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View Full Version : Mass Effect (D20 Modern)

2007-11-27, 07:42 AM
I was thinking of setting up a campaign setting for "Mass Effect" using D20 Modern and D20 Future (maybe cybernetics) as source books. I am not sure how the stat based characters would work (Strong Hero, Charismatic Hero and the such) pretty sure I would need to make custom basic (C-sec Grunt \ Alliance Grunt) and prestige classes (Spectre / Asari Commando). The problem with the setting is alot of the classes I have in mind are race based. In any case any one that has played Mass Effect please give me your opinion on the viability of this project. Also please NO SPOILERS, can send those to me in PM or put a warning when you post. Thanks

2007-11-27, 10:59 AM
Actually, I think you'd have an easier time converting the Star Wars Saga ruleset to Mass effect. The force system just fits right, and the game is much faster and more streamlined.

But that's just my opinion. I've been wanting to work on a version of the conversion myself, but end of term exams and all that crap, so I can't. It sucks quite much.

2007-11-27, 11:18 AM
I will have to give my saga edition book a look over when I get home (it's been collecting dust). I thought D20 Modern because of it's modular/generic approach. Do you have alot of experience with the system / any initial observations on a conversion? 4th edition is moving to a saga like ruleset as well right?

2007-11-27, 11:27 AM
I'd suggest keeping the 'ability score based' basic classes, and creating advanced classes for stuff like C-sec Grunt \ Alliance Grunt and prestige classes for Spectre / Asari Commando types. If you want to work in non-humans into the game, you can follow this section of the SRD to re-work the base classes: Shadowkind Races and skill point changes (http://ca.geocities.com/spike_fightwicky/d20modernsrd/urbankind.html)

There's also a section on alien races in d20 future, but it's not OGL so I can't post it.

As for Star Wars: SE, I wouldn't know where to begin for creating classes. The 'balance' equation seems like it would be intimidating if not difficult to balance out. It could work though. I haven't played Mass Effect, so I'm not sure how compatible it would be with SW:SE.

2007-11-27, 03:08 PM
I forgot that they had advanced classes (not just prestige). Right now I'm waying the options between modern and saga. Might just end up with which system captures Mass effects combat more. But I will agree Adept abilities are alot like force powers.

2007-12-01, 08:59 AM
I was thinking about doing the same thing, although my concern is primarily the races and how biotics should be implemented.

I've played a bit of D20 future recently, and to my knowledge the advanced classes are simply prestige classes with a modern-sounding name.

2007-12-01, 09:18 AM
I was thinking about doing the same thing, although my concern is primarily the races and how biotics should be implemented.

I've played a bit of D20 future recently, and to my knowledge the advanced classes are simply prestige classes with a modern-sounding name.

advanced classes are basic arctypes, for example soldier or (in fx) mage, prestige classes however are either primicles of a craft (arcmage) or a spiecilised type, ie holy/unholy knight

2007-12-01, 11:50 AM
Hmm. I can find no mention of those in the D20 Modern source-book.
I agree that the advanced classes function a bit differently than prestige-classes in standard D&D, but they do have some similarities as well.

2007-12-01, 11:50 AM
Hmm. I can find no mention of those in the D20 Modern source-book.
I agree that the advanced classes function a bit differently than prestige-classes in standard D&D, but they do have some similarities as well.

prestige classes are in urban arcana for d20 modern

2007-12-01, 12:08 PM
I believe biotics will function in the same way as force powers (after use they have to recharge). Races I will permit just the Asari (gifted at biotics), Turian (Gifted Soldiers) Salerian (Gifted Engineer's), Human (Jack of all), Krogan (gifted tanks), Quarians (Gifted at Electronics( might be some Salerian over lap). Also do I start them as the base D20 classes and then allow them to becomes Alliance/C -sec Grunts or Biotic Trainee or start them on there class choice at the get go and replace the D20 Modern base classes?

2007-12-01, 12:08 PM
I stand corrected.

2007-12-01, 12:20 PM
There's also a section on alien races in d20 future, but it's not OGL so I can't post it.

d20 future is OGL. I'm not sure if that part of it is, but you can get the d20 future SRD as part of the d20 modern SRD.


Looks like aliens might not be in there though.

A 3rd party book called Future Player's Companion has an alien race creation system but I'm not sure how good it is since I've never used it.

2007-12-01, 12:25 PM
I'm not so familiar of how force-powers work in Star Wars D20, but a recharge-dynamic would be most true to the universe.

For the races, they shouldn't be that difficult to create. Most of them are not so radically different from humans, so one could probably avoid level-adjustment for most of them. Krogans might have to suffer there, but not by much. Also, Salarians are in my mind the investigators and the sneaky sort of race.

As for the classes, I'm thinking along the lines of keeping the basic ability-based classes and creating new advanced classes.

For handling biotics, one could create a feat, similar to the 'Wild Talent' Fx feat, and have that be part of the entry requirements for the biotic advanced classes.

