View Full Version : (3.5 & 5E) Sorcerarchy of Kethran, Lore and Player Options (PEACH)

2022-06-22, 03:27 AM
To continue the streak of posting character options and lore snippets from one of my settings I thought i'd make a post relating to one of the more interesting places in my setting. Kethran, the person not the place, was a sorcerer king that established one of the larger kingdoms that exists today, the sorcerarchy of Kethran, the place not the person. Yes this is a case of Alexandria where the guy named his crown city after himself, and the family named themselves after the king that founded it, also somewhat inspired by this scene (https://youtu.be/oLwVKYS-iSs). I also used this place as a sort of... not necessarily balancing feature but add on for abjurant champion by making it and some other classes tied to their military. So for reasons that will be apparent later you need to jump through hoops to access them with a tier one caster in 3.5. I'll talk more in the lore spoiler but Kethran as a kingdom is ruled by a class of sorcerers where your position in society is decided in part by magical talent. The ruler of the kingdom is whoever the strongest sorcerer in the royal family was when the former ruler died. They have no problem with divine casters and spontaneous arcane casters but wizards are banned to the extend that wizards visiting the city need to leave their spellbooks at the gate. Also keep in mind the story in the lore section is basically the story people from Kethran will tell you, make of that what you will.


Sorcerer King Kethran
Kethran was a sorcerer born in Stormfall wastes in a land once help by the empire of Azrelai, the very short lived nation established by a group of archmages. After the leader died the other members of the circle turned on each other trying to decide who would be the new leader, eventually causing the nation to dissolve into waring city states with the magical warfare they waged turning the surrounding area into a wasteland. Understanding this is important to understanding the kingdom Kethran would eventually create.

Kethran himself was the son of a then recently ascended goddess of magic. In his youth he lead a army aided by eight of his half siblings, marching in conquest to unite the cities that toiled under the control of the tyrannical archmages. Everywhere he traveled, he came as a conqueror, and left as a hero. He slew the waring mages and united the land they once ground under heel as a new nation, naming it and the former crown city of Azrelai after himself.

Hethran eventually, against the council of his advisors, married a half-elf dancer he met on his travels to elven lands. This has, in part, contributed to the unusually long life spans of Kethrani royals, and the strange diplomatic situation between Kethran and the Elven kingdom of Sylvanus. The good queen was the bastard daughter of the then crown prince, with her new position making the whole situation difficult for them.

He ruled justly until the age of 130, instructing his siblings to form a council to advise his eventual successor. On his deathbed he told his seven sons that the strongest of them should rule before passing in his sleep the following night. The youngest son, Marquis, subdued his brothers and went on to rule, much beloved by his people. This created a tradition that the strongest sorcerer of royal blood should succeed the former ruler, a tradition that has stood 700 years until this very day.

Sorcerarchy of Kethran (System Neutral)
Kethran is a nation ruled by the eight noble families and the sorcerer king, these powers often struggle and pull against each other but none the less work together to keep the nation strong. The eight families are each descendent from one of Kethran's allied half siblings, each children of the goddess Astra in their own right. They all bear the names of their founders, Agrabel, Condurus, Diana, Enki, Ilbar, Evrok, Nero, and Truant. The royal family itself bears the name Kethran, after the sorcerer king himself. The family Kethran has long since, through political marriage, marital infidelity, or what have you, spread out quite a bit such that each of the eight families have members with royal blood in them and a lot of commoners can trace their family back to some branch of the same royal tree. So whenever the current ruler dies there's always a mad rush to find who is the actual strongest sorcerer in the family.

Most people in the crown city as well as most of the larger cities in the kingdom have some form of sorcerer talent, such that even some commoners with no training or experience can use cantrips and other minor magic associated with sorcerers. Bards and most other arcane casters are welcome in the kingdom with many bards holding positions of influence within the government. Magic is everything with the tradition set down by Kethran holding true in other places of society, where the strongest in the ways of magic rule.

