "He's all blue and laughs all the time. A very kin guy, but the evil witch is tricking him and perhaps hurting him. Can you help us, Mr. Tiger?"

2008-02-08, 05:21 PM
He laughs and answer to the wizard. "You look very a kind person little guy. I'm surprise you know Frosty. I'm Arverius. He saves me a long time ago, but Ferrelia catch me and emprison me inside her tower." The sphere looks offense by the tiger and starts to spin more quickly. ''Oh! Right, right. Forgive me my friend. This blue flame sphere his my allie, Sphyr, she can cast cold and healing spell.'' The cold ball shines more and looks more happy. The tiger looks the big man next to Xandar and he was surprise. ''What a neanderthal doing here? You are with this man, mister the fire genasis. If yes... HI! What you're name, boy!" He saids with his jolly voice, but bass.

2008-02-08, 05:33 PM

"I'm Xandar, sir!" He exclaimed, extending his hand. He quickly realised how dumb that looked, blushed and brought it back. "I'm sorry, but what exactly are you? I've never seen spirit tigers, though there was a large sabertoothed one that just attacked us and gave me those wounds." He pointed the large tear in his clothes, and the bloody gash under it.

"It's nice to meet someone cool like you. What do you know about the tower?"

2008-02-08, 05:33 PM
You are talking...
*he is talking...* Borak was looking at the tiger with a incomprehension look and attacked him.


2008-02-08, 05:37 PM

"Noo! What are you doing, Borak? Arverius and Sphyr are nice people and they want to help us and they know Frosty and they didn't attack!" Impulsively, Xandar springed forward and put himself in harm's way. That the tiger would most likely be entirely more powerful, dangerous and protected than him crossed his mind only a few seconds later.

2008-02-08, 05:45 PM
Sphyr runs to the axe of Borak and create a giant ice wall to block his attack. ''Yey! You! You're a bastard! You don't have to attack Arverius! Are you stupid!'' The tiger gets up his right paw for calm his friend. ''Calm down, Sphyr. He doesn't know us, it a real reaction what he do. He doesn't trust us.'' The blue energie ball move quickly up and down and replies: ''He'sajerk! Heneverunderstandswhatotherpeopledo! LookwhathedoestoXandar!'' The tiger laughs and the ball looks sad.

2008-02-08, 08:36 PM

"He's not a jerk, Sphyr." Xandar started, quite glad to see the wall of ice protecting him. The prospect of Borak's weird axe in his weird body was... a weird one. "He is only a very weird man. He does not think much." Xandar pointed out, though it was clear he didn't consider it an insult.

Satisfied that he had excused his friend, Xandar turned back to the tiger. "So, about this tower... What can you tell us?"

2008-02-09, 05:04 PM
Arverius sits in front of his new cold absession friend and starts his story. ''I don't know a lot about this tower... but I told you what I know. Inside this giant tower, a great ice blue crystal, name the Frozen Crystal, was hide in the top, protected by this horrible witch Ferrilia, and the most horrible was her horrible not match piece of cloth. I heard a rumor she was a malicious sorceress who manipulate her ennemis. She likes cold and electricity magic. She uses her magic power to create this tower, so she lays some trap for trick people and put in danger. I heard a another rumor... Somebody told me... Our naightmare... dream... can appear in this place... I think his going to be a dangerous journey, but Frosty was in danger! We have to do something!

The blue flame sphere spin quickly around the head of Xandar... who start to fallow her... When he was to much giddy he sets on the ground. The ball of energie stop sinning in the front of the brown eyes of the fire genasis. ''Yey! Mister of funny face, you like cold magic, right? I want to help you most thanyourcrazyburnningobsessionwarriorfriend with my magic! Arverius going to be your bodyguard and me... you wish to controle more ice magic! What do you think? She looks anxious and really exited about the mage answer.

2008-02-09, 05:34 PM

"Control more magic?" Xandar replied dizzily, as if his brain had trouble computing all the information sent to it. That sentence, however, brought a huge grin on his face. "Of course I want to! Nothing is more exceptional than ice magic!" He painfully got on his feat, extending a hand toward Sphyr.

"Can you really teach me more?" His face was filled with wonder, and a strange lust burned in his eyes.