2007-12-01, 12:55 PM
I agree on the Salarians. I am not sure if any of the Star Wars Saga edition rules (force powers) are ogl, but we could always just create a simular system with d20 modern, build it into the adept classes. I would go with a skill system simular to Iron Hero's or SWS as well. So to get started I will list my advanced class idea's / Prestige :

C-Sec Investigator
Alliance Soldier (race restricted? just make them generic soldiers)
Adept trainee (C2 implants?)
Mercenary (more of a job then a class I think)
Engineer (Bundle Medic in with them)

or we could go with


Prestige would be:

Asari Commando
Salarian Infiltrators
Krogan Warmaster

and the such.

2007-12-01, 01:07 PM
There is also the question of how we could implement shields.
One thing I was thinking about was to make the shields function like a stoneskin spell, and that special attacks/ammo and the like bypasses the DR. The recharge may have to be scrapped, though. It would be hard to keep track of, otherwise.

2007-12-01, 01:42 PM
Shiled would probably just be an hp buffer, whould fit into the flavor of ME, when shields go out things get deadly fast, could probably ramp up encounters / dmg when taking shields into account.

2007-12-01, 06:45 PM
Shiled would probably just be an hp buffer, whould fit into the flavor of ME, when shields go out things get deadly fast, could probably ramp up encounters / dmg when taking shields into account.

Well not really, when you consider that at level 35 my Sheppard has well over 400 hit points starting a soldier and going shock trooper when I get the choice. Wrex is even crazier, he's pushing 600 hit points.

The shields can easily be encompassed by using Saga style shield system. If you take more damage than the shields (which work like DR) they go down by 5. You can take actions to recharge them at the expense of doing other things.

Pretty simple all told.

The question is what stats do you give Krogran, Salarians, Asari, Quarians and Turians?

2007-12-01, 07:08 PM
As far as powers and stuff, why not just make them work like dragon breath attacks: once every, say, ten rounds or so.

Or, you could make them work like ToB maneuvers and SW:Saga Force powers: x amount of times per encounter, and meditate to gain them back at the end. (Incidentally, if they do this to spells in D&D 4.0 I will ban wizards.)

2007-12-01, 07:19 PM
Krogans probably get +Con - Charisma or/and Int
Salarians = + Dex / Int - Con/str or wisdom
Asari = +Int/Wis or Cha, - con/str
Turians are the hard ones the only flaw I can see is that there pretty stubborn
Quarians het the stat that salerians dont

2007-12-02, 05:25 AM
In my opinion, the races need more flavor than simply stat-mods, although that would be included.
I would for example give the Asari at least the option of having basic biotic skills at the beginning.
Krogans I think should get increased hitpoints, like Imp. Toughness, although that might push them into level-adjustments.
Salarians might get Alertness, or some such. Not really sure about them.
Turians and Quarians are more unclear though.
A flaw for the Turians may be that they're very "by-the-book" and inflexible. Wis-decrease perhaps? And the fact that they can't eat the same food as anyone else might count for something.

2007-12-03, 01:07 PM
Alright folks, Nijik's bored, so I'll be doing a nice little write-up (based on saga) for the races, I may or may not return for the classes later on, it all depends on my mood, but it's a snow day up here, and I'm being forced into not moving from my home. TO NUMBERS! *runs off to grab his saga book and raises the volume on his music*

The Asari: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Asari

Ability modifiers: +2 wisdom, +2 charisma, -2 strength. The Asari are known for both their wisdom and skills with diplomacy, but rarely rely on brute strength.

Medium suze

Speed: Asari base speed is 6 squares

Empath: An asari character may choose to reroll any pesuasion check to change attitude and may chose whichever rolls she finds the cutest(I know, very professionnal, eh.)

Conditional feat: An Asari with persuasion as a trained skill is automatically granted the Skill focus(persuasion) for free.

Krogan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krogan

Ability modifiers: Constitution + 2, Dexterity-2

Medium(pretty darn close to large, but still)

Great fortitude: Krogans gain a +2 species bonus to their fortitude defense, accounting for their great physical resistance (and organ redundancy)

Shoulder humps The shoulder humps of a krogan allows him/her to store nutrients and water, thus making it very difficult to starve the lizards. (don't know how I'd stat that, I'm thinking a reroll for endurance checks or something)

Conditional feat: A krogan trained in endurance automatically gain the Shake it off feat for free.

Salarian http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salarian

Ability modifiers: Intelligence +2, Dexterity +2, Constitution -2, Wisdom -2. Salarian metabolism makes the species as a whole fast in every possible way, although they tend to be aloof, or rushed. They are also frail.

Fast metabolism: A salarian regenerates hit points at twice the normal rate, but must also feed and drink twice as much. (mostly for RP things, I know I wouldn't track the food of my players in a Saga game :smalltongue: )

Intuitive initiative: A salarian may choose to reroll an Initiative check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. Salarians like it fast.

Turian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turians

Ability modifiers: Dexterity +2, Widom +2, Strength -2. Turians are ruthless, efficient and disciplined, but often lack the muscle-mass of other races.

Iron will: The efficiency of a turian soldier is stuff of legend. A Turian gets a +2 species bonus to will defence.