Clerics and other divine casters are respected in the nation, but wizards are strictly banned. Teaching wizardry isn't allowed in Kethran and Wizards who visit are required to leave their spell books at the gates of cities and expend any spells they have prepared before entering. In more rural areas wizards are the subject of superstition with inexperienced wizards risking their safety if they are discovered.

(Meta Writer's Note: This very conveniently makes it hard for people to gain a lot of magic power without some connection to the noble families or the church, not that that was the intention. Suggesting that would be very Heretical.

The Alabaster Tower was created in the twilight days of Kethran's rule, standing as a symbol of achievement and unity for the nation. The tower itself is the centerpiece of the White Rose university, which teaches history, arts, and sciences as well as training sorcerers to better use their abilities. No matter how much talent one has training is still required. The tower proper is bother a library and a magical location in it's own right that attracts magic users from around the continent. The tower has a magical apparatus containing countless spells inscribed on bronze plates. A spontaneous spellcaster can use one of the several dozen specialized alcoves in the tower to replace any spell they know with another spell that is contained within the tower so long as that spell was scribed by someone with the same class. The tower contains most common spells (see system appropriate entry for rules) but harder to come by spells may not be present. Regardless anyone who uses it must first aid the staff in inscribing any spells they know which are not already contained within the tower, the disks cost nothing to make for the guest as the staff furnish the materials and cost associated with it, however it takes a number of work days to make equal to the spells level, cantrips can be made in half a day.

Alabaster Tower 5E

The Alabaster Tower is a magnificent library designed to alter the flow of magic in a visitor's body. Gaining access to the tower typically requires that you succeed in some task given too you by the master of the college that contains it, or paying a fee decided by the DM either once or with each visit. Up to 36 people can use the tower for it's magical purpose at a time. Any spellcaster which has spells known and does not prepare spells, such as a sorcerer, warlock, or ranger, can use one of the 10 x 10 x 10 specialized alcoves to access the magic of the tower. Such a spellcaster can spend 8 hours of study inside one of these alcoves to change any of their spells known for any other spell of a level they can cast for that class, the spell must be a spell on their spell list or a spell that a member of their class previously gained as a spell for their class, such as through a subclass feature or through a feat. For example a warlock of the great old one could give up Hex as a spell known and get Fireball, but only if a warlock of the fiend had previously visited the tower and helped the staff create a disk containing it. The tower has all common spells, spells normally present on a classes spell list, but has very few spells that do not typically appear on a class spell list. Such spells are up to the DM to fill the tower with. A spellcaster can only benefit from this tower once before finishing a long rest.

(Writer's Note: A lack of WBL makes writing this hard, just be careful if you want to adapt it to your setting and watch out for giving all sorcerers spirit guardians or whatever.)

Alabaster Tower 3.5

Lore: The Alabaster Tower is typically well known and belongs to a powerful college of magic.
Description: The tower is an immense library of magic. The tower itself stands over 1000 feet tall with each floor containing books on a different subject. Each floor contains two of the thirty-six magical reading alcoves the tower is known for as well as mundane reading rooms and other such exabits and artifacts of interest.
Prerequisite: The character must be a spellcaster of at least 5th level who can cast spells spontaneously.
Location Activation: The character must have the aid of a member of the library staff who fetches the disk containing the spell they wish to learn. After which time they must spend a number of undisrupted hours in the alcove equal to 1 + the level of the spell they wish to learn (see special ability).
Recharge: A alcove can only be used once per day, meaning that a total of thirty-six spellcasters can use the tower for this purpose in a day. Once a character has used the tower for it's magical purpose they cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Special Ability: A spellcaster who uses the tower can choose to replace any spell they know with another spell of the same level, this spell must have been inscribed on a disk in the tower by someone of the same class. The tower contains must common spells of 6th level or lower as well as some number of uncommon spells that are not typically available to members of that class. If the DM wishes to determine if a spell is in the tower randomly the chance is 80% - 5% per level of the spell. Spells pf 7th level and higher are typically hard to come by though if a caster has a scroll of the spell they wish to learn and that spell is natively on their list the staff will help transcribe that scroll onto a disk, a process which takes a number of days equal to 1 + the spell level.
Duration: Instantaneous
Variation: The Alabaster Tower is suitable for any archmage or magic school. It can easily be adapted to a place where wizards swap spells as well as giving benefits to sorcerers and favored souls.
Ability Value: Level of the spell you wish to replace squared x 100 gp. This cost is payed at each use of the tower.

