View Full Version : 3rd Ed List of (almost) all way to change form!

2022-06-21, 12:07 PM

I love my characters to be able to change their aspect. Often it means taking a stat bloc and slap it into your character sheet, for the most part. (It is not that simple but for the most part, it is)
And sometimes it is just like in Pathfinder and you keep your sheet, add a bunch of stats and pretend to be an animal. (Shapeshift Druid, I'm looking at you)
In both case, I love it. Because it is cool, flavorful (More or less) and it gives you new tools for your characters to do something others cannot and it doesn't rely on spell to achieve it.
Because spells are solutions to all problems, Wild Shape or Polymorph are a nice alternative and give opportunies and offer new ways to solve problems. (And to broke the game too but we are not here to talk about that)

Spells are going to be listed for completeness as Domains giving access to spells like Alter self or polymorph, but I'm not going to focus this listing to this method of acquiring a new form for your character.

IMPORTANT: I am going to list only races, classes or prestige classes GIVING you Alter Self / Polymorph or Shapechange, not these who modify or improve them. (So no Warshaper, MoMF, Master Transmogrifist etc...)

Monster races are a thing and I know some of them have polymorph or shapechange abilities. But since this list is more Player-oriented, I'm not going to list any of them. (Except Doppelganger, because they are like Changeling except they suck because of their racial HD and LA, but they are cool and we can't have nice things in Faerun for some reason because Changelings are Eberron only)

So, without further ado, let's make a list of Races, Classes and Prestige Classes offering these options to dinosaurs third edition players.

3.5 Forms for Alter Self (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=2811.0), by phaedrusxy
The EVEN MORE Complete Polymorph Thread 3.5 (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=519.0), by cru
[3.5] Alternative Class Features (ported from Wizards community boards) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?444354), posted by Curmudgeon
Being a frickin' nerd, by me

And I probably forgot A LOT of them... If you have more, just tell me about it, I would gladly check any possible addition to this list.



Changeling, any humanoid. [Eberron Campaign Setting pg. 12, Monster Manual 3 pg. 24]
Tibbit, house cat. [Dragon Compendium pg. 21] (Thanks to ShurikVch)

LA, RHD or both.

Doppelganger, any humanoid. [Races of Destiny, pg. 93]
Yuan-ti purebloods, tiny to huge viper. [Monster Manual pg. 262, Races of Faerûn pg. 151, Serpent Kingdoms pg. 190]
Fey'ri, any humanoid. [Races of Faerûn pg.?] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Seawolf, humanoid, hybrid and animal form. [Stormwrack, pg. 158] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Worghest, wolf form. [Dragon #350] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Harssafs, Sand Form. A lot of RHD/LA. [Monster Manual 3, pg. 82] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Forestkith Goblins, Tree Shape. At-will but cannot dismiss. [Monster Manual 3, pg. 64] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Efreeti, Change Shape. [Monster Manual, pg. 115]
Ogre-Mage, Change Shape. [Monster Manual, pg. 200]
Rakshasa, Change Shape. [Monster Manual, pg. 211]
Succubus, Change Shape. [Monster Manual, pg. 47]
Death Slaad, Green Slaad and Gray Slaad, Change Shape. [Monster Manual, pg. 230 & 231]
Zern, Alter Self. [Monster Manual IV, pg. 195]
Selkie, turn into a seal when in shallow waters or on a beach. Otherwise, humanoid. [source?] (Thanks to Thurbane)


Druid, Shapeshift ACF [Player's Handbook 2, pg. 38]

Prestige Class

Sentinel of Bharrai, at level 3 and 8, Bear & Dire Bear form, as Polymorph.
Thrall of Juiblex, at level 4 and 8, Alter Self and Polymorph, respectively, with capped HD. [Book of Vile Darkness variant, pg. 70]
Slime Lord, at level 5, Alter Self as a 4th-level caster. [Player's Guide to Faerûn variant, pg. 186]
Faceless One, Diguise self and alter self. [Dragon #300] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Fiend of Corruption, alternate form any huma [Fiend Folio, pg. 202]
Ninja Spy, Alter self. [Oriental Adventures, pg.43] (Thanks to sleepyphoenixx)
Mountebank, Alter self. [Complete Scoundrel, pg. 57] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Psion Uncarnate (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/psionUncarnate.htm#assumeLikeness), assume likeness. (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Soul Eater, shapechange into a creature you drained. Technically at-will but cna be hard to pull off. [Book of Vile Darkness variant, pg. 66] (Thanks to Thurbane)
Anarchomancer, ritual to become someone else. [Dragon Magazine #315] (Thanks to flappeercraft)
Cabinet Trickster, Change Shape. [Races of Eberron, pg. 139]

Master of Vipers, Yuan-ti only, can take the form of a swarm instead of a regular snake [Serpent Kingdoms variant, p. 163] (Thanks to Thurbane)


Quasilycanthrope (Web]
Divine Minion [Web] (Thanks to flappeercraft)
Half-Doppelganger [Dragon #313] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Entomanothrope (https://web.archive.org/web/20201112005748/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040621a), alternate form. [Web] (Thanks to Bullet06320)

Magic-Infused Creature (https://web.archive.org/web/20130531124332/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041222a) [Web] (Thanks to ShurikVch)

Spider-Shape, lesser. Become a spider of different size based on HD. (Thanks to Darg)
Hellspawned Grace. Hellcat. Short duration and 1 hour cooldown but technically at will. (Thanks to Darg)
Dark Discorporation. Be a swarm. (Thanks to Darg)
Humanoid Shape, lesser. You'll never guess. (Thanks to Darg)
Word Of Changing. Baleful polymorph but as an invocation. (Thanks to Darg)


Minor Shapeshift, arguable but you technically modify the shape of your body somehow. [Complete Mage, pg. 45] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Face-changer, Disguise-self with a set time but spammable. [Complete Mage, pg. 42] (Thanks to Metastachydium)

Even if some have a hrs/lvl duration and/or can be permanent via shenanigans, these methods are temporary and/or have limited use per day.


