View Full Version : 3.P - Shadow Plane Hole to the Modern World

2022-06-14, 08:21 AM
Say a hole to the plane of shadow opens up in a suburban or small rural city bedroom somewhere in the modern world.

What threats could wander through that hole into the world?
How could they be dealt with?
What do you do if it's YOUR bedroom?

For this we are assuming that the modern world has no innate magic. Dead magic zone everywhere. So incorporeal creatures wink out when they cross.

2022-06-14, 09:13 AM
The shadow mastiff is just a very big dog, modern-world trainers may be able to train them as war dogs, if they can make their Will saving throws a few times. Shade Netherese and Shadar-kai are just magicless humans on Earth. They can become invisible in the shadows, but it's absolutely not a real problem, we may be able to live in peace if we can get over racism (and allow the shadar-kai to survive more than a few days outside the Plane). Shadurakuls may be more of a problem, and kill several people before the government can even recognize them as not being shadow mastiffs. Still, no large-scale damage. Darkweaver, on the other hand, are giant spiders who can regenerate as an (Ex) ability. That will cause some fright, and I expect some people will have nightmares about them for quite a while. If the dead magic zone isn't absolute and allows for (Su) abilities, then it's even worse. No way to kill it except in one hit, or it goes away with Dimension Door and Fast Heals. In that last case, it may even become an invasive species, and not a nice one. Ephemeras are also pretty dangerous, but less tricky for the army to take down, or even for a few trained cops with guns, once they figure out they are corporeal and not just a big moving shadow.

And finally, we have nightshades. Yyyyyyyeah. A nightcrawler is a 20 meters long worm that can burrow faster than any industrial drill, is immune to basically anything (DR 15/Silver is hard to bypass, except with a tank. For comparison, this is harder to pierce than a plaque of steel. It's litterally an unliving tank), is an undead, so it can just hide underground for any length of time and emerge to kill people when it sees fit, and can poison and kill basically anything with its stinger. NICE. A nightwalker is a bit tamer, without its (Su), even though it's still a giant than can wield items intelligently (how long do you think it would take for a 20 Int creature with nothing to do of its life except destroy everything to figure out how grenades work? How tanks work? How to build a tank? If it has its (Su), however, it's even worse. It has "crush items". Basically, no matter the wall, or the barrier, it won't hold it. No matter the plating, your tanks won't resist it. That's terrifying.

So, what would I do if such a portal opened in my bedroom and I knew what it was? Call the police, call the army, ask them to define a security perimeter, then go and sell my house as auction to physicists and governments around the globe, then get the hell outta there!

2022-06-15, 07:08 AM
As null magic zones inherit from antimagic field Su abilities would also be suppressed.

The borrower sad the spider sound horrifying.
And I'm definitely getting some Attack On Titan vibes from the magic-less Nightwalker.

I'm curious if being separated from the deities and afterlife of their home universe would mellow some of the evil alignment tendencies of the people of the shadow plane.

I'm assuming a multiverse model where souks don't naturally transmigrate to/from alternate prime material planes (aka our world) and whike deities can meddle, the natural state of things is that they do not.