Sorcerer's of this sort are those of a militant society which values magic for it's usefulness in times of war. They can best be envisioned as people with magical talent beaten and sharpened into living weapons. Many of them, if left to their own devices they might have developed other abilities all together, but many more are descendant of powerful warrior magicians.

Mage Knight
At 1st level you gain proficiency in light armor. Additionally you gain the ability to imbue a one handed simple or martial weapon with arcane energy, As a bonus action you can touch a one handed simple or martial weapon and charge it with magic, for one minute after that you are considered proficient with that weapon, also it is a magic weapon for you, it functions as an arcane focus, and you can use your charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls with that weapon.

(Dev note: stupid hexblade, have to give a sorcerer shillelagh to stop people from selling their soul to a talking stick. I mean, they probably still will for med armor and shields and... they made that subclass way to good.)

Knight Mage
At 1st level you choose a school of magic to specialize in. The training of a mageknight requires that they specialize to improve the over all abilities of their force. At 1st level and again whenever you gain the ability to learn a sorcerer spell of a new level, levels 3, 5, 7, etc., you choose one spell from that school from the wizard or sorcerer spell list of the new level you can cast, you learn that spell, it is a sorcerer spell for you and does not count against your number of spells known. You can only learn one spell of each level you can cast with this ability. If you later replace a spell you learned from this feature, the spell must be of the same level and school but can be from either the wizard or sorcerers spell list.

Additionally, you gain an additional ability based on the school you choose.

Abjuration: While you aren't wearing armor or using a shield, your armor class equals 10 + your dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier.
Conjuration: As a bonus action you can teleport yourself a number of feet up to five times your proficiency bonus to a unoccupied space you can see. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Divination: As a bonus action you can give yourself insight into the immediate future, giving yourself advantage on your next attack roll you make this turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Enchantment: You gain unnatural charisma improved by dedicated training and self hypnosis. Choose either Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion, you gain proficiency in that skill. If you already have proficiency in that skill you instead gain expertise, adding double your proficiency bonus to checks using that skill. You can change this choice when you finish a long rest.
Evocation: Your sorcerer cantrips deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus to one creature it damaged, you can only deal this damage once per turn.
Illusion: When you use your Mage Knight class feature to imbue a weapon, you can instead create a illusory weapon in place of touching a existing one. This weapon has any appearance you want and is a one handed weapon with which you are proficient, it deals 1d8 psychic damage or 1d10 psychic damage if you wield it with two hands. You use your charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls with this weapon and can add any bonuses to damage that you could add to a real weapon. This weapon vanishes after 1 minute.
Necromancy: When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points or kill a creature you gain temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + half your sorcerer level. These last 1 minute.
Transmutation: When you use your Mage Knight feature to imbue a weapon, you can change that weapon's damage type to slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing damage. Additionally you can choose to give the weapon a reach of 10 feet, if you do it's damage becomes 1d6 or 1d8 if you use two hands. These changes last for the duration. You can also use your Mage Knight feature on a improvised weapon as well as a simple or martial weapon.

Arcane Assault
From 6th level, when you use your action to cast a sorcerer cantrip, you can make a weapon attack as part of the same action.

Martial Concentration
From 14th level while concentrating on a sorcerer spell you gain a bonus to weapon damage rolls equal to twice the spells level.

Sorcerer of War
At 18th level you gain a new insight into magic. You gain a new ability based on the school you choose at level 1.

