View Full Version : "Villain" with the black and red speech bubble?

2007-11-27, 06:59 PM
Is it just me, or does the mysterious black and red thing not sound particularly evil? Most of his dialog (2 out of 3 strips with him speaking) hasn't sounded evil at all. Actually, it reminds me more of the MitD than anything. Here are the two strips I'm talking about:




I dunno. The way he talks sounds more like someone who is young, and a lot less like someone who is particularly dangerous to the Order.

Green Bean
2007-11-27, 07:13 PM
"The Order of the Stick will die first, followed by the paladin." (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0484.html)

Innocent, eh? :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-27, 07:15 PM
"The Order of the Stick will die first, followed by the paladin." (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0484.html)

Innocent, eh? :smallbiggrin:


You still see my point though, right? When we first hear him speak, he sounds like he could be a demon, or somesuch other evil being. But in his dialog with Therkla, he just...doesn't come across that way.

I may just be nitpicking.

2007-11-27, 07:17 PM
Its an Aboleth :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-27, 07:28 PM
Its an Aboleth :smallbiggrin:

That's not an unreasonable guess. All the sea creatures have to be coming from somewhere, and Azure City is a seaside location, which and aboleth would find interesting enough to disrupt. The trouble it's having relating to Therkla could have more to do with trouble understanding the mindset of squishy-organed humanoids rather than relative youth.

Though, an aboleth would probably have just dominated Therkla, and that doesn't seem to have happened in this case. So I don't think it's an aboleth. A low level devil, maybe?

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-11-27, 07:30 PM
Its an Aboleth :smallbiggrin:

I knew you were going to say that! :smallbiggrin:

Has anyone drawn an Aboleth OotS Style?

2007-11-27, 07:39 PM
It's not like the other villains in the comic are always breathing out threatenings and slaughter. They have lots of non-evil-sounding, casual conversations.

Green Bean
2007-11-27, 08:48 PM
I knew you were going to say that! :smallbiggrin:

Has anyone drawn an Aboleth OotS Style?



2007-11-27, 08:53 PM
H - h - ho - ho - HOLY CRAP!

thats amazing

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-11-27, 09:59 PM
<snip amazing picture!>


What? Are you a Law bot?


Love that strip!

2007-11-27, 10:01 PM
No it's the DPPDC.

Green Bean
2007-11-27, 10:44 PM

What? Are you a Law bot?

Of...of course not, hu-man. Ex-ter-min-ate! Ex-ter-min-ate!

On a related note, I have an avatar sized version if anyone's interested.

2007-11-27, 10:49 PM
Looks good h_v... but it makes me wonder what it would look like vectored...

anyone with an adobe product feel up to it?

Clarification: And by this I mean the Aboleth traced over via vector graphics. I don't know quite how inkscape works... meatbags.

2007-11-27, 10:59 PM
Of...of course not, hu-man. Ex-ter-min-ate! Ex-ter-min-ate!

On a related note, I have an avatar sized version if anyone's interested.

Please, yes, thank you!

Green Bean
2007-11-27, 11:08 PM
Looks good h_v... but it makes me wonder what it would look like vectored...

anyone with an adobe product feel up to it?

Clarification: And by this I mean the Aboleth traced over via vector graphics. I don't know quite how inkscape works... meatbags.

Actually, it is vector. I did the whole thing in Flash.

Please, yes, thank you!


Here you go. The image is 117x113, and it's a .png, so transparency shouldn't be an issue.

2007-11-27, 11:14 PM
Please. The black speech bubble/red letter villain is obviously....

Mr. Scruffy.


Because this is OotS.

Forget Murphy's Law...heck, forget O'Toole's Law....the craziest possibilites can and do occur.

'Nuff said.

2007-11-27, 11:29 PM
Actually, it is vector. I did the whole thing in Flash.

Your logic may have defeated me, but this is the internet, where such things mean nothing!

2007-11-27, 11:41 PM
Of...of course not, hu-man. Ex-ter-min-ate! Ex-ter-min-ate!

On a related note, I have an avatar sized version if anyone's interested.

I sure would be!

EDIT: Oop! You've already given it to us! My bad for not reading all the way through!

Green Bean
2007-11-27, 11:50 PM
I sure would be!

EDIT: Oop! You've already given it to us! My bad for not reading all the way through!

Sorry, but VetMichael has dibs on it.

