View Full Version : Player Help How would one go about making a Sha'ir character based on a Uchiha?

2022-06-27, 12:52 AM
Weird question i know but this is one of my many intermittent brain worms. I've been trying to make a 3.5 Sha'ir gish that plays kinda like a Uchiha for a while now ever since a conversion i had with a friend of mine who pointed out that Sha'ir basically have a Sharingan (a Sha'iringan if you will). I took a crack that this in homebrew before with Lacrima Mage (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?641924-Lacrima-Mage-Mages-with-Special-Eyes-(PEACH)&highlight=lacrima+mage), which i'm honestly not happy with for several reasons.

To make what i'm trying to get working function as intended i need:

Some vague gish abilities, 3/4 BaB on average (i'm not above divine power percistomancy but id rather avoid it)
The ability to hand out as many enchantment and illusion effects as well as gaze based abilities as possible (hexer comes on line late but is a good later game option)
Ideally lots and lots of fire damage

Normally i stat out anime characters as Erudites but the Sha'iringan joke is whats propelling me to try and make this. That and i have a soft spot for sha'ir

2022-06-27, 01:39 AM
Fiery Burst. Abjurant Champion, maybe Eldritch Knight. Items that store spells so you have more flexibility with casting time. Ocular Spell metamagic.

2022-06-27, 02:09 AM
Factotum and/or chameleon. Copying the powers of other classes is one way to replicate the sharingan effect.

2022-06-27, 01:51 PM
Factotum and/or chameleon. Copying the powers of other classes is one way to replicate the sharingan effect.

Chameleon does work pretty well assuming you add a extra requirement that you need to see the spell before casting it.

2022-06-27, 08:22 PM
For "gaze" effects, fix the Eyebite spell. It used to be a cool multi-function spell, they changed it now it sucks. Example:

Transmutation/(see text) [see text]
Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' +5'/2 levels)
Target: One living creature per round
Duration: 1 round/3 levels (see text)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)

You can merely meet the gaze of a creature to inflict your power upon them as one of four magical effects: charm, fear, nausea, or sleep. You select one of these four possible gaze-like attacks when casting the spell. You retain the gaze power for 1 round for every three caster levels, and directing it is a free action you may take once each turn. You may target the same creature on multiple rounds, but once a creature succeeds on a save against a particular casting of eyebite, they are immune to it.

These effects to not work on undead or construct creatures, or extend beyond the plane you currently occupy. If a targeted creature has spell resistance, you must beat their spell resistance in order to affect that creature- failure to do so means that creature is immune to this casting of eyebite, but the spell continues. If your gaze is reflected back upon you, you are subject to its effects, but are allowed the normal saving throw (and spell resistance, if you have it). A reflected charm gaze affects you as a hold monster spell.

The four versions of the spell are as follows:
Charm: Equivalent to a charm monster spell, but with the DC based on eyebite's level. This version of eyebite is a transmutation/enchantment, [compulsion, mind affecting] spell.
Fear: The subject panics for 1d4 rounds, after which it refuses to face you for 10 minutes per caster level. If you confront them during this time, they either cower or flee for cover (50% chance of either). This version is a transmutation/necromancy, [fear, mind affecting] spell and is negated by a Will save.
Nausea: Sudden and crippling pain and fever sweeps over the subject's body, leaving them nauseated for 10 minutes per caster level. This version is a transmutation/necromancy spell, and is negated by a Fortitude save.
Sleep: The subject falls asleep for 10 minutes per caster level, though they can be wakened prematurely by damage or an aid another action (a standard action). This version is a transmutation/enchantment [compulsion, mind affecting] spell, and is negated by a Will save.