2008-02-09, 09:23 PM
Sphyr stands back of the hot wizard's hand, looking panic. ''Don'Ttouchme!'' She saids quickly. She calms her self and continues to talk to Xandar. ''I don't want to hurt you... I'm... I'm a ball of energie you know... I can hurt you with my ice power if you touch me...'' She stops her angelic mecanical voice. Arverius looks sad when he acknowledge the sentiment of his friend. He takes a smile to cheer her. ''You don't have to blame yourself Sphyr you a great friend after all.'' Sphyr looks more confortable with the stick by his big friend. ''Thank Arverius... Oh! Right! Give me you spell book, please. I have to write some new spell inside it.'' She smiles to the friendly mage.

2008-02-09, 10:30 PM

Xandar quickly draws back his hand, nodding sadly when the sphere explains it can't be touched. The fire genasi looks rather perplexed when asked for his spellbook. "But... won't you destroy the book too?"

2008-02-10, 01:17 AM

Talking to Xandar
You know some times the cold is so cold that it burn so if that thing can do really cold energy I guess she could write in your book, but if I were you I will not trust anything that is in that building, we were trapped by that witch and nothing can tell us that this not another trap.

2008-02-10, 03:38 PM

"If Sphyr wanted me dead, it wouldn't have stopped your axe." Xandar counters before handing over his spellbook. Strangely enough, he didn't resent Borak for the attack he nearly took as much as for his lack of trust. Arverius and Sphyr were offering help, and neither liked the witche's clothes. As far as Xandar was concerned, that was all that mattered.

2008-02-10, 10:42 PM
Do as you want, but I will not follow their advice and I will go on my own, so this is a farewell.

Borak continue and try to find a door or anything that looks like a way to continue

2008-02-10, 10:47 PM

"Borak! Hey, no, wait!" Xandar looked about to follow, then remembered he'd just been promised new ice spells. "But... but.. you can't go! We're a team!"

2008-02-11, 05:26 PM
Sphyr looks happy when she saws the neanderthal goes up. When she doesn't see his ugly face, she uses her power to open it and write some spell inside. ''Take that first... I think it the only spell a can give you for now.'' Magic symbol appears on white page and the incantation writes with acana symbol and mystic elven language. A beautiful icing flower was drawing on the page and one replica appears across the book with a best smell Xandar never smell. The wizard looks other pages and see some new spell. ''I wish you like that spell, you more kind then bigmusclemanwithzerointelligence.''

Arverius want to move up with the two other two, ignoring the comment of that warrior, bt he understand why he don't trust them. Himself he don't trust Sphyr the first time he saws her. ''So, we have to move on.'' He start to go up the stairs and saids: ''Fallow me you two, we have a friend to save.''

Xandar learn Ray of Ice, Ice flower and Ice Knife.

2008-02-11, 08:21 PM

Closing the spellbook with a grin, Xandar hurried after the large tiger. If he hadn't been reminded they had Frosty to save, chances are he'd have simply sat down and started studying. As it were, though, he quickly walked up the stairs, running to catch up with Borak.

2008-02-11, 10:56 PM

Borak was angry and frustrated he clim the stair as fast as he could
he is always contradicting me. He never listen to what I said, he is the wizard so of course he is more intelligent than me of course he knows more. I was hoping to find someone that understand me, someone who lived the same thing that I did, I was reject from my family too because I loved the fire. I'm going to find Frosty alone and I'm gonna kill that witch get the crystal back and go to find some hot place

2008-02-12, 09:47 PM
When Borak arrive on the next floor, he start to fell strange. His muscles shake and they look to became weak. The floor starts to spin and the barbarian impacts the wall across him, to lost consciousness.


Sphyr appears the first in the second floor, but she saws nothing on this floor. "...I think he goes already to the next stage." She saids with happinest sound on her voice. The stairs was in front of them the want to go there, but a giant wolf waits them and growls when he saws those stranger.


When Borak wakes again, he was inside a big room. He thinks he feels weaker, but he stays up. A stairs with strange light was in front of him.

Borak 4 of his str. hihihihi

2008-02-12, 10:09 PM

Xandar shook his head slightly, saddened by the definite lack of Borak. "He can't have gone to the other level. The wolf there wouldn't be blocking our way. You don't think he'll let us pass, do you?"