Abjuration: You learn the shield spell if you didn't know it already and can cast it without using a spell slot.
Conjuration: As a bonus action you can teleport yourself up to a unoccupied space up to 60 feet away that you can see.
Divination: As a bonus action you give one creature you can see disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes this turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Enchantment: You gain advantage on all Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion skill checks. Additionally creatures have disadvantage on all insight checks involving you.
Evocation: Your sorcerer spells deal double damage to structures. When you deal damage to a creature with a sorcerer spell, that creature takes additional force damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
Illusion: Your weapon attacks have advantage against creatures with a intelligence of 10 or less.
Necromancy: When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points or kill a creature you can have a number of creatures other than yourself up to your charisma modifier gain temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + half your sorcerer level.
Transmutation: When you use your Mage Knight feature to imbue a weapon, you can change that weapon's damage type to any type of damage. Additionally you can choose to give the weapon a reach of 10 feet. These changes last for the duration. You can also use your Mage Knight feature on a improvised weapon as well as a simple or martial weapon.

Out of the gate. This is basically a rebuild of a old project i had to make variants of abjurant champion for the other 7 schools. I never finished that and honestly this is a better end result anyway. Squire is basically a entry for the champions, battle sorc 4 is a perfect entry for it. Wizard 4/fighter 1 also works though the rules in setting make that difficult, but if anyone wants to use it for their own games thats a easy thing to change. This is also somewhat inspired by the dragonlance prc chain idea, except not terrible.

Arcane Squire
These are warriors in training, spellcasters who aspire for a place in one of the knightly orders. The armies of Kethran are mostly made up up eldritch knights and the like, the champions are knights who serve special roles in the military and society at large. Squires are typically members of a noble family or commoners who show great potential. They typically require sponsorship and direct training by a existing champion, but some are recruited by the masters of the knightly orders on the basis of their skill as members of the army at large. Still others are trained by rogue or roaming members of the knightly orders, such a practice is forbidden but none the less practiced on occasion.

Base Attack Bonus: +3
Feats: Combat Casting, Weapon Proficiency (any martial), any metamagic feat
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd level arcane spells
Special: Must receive training from a Arcane Champion, Master Knight, or Hex Knight, this often requires you to complete some ordeal of the champion or knight's choosing or sponsorship from a member of a noble family of Kethran, but can be given for any reason the knight or champion sees fit.

Hit Die: d8

Skill Points: 4 + Int

Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (any, taken individually), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Preform, Ride, Spellcraft, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope


Tutelage of the Master, Armored Caster
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Rapid Metamagic
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Bonus Feat
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Weapon Touch
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Bonus Feat
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Weapon and Armor proficiencies
Arcane Squires gain proficiency in all armor as well as all shields (except tower shields).

Whenever you gain a level in this class you increase your spellcasting ability in one arcane spellcasting class you have levels in by one level for the purposes of determining your caster level, spells per day, spells known, etc.

Tutelage of the Master
At 1st level you gain many of the benefits of a specialist wizard in a school of your choice, this choice is typically an extension of the champion that trained you. Choose Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, or Transmutation, you are treated as a specialist wizard in that school and gain a bonus to you caster level equal to your Arcane Squire level for spells in that school, this bonus cannot increase your caster level beyond your character level. Additionally if you are a spontaneous spellcaster you gain one additional spell known of each level you can cast, this spell must be of the school you choose. If you later gain the ability to cast spells of a higher level you gain a additional spell of that level from that school as well. If you have a spell book you may scribe one additional spell of the school you choose whenever your effective spellcaster level in that class increases.

Armored Caster
At 1st level you reduce the arcane spell failure for any armor you wear by 5% per Arcane Squire level. This cannot reduce a armor's arcane spell failure below 0%.

Rapid Metamagic
At 2nd level you gain the ability to cast spells modified by metamagic more easily than normal. If you prepare spells you can apply a metamagic that requires a spell slot of a spells normal level when you cast a spell, even if that spell was not prepared with that metamagic. For example a wizard with the invisible spell feat could choose to apply that metamagic to any spell when they cast it instead of having to prepare the spell with that metamagic applied ahead of time. If you cast spells spontaneously applying a metamagic feat does not increase the spells casting time.