2007-11-28, 05:35 AM
Its an Aboleth :smallbiggrin:

Love the theory... buuuuut... wouldn't it have some sort of green or sea-blue in the speech bubble somewhere? The black on red scheme just doesn't scream 'aquatic' to me, is all...

So, yea, guess I'm becoming the OotS Interior Decorator now or something... :smallredface:

2007-11-28, 05:39 AM
Of...of course not, hu-man. Ex-ter-min-ate! Ex-ter-min-ate!

On a related note, I have an avatar sized version if anyone's interested.

[ whips out sonic screwdriver and points it at the dalek ]

Aha! I knew it! The Dalek Emperor survived, and landed on OotS-world! Therkla is a half-Dalek! All is now revealed! :smallwink:

Nice work on the monster of the moment (well, possibly the potential monster, anyway...) kudos to your Flash-work, Vector-meister!

2007-11-28, 05:41 AM
Please. The black speech bubble/red letter villain is obviously....

Mr. Scruffy.


Because this is OotS.

Forget Murphy's Law...heck, forget O'Toole's Law....the craziest possibilites can and do occur.

'Nuff said.

This universe is following the Bugs Bunny Law - anything goes, provided it ends with a killer punch-line! :smallbiggrin:

Hey, if Wiley Coyote can break the 'real world' laws of physics, then our guys can break the 'd&d' world laws of 3rd ed rules! :smallwink:

2007-11-28, 12:54 PM
Love the theory... buuuuut... wouldn't it have some sort of green or sea-blue in the speech bubble somewhere? The black on red scheme just doesn't scream 'aquatic' to me, is all...

So, yea, guess I'm becoming the OotS Interior Decorator now or something... :smallredface:

Sorry, but I must refute - or at least refuse to belive - your conclusion that an aquatic speech bubble need be "ocean colored" (green or sea-blue) for a) that is OUR aesthetic, not necessarily Rich's and B) it gets REALLY dark the deeper one goes into the ocean and C) the Aboleth is an ancient evil, therefore might have a speech bubble to represent that aspect :smallcool:

EDIT: P.S. YAY, I'm an Aboleth!

2007-11-28, 01:20 PM
I tell you, it's a demon! A DEMON! The only reason they're being predominantly attacked by sea creatures is because they're at sea! If the citizens of Azure City had escaped to the mountains, then they would have been attacked by stone giants and cave trolls!

2007-11-28, 02:01 PM
I tell you, it's a demon! A DEMON! The only reason they're being predominantly attacked by sea creatures is because they're at sea! If the citizens of Azure City had escaped to the mountains, then they would have been attacked by stone giants and cave trolls!

And why wouldn't the "demon" use pirates? I mean, other than the whole Pirate/Ninja antipathy thing. And why not summon demonic allies such as the giant, fiendish octopus? surely it could crush Hinjo's ship, kill Hinjo, and *BAM* Moustache Guy is the new lord.

Nope, it has to be something aquatic to negotiate with a societal (again, SOCIETAL; Sahaugin, Sea Trolls, Locatha, Merrow [though no Kua-Toa yet] are all associated in extended family, tribal, or larger groups) assailants to hire them as mercenaries.

Sorry, but it all points to an Aboleth :smallbiggrin:

David Argall
2007-11-28, 02:40 PM
And why wouldn't the "demon" use pirates? I mean, other than the whole Pirate/Ninja antipathy thing. And why not summon demonic allies such as the giant, fiendish octopus?
Hinjo is in the middle of a very large fleet. Pirates would be unable to reach him, at least until he charged them as he probably would.

The giant fiendish octopus lost to Lien, and the fiendish aspect may not be available to an aboleth [but would be to demon or devil].

But the main factor here is that the idea is to kill Hinjo. The death of others and destruction of property is at most secondary and often an outright loss. So you sink his ship and he swims to another one? You have failed, and lost a ship that would have been your's. Much more sensible to send in some trolls as a diversion, while your skilled assassin hits Hinjo [except it turns out she wants to hit on Elan, but...]

2007-11-28, 03:09 PM
Sorry, but I must refute - or at least refuse to belive - your conclusion that an aquatic speech bubble need be "ocean colored" (green or sea-blue) for a) that is OUR aesthetic, not necessarily Rich's and B) it gets REALLY dark the deeper one goes into the ocean and C) the Aboleth is an ancient evil, therefore might have a speech bubble to represent that aspect :smallcool:

EDIT: P.S. YAY, I'm an Aboleth!