2008-02-15, 04:09 PM
Arverius looks pensive but answer his wizard friend. "I don't think so... He doesn't look really friendly with stranger..." With that word, the wolf growls more and trys to stike the new arrival.

Annalia, initiative please, I think we going to have some fun with the wolf.

2008-02-15, 07:22 PM

When Arverius talked to him, Xandar naturally turned around to face him. It was, after all, impolite not to look at someone addressing you. Perhaps that, combined with his distracted nature, explains why he was taken completely aback by the wolf sprinting towards him.

Woo, hey, look, my init sucks! 1d20+3=4! (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4182)

2008-02-19, 02:26 PM
The nice giant wolf runs to Xandar and bite him with passion on his arm. By the pain, the wizard lost counsciounes after his surprise sream.

Sphyr runs up the wizard body and starts to spin really quickly. A star rain falls on the fire genasis and cures his wound. He opens his eyes slowly to saw Arverius creates a cold blizzard cone, with his tiger mouth, which touchs the wolf and freezes the artic beast for a few second... before he broke the ice, which recover his body, with his strenght.

Initiative order:
The giant wolf
Wolf's Bite: touch 20 and dmg:9 hahahahahaha
Sphyr: cure moderate wounds on Xandar: 16
Arverius: Cone of cold!!!!

2008-02-19, 08:02 PM

A bit dazed from the pain still, his mind quite far from the thought that getting up might be a good plan, Xandar mumbled a few words and reached for a wand at his belt. Completely blue, its thin frame spinning on itself slightly, the wand reminded one of a blue flame.

And indeed, on Xandar's command word, it spat forward a jet of cold blue flames, engulfing the wolf.

Wand of Burning Hand [Cold]!
It's a mighty DC 11, and a very huge [roll0] of damage. Curse you, wand of low first-level spell! :smallwink:

2008-02-24, 02:13 PM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak wake up and try to stand up on his feet, with a lot of difficulties he finally get straight and get his sugliin.
*that's strange she's more heavy, when did you get weight Clarisse ?* , he move toward the stairs because it seems the only way.

2008-02-25, 10:42 AM
The giant wolf take the half of the cold flame create by Xandar and he charge again to Arverius and bite him, fallow by his claws. The friendly saber-toothed tiger growls with the wounds. Furious, he push the wolf and want to bite him too. His long fang penatre the fur of the wolf, but not his claws. Sphyr starts to spin and blue sparkles run around his body. She creates a blue electrical discharge with a cold mist around them which go to the wolf.


Borak walks in the strange isolate room. A big statue of a wingued creature with curving horns, a long tail and fierce claws was situated in the center of the place. It was cover of pale ice and snow.

You name your slugiin!!! Are you crazy???????

2008-02-25, 08:24 PM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak enter the room with a lot of prudence and watch everywhere to find any exit, after that he got interest in the statue, and get closer to watch it

he is looking for an exit before looking for the statue, so if he find one he well try to reach and ignore the statue

2008-02-25, 09:55 PM
When he comes closer, the statue open his globular eyes. The ice gargoyle start to move and trys to bite the barbarian. He opens his big wing cover of ice and snow to intimidate his oppent.

Iniative little boys:smalltongue:

2008-02-27, 08:29 PM

Unsure what to do without draining his resources too much, Xandar waves his wand at the winter wolf again, blasting him with frozen flames.

Burning Hands again, still from the sucky DC 11 wand. [roll0].

2008-03-01, 09:33 AM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak took Clarisse and charge on the icy gargoyle but the change of weight in Clarisse bother Borak so he was not as efficient as normal.

attack roll: 1d20+15=17 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4361), damage: 2d8+3=10 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4362)

2008-03-03, 11:08 AM
The wolf use his high reflex to take the half of the flame create by the magic wand. He jumps to the wall behind him, takes a impulse with it and charges Arverius with his fangs... But he miss his prey and falls on the ground.

Profit of his opponents was in the ground, the ghostly saber-toothed tiger bite two time the giant animal and scratchs him with his claws. A lot of blood and furs fly in the air by the wounds impact. ''You regret to fight someone more pwerful than you vermine!" He saids, angry.

Sphyr sparckles again and two blue electricity decharge runs to the canine animal, fallow by the frost mist. She adds: "The cold magic his the most powerful art in the world."