Bonus Feat
At 3rd and 5th level you can select any metamagic feat as a bonus feat, you must meet the prerequisites for the feat as normal.

Weapon Touch
From 4th level you gain the ability to channel a touch attack through your weapon. Whenever you use a melee touch attack for a spell you can choose to instead make a normal weapon attack, on a hit the target takes the weapon's damage as well as suffering the effects of the touch attack.

Arcane Champion
These are the strongest knights of Kethran, champions of magic. Those knights who serve under house Agrabel focus on Abjuration. House Condurus focuses on Conjuration magic. The knights of house Diana are master's of Divination. The duplicitous house Enki are know for potent Enchantment spells. The flamboyant house Ilbar cast Illusion spells with expertise. House Evrok are the masters of mass destruction with terrifying Evocation spells. The dark house Nero are some of the few focused practitioners of Necromancy in the kingdom. House Truant are the experts of Transmutation.

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Feats: Combat Casting, Weapon Proficiency (any martial), Two metamagic feats*
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd level arcane spells
Special: Must have received training from a Arcane Champion or Master Knight

Metamagic: The two metamagic feats required are based on the choice of spell school specialization. You must have the two metamagic feats mentioned in Minor Metamancy and Major Metamancy for your choice of school.

Hit Die: d10

Skill Points: 4 + Int

Class Skills: Any you possessed previously as class skills are class skills for you


Innate Magic, Minor Metamancy
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Major Metamancy
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Arcane Boost
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Martial Arcanist
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Whenever you gain a level in this class you increase your spellcasting ability in one arcane spellcasting class you have levels in by one level for the purposes of determining your caster level, spells per day, spells known, etc.

Innate Magic (SU)
At 1st level you choose one school of magic, if you have level in Arcane Squire or are a specialist wizard you must choose the school you choose for that. You gains features at level 1 and 2 based on this choice.

Abjurant Armor (Abjuration): Any time you cast an abjuration spell that grants you an armor bonus or shield bonus to AC, you can increase the value of the bonus by your Arcane Champion level.

Sudden Step (Conjuration): As a swift action you can teleport to a unoccupied space you can see within a number of feet equal to 5 + 5 times your Arcane Champion level.

Dynamic Divination (Divination): You gain a insight bonus to knowledge checks made involving identifying weaknesses of monsters, rolls made to confirm critical hits, and initiative rolls equal to your Arcane Champion level.

Enchanting Enactments (Enchantment): You gain a insight bonus to all charisma skill and ability checks equal to your Arcane Champion level.

Excruciating Evocation (Evocation): Increase the Range and Area of any Evocation spell you cast by 5 feet per Arcane Champion level.

Irrational Illusions (Illusion): Creatures take a penalty to saving throws to disbelieve your illusion spells equal to your Arcane Champion level.

Nullifying Necromancy (Necromancy): You increase the duration of your necromancy spells by your Arcane Champion level. You add your class level in rounds, minutes, hours, days, etc to necromancy spells depending on how their duration is measured. For example if a spell has a duration of rounds per level then its duration is extended by your class level in rounds. If it has a duration measured in days then it's duration is extended by your class level days. Etc.

Tremendous Transmutation (Transmutation): Increase any numerical bonus to rolls or statistics granted by a transmutation spell by your Arcane Champion level.

Minor Metamancy (SU)
At 1st level you gain the ability to apply certain metamagic effects to your spells for free.

Extended Abjuration: Double the duration of abjuration spells you cast, as if you had applied the Extend Spell feat to them (but without any change in level or casting time).

Enlarged Conjuration: Increase the range of any conjuration spell you cast, as if you had applied the Enlarge Spell feat to them (but without any change in level or casting time).

Extended Divination: Double the duration of divination spells you cast, as if you had applied the Extend Spell feat to them (but without any change in level or casting time).

Silent Enchantment: You ignore verbal components for Enchantment spells you cast as if you had applied the Silent Spell feat to it (but without any change in level or casting time).

Sculpt Evocation: You can apply the Sculpt Spell feat to any evocation spell you cast (but without any change in level or casting time).

