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View Full Version : Rivel Party Ideas make up ideas.

2022-06-29, 07:44 PM
Alright, I am making a campaign where the Party is part of an adventures guild and they have a Rival party of Adventures that will periodically show up to make put even more pressure on the situation.
If anything, I am looking for Ideas for what type of party of rivels to make the extra problem.

An example is they are trying to steal a magical artefact for the Mages' accusation and one of the professors trying to upstage his own rivels hires these guys to do the job first.
Now there are four players ( All Gestalt) and I don’t know how many of them are taking leadership. Or higher Ing NPCs to act as heal bots. I was thinking of this example. the Rivel party A six-man team. With the make-up bellow.

1 A Ruby Knight Vindicator build of some kind.
2. A Warblade / sword sage build
3 Healer mage support build
4. Ranger/fighter Range Damage build
5. Rouge / Warlock build Assassin build
6 Not Shure what to make I am thinking some type of Druid wild shape type with monk sounds like a fun idea.

But what do You guys think also Feel free to post you on Ideas for a Rivel party half the problem. I will not know till the day of the game what my players are going to be playing as other than level 9 characters. So, I figure something about their own level will make things challenging. For them.