You can do a attack of opportunity on the wolf Xandar.


The ice gargoyle attacks the barbarian and pierce his flesh, where a blood strand boot out. He jabs his claws on his skin too and hits Borak with his long tail, but he miss the neanderthal.

Each time he hits, Borak feels his blood frost a little and starts to fell cold.

Borak takes 19 dmg.

2008-03-03, 11:42 PM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak look at the gargoyles while he was attacking him, first he didn't feel the cold , maybe because of Clarisse but more he was thinking to it more he though *Clarisse never made felt like that so it might be because...*,then the cold start to take effects *COOOOOOOLD*and it stop. He took Clarisse firmly and look at the statue So that's the best you can do, seriously you have fang, tail and claws and the best you can do it's to make me a little bit cold. Because I'm kind and because you make me cold I'm gonna to show you how you hit someone

1d20+15=35 CRITIQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4383), damage=2x (2d8+3)=15+12=27 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4384)

2008-03-07, 12:41 PM

Switching to a more effective tactic, Xandar stored his current wand and instead took out a slim, dark blue one. On his command word, it created a similarly-coloured orb of cold, which flew at the tiger.

Just realised my first post hadn't come up. Orb of Cold, lesser!
Sorry about the delays!

2008-03-07, 03:26 PM
It's alright Annalia :smallwink: I don't kill you right now :smalltongue:

With rageous and otiose effort, the wolf trys to attack Arverius with his giant mouth. He doesn't scrath a lot his ghostly white fur.

''You think that was a attack?'' He laughs to his opponent. ''Look at this and learn if you survuve!'' He projects the wolf against the wall with his claw and jumps on him for take off the wolf's head. A lot of blood start to flow where the sluggish body.

Sphyr looks the scene and feels dizzy... "Can you do that with more tact the next time...'' She saids with her mystic voice. ''Probably." He answers with a great friendly smile. Now, let's go! We have a friend to save.


The ice gargoyle laughs against the barbarian who thinks he does some critical domage to him. He bite the neanderthal with his cold fangs and pierce his armor and skin with his tail, like a spear on a opponent. A blood jets escape of Borak's body.

Take a another 15 domage with cold effect! Hahahahahahaha!!! :smallbiggrin: I'm sure you like me :smallwink:

2008-03-07, 03:59 PM

"That really looked like it'd hurt. Poor wolf..." Sobered down, Xandar followed Arverius up the stairs.

2008-03-07, 05:44 PM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak saw the gargoyls laugh he scream soooooooooo you don't didn't feel that let me precise this to you

attack roll=1d20+15=32 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4397), damage=2d8+3=13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4398)

2008-03-11, 09:47 PM
The three friends arrive on the next floor. A door who close block the access to the next floor, but a riddle was inscribe on it.

When the sun rises,
I live in the shadow.
When the night appear,
I saws everythings.
Who am I?

Three stars appear up to the wall.


The gargoyle start to crackle and attack the big man. He want to attack with a claws but he miss his target and skid on the ice on the floor.

attack of orportunity!!!!

2008-03-12, 08:29 AM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak take the opportunity of the gargoyls slipping to attack it
Big mistake my friend with a lower voice
now I will crush you the smile on the face of borak was sadistic he was enjoying the battle it has been a long time since he didn't fight with anger, since his own strengh ,and not the one of this man in his head ,was fighting.

(http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4450), damage= 2d8+3=9 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4451)

2008-03-12, 10:41 PM

Xandar reads the riddle twice before reacting to it, and when he does, it seems sort of out of character. He clasps his hands behind his back, taking on a serious look. His voice even - although those knowing best could feel the excitement in it - he began advancing ideas. "What do you think, Arverius? What hides when the sun rises? I'd say the moon and stars, but should it have been stars, the question would have been "Who are we?" Thus, I daresay star cannot be an answer!" He had declared the last forcefully, like a detective finally attaining a difficult conclusion.

The next moment, he completely lost all semblance of seriousness. He ran his hand across the inscribed letters, grinning like a child. "A really think it's a moon! Don't you, Sphyr? In the desert, you can't escape either the sun or the moon's eyes. There are no trees, no caves. It sees all, litterally. And it makes everything so cold..."