Hengeyokai, HD+1 times/per day. Dragon 318 pg. 34 (new LA), Oriental Adventures, pg. 10]
Shifter [Races of Eberron pg. 25, [Races of Eberron pg. 25, Monster Manual 3, pg. 150]
Svirfneblin, disguise self. [Underdark pg. 18] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Gruwaar, disguise self. [Dragon #317] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Irda, change shape. [Dragonlance Campaign Setting] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Deepwyrm Drow and half drow, Disguise Self. [Dragon Magic, pg. 6] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Slyth, Alternate form. [Underdark, pg. 17] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
True Dragon (Multiple), Alternate Form. [Various entries, SRD (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue.htm)... ] (Thanks to Bullet06320)


Druid, wildshape class feature and ACFs (City-shape, Fangshields, Spider Shape... Except Shapeshift from PHB2, see AT WILL)
Ranger, Wildshape ACF
Corrupter (Paladin ACF), disguise self [Dragon #312] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Mimic (Rogue ACF), disguise self [Exemplars of Evil, pg. 21]
Psion (Egoist) (https://web.archive.org/web/20210729143630/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070314a), change shape [Web] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Mountebank [Dragon Compendium] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Wild Monk, wild shape. [Dragon #324] (Thanks to liquidformat)

Prestige Classes

Bear Warrior (Like polymorph) [Complete Warrior, pg. 16]
Arachnomancer (Like polymorph) [Underdark, pg. 28]
Arachnomancer (Like wild shape) [Drow of the Underdark, pg. 65]
Vermin Keeper (Like wild shape) [Underdark, pg. 44]
Moonspeaker (Like wild shape) [Races of Eberron, pg. 143]
Landforged Walker (Like wild shape, but Plant) [Secrets of Xen'drik, pg. 123] (Thanks to sleepyphoenixx)
Acolyte of Ego, disguise self [Tome of Magic, pg. 204] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Eye of Lolth (Variant, see text), disguise self alter self and polymorph. [Drow of the Underdark pg. 80] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Mortal Hunter, polymorph once per day, can be permanent, see text. (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Scar Enforcer, diguise self. [Races of Destiny, pg. 130] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Tiger Mask, Alter self. [Dragon #300] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Fist of the Forest, rage. [Complete Champion, pg. 80] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Bloodclaw Master, shifting. [Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords, pg. 96](Thanks to Metastachydium)
Scorpion Heritor, polymorph. [Sandstorm, pg. 86] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Primeval, wild shape. [Frostburn, pg. 65] (Thanks to DivineOnTheMind)
Lion of Talisid, wild shape. [Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 65] (Thanks to Darg)
Swanmay, wild shape into a swan. [Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 76] (Thanks to Darg)
Berserk, Beast shape, from a list. [Deities and Demigods, pg. 201] (Thanks to loky1109)
Tattooed Monk. Chameleon, Alter Form 1hr/Class level[Complete Warrior, pg. 92]
Sand Shaper, sandform. [Sandstorm, pg. 76] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Elemental Savant. Medium elemental. [Complete Arcane, pg.32] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Animal Lord, animal aspect. [Complete Adventurer, pg.22] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Abolisher, wildhsape into Small & Medium animals only. [Lords of Madness, pg. 182] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Shapeshifter, wildshape like druid. [Oriental Adventures, pg. 45] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Shifter (Probably the 3.0 version of the Master of Many Forms but GRANT greater wildshape even if you do not have wildshape to begin with) [Masters of the Wild, pg. 68]
Wavekeeper, wave form into a water elemental. [Stormwrack, pg. 16] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Bonded Summoner, Elemental Form [Miniatures Handbook, pg. 16]
Glorious Servitor, like polymorph 1hr/day [Lost Empires of Faerûn, pg. 13] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Thrall of Orcus, take the appearance of an undead to get an aura. From 3.0 and unclear what you really get... [Book of Vile Darkness variant, pg. 71] (Thanks to Thurbane)
Weretouched Master, shifter only, polymorph into an animal coming from your lycanthropy heritage [Eberron Campaign Setting variant, p. 85] (Thanks to Thurbane)
Master of Flies, works like wild shape but into a swarm instead of an animal [Savage Species variant, pg. 80] (Thanks to Thurbane)
Daggerspell Shaper, wildshape. Can stack with druid. [Complete Adventurer variant, pg. 36]

Many ways to obtain on different spell list. Not gonna focus on that part because there is already a lot of ressources about spells.

Alter Self, Wizard/Sorc/Wu Jen etc...
Polymorph, See Alter Self
Shapechange , See Alter Self
Animal Shapes, Druid 8 mostly
Polymorph any object
Spider Shape
Baleful polymorph
Spider Curse
Gaseous Form
Draconic polymorph
Disguise Self (Thanks to wefoij123)

Aspect of the Earth Hunter, become a Bulette,
Aspect of the wolf, become a... Wolf.
Body of War, become a warforged Titan.
Displacer Form, displacer beast.
Holy Transformation, hound archon.
Lesser Holy Transformation, protectar.
Infernal Transformation, bone devil
Lesser Infernal Transformation, bearded devil.
Primal Form, medium elemental.
Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death, marut. (Thanks to flappeercraft)
Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant, beholder. (Thanks to flappeercraft)
Fiendform (Thanks to Thurbane)
Incarnation of Evil (Thanks to Thurbane)
Winged Watcher (Thanks to Thurbane)

It's funny how I said this list was not going to be about spells and even then spells are taking way too much space for my taste but eh... It is what it is.


