View Full Version : Rules Q&A Web Clarification

2022-06-16, 12:19 PM
Is it possible to cast web covering part of the floor, one wall and part of the cieling (considering all them "flat surface" and so having on them a web that is 5 ft depth) in a small room for don't cover all the floor and so don't affect your party with the web?

2022-06-16, 02:17 PM
I'll try to be more specific, probably my question was not that clear:

Let's say we have a room of 20x10 ft, of course if i cast web without using a flat surface it will fill all the room as it gonna be a 20 ft cube but, if i cast web on a flat surface, it's depth is just 5 ft so, can i choose to cover with web only the 10 ft of floor occupied by enemies and put the rest of the web (the 10 ft more) on the wall behind them (for exemple) and make both be depth just 5 ft as they are on a flat surface? Becouse in this way the web not gonna affect the party members, but only the enemies in front of them.

2022-06-16, 02:24 PM
Up to your DM but seems fine. It's a 20x20x5 area, not a 20x20x20 area.

2022-06-16, 03:03 PM
Up to your DM but seems fine. It's a 20x20x5 area, not a 20x20x20 area.

Yep, thats what i mean, RAW the area of the web, if you only use flats surfaces, have to be a 20x20x5, not necessary a 20x20x20 and you can choose to shot part of the web on the floor and part on the adiacent wall without necessary choosing one or the other. Is it correct?

2022-06-16, 03:18 PM
The key phrase is here: "If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling, the conjured web collapses on itself, and the spell ends at the start of your next turn. Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet."

If "or" here is interpreted as an inclusive or, then what you want to do works (you are layering across floors, walls, and/or ceilings). If interpreted as an exclusive or then what you want to do does not work. I don't see any reason to interpret it as exclusive or, but there's just enough ambiguity here to need a DM ruling.

2022-06-16, 04:23 PM
The key phrase is here: "If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling, the conjured web collapses on itself, and the spell ends at the start of your next turn. Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet."

If "or" here is interpreted as an inclusive or, then what you want to do works (you are layering across floors, walls, and/or ceilings). If interpreted as an exclusive or then what you want to do does not work. I don't see any reason to interpret it as exclusive or, but there's just enough ambiguity here to need a DM ruling.

I think that's correct, but the exclusive interpretation for me have a fail: what happen if the wall where you cast web is smaller than 20x20? It will grow on other adiacent flat surface and that's exclude the exclusive or, the spell can't have an area effect different that what is writed on the description and i don't think you can interpretate that being not anchored it will collaps just becouse it grow on other flat surface, becouse the spell don't say it anywhere, it just say that on a flat surface it don't collapse.
Other interpretation can be that it will first cover the flat surface where it was casted, but also here, there's nothing for me confirming this, as it say: "The webs fill a 20-foot cube from that point for the duration." it don't talk about which surface it have to cover first, it just say "from that point", and later it say "Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet", so not 20 ft as in a cube of 20 ft.