Xandar trailed off, before correcting himself. "Well, no. The sand makes everything cold at night. Probably it's only use! You know, Sphyr, I really should tell Borak about it! He looked like he loved sand so much. Weird of him, certainly, but I can't hold that against him. Everyone back home kept telling me the very same thing. If being me is being weird, then so be it! I prefer it that way. Still... Moon!

2008-03-14, 04:05 PM
Borak the blacksmith

How can you imagine one second to win against Clarisse and me I mean , no offense for you Bernard, but we are the best. So please DIE.

attack roll:1d20+15=19 damage=14

2008-03-17, 08:50 AM
When Xandar saids the Moon for his answer, the room starts to shake and the wall in fornt of him collapse and stairs appears in front of the little group. Arverius looks the fire genasis and saids: ''Impressive. I think your wisdom can help us for that wicth.'' Sphyr looks his old friend and adds in a whispering: ''He's intelligent, but he looks obsess by the cold's hatred of his stupidgiantwarrior friend, who is name again. It's not Borax? Oh! Right it's Borak.''

The next stage looks really strange. A lot of mirror are around the aventurers. Each was different of the other.


The gargoles crackles and falls in a thousand pieces of snow. The wall where the gargoyle wake up start to cracles like the ice creation and strairs apprears. Borak take them and goes to the next floor.

When he arrive he saws Frosty unconscious, his hand attach with rope and he was suspended over a strange green mixture.

hahahahahaha!!!! (evil laugh!) You friend's life his mine!!!! :smalltongue: :smallamused:

2008-03-17, 08:50 PM
Borak the blacksmith

By the great Thrym Frosty Borak immediately looked for a way to get him down without letting him touch the green sauce.

2008-03-18, 01:19 PM
Borak looks around him for a way for helping his little pixie friend. The only way was to climb the wall to take the rope where Frosty was captive. The wall have a lot of weakness and crackle, easy grip for a free climb.

Climb check if you want to climb the wall^^ or... If you want to make a beautiful cut scene mode^^ you can my friend!!!!

2008-03-18, 01:44 PM

Xandar grinned at Arverius compliment, and walked up the stairs with a happy face. When he noticed the mirrors, he strolled towards one and gave two soft knocks on them.

2008-03-18, 10:01 PM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak try to clim the wall but his armor didn't help him and he slip down the wall

climb save: 1d20-1=7 :smallfrown:

2008-03-21, 03:05 PM
When Xandar knocks on the mirror, his reflection smiles and starts to laugh. The same things append with Arverius's and Sphyr's reflect. The false Xandar create a cold orb and throw it on the real one. The two Arverius start to fight, same for the two Sphyr.


Borak falls next to the green mixture which move when the neanderthal was to close to them.

2008-03-21, 03:31 PM

"Hey! What are you doing? That hurt!" Xandar stepped back, bringing forth an identical blue sphere. "You're not me! You're a meanie!" He called, flinging the orb at his mirror image.

Lesser Orb of Cold!
I can't help but think Xandar is cute.

2008-03-23, 12:29 AM
Borak the blacksmit

Borak approach the green mixture and start to touch it with curiosity
he start to think if he ever sawn something like this

knowledge local: 1d20+1=21 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4705)but no ranks in it so max of 10 I think

2008-03-31, 06:27 PM
The mirror starts to crackle but he move to outside the mirror between the crack and his face looks really angry. He creates a little fire sphere and throw to the wizard with a evil laughs. The flame starts to burn the right sleeve of Xandar.

During this time, Arverius and Sphyr have a hard fight with there double. The two longed-teeth tiger have a lot of wounds and the two energies sphere look tired.


The green slime burn the finger on the neanderthal when he touchs him. He learns that mixture was dangerous. He remembers who one member of his tribe live a adventure and he saw something like that. He told him the weakness of that monster was the ice magic, so he flees... Because he cannot use some arcane magic.

Xandar takes 8 fire domage, the return of his elements :smalltongue:
Borak take 4 acid domage and now! Show me how you good to do some cut scene mode:smallbiggrin:

2008-03-31, 06:52 PM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak take a look at Frosty and to Bernard and suddenly like the neurons in his brain made a connection. he took outs Bernard and throw him to the cord which was holding Frosty and cut it. Frosty start to fall but Borak jumped in the air, caught the little blue man, the jump was too high to avoid a injury for Frosty so in a second Borak put his foot on the nearest wall and slow his fall. The little fey was safe ... for the moment...