Transformation, Alter Self at 2, Gaseous Form at 3, Polymorph at 5, Baleful Polymorph at 6, Polymorph any object at 8, Shapechange at 9
Animal, Animal Shapes at 7, Shapechange at 9
Moon, Animal Shapes at 8
Scalykind, Animal Shapes at 8, Shapechange at 9
Spider, Spider Curse at 6, Spider Shape at 9
Commerce, Polymorph any object at 9
Drow, Spiderform at 5
Gluttony, Baleful polymorph at 5
Renewal, Polymorph any object at 8
Trickery, Polymorph any object at 8


The Tainted One, polymorph into viper. [Races of Faerûn, pg. 151] (thanks Metastachydium)
Half-Rakshasa, disguise self. [Dragon Magazine #313] (Thanks to Metastachydium)


Favored in Guild, Confluence [DMG2, Dragons of Faerûn pg. 94] (Require Druuth Slayer + dragon type or Draconic Heritage or Dragonfriend.) You get Alter Self as an SLA 1/day with a Caster Level = to your Character Level.
Fey Presence, disguise-self 1/day. [Complete Mage, pg. 43] (Thanks to Metastachydium)
Initiate of Horus-Re feat 1/day wildhsape into a hawk for 1 hour. [Champions of Valor, pg.30] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Born under the New Moon, Disguise self 1/day [Dragon #340] (Thanks to ShurikVch)
Momentary Alteration, alter self 1/day for 1 minute as a spell-like ability. [Unearthed Arcana, pg. 94]


Phylactery of Change, once per day Polymorph with infinite duration. [B]I love it. [Arms & Equipment Guide, pg. 135]
Fleshshifter Armor, Alter self at will, CL3. [Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 111]

Please post any additions and I will add them to the original post for completion.
This is also my first real contribution to the forum. Any feedback is appreciated.

2022-06-21, 01:27 PM
You forgot the Landforged Walker (ExH). They get plant wild shape.

2022-06-21, 01:35 PM
Template wise you could add Divine Minion and Swarm-shifter

2022-06-21, 02:40 PM
You forgot the Landforged Walker (ExH). They get plant wild shape.

I never knew this class existed. I must admit I'm not an Eberron expert so, thank you for your input.

PHB says Disguise Self alters your form

--PHB p.73

I... Didn't know that. Thanks.

Template wise you could add Divine Minion and Swarm-shifter

I knew I was forgetting an obvious one! Divine Minion. Doesn't the swarm shifter have LA-? And so not for player characters?

Thanks anyway.

2022-06-21, 03:10 PM
I knew I was forgetting an obvious one! Divine Minion. Doesn't the swarm shifter have LA-? And so not for player characters?
Thanks anyway.
Missed that it was a player oriented guide my bad. I did find some more options for players though
Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death (CMage)
Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant (CMage)
Anarchomancer PrC (Not arachno, anarcho)

2022-06-21, 07:18 PM
Some more stuff...

Fey'ri (Races of Faerûn) - Alter Self (any Humanoid form); LA +2 (but Lesser Planetouched rules...)
Gnome, Svirfneblin (Underdark) - 1/day Disguise Self; LA +3
Gruwaar (Dragon #317) - 1/day Disguise Self; LA +0
Irda (Dragonlance Campaign Setting) - Change Shape (any Humanoid creature; 3/day); LA +2
Seawolf (Stormwrack) - Change Shape (human or a wolf-human hybrid); LA +2 and 4 HD
Tibbit (Dragon Compendium) - Feline Transformation
Worghest (Dragon #350) - Change Shape (wolf); LA +2 (but Lesser Planetouched rules...)

Half-Doppelganger (Dragon #313) - Alternate Forms (three Humanoid forms of Medium or Small size); LA +2
Magic-Infused Creature (https://web.archive.org/web/20130531124332/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041222a) - Minor Polymorph; LA +1

Corrupter - NE Paladin variant (Dragon #312) - at 3rd level, Disguise Self Cha mod. times per day (CL = class level)
Mimic - Rogue ACF (Exemplars of Evil) - at 1st, 3rd level, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, or 18th level, Disguise Self 1/day (+extra uses by reducing the Trap Sense bonus)
Psion (Egoist) (https://web.archive.org/web/20210729143630/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070314a) - Change Shape

Acolyte of Ego (Tome of Magic) - Cadence of the Secret Mask (Disguise Self for 1 minute per class level)
Eye of Lolth - non-Drow adaptation (Drow of the Underdark) Disguise Self at 3rd level, Alter Self at 6th level, and Polymorph at 9th level
Faceless One (Dragon #300) - at 2nd level, Disguise Self at will; at 5th level - Alter Self at will
Fiend of Corruption (Fiend Folio) - Alternate Form
Mortal Hunter (Book of Vile Darkness) - Mortal Skin
Psion Uncarnate (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/psionUncarnate.htm#assumeLikeness) - Assume Likeness
Scar Enforcer (Races of Destiny) - Disguise Self (Elf or Human)
Spy Master (Complete Adventurer) - Cover Identity
Tiger Mask (Dragon #300) at 5th level - Alter Self 1/day
Zhentarim Spy (PGTF p.78): Cover Identity

2022-06-21, 11:30 PM
I... Didn't know that.

PHB also says that it doesn't reshape you, so that's understandable. If you'll please pardon my rant:

"Illusion spells deceive the senses or minds of others ... A glamer spell changes a subject’s sensory qualities". "You make yourself—including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment—look different. ... The spell does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile (touch) or audible (sound) properties of you or your equipment." Nowhere within the spell or its school/subschool is it suggested that it actually reshapes your body.

In fact, unless you hold the belief that it does change your shape without changing the way your body feels to others, it says the opposite. If you cast the spell and shrink, then someone comes around the corner and pokes the space above your head, they feel your ear. That makes sense if the spell is a change of appearance and is ridiculous if it's a physical change. Likewise, if you reshape your billy club into a large tuning fork, then hit it against a stone, it makes a <tunk> sound instead of a <tiiinngggggggg>. Perfectly sensible as an illusion, ridiculous as a physical change.

And it's a good thing disguise self doesn't actually change your shape, because it doesn't grant the new form's abilities, like vision and movement and breathing. If you handwave that away by saying (without evidence) that you've reshaped your body but retain your original body's qualities, you still have to contend with the fact that your original eyes might be 1 ft. below your altered eyes, so you're now seeing out of your neck. Or 1 ft. higher, and you're seeing from a point above your altered body. That you leave five-toed footprints even though you now have three toes. That the weapon you're holding doesn't turn around when your hands turn backward so you can impersonate a rakshasa.