Silent Illusion: You ignore verbal components for Enchantment spells you cast as if you had applied the Silent Spell feat to it (but without any change in level or casting time).

Invisible Necromancy: You can apply the Invisible Spell metamagic to any necromancy spell you cast (but without any change in level or casting time).

Extended Transmutation: Double the duration of transmutation spells you cast, as if you had applied the Extend Spell feat to them (but without any change in level or casting time).

Major Metamancy (SU)
At 2nd level you gain the ability to apply further abilities to your spells based on your Arcane Champion level.

Swift Abjuration: You can cast abjuration spells as a swift action, as if you had applied the Quicken Spell feat to them (but without any change in level). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to 1/2 your class level (rounded up).

Chained Conjuration: You can cast conjuration spells with the effect of the Chain Spell feat applied to them (but without any change in level or casting time). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to 1/2 your class level (rounded up).

Persistent Divination: You can increase the duration of any divination spell you cast to 24 hours as if you had applied the Persistent Spell feat to it (but without any change in level or casting time). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to 1/2 your class level (rounded up).

Still Enchantment: You can apply the benefits of the Still Spell feat to any enchantment spell you cast (but without any change in level or casting time). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to your class level (rounded up).

Widen Evocation: You can apply the Widen Spell feat to any evocation spell you cast (but without any change in level or casting time). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to 1/2 your class level (rounded up).

Still Illusion: You can apply the benefits of the Still Spell feat to any illusion spell you cast (but without any change in level or casting time). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to your class level (rounded up).

Empower Necromancy: You can apply the Empower Spell feat to any necromancy spell you cast (but without any change in level or casting time). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to 1/2 your class level (rounded up).

Chained Transmutation: You can cast transmutation spells with the effect of the Chain Spell feat applied to them (but without any change in level or casting time). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to 1/2 your class level (rounded up).

Arcane Boost (SU)
Beginning at 4th level, you gain the ability to burn arcane energy to empower your martial abilities. As a swift action, you can spend one of your uncast spells or spell slots to grant yourself one of the following insight bonuses for 1 round.

Bonus on attack rolls equal to the spell's level.
Bonus on weapon damage rolls equal to twice the spell's level.
Bonus to AC equal to the spell's level.
Bonus on saving throws equal to the spell's level.
Resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic equal to 5 × the spell's level.

Martial Arcanist (Ex)
At 5th level, you master the art of combining your militant and mystical training. From this point on, your caster level in a chosen arcane spellcasting class is equal to your base attack bonus (unless it would otherwise be higher)

Hex Knight
A dark order of knights said to have been trained by a supposed ninth follower of Kethran, though no record supports their existence. Regardless Hex Knights are made up of disgraced knights and their followers, serving to undermine the kingdom in search of some unknown goal. These knights often train outsiders to the nation to bolster their ranks of in exchange for some favor.

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Feats: Combat Casting, Weapon Proficiency (any martial), Corrupt Spell, Enervate Spell
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd level arcane spells
Special: Must have received training from a Arcane Champion, Hex Knight, or Master Knight

Hit Die: d10

Skill Points: 4 + Int

Class Skills: Any you possessed previously as class skills are class skills for you


Touch of Darkness, Corrupt Spell
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Enervate Spell
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Arcane Boost
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Martial Arcanist
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

trade in levels
This works as the Black Guard ability to trade in paladin level, but trades in levels in Arcane Champion for levels in Hex Knight.

Whenever you gain a level in this class you increase your spellcasting ability in one arcane spellcasting class you have levels in by one level for the purposes of determining your caster level, spells per day, spells known, etc.

Touch of Darkness (SU)
A Hex Knight's weapon attacks deal additional negative energy damage equal to their class level. This damage is of the same kind as inflict wounds spells and as such has no effect on undead.

Corrupt Spell (SU)
A Hex Knight can freely apply the benefits of Corrupt Spell metamagic to any spell they cast without any increase in spell level, spell slot level, or casting time. If a hex knight casts a spell not modified by the Corrupt Spell metamagic, it's caster level is reduced by 4.