2008-04-04, 05:35 PM

The fire genasi winces as fire spreads up his sleeve, looking at it in disgust. He couldn't deny it burned. And hurt. Like a very very very big sunburn. Angered and scared, he quickly shot another spell at his mirror image, wishing it'd go away quickly.

Chanting a few words, he spread out both arms in front of him and evoked the cold blue flames that'd burn his enemy with cold rather than hotness.

Casting Burning Hands, Cold! Reflex DC 18 for half.
[roll0] ... 9. I hate you.
HP: 6/21

2008-04-09, 02:57 PM
One of the two Sphyr saws the wounds of his friend and she goes up against Xandar and heal him with her white sparckle, but the other one benified of this distraction for attack him with his bolting orb.

The clone of Xandar jumps back and starts to create flame on his hand. The rageous flame runs to the fire genasis.

Heal Xandar wounds: 18
Burnin Hand: 8 fire domage and reflex 18 for half:smallbiggrin:


Frosty starts to open his golden eyes and saws his friend Borak. "Oh... Hi Borak... How are you been?..." He sounds a little dizzy and he looks around him. "Oh... Right... I'm sorry... I think I be charm by that women before I lost consciouness..." Sudendly, he gets up and creates a cold ray who pass across the ears of the neanderthal. "Look out Borak! The slime moves and trys to attack!"

Initiative little man :smalltongue:

2008-04-16, 09:40 PM
For what I know, I can't do anything I need Ice magic to destroy it.

ini: 1d20+2=14 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4945)

2008-04-29, 08:53 PM
Xandar - Finally!

Xandar scrambles out of the flames' way as best he can, before taking out his thin, pale blue wand. He pointed it at his nemesis, and called out "Take that!"

Orb of Cold, Lesser.

2008-05-06, 09:30 PM
The Xandar's clone take the orb in his face, which crackle. And he moves his hand on his face and scream with rageous.

During this time, Averius was all dead against his clone, Sphyr suffer more because she takes to much damage with electricity but she attack his clone again.

Yes the clone od Xandar take his turn to be more frustrate against you^^


Attack first my friend!!!

2008-05-15, 07:42 AM
Borak the blacksmith

If you can do anything to destroy it go ahead, I can do anything for the moment, I'll protect you If you want to prepare something.

2008-05-15, 02:06 PM
''Alright!'' He saids with his enthousiams. He closes his golden eyes and appeases his breath. He puts his hand on and strats to pray Heild. ''Heild... Please hear my call... I demand you the power of the ice, give to my friend the power to use the ice... Please... Help us...'' The word sounds remote and are clear as crystal.

Snow strats to spin around him and a iceberg blue light shines around his little body. He appears to be in meditation. He opens a little his tiny eyes and said: ''Please... Heild... Borak... Give me more time... Something disterb my cleric power...''

Help Frosty for 2 Turn ok... He needs your help.

2008-05-16, 04:40 PM

Xandar was so absorbed in his fight he did not pay attention to his surroundings. He wore a confident grin as his enemy stalled in frustration, and threw yet another orb at his mirror-image.

Orb of Cold, Lesser

And.. hum... is Arverius really dead? :smalleek:

2008-05-17, 04:04 PM
The Xandar's clone starts to crack and falls in powder. The miror, where the clone appears, breaks and the two others around him. A door appears behind that.

Arverius went to get up, but his clone give him a another blow him. The ghost tiger sound dizzy. Sphyr saws the scene. ''Arverius!'' She screams to his friend. He doesn't look to heard her. She wants to go to him, but her clone backstab her again and she counter with golden sparckle.

Arverius was not already dead! But he's end approach... (I don't want that :smallfrown: )


The slime sense the power around the cleric and he gat back a little, before to strike him for distrub him. He throw some oh his liquid body. He hurts the barbarian who protect Frosty.

Borak takes 7 hp domage...

2008-05-17, 06:02 PM

When he hears Sphyr's scream, Xandar whips around. His eyes widen when he sees Arverius' battered state, and begins shaking in anger. "Don't - "

Red flames began dancing around his arms, causing the fire genasi no harm.