"Alter" can refer to something's appearance as well as to its physical shape, as when you change a white cloth by dyeing it. When you read that sentence in the Disguise skill ("Magic that alters your form ..."), interpret "alter" in the broader sense and all the problems go away.

2022-06-22, 01:49 AM
Disguise self is not a polymorph effect, unlike alter self, polymorph and anything based on them. It's an illusion, not a transmutation; it can't even have the Polymorph subschool because it's the wrong school for that. That's an obvious basis for understanding that it follows different rules.

The Disguise skill -- an attempt to "change your appearance" -- is what lumps together disguise self with alter self et al. Effects that change your actual shape also happen to change your appearance, which can be used to create a disguise, which is all the skill description is talking about. That doesn't mean effects which change your appearance also happen to change your actual shape. (I mean, do you really think your body vanishes from reality when you change its appearance with invisibility?) And it certainly doesn't mean all effects that can disguise your appearance necessarily reshape your body.

Thousand faces calls out the difference between an illusion and an actual physical change: it "is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration". The text making that distinction would be unnecessary if disguise self was intended to change your body. Disguise self is referenced to describe the limitations of the reshaping, not to state that disguise self also reshapes your body.

And the point remains that disguise self leads to nonsensical results if you interpret "alter" (as used in the Disguise skill) to exclude the possibility of only altering how something looks. If one reading of the text leads to inane results and another reading makes sense, use the one that makes sense.

2022-06-22, 02:58 AM
Two more (old favourites of mine):
1. MountebankDComp; gets Infernal Guise (Sp) at level 4, which is essentially Alter Self for up to 1/2 mountebank level + CHA modifier number of days;
2. MountebankCS; gets an Alter Ego (Sp) at levels 3, 6 and 9, which is essentially Altrer Self at will, but the mountebank can only assume one specific form with each instance, ending up with four forms they can switch between at will at level 9.

Edit: Deepwyrm drow and half-drowDrM have Disguise Self as a 1/day SLA; if the lesser version is used for drow, both are LA +0.
Edit (again): The Tainted OneRoF template (LA +2) gives Polymorph (into viper forms only) as a 3/day SLA; Yuan-ti can do the same at-will, but it comes with alot of RHD.
Edit (again): SlythsUnd (LA +2, no RHD) have an Alternate Form (Su) ability. They can turn into an amorphous puddle with it.

2022-06-22, 04:17 AM
Ninja Spy (OA) gets Alter Self at will.

2022-06-22, 07:46 AM
Added Yuan-ti purebloods. Alter Form at will into Tiny to Huge viper.

Missed that it was a player oriented guide my bad. I did find some more options for players though
Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death (CMage)
Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant (CMage)
Anarchomancer PrC (Not arachno, anarcho)

And... Added. Thank you very much.

Some more stuff...

Fey'ri (Races of Faerûn) - Alter Self (any Humanoid form); LA +2 (but Lesser Planetouched rules...)
Gnome, Svirfneblin (Underdark) - 1/day Disguise Self; LA +3
Gruwaar (Dragon #317) - 1/day Disguise Self; LA +0
Irda (Dragonlance Campaign Setting) - Change Shape (any Humanoid creature; 3/day); LA +2
Seawolf (Stormwrack) - Change Shape (human or a wolf-human hybrid); LA +2 and 4 HD
Tibbit (Dragon Compendium) - Feline Transformation
Worghest (Dragon #350) - Change Shape (wolf); LA +2 (but Lesser Planetouched rules...)

Half-Doppelganger (Dragon #313) - Alternate Forms (three Humanoid forms of Medium or Small size); LA +2
Magic-Infused Creature (https://web.archive.org/web/20130531124332/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041222a) - Minor Polymorph; LA +1

Corrupter - NE Paladin variant (Dragon #312) - at 3rd level, Disguise Self Cha mod. times per day (CL = class level)
Mimic - Rogue ACF (Exemplars of Evil) - at 1st, 3rd level, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, or 18th level, Disguise Self 1/day (+extra uses by reducing the Trap Sense bonus)
Psion (Egoist) (https://web.archive.org/web/20210729143630/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070314a) - Change Shape

Acolyte of Ego (Tome of Magic) - Cadence of the Secret Mask (Disguise Self for 1 minute per class level)
Eye of Lolth - non-Drow adaptation (Drow of the Underdark) Disguise Self at 3rd level, Alter Self at 6th level, and Polymorph at 9th level
Faceless One (Dragon #300) - at 2nd level, Disguise Self at will; at 5th level - Alter Self at will
Fiend of Corruption (Fiend Folio) - Alternate Form
Mortal Hunter (Book of Vile Darkness) - Mortal Skin
Psion Uncarnate (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/psionUncarnate.htm#assumeLikeness) - Assume Likeness
Scar Enforcer (Races of Destiny) - Disguise Self (Elf or Human)
Spy Master (Complete Adventurer) - Cover Identity
Tiger Mask (Dragon #300) at 5th level - Alter Self 1/day
Zhentarim Spy (PGTF p.78): Cover Identity

That's a lot. Not too found of Dragon Mag, so there is big chance I missed these.
I would argue Spymaster does not qualify since nothing change its appearance. It just obtains a bonus on its disguise skill. Same for Zhentarim Spy.

Two more (old favourites of mine):
1. MountebankDComp; gets Infernal Guise (Sp) at level 4, which is essentially Alter Self for up to 1/2 mountebank level + CHA modifier number of days;
2. MountebankCS; gets an Alter Ego (Sp) at levels 3, 6 and 9, which is essentially Altrer Self at will, but the mountebank can only assume one specific form with each instance, ending up with four forms they can switch between at will at level 9.