Shucks, no need to be sorry! Those are some good points... besides, I love democracy and freedom, and (apparently) thematic colour schemes :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, not to burst your black-on-red speech bubble (heh seemed funnier when it was coalescing in my demented mind), but

a) aesthetics are everything to me, so maybe I do read too much into colours (almost makes me a hypocrite) but a sea monster should be green, with maybe some black, and an ancient evil sea monster should definately be black-on-green IMHO... besides, the Giant-meister is a caring, sharing kinda guy, so *his* aesthetics are *our* aesthetics, as well :smallwink:
b) good point, have to agree with you on that one... but if it was a monster *under* the ocean, then... you know, it's just the red makes me think of fire (daemons) or blood (vampires)... that's me reading everything into colour again, refer to self-debasement in point a). :smallredface:
c) while green is generally my favourite colour, you can have 'spooky and sinister' green as well...

...but, hey, if it *is* an aboleth, you have my full permission to hit me with a million brine-soaked "told ya so!" retorts! :smallbiggrin:

For what it's worth, I totally agree with Face_of_Evil on this one... the speech bubble totally screams 'daemon' to me (first thought was 'vampire', but the whole 'over the ocean' thing whittled away that thought before too long...)

2007-11-28, 03:49 PM
I'd NEVER dream of throwing brine-soaked "I told ya so"s at you, but I MIGHT do an "Told ya so!" dance...:smalltongue:

2007-11-28, 04:00 PM
Hinjo is in the middle of a very large fleet. Pirates would be unable to reach him, at least until he charged them as he probably would.

The giant fiendish octopus lost to Lien, and the fiendish aspect may not be available to an aboleth [but would be to demon or devil].

But the main factor here is that the idea is to kill Hinjo. The death of others and destruction of property is at most secondary and often an outright loss. So you sink his ship and he swims to another one? You have failed, and lost a ship that would have been your's. Much more sensible to send in some trolls as a diversion, while your skilled assassin hits Hinjo [except it turns out she wants to hit on Elan, but...]

Well, the original Octopus was summoned by Red Cloak, not a true Demon - we should assume there'd be a summoning discount for a member of the infernal club, so to speak, ans so would be much stronger.

Pirates could LIKEWISE provide a distraction to the outer ships, drawing off the OOTS crew and the majority of the skilled fighters, leaving Hinjo relatively undefended.

Finally, if we assume that Moustache Guy is allied with a Demon/Devil (as everyone seems to indicate with their preferential color-scheming) then the aforementioned infernal actor wouldn't particularly care if "innocent" lives were lost (in fact, they'd revel in it) AND if Moustache Guy was allied with such a entity, then HE would be unscrupulous enough not to care about the collateral damage (especially if it drowned the OOTS crew and a few Paladins) as long as he got his way.

I will amend my assertion; the speaker COULD be an Aboleth-dominated land-dweller speaking as a puppet on his (Aboleth) master's behalf - that'd be why the voice is odd and slightly menacing (but not "Aboleth-y")- which would allay Moustache Guy's fears (about Aboleths) AND allowing the puppet to act as an intermediary for his master (The Aboleth) with land-dwellers without arousing suspicion (regarding Aboleths). :smallwink:

Sam K
2007-11-29, 01:59 PM
Finally, if we assume that Moustache Guy is allied with a Demon/Devil (as everyone seems to indicate with their preferential color-scheming) then the aforementioned infernal actor wouldn't particularly care if "innocent" lives were lost (in fact, they'd revel in it) AND if Moustache Guy was allied with such a entity, then HE would be unscrupulous enough not to care about the collateral damage (especially if it drowned the OOTS crew and a few Paladins) as long as he got his way.

Being evil doesn't mean being stupid. Moustache Guy obviously wants to rule azure city, which means he will need all the men he can get. Sinking ships and killing more paladins than he has to would be working against that goal. Also, it will be alot easier for him to claim rulership if Hinjos death is part of a unfortunate accident, or if he falls valiantly in battle against natural creatures. If it seems like demons are after the refugees, people would start asking questions- the paladins may even attempt to declare martial law (unlikely, but still). Finally, if the ship sinks, he cant recover Hinjos body, meaning he cant PROVE the last ruler is dead. His enemies may argue that without proof, he cant claim the throne.