Mind over body: A Turian may reroll any Endurance checks, keeping whichever they love the most. Turians rarely let their physical needs in the way of a task.

Quarian http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarians

Ability modifiers: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Constitution -2. Quarians are smart and prudent, but have virtually no immune system of their own.

Life support suit: (I don't exactly know what to do here, but I'm thinking something similar to the Kel Dor mask thing)

Mechanical prodigy: Quarians are reknown for their scavenging skills, and their ability to build ships out of recycled scraps. As such, they may reroll any Mechanics check, but must keep the reroll.

Conditional feat: If a Quarian is trained in Mechanics, he/she automatically gain the Skill focus (Mechanics) feat.

Comments? Suggestions? Insults? :smallwink:

2010-08-04, 12:28 AM
Alright folks, Nijik's bored, so I'll be doing a nice little write-up (based on saga) for the races, I may or may not return for the classes later on, it all depends on my mood, but it's a snow day up here, and I'm being forced into not moving from my home. TO NUMBERS! *runs off to grab his saga book and raises the volume on his music*

The Asari: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Asari

Ability modifiers: +2 wisdom, +2 charisma, -2 strength. The Asari are known for both their wisdom and skills with diplomacy, but rarely rely on brute strength.

Medium size

Speed: Asari base speed is 6 squares

Empath: An asari character may choose to reroll any pesuasion check to change attitude and may chose whichever rolls she finds the cutest(I know, very professionnal, eh.)

Conditional feat: An Asari with persuasion as a trained skill is automatically granted the Skill focus(persuasion) for free.

//That seems Ok.

Krogan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krogan

Ability modifiers: Constitution + 2, Dexterity-2

Medium(pretty darn close to large, but still)

Great fortitude: Krogans gain a +2 species bonus to their fortitude defense, accounting for their great physical resistance (and organ redundancy)

Shoulder humps The shoulder humps of a krogan allows him/her to store nutrients and water, thus making it very difficult to starve the lizards. (don't know how I'd stat that, I'm thinking a reroll for endurance checks or something)

Conditional feat: A krogan trained in endurance automatically gain the Shake it off feat for free.

//I would have thought that Krogan would gain some kind of bonus to Strength, at the cost of some Wisdom, due to their Musclebound and Trigger happy nature. I'm just saying.

Salarian http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salarian

Ability modifiers: Intelligence +2, Dexterity +2, Constitution -2, Wisdom -2. Salarian metabolism makes the species as a whole fast in every possible way, although they tend to be aloof, or rushed. They are also frail.

Fast metabolism: A salarian regenerates hit points at twice the normal rate, but must also feed and drink twice as much. (mostly for RP things, I know I wouldn't track the food of my players in a Saga game :smalltongue: )

Intuitive initiative: A salarian may choose to reroll an Initiative check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. Salarians like it fast.

I would so play a Salarian Infiltrator... This is good.

Turian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turians

Ability modifiers: Dexterity +2, Wisdom +2, Strength -2. Turians are ruthless, efficient and disciplined, but often lack the muscle-mass of other races.

Iron will: The stubborness of a turian soldier is stuff of legend. A Turian gets a +2 racial bonus to will saves.

Mind over body: A Turian may reroll any Endurance checks, keeping whichever they love the most. Turians rarely let their physical needs get in the way of a task.

//The penalty to Strength seems odd, as they are, naturally speaking, a predator race. You could replace it with a Charisma penalty safely, as they tend to be rather Gruff and unpersonable. Garrus is a walking exception to that rule though.

Quarian http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarians

Ability modifiers: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Constitution -2. Quarians are smart and prudent, but have virtually no immune system of their own.

Life support suit: (I don't exactly know what to do here, but I'm thinking something similar to the Kel Dor mask thing)

Mechanical prodigy: Quarians are reknown for their scavenging skills, and their ability to build ships out of recycled scraps. As such, they may reroll any Mechanics check, but must keep the reroll.

Conditional feat: If a Quarian is trained in Mechanics, he/she automatically gain the Skill focus (Mechanics) feat.

//I would drop the Wisdom bonus, as most Quarians are not very wise, at least judging from their reactions to the disaster on the Alarei. To replace it, you could increase Int more quite safely.

Comments? Suggestions? Insults? :smallwink:

My Ideas are Interspersed. Find them with this marking: //

2010-08-04, 12:39 AM
Krogan regeneration is an essential part of a Krogan IMO. They need some sort of fast healing. Re: Archangel on Omega - "I've never seen a Krogan regenerate that fast."

2010-08-04, 12:44 AM

Avilan the Grey
2010-08-04, 01:10 AM
For shields, could we just add a second HP class: Shield Points, that are attached to the armor, not the character? That regenerates very quickly, and doesn't increase with Level but you have to buy or research upgrades?

HP would only be lost after Shield Points have gone down to 0, and a shield would get all Shield Points back if the character takes no damage whatsoever for say two rounds?

This would give an armored PC three layers of "protection" before dying:

Shield Points
AC (which does not come into play until all Shield Points are gone)

Roland St. Jude
2010-08-04, 08:49 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham:Thread Necromancy. Please don't.