Edit: Deepwyrm drow and half-drowDrM have Disguise Self as a 1/day SLA; if the lesser version is used for drow, both are LA +0.
Edit (again): The Tainted OneRoF template (LA +2) gives Polymorph (into viper forms only) as a 3/day SLA; Yuan-ti can do the same at-will, but it comes with alot of RHD.
Edit (again): SlythsUnd (LA +2, no RHD) have an Alternate Form (Su) ability. They can turn into an amorphous puddle with it.

I saw your post after the Yuan-ti addition. I agree it is barely for PC but I still added for completion sake.

Ninja Spy (OA) gets Alter Self at will.

Aaaaand... Added! Thanks.

2022-06-22, 08:39 AM
Changeling isn't "any humanoid" it's "any visual appearance that fits within the parameters if disguise self". You don't gain the ability to change into any specific kinds of creatures, though you can look like them with a sufficient disguise check. You could also, however, change yourself to look like something completely made up that doesn't exist at all, because the ability isn't based on forms, it's based on appearance.

2022-06-22, 03:14 PM
I saw your post after the Yuan-ti addition. I agree it is barely for PC but I still added for completion sake.

I don't mind that at all! What I'd like to quickly point out instead is that the CS mountebank PrC gets the at-will Alter Egos and the DComp mountebank base class's Infernal Guise is the one with uses/day.

With that out of the way, here's a few more PrCs that might be of interest to you:
Fist of the ForestCC gets Feral Trance (Su) 2/day in 3 levels; it's a kind of quasi-rage (which stacks with rage) that gives the fist claws and fangs to claw and bite with;
similarly, Bloodclaw Master gets Shifting (Su) 2/day in levels; it's pretty much what the Shifting of shifters does, but with a single option to pick (a tigerlike thing with claws); and
Scorpion HeritorSand has Scorpion Form (Su), gained at level 3, which is essentially 1/day Polymorph into a tiny monstrous scorpion only; and Tail of the Scorpion (Su), gained at level 9, which is kind of self-explanatory. It likewise works 1/day.

2022-06-22, 05:41 PM
Entomanothrope gains the shapechanger subtype.

2022-06-22, 06:47 PM
Eagerly keeping an eye on this, will be a great resource.

2022-06-22, 07:13 PM
Warlock has the Spider-Shape lesser invocation, the Hellspawned Grace greater invocation, and the Dark Discorporation dark invocation.

Dragonfire Adept has the Humanoid Shape lesser draconic invocation.

Baleful polymorph and the Word of Changing invocation aren't on the list, but they are meant to be harmful so I don't know if they fit the theme.

2022-06-22, 07:38 PM
Primeval from Frostburn is janky as hell, but has a Bear Warrior-style stat-addition shapeshift into a "Primal Form" that's any "prehistoric animal" like a dinosaur, dire animal, etc, with 8 HD or less.

2022-06-22, 09:56 PM
PRCs from Exalted Deeds:

Lion of Talisid: Wild Shape
Sentinel of Bharrai: at will bear/dire bear forms
Swanmay: Swan only Wild Shape

2022-06-23, 04:13 AM
I don't mind that at all! What I'd like to quickly point out instead is that the CS mountebank PrC gets the at-will Alter Egos and the DComp mountebank base class's Infernal Guise is the one with uses/day.

With that out of the way, here's a few more PrCs that might be of interest to you:
Fist of the ForestCC gets Feral Trance (Su) 2/day in 3 levels; it's a kind of quasi-rage (which stacks with rage) that gives the fist claws and fangs to claw and bite with;
similarly, Bloodclaw Master gets Shifting (Su) 2/day in levels; it's pretty much what the Shifting of shifters does, but with a single option to pick (a tigerlike thing with claws); and
Scorpion HeritorSand has Scorpion Form (Su), gained at level 3, which is essentially 1/day Polymorph into a tiny monstrous scorpion only; and Tail of the Scorpion (Su), gained at level 9, which is kind of self-explanatory. It likewise works 1/day.

Got it, my bad I mixed them together. I must admit it is hard to differentiate them since they have the exact same name and I never got the Dragon Compendium.
FoF barely made it since it says your feet grow and can shred your shoes and your face and hands now are a bit different.

Entomanothrope gains the shapechanger subtype.

Wow, that's an odd one and pretty obscure. A nice addition to the list!

Eagerly keeping an eye on this, will be a great resource.

That is an honor mr.Thurbane. I really appreciate it.

Warlock has the Spider-Shape lesser invocation, the Hellspawned Grace greater invocation, and the Dark Discorporation dark invocation.

Dragonfire Adept has the Humanoid Shape lesser draconic invocation.

Baleful polymorph and the Word of Changing invocation aren't on the list, but they are meant to be harmful so I don't know if they fit the theme.

Invocations! Of course. Why didn't I look here?
Baleful polymorph was already on the list but I didn't know about Word of Changing. I had a little hesitation to put Baleful on the list for the same reason. But it hurts nobody so, why not. And technically, I suppose nothing prevent you from targeting yourself... But I see no reasonable application to do so.

Primeval from Frostburn is janky as hell, but has a Bear Warrior-style stat-addition shapeshift into a "Primal Form" that's any "prehistoric animal" like a dinosaur, dire animal, etc, with 8 HD or less.

Primeval, yeah. How could I forgot this one? Nice addition, thanks.

PRCs from Exalted Deeds:

Lion of Talisid: Wild Shape
Sentinel of Bharrai: at will bear/dire bear forms
Swanmay: Swan only Wild Shape

Sentinel of Bharrai is already on the list and to be honest, is one of the reason I made this list in the first place, because I love this PrC so much I wanted to see how many classes/PrC had the same feature. Being a bear, all day everyday, at will, no cooldown, no times/day, anything. You can now be a bear forever. So, so cool.
BUT... I forgot about the other classes from the same book so... Nice catch!

And I would like to thanks everyone who participated, the list got pretty big really quickly. So thank you so much.
If I made any mistake, do not hesitate to tell me. And if you have some more, I would gladly add them to this list.

2022-06-23, 06:54 AM
Nobody names SI ongoing OC round? Berserk!

2022-06-23, 06:33 PM
Got it, my bad I mixed them together. I must admit it is hard to differentiate them since they have the exact same name

Yes, they do! Isn't that glorious?