"Touch my - "

He raised his arms, closing his eyes to blink out tear of anger.


The fire condensed into one powerful beam of searing heat, which - although Xandar was not looking anymore - was heading straight for Arverius' clone.

Casting Scorching Rays... Fire. Ray.

2008-05-18, 08:46 AM
Borak the blacksmith

Borak received the green substance on his thorax and it started to burn, he put on knee on the floor, and saidPlease Frosty hurry, I would not last long., he put his shield in front of him and Frosty.

2008-05-19, 02:56 PM
The Arverius's clone hurts by the fire(?) of Xandar. He turns his self to the fire genasis and growls and want to stike his with his big paws. He gets out his claws and gives some wounds to the wizard. He rips teh wizard's robe a little and continues to growls against Xandar.

Sphyr trys to run to Arverius again for heal him, but her clone was more quick then her... She creates some lightning strand and they go to Arverius. ''NO!!!'' Sphyr arrives to her tiger friend and she try to heal with her curative sparckle... Arverius not react with the magic of his friend...

Xandar takes 10 domage...


Frosty's body shakes a little. ''I try Borak... But... A... Another magic interfer, with mine... Heild... Heild give me your strengh... We need your help!!! Sreams the pixie. The light around his little body starts to glow more than before. Snow starts to fall in the room.

The slime shouts out and try to attack the cleric again. He starts to boil up and a human body appears in the place of the green slime. The human slime smiles and shows his crual fangs.

Borak... You safe for that moment:smalltongue:

2008-05-19, 03:15 PM

"Sphyr!" Xandar called, blinking away tears. "Fly up! Up!" He'd jumped back from Arverius' clone, and was now chanting loudly, angrily. A small snowball appeared in his hand, and he flung it to the ground at his feet. The moment it impacted, it burst around in a swarm of snowballs.

Here comes the last 2nd-level spell. 20'-feet radius.
I think there's a Reflex Save DC 19 for half.

2008-05-26, 09:47 AM
Sphyr obeys to the order of Xandar and she saids: ''Avenge our friend and give them... A great shot!'' With her anger, she create some balls, charge with electricity, and throws them to her clone. '' You paid for what you do to my friend!'' A strange tears fall around the energy of Sphyr, they looks like ice and electricity unite in one thing...

The two clone take some of the snow ball and they hurt really badly with the electric ball of Sphyr. The Arverius' clone have a lot of bleeding wounds and he have some diffuculty to stay up. The Sphyr's clone was really hurt too, but she prepare a spell again... She creates a line of electricity she shoot to Xandar, in the same time the ghost tiger attack him.

Sphyr move quickly and take the domage of the magic, protecting the little wizard of the domage, but she looks good for now. The claws of the tiger strikes the wizard.

Yes it was fireball[electricity]
BTW: Xandar tooks 6 domage... You're unconscious again, right?... :smalleek:


Frosty continues to pray during the small snow. ''Heild! We need you help!'' Sreams the little cleric. Snow starts to spin around the frost pixie and his body shine with ice blue light. The snow goes around the Borak and his weapon shine blue too, and he fell his slugiin cold and his wounds start to heal.

Frosty fells dizzy and lays down his knee on the ground. ''I have to rest... A little... Sorry...'' He takes slowly his breath. ''You can... Now... Hurt that monster... Your weapon do... Some cold domage...'' He sit down on the ground in stone and he close his eyes. The snow stop falling.

The slime warrior charge the barbarian with his ghostly sword and scratch him. The green blade pierces the arnor of Borak and hurt him badly, but something appear to be protect his self...

Borak!! Your strengh was comeback to normal and you heal to the maximum of your hp but because he strike you take 10 domage...

2008-05-26, 10:07 AM
Thanks Frosty , the neanderthal get up took his great axe and attack with all his strengh

attack:1d20+15=18 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=5373), damage:2d8+5=17 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=5372)

2008-05-26, 10:19 AM
Erm... maybe? I'm at -2 right now. Let it be known I carry healing potions with me. If Sphyr's out of spells. No need to.. let me die. :smalltongue:

The tiger's large claws tore into Xandar, snuffing the fighting flame out of him. He let out a moan of pain, and clutched the wounds with a look of utter surprise. "That.. hurts.." Then he couldn't see his dark-skinned hand, as darkness engulfed him.