Enervate Spell (SU)
From second level you can apply the Enervate Spell feat to any spell you cast (but without any change in level or casting time). The maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to 1/2 your class level (rounded up).

Arcane Boost (SU)
Beginning at 4th level, you gain the ability to burn arcane energy to empower your martial abilities. As a swift action, you can spend one of your uncast spells or spell slots to grant yourself one of the following insight bonuses for 1 round.

Bonus on attack rolls equal to the spell's level.
Bonus on weapon damage rolls equal to twice the spell's level.
Bonus to AC equal to the spell's level.
Bonus on saving throws equal to the spell's level.
Resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic equal to 5 × the spell's level.

Martial Arcanist (Ex)
At 5th level, you master the art of combining your militant and mystical training. From this point on, your caster level in a chosen arcane spellcasting class is equal to your base attack bonus (unless it would otherwise be higher)

Master Knight
These are the legendary knight commanders of Kethran who answer to the sorcerer king alone. Legend has it that their title goes back to Kethran himself the first man he appointed to the position. There are never very many of these at once, usually only one and sometimes a apprentice to succeed him. If a Master Knight's integrity is challenged by the king and council he might relinquish his title, never the less keeping his power and serving the kingdom. Rumor has it that the leader of the Hex Knights has similar abilities, some even suggesting that he's a former Master Knight.

Base Attack Bonus: +11
Feats: Combat Casting, Mage Slayer
Spellcasting: Able to cast 4th level arcane spells
Special: Martial Arcanist class feature, must have defeated a Master Knight in single combat or been given the title of Master Knight by one.

Hit Die: d10

Skill Points: 4 + Int

Class Skills: Any you possessed previously as class skills are class skills for you


Abate Penalty, Swords at Dawn
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Subtle Spell
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Sever Spell Resistence
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Unified Training
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Knight Lord
+1 level of any arcane spellcasting class

Whenever you gain a level in this class you increase your spellcasting ability in one arcane spellcasting class you have levels in by one level for the purposes of determining your caster level, spells per day, spells known, etc.

Abate Penalty (EX)
You reduce a caster level penalty you receive from any source by an amount equal to your Master Knight level, this also reduces the caster level penalty imposed by the Mage Slayer feat. This can reduce a penalty to 0 but not below 0.

Swords at Dawn (SU)
As a move action you can imbue a weapon you are holding with magical energy. Your reach with that weapon increases by 5 + 5 times your Master Knight level feet until the start of your next turn. You can attack adjacent creatures with the weapon.

Subtle Spell (SU)
From 2nd level you can apply the benefits of the Still Spell and Silent Spell feats to any spell you cast even if you don't have the feats and without a increase in the spell's level, level of slot required, and casting time. The maximum level of spell you can use this feature on is equal to 1/2 your Master Knight level.

Sever Spell Resistance (SU)
From 3rd level when you hit a creature with a weapon attack who has spell resistance, you can impose a -2 penalty to their spell resistance until the start of your next turn, this penalty is cumulative and stacks with itself.

Unified Training
From 4th level onwards any levels you have in Arcane Squire, Arcane Champion, and Hex Knight stack with your levels in Master Knight for determining your Master Knight level for the Abate Penalty, Subtle Spell, and Swords at Dawn class features. Your levels in Master Knight also stack with your levels in Arcane Squire, Arcane Champion, or Hex Knight for determining features which reference your class level such as Armored Caster or Minor Metamancy. You do not add any levels you have in those three classes to each other for these purposes, you only add them to levels in master knight for determining the listed features and add levels in master knight to each of those classes individually for their respective features.

Knight Lord (EX)
From 5th level your base attack bonus is equal to your arcane caster level unless it would be higher, this does not take into account boosts that only apply to some spells such as the Arcane Squire's boost to spells of a certain school, the your base attack bonus cannot exceed your hit dice through this feature.

(This was probably another pointless 4AM brew that no one will ever use, read, or care about but... sigh)