And if you have some more, I would gladly add them to this list.

On it, chief! For now, I give you:
the Half-Rakshasa (LA +3template)DraMag313 with Disguise Self as a 3/day SLA;
HarssafsMM3 (6 RHD, LA +4; it has nice stuff, but it's very not worth ECL 10) with Sand Form (Su) that allows them to turn into a pile of sand at-will (mechanically identical to a Gaseous Form spell that doesn't grant flight); and
Forestkith GoblinsMM3 (LA +1) with Tree Shape (Su), as the spell with the same name, technically at-will if I read it right.

2022-06-23, 07:19 PM
some dragons get alternate form https://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#alternateForm

Bronze at Young
Gold at Wyrmling
Silver at Wyrmling

those are just the ones on the srd, but I'm sure there are a few more out there that do, just dont have the time at the moment to go book diving

2022-06-23, 11:43 PM
Sentinel of Bharrai is already on the list and to be honest, is one of the reason I made this list in the first place, because I love this PrC so much I wanted to see how many classes/PrC had the same feature. Being a bear, all day everyday, at will, no cooldown, no times/day, anything. You can now be a bear forever. So, so cool.
BUT... I forgot about the other classes from the same book so... Nice catch!

I love it too. I've currently got a warlock sentinel as a backup character and I'm thinking about using it some other time if I don't get the chance in this game.

We also play master of many forms with the shifter's version of evershifting form. The nerf was simply uncalled for.

2022-06-27, 12:51 PM
Aaaand the list has been updated accordingly to your suggestions. Thanks again everyone.

Nobody names SI ongoing OC round? Berserk!

Nice one. Didn't check the new Iron Chef entry until I saw your post. Thank you for pointing it out.

Yes, they do! Isn't that glorious?

On it, chief! For now, I give you:
the Half-Rakshasa (LA +3template)DraMag313 with Disguise Self as a 3/day SLA;
HarssafsMM3 (6 RHD, LA +4; it has nice stuff, but it's very not worth ECL 10) with Sand Form (Su) that allows them to turn into a pile of sand at-will (mechanically identical to a Gaseous Form spell that doesn't grant flight); and
Forestkith GoblinsMM3 (LA +1) with Tree Shape (Su), as the spell with the same name, technically at-will if I read it right.

I love the Forstkith Goblin. Very sad you cannot dismiss Tree Shape by yourself and you have to wait... Otherwise it would have been really cool.

some dragons get alternate form https://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#alternateForm

Bronze at Young
Gold at Wyrmling
Silver at Wyrmling

those are just the ones on the srd, but I'm sure there are a few more out there that do, just dont have the time at the moment to go book diving

Interesting. I am not going to list and/or looking for all of them since they will probably get the same Alternate Form 3 times per day.

2022-06-27, 02:46 PM
so there is Wild Monk I think it is from Dragon #324 and gains wild shape at level 6. Not a great class but still has wild shape.

2022-07-11, 05:30 AM
so there is Wild Monk I think it is from Dragon #324 and gains wild shape at level 6. Not a great class but still has wild shape.

I missed your reply. It has been added, and some other races but with big LA so not really playable in a regular campaign.


(Learned that, if following RAW , Hengeyokai Polymorph Other is replaced by Polymorph... Which as a duration of rounds/level... Which makes 0 sense for this race actually since you can't tell what their "natura"l form is. As a Shapechanger type from OA that would probably be their Animal form I guess. But with the Dragon Mag update they became Humanoid (Shapechanger) and so, maybe their human form is their "natural" form. But since you cannot be sure, all forms are probably natural... And then the reduced duration is even dumber... One of the rare case where I would just call for a "Ignore RAW", mostly because I think the peoples who updated the race back then didn't figure that out probably and I don't think the duration nerf was intentionnal. But who knows?)

2022-07-11, 06:09 AM
(Learned that, if following RAW , Hengeyokai Polymorph Other is replaced by Polymorph... Which as a duration of rounds/level... Which makes 0 sense for this race actually since you can't tell what their "natura"l form is. As a Shapechanger type from OA that would probably be their Animal form I guess. But with the Dragon Mag update they became Humanoid (Shapechanger) and so, maybe their human form is their "natural" form. But since you cannot be sure, all forms are probably natural... And then the reduced duration is even dumber... One of the rare case where I would just call for a "Ignore RAW", mostly because I think the peoples who updated the race back then didn't figure that out probably and I don't think the duration nerf was intentionnal. But who knows?)

Hengeyokai shapeshifting is Alternate Form (which used to function as polymorph self in 3.0) so it gets updated to the 3.5 Alternate Form ability, not 3.5 Polymorph.

2022-07-11, 06:28 AM
Hengeyokai shapeshifting is Alternate Form (which used to function as polymorph self in 3.0) so it gets updated to the 3.5 Alternate Form ability, not 3.5 Polymorph.

Hengeyokai text specifically says :

This supernatural ability functions like the polymorph other spell...

Alternate form doesn't get this kind of specification normally. (Like for True Dragon alternate form for example where no mention of this spell exist)

2022-07-11, 06:43 AM
Hengeyokai text specifically says :

Alternate form doesn't get this kind of specification normally. (Like for True Dragon alternate form for example where no mention of this spell exist)

It did in 3.0 because that's how alternate form worked in 3.0. You can see it when you look at the OA monsters who have it too - they pretty much all reference Alter Self, Polymorph Other or Polymorph Self because 3.0 didn't have its own rules for Alternate Form. Those only came in the 3.5 update.

2022-07-11, 06:50 AM
It did in 3.0 because that's how alternate form worked in 3.0. You can see it when you look at the OA monsters who have it too - they pretty much all reference Alter Self, Polymorph Other or Polymorph Self because 3.0 didn't have its own rules for Alternate Form. Those only came in the 3.5 update.

Interesting. I stand corrected. It makes perfect sense, thank you for your input. I was a bit sad for the poor Hengeyokai, not going to lie.