As for what is sending the monsters, Im hoping we'll find out soon enough. Maybe its a FIENDISH aboleth- that would explain the sea monsters and the redY/black speech bubbles.

2007-11-29, 03:13 PM
As for what is sending the monsters, Im hoping we'll find out soon enough. Maybe its a FIENDISH aboleth- that would explain the sea monsters and the redY/black speech bubbles.

I bow to the wisdom of your previous points and LOVE this idea: a plane-touched, infernal (tiefling) Aboleth!! :elan: woohoo!!!

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-11-29, 08:53 PM
I know I will be accused of "grasping at straws, but...

One of the Aboleth powers is "Illusions."

Think about it. That imp seems a tad "overpowered."

2007-11-29, 08:59 PM
You're grasping at straws. :smalltongue:

2007-11-29, 09:01 PM
I feel sorry for VetMichael. He was SOOOO sure it was an aboleth. Me, I thought it was going to be Tyrinar, but that aboleth was very possible. I never expected a hot-tempered imp.

2007-11-29, 09:06 PM
I feel sorry for VetMichael. He was SOOOO sure it was an aboleth. Me, I thought it was going to be Tyrinar, but that aboleth was very possible. I never expected a hot-tempered imp.

It is Imp-like, but not an Imp. Much like Sabine is not exactly a Succubus, this Imp is different. He has Charm Monster instead of Suggestion. A true Imp couldn't have done this since Suggestion lasts 1 hour/level and Charm Monster lasts 1 day/level.

I'm guessing that the Giant modifies all his outsiders, but I imagine somewhere in there's something that will prove me wrong.

2007-11-29, 09:14 PM
To be honest, the imp looks more cute and cuddly rather than deadly and devious. What an innocent lil' guy that imp thing is.:smalltongue:

2007-11-29, 09:18 PM
It is Imp-like, but not an Imp. Much like Sabine is not exactly a Succubus, this Imp is different. He has Charm Monster instead of Suggestion. A true Imp couldn't have done this since Suggestion lasts 1 hour/level and Charm Monster lasts 1 day/level.

I'm guessing that the Giant modifies all his outsiders, but I imagine somewhere in there's something that will prove me wrong.

As I said on the discussion thread, he could just have class levels. 12 levels of psion would explain the greater telepathy range and the ability to charm dozens of times.

2007-11-29, 09:25 PM
As I said on the discussion thread, he could just have class levels. 12 levels of psion would explain the greater telepathy range and the ability to charm dozens of times.

Oh, there are plenty of possibilities of what teh Giant may have done, but we have the evidence of Sabine being different as well. There is precedent for non-standard outsiders in OotS-world.

To be honest, the imp looks more cute and cuddly rather than deadly and devious. What an innocent lil' guy that imp thing is.:smalltongue:

I was once told of a painting. It is a field with a single, very beautiful young man standing in it. It has a simple title. Satan.

Evil can come in any package.

2007-11-29, 09:29 PM
It is Imp-like, but not an Imp. Much like Sabine is not exactly a Succubus, this Imp is different. He has Charm Monster instead of Suggestion. A true Imp couldn't have done this since Suggestion lasts 1 hour/level and Charm Monster lasts 1 day/level.

I'm guessing that the Giant modifies all his outsiders, but I imagine somewhere in there's something that will prove me wrong.

"Monsters With Class Levels". It's not as if Rich hasn't used them before. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0011.html) :smallwink:

Why can't an Imp have X number of Sor/Wiz levels? :smallsmile:

EDIT: Already brought up by SPoD, and answered. So never mind this post. :smallsmile:

2007-11-29, 09:56 PM
To be honest, the imp looks more cute and cuddly rather than deadly and devious. What an innocent lil' guy that imp thing is.:smalltongue:

But it's Red.

Imps. Color coded for your convenience.

Green Bean
2007-11-29, 10:01 PM
The Aboleth just got Jossed. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-29, 10:12 PM
New theory: Rich does, in fact, have the forums in mind when he makes a script. He says to himself: "How can I screw with those weirdos," and then stuff like the imp happens.

The forces of greater chaos approve!

2007-11-29, 10:24 PM
I tell you, it's a demon! A DEMON! The only reason they're being predominantly attacked by sea creatures is because they're at sea! If the citizens of Azure City had escaped to the mountains, then they would have been attacked by stone giants and cave trolls!

