View Full Version : Top Gun: Maverick

2022-06-15, 07:10 PM
I ended up seeing this in theater after hearing how much hype it had gotten and I have to admit, I was warranted. As someone who liked but didn’t love the original I was pleasantly surprised. There was a fair amount of emotional depth. The mission they were training for reminded me a little of the trench run scene from Star Wars, which I thought was kind of cool.

2022-06-21, 09:45 PM
I ended up seeing this in theater after hearing how much hype it had gotten and I have to admit, I was warranted. As someone who liked but didn’t love the original I was pleasantly surprised. There was a fair amount of emotional depth. The mission they were training for reminded me a little of the trench run scene from Star Wars, which I thought was kind of cool.
I ended up going to see this earlier today. Like you I think the original is okay but not the greatest movie*. I know in the 80s/90s I preferred the Iron Eagle movies (2 and 3 anyway). Speaking of, this somewhat reminded me of Iron Eagle 2. Anyway, yeah it's worth the hype. Mostly practical effects, decent acting, emotional turmoil, and what I thought was a pretty touching moment** that was honestly half the reason I went to watch the movie. There's not a labyrinthine plot, questionable morality (well, aside from one commander seeming to be cool with this being a total suicide mission at a few points and another championing drones because they don't question orders), or massive amounts of CGI. Just a solid, well made movie.

*I admit it has probably been over 2 decades since I have watched the original so my view as an adult might be different.
**Not sure if this is a spoiler but just in case:
Val Kilmer also reprises his role as Iceman. Unlike Maverick he took the promotions and is now an Admiral who has been watching out for Maverick. His character has throat cancer and has difficulty speaking, like Kilmer in real life.

2022-06-21, 09:50 PM
I like how the movie starts with acknowledging that Maverick never had a character arc in the first movie, and thus never learned from his mistakes, just got traumatized by then.

I was immediately hooked.

2022-06-22, 10:39 AM
There's not a labyrinthine plot, questionable morality (well, aside from one commander seeming to be cool with this being a total suicide mission at a few points and another championing drones because they don't question orders), or massive amounts of CGI. Just a solid, well made movie. [/spoiler]

This. This right here.

2022-06-24, 10:20 AM
Enjoyed it more than the original, wife liked it a lot, but I thought that the nod to "The Right Stuff" movie in the beginning was strange. (Won't further comment on what test pilots actually do, it's Hollywood).
1. Loved the scene with Ice. It was both a nice surprise and it registered.
2. My wife and I both found Jennifer C to be a far more credible romantic interest than Kelly M.

I realize that adding extras doesn't always make the movie better, but it was for me bizarre that with all of those admirals in the movie, there was a complete lack of staffers around. Most of the viewing public will not notice this lack, but having been a career Navy guy and on a few staffs, it was jarring to not see all of the staffers in and around where the admirals were. That said, it's Hollywood, and they did a good job overall.

Interesting thing Cruise said about the movie: it's his love letter to aviation. (He likes to fly IRL).

2022-07-02, 09:57 PM
Finally got to see this today, thoroughly enjoyed it. :smallcool: Better than the first movie, especially with the pacing. A few beats near the end were predictable but it was minor enough I didn’t mind. Did a good job making the side characters distinct. Action scenes were suitably exciting. Motivations were believable.