2022-07-11, 03:44 PM
Some more spells:

Fiendform (SC) Sor/Wiz 5
Incarnation of Evil (online) Clr 5
Winged Watcher (CS) Drd 1

2022-07-13, 10:37 AM
A few more quick additions:
Sand ShaperSand; prestige class; comes with Sandform (Sp), allowing the shaper to turn into a pile of moving sand 1/day for 1 minute+1 round/level;
Elemental SavantCAr; prestige class; its capstone at level 10 (Elemental Perfection) might give an alternate combat form (such as the air elemental's Whirlwind or the water elemental's Vortex) depending on the elemental specialty picked as many times and for as long as the elemental whose special attacks are replicated can do it;
Animal LordCAdv; prestige class; at level 3 or higher it gets Wild Aspect (Su) which (depending on the Animal Bond picked) may grant the ability to partially turn into something more beastlike, shifter-style (via growing claws, sprouting wings, gaining shark teeth and the like) up to 3 times a day.

2022-07-19, 04:08 PM
Added the Tattoed Monk. Dunno how I missed that one.

Some more spells:

Fiendform (SC) Sor/Wiz 5
Incarnation of Evil (online) Clr 5
Winged Watcher (CS) Drd 1

A few more quick additions:
Sand ShaperSand; prestige class; comes with Sandform (Sp), allowing the shaper to turn into a pile of moving sand 1/day for 1 minute+1 round/level;
Elemental SavantCAr; prestige class; its capstone at level 10 (Elemental Perfection) might give an alternate combat form (such as the air elemental's Whirlwind or the water elemental's Vortex) depending on the elemental specialty picked as many times and for as long as the elemental whose special attacks are replicated can do it;
Animal LordCAdv; prestige class; at level 3 or higher it gets Wild Aspect (Su) which (depending on the Animal Bond picked) may grant the ability to partially turn into something more beastlike, shifter-style (via growing claws, sprouting wings, gaining shark teeth and the like) up to 3 times a day.

Added! Thanks to both of you.

2022-08-03, 06:10 AM
Added a new category : Feats with a new entry... I think this is the more conveluted one yet.

By taking the feat Favored in Guild from the DMG2 and need you to be a dragon or have another dragon-related feat, you can use Alter self as an SLA 1/day. Which isn't much but you get Alter self on any race without being a spellcaster and for two feats (Favored in Guild + Dragonfriend) or to have the dragon type or the draconic heritage feat.

2022-08-03, 12:59 PM
Hm. Would Minor ShapeshiftCM also qualify, then? Beyond letting one swift grow claws at-will, it doesn't detail how exactly it "reshape[s one's] flesh", but still. Also, speaking of reserve feats, Face-Changer (aka at-will Disguise Self: the feat) is likewise a thing. And Fey Presence (also from CM) grants Disguise Self 1/day as well.

2022-08-03, 04:49 PM
Abolisher PrC (Lords of Madness) got Wild Shape - but only into Medium-sized Animals
Shapeshifter PrC (Oriental Adventures) gets Wild Shape at the very 1st level - but required "either know polymorph or have a natural alternate form, alter self, polymorph, or shapechange ability" to qualify
Wavekeeper PrC (Stormwrack): Wave Form - 7th-level CF - allow to transform into a Small, Medium, or Large water elemental

Born under the New Moon (Dragon #340): Disguise Self SLA 1/day
Initiate of Horus-Re feat (Champions of Valor): 1/day allow to Wild Shape into a hawk for 1 hour

2022-08-03, 08:20 PM
If you enjoy Shapechange, allow me to recommend my dissertation handbook on the subject.

An Answer For Everything: The D&D 3.5 Shapechange Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?517934-The-3-5-Shapechange-Handbook) (direct link (https://docs.google.com/document/d/127el4KqlL2ALu1chZ9WLPGFOu1InVTJ2pmxAmYAARbE))

2022-08-09, 05:23 AM
Hm. Would Minor ShapeshiftCM also qualify, then? Beyond letting one swift grow claws at-will, it doesn't detail how exactly it "reshape flesh", but still. Also, speaking of reserve feats, Face-Changer (aka at-will Disguise Self: the feat) is likewise a thing. And Fey Presence (also from CM) grants Disguise Self 1/day as well.

I guess they count. Thanks for your input, as always.

Abolisher PrC (Lords of Madness) got Wild Shape - but only into Medium-sized Animals
Shapeshifter PrC (Oriental Adventures) gets Wild Shape at the very 1st level - but required "either know polymorph or have a natural alternate form, alter self, polymorph, or shapechange ability" to qualify
Wavekeeper PrC (Stormwrack): Wave Form - 7th-level CF - allow to transform into a Small, Medium, or Large water elemental

Born under the New Moon (Dragon #340): Disguise Self SLA 1/day
Initiate of Horus-Re feat (Champions of Valor): 1/day allow to Wild Shape into a hawk for 1 hour

There are few really obvious one I already knew but never added to the list. Thanks to remind me they exist and have to add them here!
Unless I'm mistaken, Born Under the New Moon gives Command, not Diguise Self.

If you enjoy Shapechange, allow me to recommend my [S]dissertation handbook on the subject.

An Answer For Everything: The D&D 3.5 Shapechange Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?517934-The-3-5-Shapechange-Handbook) (direct link (https://docs.google.com/document/d/127el4KqlL2ALu1chZ9WLPGFOu1InVTJ2pmxAmYAARbE))

I do not, because it is a spell. And I don't like spells. And I made this thread to list every possible way to achieve alter self / polymorph / Shapechange / Wildshape without having to be a spellcaster to begin with.
(I still like your handbook and I'm impressed by the work you did)


Added the Shifter from Masters of the Wild since it grants you Greater Wildshape and Bounded Summoner, which is not really great but still exist and, I believe, pretty obscure. I'm pretty sure I forget about obvious ones. But like an idiot I do not take note when I find a new one.

Thanks everyone. The list is getting big.