Wow ... Guess we know who was right now, HUH BITCHES!!! :smallbiggrin:

Elan, sing me a victory song!

:elan: Face, Face, Face, Face of Evil was right!

Alright, maybe it's a devil. But "demon" is a helluva lot closer than "aboleth." And I was right about it charming the monsters as well.

2007-11-29, 10:35 PM
Umm, sorry, I'm confused here. Is an imp (possibly with class levels) the same thing as a demon? (Or devil?)

2007-11-29, 10:38 PM
Umm, sorry, I'm confused here. Is an imp (possibly with class levels) the same thing as a demon? (Or devil?)
Imps are devils - LE. Demons are CE.

2007-11-29, 10:47 PM
Imps are devils. The equivalent of a demon in terms of an imp would be a quasit, which has some slightly different abilities and is a little cooler as well. But Qaar appears to be an imp. :smalltongue:

2007-11-29, 11:02 PM

It's a lie! I refuse to believe...*sob*....it...it...can't end this way...*waaaaahhhh*:eek:

David Argall
2007-11-30, 12:05 AM
You can hold out for a few strips. The imp could be an illusion. It's a stretch, but if the aboluth is sneaky enough, it might want to fool its friends as well as foes.

But follow the example of Roy in 290.

Pun Pun
2007-11-30, 01:24 AM
You do know that about 80% of monsters with a CR above lets say 13 would have easy access to shape changing spells right. nMy bet is that its a demon/more likely devil (Lawful) that appears as a lesser being to control Kabuto. Why. To stop the snarl. Who has more to loose from a revolution then the unchalenged lords of hell.

2007-11-30, 01:25 AM
New theory: Rich does, in fact, have the forums in mind when he makes a script. He says to himself: "How can I screw with those weirdos," and then stuff like the imp happens.Nah, this one was entirely a case of us screwing with our own selves (wait, that sounds wrong). An imp is pretty much the standard sort of creature the Lower Planes send to advise/manipulate/corrupt an up-and-coming evil politician. If we weren't all so busy chasing crazy theories like aboleths, an imp should have been the first thing we thought of.

dish, "demon" and "devil" are fairly broad categories of monsters in D&D. Devils are Lawful Evil, and demons are Chaotic Evil (with some very rare exceptions, possibly including Sabine). An imp is one of the weaker varieties of devil, just as a quasit is one of the weaker varieties of demon.

2007-11-30, 01:28 AM
I was once told of a painting. It is a field with a single, very beautiful young man standing in it. It has a simple title. Satan.

Evil can come in any package.Well Satan was originally the archangel Lucifer, the Light Bringer, and WAS very beautiful.

2007-11-30, 01:38 AM
Well Satan was originally the archangel Lucifer, the Light Bringer, and WAS very beautiful.

Taking this to PM, because it is encroaching on religious discussion.

2007-11-30, 02:11 AM
I'm unsure if that's actually an imp and not a homebrewed fiend.

I checked the imp's srd entry, and imps only get suggestion once per day, not enough to charm a dozen monsters. I also checked the entry on the quasit, the imp's demon equivalent, and it also lacks a way of charming a large amount of monsters.

2007-11-30, 08:05 AM
:smallbiggrin: sorry... it's just that I have read the last comic... and then the infinite number of theories surrounding the "dark voices" sprung to my mind...can't help it really...


poor vetmichael... if the "enemy" is an imp...what does that make of you, an ugly fish?:smallbiggrin: :smalltongue:

Green Bean
2007-11-30, 08:37 AM
I'm unsure if that's actually an imp and not a homebrewed fiend.

I checked the imp's srd entry, and imps only get suggestion once per day, not enough to charm a dozen monsters. I also checked the entry on the quasit, the imp's demon equivalent, and it also lacks a way of charming a large amount of monsters.

On the other hand, why Charm individual monsters when you can charm their leaders?

2007-11-30, 12:54 PM
:smallbiggrin: sorry... it's just that I have read the last comic... and then the infinite number of theories surrounding the "dark voices" sprung to my mind...can't help it really...


poor vetmichael... if the "enemy" is an imp...what does that make of you, an ugly fish?:smallbiggrin: :smalltongue:

Convoluted and impenetrable are the machinations of the elder evils of the deep....

Damn, hate it when all those wonderful theories are undone by reality - which is why I'm not a Political "Scientist" ("Political Science is History taught poorly")