As a gaze-like effect, eyebite does not affect the subjects immediately- it affects them at the start of their turn, and they have the option to attempt to avoid it. Creatures can avert their eyes, which grants them a 50% chance to avoid the gaze, but also grants the gaze wielder concealment (20% miss chance) with regards to that creature. Creatures can also close their eyes or turn away entirely, but this means they are effectively blinded (50% miss chance and other penalties) with regards to the attacker and anyone on that side of the room.
And you can also remove the Frightful Presence requirement from the Imperious Glare spell (SpC, 6th), which seems to be there only because it's originally from a zomgDragons! book.

Acolyte of the Skin of course has their Glare of the Pit ability which deals fire damage (and Fiendish Glare), but it also sucks and I haven't got around to writing up my fix for it (I had a plan of making it like the Dragonheart Mage, a set of Su abilities you pay spell slots to activate, plus fiendish heritage feats).

2022-06-28, 07:05 PM
For "gaze" effects, fix the Eyebite spell. It used to be a cool multi-function spell, they changed it now it sucks. Example:

Transmutation/(see text) [see text]
Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' +5'/2 levels)
Target: One living creature per round
Duration: 1 round/3 levels (see text)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)

You can merely meet the gaze of a creature to inflict your power upon them as one of four magical effects: charm, fear, nausea, or sleep. You select one of these four possible gaze-like attacks when casting the spell. You retain the gaze power for 1 round for every three caster levels, and directing it is a free action you may take once each turn. You may target the same creature on multiple rounds, but once a creature succeeds on a save against a particular casting of eyebite, they are immune to it.

These effects to not work on undead or construct creatures, or extend beyond the plane you currently occupy. If a targeted creature has spell resistance, you must beat their spell resistance in order to affect that creature- failure to do so means that creature is immune to this casting of eyebite, but the spell continues. If your gaze is reflected back upon you, you are subject to its effects, but are allowed the normal saving throw (and spell resistance, if you have it). A reflected charm gaze affects you as a hold monster spell.

The four versions of the spell are as follows:
Charm: Equivalent to a charm monster spell, but with the DC based on eyebite's level. This version of eyebite is a transmutation/enchantment, [compulsion, mind affecting] spell.
Fear: The subject panics for 1d4 rounds, after which it refuses to face you for 10 minutes per caster level. If you confront them during this time, they either cower or flee for cover (50% chance of either). This version is a transmutation/necromancy, [fear, mind affecting] spell and is negated by a Will save.
Nausea: Sudden and crippling pain and fever sweeps over the subject's body, leaving them nauseated for 10 minutes per caster level. This version is a transmutation/necromancy spell, and is negated by a Fortitude save.
Sleep: The subject falls asleep for 10 minutes per caster level, though they can be wakened prematurely by damage or an aid another action (a standard action). This version is a transmutation/enchantment [compulsion, mind affecting] spell, and is negated by a Will save.

As a gaze-like effect, eyebite does not affect the subjects immediately- it affects them at the start of their turn, and they have the option to attempt to avoid it. Creatures can avert their eyes, which grants them a 50% chance to avoid the gaze, but also grants the gaze wielder concealment (20% miss chance) with regards to that creature. Creatures can also close their eyes or turn away entirely, but this means they are effectively blinded (50% miss chance and other penalties) with regards to the attacker and anyone on that side of the room.
And you can also remove the Frightful Presence requirement from the Imperious Glare spell (SpC, 6th), which seems to be there only because it's originally from a zomgDragons! book.

Acolyte of the Skin of course has their Glare of the Pit ability which deals fire damage (and Fiendish Glare), but it also sucks and I haven't got around to writing up my fix for it (I had a plan of making it like the Dragonheart Mage, a set of Su abilities you pay spell slots to activate, plus fiendish heritage feats).

Oh interesting. When I started rolling around this idea a while back I noticed how few options there were for gaze attacks. I like seeing things like this. Thanks

2022-06-29, 05:35 PM
Sha'ir basically have a Sharingan (a Sha'iringan if you will).

You, sir, deserve applause for the very loud snort-laugh this got out of me. xD It's so terrible, and I love it.