2022-08-09, 05:57 AM
Unless I'm mistaken, Born Under the New Moon gives Command, not Diguise Self.
Command is from Born Under the Full Moon
Born Under the New Moon gives Disguise Self

Glorious Servitor PrC (Lost Empires of Faerûn) got Bestial Form for 1 hour, 1/day per class level

2022-08-09, 06:12 AM
Command is from Born Under the Full Moon
Born Under the New Moon gives Disguise Self

For some reason, when I Born under the new moon, I got a link for Born Under the Full Moon. I didn't pay attention. I must be a bit tired. Thanks for correcting me!

Glorious Servitor PrC (Lost Empires of Faerûn) got Bestial Form for 1 hour, 1/day per class level

Aaaand... Added. Thank you very much.

2022-08-09, 06:40 AM
For completeness: Urban Druid base class (Dragon Compendium) with Urban Shape - technically, it's different class than Druid, and different class feature than Wild Shape

2022-08-09, 04:52 PM
Bit of a weird one - Thrall of Orcus 6 gets Pallor of Death, where you can "adopt the appearance of a humanoid undead creature of her choosing as if she had cast the alter self spell". 1/day, 1 minuter per level. The word appearance makes it a bit unclear (IMHO) whether it is an actual change, or a visual effect like disguise self. The wording, though, definitely references alter self.

Soul Eater 6 gets Soul Radiance, where they can shapechange into any creature they have drained all the levels from. Lasts up to 24 hours. Note: is a copy of the form of the specific creature drained.

Weretouched Master 5 - Alternate Form. Assume animal or hybrid animal form by using your shifting ability.

Master of Flies 2 - Swarm Shape: change into a swarm of vermin, similar to summon swarm. Later, gets powered up to insect plague (5), and eventually creeping doom (8). Otherwise treated as similar to wild shape.

Master of Vipers 9 - Swarm Shape: allows a yuan-ti to use their alternate form ability to change into a swarm of vipers.

And another race - Selkie (3 RHD, +1 LA): Alternate Form; change into a seal. Change is automatic in the ocean, but you can chose humanoid or seal form when in shallow waters or on a beach.

2022-08-19, 12:38 PM
Bit of a weird one - Thrall of Orcus 6 gets Pallor of Death, where you can "adopt the appearance of a humanoid undead creature of her choosing as if she had cast the alter self spell". 1/day, 1 minuter per level. The word appearance makes it a bit unclear (IMHO) whether it is an actual change, or a visual effect like disguise self. The wording, though, definitely references alter self.

Soul Eater 6 gets Soul Radiance, where they can shapechange into any creature they have drained all the levels from. Lasts up to 24 hours. Note: is a copy of the form of the specific creature drained.

Weretouched Master 5 - Alternate Form. Assume animal or hybrid animal form by using your shifting ability.

Master of Flies 2 - Swarm Shape: change into a swarm of vermin, similar to summon swarm. Later, gets powered up to insect plague (5), and eventually creeping doom (8). Otherwise treated as similar to wild shape.

Master of Vipers 9 - Swarm Shape: allows a yuan-ti to use their alternate form ability to change into a swarm of vipers.

And another race - Selkie (3 RHD, +1 LA): Alternate Form; change into a seal. Change is automatic in the ocean, but you can chose humanoid or seal form when in shallow waters or on a beach.

Thank you for your input.

I added the selkie for completion but it is pretty limited. And I still am not convinced to add EVERY creature able to use Change Shape because... It would be a bit too much. (And not really player-friendly in the first place)

2022-09-01, 11:45 AM
Why nobody told me about the BEST ITEM IN THE GAME?

Added Phylactery of Change. For 11k2 gp only, level 7 polymorph with no duration and usable once per day. I really, really like it.

(And opened an "Item" category as well. I'm surprised no items have been added since the beginning of this list... Might have to look for more in a near future)

2022-09-01, 01:14 PM
Why nobody talked to me about the BEST ITEM IN THE GAME?

Because AEG is a scary minefield full of weird stuff?

(And opened an "Item" category as well. I'm surprised no items have been added since the beginning of this list... Might have to look for more in a near future)

Here's another: Softhands GlovesRotD (Alter Self-based; masks all draconic features (scales, horns, weird pupils &c.) of critters like draconic creatures and half-dragons with an otherwise humanoid body shape; it appears to be an actual physical alteration as well, since it precludes using claws).

2022-09-12, 05:32 PM
Body Warping of Gorgoroth (Call of Cthulhu d20)
Consume Likeness (Book of Vile Darkness)
Deceptive Facade (Complete Mage)
Disguise Undead (Spell Compendium)
Pose Mundane (Call of Cthulhu d20)
Reflective Disguise (Spell Compendium)
Reflective Disguise, Mass (Spell Compendium)
Seeming (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/seeming.htm)
Veil (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/veil.htm)
Phade's Fearsome Aspect (Dragon #333)

Mask of Flesh Warlock invocation (Complete Mage)

Naberius vestige (Tome of Magic): Disguise Self granted ability

Bile wrapped in Beauty (https://web.archive.org/web/20050205023252/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fey/20040411a)
Bog Hag (Oriental Adventures)
Doppleganger, Greater (Monsters of Faerûn/Dungeon #127)
Jackalwere (Fiend Folio)
Maurezhi (Fiend Folio)
Mimic (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/mimic.htm)
Protean Scourge (Monster Manual III)
Quori, Hashalaq (Secrets of Sarlona)
Quori, Kalaraq (Secrets of Sarlona)
Naztharune Rakshasa (Monster Manual III)
Spectral Lyrist (Libris Mortis)
Unbodied (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/unbodied.htm)
Visage (Libris Mortis)
Zakya Rakshasa (Eberron Campaign Setting)

Also, Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer (http://www.fraternityofshadows.com/Library/NocturnalSeaGazetteer.pdf) have Create Aberration feat, which allow to combine "any two or more living corporeal creatures"; example Aberration is The God of Many Faces: initially - Half-Elf Sorc 11/Rog 1; but then - fused with three Dread Doppelgangers and one Human Werewolf...