View Full Version : DM Help Wanted: Third-party module for level 12ish

2022-06-26, 07:03 AM
So, our regular DM is feeling a little burned out these days, and doesn't feel up to creating something entirely from scratch. But WotC has published so few modules that we've pretty much either done or ruled out all of them. So he was thinking that maybe he'd look at either third-party 5th edition modules, or modules from Pathfinder that he could port over to 5e. We're currently at 12th level, and he said he'd specifically like to avoid the Feywild and demons, because we've done a lot with them lately and he doesn't want to overdo them.


2022-06-26, 07:55 AM
Into the wonderland is a Feywild adventure for
At least 8th level. Edit 8-14

This is also a good resource

Edit: sorry. Didnt read it correctly to avoid fey and demons.

2022-06-26, 03:51 PM
There isn't too much out there, to be honest. You can look at some tier 3 Adventurer's League adventures. Probably not hard to jump into, they seem pretty simple for the most part.

Dungeon of the Mad Mage is WotC of course, but you can run a few levels if you need something to fill a few sessions as a stopgap.

Consider tier 2 adventures (they are more plentiful) and just ramp up the encounter difficulty. Should be fairly easy to do.

Pathfinder is releasing an adventure path using 5E rules, but it'll be out in November this year I believe. And since it's an adventure path, it probably starts at 1st level.

2022-06-26, 07:09 PM
We did a little of Mad Mage, before deciding that it wasn't for us. A bit of no-brain dungeon crawl for the sake of dungeon crawl is fine every now and again, but we like a lot more story in our adventures. Like I said, we've either done or ruled out pretty much everything WotC themselves have put out, hence why we're looking for third-party.

2022-06-26, 07:57 PM
Some of the adventure anthology books might have adventures you could use.

Against the Giants from Tales of the Yawning Portal is aimed at level 11-13. A small giant campaign might be made to fit into almost any context. Tomb of Horrors is level 14 and Dead in Thay is 9-11.

There are also the Candlekeep Mysteries adventures - there is one for every level from 1 to 16 with two for level 4. So you could probably play the level 10-14 (possibly higher) ones with a level 12 party with limited modification - depends on the power level of the party.

The Styes from Ghosts of Saltmarsh is aimed at level 11s.

Adventurer's league modules - either made by WotC or through their Convention Created Content - have adventures for tier 3 and 4. Some of them are really good (some aren't). They are mostly designed to run in a 4 hour time frame though that will depend on the amount of roleplaying and other activities and how the DM ties the adventure into the campaign. In addition, several of these are tied into related adventure arcs so they can be run as a set. These can be purchased on DMs guild.

2022-06-27, 05:54 PM
Some of the adventure anthology books might have adventures you could use.

Against the Giants from Tales of the Yawning Portal is aimed at level 11-13. A small giant campaign might be made to fit into almost any context. Tomb of Horrors is level 14 and Dead in Thay is 9-11.

There are also the Candlekeep Mysteries adventures - there is one for every level from 1 to 16 with two for level 4. So you could probably play the level 10-14 (possibly higher) ones with a level 12 party with limited modification - depends on the power level of the party.

The Styes from Ghosts of Saltmarsh is aimed at level 11s.

Adventurer's league modules - either made by WotC or through their Convention Created Content - have adventures for tier 3 and 4. Some of them are really good (some aren't). They are mostly designed to run in a 4 hour time frame though that will depend on the amount of roleplaying and other activities and how the DM ties the adventure into the campaign. In addition, several of these are tied into related adventure arcs so they can be run as a set. These can be purchased on DMs guild.

That Yawning Portal book provided us with tons of fun over a couple years. Just figure out some way of having a different player's backstory involved in each adventure!

Against the Giants and the trap filled Tomb of Horrors were great. Dead in Thay is huge and I divided it up.

2022-06-28, 05:46 AM

I'm currently running this module called Six Faces of Death, meant for levels 11-13. Its a short adventure set in the middle of any sea, so it can be fit into most settings.

Its about one of the cubes from Acheron that ended up in the sea, surrounded by the waters of Styx, covered by a huge fog, and a lot of interesting creatures and creepy locales.

Bewarned though, its quite brutal. I've already lost 2 players to the main BBEG so far, and they just step foot in the Cube.